What to do to bear a healthy baby. A healthy pregnancy means a healthy baby! What you need to know

Pediatrician Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky, well known to all mothers, held a webinar on his website and answered questions that most concern pregnant women. Letidor has selected 14 of the most striking sayings for you.

About vitamins

In fact, the issue of taking vitamins is very much debated all over the world - there are doctors who are for them and who are against them. I am not at all sure that a huge number of pregnant women have the opportunity to eat nutritiously and variedly. A huge problem is the availability of quality products that are well produced and well stored. A huge problem is that there are health problems - toxicosis, vomiting, I want this, I don’t want that.

Well, after all, where can you get vitamins? For example, vitamin D, if you live in the Arctic Circle and do not have access to quality fish.

My position is that you need to take vitamins.

I remember very well how during the Soviet years my wife was pregnant twice, and the only drug for the entire Soviet Union was Gendevit, it was a drug for pregnant women, and we drank it. My daughters-in-law took vitamins and for me this is a completely common situation; I strongly recommend that all my patients who are planning a pregnancy or who are already pregnant take vitamins.

About lifestyle

In general, I am most afraid of everything in the world when pregnant women change their lifestyle. Because physiologically, pregnancy should not affect your lifestyle in any way.

Imagine you are a member of a pack and you feel sick. So will the flock stop wandering? So, the lifestyle did not physiologically affect the existence of the society in which she was located and was obliged to live according to the laws of the pack, otherwise you would be left alone and wild animals would eat you.

When, having learned about pregnancy, you suddenly change your lifestyle, this is definitely a stressful situation for the body; it must adapt not only to pregnancy, which is by and large natural for it, but also adapt to changing external conditions.

Therefore, it is actually very important that pregnancy does not become a reason to change your lifestyle and a reason to think about pregnancy all the time. I am sure that when you fly somewhere on vacation, you think about your vacation, about your loved one who is next to you, about what you will see there, you have a bunch of new emotions. So, new emotions that allow you not to think about pregnancy are normal. This is very good. It’s clear that if you are a master of sports in parachuting or rock climbing, well, let’s change your physical activity a little, but overall, live normally.

Take this not as the beginning of your maternal feat, but as a path to celebration.

About alcohol

If I tell you that a small dose is okay, then you will occasionally do it once a day and a small dose for you will be 200 g, and you will tell me that Komarovsky allowed you to drink. Therefore, I will tell you right away that no doctor in his right mind will tell you what he allows you to do. I understand that if you can drink 50 g of dry wine on your birthday or New Year, then nothing will happen to you, of course. But I don't want you to do that. In short, I categorically forbid you!

About preparing for pregnancy

The optimal period between pregnancies is three years. This does not mean that if you become pregnant five months after giving birth, then something threatens you. We are talking only about the minimal consequences for the mother and the chances of giving birth to the healthiest child possible.

Children are not conceived, but are planned by normal adults; the option from three to five years is gorgeous.

I don’t think there are any special restrictions, although at the planning stage it would be very desirable if you can go away at a certain time to relax, play sports, get some fresh air, or swim. I really like the sea in this situation. And at the end of this vacation, having improved your health, without alcohol, without nicotine, in the fresh air, with a lot of vitamin D, it’s natural to make a baby, it’s just wonderful!

But once again: a person is a creature in which the functioning of all internal organs depends on the cerebral cortex. Therefore, if you have a lot of all sorts of thoughts, then you are in great danger. And vice versa: when there are no brains and intellect, there is no stress, then everything always turns out very well.

It’s good if you can control yourself, if you have escaped stress - you smile and relax. In general, the best way to give birth to a healthy child is mutual understanding with your partner.

About travel

I love traveling while pregnant. Pregnancy shouldn't change your life. She must improve it. A pregnant woman should understand what quality health insurance is. I’m not a big supporter of a pregnant woman going on some kind of trek in Nepal, for example.

But a resort hotel with access to medical care with quality food and water is just great!

Travel! I truly envy you!

About snacks

I think it's okay to have a snack every two hours if you feel like it. You should eat according to your appetite: there is a desire to eat every two hours - for your health. I understand that when the uterus enlarges in the last trimester of pregnancy, when it is already pressing against the stomach and it is clear that you cannot eat much, you eat a little, and after two hours you want it again, this is normal. This is not important.

It is important to know that you do not owe anyone anything. It is your right to snack or not, it does not affect the child.

About the whooping cough vaccine

In all countries of the post-Soviet space there is a sharp increase in the incidence of whooping cough and a sharp increase in the number of unvaccinated people.

Unfortunately, we lost the battle with anti-vaxxers. This is definitely perfect. The most dangerous, deadly disease for a child in the first months of life is whooping cough.

This is deadly, because if in a child older than 6 months whooping cough occurs in the form of severe coughing attacks, then in children of the first six months it occurs in the form of respiratory arrests. Therefore, if children become infected in the first two months after birth, their lives are at risk, regardless of the level of the health care system. The risk for a child to die is very high.

It would seem that let’s vaccinate in the maternity hospital, but this does not work out because the child’s blood contains a very small level of antibodies inherited from the mother. These antibodies do not provide protection, but they are enough to neutralize the effect of the vaccine.

That is, you can vaccinate against whooping cough starting from 2 months, which is what they do all over the world.

However, in the first two months, a child can become infected with whooping cough from surrounding adults. Adults should be vaccinated every 10 years. Very often, when a child gets sick, it turns out that he became infected from a coughing brother, mother or father. Therefore, the whole world has now adopted a position called the cocoon strategy. The essence of the strategy is that the child and everyone who will come into contact with the newborn in the first 2-3 months of life must be vaccinated. This is fundamentally important. And it is important to vaccinate his mother, because it is easiest to get whooping cough from his mother.

Getting vaccinated during pregnancy is the right thing to do, regardless of when you were vaccinated before.

There is no need to conduct experiments on your body during or without pregnancy.

Ventilate the room, rinse your nose with saline solution, and drink liters of water. Lots of fluids and don’t force yourself to eat, clean air - that’s all. This is how ARVI passes, the world has not come up with another way.

About gadgets - is it harmful for a pregnant woman?

Some kind of genocide! Telephones, Wi-Fi and laptops do not have any direct impact on the health of the mother and fetus. They are dangerous only in the sense that you, pregnant women, need to think about physical activity more than ever.

If instead of walking you are sitting in front of your laptop, I would like to get it away from you. That's all. There are no other harms - use it for your health.

There is some kind of maternity hospital where the head doctor is a king who can afford to take away a woman’s laptop or phone. This cannot be tolerated, this is a humiliation of human dignity. This is unacceptable in the 21st century.

They will soon ban you from using toilet paper.

You must walk in a medical facility with your head held high, no matter how difficult it may be. You cannot allow someone in a white coat to humiliate you.

Cat and pregnancy: how to avoid allergies

To avoid allergies to cats, you need to introduce your immune system to the cat as early as possible. Therefore, if you have a cat living in your house, you communicate with it, your immune system is familiar with the cat, it will share protection with the fetus. A newborn baby will interact with the cat, his immune system will be formed next to the cat, and the cat will be normal for it.

So calm down, leave the cat alone. You are responsible for those you tamed and those you gave birth to. Let them be together, it’s okay, nothing really threatens you.

About physical education

The best exercise during pregnancy is walking and sex with your beloved husband.

About saunas and baths

We have people who engage in genuine extremism in the sauna, who after the bath dive headlong into the ice hole. You must understand that the air in a sauna is very dry, especially in winter during the heating season, when the air is already dry all around, you don’t use a humidifier, you don’t walk much, and even a sauna is not very good for you. If you have a sense of proportion, there is no risk of injury, if after the sauna you do not hit your head on the ice, then for God's sake.

Miscarriage - this is a spontaneous termination of pregnancy during the first 28 weeks (7 obstetric months). This phenomenon is not so rare. According to the latest scientific data, miscarriages, or spontaneous abortions, in reality there are much more than are recorded by gynecologists and even the women themselves. Indeed, during one menstrual-ovarian cycle, a fertile couple on average becomes pregnant in 60% of cases (more precisely, fertilization of the egg occurs). However, half of these pregnancies are terminated before the fertilized egg reaches the uterus (we'll talk about the reasons for this below). Another 30% stop developing in the first days after implantation, that is, when there is still no evidence of pregnancy. Once a pregnancy is established (usually between 35 and 50 days), the risk of spontaneous abortion is 25% (i.e. miscarriage every fourth pregnancy ends), after the eighth week it becomes even smaller, and in the future, the longer the pregnancy, the less likely it becomes miscarriage.

Miscarriages are divided into early(up to 16 weeks) and late(over 16 weeks). Spontaneous abortion occurs without any intervention, contrary to the woman’s wishes. Spontaneous termination of pregnancy more than 2 times in a row is called recurrent miscarriage.

Who is guilty?

Most often - no one. The fact is that at conception, a child receives half of the genetic information from the mother and half from the father. At the moment of fusion of the paternal and maternal cells, a completely new cell with a unique set of chromosomes is formed. Moreover, this set also undergoes changes - chromosomes intersect and exchange sections.

In this case, sometimes certain genes important for the normal development of pregnancy are lost, and from the very beginning such a fertilized egg turns out to be non-viable. If those genes that are needed in later stages of development are lost, the pregnancy can develop normally for some time, without any signs of impending misfortune.

So, basically the majority miscarriages There are genetic reasons that make it impossible to continue this pregnancy. In this case, parents can only come to terms with what happened - no one is immune from accidental violations of the genetic code - and hope that the outcome of the next pregnancy will be successful. However, medicine can both predict and prevent many other causes of miscarriages.

We list the main causes of miscarriage 1 , in addition to genetic:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • infectious diseases;
  • malformations of the uterus, tumors of the uterus and ovaries;
  • diseases of the kidneys, cardiovascular and other systems of the female body that experience additional stress during pregnancy;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction) that affect the formation and development of the fertilized egg;
  • excessive physical and nervous tension;
  • harmful environmental factors (radiation, gas pollution, the presence of high concentrations of chemicals).

At the same time, genetic abnormalities, hormonal disorders, infectious diseases of the pelvic organs, bad habits and environmental factors are mainly the cause of early miscarriages, while isthmic-cervical insufficiency, chronic somatic diseases (kidneys, hearts, etc.), aggravated during pregnancy, usually cause spontaneous termination of pregnancy in the later stages.

Probably, artificial termination of the first pregnancy deserves special mention among the causes of miscarriage. Of course, in any case, the decision to continue or terminate the pregnancy is made by the woman herself, but she should know that artificial termination of pregnancy, especially the first, among other negative consequences, increases the risk of developing isthmic-cervical insufficiency, since the cervix of a nulliparous woman is difficult to open and is easily injured during an abortion.

In fact, spontaneous termination of pregnancy is a signal that in the body of a woman (as well as a man - when examining the partners of women who have had miscarriage, in approximately 40% of cases, spermatogenesis disorders are detected) not all is well. After all, nature is determined to create the best conditions for the development of a new organism, and if there are none, it solves the problem by terminating the pregnancy. AND miscarriage indicates, first of all, the failure of the development of this pregnancy in the given circumstances, and does not at all mean the fundamental impossibility of maintaining and carrying the next pregnancy.

If a medical examination shows that the cause miscarriage there was any illness in a woman or man, it makes no sense to blame yourself or your partner - it is quite possible that you could not have known about the disease until it led to such tragic consequences. In any case, if you both want a child and are ready to do anything to ensure that your baby is born healthy, going to the doctor together and diagnosing and treating those disorders that interfere with the normal development of pregnancy will be much more effective than mutual reproaches.

What to do after a miscarriage?

Many families, after a miscarriage, want to try to conceive a child as soon as possible. Others, on the contrary, are unable to recover from their experience and experience an overwhelming fear that the next attempt will be unsuccessful. In any case, nothing should be prohibited and nothing should be insisted on. Partners, of course, should rely on their feelings, but I would advise them to take into account the following recommendations when choosing a reproductive strategy:

  • It is better to skip 6 months before trying to get pregnant again. It has been noted that pregnancy that occurs immediately after miscarriage, has one and a half times b O greater than usual probability of spontaneous interruption. (However, if pregnancy does occur, do not panic. Many such pregnancies resulted in successful births.)
  • If you decide to hold off on trying to get pregnant for a while, talk to your doctor about which contraceptive method is best for you.
  • Discuss with your doctor the reasons that led to I'll have a miscarriage, and develop a plan for further action.

There are specialized medical centers whose doctors will give qualified recommendations on identifying and eliminating the causes that led to spontaneous abortion. Be sure to complete all prescribed examinations and pass all tests. After all, on my own miscarriage(and the subsequent curettage of the uterus) does not eliminate infectious diseases, hormonal disorders, or tumor processes and does not reduce the likelihood of genetic and immune disorders during the next pregnancy.

You may need to be examined for infectious diseases of the reproductive organs (both female and male), determine blood hormones, study the immune status, the hemostatic system - blood coagulation (in the presence of infection, this system is activated, contributing to the death and rejection of the fertilized egg), the functioning of the main organs and systems that take on additional load during pregnancy. It may be necessary to treat any identified disorders. Ask your doctor what effects the prescribed medications may have on your reproductive system, and whether they can affect the fetus if you become pregnant during treatment. It makes sense to write down the names of medications and their dosages. Find out how long after stopping the medications you can conceive a child.

If you feel that your psychological state after miscarriage has not returned to normal, you notice a depressed mood, increased anxiety, bitter memories of what you experienced come flooding back to you every now and then, there is no need to withdraw into yourself. It is best to talk with a loved one, and if necessary, seek help from a specialist - a psychologist or psychotherapist who has experience in working in such situations. After all, your next pregnancy will inevitably be accompanied by increased anxiety for the baby’s life, so if you can’t get rid of fears completely, then at least it’s better to learn how to cope with them in advance.

Perhaps, in order to carry and give birth to a healthy child, you will even have to change your lifestyle: give up hard work for a while, eat right, take multivitamins, do gymnastic exercises, and bring your weight back to normal. And, of course, get rid of bad habits.

And although the pain of your recent loss will remain with you forever and no one will replace your lost child, your life is not over. Find the strength to survive this grief, find the strength for new attempts, and in the end you will become parents! I wish you patience, determination, self-confidence, peace of mind - and good luck!

If your friends or loved ones have a miscarriage, be sure to try to help them

How to behave

  • Don't let your feelings of helplessness make you refuse to communicate with them. Don't avoid socializing out of awkwardness. It is especially painful for people who have lost a child to be left without the support of friends.
  • Don't hide your sympathy.
  • Be there: at any time your willingness to listen, talk, and help may be needed.
  • Don't tell them what they should feel or do.
  • Don't change the subject if they bring up their loss.
  • Don’t be afraid to “unnerve their feelings” by talking about the tragedy that happened - they will never forget about it, regardless of your reminders.

What to talk about

  • Be sure to say how sad you are that this happened.
  • Warn that they don’t need to hold back in front of you, let them cry and talk everything out.
  • Advise each partner to treat himself and the other with care and patience, and not to be ashamed of his feelings, because any person needs time and strength to survive grief.

What not to talk about

Don't say you understand what it's like for them now (unless you've been in the same situation yourself; in the latter case, your support is especially valuable).

Don’t try to find some positive aspects in what happened (moral lesson, family unity, etc.).

Don’t say that they have other children (there will be another child), this is exactly what they expected and loved.

Do not allow yourself even hints that they themselves are to blame for what happened (they are already tormented by doubts and feelings of guilt).

When two lines appear on the test, the next thought after euphoria is the question “What to do?” For some reason, there is an opinion that once pregnancy occurs, a woman’s lifestyle should change radically. In fact, if your lifestyle is close to healthy, you just need to slightly adjust it to suit your new condition. If not, it’s worth remembering the basics of a healthy lifestyle. There is no need to say that smoking and alcohol are harmful to health. Their use endangers the life and health of the baby. If you haven't done this before, give up bad habits immediately. If you feel that you cannot quit smoking, try seeking help from a psychologist.

The sooner you register for pregnancy, the bigger problems you will be able to avoid. Choose a doctor who treats pregnancy with care and does not intimidate expectant mothers, then your trip to the gynecologist will not be so burdensome. If before pregnancy you did not have time to visit a therapist, endocrinologist, dentist, or get tested for TORCH infection, then you need to do this as early as possible in order to treat existing diseases in a timely manner, in the interests of the baby. If before pregnancy you had chronic inflammatory processes or any infection from the numerous TORCH complex, it is necessary to prevent intrauterine infection of the baby already in the second trimester of pregnancy.

They used to say that the birth of a child should cost the mother at least one tooth. This is not the case today, although pregnancy can indeed have a negative impact on dental health. This is due to changes in hormonal balance and metabolism. That is why doctors repeat many times: take care of your teeth before pregnancy, since pathogenic microbes multiply intensively in diseased teeth, which has a detrimental effect on the development of the fetus. If it didn’t work out before pregnancy, then don’t put off visiting the doctor when you’re expecting a baby. Typically, dentists try to minimize dental treatment in the 1st and 3rd trimesters. But only a specialist can determine whether immediate intervention is required or can be delayed.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy.
There are many theories about healthy eating, but only you and your baby really know what “right” is. You shouldn’t ignore even the most ridiculous food cravings at first glance (within reasonable limits, of course). Trust your feelings, this is the surest way to provide the body with all the necessary substances. By the way, if you want to enjoy watermelon in January, do not deny yourself this, because the amount of positive emotions that you will receive is simply invaluable for the baby’s health: hormones of joy and endorphins contribute to his growth and development. The myth that a pregnant woman should eat for two is not true, leading to the fact that after giving birth you will weigh “for two.” The child will receive all the necessary elements from your body.

Eat often, but in small portions. In the first trimester, the appetite is ravenous. This is due to the fact that your body stores the necessary forces and substances to bear offspring. Frequent meals will help you avoid the feeling of hunger, which is often the cause of nausea, and small portions will help you not feel heaviness in your stomach. Physical activity During pregnancy, special demands are placed on the expectant mother's body, and vitamins play a special role. It is necessary to remember that you should choose only those multivitamins that are recommended by your doctor and are intended specifically for pregnant women. Multivitamin preparations must be taken throughout pregnancy. In addition, it is better to start taking them 2-3 months before conception to ensure full implantation and the formation of all organs and systems of the baby. Long-term use of certain medications can negatively affect the process of absorption or excretion of vitamins. Therefore, take vitamins only in the dosages indicated by your doctor and only for the period of time prescribed to you.

Physical activity.
“Pregnancy is not a disease!” - this phrase does not lose its relevance.
Adequate physical activity keeps the body in good shape, saturates the baby’s body with oxygen and prepares you for childbirth. If sports played a big role in your life before pregnancy, simply reduce the load and eliminate exercises that pose a risk to the baby. If sports are not your thing, start by walking. However, everywhere there are “BUTs”. Women who move around a lot during the second half of pregnancy are at greater risk of premature birth. Walking is contraindicated for pregnant women with complications. The most wonderful sport for an expectant mother is swimming: you don’t feel weight in the water, your muscles relax. You cannot do gymnastics or yoga on your own to avoid injury, since the joints are mobile under the influence of hormones.

Adequate sleep and rest.
Your body works to support the life of two, which means it needs more time to rest and recuperate. Respect your desire to sleep constantly, sleep is necessary for normal well-being. It is clear that there are things to do at home and at work, but remember that from now on your greatest value is a small creature whose life and health depend only on you.

Positive emotions.
Everything you feel, your child feels too. Think about what emotions you want to give him: a feeling of peace, joy or irritability? Think about your baby, talk to him - all this helps you establish a close relationship with your baby before birth. Think about yourself, tune in to the good, and everything will be the way you want!

For any question related to pregnancy, you can consult the doctors of the Avesta-M clinic at the address: Saratov, st. Michurina 150/154(License N 64-01-000757 dated December 20, 2007)at a convenient time for you.


Salma Hayek, Kim Basinger, Halle Berry are not just Hollywood beauties who have managed to make a successful career in their lives and have been married several times. They decided on a desperate act: to give birth for the first time at the age of 40, without using the services of a surrogate mother. Some will say that this is a common thing for stars, but the latest statistics say the opposite: the average age of first-time mothers is actively approaching 40.

Today, more and more often, women become mothers for the first time at the age of 35-37 years, and for the second time they decide to have a child when they are 40 years of age or more. Back in the Soviet Union, this was beyond the scope, but now times have changed and this is becoming more of a norm. But how safe pregnancy is after 40 years of age, doctors’ opinions on this matter are divided: from positive to negative. What to do, is it worth the risk or not? What awaits those who want to become parents at this age?

Why is it difficult to get pregnant at 40?

Women's eggs are formed even before birth; their number is in the millions. They rapidly decrease while the prenatal period lasts; at the time of birth, there are approximately 2 million eggs left. The process does not stop; by the beginning of the menstrual cycle, a girl has only about 300 thousand eggs and then they become less and less. This means that by the age of 40, a woman has very few eggs left that can be fertilized. However, this is not the only reason why it is difficult to get pregnant at 40 years old. Many factors, including age, affect the quality of the eggs themselves. They become less productive, and often hide genetic abnormalities.

How to prepare for conception

It is possible to give birth to a child in adulthood, but a preliminary preparatory period is necessary for both women and men. Firstly, you need to give up cigarettes and alcohol; secondly, reconsider your diet in favor of healthier foods. If you have problems with excess weight, it is imperative that both partners fight this problem, because it is often because of this that a couple fails to get pregnant.

Pregnancy at 40 years old, according to doctors, is no different from an earlier one, so before conceiving, a woman also needs to visit a dentist and have her problem teeth treated. In addition, the preparation period includes taking a vitamin complex with minerals:

  • folic acid;
  • selenium;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • vitamins B6, C, E.

And men need medications that will increase sperm activity, and therefore the chances of conceiving a child. Both partners should start taking the pills at least 2 months before conception.

In order for the probability of conception to be high, you need to accurately determine the time when the egg is ready for fertilization (ovulation period). This can be done using rapid ovulation tests.

Late pregnancy and women's health

What to do, whether to give birth or not on the threshold of your 40th birthday, because this can affect your health? This is the first question women ask themselves. And the second is how exactly pregnancy and childbirth will be affected. Do not be alarmed if you are diagnosed with pregnancy after 40 years of age; doctors’ reviews do not prohibit having children at this age, but only in the absence of direct contraindications.

How does pregnancy affect the woman herself? There are actually two sides, positive and negative. On the one hand, this period rejuvenates a woman due to a hormonal surge, and the effect continues during the lactation period. However, all this is short-term in nature, as it disappears after breastfeeding is stopped, as the level of hormones returns to its previous state.

Necessary examinations

If you decide to give birth to a second child after 40 or are preparing to become a mother for the first time, be prepared to undergo a number of necessary examinations. This is necessary in order to determine whether the fetus has genetic abnormalities, since with age the risk of being born with genetic abnormalities increases. These include the following:

  1. Ultrasound at 11th and 18th weeks.
  2. "Triple test" This is a blood test during the period of 16-18 weeks, helps to identify fetal pathologies.
  3. Amniocentesis. To obtain results, amniotic fluid is collected, but not earlier than the 14th week.
  4. Cordocentesis. This is a blood test from the umbilical cord. This is done to count the exact number of chromosomes in the fetus. The optimal period for examination is from the 22nd to the 24th week of pregnancy.
  5. Chorionic villus biopsy. It is carried out to identify Down syndrome and other abnormalities. Fragments of the placenta are taken as laboratory material. The test is carried out between the 11th and 14th weeks.
  6. Cardiotocography. This is a test of the baby's heart rate to detect oxygen deprivation. Done at the end of the 3rd trimester.

Possible complications during pregnancy and childbirth

Even the first child at 40 years old will be healthy if the expectant mother follows all medical prescriptions and takes redoubled effort to take care of her health. On the other hand, at any time, pregnancy after 40 years, according to doctors, can become complicated. It could be:

  • gestosis (increased blood pressure, swelling);
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • diabetes;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • exacerbation of chronic infections.

What other difficulties might there be? Every year, the elasticity of the tissues and muscles of the female organs decreases, it becomes more difficult for the uterus to hold the fetus, and therefore a 40-year-old woman automatically falls into the risk group for miscarriage. However, difficulties also await during childbirth. Weak labor, premature birth, ruptures and bleeding - all this can occur at any time when pregnancy is after 40 years, according to reviews from mothers.

Many people believe that age means a direct hit on the surgical table. This is not true; a caesarean section is prescribed only for certain indications. In other cases, it is recommended to give birth naturally, however, with long breaks, more than 10 years, the birth memory of the female body disappears and the process can proceed as if for the first time.

Opinion of psychologists: late mothers - good or not?

First, second or third pregnancy at 40 years old - to give birth or not, what to do? According to psychologists, physiological readiness for motherhood lags behind psychological readiness by 10 years. So, it is at the age of 35-40 that a woman is ready to become a full-fledged mother, devoting herself entirely to caring for and raising her child. According to statistics, late parents are more likely than others to raise child prodigies and live longer than other couples of a similar age.

The second aspect why psychologists consider middle age to be successful for pregnancy is that by this time there is a career, material level, and other values ​​for the sake of which many young women postpone procreation until later. Subsequently, having secured a future for themselves and their future children, they can completely and completely calmly devote the first few years after their birth to their child.

For some couples, their first pregnancy at the age of 40 occurs after a series of long unsuccessful attempts, just when the last hope dries up. A newborn child is an unexpected happiness, but because of this, in this case he is often under overprotection, although excessive care and attention negatively affects the child’s psychological development.

Don’t be alarmed if you are pregnant at the age of 40; reviews from doctors prove that with proper management of pregnancy, taking into account all possible risks and the correct attitude of a woman towards her pregnancy, pregnancy and the birth itself take place without complications. A child born from adult parents in such cases is no different from his peers.

The birth of a healthy child primarily depends on the mother’s healthy pregnancy! The main inclinations of the future baby are laid already in the first trimester of pregnancy, it is then that the formation of its organs is in full swing - therefore, it is at this time that the expectant mother bears great responsibility for the future of her child. Therefore, mommy needs to at least now, if she has not done so before, completely give up all bad habits, especially smoking and drinking, and generally introduce her lifestyle into the healthiest direction.

First of all, a prosperous psychological climate in the family is necessary. If the expectant mother is constantly nervous, it may even end in a miscarriage - and what can we say about the fact that everything that the mother feels, her child feels exactly the same! So do not be surprised that in case of constant stress during pregnancy, your child will be born, albeit without visible abnormalities, but very nervous and noisy. Eliminate scary movies and even TV shows from your life - many people even refuse to watch the news during pregnancy, which is quite justified in our unstable society.

But if anxiety still does not leave you, it seems to you that the pregnancy is going somehow wrong and, in the end, you are simply afraid to give birth - sign up for courses for pregnant women. You will see that by the end of the course you will become more confident in your abilities and more ready to be a mother. But don’t deny yourself delicious food, even if your desires do not fully coincide with the rules of healthy eating - the body, especially the body of a pregnant woman, knows perfectly well what it wants at the moment! But if we talk not about the whims of a pregnant woman, but about nutrition in general, then a pregnant woman should not only eat healthy, but also tasty!

Remember - our grandmothers, who advised eating for two during this period, were greatly mistaken! You need to eat regularly and often, in small portions, and you can drink as much as you want, because possible swelling does not occur due to the amount of fluid, but due to hormonal changes. As for nutrition, during pregnancy the mother’s healthy food is the material for building the child’s body, and therefore it is necessary to exclude all synthetic preservatives from the diet, and especially not to eat fast foods. And forget about diets during this period - even in the case of intense weight gain, the only thing that is allowed is rare fasting days.

But the problem of nutrition for a pregnant woman can be solved quite simply - what to do with changes in the central nervous system - early pregnancy may be accompanied by weakness, fatigue, nausea, vomiting and frequent tearfulness may occur. Pregnancy will progress, and symptoms will appear that are associated with the influence of placental hormones on all the woman’s organs - heartburn, constipation, frequent urination, palpitations, muscle pain in the legs. Naturally, under such circumstances, you will rely on medications - but when the fetal organs are formed, that is, before the 14th week, the use of any medications can provoke abnormalities in the development of the fetal neural tube and congenital cretinism. The only thing that can and even should be taken from the moment you decide to conceive is folic acid at a dose of 4 mg/day and potassium iodide 200 mg/day.

When a woman is unable to eat normally, she takes multivitamin and mineral complexes designed specifically for pregnant women. But any other multivitamin complexes, which are intended even for children, are definitely contraindicated for pregnant women.

Pregnancy is an extremely serious period in a woman’s life, requiring attention and a serious attitude. How a woman will be born depends on a woman’s attitude towards herself at this time!