Certificates equivalent to a labor veteran. Awarding the title of labor veteran

The conditions for obtaining the title “Veteran of Labor” and the certificate of a labor veteran in the country and in the city of Moscow, in particular, have undergone significant changes since July 1, 2016.

This is due to the fact that on July 1, 2016, Article 3 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2015 No. 388-FZ came into force, which introduced fundamental changes to the Law of January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ “On Veterans” in terms of requirements for work experience to obtain the title of labor veteran.

Federal Law of December 29, 2015 No. 388-FZ “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in terms of accounting for and improving the provision of social support measures based on the obligation to comply with the principle of targeting and the application of need criteria”

All these changes are discussed in more detail in my previous materials:

  • Social support measures for Federal and Regional labor veterans from July 1, 2016
  • Conditions for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor” and the procedure for its registration under the new legislation from July 1, 2016
  • What length of work experience is needed to obtain the title of labor veteran under the new legislation from July 1, 2016?

One of the reasons for these changes (but not the only one, read about other reasons in these materials) was that the concept of length of service as a result of the Pension Reform of 2015 in the pension legislation from January 1, 2015 was replaced by insurance length.

However, in regional laws and acts establishing the procedure for conferring the title of labor veteran in the regions, work experience was still mentioned and is still mentioned in some places.

The Federal Law of December 29, 2015 No. 388-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation...” was called upon to resolve these contradictions, which introduced corresponding amendments to the Federal Law “On Veterans” No. 5-FZ regarding the procedure and conditions for assignment title of labor veteran.

The changes came into force on July 1, 2016, and it was from that time that subclause 2 clause 1 of the Federal Law “On Veterans” No. 5-FZ on the requirements for the length of work experience to obtain the title of labor veteran has acquired more specific wording.

According to this innovation in the law on veterans, citizens whose work (insurance record) at the time of applying for the title of labor veteran will be no less than:

  • 20 years - for women;
  • 25 years - for men.

This condition applies to citizens who are recipients of an insurance pension; for recipients of a state pension, the requirement for work experience to obtain the title of veteran of labor is different, namely, the length of service necessary to assign a pension for long service in calendar terms.

  • if one of the grounds for conferring the title of labor veteran is a departmental award, the applicant’s work experience in the relevant field or economic sector cannot be less than 15 years old.

And taking into account the considered innovations in the federal law on veterans, in terms of length of service requirements for obtaining the title of labor veteran, regional authorities must adjust their regional legislation.

This has already been done in a number of regions, for example in Moscow. Let's see what comes of it.

On receiving the title "Veteran of Labor" in Moscow from July 1, 2016

By Decree of the Moscow Government of April 5, 2016 No. 148-PP, changes were made (and the old name was changed) to Decree of the Moscow Government of June 27, 2006 No. 443-PP “On conferring the title “Veteran of Labor” and issuing a certificate of a labor veteran in the city of Moscow "

In accordance with Federal Law No. 5-FZ of January 12, 1995 “On Veterans,” the Moscow Government decided:

1. Approve the Regulations on the procedure and conditions for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor” and issuing a certificate of a labor veteran in the city of Moscow.

2. Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow:

2.1. Organize work to confer the title "Veteran of Labor" and issue certificates of a veteran of labor in the city of Moscow.

2.2. Conduct explanatory work among the population about the procedure for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor” and issuing a certificate of a veteran of labor in the city of Moscow with the involvement of public organizations and the media.

3. Decree of the Mayor of Moscow dated July 26, 1995 N 356-RM “On the procedure for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor” shall be declared invalid.

Regulations on the procedure and conditions for conferring the title "Veteran of Labor" and issuing a certificate of Veteran of Labor in the city of Moscow

1. This Regulation on the procedure and conditions for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor” and issuing a certificate of a veteran of labor in the city of Moscow regulates the procedure and conditions for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor” and issuing certificates of a veteran of labor to citizens with a place of residence in the city of Moscow.

Who is eligible to receive the title "Veteran of Labor" in Moscow

2. The title “Veteran of Labor” is awarded to citizens:

2.1. Awarded:

    orders or medals of the USSR or the Russian Federation,

    or awarded honorary titles of the USSR or the Russian Federation,

    or awarded certificates of honor from the President of the Russian Federation or received gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation,

    or awarded departmental insignia for merit in labor (service) and long-term work (service)

    at least 15 years in the relevant field of activity (sector of the economy) and

    having labor (insurance) length of service, taken into account for the purpose of pension, at least 25 years for men and 20 years for women or

    length of service required to assign a pension for long service in calendar terms.

2.1(1). Those awarded as of June 30, 2016 departmental insignia in labor and

  • having a work (insurance) length of service taken into account for the purpose of a pension of at least 25 years for men and 20 years for women, or
  • length of service required to assign a pension for long service in calendar terms.

2.2. Those who began working as a minor during the Great Patriotic War and have a labor (insurance) experience of at least 40 years for men and 35 years for women.

The procedure for obtaining the title "Veteran of Labor" and a certificate of a Labor Veteran in the city of Moscow

3. To confer the title “Labor Veteran” and issue a Labor Veteran certificate, citizens apply to Department of social protection of the population of the city of Moscow at the place of residence in the city of Moscow with a written application for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor” and issuing a certificate of a veteran of labor.

The application form is approved by the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow and is posted on information stands in the premises of the departments of social protection of the population of the city of Moscow and the official website of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow on the information and telecommunications network Internet.

4. The interests of a citizen when applying for the title “Veteran of Labor” and the issuance of a certificate of a veteran of labor may be represented by another person authorized by the citizen in the prescribed manner, who presents a document certifying his identity and a document confirming the authority to represent the interests of the citizen.

Documents required to submit to receive the title "Veteran of Labor" in Moscow

5. Along with the application the following shall be submitted:

5.1. A passport or other identification document of a citizen containing information about the place of residence in the city of Moscow, and in the absence of such information in the specified document, in addition to the identity document, another document containing information about the citizen’s place of residence in the city of Moscow.

5.2. Documents on awarding orders or medals of the USSR or the Russian Federation, or on conferring honorary titles of the USSR or the Russian Federation, or on awarding diplomas of honor from the President of the Russian Federation or thanks from the President of the Russian Federation, or on awarding departmental insignia for merits in labor (service) (in in the case of applying for the title "Labor Veteran" and issuing a certificate of a labor veteran of citizens specified in paragraph 2.1 of these Regulations).

5.3. Documents on awarding departmental insignia in labor until June 30, 2016 (inclusive) (in case of applying for the title “Veteran of Labor” and issuing a labor veteran certificate to citizens specified in paragraph 2.1(1) of these Regulations).

5.4. Work books, certificates from archival organizations, other documents confirming the labor (insurance) length of service required to assign a pension (in case of applying for the title “Veteran of Labor” and the issuance of a labor veteran certificate for citizens specified in paragraphs 2.1 and 2.1(1) of these Regulations ).

5.5. Work books, certificates from archival organizations, other documents confirming the start of work as a minor in the period from June 22, 1941 to May 9, 1945, excluding the period of work in the temporarily occupied territories of the USSR, and the presence of the necessary labor (insurance) experience (in the case of applications for assignment of the title "Veteran of Labor" and issuance of a certificate of a labor veteran of citizens specified in paragraph 2.2 of these Regulations).

5.6. Photo of the citizen (ID card holder) in 3x4 cm format.

Who makes the decision to confer the title “Veteran of Labor” or to refuse to confer the title “Veteran of Labor” in the city of Moscow

6. The decision to assign the title “Veteran of Labor” or to refuse to assign the title “Veteran of Labor” is made by an authorized official of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow on the basis of documents submitted by the citizen on the day of application.

6(1). The grounds for refusal to confer the title “Veteran of Labor” are:

6(1).1. A citizen does not have the right to be awarded the title “Veteran of Labor”.

6(1).2. The citizen does not have a place of residence in the city of Moscow.
6(1).3. Submission of documents that do not meet the requirements established by legal acts of the Russian Federation and legal acts of the city of Moscow.

6(1).4. Loss of validity of submitted documents (if the validity period of the documents is indicated in the documents themselves or determined by law).

6(1).5. The presence of contradictory or unreliable information in the submitted documents.

The procedure for obtaining a “Veteran of Labor” certificate in Moscow

7. If a decision is made to confer the title "Veteran of Labor", a certificate of a labor veteran is issued to the citizen by the department of social protection of the population of the city of Moscow on the day of treatment in the form approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

7(1). If a decision is made to refuse to confer the title “Veteran of Labor,” the Moscow Department of Social Protection of the Population issues the citizen a decision drawn up in the form of a paper document to refuse to confer the title “Veteran of Labor,” indicating the reasons for the refusal on the day of application.

8. In case of loss or theft of a labor veteran's certificate, issued in accordance with these Regulations, a citizen has the right to apply to the department of social protection of the population of the city of Moscow at his place of residence in the city of Moscow with an application for the issuance of a duplicate of a labor veteran’s certificate, drawn up in the form provided for in paragraph 3 of these Regulations.

Simultaneously with the application for the issuance of a duplicate of the labor veteran’s certificate, the following shall be submitted:

    passport or other identification document of a citizen containing information about the place of residence in the city of Moscow,

    and if there is no such information in the specified document, in addition to the identity document, another document containing information about the citizen’s place of residence in the city of Moscow, and

    photograph of the citizen (ID card holder) in 3x4 cm format.

9. The decision to issue a duplicate of a labor veteran’s certificate is made by the department of social protection of the population of the city of Moscow on the day a citizen applies for the issuance of a duplicate of a labor veteran’s certificate.

The procedure for appealing the refusal to confer the title "Veteran of Labor" in the city of Moscow

A refusal to confer the title “Veteran of Labor” can be appealed to the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow and (or) to court.

In the following material you will get acquainted with the benefits that labor veterans are entitled to in the city of Moscow.

The term “labor veteran” has been known since the mid-seventies of the last century.

This honorary title was awarded to workers whose work experience was above the statistical average.

It was an incentive for stable and long-term work, an example to follow. Veterans of labor were awarded by the government and had significant benefits: high pensions, free travel on all types of transport, and others.

Since then, there have been many changes in all areas, and the law on veterans has been changed at least three times. How to get a veteran of labor without awards in our time? Is it possible? This will be discussed below.

Today, obtaining the status of a labor veteran is regulated in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Veterans” (version 2016), where in Art. 7 states that the basis for conferring this title is the presence of work experience:

  • for men it is 40 years and above;
  • For women, 35 years of total experience is sufficient.

For those who already have the appropriate awards and medals, their work experience, as in the previous version of the law (from 2005), remains 25 and 20 years, respectively.

Required documents

Since 2005, the awarding of the VT title has been carried out by local social protection authorities. Therefore, the applicant needs to apply there.

The entire registration procedure takes place in accordance with the local law on the procedure and conditions for assigning this title. And he, in turn, relies on the requirements of federal law. With the only caveat that the applicant must live in a given region for a certain number of years. Although such a clause may not exist.

The package of documents provided to the social security authority includes:

  • Passport.
  • Work book with all inserts and copies of these documents.
  • 2 photos 3x4.
  • An extract from the regional department of the pension fund about work experience.

If it is not the pensioner himself who applies to social security, but his representative, then in addition you need to have:

  • Civil passport of a representative of a pensioner.
  • A power of attorney from the applicant for the title regarding the right to act on his behalf, executed in the appropriate manner.

An application is drawn up on the spot addressed to the head of the social security agency with a request to be awarded the title of VT. It is supplied in two copies.

One of them remains with the inspector, and the other with its acceptance mark and filing date is taken by the applicant.

If the work record book or some part of it is lost, then the Pension Fund can restore all the missing data.

Registration procedure

The entire procedure for processing documents related to the assignment of the status of a labor veteran is prescribed in the relevant Resolution of the regional (territorial, republican) administration.

Typically it looks like this:

  1. A local social security worker registers the applicant’s application and forms a case.
  2. These papers are sent to the regional department. Here they are examined for authenticity by the relevant commission. It is created by the decision of the regional administration. A month is allotted for verification.
  3. If the issue is resolved positively, the papers are sent to the regional administration for approval.
  4. In case of refusal to assign a rank, the applicant is informed in writing about this with an explanation of the reasons for the refusal. This must be done within five days from the date of the decision.
  5. An extract from the Resolution of the regional administration on the assignment of status, together with supporting documents, is sent to the place where the application was submitted.
  6. The district social security issues a VT certificate.
  7. This document is registered in a special book and given to its owner.
  8. Copies of papers from the case opened with social security are kept in the veteran’s pension file.
  9. His pension book also contains the stamp “Veteran of Labor”, certified by the body that issued the certificate.

Today it is quite problematic to receive any benefits from the state. This is due to a long list of required papers and the dishonest performance of their duties by social workers. For these reasons, in 2017, the number of lawsuits sent to the court with a demand to resolve a dispute over the status received for special labor achievements increased.

For the first time, citizens of the Russian Federation learned about privileges for conscientious long-term work in the 90s. Until now, the rules and terms for awarding the title “Veteran of Labor” have changed a large number of times. That is why many workers have no idea where to apply for the title “Veteran of Labor” and how to receive certain benefits after retirement. Let’s consider the algorithm of necessary actions.

Who is entitled to the status of “Veteran of Labor”

Many citizens with extensive work experience do not know whether they can be recognized as a labor veteran and where to go with this question. This title is not available to every citizen of our country who has worked for the benefit of the state for many years. A candidate for an honorary title must meet some requirements:

  • - until July 2017, he was awarded the “Veteran of Labor” medal, which is confirmed by the relevant document;
  • - awarded a certificate of commendation from the head of the Russian Federation, received orders and medals of the union socialist state, as well as departmental recognition of merit in one working field;
  • - before retirement, the insurance period for men is 25 years, for women - 20 years;
  • - before registration of pension provision, the veteran’s work experience (length of service) is at least 20 years;
  • - worked during the Great Patriotic War, without reaching the age of majority, as a result, the total duration of work for a man was at least 40 years, for a woman - 35 years.

It is important to know that not all ways to support workers at the state level through incentives in the form of social guarantees and thanks for long and impeccable work are taken into account in this situation. Credentials are considered significant issued by the following authorities and services:

  • - the highest executive body;
  • - administration of the head of state;
  • - government body of a separate sphere of activity, ministry (on behalf of the chief manager);
  • - lower house of parliament;
  • - constitutional judicial body, the Prosecutor General's Office (on behalf of the head).

Documents certifying state incentives and issued by the chairmanship of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR have lost their relevance. Awards without the appropriate certificate have no weight in this matter. When applying for the title, the former worker must be retired.

Merits for work are not credited to a person who is a citizen of another country.

Rules for obtaining a labor veteran

To receive a high reward for the path of many years of work, it is important for a citizen of the Russian Federation to follow certain rules. You need to know where to submit papers for a labor veteran, find out the list of necessary documented media, and become familiar with the important nuances of the procedure.

What documents are needed?

The applicant undertakes to submit the following package of papers:

  • - written appeal in the established format;
  • - original and copy of passport;
  • - pensioner's ID;
  • - original and copy of the work book;
  • - certificates of honor, letters of gratitude, orders, badges, medals, as well as tangible media confirming that the awards belong to a specific candidate;
  • - insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS);
  • - 4 photo cards in 3x4 cm format.

The authenticity of all copies is certified by a notary.

Local governments have the right to request additional information about an applicant for honorary status in accordance with established regional requirements.

Where to apply for an honorary labor veteran

Not all workers are correctly aware of where they need to submit the list of papers confirming their merits in their work. The necessary documentation must be submitted by the applicant to the social security department at the place of registration. Each region has an individual sample of written appeal. The application is drawn up addressed to the head of the social protection department, the text must contain a request for assignment of the appropriate status, at the end the applicant indicates the date of application and puts his signature. Service employees must verify the provided copies with the originals.

Deadlines for consideration and response to an application

Social Security opens a personal file in which material media provided by the veteran are filed. Within a month, the commission must hold a meeting, involving employees of the relevant ministry in the process, discuss the veteran’s appeal and make a decision on it. Employees of the state social protection institution draw up a written verdict, which includes information about the final reasoned decision. The act is handed over by hand or by post to the applicant within five calendar days from the date of consideration of the case.

Having refused a citizen, social security officials undertake to indicate the reason for the negative verdict.

If the decision is made in favor of the elderly applicant, the exact date of receipt of the legal order is established, on the basis of which the veteran will be able to apply for the required government benefits.

Main benefits provided to labor veterans

Federal benefits for honorary workers, regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, are exactly the same for all holders of this title.

The current privileges are as follows:

  1. Use the services of municipal dental clinics for dental treatment and prosthetics out of turn;
  2. Receive the opportunity to receive treatment in medical institutions of the country, even if you change your place of residence or registration;
  3. Treatment in a sanatorium or receipt of monetary compensation in the amount of the cost of the vacation in case of refusal;
  4. The right to a free set of measures in the healthcare system carried out for the purpose of diagnosing and preventing various diseases;
  5. Visits to doctors and services at pharmacies without waiting in line;
  6. Extraordinary right to improve housing conditions;
  7. Possibility of obtaining a loan for the construction of a residential building for a period of 10 years;
  8. Installation of a landline telephone upon request;
  9. Exemption from land tax;
  10. Payment of 50% of the full fare on commuter trains and water transport during the relevant season;
  11. Travel on municipal transport without payment;
  12. Receiving monetary compensation for housing and communal services provided there are no utility debts;
  13. Property owners are exempt from property contributions;
  14. Pension payments, financial assistance, compensation for sanatorium treatment and other financial payments are not subject to personal income tax;
  15. The right to receive a free plot of land for building a house;
  16. If you continue working, you can freely take annual paid leave (30 days) in any month of the year.

In addition to federal benefits, the Russian Federation has regional programs, which may differ significantly in different regions of the country.

Summary and step-by-step instructions

Citizens who have been awarded certificates of honor, orders, medals, as well as insignia of our state and the former Soviet Union can receive the honorary title “Veteran of Labor” for many years of impeccable work. It is important to note that the insurance period must be complete. In addition, citizens who worked during the armed conflict of the parties participating in the Great Patriotic War, including minors, can obtain the title. The conditionality of this case is that women have 35 years of experience or more, men have at least 40 years of experience.

For registration, you need to prepare a package of documents:

  • - appeal in the established format in writing;
  • - passport (copy and original);
  • - work book (copy and original);
  • - documents confirming receipt of awards, medals, orders, badges or letters of gratitude;
  • - SNILS (individual personal account insurance number);

Also don't forget 2 photos (3X4).

A complete list of documents must be submitted to the social security department at the place of registration. Next you need to do the following steps:

  1. The application is drawn up addressed to the head of the department and contains a request for an honorary title.
  2. The management commission, together with employees of the relevant ministry, discusses the veteran’s appeal and makes a decision on it.
  3. An administrative document is drawn up, which highlights the final reasoned decision of the commission members.

No more than 30 days from the date of submission of documents for consideration are allotted for the issuance of an executive act, on the basis of which an honorary worker can receive the required state benefits.

At the federal and regional levels, the right to receive the title “Veteran of Labor” is regulated by separate regulations. The procedure for obtaining the title and the list of benefits provided to “Veterans of Labor” are also determined by the federal and regional legislation of the Russian Federation.

In this article we will talk about how to obtain the title “Veteran of Labor” in Moscow, including without awards. So, the title “Veteran of Labor” can be acquired by Russians who have worked for a long period of time and whose work has been awarded awards.

The issue of obtaining the title “Veteran of Labor” is especially interesting for citizens who have approached retirement age and who have a long career behind them. Having retired and received the status of a veteran, a citizen receives financial benefits in the form of additional benefits, which, of course, are a good help in the life of an elderly person.

However, this does not mean at all that the status of “Veteran of Labor” is tied to retirement age. The title can be awarded at a younger age. But the benefits, in any case, will begin to apply only after the citizen retires.

Where and how can you obtain the status of “Veteran of Labor” in Moscow

In accordance with Resolution No. 442 of June 27, 2006, the title “Veteran of Labor” in Moscow can be obtained at your place of residence by contacting the territorial department of social protection of the population. The process of obtaining the title of veteran is quick and the territorial body makes a decision on its assignment immediately on the day the citizen submits an application.

After a decision is made, it is approved by the head of the territorial department of social protection for the city of Moscow. After the above steps, the “Veteran of Labor” can receive a certificate confirming his status.

When applying in 2018 to the territorial body of social protection of the population in the city.

Moscow citizens must provide the following documents:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • Certificate of assignment of TIN.
  • Certificates of awards to the applicant.
  • Work book (a copy certified by the employer if the applicant is still working or the original with a copy - if the applicant is a non-working citizen).

After the citizen has submitted all the necessary documents, the authorized body checks them and, based on its results, makes a decision to recognize the applicant as a “Veteran of Labor” and assign him such an honorary title.

If the honorary title “Veteran of Labor” is refused, the applicant receives a reasoned notification, which, if warranted and desired, he can appeal either independently or through a labor lawyer to the Moscow District Administration or in court.

How to get the title of Veteran of Labor without awards

To obtain the title of “Veteran of Labor” you must meet certain requirements established by the state. The list of awards giving this right is constantly changing and supplemented annually. In 2018, the list of awards underwent minor changes. You can view the list of awards current in 2018 here.

If you have any awards from the state and want to clarify whether they give you the right to be awarded the title of “Veteran of Labor,” you need to seek appropriate advice from the local department of social protection of the population.


It is important to know that if you do not have awards, but your total work experience is long (40 years for men, and 35 years for women), then having such a long work experience allows you to receive the title “Veteran of Labor” and the corresponding benefits without additional awards to him.

In 2018, this procedure has not changed, and you can still receive the title without awards if you have the above-mentioned work experience. In addition, there are preferential categories of citizens who can receive the title “Veteran of Labor” without awards:

  • These are children who worked during the Great Patriotic War. However, simply the fact of working during the war as a minor is not enough. It is necessary to have an additional long work experience as indicated above.
  • Citizens marked with departmental production insignia, such as: “Best Metallurgist”, Excellent Worker in Production”, “Accident Liquidator of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation” and other similar insignia issued for good service or work. Additionally, the applicant on this basis must have the work experience necessary to calculate an old-age or long-service pension. More specifically, the possibility of assigning the title “Veteran of Labor” in the presence of departmental or production insignia can be clarified with the local social welfare authority.

Lawyer Sergey Kuznetsov

Who is awarded the title of labor veteran in 2018 - Russian Federation, meaning, in Moscow

Who is awarded the title of labor veteran of the Russian Federation in 2018 is specified in detail in federal and regional legislation.

In particular, you need to know the important nuances available. Over the past few years, obtaining the title “Veteran of Labor” has become increasingly difficult.

This is largely due to many difficulties, in particular the need to collect numerous documentation. Let’s take a closer look at the procedure for obtaining a title in Russia in 2018.

Key Aspects

Before studying the main issue, it is initially recommended to familiarize yourself with the basic theoretical information and the legislative part.

Thanks to this, it is possible to eliminate the possibility of refusal to obtain the status of “Veteran of Labor” in Russia.

Required terms

Back in 2005, the President of Russia signed Federal Law No. 163, on the basis of which amendments were made to Federal Law No. 5 of January 1995.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that most regions of the Russian Federation adhere to a single position, having formed legal acts with minor differences.

Benefits for labor veterans are provided for:

  • federal;
  • regional level.

To be able to obtain the need to re-obtain the title, it is enough only to provide a uniform certificate that can confirm the existing status.

Veteran status is valid for an indefinite period. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the status has legal force throughout the entire territory of Russia, which is why there is no need to re-register after a possible move to another locality.

In the event of a change in the region of residence, citizens who have a status will only receive other benefits, since they may vary.

Legal regulation

The procedure for obtaining the title “Veteran of Labor” in Russia is regulated by such regulations as:

Additionally, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that regional authorities have every right to expand or narrow the list of conditions giving the right to receive the title “Veteran of Labor”.

For example, Decree of the Government of the capital No. 443-PP “On the assignment of the status of Veteran of Labor” dated June 2006 describes in detail who is awarded the title of Labor Veteran in Moscow.

For what merits is the title of labor veteran awarded in Russia?

Initially, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the procedure for obtaining the title in question contains various nuances.

In particular, it is necessary to pay attention to the established requirements for potential recipients. Let's take a closer look at the available features.

In which cases

Every resident of Russia who meets the established requirements specified in the Federal Law “On Veterans” has the right to acquire the honorary title “Veteran of Labor” in 2018.

First of all, they directly relate to the presence of potential recipients:

  • departmental signs;
  • various state awards and medals.

They should be taught during the times of the USSR or already Russia, and exclusively for success in work.

Such departmental signs may be owned by citizens who have worked or continue to officially work in a particular field.

In particular, these signs may be:

  • “Excellent administrative employee”;
  • “Excellent builder”;
  • others.

In other words, for distinctions during the performance of their direct official duties or for valiant (honest, long-term) work.

At the same time, regional legislation must provide for the possibility of granting status, as well as the independence of making amendments to the rules and conditions of assignment.

Provided benefits

The executive branch of the federal level determines the list of benefits that the regions have the right to use partially or fully.

It is possible to expand them by regional legislation. In general, in most regions, “Labor Veterans” can count on such privileges as:

  • free use of any type of public transport;
  • utility bills with a 50% discount;
  • registration of paid labor leaves in any selected period (benefits are provided for officially employed citizens);
  • free services in public medical institutions.

Speaking about regional benefits, the most common of them are considered to be:

Most status holders often declare the importance of the benefits that are valid today:

  • in the capital;
  • in St. Petersburg;
  • other regions of Russia.

In particular, we are talking about the possibility of free production and repair of dentures.

In this situation, the Russian Government fully compensates for the costs of state medical institutions, if the prostheses are not made from metal-ceramics or precious metals.

In order to receive all the benefits required by law, it will be enough to initially obtain a certificate confirming the status, and then contact the address for applying for benefits - in the housing and communal services, to the public transport controller, and so on.

Is it awarded only based on length of service without awards?

In the legislation of the Russian Federation, in particular in the Federal Law “On Veterans”, which provides the opportunity to formalize the status in question, in addition to awards and medals, there is a requirement regarding the presence of the necessary work experience.

In particular:

In 2018, criteria regarding length of service may be adjusted, since many regions grant status based on the presence of the required work experience.

In particular:

The Federal Law “On Veterans”, in particular Art. 6, it is possible to grant status to citizens who carried out official labor activities in the period from 1935 to 1945, while under age, and subsequently worked:

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that citizens who say they have the necessary work experience during the Second World War must necessarily prove the fact of official employment in the non-temporarily occupied territories of the USSR.

Any other possibilities for obtaining status without having awarded state medals in hand must be sought, referring to the content of regional legislation, which approves the rules and procedure for obtaining the status in question.

Registration procedure

So how is the title awarded? Obtaining status and a supporting certificate is provided solely upon a completed application.

You can submit it together with a package of accompanying documentation:

  • by personal contact to the territorial representative office of the Department of Social Protection of the Population;
  • by contacting the nearest MFC.

After accepting all the necessary documentation, the formed request is reviewed by a special commission within 30 days, after which a response will be provided. In total, the registration procedure takes no more than 35 days.

According to Russian legislation, in order to obtain the title “Veteran of Labor”, it is necessary to provide the following to the territorial representative office of social protection of the population:

  • a statement drawn up according to generally accepted rules;
  • applicant's internal passport + copies of all completed pages;
  • documentary evidence of the required work experience;
  • documentary evidence that the applicant has state awards and medals that provide the legal right to expect to receive the status of “Veteran of Labor”;
  • a certificate from the direct employer - a document required for officially employed citizens;
  • a certificate from the territorial representative office of the Pension Fund, as well as a notarized copy of the pension certificate.

In the process of drawing up an application, you need to pay attention to the fact that it displays:

Additionally, on the application form, the Head of the territorial department for the provision of state social assistance measures and the Head of the territorial representative office of social protection of the population must put a mark regarding “Assign” or “Refuse to provide”.

: who is awarded the title of labor veteran

In case of refusal, the applicant is given a written opinion indicating the reason for the decision.

In addition to the basic documentation, you must additionally provide 2 photographs:

  • one of them is used for the questionnaire;
  • the second will be pasted into the certificate after the title is granted.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that if, in the opinion of the applicant, an unlawful refusal to confer the title “Veteran of Labor” is received, he has the legal right to file a claim:

  • directly to the head of the Department of the territorial department of social protection of the population, which was refused;
  • directly to the Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Regional Demography;
  • to various courts.

In most cases, citizens who have awards or other labor distinctions may be refused due to a banal discrepancy between the awards and those specified in the regulatory documents of a particular region.

In such a situation, filing a claim with a judicial authority will make it possible to find out whether departmental insignia really do not belong to the labor category.

Finally, I would like to note that the procedure for obtaining the title “Veteran of Labor” requires a lot of effort and patience from applicants. This involves numerous bureaucratic processes that must be overcome.

If, in the opinion of the applicant, he received an unlawful refusal, it is recommended to immediately file a claim with a judicial authority. In 90% of situations, the court takes the plaintiff’s side and forcibly assigns the title.

How to obtain the status of “Veteran of Labor”

Citizens with significant seniority and those who carry out their activities in difficult living conditions, as well as those who have awards, have the right to receive the title “ veteran of labour».

According to Art. 7 Federal Law No. 5 “On Veterans” only certain categories of people can count on this status:

  • Moscow and region:
  • St. Petersburg and region:
  • Toll-free number in Russia:
  • Citizens who have proven experience their work activities to obtain an old-age pension benefit and awards in the form of orders, medals, and insignia. The award must also be confirmed by official papers.
  • People who began working as children during the Second World War and have a work experience of no less than: 40 years– men and 35 years- women.

Title " veteran of labour» is confirmed by a special certificate. Such a document belongs to strict reporting forms and if it is lost, you will need to notify the authority that issued the certificate.

The procedure for obtaining veteran status is specified in the relevant legislative acts.

Since each region has its own list of awards, in the presence of which such a certificate is provided, the issue of its award is considered in relation to each applicant, firstly, with the help of a commission, and secondly, individually, taking into account the regional situation.

How to apply for and who is entitled to the title “Veteran of Labor”

For registration labor veteran certificates You will need to contact the social welfare department.

This department checks the submitted documents and decides on the assignment of such status.

Only those people who are able to prove their merits with official documents can apply for this title, that is, present papers determining their work experience and papers confirming the availability of awards.

Registration of a labor veteran happens in the following order:

  1. The applicant must collect the required list of documentation and fill out the standard statement(you can view and download here: [ Application for awarding the title “Veteran of Labor”]).
  2. Provide papers to social protection at your place of residence.
  3. Employees of the organization form a commission, which within 30 days from the moment of application, checks the correctness of the documentation and makes a decision.
  4. The final result in writing is sent within 5 days after making a decision.

In case of refusal, the entire package of documents is returned to the applicant. If approved, the social service issues a special administrative act.

Each region of the country has its own Regulations on labor veterans, according to which the certificate is subsequently issued.

This form is issued by the executive body and its presence guarantees the citizen a number of social benefits and benefits.

List of required documents

Federal legislation states what documents are needed to register as a labor veteran. These include:

  • applicant's passport;
  • papers confirming work experience - employment history, extracts, certificates;
  • ID photo;
  • documents confirming receipt of government awards and other distinctive signs;
  • power of attorney if the applicant’s interests are represented by a third party.

Each document on the list must be provided as a copy and supported by the original. If the commission has doubts about some documents or calculations length of service, then she may require additional papers.

Example for obtaining labor veteran status

Prokofiev N.T. claims to obtaining labor veteran status. He has the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, received for his work at one of the country's defense enterprises during the Second World War.

To obtain the status, Prokofiev must receive the appropriate certificate, which is issued based on the results of consideration by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection. To submit an application, the applicant visited the social protection office at his place of residence.

During the visit, an application was drawn up with a request for an honorary title, and attached to this document were: a work book, award sheets, a passport and several photographs (one for creating a personal file, the second for identification).

After completing the application, the social security employee created a personal file for the applicant, which was subsequently sent for consideration to the territorial body of the Ministry of Labor. The decision is made by the competent commission of the ministry. The execution time varies depending on the place where the application is submitted (at the MFC, municipality), but no more than one month.

Having examined the personal file of N.T. Prokofiev, the commission came to the conclusion that the applicant meets the necessary criteria for assigning him title "Veteran of Labor". A competent decision was drawn up, on the basis of which a corresponding certificate was produced and sent.

After the case was received by the regional social protection center, Prokofiev was sent a written notification of the need to personally visit the department. Having contacted the department, the citizen received veteran's certificate. This document is issued under the personal signature of the applicant.


As a result, a number of conclusions can be drawn:

  1. Title " veteran of labour"is a status that gives its holder the right to enjoy certain social benefits and receive benefits.
  2. Only those citizens who meet the requirements specified in federal legislation can receive this title. To apply for it, the applicant must confirm his right with the help of official documents: papers on experience and awards.
  3. Availability of status is confirmed special ID, which is issued by the executive authority. Since this document refers to strict reporting forms, if it is lost, you must contact the executive authority and submit the appropriate application.
  4. To register as a “veteran of labor” you will need to contact the social protection authority population at the place of registration and provide the necessary package of documents.
  5. The decision to award the title is made special commission and within five days is brought to the attention of the applicant. At least 30 days.
  6. Each document must be submitted as a copy and supported by the original. In case of refusal, the entire package of papers is returned to the applicant.

The most popular questions and answers to them regarding assignment of the status “Veteran of Labor”

Question: Hello, my name is Peter Efimovich. I have work experience - 44 years old and the reward " Inventor of the USSR».

He worked in the laboratory of a regular research institute in the Leningrad region and retired due to length of service. I can confirm both points with relevant documents.

Please tell me what is needed to obtain the title “Veteran of Labor”, can I even apply for it and where should I go with this question?

Answer: Good afternoon. Dear Pyotr Efimovich, according to Art.

7 Federal Law No. 5 “On Veterans”, people who have experience of at least 40 years by length of service or by appointment of an old-age pension.

Also an essential condition is the presence of any federal awards. In your case, your experience is more than 40 years and there is a reward.

To obtain veteran status, you should contact social protection authority. You will definitely need to have documents confirming your past employment and an award certificate with you. You will also need to provide personal documents.

If the commission considers your application and papers satisfactory, then no later 30 day period from the moment it is submitted, a positive decision will be made. After this, you will be able to obtain a “veteran of labor” certificate from the executive authority of the region.

Samples of applications and forms

You will need the following sample documents:

  • Application for labor veteran status

List of laws

  • Article 7 of Federal Law No. 5 “On Veterans”

The following articles will be useful to you:

  • Moscow and region:
  • St. Petersburg and region:

A veteran of labor is a citizen who has worked for many years and has the appropriate regalia from the state. Those who started working after the Great Patriotic War must have a work experience of at least 25 years for men, 20 years for women.

At the same time, departmental insignia are awarded only to those who have continuously worked in one industry for at least 15 years.

Establish that citizens who, as of June 30, 2016, were awarded departmental insignia in labor, retain the right to be awarded the title “Veteran of Labor” if they have a labor (insurance) length of service taken into account for the assignment of a pension of at least 25 years for men and 20 years for women or the length of service required to assign a pension for long service in calendar terms.4. The procedure and conditions for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor” are determined by the laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.” At the same time, many regions adhere to a single position, having created regulatory legal acts with minor differences.

Benefits for labor veterans exist at both the federal and regional levels. To obtain them there is no need to obtain the rank twice, One uniform certificate is enough, confirming preferential status. Download and print for free

The title is awarded indefinitely.

Moreover, the status of a labor veteran is valid throughout the country, so having received the certificate once, you do not need to change it when moving from region to region.

If a citizen with a preferential status changes his place of residence, then the only change that awaits him is benefits.

Each region has its own benefits, which may vary.

For example, in Moscow, labor veterans receive a monthly allowance of 495 rubles, and in Penza - 330 rubles.

The authorized body for conferring the title “Labor Veteran of the Russian Federation” is Department of Social Protection of the Population.

Therefore, to obtain the appropriate status, you must contact the USZN with a list of documents.

The following documents must be presented to the Department of Social Protection of the Population: If the applicant does not have documents confirming that the insignia was awarded to him personally, and the insignia itself is not personal, then representatives of the USZN do not have the right to accept it as a basis for assigning status.

Do you need expert advice on this issue? Describe your problem and our lawyers will contact you as soon as possible.

If a representative of a labor veteran applies to receive the title, then in addition to the standard list of documents, he is required to additionally submit to the USZN:

  • identification document of the representative;
  • a document confirming the authority of the representative (for example, a power of attorney).

The representative has the right, on the basis of a power of attorney or other similar document, to apply for the applicant to the department to obtain a title and receive appropriate benefits and benefits. A power of attorney does not necessarily have to be a notarized document. In some regions, a citizen’s written permission to act on a specific person’s behalf is sufficient.

Average The document review procedure takes 30 calendar days. At the same time, each region develops its own work regulations, according to which the deadlines are clearly stated.

For example, in Moscow and the region, the procedure for obtaining the title of labor veteran takes exactly 30 calendar days, and in the Penza region - 30 working days. The period for reviewing documents usually includes not only the review period, but also the period of sending a response to the applicant.

Each region independently posts on the official website of the Social Administration the regulations for the provision of the service “Registration of the title of labor veteran,” which anyone can familiarize themselves with. Documents cannot contradict Federal Law No. 5-FZ.

According to Article 7 of the Federal Law of 12.01.

1995 No. 5-FZ, receive the title of labor veteran can only be those, who have badges and awards, and those who began their work during the Great Patriotic War.

That is why only the second category of citizens can obtain preferential status without awards. Those who have accumulated a certain length of service are not necessarily considered labor veterans. Only those who have been awarded certificates, badges or awards can receive preferential status.

If there are no awards that correspond to those specified in Article 7 of Federal Law No. 5, then it is not possible to obtain the title.

Moreover, the Department of Social Protection of the Population has the right to refuse to accept documents, if the applicant does not provide the necessary evidence of receipt of the labor insignia.

In addition to the fact that a citizen must begin working during the Great Patriotic War, to obtain the title of labor veteran, he also needs work experience.

It takes into account not only periods of work, but also the following periods:

  • completion of military or other equivalent service;
  • child care who is no more than 1.5 years old;
  • caring for a disabled person of group 1;
  • caring for a disabled child;
  • caring for a citizen over 80 years of age;
  • other activities that are calculated in accordance with the rules for calculating labor (insurance) length of service.

The period of caring for one child is counted as work experience if it does not exceed 1.5 years. In total, periods of child care should not exceed 4.5 years. That is, if during work a woman or man took leave to care for a child or children, then this period is counted towards the length of service. And, accordingly, it affects the total time of work required to obtain the title of labor veteran. The insurance period, along with periods of work and (or) other activities, includes the period of care of one of the parents for each child until he reaches the age of one and a half years, but not more than four and a half years in total.Download and print for free

What is not taken into account as departmental awards for work

There are a number of awards that are not taken into account as labor awards and, therefore, cannot be the basis for obtaining preferential status.

Such awards include those that were established:

  • organizations (the organizational and legal form does not matter);
  • military units;
  • public organizations;
  • sports communities;
  • commercial structures;
  • structural divisions of federal government bodies.

The presence of badges, certificates, and medals of this kind is not the basis for receiving the title of labor veteran, even if the citizen has all the documents for them. This award was approved in 1974.

She is the one an indisputable basis for assigning the status of a labor veteran.

But only if the citizen has the appropriate documents confirming the assignment.

The following categories of citizens were most often awarded:

  • collective farm workers;
  • children working during the Great Patriotic War;
  • employees retiring who have worked for a certain period of time in one industry or in a certain field;
  • workers for hard work.

If the documents were lost, they can be restored by contacting the archival funds at the location of the organizations where the medal was issued.

What to do if the USZN refused to assign status

If the applicant believes that he was rejected unlawfully without being assigned preferential status, then he has the right to file a complaint:

  • to the head of the Department of Social Protection of the Population, where the decision was made;
  • to the Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Demography of the region;
  • to the judicial authorities.

Often, citizens who have awards or other labor distinctions are refused due to the discrepancy between the awards and those specified in the regulations of the region. In this case, appealing to the judicial authorities makes it possible to establish whether departmental insignia are really not labor insignia.

Often, judicial authorities take the side of citizens who have worked in one place for a long time and have been awarded badges of distinction. For example, citizens who have received the badge “For hard work,” according to the regulations of the region, may not fall under the preferential category.

However, if the court decides that such an insignia is sufficient for conferring the title, it will be awarded, and benefits will be assigned. Citizens who have received the status of a labor veteran can count on several benefits: Each region independently establishes measures of social support and its limits (amounts) .

Therefore, they may differ slightly in different cities and regions. We describe standard ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique and requires individual legal assistance.

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What documents are needed to register as a labor veteran in Russia in 2019. Basic concepts, conditions for obtaining the title, necessary documents and features of assigning status in the capital of Russia - these aspects are discussed in the proposed article.

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The title “Veteran of Labor” is honorary in our country. It gives workers the right to receive state support through the provision of social benefits for many years of work for the benefit of Russia. Help consists of special benefits that make the financial situation and daily life of citizens easier.

What you need to know

In the Russian Federation, a large number of pensioners have the title of labor veteran, which is honorary. These are citizens who have worked for more than forty years (35 years for women), despite the fact that only 25 years of official employment are required for retirement.

Also, many pensioners were awarded distinctions for impeccable work, contribution to the economy and other merits. They are recognized at the state level, such citizens are provided with a certain list of social guarantees.


Basic concepts on the topic of the article are presented in the table:

Certificate "Veteran of Labor" This is a document awarded to citizens of the Russian Federation for outstanding achievements in their work, giving the right to receive government benefits and allowances.
Medal This is a badge that is awarded to a citizen for special merits (labor distinctions, military merits, achievements in the field of science, etc.)
Pensioner This is a person who has a certain length of service and receives regular cash benefits from the state - a pension.
Privileges This is additional government support for socially vulnerable categories of citizens. These include, in particular, labor veterans

Conditions of receipt

To obtain the status of a labor veteran, a citizen must meet a number of certain conditions:

It is important to emphasize that not all insignia received during the USSR period can be recognized at the present time. For example, there is the badge “Shock Worker of Socialist Labor”, but it is not the badge “Veteran of Labor” and cannot be used to obtain the corresponding title.

Also, any sign without an accompanying document is not valid. When presenting a medal or other award, it is necessary to attach paper confirming that it belongs to the pensioner.

Procedure for awarding the title

The procedure for assigning the status of a labor veteran consists of the following steps:

Formation of a package of documents and available awards The required list can be clarified with the social security authorities at your place of registration. Also in this service you can write a statement and get the necessary advice. The entire package of documentation is submitted to a department employee for review.
Next, social security will organize a commission to review submitted applications. It is formed under the local government. After a decision is made, the applicant automatically receives a notification of the verdict and the documents are returned. The time frame for making a decision depends on the subject of residence of the citizen (usually from 10 to 21 working days)
In case of a positive verdict, a special administrative act is drawn up to award the citizen the title “Veteran of Labor” The presentation of the certificate takes place in a solemn atmosphere. In case of refusal, the citizen is provided with justifications with references from regulatory documents

Legal basis

The procedure for registering a labor veteran is regulated by the following legislative acts:

Federal Law “On Veterans” dated January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ (Article 7, 22) It describes the conditions for assigning status, measures of state support
Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400 “On Insurance Pensions” Establishes the possibility of early retirement and subsequent attainment of rank
Decree of the Moscow Government of November 13, 2007 No. 989-PP Establishes an application form for obtaining the status of “Veteran of Labor” in the capital of Russia
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 25, 2016 No. 578 On the procedure for establishing departmental insignia giving the right to confer the title “Veteran of Labor”

Important aspects

Holders of labor veteran status have the right to well-deserved rest and state support. In addition, the state provides social assistance to this category of the population.

It consists of free medical care, discounted travel on public transport, payment for housing and communal services, etc. Additional support is also provided at the regional level in a single subject of the Russian Federation.

Only a citizen of our country can become an honorary veteran of Russia. To do this, a foreign citizen will need to obtain the appropriate citizenship. In this case, work experience obtained outside of Russia will also be taken into account.

What documents are needed to register a labor veteran in social security?

The initial aspects of conferring honorary status in Russia are decided by the social security authorities at the citizen’s place of registration. In this service you can get advice, write an application and inquire about the provision of the necessary package of documents.

It must include all official documentation confirming the merits of the person’s work. It is worth noting that the application and issuance of a labor veteran’s certificate is free of charge at any social security department.

Federal significance

To obtain the title “Veteran of Labor”, a citizen is required to provide the following list of documents:

  • established standard (approved at the regional level);
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • photograph 3*4 cm;
  • pensioner's certificate;
  • work book and its copy;
  • confirmation of the presence of state awards giving the right to obtain status (certificates, insignia and accompanying documents);
  • power of attorney and passport of the authorized person (if another person applies).

For a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The mechanism for registering a labor veteran who is a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is no different from the usual procedure. If an employee of the internal affairs bodies has the necessary length of service to assign a labor pension and assign the status of a labor veteran, then he will not be denied this service.

Also, people who have dedicated their lives to serving the Motherland can apply for early retirement.

For a citizen who has a long career in the internal affairs bodies, there are many more social support programs (long-service bonus, tax benefits, free medical care).

There is also a payment of state assistance every month, and there is a program to provide housing for pensioners.

Features of design in Moscow

In the capital of Russia, obtaining honorary status is complicated by fairly stringent requirements for candidates. The conditions for obtaining status in Moscow are somewhat different from those established at the federal level.

Applicants for the honorary title must meet certain criteria:

  • availability of awards for meritorious service (insignia and supporting papers);
  • the presence of orders and medals for labor activity during the period of the USSR or the Russian Federation;
  • presence of honorary titles;
  • availability of certificates and thanks from the President of the Russian Federation;
  • a period of working experience in the field of economics of at least 15 years, as well as a total work experience of at least 25/20 years;
  • length of service;
  • presence of work experience during the Second World War (in childhood).

The basic procedure for assigning status and the package of documents do not differ from the generally recognized ones. However, employees have the right to request additional supporting documentation.

The period for making a decision by the social security authorities is no more than one month, with an additional five days provided for notifying the candidate of the decision..

In this case, reviewing the documents and making a decision will not take more than 35 days. In some cases, the title may be denied.

This may occur in the following circumstances:

  • in the absence of the right to receive honorary status;
  • in the absence of registration in Moscow or the Moscow region;
  • when documents lose their legal force;
  • if there is inaccurate information in the documentation.

Thus, citizens who devoted their lives to working for the benefit of the country are awarded the honorary title “Veteran of Labor”. The procedure for assigning it is not complicated, but a painstaking procedure that requires collecting the necessary documentation and writing an application.

If you have this status, a pensioner can apply for social benefits, which include preferential medical care, travel on public transport, payment for housing and communal services, etc.