What to name a boy of the year beautiful. Beautiful names: what to name a child? Male names, letter B

When a long-awaited baby appears in a family, it is both great joy and tangible troubles. Caring parents collect packages for the maternity hospital, buy diapers, baby vests, strollers, care encyclopedias... And in this hectic, but certainly pleasant, routine, sooner or later the question arises of what to name the child. Today we will tell you which names for boys born in 2016 are the most popular!

Orthodox names for boys 2016: to be or not to be?

Modern parents are increasingly striving for extraordinary choices and, much more often than before, inherit the Western naming tradition. However, 2016 offers us a new trend: to pay close attention to authentic names that are characteristic of our area. They can be completely different: Greek, Roman or even Slavic in origin, but almost all are recorded in the so-called calendar.

The tradition of choosing names according to the calendar dates back to deep, deep antiquity, and it is characteristic of many peoples united by common religious views. It is believed that a child named in the name of an angel, apostle, saint, martyr or simply an outstanding clergyman, together with the name, will receive not only a fraction of the necessary virtue, but will also automatically acquire invisible, and, of course, very strong protection from the patron.

Even if parents decide to name their child an unusual foreign version of the name, in most cases they still recommend giving the child another, church name. This is especially true in cases where the decision was made to perform the rite of baptism.

In order to better understand such a delicate issue, we suggest you take a look at a specially created calendar of names.

As you can see, names for boys born in 2016 are not limited to a few standardized and generally accepted options. Finding beautiful classic or rare options is not difficult!

Muslim names for boys born in 2016: the depth of Eastern traditions

The depth of Eastern traditions is truly inexhaustible. Sages of all kinds of generations have always treated the sacrament of naming with trepidation, especially when it came to a boy - a future warrior, defender, faithful confessor of religion, husband, brother, father, citizen. Therefore, all possible variations were selected in the most careful manner. Look, for example, at the name Muhamad (which means “praiseworthy”) - wouldn’t this person be worthy of his land?

Another interesting fact: starting from the Middle Ages, not only qualified clergy, but also astrologers, whose science was considered the craft of philosophers and sages, were widely involved in the name business. They developed entire schemes and theories, few of which, unfortunately, have survived. However, it is the value of the ritual that is important for us, because we ourselves become familiar with the culture of Islam through the assimilation of certain elements.

Muslim names that experts predict will be the most popular in 2016 can be seen in these photos.

Tatar names for boys born in 2016

Since we are talking about the goodness of influential cultures, it would be unfair not to indicate the Tatar names that are gaining deserved attention. Without further ado, just choose from the list: Ababil, Abel, Abelgazi, Abunasyr, Abyzbay, Agzamkhan, Adzhebay, Adrar, Azamatulla, Aktai, Allahhiyar, Almatai, Arslan, Akhmetbari, Badgi, Badrulla, Bayek, Bayramkhan, Bayrash, Bahram, Bashar ,Valiakhmet, Valim, Valishah, Gabdelgaffar, Gabeljalil, Gabdessattar, Gaisa, Janakhmet, Janbak. Jani, Zabib, Zagidar, Zunnun, Kabanbay, Kazanbay. Kail, Qaim, Mugallim, Miyan, Mihri, Niyazgul, Nugaybek, Nukrat, Nuraglyam, Rashat, Rizvan, Rijal, Saitmullah, Saitmukhhamet, Saligaskar, Tashkay, Takhautdin, Khalisfaizkh, Khamatgali, Halfetdin, Hamazan, Shahbulat, Shafkatullah, Yavaray, Yasit, Yazil.

A correctly chosen name has a strong positive impact on a person’s character and destiny. But how to choose the perfect name?

Sometimes parents try to choose a name before birth, but this prevents the child from developing. The name must be chosen based on the fact of birth. An extremely deep and comprehensive analysis of the boy’s character. Astrological and numerological techniques have wasted all the knowledge about the influence of a name on fate over the centuries and turned into nothing more than entertainment.

Christmastide calendars, without consulting a pure and seeing specialist, are also superficial knowledge. Which do not provide any real help in assessing the influence of names on the child’s fate.

And lists of popular, happy, beautiful, melodious male names completely turn a blind eye to the individuality, energy, and soul of the child and turn the selection procedure into an irresponsible game of parents in fashion dictated by ignorance, unprofessionalism and selfishness.

Despite the fact that there are cultural interpretations of what male names mean, in reality the influence of the name on each boy is individual.

Various characteristics - positive traits of a name, negative traits of a name, choice of profession by name, influence of a name on business, influence of a name on health, psychology of a name can only be considered in the context of a deep analysis of subtle plans (karma), energy structure, task for life and the type of specific child.

The topic of name compatibility in general is an absurdity, which turns on the interactions of different people with the internal mechanisms of the influence of a name on the state of its bearer. And it cancels the entire psyche, unconscious, energy and behavior of people. Reduces the entire multidimensionality of human interaction to one false characteristic.

The meaning of the name has no literal impact. For example, Victor, this does not mean that the young man will win everywhere. The name can block his heart center and he will not be able to give and receive love. On the contrary, it will help another boy solve love problems, making life and achieving goals much easier. The third boy may not have any effect at all, whether there is a name or not. Etc. Moreover, all these children can be born on the same day. And have the same astrological, numerological and other characteristics.

The most popular male names of 2015\2016\2017...2019 are also a misconception. Despite the fact that 95% of boys are called names that do not make their fate easier. You can only focus on a specific child.

The secret of a man's name, as a program of the unconscious, a sound wave, vibration, is revealed in a special bouquet primarily in a person, and not in the semantic meaning and characteristics of the name. And if this name is not suitable, then no matter how beautiful, melodious with a patronymic, astrologically accurate, benevolent, it will still be a crooked dummy.

Below are about 500 male names. Try to choose several that you think are most suitable for your child. Then, if you are interested in the effectiveness of the name’s influence on fate,

List of male names in alphabetical order:

Avangard (new) – unpredictable
August (old) – summer
Augustine (old) – summer
Avenir (old) - from the French. avenir - coming, future
Auxentius (old) - alien “xenos”
Auror / Aurorius (new) - son of the morning dawn
Adam (old) – “from red clay”
Adolf (new) – “noble wolf”
Adonis (old) – ruler
Alevtin (new) – alien to evil
Alexander (old) – protector of people
Alexey (old) – defender
Albert (new) – wise
Albin (new) – “white”
Alfred (new) – good advisor
Anastasius (old) – resurrected
Anatoly (old) – eastern
Andrey (old) – man and protector
Anise / Anisius (old) – sweet-smelling
Anton / Antony (old) – entering into battle
Antonin (old) – kind
Antoine (new) - foreign language reading of Anton
Apollinaris (old) – son of the sun
Apollo (old) – sun god
Argent (new) - from the French. argent - silver
Aristarchus (old) – head of the best
Arkady (old) – shepherd or “Resident of Arcadia”
Arnold (new) – first
Arsen (new) – courageous
Arseny (old) – courageous
Artyom / Artemy (old) – unharmed
Arthur (new) – big like a bear
Atheist (new) – not a believer
Afanasy (old) – immortal

Male names, letter B:

Bazhen (Old Russian) – saint
Benedict (old) – blessed
Bogdan (glorified) – given by God
Boeslav (glorious) – famous in battle
Boleslav (slav.) – more glorious
Borimir (glory) – fighting for peace
Boris (old) – “fighter”
Borislav (slav.) – fighting for glory
Bronislav (slav.) – glorious defender
Budimir (Old Russian) – peace-loving
Bulat (new) – “strong”

Male names, letter B:

Vadim (old) – sowing confusion
Valentin (old) – healthy
Valery (old) – strong
Walter (new) – people manager
Vasily (old) – royal
Vasilko (folk from Vasily) – prince
Velimir (slav.) – lord of the world
Velislav (glorious) – illustrious
Velor / Velory (new) - wealthy
Benedict (old) - another reading of Benedict
Benjamin (old) – Hebrew. "Jr"
Victor (old) – winner
Vissarion (old) – forest man
Vitaly (old) – vital
Witold (slav.) – forest ruler
Vlad (slav.) – owning
Vladimir (old, famous) – owner of the world
Vladislav (old, famous) – owner of glory
Warrior (Old Russian) – “warrior”
Voislav (slav.) – “famous in war”
Volodar (Staroslav) - “lord”
Voldemar / Valdemar (new) - famous ruler
Volmir / Volemir (slav.) – lord of the world
Vsevolod (old, old Russian) – ruler of all the people
Vsemil (glory) - dear to everyone
Vyacheslav (old, famous) - more than once famous

Male names, letter G:

Gabriel / Gavrila / Gavrilo / Gavril (old) – divine warrior
Galaktion (old) – stellar
Harry / Garry (new) – tolerant
Helian / Helium (new) - solar
Genius (new) – “genius”
Gennady (old) – well-born
Henry, Heinrich
Georgy (old) – farmer
Herman (old) – native
Gleb (old, old Russian) – big, tall
Gordey / Gordiy (glorified) – proud
Gorimir (slav.) – “bright world”
Gorislav (slav.) – “bright glory”
Granite (new) – “hard”
Gregory (old) – not sleeping

Male names, letter D:

Davyd / David (old) – beloved
Damir (new) – peace-loving
Dan (old) – god of the moon
Daniel / Danila / Danilo / Danil (old) – “God’s judgment”
Gift (new) – “gift”
December (new) – winter
Denis (popularly from the old Dionysius) – god of the vital forces of nature
Gerald (new) - another reading of Harald
Joseph (new) - another reading of Joseph, Joseph, Osip
John (new) - another reading of Ivan
Dionysius / Dionysus (old) – god of vegetation
Dmitry / Dimitri (old) – god of fertility
Dobrynya (Old Russian) – good fellow
Donald (old) – ruler of the world
Donat (old) – strong

Male names, letter E:

Evgeniy (old) – noble
Evdokim (old) – well-known
Egor (folk from Georgiy, Egorii) – farmer
Eruslan (Old Russian) – “lion”
Efim (old) – pious

Male names, letter Z:

Zhdan (Old Russian) – waiting

Male names, letter Z:

Zakhar (old) – “God’s memory”
Zinovy ​​(old) – “Zeus’ power”
Zoriy (new) – morning

Male names, letter I:

Ibrahim (new) - another reading of Abram, Abraham, Avrom
Ivan (popularly from John) – “God’s gift”
Ignatius / Ignat (old) – unknown
Igor (old, old Russian) – protector of God
Isidore / Sidor (old) – patron of fertility
July (new) – summer

Male names, letter K:

Casimir (glory) – announcing peace
Karl (new) – brave
Kasyan (folk from the old Cassian) – empty
Kim (new) - Communist Peace International.
Cyprian (old) - native of Cyprus or copper
Cyrus (old) – lord
Kirill (old) – ruler
Claudius (old) – lame or from the Claudian family
Clement (old) – merciful
Clement / Klim (old) – lenient
Clementius / Clementius (nar. from Clement) – meek
Columbia (new) - “dove”
Kuzma / Kozma (folk from old Kosma) – decorated
Kupriyan (folk from Cyprian) - a native of Cyprus or copper

Male names, letter L:

Laurel (old) – famous
Lawrence (old) – crowned with laurels
Lazarus (old) – “God’s help”
Larion (folk from Hilarion) – joyful
Leo (old) – “lion”
Leonard (new) - strong
Leonid (old) – son of a lion
Leonty (old) – lion
Luke (old) – “happiness”
Lukyan / Lukyan (old) – happy
We love (Old Russian) – handsome
Lyubomir (slav.) – favorite of the world
Luxen / Lucian (new) - light

Male names, letter M:

Mauritius (old) - black
May (new) – warm heart
Maislav / Maeslav (new) – famous in May
Makar / Macarius (old) – happy
Max (new) – majestic
Maxim (old) – majestic
Maximilian / Maximilian (old) – stately
Mily (old) – dear
Miloneg (slav.) – dear
Miloslav (glory) – glory is sweet
Mir (new) – “peace”
Miron (old) – kind
Miroslav (slav.) – winner
Michael / Mikhailo (old) – equal to God
Modest (old) – modest
Moses (old) – drawn from the water
Monolith (new) – unshakable

Male names, letter H:

Nazar/Nazarius (old) – dedicated to God
Nathan (old) – bestowed
Nahum (old) – consolation
Neon (old) – brilliant
Neonil (old) – fundamental
Nestor / Nester (old) – returned to his homeland
Nikanor (old) - winner of men
Nord (new) - north, northern

Male names, letter O:

Ovid (old) – savior
Odysseus (new) – angry
Octavian (old) - (Roman) - eighth
Oktyabrin (new) – autumn
October (new) – autumn
Oleg (old, old Russian) – saint
Orestes (old) – savage
Osip (folk from Joseph) – multiplied
Oscar (old) – “God’s Spear”

Male names, letter P:

Pavel (old) – small
Palladium (old) - dedicated to Pallas Athena
Panteleimon / Panteley (old)
Panfil (old) - loving everyone
Peresvet (Old Russian) – light
Peter (old) – “rock” or “stone”
Prokhor (old) - choir director

Male names, letter P:

Radium (new) - “radium”
Radim (slav.) – native
Radislav (glory) – glad for the glory
Radomir (slav.) – glad for peace

Male names, letter C:

Savva / Sava (old) – desired
Savely (old) – desired
Svet (new) – “light”
Svetlana (slav.) – light
Svetozar (slav.) – bright as dawn
Svetoslav (slav.) – “glory is bright”
Svyatogor (Old Russian) - “holy mountain”
Svyatopolk (Old Russian) – “holy regiment”
Svyatoslav (slav.) – “glory is holy”
North (old) – “north”
Severin (old) – cold
Severyan / Severian (old) – northern
Severyan (new) – northern
Semyon (popularly from the old Simeon) - heard by God in prayer
Seraphim (old) – fiery
Sergey (old) – highly respected
Sigismund (new) - ...
Steel / Steel (new) - hard
Stanislav (glorious) – will become glorious
Stepan / Stefan (old) – “wreath”

Male names, letter T:

Taras (old) – restless
Teimuraz (new) - analogue to Timur
Tristan (old) - sad
Tryphon (old) – pampered
Trofim (old) – pet

Male names, letter F:

Thaddeus / Thaddeus (old) – “praise”
Fevralin (new) – winter
Fedor (old) – God’s gift
Fedor (old) – God’s gift
Felix (old) – successful
Philemon (old) – beloved
Philip (old) – lover of horses
Phlegont (old) - ...
Florenty (old) – blooming
Florenc (new) – blooming
Florin (new) – blooming
Frol (folk from the old Flor) – blooming

Male names, letter X:

Khariton (old) – benefactor
Brave (Old Russian) – brave
Christophe, Christopher (old) - bearer of Christ

Male names, letter E:

Edward (new) – caring for property
Electron (new) - amber
Elbrus (new) – “mountain”
Energy (new) - energetic
Ernest / Ernst (new) – serious

Male names, letter Y:

Juvenaly (old from Juvenaly) - young
Eugene (new) – noble
Julian (old from Julian) – curly
Julius (old from Iuliy) – fluffy
Jupiter (new) - “Jupiter”
Yuri (old, popularly from Georgy) – farmer

Male names, letter I:

Jacob (old from Jacob) – imitating God
Yang (new) – “Sun God”
Januarius (old from Iannuarius) - January
Jaromir (old, famous) – “sunny world”
Yaropolk (old, famous) – “sunny”
Yaroslav (old, slav.) – “burning glory” or glorifying Yarila, the ancient Slavic god

Remember! Choosing a name for a child is a huge responsibility. A name can greatly make a person’s life easier, but it can also cause harm.

How to choose the right, strong and suitable name for a child in 2019?

Let's analyze your name - find out right now the meaning of the name in the fate of the child! Write to WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber +7926 697 00 47

Neurosemiotics of the name
Yours, Leonard Boyard
Switch to the value of life

Tatiana Kulinich

The question of what to name their future son often worries parents long before pregnancy. And doing this is sometimes even more difficult than choosing a name for your daughter, since there are somewhat fewer unusual names for boys than for girls. Parents are overwhelmed by opposing desires: they want the name to be non-standard, but not too provocative, sonorous, but at the same time suitable for the patronymic and surname. How to choose a name for your son? What names will be fashionable in 2016? You will learn about this and much more in our article.

What should a boy's name be?

Before we discuss the fashion for male names, let's talk about what you should look for when choosing a name for your son. Many parents ask, is it possible to name a child after a relative? Indeed, in the world this tradition is especially strong in relation to boys, since they are the heirs of the family name. They are often given the name of their father, grandfather, uncle, etc. However, there are several pitfalls here, psychologists say.

You should not name a newborn boy after a recently deceased relative. No matter how hard you try to avoid this, one way or another, you will subconsciously compare your baby with him, expect that he will develop the same character traits, etc. This is an unbearable burden for the child’s psyche and a threat to his well-being. After all, every baby deserves to be accepted as he is, and not try to make him someone else. It is acceptable to name a child after an outstanding ancestor whom you did not know personally. Although you should be careful here too.

Should you name your child an unusual name for boys, or stick to a fairly standard name that is common in your area? This is the second question that parents most often ask themselves. There is no clear answer to this, but several recommendations can be given. If you live in the capital or a large city, where children often have non-standard names, you can decide on this. But if neither your relatives nor friends support you in this decision, you live in a small village where this is not accepted, and you do not plan to move, you should choose a less original name, because it can be chosen tastefully.

Be sure to pay attention to the compatibility of the name with the child’s surname and patronymic. This will help you avoid unpleasant incidents and give your son additional confidence in the future.

Fashion trends in male names

1. Going back to the roots

Looking at the list of names that were most popular in previous years, the following trends can be identified. Firstly, an increasing number of parents are turning to traditional Russian names for their babies. This can explain the boom in popularity of such names as Daniil, Yaroslav, Ivan. Statistics on popular names indicate that they are among the ten most common names for boys in Russia. By the way, the first place has been occupied by the name Alexander for many years now, thanks to its noble sound and association with the majestic rulers of the Russian Empire.

Traditionally, Slavic names strengthen a newborn boy’s connection with his family, and therefore act as a kind of amulet for the poet. In addition, their very sound corresponds to masculine energy. A boy bearing this name will certainly grow up to be a real Russian hero. The undoubted advantage of Slavic names is that you can choose from them either a completely extraordinary or an original name, and it will be perceived quite organically. Agree, even the name Aristarchus or Nikifor sounds more familiar to us than the name Brandon or Christopher.

In other CIS countries, traditional names of the peoples living there are also becoming increasingly popular. Muslim names, like Russian ones, will be a talisman for a child who has the corresponding roots. They are increasingly being used to refer to boys in mixed marriages, where one parent is from a Slavic country and the other is from a Muslim country. For some names of this kind, for example, Tatar names, it is easy to find a Russian analogue. For example, Russian-speaking relatives may call a boy named Damir Demyan.

2. Cosmopolitan

In contrast to the fashion for returning to one's roots, there is also a tendency to blur the boundaries between nationalities in order to become a true “citizen of the world.” According to some parents, the best names are the most universal, those that have analogues in almost any culture. Therefore, children are increasingly called in a foreign manner - Alex, Max, Leon. These names look like abbreviations for the names Alexey, Maxim and Leonid, so they will not cause much misunderstanding among relatives and those around them. Other parents, especially those in mixed marriages, call their son John, Michael, George. Rarer names are also in use, such as Spartak or Oscar.

These names are suitable for those families who travel frequently, live in two or more countries, or are planning to move abroad in the very near future. If you live in the outback and have never been abroad, you may want to choose a more traditional name for your son.

3. DIY name

Some parents are disgusted by the idea of ​​their son having one of the popular names for boys, so they are ready to come up with a completely new name. It must be said that this was often practiced in the Soviet name, where children were given fictitious names such as Vladlena, Noyabrina, Avrory. For example, in past years such unusual ones as General, Citrus, Murman, Madagascar were registered in the registry offices.

The advantage of choosing such a name for a child is that he will not be deprived of attention at all stages of his life, his name will attract the interest of everyone around him. You can choose the meaning of the name that for some reason is important to your family. The main drawback is that it is extremely difficult to come up with a harmonious-sounding name so that it also fits the surname and patronymic.

What male names will be popular in 2016?

So, what modern baby boy names are standing out these days? According to forecasts, the name Alexander will hold the palm for many years. It is attractive to parents for many reasons. Firstly, it can be shortened both in the typical Russian manner - Sasha, and in the foreign style - Alex. Secondly, it can be either hard or soft in sound, depending on whether the short or long form is used. This balances the character of the boy wearing it, making him capable of strength, determination, and at the same time – softness and sensitivity.

In second place in the list of the best names for boys in 2016 will be the name Maxim. Like the previous name, it can be called universal due to the generally accepted abbreviation Max. Due to its meaning, this name makes the boy a purposeful and strong-willed person. It also goes well with almost all middle and last names.

Oddly enough, the popularity of such a simple-looking name as Ivan will grow. The secret of the charm of this name is its antiquity (after all, almost every culture has derivatives of the name John). The softness of the sound of this name endows the boy who bears it with excellent creative abilities, a kind heart and developed intuition. A boy named Ivan will certainly become a favorite of the family and those around him.

Denis is another name that is predicted to be especially popular in 2016. Boys named this way have a cheerful, lively disposition, since the full version of their name (Dionysius) is dedicated to the Greek god of joy and ecstasy - Dionysus. This name harmoniously combines opposite energies, so it promises happiness to its bearer.

The top 5 fashionable male names of 2016 are rounded off by the name Artem. Translated from Greek, it means “a person of excellent health,” “strong,” “strong.” The masculine energy of this name will protect the boy at all stages of his life. It also easily combines with the most common middle names and the sound of many surnames.

So, in our article we discussed what you should consider when choosing a name for your son, and how to avoid common parental mistakes. We also discussed fashion trends in choosing names and suggested which male names will be the most popular in 2016.

Tatyana Kulinich for https://site

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Choosing a name for a newborn baby is not an easy task for moms and dads. I really want the child’s future name to have a beneficial effect on the baby’s fate, to help him throughout life, so that the child’s name does not bring inconvenience.

Today, parents have a huge number of names for boys, from Orthodox to modern and very unusual. What to name a boy is up to you and your beloved spouse to decide, but of course it’s better to first read some information about the meaning of a boy’s name in order to choose the right one.

Female portal Mikrusha.ru prepared for you a complete list of Russian names for boys, as well as modern and unusual male names. We hope you choose the best name for your son!

Auror / Aurorius (new) - son of the morning dawn

Adonis (old) – ruler

Alevtin (new) – alien to evil


Anastasius (old) – resurrected

Russian names for boys starting with the letter B

Bazhen (Old Russian) – saint

Benedict (old) – blessed

Vilen (new) - abbreviation for V.I. LENIN

Vissarion (old) – forest man

Eruslan (Old Russian) – “lion”


Isidore / Sidor (old) – patron of fertility

July (new) – summer

Russian names for boys starting with the letter K

Casimir (glory) – announcing peace

Kuzma / Kozma (folk from old Kosma) – decorated

Kupriyan (folk from Cyprian) - a native of Cyprus or copper

Russian names for boys starting with the letter L

Laurel (old) – famous

Lawrence (old) – crowned with laurels

Lazarus (old) – “God’s help”

Larion (folk from Hilarion) – joyful

Mily (old) – dear

Miloneg (slav.) – dear

Miloslav (glory) – glory is sweet

Mir (new) – “peace”

Miron (old) – kind

Miroslav (slav.) – winner

Russian names for boys starting with the letter N

Nazar/Nazarius (old) – dedicated to God

Nathan (old) – bestowed

Nahum (old) – consolation

Neon (old) – brilliant

Neonil (old) – fundamental

Nestor / Nester (old) – returned to his homeland

Nikander (old) - winner of men

Nord (new) - north (ny)

Russian boy names starting with the letter O

Russian names for boys starting with the letter P



Prokop (Prokofy)


Prokhor (old) - choir director

Russian names for boys starting with the letter R

Radium (new) - “radium”

Radim (slav.) – native

Radislav (glory) – glad for the glory

Radomir (slav.) – glad for peace

Russian names for boys starting with the letter C

Savva / Sava (old) – desired

Savely (old) – desired

Svet (new) – “light”

Svetlana (slav.) – light

Svetozar (slav.) – bright as dawn

Svetoslav (slav.) – “glory is bright”

Svyatogor (Old Russian) - “holy mountain”

Svyatopolk (Old Russian) – “holy regiment”

Tristan (old) - sad (tristia)

Tryphon (old) – pampered

Trofim (old) – pet

Are you looking for a name for your newborn? The best advisor for you will be the encyclopedia “A Thousand Names.” You can buy it for 3,200 rubles including delivery. look through the trial copy, buy

Name ratings show which names are currently more fashionable and which are less fashionable (in numbers). The rating we bring to your attention is compiled on the basis of official statistical reports from civil registry offices of several regions of the Russian Federation with a predominant Russian population and the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Minsk for 2010-2016 (data for 2017 are currently available only for certain regions, ).

All names are divided into five conditional groups: the most popular (1-30th place), popular (31-60th place), less popular (61-85th place), rare and very rare names. This classification is practically convenient and visual. Quantitative data are brought to a single denominator - per 10,000 newborns. To better “feel” the numbers, let us point out that approximately 70,000 boys , and in the entire Voronezh region almost 1 of them are born per year 3 000.

(most popular names)

frequency 100 - 700

per 10,000 newborns

frequency 25 - 100

per 10,000 newborns

(less popular)

frequency 6 - 25

per 10,000 newborns

1. Artyom + Artemy

2. Alexander

3. Maxim

4. Daniel + Danil + Danila

5. Dmitry + Dimitri

6. Ivan

7. Kirill

8. Nikita

9. Mikhail

10. Egor + Egor

11. Matvey

12. Andrey

13. Ilya

14. Alexey

15. Roman

16. Sergey

17. Vladislav

18. Yaroslav

19. Timofey

20. Arseny + Arsenty

21. Denis

22. Vladimir

23. Pavel

24. Gleb

25. Konstantin

26. Bogdan

27. Evgeniy

28. Nikolay

29. Stepan

30. Zakhar

31. Timur*

32. Mark

33. Semyon

34. Fedor

35. Georgiy

36. Leo

37. Anton + Anthony

38. Vadim

39. Igor

40. Ruslan*

41. Vyacheslav

42. Gregory

43. Makar

44. Arthur*

45. Victor

46. ​​Stanislav*

47. Savely

48. Oleg

49. David + Davyd*

50. Leonid

51. Peter

52. Yuri

53. Vitaly

54. Miron

55. Vasily

56. Vsevolod

57. Elisha

58. Nazar

59. Rodion

60. Marat

61. Plato

62. Herman

63. Ignat + Ignatius

64. Svyatoslav

65. Anatoly

66. Tikhon

67. Valery

68. Miroslav*

69. Rostislav

70. Boris

71. Philip

72. Demyan

73. Klim + Clement

74. Gordey

75. Valentine

76-79. Gennady

76-79. Demid + Diomede

76-79. Prokhor

76-79. Seraphim

80. Savva

81. Jaromir*

82-85. Arkady

82-85. Arkhip

82-85. Taras

82-85. Trofim

These 30 names account for

74% of all newborn boys

These 30 names account for

17% of all newborn boys

These 25 names account for

3% of all newborn boys

85 most popular Russian male names

In alphabet order:

Alexander (2). Alexander is in second place in the popularity ranking of male names (approximately 460 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Alexey (14). Alexey - 14th place in the ranking of male names (approximately 240 per 10,000 newborn boys) // godname Alexey

Anatoly (65). The name Anatoly is in 65th place in the popularity ranking (about 20 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Andrey (12). The name Andrey is in high 12th place in the popularity ranking (253 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Anton + Anthony (37). The name Anton is in 37th place in the popularity ranking (72 per 10,000 newborn boys). Anthony is a much less popular form of the name (approximately 3-4 per 10,000) // both name variations use the godname Anthony

Arkady (82-85). The name Arkady ranks 82-85 in the popularity ranking (approximately 5-7 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Arseny + Arsenty (20). The name Arseny occupies a high 20th place in the popularity ranking of male names (approximately 176 per 10,000 newborn boys), Arsenty is much less common (2-6 per 10,000). The name Arsen is popular among representatives of the Armenian diaspora // for both variants of the name the godname Arseny is used

Artyom + Artemy (1). The name Artyom, together with Artemy, takes first place in the ranking of male names - almost 600 per 10,000 newborn boys (of which the name Artyom is approximately 580, and the name Artemy is only 20). In birth certificates, the name Artem is usually written with the letter e, that is, Artyom, but sometimes written with the letter e (Artem) // famous saints - Artemy of Antioch, Artemy of Seleucia, Artemy of Verkolsky, Artemy of Kizichesky, Artemy of Listria)

Arthur (44)*. The name Arthur is in 44th place in the popularity ranking (57 per 10,000 newborn boys). The name is especially popular among representatives of the Armenian diaspora // consonant names for baptism: Artema, Artemy, Artemon, Aristarchus

Arkhip (82-85). The name Arkhip ranks 82-85 in the popularity ranking (approximately 5-7 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Bogdan (26). The name Bogdan is in 26th place in the popularity ranking of male names (116 per 10,000 newborn boys). The name Dan is found much less frequently (no more than 1-2 per 10,000) // for baptism it is advisable to use the church names Theodore and Theodotus (the meaning is the same - “God given”, “God’s gift”)

Boris (70). The name Boris is in 70th place in the popularity ranking of male names (15 per 10,000 newborn boys). The name Borislav is less common (no more than 3-4 per 10,000)

Vadim (38). The name Vadim is in 38th place in the popularity ranking of male names (71 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Valentin (75). The name Valentin is in 75th place in the popularity ranking of male names (10 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Valery (67). The name Valery is in 67th place in the popularity ranking of male names (18 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Vasily (55). The name Vasily is in 55th place in the popularity ranking of male names (30 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Victor (45). The name Victor ranks 45th in the popularity ranking of male names (56 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Vitaly (53). The name Vitaly is in 53rd place in the popularity ranking of male names (38 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Vladimir (22). The name Vladimir is in 22nd place in the popularity ranking of male names (157 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Vladislav (17). The name Vladislav is in high 17th place in the popularity ranking of male names (190 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Vsevolod (56). The name Vsevolod is in 56th place in the popularity ranking of male names (29 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Vyacheslav (41). The name Vyacheslav is in 41st place in the popularity ranking of male names (67 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Gennady (76-79). The name Gennady is in 76-79 place in the popularity ranking of male names (9 per 10,000 newborn boys)

George (35). The name Georgiy is in 35th place in the popularity ranking of male names (74 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Herman (62). The name Herman is in 62nd place in the popularity ranking of male names (23 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Gleb (24). The name Gleb is in high 24th place in the popularity ranking of male names (120 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Gordey (74). The name Gordey is in 74th place in the popularity ranking of male names (11 per 10,000 newborn boys) // godname - Gordey

Gregory (42). The name Gregory is in 42nd place in the popularity ranking of male names (59 per 10,000 newborn boys)

David + Davyd (49)*. The name David, together with Davyd, is in 49th place in the popularity ranking of male names (50 per 10,000 newborn boys). The name David is especially popular among Russian Armenians, and the name Davyd among Russian Germans // godname - David

Daniel + Danil + Danila (4). The names Daniel + Danil + Danila in total occupy 4th place in the popularity ranking of male names - 419 per 10,000 newborn boys (of which Daniel is approximately 200, Danil 150, Danila 70) // godname - Daniel

Demid + Diomede (76-79). The name Demid is in 76-79 place in the popularity ranking of male names (9 per 10,000 newborn boys), Diomede is less common (1 per 10,000) // godname - Diomede

Demyan (72). The name Demyan is in 72nd place in the popularity ranking of male names (13 per 10,000 newborn boys) // godname - Damian

Denis (21). The name Denis is in high 21st place in the popularity ranking of male names (172 per 10,000 newborn boys) // godname - Dionysius

Dmitry + Dimitry (5). The name Dmitry is in fifth place in the popularity ranking of male names (419 per 10,000 newborn boys). The name Dimitri is much rarer (5-6 per 10,000) // godname - Dimitri

Evgeniy (27). The name Evgeniy is in 27th place in the popularity ranking of male names (115 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Egor + Egor (10). The name Egor is in a very high 10th place (297 per 10,000 newborn boys). This form of the name as Yegoriy is rare (no more than 1-2 per 10,000) // godfather name - Georgiy

Elisha (57). The name Elisha is in 57th place in the popularity ranking of male names (28 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Zakhar (30). The name Zakhar has been very popular in recent years; it is in 30th place in the popularity ranking of male names (100 per 10,000 newborn boys). The name Zacharias is much less common (no more than 1-2 per 10,000) // godname - Zacharias

Ivan (6). The name Ivan is in sixth place in the popularity ranking of male names (approximately 400 per 10,000 newborn boys) // godname - John

Ignat + Ignatius (63). The name Ignat is in 63rd place in the popularity ranking of male names (22 per 10,000 newborn boys). The name Ignatius is much less common (2-3 per 10,000) // godname - Ignatius

Igor (39). The name Igor is in 39th place in the popularity ranking of male names (69 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Ilya (13). The name Ilya is in high 13th place in the popularity ranking of male names (252 per 10,000 newborn boys) // baptismal names - Ilya, Iliy

Kirill (7). The name Kirill is in very high 7th place in the popularity ranking of male names (approximately 350 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Klim + Kliment (73). The names Klim + Clement + Clementy in total occupy 73rd place in the popularity ranking of male names (approximately 12 per 10,000 newborn boys, of which Klim is 5-6 per 10,000, Clement 3-4 per 10,000, Clementy 1-2) / / godname Clement

Konstantin (25). Konstantin is a very popular name, in 25th place in the popularity ranking of male names (118 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Leo (36). Leo is a popular name, ranked 36th in the popularity ranking of male names (73 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Leonid (50). The name Leonid is in 50th place in the popularity ranking of male names (49 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Makar (43). The name Makar is in 43rd place in the popularity ranking of male names (58 per 10,000 newborn boys). There are also cases of registration of the name Macarius (up to 3-4 per 10,000) // godname - Macarius

Maxim (3). Maxim is in third place in the popularity ranking of male names (452 ​​per 10,000 newborn boys)

Marat (60)*. The name Marat is in 60th place in the popularity ranking of male names (25 per 10,000 newborn boys) // the name is not included in the Orthodox calendar; for baptism, consonant names Martin, Marian, Mark, Martininan can be suggested

Mark (32). Mark is a popular name, ranked 32nd in the popularity ranking of male names (92 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Matvey (11). A very popular name, ranked 11th in the popularity ranking of male names (255 per 10,000 newborn boys) // baptismal names - Matthew and Matthias

Miron (54). The name Miron is in 54th place in the popularity ranking of male names (31 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Miroslav (68)*. The name Miroslav is in 68th place in the popularity ranking of male names (17 per 10,000 newborn boys) // Iriney, Iriny or Salaman, Solomon can be suitable godnames for Miroslav. The names Irenaeus and Irenius mean "peaceful" in Greek, and Salaman and Solomon also mean "peaceful" in Hebrew.

Mikhail (9). A very popular name, it is in 9th place in the popularity ranking of male names (335 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Nazar (58). The name Nazar is in 58th place in the popularity ranking of male names (27 per 10,000 newborn boys). The name Nazariy is rarer (3-4 per 10,000) // godname - Nazariy

Nikita (8). A very popular name, it is in 8th place in the popularity ranking of male names (337 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Nikolai (28). A popular name, it is in 28th place in the ranking of male names (114 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Oleg (48). The name Oleg is in 48th place in the popularity ranking of male names (51 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Pavel (23). The name Pavel is in 23rd place in the popularity ranking of male names (approximately 130 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Peter (51). The name Peter is in 51st place in the popularity ranking of male names (46 per 10,000 newborn boys). Peter is usually written on birth certificates, but in approximately one case out of seven to eight Peter is written

Plato (61). The name Plato is in 61st place in the popularity ranking of male names (24 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Prokhor (76-79). The name Prokhor is in 76-79 place in the popularity ranking of male names (9 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Rodion (59). The name Rodion is in 59th place in the popularity ranking of male names (26 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Roman (15). A very popular name, it is in 15th place in the popularity ranking of male names (233 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Rostislav (69). The name Rostislav is in 69th place in the popularity ranking of male names (16 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Ruslan (40)*. The name Ruslan is in 40th place in the popularity ranking of male names (68 per 10,000 newborn boys) // The name Ruslan is not included in the Orthodox calendar. Often, as a godname, according to consonance, the church names Rostislav or Rustik (translated from Latin meaning “village”) are taken from the calendar, in honor of the holy martyr Rustik of Paris (memory day October 3/16). Another option for a godname could be Leonid (based on the meaning of the name): the name Leonid means “like a lion”, “similar to a lion”

Savva (80). The name Savva is in 80th place in the popularity ranking of male names (8 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Savely (47). The name Savely is in 47th place in the popularity ranking of male names (53 per 10,000 newborn boys); the name Savel is very rare (less than 1 in 10,000) // godname - Savel (patron saint is the martyr Savel the Persian, memorial day: June 17/30)

Svyatoslav (64). The name Svyatoslav is in 64th place in the popularity ranking of male names (21 per 10,000 newborn boys

Semyon (33). The name Semyon is in 33rd place in the popularity ranking of male names (88 per 10,000 newborn boys); in the overwhelming majority of cases, “Semyon” is written on birth certificates, sometimes “Semyon”; in 1-2 cases per 10,000, “Simeon” is registered as a passport name (i.e., the canonical church form of the name)

Seraphim (76-79). The name Seraphim is in 76-79 place in the popularity ranking of male names (9 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Sergey (16). A very popular name, in 16th place in the popularity ranking of male names (196 per 10,000 newborn boys) // godname - Sergius

Stanislav (46)*. The name Stanislav is in 46th place in the popularity ranking of male names (54 per 10,000 newborn boys) // the name Stanislav is not included in the Orthodox calendar

Stepan (29). The name Stepan occupies a high 29th place in the popularity ranking of male names (111 per 10,000 newborn boys) // godfather church name - Stefan; Rarely, the name Stefan is registered as a passport name (less than 1 in 10,000)

Taras (82-85). The name Taras ranks 82-85 in the popularity ranking of male names (approximately 5-7 per 10,000 newborn boys) // godname - Tarasy

Timofey (19). The name Timofey occupies a very high 19th place in the popularity ranking of male names (177 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Timur (31)*. The name Timur ranks 31st in the popularity ranking of male names (95 per 10,000 newborn boys). An international name, popular both among Russians and Volga Tatars, in the republics of the North Caucasus, etc.

Tikhon (66). The name ranks 66th in the popularity ranking of male names (19 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Trofim (82-85). The name Trofim ranks 82-85 in the popularity ranking (approximately 5-7 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Fedor (34). The name Fedor ranks 34th in the popularity ranking (86 per 10,000 newborn boys). Fedor is usually written on birth certificates, but in approximately one case out of ten Fedor is written // godname - Feodor

Philip (71). The name Philip ranks 71st in the popularity ranking of male names (14 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Yuri (52). The name ranks 52nd in the popularity ranking of male names (43 per 10,000 newborn boys) // baptismal names - Georgy, Yuri

Jaromir (81)*. The name ranks 81st in the popularity ranking of male names (approximately 7 per 10,000 newborn boys) // the name is not included in the Orthodox calendar; similar in sound are the church names Jerome, Jeremiah, Jeremiah

Yaroslav (18). The name ranks high 18th in the popularity ranking of male names (188 per 10,000 newborn boys)


Rare names.

These are quite “live” names (Russian and borrowed), which are registered by the registry office departments on a regular basis with a frequency of 1 to 5 per 10,000 newborn boys.

Here is a list of such names:Avenir, Avram (Abraham, Abram), Adam, Adrian + Andrian, Azar, Akim, Aksyon, Albert*, Arian, Aristarchus, Aron, Athanasius, Borislav*, Bronislav*, Valerian, Varlam, Bartholomew, Veniamin, Vladlen*, Vlas , Vseslav*, Gabriel + Gabriel, Henry*, Gerasim, Dementy, Dobrynya*, Donat, Dorotheus, Evsey, Elizar, Emelyan, Eremey, Ermolai, Efim, Ephraim, Il(l)arion, Innocent, Joseph, Isaac (Isaak) , Cyrus, Kiryan, Korney, Christian*, Kuzma, Laurus, Lavrenty, Lazar, Leonard*, Leonty, Luke, Lukyan, Lyubomir*, Maximilian, Martin, Maryan, Milan*, Micah, Moses, Mstislav, Naum, Nestor, Nikon , Oscar*, Ostap, Pankrat, Panteley, Potap, Radmir*, Ratmir*, Rafail + Rafael*, Renat*, Robert*, Rudolf*, Samson, Samuel, Sevastyan, Solomon, Tihomir*, Ustin, Fad(d)ey , Felix, Filat, Edgar*, Eduard*, Emil, Eric*, Ernest*, Julian, Yakov, Jan.

Very rare names.

In the old days, they were quite common in Russia, but today they have practically fallen out of use, and the registry office records only isolated cases of their registration over several years (the frequency of such names is less than 1 in 10,000 newborn boys). But the names aren’t the worst!

Here is a short list of them: Abakum, Abrosim, Augustus, Avdey, Averyan, Agathon, Alfer, Andron, Antip, Artamon, Asey, Vissarion, Galaktion, Hermogenes, Gury, Guryan, Evdokim, Evstigney, Evtey, Epiphanes, Ermil, Erofey, Zinovy, Izosim, Ishmael, Larion, Hippolytus, Irakli, Isaiah, Kasyan, Kirsan, Claudius, Kondrat, Kupriyan, Larion, Markel, Martyan, Minai, Miney, Mitrofan, Modest, Nikander, Nikodim, Nil, Osip, Paramon, Pakhom, Pimen, Prokofy, Savvaty, Savel, Severin, Severyan, Strength, Silantius, Sylvester, Simon, Sophon, Sophron, Spiridon, Terenty, Titus, Tryphon, Ulyan, Fedosei, Fedot, Theoktist, Feofan, Fetis, Philaret, Firs, Thomas, Frol, Christopher, Emmanuel, Julius.