How to clean gold items at home. Recipes for homemade gold cleaning mixtures. Ammonia, water and washing powder

Has your gold jewelry lost its attractive shine? No problem. Our article will tell you how to restore your rings and chains to their perfect look using simple home remedies.

Absolutely all gold jewelry fades over time and becomes covered with an unsightly patina. This is due to the fact that various metals are added to gold to make it hard, which inevitably oxidize and begin to color the jewelry a darker color. In addition, the appearance of rings and chains is quite spoiled by decorative cosmetics and the environment.

Without proper care, all these negative factors can spoil the appearance of jewelry so much that they will have to be cleaned with ultrasound. If you want to avoid unnecessary expenses and worries, then periodically clean the surface of the jewelry with home remedies.

How to clean white gold at home?

Cleaning gold with dishwashing liquid

Although white gold is made using a slightly different technology than regular gold (nickel, palladium or platinum is added to its alloy), it also tarnishes and becomes covered with dirt. Moreover, due to the fact that it is quite light, negative changes begin to manifest themselves much earlier than on yellow gold.

In addition to the fact that such jewelry is covered with an unsightly coating, it also darkens quite a lot. And if all this dirt accumulates over the years, then over time it will be impossible to return the jewelry to its former shine. Proper care and regular cleaning of your products will help you avoid such problems.

Cleaning white gold items with dishwashing detergent:
Take sparkling water (demineralized) and add any organic detergent to it
Lather the liquid a little and dip the white gold jewelry into it
Leave them there for 15-25 minutes
After the time has passed, remove them from the solution and rub them gently with a toothbrush.
Rinse the rings in clean water and dry with a soft cloth

Ways to clean gold

Cleaning gold with vinegar

If you love gold jewelry, then you probably know how difficult it can be to restore its original shine and rid it of dirt. Low grade gold is especially difficult to clean. It usually contains a fairly large percentage of zinc, nickel and copper.

These metals give gold a greenish color that cannot be removed with regular water. Most often, such products are cleaned in two stages. To begin with, soak it in a solution of washing powder and water, and when the dirt softens a little, begin to remove it.

Gold purification methods:
You can wipe the rings with a mixture of beer and egg white
Place gold chains in a solution of vinegar and water for 2 -3 minutes
Soak jewelry in freshly squeezed onion juice for 1.5-2 hours
You can try to restore the shine of gold with ordinary lipstick
Prepare a solution of borax and water, soak a rag in it and wipe your jewelry

How to clean gold with ammonia?

Ammonia must be diluted with water

Ammonia is considered a fairly effective means for cleaning zloty products, but due to the unpleasant odor, women use it last. But still, if you use an ordinary medical mask, you can clean your favorite rings without any problems.

Another disadvantage of this method is the ability of ammonia to negatively affect some metals that are present in jewelry. Therefore, you can use this substance literally 2-3 times a year. If you regularly use ammonia “for deep cleaning,” your rings and chains will wear out pretty quickly.

Pour ammonia and water into the container in a ratio of 1:6
Mix gently to obtain a homogeneous solution
Dip your jewelry into it (no more than 2 minutes)
Using a hand strainer, remove the rings from the water and rinse them thoroughly under running water.
Wipe all items with a soft cloth

How to clean gold with ammonia?

Cleaning gold with ammonia

Although ammonia removes plaque from the surface of jewelry quite well, hard-to-reach places such as stone inserts, ornaments and patterns will still require mechanical cleaning. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that after you take out the rings from ammonia, you will have to additionally go over them with a soft toothbrush.

Recommendations for cleaning gold with ammonia:
Take a hermetically sealed jar and pour 150 ml of hot water into it
Add two ampoules of ammonia and 2 tbsp to the water. l. washing powder
Mix the solution thoroughly until smooth
Place the jewelry in the jar and cover everything with a lid.
Shake the jar for 5 minutes
Drain the solution through a sieve, rinse the jewelry with running water and polish them with a woolen cloth.

How to clean gold with soda?

Cleaning gold with soda

Baking soda is an excellent alternative to household chemicals for cleaning dirt, so it can easily be used to remove plaque from jewelry.

The main advantage of this cleaning method is the absence of any aggressive substances in the soda. This means that you can use this product regularly and not be afraid that your gold will begin to wear out prematurely.

Pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan, add 2 teaspoons of soda and 2 teaspoons of detergent
Mix the soda mixture thoroughly
Place the decorations in the pan and place on the fire.
Boil them for 5-10 minutes
Turn off the heat and leave the decorations to cool in the soda solution
When they are completely cool, go over them with a toothbrush, rinse and dry.

How to clean gold with salt?

Cleaning gold with salt

Salt is considered a natural antibacterial abrasive. Therefore, a mixture prepared on its basis will not only remove dirt and restore shine to gold, but also disinfect all your jewelry. If you decide to use salt to clean your jewelry, then try to apply it in such a way that it does not damage the surface of the rings and chains.

In the case of a saline solution, there is nothing to worry about. The salt will simply dissolve in the water, and you can treat all your jewelry with the solution. But you will have to tinker with the preparation of salt paste. If you put ordinary salt in it, there is a 100% chance that it will scratch your gold. Therefore, before adding this component to the paste, grind it thoroughly in a mortar.

Salt Cleanser Recipe:
Take 1 glass of water
Add 5 tbsp to it. salt
Mix the saline solution thoroughly
Put gold jewelry in it
After 5-6 hours, take them out with saline solution, wash and dry them

How to clean gold with hydrogen peroxide?

Cleaning gold with hydrogen peroxide

By itself, peroxide cannot deal with plaque and dirt, but if you mix it with several active substances, it will radically change its properties and turn from a disinfectant into a cleaning agent. Moreover, this solution will help get rid of dirt even in hard-to-reach places.

Measure out 40-50 ml of hydrogen peroxide
Pour it into 250 ml of water
Add here an ampoule of ammonia and 1 tsp. liquid soap
Heat the solution and dip the jewelry into it
After 20 minutes, take them out and rinse thoroughly with clean water.
Dry and polish your jewelry

How to clean gold with foil?

Cleaning gold with foil

If you don't have time to prepare homemade cleaners and pastes, then try to restore the normal appearance of your decorations using ordinary foil. No one can say for sure what its effect is, but its presence in a saline or soda solution helps to better remove unsightly plaque.

  • Prepare a concentrated saline or soda solution
    Bring it to a boil
    Place a piece of food foil on the bottom of the glass
    Place gold on top of it and fill it with hot solution
    Leave the products in the scanner until the liquid cools completely
    Drain the cleaning solution, rinse the jewelry and blot it dry with a soft cloth.

How to clean gold with toothpaste?

Cleaning gold with toothpaste

Probably everyone knows that toothpaste contains substances that gently polish the enamel. It is this property of the paste that will help us restore old jewelry to its original appearance. When used correctly, it will not only rid your rings of accumulated dirt and make minor scratches less visible.

Due to the fact that the toothpaste does not contain large abrasive substances, you can use it quite often without much fear. This cleaning method is ideal for removing dirt from rings and chains that you wear almost every day.

Find an old toothbrush
Squeeze some toothpaste onto it
Gently brush the surface of the jewelry with a brush.
Rinse off any remaining toothpaste with running water and blot the product with a soft cloth.
Rub the ring with lemon juice

How to clean gold with Amway gentle cleaner?

In addition to all the products described above, you can also use Amway universal cleaner to remove dirt from jewelry. It contains a fairly large amount of active substances that can cope with even the oldest dirt without much effort. This product can be used in the form of a soap solution or directly in its pure form. In both cases you will get good results.

Add Amway to regular water
Boil the cleaning solution and dip the gold jewelry into it
Boil for another 5 minutes
Drain the liquid and brush the surface of the jewelry with soda paste and a toothbrush.
Rinse and dry items

Video: How to clean gold at home?

Gold jewelry is an integral companion of any woman. But most often the purchased product is worn without interruption for several years. Over time, a gold ring or chain may become tarnished or tarnished. In this regard, there is an urgent need to clean gold at home. Our article will discuss the most effective methods.

Does gold jewelry need to be cleaned?

Gold has the strongest natural properties and is highly durable. But gold jewelry is not only made of gold. Typically, the manufacturer adds impurities from silver, copper and other metals. By combining alloys, it is possible to achieve the required hardness for the jewelry.

Please note: Products made of gold of the highest standard are deformed under the influence of mechanical loads. That is why such bars cannot be found in jewelry workshops.

Reasons for aging of gold items:

  • Gold and alloys are hard. But at the same time, jewelry is subject to aging and dullness. The oxidizing film on gold jewelry turns the item into an antique, even if the item was purchased recently.
  • Contact of jewelry with our body provokes the secretion of subcutaneous fat. The sebaceous glands work like clockwork, and in the summer a person sweats many times more. This is another reason why gold jewelry ages quickly.
  • Women love to look beautiful. At first glance, a completely harmless skin cream turns into the worst enemy of a precious product. Decorative cosmetics greatly age gold jewelry.
  • Urban conditions are characterized by increased air pollution. Dust that settles on accessories is deposited in the corners of the decoration. After some time, the owner will need cleaning.

Chemical methods

Jewelry stores provide gold cleaning services. But if you don’t have the opportunity to contact specialists, then you can safely clean gold, for example, at home:

  1. Ammonia.

A solution of ammonia cleans and degreases the surface of yellow gold. The recommended amount of ammonia is 5 ml or 1 teaspoon. You can buy the product in a modern pharmacy.

Directions for use: Boil 200 ml of clean water and then dilute it with detergent and alcohol. Wait until it dissolves, then place the gold jewelry into the glass. Cleaning the product in ammonia will take no more than 2 hours.

Attention: Cleaning gold with ammonia is contraindicated for gold jewelry inlaid with stones. We will talk about cleaning jewelry in the final section of our article.

  1. Brine.

Salt is a universal solvent and cleaner. The substance can be found in the bins of any housewife. So, if you have nothing on hand other than salt, do not despair - gold can also be purified using a saline solution.

Directions for use: take 3 tablespoons of table salt and 0.5 cups of warm water. Stir the solution and place the gold jewelry in it for 8 hours. The final result will be complete cleansing of the product from plaque and dust.

  1. Foil.

Gold foil cleaning solution is another effective way to treat jewelry at home. Prepare metal foil, baking soda and water.

Directions for use: Take 50 g. baking soda and dissolve it in 0.5 liters of hot water. Prepare a deep-bottomed container by placing metal foil on it. Fill the container with the prepared solution of baking soda and water. Place the gold at the very bottom of the container. It is advisable to carry out the procedure at night, and in the morning, rinse the product under the tap and wipe with a soft cloth.

  1. Detergent.

If you want to quickly clean gold at home, there is nothing better than dish soap. In this case, there is no need to prepare any other solutions - only detergent will help us.

Directions for use: Fill a glass with cold water, then dissolve 1 teaspoon of detergent in it. After dissolving the chemical solution in water, pour it into a metal container. Lower the gold to the bottom and then place the container on the stove. Set the heat to medium and boil the water for 10 minutes. Cool the gold jewelry and dry it with a towel.

  1. Lens cleaning agent.

Another interesting way to clean gold at home is using chemical lens fluid.

Directions for use: Purchase the product at an optical store or pharmacy. Pour it into a standard container and lower the gold item to the bottom. Upon completion of the procedure, your jewelry will acquire the long-awaited shine.

Mechanical methods

Note that chemical methods for purifying gold do not always help. In some cases, it is reasonable to use mechanical purification of gold:

  • Onion.

Cleaning with onions is not suitable for all owners of gold jewelry. It's all about the notorious smell. But you can get rid of it by thoroughly washing the jewelry. Over time, the amber will disappear, and the ring will shine with a golden sheen.

Directions for use: Using a fine grater, grate the onion until it becomes a paste. Strain the mixture through cheesecloth, removing excess liquid. Place the pulp in a spacious container, and then place the gold jewelry there. Onion eliminates dullness and dirt on the sides. At the end of the procedure, all you have to do is remove the jewelry from the pulp and rinse it under the tap. If dirt still remains on the jewelry, remove it with a cotton swab.

  • Lipstick.

The product perfectly replaces the well-known Goya paste and is suitable for cleaning gold in a short time.

Directions for use: Lipstick of any color and purpose is suitable. A fashionista's makeup bag will definitely contain a personal hygiene product. Well, if you don’t want to use new lipstick, then take the old sample. Apply lipstick to the gold jewelry, then wipe the surface with a soft cloth. There will be no trace left of the former pollution!

  • Beer + egg.

Want to clean a gold ring but only have a can of beer and a couple of eggs in the fridge? There is nothing easier than carrying out the procedure with egg whites and found alcohol.

Directions for use: Take a couple of egg whites and 2 tablespoons of beer drink. Mix them into a general consistency, then dip a soft cloth into the liquid. All you have to do is go over the gold jewelry from all sides, removing dull spots and niello.

  • Vinegar.

Vinegar is an everyday ingredient for any housewife. But few people know that the solution can clean gold at home without the risk of damaging the product.

Directions for use: Apply a little vinegar to a cotton pad and then apply to the gold surface. Vinegar gives the decoration its former shine, so much so that you are unlikely to find traces of yesterday's ugliness!

  • Powder for cleaning teeth.

Cleaning gold jewelry at home using tooth powder is a modern and safe method of mechanical procedure.

Attention: Do not use bleach powder. Too strong a product will dull the effect of the gold.

Cleaning gold at home with stones

Gold items with inlays are classified as particularly fragile jewelry. When cleaning, it is important not to damage the precious stones, otherwise the jewelry will lose its attractiveness. Here are several effective ways to clean gold with stones:

  1. Ear sticks + cologne.

The method is suitable for cleaning rings, rings or earrings. Unlike sharp objects, cotton swabs do not scrape off gold deposits. The alcohol contained in cologne removes all impurities.

  1. Alcohol solution.

Dip your gold jewelry into an alcohol solution. After treatment, the product is washed in clean water and dried with a towel.

Caution: Be careful when cleaning gold jewelry with glued stones. Alcohol tends to make jewelry fall apart, so this method will not work.

  1. Washing powder.

Take a laundry detergent, such as Tide. Place the gold in a bowl of powder, then carefully walk over the surface of the stones.

  1. Ammonia.

Take a glass of water and dilute 6 drops of ammonia in it. Dip your diamond jewelry into the solution and wait for 30 minutes. The final touch will be washing the gold under the tap.

  1. Shampoo.

Gold jewelry with pearls requires special care. Therefore, we clean gold at home only this way: take a brush with soft bristles. Dip it in a solution of shampoo and water. Wipe each pearl with this product, then rinse the item with water.

Note: Gold jewelry with pearls do not tolerate acetic acid, because... the solution corrodes gemstones.

Cleaning gold accessories at home is a responsible task, but not at all difficult. So, if you have time and available tools, then do not be lazy to take care of your gold jewelry. In the future, it will repay you in kind, winking with its brilliance and charm!

They delight us with their appearance and shine.

However, even with the most careful treatment, over time gold becomes dull, products made from it become dirty, and stains may appear on them.

You will learn how to clean gold at home in this article.

How to clean gold at home: from grease and dirt

It’s easy to remove traces of dirt from gold jewelry - in a small container you need to mix hot water (50-70°C) and one of the detergents:

Liquid dishwashing detergent

Soap, grated on a coarse grater (preferably laundry soap)


Washing powder

The gold jewelry is placed in the resulting solution for 2-3 hours, after this procedure the dirt and grease will soften and can be easily removed with a regular toothbrush with soft bristles. After this, the jewelry should be thoroughly rinsed under running water and allowed to dry.

If after such a soapy “bathing” dirt still remains, the procedure must be repeated.

Another way to easily clean dirt and grease is to boil it in a soapy solution. The gold product is placed in a container with such a solution and boiled for 2-3 minutes. Next, you should clean the product with a brush, as in the first method.

To give gold items shine, you can put them in a sugar solution overnight; to prepare the solution, add 2-3 teaspoons of sugar to a glass of water.

A paste made from Vaseline, soap shavings, water and chalk (in powder), taken in equal proportions, gives an excellent effect. After cleaning with this mixture, gold jewelry looks like new.

How to clean gold at home: “folk” recipes

There are some ancient folk recipes that will help restore gold products to their original shine.

1. Grate the onion, moisten a napkin with the juice and wipe the gold item with it.

2. Apply lipstick to the surface of the product, and after a while wipe it with a dry cloth. The lipstick contains titanium dioxide, which will help remove tarnish from the surface of the gold.

3. An aqueous solution of borax will help remove heavy stains, but it is powerless against stains. It is necessary to wipe the product with a cloth soaked in the solution, then rinse it under running water.

4. Cleaning the gold surface with toothpaste can also have a good effect, but requires caution. To apply the paste, use a soft toothbrush or cloth.

5. Occasionally it happens that iodine stains appear on a gold product. A hyposulfite solution, which is sold in departments for amateur photographers, will help clean it.

6. Another method that our ancestors used. You need to take a little beer and the white of an egg, mix thoroughly, apply it to a cloth and wipe the gold jewelry with this mixture. After this, rinse with running water and dry.

How to clean gold at home if it is old

If the gold is old, it may have stains or a film of oxide on it. To clean such products, ammonia and hydrogen peroxide are used.

Add to a glass of warm water:

1 teaspoon ammonia

30 ml 30% hydrogen peroxide solution

1 spoon of liquid soap

All components must be mixed in a non-metallic container, and the products must be placed in the solution for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with running water and wipe with flannel or suede.

Using ammonia you can also achieve good results in the fight against oxides. To a glass of water you need to add ½ teaspoon of a 10% ammonia solution and 1 teaspoon of any detergent. After you put gold jewelry there, the water will immediately darken, the product is then removed from the solution and washed under running water.

If the product contains precious stones, these cleaning methods cannot be used.

A solution of soda also cleans gold from oxides well (just do not apply soda powder to the product and rub it; scratches may remain on the surface).

Place a piece of foil in a small container, place gold jewelry on it, and fill it with soda solution (a tablespoon of soda per glass of water). Leave for several hours. Then rinse the product under running water and dry.

Another cleaning method is boiling in a soda solution. Add a few drops of dishwashing detergent to the soda solution and boil for 10-15 minutes. After this, rinse and wipe dry.

Gold is also possible clean with saline solution(for ½ glass of water - 3 tablespoons of non-iodized salt). Leave your jewelry in this solution overnight, wipe with a soft cloth and enjoy its shine.

If none of the methods gives the desired result, you can purchase a special professional paste or foam for cleaning gold products. It is sold in jewelry stores and large household chemical departments; it is inexpensive and lasts a long time.

Cleaning Jewelry ultrasound- another modern way to clean jewelry. Ultrasonic devices are very effective and will help clean gold in hard-to-reach places, but they are also quite expensive.

How to clean gold at home: if products with precious stones

Gold items with stones require especially careful handling. It is advisable to clean them at least once a month. The method of cleaning such products depends on what kind of stone is inserted into them..

If the stone inlaid into the product is soft (such stones include amber, pearls, opal, lapis lazuli, turquoise), ammonia, vinegar or alkali cannot be used to clean it. You can wash such jewelry in alcohol diluted in equal proportions with water, or in a soap solution, without leaving the jewelry in it for a long time.

The pearls are washed with a brush, dipping it into a soap solution. The golden part of the product with pearls is wiped with a soft cloth.

Hard stones include diamond, ruby, sapphire, topaz, emerald, amethyst, tourmaline, zircon. Products with these stones can be cleaned with alcohol using a cotton swab, then washed off with soap and water and wiped dry with a flannel.

Diamond jewelry can be cleaned with a soft-bristled toothbrush dipped in soapy water. Liquid soap, shampoo or washing powder will do.

Also, diamond products are cleaned with a solution of ammonia (6 drops of alcohol per glass of water). Then wipe the stone and frame with a cotton swab.

If a product with a hard stone is very dirty, then clean it with a toothbrush dipped in gasoline.

Zircon cleans well with a mixture of ammonia and water in a ratio of 1:6.

How to clean gold at home without ruining it

In order not to spoil the gold during cleaning, you need to remember a few rules:

It is better to avoid abrasive substances when cleaning gold, as there is a risk of leaving scratches on the surface.

Products that require more delicate handling (chains, thin bracelets) should not be subjected to rough mechanical stress.

To clean products with stone, first find out how hard the stone is, and then, based on this, choose a cleaning method.

If the stone is glued, the product cannot be wet to avoid the stone coming off.

First, you should always choose the most gentle method, for example, soaking in a soap solution, and only if this does not work, move on to “chemical” cleaning methods.

The appearance of stains and scratches on gold jewelry It's easier to prevent than to try to get rid of them. To do this you need to follow a few simple rules:

When cleaning the house, jewelry must be removed. Firstly, because household chemicals getting on gold can negatively affect it, and secondly, particles of dust and dirt during cleaning can become clogged in the patterns of rings or bracelets.

At night, jewelry must be removed in contact with the skin; it becomes dirty and oxidizes over time.

Every time you remove jewelry, you need to wipe it with a cloth.

Gold products should be kept in places where cosmetic substances cannot reach.

You should also not store gold jewelry in cardboard boxes; cardboard contains sulfur, which can cause stains. It is also not recommended to store gold in plastic containers.

If you care for gold items correctly, then they will last a long time and look great at the same time!

Lovers of gold jewelry often ask the question: “How to clean gold correctly and with what?”, “How to restore the shine of a gold item?”

Unfortunately, over time, jewelry begins to fade and take on a not very attractive appearance. This happens because metal impurities are added to the gold alloy, this gives it strength.

Under the influence of an aggressive environment, oxidation occurs and the metal changes color. Dust and dirt gets clogged into the holes in the decoration, which negatively affects the appearance and can be hazardous to health if, for example, earrings.

To clean gold jewelry yourself at home, you need to know a few simple techniques. And then your jewelry will again be pleasing to the eye.

5 ways to clean gold using conventional products at home

  • Laundering of gold jewelry.

This is an important step in cleaning gold jewelry. Regular washing will help remove dirt, dust and grease. This method is well suited for cleaning diamond jewelry.

Soak gold jewelry in warm water and add a drop of liquid soap or shampoo. Dishwashing liquid is also perfect.

After 2 hours, clean the jewelry using a soft toothbrush. The gentle bristles will get into all the hard-to-reach places and remove dirt without damaging the surface.

After the procedure, rinse the jewelry with water and wipe with a soft cloth. To make gold shine, it is best to use flannel to wipe the product.

Gold washing should be done regularly!

  • Cleaning with ammonia.

Immerse the product in ammonia for 3-12 hours. The immersion time depends on the degree of contamination of the jewelry.

Attention! Do not use metal utensils for this procedure.

After the time has passed, rinse the product under the tap and wipe with a piece of cloth.

  • Cleaning using hydrogen peroxide.

This is a fairly quick procedure for refining gold, taking approximately 20-25 minutes.

First you need to prepare a cleaning solution. Dilute in a glass of warm water:

  • hydrogen peroxide 40 ml;
  • 1 hour l. liquid soap;
  • 1 tsp. ammonia.

Immerse the jewelry in the solution for about 20 minutes, then rinse and dry with a piece of cloth.

  • Cleaning with salt.

First, prepare a cleaning solution. To do this, fill the glass ½ full with hot water and add 3 tbsp. l. salt. Immerse the gold in the salty liquid and leave it overnight. After the procedure, rinse the jewelry with water, then wipe dry with a piece of cloth.

  • Cleaning with foil.

Prepare the solution. Pour hot water into a glass, add 2 tbsp. l. soda Take a deep container, put foil on the bottom, put gold jewelry and fill it with cleaning solution. Leave it overnight, rinse with water and dry with a cloth.

Jewelry with precious stones and made of white gold must be cleaned in a special way.

White gold cleaning

White gold must be cleaned with care because the surface of the metal can easily become damaged.

Important! Do not clean white gold with rough brushes, powders, pastes or other abrasives.

To clean the jewelry, make a solution:

  • Water - 1 glass;
  • 1 tsp. ammonia;
  • a drop of detergent or washing powder.

Immerse the jewelry in the prepared solution for an hour, then rinse under the tap and wipe with a cloth.

Important! Wipe white gold jewelry dry; moisture does not reflect well on the metal.

Cleaning gold jewelry with stones

Many precious stones (opal, turquoise, amber) do not tolerate moisture well, so you need to be careful when cleaning jewelry with stones.

Important! If precious stones are attached to jewelry using glue, then immersing the product in water is prohibited.

How to clean dirt from jewelry with stones? It's very simple: use a cotton swab previously soaked in cologne. To clean gold, you can take a soft cloth that needs to be moistened in an alcohol solution. Upon completion of the procedure, wipe the jewelry with a damp cloth and wipe dry.

Remember that gold jewelry needs regular cleaning and care. Thanks to such attention, the jewelry will always delight you with its brilliance!

Gold jewelry is a source of pride for its owner. In order to maintain their attractive appearance, it is necessary to clean them, since during use the products become coated and lose their shine.

For many people, the question is how to clean gold at home in order to get a good and durable result. Knowing the composition of gold jewelry will help you achieve good results.

Gold in its pure form without the addition of other substances is not used, since this metal is very soft, therefore jewelry contains a number of substances that help improve physical and chemical properties.

The appearance of plaque is promoted by:

When interacting with surrounding air or water, including sea water, oxidation occurs. It is necessary to clean gold, since contaminants not only spoil the appearance, but also harm health: plaque can cause inflammatory and allergic reactions.

In order for gold to shine effectively and prevent plaque from forming, it is necessary:

  • do not allow the product to come into contact with alkalis and various acids (housework should be carried out with gloves);
  • Avoid exposure to solvents and other aggressive substances (including nail polish removers);
  • protect from exposure to paints and abrasives (remove or wear gloves);
  • Do not expose to high temperatures and ultraviolet radiation.

To prevent contamination, the cleaning process should be carried out regularly even if these recommendations are followed.

Nuances of the cleaning process

Before you start cleaning, there are some important things to consider.

  • Many jewelry have complex shapes and places that are difficult to reach on your own, for example, places where stones are inserted, bends, and joints.
  • The container for preparing the cleaning mixture must be selected so that the product can fit completely in it.

If you take these nuances into account, the work will go faster and the result will be of better quality.

Cleaning process: preparing a solution with ammonia

We clean gold correctly using ammonia and regular washing powder. It is necessary to give preference to containers made of glass or plastic to eliminate the possibility of oxidation. To obtain a cleaning solution with ammonia you will need:

  • boiled water – 250 ml;
  • ammonia – 4 ml;
  • washing powder (without coloring additives) – 1 tbsp.

If there is no powder, then you can safely use dishwashing detergent.

The mixture is stirred until the powder dissolves completely, leaving no lumps.

The products are placed in the solution for 2-2.5 hours, after which they must be rinsed with clean running water and wiped dry using a soft, lint-free towel or the same cloth.

If you couldn’t buy ammonia, you can use other recipes that will effectively clean yellow or red gold at home.

1. Use dishwashing detergent as the main component. To do this you will need to take:

  • water – 1 glass;
  • dishwashing detergent (preferably with a softening effect) – 1 tsp.

The container that should be used for the cleaning process should be selected taking into account the fact that the composition will be heated for several minutes. A soft cloth should be placed at the bottom, then the jewelry that needs to be cleaned, and then all the components to create the solution are added to the container. The heating process lasts 10 minutes. Then the products should be removed and rinsed under running water, and dried with a soft towel. The method is suitable for cleaning jewelry and jewelry made of yellow, which is the most popular, and red, which is gaining popularity, gold.

2. Liquid soap and hydrogen peroxide are also used when there is a need to clean gold from dirt and plaque. You will need to mix:

  • water -250 ml;
  • hydrogen peroxide – 40 ml;
  • liquid soap (it is better to choose a soft one, without unnecessary additives) – 1 tsp;
  • ammonia – 1 tsp.

The water needs to be heated, but not boiled - it should be warm, about 37 degrees, then add all the other ingredients and mix. Then put the jewelry that needs cleaning into the container. The holding time is 20 minutes. Finally, gold items should be rinsed with plain water and dried using a lint-free cloth.

3. Salt, which is probably found in every home, is also used to clean gold from dark deposits. An effective method for those who want to achieve a good and long-lasting result includes the following components in the solution:

  • water – 160ml;
  • salt – 3 tbsp.

The ingredients should be mixed until the salt is completely dissolved. The jewelry is placed in the solution for 12 hours, then washed under running water.

4. Another easy way to clean gold is to use foil. The products will shine and sparkle. Required:

  • water -1 glass;
  • soda – 2 tbsp.
  • foil.

Place foil on the bottom of the selected container so that it completely covers the surface. You need to mix water and soda, pour it into a container and put decorations in the solution. The cleaning process also continues for 12 hours, after which the gold should be washed and dried with a soft cloth.

Cleaning gold with a matte finish requires special attention.

5. The number of jewelry made using this type of metal is increasing every day. Therefore, the question of how to clean gold at home without damaging the surface is especially relevant. Accuracy, slowness and delicacy are important here. Powders and brushes cannot be used.

You can use the following solution - ammonia (25% solution). The product is placed in it for 2 hours, then washed with water and wiped dry with a soft cloth.

Lime mixed with water is also suitable for cleaning matte gold items. Lime (3-4 g) needs to be mixed with water, add a little soda (1 g), and mix. The mixture should sit for 3 days. Then the products are placed in it for 4 hours. At the end, the gold is washed as usual and dried with a soft towel.

Mechanical cleaning of yellow and red gold products

In some cases, this method is necessary. For example, if none of the proposed methods has any effect and the contamination remains, mechanical action cannot be avoided. It is important to consider that abrasive pastes are not used in this process, especially if products are made with cubic zirconia, since the surface of jewelry and stones is very easily scratched.

  • toothpaste (without additional elements);
  • petrolatum;
  • crushed chalk;
  • laundry soap;
  • water.

All components should be mixed well. The soap should first be grated. The proportions of each substance should be the same. The resulting paste is applied to the product using a soft cloth. Then you need to rinse the gold item to get rid of the Vaseline. At the end, the product is additionally rinsed under water and dried.