How to properly wash compression stockings? How to wear and wash compression stockings and tights: laundry care

Compression garments solve many women's problems. It relieves leg fatigue, relaxes muscles, and relieves pain in diseases of the joints and veins. Any underwear needs care, compression does not fall under the exception. How to wash compression stockings? What care products should I use?

Compression underwear

With the modern pace of life, it is not surprising that women and men suffer from discomfort in their legs. Exposure to stress, fatigue, and constant standing are factors that provoke problems associated with veins. Now it occurs even in young people aged 18-20 years. This is why compression garments were developed. Stockings and tights allow pressure to be smoothly distributed throughout the legs and blood to circulate properly.

Compression stockings can be compared to elastic bandages, and their appearance is no different from standard tights and stockings. Now this type of underwear is very popular among women.

For long-term use, it is important to know how to wash compression stockings for women and men correctly. It is important to follow some recommendations here, because fibers quickly deteriorate under the influence of dust and dirt particles.

Effect of orthopedic stockings against varicose veins

Compression garments help to establish the proper functioning of the venous system, as well as muscle fibers. Special elastic fibers relieve swelling. Due to external pressure, the diameter of the vein decreases, clogged or narrowed vessels open, which eliminates the risk of reverse flow.

An important role in the wearing process is played by the anatomical pressure exerted on the lower limbs. This only indicates that in the ankle area the density or fit should be maximum, and then smoothly decrease towards the silicone rubber. This helps blood circulate properly from the extremities to the heart and back.

It is impossible to completely get rid of them using compression garments; you can only improve their condition. The complex effect is wearing orthopedic stockings and tights along with the main treatment. Doctors strongly recommend that women wear such special underwear, even if there are no varicose veins, that is, for preventive purposes.

Features of compression garments

Most often, compression underwear refers to stockings or tights. They have their own characteristics, which are as follows:

  • knitted material does not allow blood to stagnate and also facilitates the functioning of blood vessels;
  • reduces swelling, relieves leg fatigue due to pressure on different areas;
  • elastic anti-varicose bandages can be replaced with this underwear;
  • beautiful appearance, in which it is difficult to distinguish compression underwear from ordinary tights;
  • no allergic reaction;
  • saturation of the skin with oxygen, no stitches.

Compression stockings are made from microfiber, nylon, cotton or lycra. The effectiveness of this underwear has been proven by both scientists and women who have tried it on themselves.

Washing machine or hand wash

You can wear such underwear for medicinal and preventive purposes. Both cases require long-term wearing. That is why you need to know how to wash them so that they last a long time.

You can do manual and automated washing. There are no specific conditions in this regard. It is important to consider the degree of spin, because excessive exposure harms the fibers.

Washing rules

Stockings with a compression effect can undoubtedly be washed a couple of times a week. There are certain rules that require unquestioning compliance. The further action of the stockings and the effect of wearing them depends on this.

  1. The ideal option for caring for compression garments is hand washing. Before carrying out it, it is better to remove the rings from your fingers to avoid the occurrence of puffs.
  2. Rinsing should be done carefully, without sudden movements.
  3. Under no circumstances should stockings be wrung out or twisted.
  4. For drying, choose a horizontal position, for example, an ironing board works well. You cannot hang underwear with a compression effect, this will lead to deformation.
  5. We exclude ironing. High temperature is harmful, the healing effect disappears, and the tissue deteriorates. Ironed stockings can simply be thrown into the trash.
  6. Bleaching and boiling are also prohibited.
  7. If you have a sewn-in silicone rubber band, you need to wipe it weekly with a cotton pad with an alcohol solution.

You may wonder whether you need to wash your compression stockings every day. No you can not. Frequent exposure to water will spoil the material and the linen will become unusable.


Hand washing causes less damage to fabrics and removes stains better. Such products cannot be washed often, even by hand. If it's time to freshen up your stockings, then you should think about how to carry out the whole process.

To eliminate the risk of fabric fading, distortion of appearance or shape, you need to carefully approach the choice of detergents and washing mode.

By hand, the laundry is washed more thoroughly, while maintaining the compression effect. We carry out delicate, gentle washing, even if the goal is to remove stains. You can use gentle detergents, for example, baby powder.

Rinsing should be slow and smooth, and stain removal should be gentle. Simply wash your clothes and remove dirty stains. But it is more difficult to preserve the properties and effect of the silicone strip, which is located on the inside. As mentioned above, it is advisable to wipe this part of the laundry with an alcohol solution a couple of times a week and try to avoid contact with water during washing.

You shouldn’t resort to washing at the slightest reason; it’s enough to refresh the compression garments when it’s really needed. Such products are not intended for daily walks; they are necessary for treatment or prevention. Therefore, proper careful care is needed.

For convenience, it is advisable to purchase another pair of compression stockings for replacement. While you wash the first pair, you can safely use the second spare.

Approved detergents

Only gentle household chemicals are allowed for use, which includes powders for washing children's clothes. These products are ideal for compression garments.

Is it possible to wash compression stockings with soap? It is possible, but only if it is used for children. You can make a kind of powder from soap by grinding it on a fine grater. But remember that it is used in smaller quantities than powder.

Do not use fabric softener. Its active substances spoil the composition of the fabric, destroy it, and negatively affect the tightening effect.

If you are leaning towards automatic washing, then install the product treatment. Some washing machines even have a hand wash mode. The water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. Turn off the spin function.

Also, compression stockings for women should not be washed together with other things; in particular, you should not mix underwear of different colors. Improper washing can lead to an unpleasant surprise in the form of a damaged set of compression garments.

The main task of compression garments is to provide protection against leg fatigue and prevent the development of varicose veins. This type of underwear is indispensable for people whose daily work involves constantly being on their feet (teachers, doctors, hairdressers, salespeople); whose work involves lifting weights (athletes, builders). Also, similar products are indicated for pregnant women and people with various disorders of the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

The most popular type of compression underwear is stockings and tights, which have a number of features:

The standard period for using compression is on average six months. An important condition for preserving the valuable properties of the product is to care for it correctly.

Caring for stockings and tights

The rather high price of the products is a circumstance that makes knowledge of the basic rules of care essential. In order for the therapeutic effect to last, washing, drying and storage must be done correctly.

The principles of caring for compression hosiery are as follows:

  • high temperatures and other harsh impacts lead to loss of compression properties, so they must be avoided;
  • Ironing and dry cleaning are also excluded;
  • when interacting with compression garments, you must free your hands from rings and bracelets;

Effective washing of knitwear

Since compression products are worn every day, they quickly become dirty. Household dust and exfoliated skin flakes get stuck between the fibers of the material, which leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the therapeutic effect and creates conditions for the development of bacteria.

Due to the regular intensive use of compression hosiery, it must be cleaned regularly.

Liquid soap and shampoo are best suited for washing medical linen. There are also specially created compositions for washing compression knitwear on the market.

It is prohibited to use laundry soap that contains components that have an aggressive effect on the fibers of medical linen. Chlorine-containing solutions are completely excluded.

Caring for the product manually

The water temperature suitable for washing is 30 °C - 40 °C. The washing process involves the following sequence of simple steps:

  • filling a bowl with warm water, diluting detergent in it;
  • soaking the product for about 15 minutes, after which a gentle wash follows (twisting and spinning are excluded);
  • Gently rinsing the laundry, during which the water is changed several times (the use of rinse aid and conditioner is unacceptable).

Using a washing machine

Following the manufacturer's instructions, for washing certain products it is allowed to use automatic washing machines in the “hand wash” or “delicate wash” mode, which provide a water heating temperature of no higher than 40 °C.

The spin function must be disabled. The fact is that even low spin speeds can damage the gimp thread, responsible for the therapeutic effect.

Therapeutic knitwear is washed separately from other clothes. Accordingly, if you take into account the amount of electricity and water consumed, it becomes clear that washing the product by hand is more adequate.

Drying anti-varicose linen is carried out in a room that is easily ventilated. It is unacceptable to dry the product on a radiator or use a hair dryer. Drying compression stockings in direct sunlight is also prohibited.

During the drying process, it is necessary to take into account such an important circumstance as placing the product in a horizontal position. You need to place the laundry on a thick towel, which can be changed after a while to speed up the process.

Drying medical linen in a vertical position is excluded, since this method deforms the frame thread, which will lead to loss of compression properties.

In difficult situations, when a person is forced to wear medical underwear continuously throughout the day, there is a way out of the situation: the product can be washed without removing it from the body. While standing in the shower, you need to lather yourself with liquid soap, rinse the foam under running water, and then use a towel to dry.

Silicone care procedure

Silicone rubber bands found on compression garments are used to enhance hold. Silicone breaks down over time getting tough. The loss of elasticity of silicone will occur faster if it comes into contact with soapy water.

When washing the product, it is advisable to protect the area equipped with silicone rubber from contact with soapy water. This can be done by wrapping it in cling film. To prevent water from rising to the problem area, you can tie it with an elastic band over the film.

Silicone parts should be cared for carefully by wiping them with medical alcohol. For cleaning, use a cotton swab soaked in alcohol. The cleansing procedure should be carried out regularly twice a week.

The service life of the product directly depends on the correctly selected size. The selection of tights and stockings is carried out according to several parameters. It is appropriate to entrust the selection of the exact size to qualified consultants.

If the product is made of compression knitwear is not used daily, you should remember the principles of its storage. To preserve the healing properties of the linen, the room temperature should not exceed +25°C. It is also advisable to store the product in a dark and dry place.

Based on the need for prolonged wear and daily washing of medical underwear, it is appropriate to recommend purchasing two identical products at the same time. The ability to alternate one product with another will allow you to organize the washing and drying process smoothly.

The set of rules for caring for compression stockings seems complicated at first. A few days after purchasing the product, all actions will become familiar and will be performed automatically.

Attention, TODAY only!

Compression knitwear is used for therapeutic and preventive purposes. Patients often have to wear such products for quite a long time.

Since such products are expensive, their owners want to preserve their appearance and effectiveness for as long as possible. To do this, you should know important points about caring for knitwear. Therefore, let's talk about what and how to wash compression underwear, as well as why it can deteriorate without washing.

- knitwear products characterized by a special therapeutic effect due to calculated and dosed pressure on the venous vessels of the legs.

In fact, they form a kind of “framework”, which helps normalize blood flow and prevents the formation of stagnation.

Knitwear is an effective means of treating and preventing varicose veins

Reference. It is used for other pathologies of the venous system for treatment and prevention.

Medical underwear is made from nylon, cotton, microfiber and lycra fibers, which have good elasticity.

There are no seams in the products. Knitwear is hypoallergenic, hygroscopic and pleasant to the touch.

The healing properties are achieved through special processing of the fabric using the latest technologies.

Today there is a wide range of : stockings, leggings, knee socks, tights, sleeves, etc.

Types of compression knitwear

In addition, the products also differ in the degree of pressure created. In total, there are 4 compression classes, each of which has its own purpose.

Therefore, in order to make the right choice among all the variety, you should turn to ,who will assess the condition of the venous vessels and, based on this, give all the necessary recommendations.

Having briefly familiarized ourselves with the basic information about medical underwear, we will examine the question of how to wash compression stockings.

How to wash compression garments

Can compression stockings be washed? Not only is it possible, but it is also necessary. Like any other linen, it is necessary to clean it when it gets dirty, but at least once every few days.

Reference. It is necessary to wash by hand; machine washing is still undesirable, although some manufacturers indicate this possibility (always on a delicate cycle without spinning).

You should also pay attention to how to wash compression stockings. You need to choose a gentle liquid composition, for example, gel for washing delicate items or liquid baby soap.

The wash looks like this:

It is preferable to wash compression garments by hand.

  • fill a basin (preferably with more) water, the temperature of which should be 40C;
  • dissolve the detergent;
  • the product needs to be washed carefully, without strong friction, twisting and squeezing;
  • rinse carefully, without completely removing the wet item from the basin, so that the liquid does not stretch the material;
  • squeeze out gently, without twisting into a rope.

After washing, stockings are dried only horizontally!

It is better to lay a terry towel and lay out the products on it.

After drying, the linen is ready to wear (do not iron it).

Important! When washing, it is important to protect the silicone strips from water; they will stick well if you wipe them with a cotton cloth soaked in alcohol.

Why medical linen can deteriorate without washing

Compression garments require special care

When caring for such products, you should clearly understand that These are not just ordinary tights or knee socks, or underwear with a special weave of threads.

Before washing compression tights, worrying about their quality after such manipulations, it is worth finding out what happens to laundry without washing?.

With daily use of stockings, they quickly become soiled.

The structure of the material is clogged with dust, small debris, and particles of the epidermis.

This leads to disruption of the structure of the product itself, and possibly deformation, which reduces the effectiveness of its impact.

Therefore, proper care of knee socks or stockings will not only increase their service life, but will also maintain their effectiveness throughout the entire time they are worn.


Medical underwear is part of the complex treatment of diseases of the venous system. Created using the latest technology, they are very effective in the treatment and prevention of such ailments.

Considering the fact that such products need to be worn for quite a long time, it is worth knowing how to properly wash compression stockings and why it should be done.

The discomfort associated with tired legs is familiar to both men and women. As a rule, varicose veins and other diseases of the lower extremities are a common problem for those who, by the nature of their profession, are forced to spend a lot of time on their feet or carry heavy loads. These are mainly sellers and hairdressers. During pregnancy, many women notice the appearance of varicose veins on their legs. It is in order to prevent the development of this formidable and unpleasant disease that compression stockings are needed. Any linen needs care. So how do you wash compression stockings?

What you need to know about compression hosiery?

Indications for wearing compression hosiery are the appearance of swelling, spider veins, and pregnancy. Moreover, recently such products have been recommended not only as therapeutic underwear, but also for prevention, not only for women, but also for men. The special effect that compression stockings have is that they reduce the load on the lower limbs. Hygienic care of therapeutic underwear is necessary, but how often should you wash compression stockings? Experts recommend doing this daily.

So, stockings are especially relevant for those who are likely to develop thrombophlebitis and have damage to the capillaries of the lower vessels. Stockings also have a pleasant external effect. How to wash compression hosiery, because they make your legs slimmer and more attractive. There is one nuance that needs to be taken into account when choosing compression hosiery. It is better to make such a purchase at a pharmacy or in a special shopping center. The products need to be washed daily, so it is better to buy two pairs at once.

Types of compression garments

Today, opinions about compression garments are very different, however, the use of bandages that exert pressure has a long and successful use. The essence of this therapy is the distribution of pressure in different parts of the limbs. The maximum impact is on the area around the ankle. The fact is that when the leg moves, this area is subjected to maximum force. As blood pressure rises, and, consequently, the load on the vessels begins to decrease. Stockings support blood vessels and prevent blood stagnation and prevent the development of swelling.

Therefore, thanks to stockings, blood circulates normally through the vessels and does not stagnate anywhere. If you do not wear the right underwear, then over time you will have to treat varicose veins and other diseases. I am also interested in one more question: is it possible to wash compression stockings? However, the indications for wearing stockings are varicose veins and their prevention.

Knitwear with a compression effect can be divided into several types:

  • Knee socks;
  • Rukova;
  • Tights;
  • Tights;
  • Stockings;
  • Bandages.

The big advantage of knitwear is its versatility and the absence of serious contraindications. Compression garments can be worn instead of regular ones. How to wash compression socks if you choose this type of product? Very carefully and neatly. So, it is divided into: therapeutic and preventive. Therefore, you can choose it for both a pregnant woman and a person suffering from a disease that requires wearing compression garments.

What material are compression garments made from?

In order to understand how to wash stockings, you need to clarify their composition. Compression garments contain natural cotton, nylon fibers, microfiber and lycra. Thanks to such components, it is durable, elastic, seamless and completely hypoallergenic. It is very pleasant to the touch and at the same time “breathes”. If you properly care for your laundry, it will retain its beneficial qualities for almost six months. However, this composition requires frequent washing.

How to choose the right medical underwear?

The most popular are tights and stockings. It is especially often chosen by women during pregnancy. When choosing tights and stockings, you should pay attention to the size and length. It is very important that they fit tightly around the legs and end at the waist. An equally important question is how to properly wash compression stockings so that they retain their beneficial properties for as long as possible? However, tights that are too small or too large will not have the desired therapeutic effect.

According to expert phlebologists, stockings and tights should be easy to remove, but they need to be put on with little effort in order to distribute them along the entire length of the leg. The use of therapeutic underwear can be combined with ointments and creams for varicose veins. In addition, you should not forget to wash it after returning home after work. However, tights and stockings should be comfortable first and foremost. There is one more nuance. The density of linen is indicated not in denies, but in mm Hg and an indication of the degree of compression of the product.

How to wash compression garments

Most patients are interested in whether it is possible. It is possible and even necessary. But you need to do it correctly:

  • Automatic washing machine. How to wash compression tights is a common concern. You need to use gentle household chemicals. It is better to choose powders for baby clothes.
  • When choosing this method of washing clothes, you need to use a delicate or hand wash mode, at a temperature of no more than 40 C. Spin cannot be used in this case.
  • How to wash compression stockings? The safest way to wash items is by hand. When washing, do not use aggressive powders. It is better to limit yourself to baby powder or soap (by the way, this is also true for automatic washing machines);
  • Fabric softener cannot be used;
  • You need to rinse very carefully without sudden movements;
  • How to wash compression items so they don't lose their shape? Do not squeeze;
  • In order to avoid deformation, wet tights are dried in a horizontal position, for example, on an ironing board, with a terry towel underneath.

We found out how to wash compression stockings correctly so that their beneficial properties are preserved for as long as possible.

Compression stockings restore blood circulation; they apply compression to the veins, reducing swelling. This knitwear increases the outflow of venous blood.

Knowing how to wash compression stockings correctly will extend their lifespan. Proper care of the medicinal product will restore elasticity. Washing will remove accumulated oils and sweat, which lead to rapid wear and tear of the fabric. Washing also prevents bacteria from accumulating.


The most common question doctors hear from patients is how often to wash compression stockings.

The effectiveness of the medical procedure depends on proper care, and also extends the life of the item.

This knitwear reduces the load on the lower limbs, that is, it is therapeutic, and therefore does not cost as much.

Compression socks should be washed daily, so you should buy several pairs at once and wear them alternately.

Stockings are washed as needed. Of course, you can’t put them in the machine twice a day. But you can’t wait until the end of the week to do laundry either.


How to wash compression stockings? This procedure can be performed not only with special means depending on the fabric, but also with baby laundry detergent or soap.

Do not use whitening gels or powders. Manufacturers also do not recommend buying stain removers for tights if stains that are difficult to remove appear. All stains are removed using delicate products that do not contain chloride compounds.

It is advisable to use detergents . Powdered ones may not rinse well and clog the fibers, which will make the medicinal product less effective.

A quality detergent for washing compression stockings should contain only natural ingredients.

For these products you can use Tide, products from the well-known company Amway, Ushasty Nyan, Nasha Mama gel, Claire, Sadosan, shampoos for wool and silk.


Silicone stockings must be washed by hand and should not be placed in an automatic washing machine. Before the procedure, you need to tie the top of the stocking with fabric or strong thread and tighten it tightly. Try not to wet the fabric located above the waist.

How to wash compression garments without silicone inserts?Such products can be completely placed in a basin and not be afraid.

First, look at the label to find out what temperature the water should be.

Cotton products contain 60% cotton, 35% lycra elastane and 5% polyamide. The optimal washing temperature is 40 degrees. Hot water should not be poured in because it will thin out the fibers of the fabric.

Wool, bamboo, microfiber and nylon compression tights are washed at a temperature of 30–35 degrees. Do not initially remove dirt in warm water and rinse in cold water.

How to wash compression tights by hand - instructions:

  1. Fill the bathtub or basin with water at the desired temperature.
  2. Pour the gel product into the dispenser. Soak compression stockings in warm liquid. While they are in the water, gently scrub each sock. Massage the fabric with your fingers and palms, do not squeeze or rub too hard. Do not stretch compression socks. This can cause them to become distorted and may become too long or too loose. The process takes only a few minutes.
  3. After you have washed your tights properly, drain the soapy water and add clean water. Rinse the compression stockings several times.

After rinsing, remove the product from the water and gently squeeze it with your hands. Remove excess moisture, but do not curl. Send the item to dry.


Can compression stockings be washed in a washing machine? This is one of the most frequently asked questions, because most women now have such units.

Why wash by hand when you can simplify the whole process and do other housework while doing it.

Anti-varicose underwear should not be placed in the washing machine with other clothes. You can wash it with nylon tights and socks.

How to wash in:

  1. Wipe the drum of the machine and remove foreign objects.
  2. Place the laundry in the spinner, set to the delicate cycle and add detergent.
  3. The water temperature is determined depending on the type of fabric (see section “Hand wash”).
  4. Such things cannot be wrung out in an automatic device. Even low speeds can lead to stretching of the carcass threads or even breaking them. They are the ones who provide the compression effect.
  5. Tumble drying should also not be used.
  6. If there is an extra rinse function, use it. The better the item is rinsed, the longer it will last and the better its healing effect.

After washing, do not leave the item in the drum for a long time; moisture also affects the quality of compression products.


Proper care of compression stockings involves not only washing, but also drying. This stage is no less important, since if it is carried out incorrectly, you can simply throw out the laundry.


  1. Do not leave the item on the radiator, and do not expose the stockings to direct sunlight, as sunlight can also damage the fibers. The product is dried in a cool room. This will prevent the fibers from breaking.
  2. Do not hang it on a clothesline or throw it over a bar. They stretch under their own weight due to excess water. Do not use clothespins or twist laundry. Instead, lay the product on a terry towel on a flat surface.
  3. Do not use a hair dryer.
  4. To make drying faster, constantly change towels with dry cloth.
  5. The room where washed stockings are dried must be well ventilated, otherwise the product will stink.

This is the last step in washing anti-varicose linen. Only if the procedure is carried out correctly will it be possible to avoid deformation and modification of the stockings.

Knowing how to properly wash compression stockings will extend their service life and increase the effectiveness of the treatment procedure.

You should also familiarize yourself with some other care rules.

Additional tips:

  1. Do not use fabric softener or detergent. This is bad for compression.
  2. Do not use cold or hot water. Using cold water, oils and dirt embedded in the fibers are not washed out. Hot liquid can damage the fabric and even leave stains.
  3. Read the manufacturer's label for more information on proper washing.
  4. Do not place the item in the dryer unless the label clearly instructs. High temperatures can cause shrinkage and also damage the fibers, causing compression to be lost. But some brands like Juzo recommend compression stockings to get them back into proper shape.
  5. If the treatment takes a long time, purchase two pairs of underwear, so they will last longer.
  6. After drying, do not put the product on your feet immediately. Insert your hands inside and slightly stretch the material, only then put it on your feet. This action will not cause the fibers to break.
  7. When equipping products with silicone inserts, do not use soapy water and wash them daily. Silicone is destroyed by soap and sebum residue. It becomes hard and brittle, and also loses elasticity. Such inserts are cleaned two to three times a week using medical alcohol. Do not use nail polish remover to degrease.
  8. Caring for knitted tights with a compression effect also involves putting the product on correctly.
  9. You cannot boil or iron such things.

To ensure that tights last longer, buy only from trusted manufacturers. Brands such as Bauerfeind, Medi, Sigvaris have proven themselves well.

Do not buy lingerie from an online store for the first time. First, buy from a trusted manufacturer, you need to choose the size and make sure that it suits you.

The aesthetic appearance of tights and stockings, as well as the therapeutic effect, can be extended if you properly care for them.

Now every housewife knows how to wash compression jersey. If you follow the rules of washing and drying, it is very difficult to ruin an item.