How to make decorative candles for your home burn long and evenly. How to extend the life of scented candles Why you need to do it

How to easily light a candle in a deep glass? And why can't you blow out the candle? 6 secrets on how to handle your favorite candles to enjoy every second!

1. If you are lighting a paraffin or vegetable wax candle, let it burn longer the first time, at least an hour: this will allow the wax to melt evenly and avoid forming a hole near the wick. – very tender, they begin to melt immediately and evenly.

2. Before lighting a candle, be sure to trim the wick: this way you will avoid an unpleasant smell in the first moments. It is the decayed wick that distorts the smell of your favorite candle and creates soot.

3. If the candle crackles, the wick does not burn, but smokes and chars, the candle must be extinguished and the wick trimmed. You can do this with a special wick trimmer. By the way, you can buy this one

5. If you light, be sure to open the window: inhaling saturated ones is dangerous to health.

6. Sometimes it is difficult to light a candle in a deep glass: if the candle is not new, it can be difficult to reach the wick. In this case, special matches for candles (they are much longer than usual) and a candle lighter with a long nozzle will come to the rescue.

Romantic dinner. Intimate candlelight dances seductively on the walls. On the table there is wine and the best snacks for it: brie or camembert, jamon or prosciutto. And only one thing spoils this perfect evening - the soot, which involuntarily wrinkles your nose. In this article you will find out whysmoke candles, as well as ways to get rid of this unpleasant process.

Why candles smoke - the main reasons

Soot is an immutable combustion product that is formed as a result of incomplete decomposition of carbons.

A candle flame can become smoky for several reasons. Firstly, there is a violation of the distance between the wick and the wax: the candle is not able to flare up to the required level. As a result, the fire does not have time to process all the products into heat, but at the same time the carbons turn into a gaseous substance, which then settles on the walls of the candle, windows, the wonderful food on your table and even in your lungs.

If you are a fan of romantic dinners with candles, then be sure to get rid of the soot. Otherwise, it may negatively affect your health. After all, inhaling soot can be compared to smoking.

How to get rid of soot

So you found out why candles are smoked. How to get rid of soot?

Burning candles just need to be used correctly. If you love candle lighting, then spending a few minutes will not be a problem for you. You can turn the process of preparing candles into a kind of ritual, which will invariably mean that tonight will be pleasant.

So, if you decide to use candles, be sure to follow a few rules.

To prevent the candle from smoking, eliminate drafts

If the candle fire is exposed to a breath of air, then a non-optimal amount of wax or paraffin gets into the wick. When there is not enough of it, the fire goes out, and if there is too much, it flares up more, but even then it is not able to process all the carbons.

Remember how many times you have noticed that the fire becomes smokier in the wind. A fire during a trip to the mountains or a barbecue can also create a lot of smoke.

Use candle cylinders or vases correctly

If you cannot get rid of drafts, then the ideal solution would be to use a special vase for a candle. As the candle burns, the wax burns as well. The column gets lower and lower, and now the wick is already at the very bottom of the cylinder. The fire may seem well protected from drafts, but to burn it requires oxygen, which cannot get through the open part of the cylinder, since warm air from the candle rises.

Because of this struggle, the flame on the wick begins to dance and emit soot. Therefore, use cylinders and vases that have holes on the sides, or place objects under them so that the candle air can get through the bottom (suitable for cylinders with an open base).

If you can’t lift the cylinder because it has a closed base, buy special covers that normalize the oxygen supply to the burning candle.

Trim the wick

To ensure your candle burns properly, trim its wick so that it rises no more than 6 millimeters above the wax. This way the wick will no longer bend into an “L” shape. A burning candle will produce an even and pleasant light, and the fire will be under control - not dancing or smoking.

Do not light candles for a short time

In cases where you need light from a candle for a short time, do not put out the fire immediately. Wait until the top layer of wax has completely melted. Fact: this way the candle will last longer.

Otherwise, the wick will move down in relation to the top layer of wax or paraffin. Then a large volume of the candle will remain unused, and it will be more difficult to get air to the fire. And, as a result, the candle will begin to smoke.

Use candles with multiple wicks

Candles with 3 wicks can melt wax quickly. They use more paraffin or wax, so it's harder to make their fire dance and produce soot. Wide candles with one wick may look beautiful, but they will definitely smoke, since a small flame is not able to cope with so much wax.

Don't blow out the candles

Notice how the candle smokes after you blow it out? This is soot. In order to extinguish a candle, it is better to use special caps, with the help of which the fire will go out without emitting smoke.

Buy only quality candles

If all the specified conditions are met, but the candle still smokes, it means it is made of low-quality wax or paraffin. Now there are many options for making homemade candles - there are dozens of instructions on the Internet. However, simply following these steps will not make you a candle maker. A quality candle does not have to be expensive. Moreover, now there are more modern types of candles that practically do not smoke. For example, you can in our store. With loose candles, you control the level of wax and wick yourself. You will have at your disposal a long-burning candle that is practically incapable of smoking.

How do you light a candle and handle it while it burns? Ever wondered? Many people do not have the slightest idea how to make the most of the purchased candle. It turns out that all you need to do is follow just five simple tips.

1. Trim the wick

First of all, do not forget to trim the wick, as on the right candle

Don't be lazy, do this every time you are going to light a new candle.

How to do it?

Trim the wick so that the length of its visible part is no more than 6 millimeters. To do this, you can use regular scissors, nail clippers, or a special trimmer to trim the candle wick. It doesn't matter what exactly you choose.

By the way, it is most convenient to light with long matches.

Why do you need to do this?

Firstly, the candle flame will be much brighter and more beautiful. If you don't trim the wick, the flame will likely take on a weird mushroom shape, which will make it look dimmer and fuzzier.

The difference is immediately visible

Secondly, an overly long wick is the main cause of those disgusting soot stains that are clearly visible on glass candlesticks. Shortening the wick will help keep the flame under control and prevent these spots from appearing.

Don't want your candlestick to look like this? Trim the wick!

2. Allow the wax to completely melt

Once you have lit the candle, do not extinguish it until the top layer of wax has completely melted. This may take several hours. If you are not willing to wait that long, it is better not to light the candle at all.

Why is this necessary?

If you don't let the wax melt completely, it will create a hole or a crater. The wick will drop lower and lower, as if a tunnel is forming in the center of the candle. This is what it looks like.

Eventually the hole will be so deep that you will hardly be able to light the candle again. It will be too difficult to reach the wick. More importantly, all this unmelted wax on the walls of the candlestick represents several hours of enjoying the pleasant aroma and light from the candle flame, which you paid for, but will no longer be able to use.

Yes, this requires patience. But if every time you light a candle, you allow the wax to completely melt, then the surface of the candle will remain smooth and the walls of the candle holder will remain clean. And they will be like this all the time until the candle is actually used up.

And appreciate the difference again

3. Buy candles with multiple wicks

It is quite difficult to find time for the candle to melt as described in the previous paragraph.

What to do?

Buy a candle with two or three wicks. The more flames, the more heat and the faster the candle will melt.

Pay attention to one fact. Very wide single-wick candles should be avoided. The heat from one wick is clearly not enough to completely melt the entire candle.

4. Protect the candle flame from air currents

Try your best to ensure that the burning candle is far enough away from fans, open windows, or areas where large numbers of people pass frequently.

Air currents can affect the candle flame, causing even more unsightly dark marks to appear on the walls of the glass candle holder.

On the left side of the candle the wall is dirty due to flame fluctuations

5. Don't blow out the candle

To put out a candle, cover it with some kind of lid, but do not blow it out (unless, of course, it is a candle from your birthday cake). This way you can avoid unpleasant odors.

Now you are ready. Use candles like the professionals do, save money and effort, and fully enjoy the candles you purchase.

Candles are as constant a participant in New Year’s Eve as a garland, Olivier salad and the hundredth viewing of “The Irony of Fate...”. But really beautiful holiday specimens can “drag in” so much that it’s a pity to even light them up. But manufacturers of wax accessories hide one trick that will make the candles burn twice as long. And that's the minimum!

Candles in the house create a special festive coziness and mood. But all good things come to an end. In this case, very quickly. To extend the life of candles twice, or even more, use three little tricks.

Trick #1: Cold is a friend to fire

First, before you light your candles, be sure to place them in the freezer. At least for an hour and a half. Frozen wax will thicken and burn much longer. This trick alone almost doubles the life of the candle. Especially if you freeze it before each use.

Trick #2: Trim the wick

It turns out that the longer the wick, the faster the candle burns. This is such a paradox. Therefore, all lovers of high-quality candles know the golden rule: the wick should rise above the wax by no more than 1 cm. Cut off any excess without hesitation. Use nail scissors - it’s more convenient.

Trick #3: Give it time!

Another paradox: to make a candle last longer, let it burn longer. At least for the first time. And all because the top layer of wax must melt evenly. If this does not happen, a “tunnel” will form in the middle, the wick will sink and the candle will quickly lose its presentable appearance. Don't know how long to give the candle its first burn? You'll have to practice some math: in 1 hour, approximately 4 cm of the diameter burns. So a candle with a diameter of 8 cm should not be extinguished for at least 2 hours, 12 cm - 3 hours, and then according to the same formula.