What vitamins a man needs and how to take them. The best vitamins for men according to customer reviews What vitamins should men take after 50 years of age?

There are several reasons why vitamins are vital for all men over 50. The main reason, without a doubt, is age, and also the “imprint” on a person’s condition is left by lifestyle, addiction to bad habits, heavy physical and mental stress.

When the inner feeling of youth and freshness is in no way combined with the reflection in the mirror, it is worth resorting to the help of drugs that can increase tone and stop age-related changes in the body.

Useful material

For men aged 50, as well as at 55 – 60 years old, the following vitamins are needed to ensure intensive metabolism and which better cope with the restoration of strength during mental and physical stress.

Vitamin A (retinol)

Vitamin complexes should contain high concentrations of retinol. Vitamin A is beneficial for the organs of vision, and also has a positive effect on the skin, eliminates dryness, and increases elasticity. When used correctly, it will help cope with viral and colds.

B vitamins

If you have already turned fifty, then a person simply needs to take complexes that contain vitamins of this group. They strengthen the nervous system and increase stress resistance.

Each component of the group affects men in different ways:

  • B1 (thiamine) - tones the body, slows down the aging process in cells. It can be part of a combination drug or taken separately as a means of accelerating vasomotor reactions.
  • B2 (riboflavin) - regulates the functions of the human nervous system, promotes the production of antibodies and red blood cells. Improves color perception and adaptation in dark or dimly lit rooms.
  • B3 (PP), nicotinic acid - affects the functioning of the digestive organs, allowing the mucous membranes to be maintained in normal condition. Accelerates the work of the pancreas and thyroid gland.
  • B5 (pantothenic acid) - responsible for the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. The substance is synthesized into pantethine, without which oxidation processes are impossible.
  • B6 (pyridoxine) - “accelerates” metabolism and metabolism, improves urine flow, prevents the accumulation of sand in the kidneys, is used in the treatment of urolithiasis.
  • B9 (Folic acid) - participates in blood synthesis, enhances the production of red blood cells (erythrocytes), has an antitumor effect, and prevents the development of malignant tumors.
  • B12 (cyanocobalamin) - improves the functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, thereby normalizing digestion, and also participates in the synthesis of amino acids and hematopoiesis.
  • B15 (pangamic acid) - stimulates blood flow to tissues, improves oxygen absorption, lowers blood pressure.
  • B17 (amygdalin) - selectively acts on cells; from a chemical point of view, it is considered an ideal compound, since it “kills” cancer cells and “does not touch” healthy ones.

Vitamin E (tocopherol)

Men's vitamin complexes must necessarily contain this substance, since it is considered a powerful antioxidant. A natural component that slows down the aging process of cells. It is necessary to consume tocopherol in increased dosage; it will help preserve the beauty of the skin, maintain its firmness and elasticity. Good for both external and internal use, as it helps smooth out wrinkles.

Participates in all biochemical processes, and also improves the qualitative and quantitative indicators of sperm.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

Multivitamins containing ascorbic acid in high concentrations are aimed at:

  1. Stimulation of immune system activity.
  2. Elimination of signs of chronic fatigue.
  3. Increasing resistance to viruses, colds and chronic infectious diseases.
  4. Improves gum condition.

Ascorbic acid does not accumulate in the body, for this reason a person must consume a sufficient amount of this vitamin per day.

Vitamin D

It is considered special because it is synthesized in cells under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. It participates in metabolic processes and improves calcium absorption. Good for nails, hair, teeth and bones.

Vitamins for men aged 50 years or more should also contain this substance because it has an antitumor effect. Acts as a prophylactic agent used in the treatment of colon or rectal cancer.

Vitamin K

This vitamin helps with:

  • absorption of calcium;
  • responsible for protein synthesis in the connective tissues of internal organs (heart, kidneys and lungs);
  • improves the condition of bone tissue, including teeth.

This is an important element involved in various biochemical processes.

Vitamin N (lipoic acid)

Lipoic acid is considered a complex chemical compound that is involved in the synthesis of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The element affects the production of cholesterol and improves liver function. Often used for poisoning with heavy metal salts and other forms of intoxication.

Vitamin H (biotin)

Stimulates and improves the functional ability of the pancreas, participates in the production of insulin and carbohydrate metabolism. Due to this, it allows you to speed up metabolism and the production of the pancreatic hormone (insulin). The substance also takes part in the production of glucokinase.

Indications for use

There are a number of conditions in which a man, unfortunately, cannot do without the support of vitamins. Direct indications include:

  1. A sharp decrease in the activity of the human immune system.
  2. General deterioration in health associated with heavy physical or mental stress on the body.
  3. The appearance of chronic fatigue syndrome, which cannot be eliminated.
  4. Bad habits, addiction to alcohol, nicotine and other (prohibited) substances.
  5. The first signs of aging have appeared, which are disturbing and cause discomfort on a psychological level.
  6. The quality of intimate relationships has decreased, prostatitis or problems with potency are troubling.
  7. Excess weight has appeared (due to poor nutrition or hormonal changes in the body).
  8. Significant reduction in testosterone production.
  9. There are health problems, untreated chronic diseases of the reproductive system.

Over the years, the body wears out, no matter how “carefully” it is treated. By the age of 50, there is a sharp decrease in metabolic processes, they slow down, and a man begins to age faster. In women, similar changes occur after 40–45 years.

With the help of vitamin complexes you can slow down the natural aging processes in the body. Because the preparations contain components that are considered antioxidants and substances of natural origin.

Names of vitamin complexes

If it is difficult to figure out which vitamin complexes to take on your own, then you can resort to the help of a rating. It contains the names of vitamins for men over 50 years of age, which have positive reviews from doctors and from those who took them.

Because today there are many offers on the pharmacological market. A brief description of the properties will help you understand which effective and inexpensive vitamins are best to buy and make the right choice.

Dietary supplement containing about 35 useful substances (vitamins and minerals). It helps men who suffer from high intoxication. They are addicted to drinking alcohol, have other bad habits, live in areas with unfavorable ecology or work in hazardous industries.

The complex operates as follows:

  • cleanses the body of toxins;
  • increases performance and endurance;
  • improves immunity;
  • tones, adds energy and strength.

A drug well known to many representatives of the stronger sex that affects the state of the body as a whole, in particular the functioning of the reproductive system and its organs.

A special feature of the product is the division into elements that enhance each other’s effects. This makes it easier to absorb nutrients. The vitamin complex can be used as a preventive measure to strengthen bone tissue, reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis and problems with potency.

It is especially popular among men leading an active lifestyle. Duovit affects the body of the stronger sex as follows:

  1. Increases stress resistance.
  2. Improves emotional state.
  3. Strengthens the protective functions of cells.
  4. Restores sexual activity.
  5. Relieves fatigue.

Ideal for those people who are not used to “sitting in one place” and are always on the move. This fact explains the popularity of the product among men over 50 years of age.

They have a complex effect on human health. They help cope well with fatigue, stress, are suitable for emotionally unstable individuals, and in addition:

  • improve the immune system;
  • influence the process of spermatogenesis;
  • stimulate the prostate;
  • slow down the process of plaque formation on blood vessels;
  • reduce susceptibility to infections.

Since the complex is considered highly effective and is produced in the USA, this affects its cost.

Familiar to many Russians, despite the price, this medicine is successfully sold in pharmacies due to its well-combined composition.

Contains 30 elements necessary for the body, which are:

  1. Improves the condition of the body.
  2. Restore immunity.
  3. Removes toxins.
  4. Stimulates the activity of the organs of the reproductive system.

Vitrum Century is often used after chemotherapy to speed up the recovery process.

It is considered a drug that improves not only well-being, but also brain function. The product contains ginseng root, which has both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

When used as a course, the product reduces fatigue, tones, and allows you to cope with overwork, stress and their consequences. Normalizes regenerative processes in cells, due to which it is possible to “slow down” natural age-related changes.

The drug is positioned as specially designed for the elderly. Because it contains all the necessary elements.

Helps improve performance, increases susceptibility to stress, affects the state of the nervous system, and normalizes sleep. If the medication is taken on a long-term basis, it stimulates metabolic processes in tissues.

Another medicine with good characteristics, which is intended specifically for the above age group. A special feature is the influence of the components on the functioning of the central nervous system.

Reduces the risk of developing atherosclerotic changes, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, increases resistance to infections. It also takes into account all the needs of the consumer group. With a course of treatment, the risk of developing cancer is significantly reduced.


Cost of complex vitamins for men, list in table form:

Contraindications and side effects

For men over the age of 50, taking vitamin supplements can result in unexpected consequences. It is not recommended to take complexes if there are contraindications. These include:

  • individual intolerance to the components included in the composition, hypersensitivity;
  • disorders of the liver or kidneys (severe renal or liver failure);
  • heart and vascular diseases (atherosclerosis or deep vein thrombosis, severe arterial hypertension in an uncompensated state);
  • disruption of blood flow to the brain, significant decrease in mental and mental stability (only after consultation with a doctor).

Updated: 12/05/2019

All existing vitamins and minerals are necessary for both males and females, since the physiological processes occurring in the organisms are the same. But their frequency and intensity are different. Accordingly, the need for vitamins that are involved in these reactions is not the same for men and women. Many pharmacological companies take this important point into account and produce separate vitamin complexes, the composition of which is designed taking into account the physiological needs of the male body. How to choose an optimally balanced product among a wide range of products? Our rating of vitamins for men will help you make your choice.

The best vitamins for men

The best vitamins for men must contain the following beneficial compounds.

  • B vitamins. Participate in the absorption of protein foods and the construction of the muscle frame, the synthesis of sex hormones. Folic acid (vitamin B9) has a beneficial effect on the ability to conceive.
  • Vitamins A and E. Activate the production of the male sex hormone testosterone and, accordingly, maintain potency. They are powerful antioxidants and slow down the aging process.
  • Vitamin C. Another antioxidant that protects cells from the negative effects of free radicals. Vitamin C also eliminates fragility and increases the elasticity of vascular walls, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, heart and vascular diseases. In addition, ascorbic acid improves immunity and prevents frequent respiratory viral infections.
  • Vitamin H (biotin). Responsible for maintaining male beauty - ensures healthy skin and nails, prevents baldness.
  • Lipoic acid (vitamin N). Helps maintain liver health, necessary primarily for men who smoke and those who occasionally drink alcohol.
  • Vitamin D. In a young body, it is synthesized independently, but with age, the production of the vitamin decreases, which is why calcium and phosphorus are less absorbed. The result can be the development of osteoporosis and rapid tooth decay. Complex vitamins for men, which include vitamin D, will help fill vitamin D deficiency and prevent unwanted problems.

Rating of the best vitamins for men

Rating #1 #2 #3
Complex composition
Effective action Ease of reception Popularity manufacturer Availability in the pharmacy network

The vitamin-mineral complex contains: vitamins – A, E, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, D, K, H; minerals - magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, magnesium, iodine, calcium, selenium, nickel, copper, chromium, molybdenum, nickel, boron, silicon, vanadium. The product is recommended for the prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis in men over 50 years of age, after severe long-term infections and complex treatment of chronic diseases.

The vitamin complex helps strengthen the immune system, helps prevent the development of age-related diseases - diabetes, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke.

  • Improves overall well-being and increases performance.
  • Does not cause adverse reactions.
  • Convenient to use - one tablet per day.
  • Not available everywhere.
  • High cost - about 650 rubles (pack of 30 capsules).

The plant-based product contains extracts of maral antlers, eurycoma, yohimbe, ginger, as well as vitamin E, nicotinamide and zinc. The combination of active components stimulates the production of testosterone, improves reproductive function and increases potency.

In rare cases, allergic reactions may occur while taking the drug. Application: a dessert spoon of liquid concentrate or a capsule per day for 15 days.

The liquid concentrate is diluted in a glass of any liquid (juice, tea, coffee, water). The medicine is taken with meals.

  • Significantly improves male sexual function and increases testosterone levels.
  • May cause increased heart rate, confusion, tremors, and increases blood pressure.
  • There was a review that after taking the drug, the patient’s blood pressure suddenly and strongly increased, they had to call an ambulance, and the doctors diagnosed a mini-stroke.
  • High cost - 500–550 rubles (pack of 15 capsules).

The complex for men contains: 13 vitamins (A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, E, D, K, H, PP); 9 minerals (magnesium and manganese, iron and copper, zinc, iodine and selenium, chromium, calcium); carotenoids; organic acids; Eleutherococcus extract. All contained components are divided into three types of tablets: for morning, afternoon and evening use.

A complex of vitamins and minerals stimulates mental and physical activity, helps maintain normal functioning of the reproductive system. In case of individual intolerance to the components, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, increased nervous excitability and sleep disorders, arterial hypertension, the drug should not be taken.

In rare cases (in case of intolerance to one of the components), allergic reactions may occur while taking vitamins.

  • The beneficial components are divided into three different tablets and do not change each other’s bioavailability.
  • Small tablet size.
  • Acceptable cost – 350–370 rubles.
  • Most men did not notice any changes in their well-being after taking it.
  • It’s not very convenient to take - 3 tablets a day.
  • Some people feel nauseous.

One of the vitamin complexes for men from a Slovenian pharmaceutical company. The product contains vitamins A, E, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, D, iodine, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese.

The drug helps replenish the deficiency of missing vitamins and minerals in the body. In case of individual intolerance to the components and under the age of 10 years, the drug is contraindicated.

In rare cases, hypersensitivity reactions may develop while taking the drug.

  • Some patients did not feel the surge of energy and the positive effect of the vitamin complex on their well-being.
  • Large tablet size, hard to swallow.
  • Dyes included.

The capsules contain: 13 vitamins (A, E, C, D, H, H1, PP, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12); 9 minerals (iodine, copper and manganese, chromium and selenium, iron, magnesium, silicon and zinc); amino acids arginine and methionine; carotenoid betacarotene; bioflavonoids; extracts of ginseng roots and dried garlic. The therapeutic effect of Wellman vitamins for men is complex.

The product is recommended for increased physical and mental stress, deterioration of concentration and memory, and fatigue. The complex also accelerates the body’s recovery after serious illnesses and chemotherapy, helps eliminate dizziness, headaches, tinnitus and other unpleasant symptoms that arise from cerebrovascular accidents (especially in older people).

  • An effective multi-component complex - increases performance (easier to wake up in the morning, feels less tired in the evening, activity and vigor throughout the day), helps to recover from severe fatigue, and keeps athletes in good shape.
  • Helps normalize blood pressure during hypotension.
  • The first positive changes are noted within a week after starting treatment.
  • Convenient to take - once a day.
  • Not all patients notice the increase in performance promised by the manufacturer.
  • May cause pressure surges and dizziness.
  • Some people experience nausea and stomach pain, even if taken as directed - with meals.
  • High price - 620 rubles (pack of 30 capsules).


When choosing a vitamin complex, you must take into account your individual needs and characteristics.

  • Age. A young male body (up to 40 years old) needs vitamins A and E, group B. If you have bad habits, you need to pay attention to the presence of lipoic acid in the composition. For men over 40 years old, it is important that the complex, in addition to other vitamins, contains biotin, which supports male beauty and prevents baldness. Those who have celebrated their fiftieth birthday need to buy a product that necessarily contains vitamins B12 and D, since the first is less easily absorbed with age, and the second is synthesized more slowly.
  • Nutritional features. If your diet includes healthy and varied foods, you can choose vitamin complexes with a lower content of vitamins - after all, some of the beneficial compounds enter the body with food. For those who have an unbalanced diet, it is better to give preference to complexes with the maximum content of nutrients.
  • Lifestyle. For athletes, men who lead an active lifestyle or experience constant heavy physical activity, large doses of nutrients are needed.
  • Male characteristics. Men do not require large amounts of iron - an excess of the mineral negatively affects the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. It is better to choose vitamins with the lowest dose of this element. But the need for vitamin E, zinc and selenium in men is higher than in women. These active components increase testosterone production, thereby normalizing reproductive function. In addition, regular intake of these substances helps prevent prostate development.

The pharmaceutical market offers a wide range of vitamin complexes developed taking into account the physiological characteristics and needs of the male body. Each drug has its own purpose: it increases immunity, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the reproductive system, and increases mental and physical performance. Some drugs can cause tachycardia, increase blood pressure and cause other adverse reactions. Therefore, before purchasing the drug, it is better to consult a general practitioner.

Many people believe that only women tend to want to slow down the aging process. However, as practice shows, representatives of the stronger half of humanity also want to remain sexy, attractive, and physically resilient even in old age. In order for their body to function normally, it is necessary to use vitamins for men after 50 years. You can find out which ones are better from your doctor, or you can study some information on your own and make a choice.

Beneficial compounds for men over 50

It is known that all groups of vitamin compounds are divided into water-soluble and fat-soluble. Both are important for maintaining the balance of a man’s body once he reaches 50 years of age. They not only take part in metabolic processes, but also prevent the onset of aging and the leaching of calcium from bone tissue.


Water soluble

Protecting the body from the harmful effects of alcohol and nicotine products, improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system

Bread, potatoes, pork, legumes

Participation in the formation of erythroid cells, antibodies, improvement of night vision, prevention of inhibition of the ability to distinguish colors, regulation of the functioning of nerve cells

Pine nuts, liver, champignons, eggs, spinach, mackerel, chanterelles, goose meat

Maintaining the normal state of the mucous organs of the gastrointestinal tract, improving the functioning of the pancreas and thyroid gland

Peas, peanuts, beans, hazelnuts, oatmeal, chicken, walnuts

Participation in the process of oxidation and metabolism of carbohydrate, lipid, protein compounds

Broccoli, grains, eggs

Promoting increased urination and flushing out stone formations from the renal system

Salmon, tuna, sardine, horseradish, bell pepper, millet, pomegranate, pine nuts, chili pepper, chicken, liver

Prevention of the formation of cancer, participation in the synthesis of erythroid cells

Mushrooms, cabbage, parsley, onions, beets, pumpkin

Stabilization of the functioning of the liver system, normalization of the digestive tract, participation in the production of amino acids, erythroid cells

Liver, eggs, meat, milk, poultry

Decrease in blood pressure, increase in oxygen respiration of cellular components of tissues

Brewer's yeast, wild rice, pumpkin seeds, beans, barley, melon, apricot, peach

Getting rid of arthritis, hypertension, destroying cancer

Apple seeds, watermelon seeds, buckwheat, beans

Strengthening the immune system, preventing gum disease, eliminating inflammatory processes that begin in the tissue components of the body

Rose hips, sweet peppers, black currants, sea buckthorn, strawberries, citrus fruits, cabbage, hot peppers, wild garlic

Fat soluble

Maintaining eye health, improving the condition of the skin, slowing down aging, regulating the production of protein compounds

Carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin, milk, liver, fish oil, cabbage, chicken eggs, chum salmon caviar

Providing antioxidant effects, stimulating the work of “male” organs, increasing the number and activity of sperm

Vegetable oils, nuts, eel, dried apricots, spinach, squid, salmon, mackerel, carrots, hake

Improving the process of calcium absorption, production of protein compounds in tissues, organs, cells, ensuring healthy bones and muscles

Watercress, cucumbers, chili peppers, tomatoes, pears, apples, garlic, bananas, zucchini, poultry, liver, onions

Participation in the production of hormones, preventing the development of prostate and colon cancer, strengthening the cardiovascular system

Produced by exposure to sunlight and found in fish oil

Despite the fact that vitamins important for men after 50 years of age are found in foods, sometimes adjusting the diet is not enough to improve vitality. Then you have to resort to taking pharmaceutical drugs.

Why do men over 50 need nutrients?

The main reasons for starting to use vitamin complexes at the age of 50 years and older are:

  • deterioration in the process of absorption of vitamin compounds by an aging body due to disruption of metabolic processes;
  • a decrease in the level of testosterone elements that affect all “male” aspects of life, that is, the onset of the so-called andropause;
  • no reduction in power and intellectual loads;
  • presence of chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • development of various diseases, their transition to the chronic stage;
  • lack of vitamin elements due to poor nutrition and lack of daily routine.

The best complexes

Pharmacies offer a sufficient number of drugs that can compensate for the lack of vitamin compounds in the body of 50-year-old men. However, before taking them, you should still listen to the advice of doctors to determine which ones are the best, and also independently study the information about them. And yet, only experts can advise which drugs to use in the spring and which in the fall or winter.

"Alphabet 50+"

A complex of vitamins produced by a domestic company. Indicated as a prophylactic agent during the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and bone diseases. Helps maintain “male” strength and health.

Release form

The complex is tableted. The blisters contain three tablets in a row: white, blue, pink. A pack is made up of 30 or more pellets.


The components of the drug are indicated schematically.

Terms of use

Dosage – three tablets daily. However, experts allow the one-time use of three tablets. You can also take the white and blue tablets in the morning, and the pink tablet in the evening. The period of admission is 30 days. Do not use if you have thyroid dysfunction or if you are using drugs containing iodine for therapeutic purposes.


The price is 300 rubles.


Multivitamins, which include not only vitamin and mineral compounds, but also plant extracts. Shown for:

  • sleep disorders;
  • increased morbidity.
  • Release form

    The drug is tableted. The package includes from 10 to 60 tablets.


    The components of the product are indicated schematically.

    How to determine the dosage?

    The product is taken from thirty to sixty days. It is important not to exceed the dosage of one tablet daily. They should be drunk during or after meals with plenty of liquid. They cannot be used for:

    • hypercalcemia;
    • increased amount of iron in the blood;
    • hypertension;
    • sleep disorders;
    • increased irritability;
    • the presence of frequent seizures;
    • allergies.


    The price of the complex is on average 343 rubles.


    The complex is indicated as a remedy for recovery after influenza, ARI, ARVI. It also normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, and improves the condition of iron deficiency anemia.

    Release form

    The complex is available in several versions - effervescent, that is, in tablets that dissolve in water, and liquid, that is, in the form of an elixir. Its dosage is 200 and 500 ml.


    The components of the multivitamin are indicated in a tabular diagram.

    How to use?

    Use either one “fizzy drink” per day or 5 ml of elixir twice a day. It is important not to exceed the dosage. The admission period is four weeks. Cannot be used for:

    • hypercalciuria;
    • insufficiency of the renal system;
    • hypervitaminosis A, D;
    • allergies to drug components;
    • disorders of iron metabolism.


    The average price of the product is 330 rubles.

    "Vitrum Century"

    American vitamins prescribed to strengthen the immune system, recovery after long-term illnesses, radiation therapy, and antibiotic treatment. They are advised to be taken during constant power and intellectual overload.

    Release form

    The complex is offered in capsules. A pack includes from 30 to 120 tablets.

    Active ingredients

    How do you drink it?

    Dosage – one tablet daily for three to four months. Contraindications to its use are the age group under 50 years old, as well as allergies to components.


    The cost is 600 rubles.

    The drug, produced by Canadians, is indicated for increased stress and fatigue syndrome. Helps maintain health, attractiveness, and clarity of mind.

    Release form

    The product is sold in the form of chewable tablets. A pack includes from twenty-five to one hundred “chewing gums.”

    Active ingredients

    Components of the complex:

    • vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, C, E, D, K;
    • minerals: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, zinc, silicon, manganese, chromium, iodine, selenium, molybdenum.

    How is it used?

    Dosage – one tablet daily. Admission period is four weeks. It is prohibited to use the drug for people who do not belong to the age group of 50+, who suffer from cancer or a predisposition to it, as well as those who suffer from a pronounced decrease in the body’s defenses.


    125 dragees cost about 1950 rubles.

    "Complete for men"

    “Complivit” is indicated for men who often suffer from infectious diseases, as well as those who cannot cope with numerous stresses and overloads on their own. It has a restorative and healing effect on the body.

    Release form

    The product is sold in tablet form. One box contains from 10 to 60 capsules.


    The main elements of the tool are shown below.

    How is it used?

    Dosage – one tablet daily. The duration of admission is no more than four weeks. It is important not to use it if you are allergic to any of the components.

    The age of 50 in a man is characterized by certain processes occurring in the body:

    • fatigue increases;
    • immunity weakens;
    • sexual desire decreases;
    • metabolic processes become less intense;
    • nutrients are less readily absorbed from food;
    • andropause syndrome appears.

    Important! Andropause (male menopause) - due to a decrease in testosterone production in the body, men experience changes in the functioning of the endocrine, cardiovascular, nervous and reproductive systems

    What vitamins are needed at the age of 50 years and older?

    Vitamins for men over 50 are needed to slow down the aging process, increase tone and energy, protect against infections, inflammatory processes, strengthen the cardiovascular system, and support sexual function. At this age, it is necessary to pay attention to bones, teeth, skin and hair.

    What vitamins are important for men after 50 years:

    Vitamin Function Daily norm
    • increases immunity;
    • has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels;
    • improves vision;
    • improves sperm production and quality;
    • prevents the development of malignant tumors
    4000-6000 IU
    • has a positive effect on sexual function;
    • increases brain activity;
    • helps the cardiovascular system;
    • slows down the aging process;
    • tightens and rejuvenates the skin
    15-25 IU
    • lowers “bad” cholesterol in the blood;
    • increases the strength of blood vessels;
    • prevention of gum disease;
    • increases testosterone production;
    • strengthens bones;
    • increases immunity;
    • removes free radicals
    50-100 mg
    • helps absorb calcium;
    • supports heart function
    300-500 IU
    • regulates metabolism;
    • prevents the deposition of excess fat;
    • helps with baldness;
    • protects the liver from harmful substances and toxins
    50-120 mg
    Group B
    • have a beneficial effect on the nervous and digestive systems;
    • slow down the aging process;
    • improve vision;
    • responsible for the health of hair and skin;
    • regulate the production of hormones and enzymes;
    • improve blood condition;
    • protect against the harmful effects of alcohol and nicotine;
    • increase potency, testosterone production and regulate testicular function
    B1 - 2.5-4.0 mg;

    folic acid - 250-450 mcg

    For men over 45 years old, and even more so for those over 50, minerals are especially important:

    • iron - for hematopoiesis;
    • calcium - for bones;
    • potassium - for the heart.

    Natural sources

    By eating a variety of healthy foods, you can maintain normal vitamin levels in your body.

    What foods are best to consume at the age of 50 to prevent vitamin deficiency:

    • eggs, yellow and green vegetables and fruits, fatty dairy products, fatty sea fish - contain vitamin A;
    • peanuts, legumes, vegetable oils, eggs, dairy products, liver - contain vitamin E;
    • citruses, currants, cabbage, kiwi, bell peppers, parsley - contain vitamin C;
    • Animal products contain B vitamins.

    Important! Long walks in the fresh air promote vitamin D production.

    Symptoms and consequences of vitamin deficiency

    Vitamin deficiency is dangerous at any age and is fraught with the development of diseases and pathological conditions. To find out whether there is a lack of nutrients in the body, you need to be examined by a doctor and take tests.

    Symptoms of vitamin deficiency:

    Vitamin Deficiency symptom
    • problems with hair, nails, skin;
    • cracks on the lips;
    • inflammation of the mucous membranes;
    • decreased vision
    Group B
    • low or high blood pressure;
    • excitability, irritability, weakness;
    • headache;
    • cardiac arrhythmia;
    • cold hands and feet;
    • stomatitis, conjunctivitis, lacrimation;
    • cracks in the corners of the mouth;
    • hair loss, dermatitis
    • decreased immunity;
    • weight loss;
    • bleeding gums and nosebleeds;
    • bad breath
    • metabolic disease;
    • weakening of bones;
    • sleep problems
    • tendency to allergies;
    • leg pain;
    • the appearance of ulcers and pigment spots on the skin

    Indications for taking pharmaceuticals

    Before starting to take pharmaceuticals, you should consult your doctor.

    Indications for taking vitamin complexes:

    • vitamin deficiency, hypovitaminosis;
    • increased fatigue, constant fatigue, lethargy;
    • low performance;
    • weak immunity;
    • colds, viral, infectious diseases;
    • chronic diseases;
    • smoking, drinking alcohol;
    • headaches, sleep problems;
    • depression, psychoemotional disorders;
    • arthritis;
    • hair loss, problems with skin, nails;
    • poor memory, absent-mindedness.

    It is also recommended for men to take vitamins during increased physical or mental stress, for athletes, as well as for poor and unbalanced diets. As for men who smoke and drink, there are special complexes for them.

    Review of the best drugs for men over 50

    A variety of vitamin preparations in pharmacies allows you to choose a product that meets any requirements. You can choose a complex to boost immunity, improve vision, treat baldness, for problems with potency, etc.

    The best vitamins for men over 50:

    Alphabet 50+. An effective complex for men over 50 years old. Potassium in the composition helps the heart, is useful for osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. Lutein and carotenoids take care of the eyes.

    Vitrum Centuri. The composition contains 13 vitamins and 17 minerals. Their quantity corresponds to the body requirements of men over 45 years of age. The product improves health and prevents the development of cancer.

    Gerimaks. The vitamin complex contains all the necessary elements for 50-year-old men. Ginseng extract helps eliminate sleep problems, saturates with energy and strength.

    Gerovital. A good complex for men, which contains iron, plant extracts and vitamins B1, B2, B12, A, C, E, D. Improves metabolism and increases the functionality of all body systems of middle-aged men.

    Centrum Silver. A complex of vitamins for men over 50. Improves brain and nervous system function, boosts immunity, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and oncology. The product maintains normal skin condition and is good for the prostate.

    Other effective vitamin and mineral complexes for men over 50 to boost vitality and prevent age-related diseases:

    • Man's Formula;
    • Duovit for men;
    • Wellman;
    • Complivit;
    • Oligovit;
    • Kvadevit.
    • Vitrum Centuri;
    • Solgar;
    • Doppelhertz Active.

    Instructions for use

    Taking vitamin supplements for men after 50 years of age depends on the doctor’s instructions, the presence of diseases, the degree of vitamin deficiency and the characteristics of the body.

    Features of taking vitamins:

    Vitamin Application
    • take orally after meals 10-15 minutes;
    • injections of an oil solution are prescribed for severe forms of deficiency
    Group B
    • dosages of vitamins in the form for oral administration and solutions for injections should not exceed 2-3 mcg per day;
    • the maximum permissible dose for a single dose is 20 mcg
    • take after eating 3-5 times a day;
    • course - 2 weeks;
    • the maximum permissible dose for a single dose is 200 mg;
    • dosage for injections - 50-150 mg (1-3 ml of 5% solution)
    • The preventative daily vitamin intake for men over 50 years of age is no more than 500-1000 IU, taken 3 times a day;
    • for diseases associated with vitamin deficiency, the daily dosage is increased to 2500 IU;
    • for hypoparathyroidism and pseudohypoparathyroidism, the dosage is 7500-15000 IU per day
    • take orally after meals;
    • for dystrophic changes, diseases of the muscular and nervous systems, joints and tendons, to increase potency and spermatogenesis, the daily norm is 100-300 mg

    Side effects

    Before taking vitamins, you should read the instructions for use.

    When taking monovitamins or complex medications, side effects may occur:

    • drowsiness, fatigue, lethargy;
    • increased nervousness;
    • dizziness;
    • headache;
    • nausea, vomiting;
    • gastrointestinal disorders.

    Interaction with other substances

    When choosing a vitamin complex, you need to take into account that some vitamins, micro- and macroelements are incompatible.

    Which vitamins enhance each other’s actions or promote better absorption:

    • A, E, C;
    • B2 and B6;
    • calcium, zinc and B6;
    • B9 and C;
    • iron, chromium and C;
    • D with calcium and
    • peeling of lips and skin on palms
    Group B
    • disruptions in the central nervous system;
    • peripheral neuropathy;
    • weakening of muscle tone
    • gastrointestinal disorders;
    • nervous excitement;
    • sleep problems
    • loss of appetite, nausea, constipation;
    • increased urine production;
    • headache;
    • weakness, irritability

    Should you take vitamins at a younger age?

    Taking vitamin supplements at a young age is recommended only when necessary. For example, if during the examination a vitamin deficiency, the presence of certain diseases or abnormalities were revealed. It is recommended to take vitamins during increased physical and mental stress and when planning pregnancy.

    Important! Men over the age of 30 need more vitamins A, E, group B, lipoic acid (vitamin N), over forty years - A, E, C, B2, B6, B12, folic acid

    List of vitamin complexes for men 30 years of age and older:

    • Alphabet for men;
    • Duovit for men;
    • Vitrum Life;
    • Wellman;
    • Man’s formula Prostate Forte;
    • Spectrum;
    • Superum;
    • Selmevit;
    • Supradin;
    • Solgar;
    • Superia for men
    • Parity, etc.

    An incorrectly selected vitamin preparation or a violation of the treatment regimen can negatively affect your health. It is recommended to take vitamins after examination and on the recommendation of a doctor.

    Some vitamins are strictly prohibited for certain diseases.

    Vitamin A - for chronic pancreatitis, cholelithiasis, kidney failure, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis C, nephritis and cardiac decompensation.

    Vitamin C - for diabetes, sideroblastic anemia, nephrolithiasis, bladder stones, hemochromatosis, hyperoxaluria, thalassemia.

    Vitamin E - for cardiosclerosis and heart attack.

    Vitamin D - for severe forms of diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, pulmonary tuberculosis, gastrointestinal ulcers.

    Men over 50 years of age are advised to pay attention to nutrition and take vitamin supplements. This will help get rid of many health problems characteristic of age, strengthen the immune system, saturate the body with energy and strength, and improve tone and mood.

    The video below will tell you what 50-year-old men should know.

    Every man wants to be full of strength and energy, have healthy hair and nails and not have problems with potency until old age. Sometimes just leading a healthy lifestyle is not enough - air pollution, frequent consumption of fast food, constant stressful situations at work and even at home still have too detrimental effects. Any vitamin-mineral complex, the composition and properties of which are designed for the specific state of the body, comes to the rescue in such a situation. Are all vitamins for men over 50 equally effective?

    For older men, the following vitamins are needed, which cope better with recovery than others:

    • Vitamin A will help preserve your vision and delay the onset of farsightedness. The daily requirement for men is 4000-6000 IU.
    • Vitamin C is responsible for the preservation of blood vessels and cholesterol levels in the blood. It also has an antioxidant effect and helps the immune system resist infections during seasonal illnesses. The daily requirement for men is 50-100 mg.
    • Vitamin E affects the properties of the skin - with the right amount, the skin is smooth and elastic. Also participates in the process of formation of germ cells. The daily requirement for men is 15-25 IU.
    • Vitamin H affects fat and carbohydrate metabolism and prevents the “age-related” deposition of extra pounds. Also strengthens hair and nails. The daily requirement for men is 50-120 mcg.
    • Vitamin D – is involved in the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus, which determines the condition of bones. The daily requirement for a man is 300-500 IU.
    • Vitamin B1 and folic acid are antioxidants. The daily requirement for men is 2.5-4 mg and 250-450 mcg.
    • Vitamins B2 and B6 help improve vision, especially at dusk. Red blood cells are also formed under the control of these vitamins. Helps maintain smooth skin and shiny hair. They are also part of many enzymes and hormones. The daily requirement for men is 1.0-3.5 mg and 1.0-2.5 mg, respectively.
    • Vitamin B12 is involved in the formation of red blood cells, due to which oxygen is transferred to tissues. The daily requirement for men is 2.5 mcg.

    This combination can be found in the drugs Alphabet for men, Duovit, Vitrum, Velmen, Complivit, Oligovit, Centrum, Kvadevit. Your doctor will tell you which complex is best to take.

    Middle age crisis

    All the necessary vitamins for men after 40 years of age are contained in vitamin-mineral complexes. Among the most effective drugs, according to medical experts, are:

    • Alphabet for men (cost 360 rub.)

    The drug is developed based on Siberian ginseng root extract and L-carotene. It is widely used to prevent hypovitaminosis and to strengthen potency. The vitamin-mineral complex stimulates brain activity well and strengthens the body's defenses. The course of admission is from 30 days, 1 tablet. per day.

    • Duovit for men (cost 360 rub.)

    The manufacturer recommends taking vitamins for people leading an active lifestyle. The composition of the complex is balanced. It contains sufficient amounts of antioxidants, which not only restore and support the immune system, but also normalize metabolism. Vitamins will also be useful for potency. You should take 1 vitamin every month. per day during meals.

    • Vitrum Life (cost 430 rub.)

    The combined drug is intended for people whose activities involve heavy physical labor and for those who play sports. The drug contains plant components and amino acids that help build muscle mass and strengthen bone structures. Active substances slow down the aging process at the cellular level and tone blood vessels. You can take Vitrum Life all year round, taking 2-week breaks every 2-3 months.

    • Parity (cost 495 rub.)

    The complex of vitamins and minerals is based on plant extracts. The effectiveness of the drug is aimed at improving the functioning of the reproductive system in men. It stimulates the synthesis of hormones and restores reproductive functions. The drug restores potency. It is better to take after consulting a doctor, since the complex has dosage and age restrictions.

    • Velmen (cost 485 rub.)

    Widely used to correct seasonal weakening of the body. It is intended to eliminate vitamin deficiency. Wellman increases endurance and improves muscle tone. It is effective against fatigue, headaches and asthenia that develop against the background of vitamin deficiency.

    Men after 40 years old need to start a healthy lifestyle. It is during this period that many chronic diseases develop. Many representatives of the stronger sex experience a weakening of reproductive functions and a decrease in potency. This occurs against the background of urological dysfunctions, which can be prevented with the help of vitamin and mineral complexes.

    After 45 years, the need for certain substances increases, which requires adjustment of drug dosages. This helps prevent the development of cardiovascular disorders and maintain physical activity. Vitamin and mineral therapy eliminates the possibility of developing diseases of bone and joint structures. Properly selected products help eliminate the likelihood of male menopause occurring after forty years.

    What to take if you are “fifty dollars”?

    Not every 50-year-old man can boast of excellent health. The heart, joints and digestive system fail more and more often. You feel constantly tired and don’t want to think about anything. In your mind you understand that you need to strengthen your immune system and fight for your sex life, but you give up.

    The thing is that the body spends larger amounts of certain substances. In order to maintain its normal functions, it is necessary to restore the imbalance that has arisen. It is better to take preventative measures than to deal with serious diseases later.

    Of the following vitamins for men after 50 years, everyone can choose the most suitable drug for themselves:

    • Alphabet 50+ (price 250-300 rub.)

    The multivitamin preparation is known for its high effectiveness against the development of bone and cardiovascular diseases. The drug contains a large amount of a substance such as potassium. This mineral is widely used to treat osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. Alphabet 50+ protects visual functions due to its carotenoids and lutein. Course of admission – 1 month, 1 tablet. each type.

    • Gerimax (price 465 rub.)

    Includes the necessary amount of nutrients for men fifty years of age and older. The drug is developed based on ginseng extract. It is widely used to prevent age-related dysfunctions such as insomnia, decreased mental and physical activity. Active substances effectively combat loss of strength in spring and autumn, and also help resist infectious diseases.

    • Gerovital (price 330 rub.)

    The composition contains vitamins A, B, E and D, as well as plant extracts and divalent iron. The combined vitamin preparation is indispensable for men over 50 years of age. It helps normalize metabolic processes in the body and is indispensable for maintaining immunity.

    • Centrum Silver (price 485 rub.)

    A complex of vitamins is intended for men who are over fifty years old. The substances included in the composition reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Centrum Silver is necessary in the off-season to increase resistance to infectious and viral diseases.

    Doctors recommend that men over fifty years of age not neglect vitamin therapy. Such measures help increase activity and strengthen the body. Please note that a doctor should select a vitamin and mineral preparation. It is not enough to remember the name of the complex and buy it. Each person’s body is individual, so a preliminary consultation with a doctor is the key to successful prevention and treatment.

    What to do in old age?

    In order to maintain vitality and energy after 60 years, you cannot do without vitamin therapy. More than 60% of men of this age have hypovitaminosis. The reason for this is an unbalanced diet and wear and tear of internal organs and systems. Disruption of metabolic processes leads to the fact that the nutrients contained in food products are no longer absorbed.

    Men over 50 need sufficient vitamins and minerals. This will help slow down the aging process and prevent the development of dysfunction of internal organs and systems. If chronic diseases occur, then maintenance therapy helps prevent the development of complications.

    Among the most effective combination drugs for men over 60 years of age are the following:

    • Vitrum Centuri (price 580 rub.)

    The complex is designed for older men. It contains all the necessary substances that help delay the onset of old age (boron, copper, zinc, selenium and silicon, ascorbic acid, retinol and tocopherol). The complex is recommended to be taken for the treatment and prevention of hypovitaminosis. It is widely used during rehabilitation after illnesses and with an unbalanced diet. The course of admission is 3-4 months, 1 tablet. in a day. The drug is taken before or after meals with a sufficient amount of water.

    • Solgar (price 690 rub.)

    The dietary supplement is recommended for men to prevent age-related changes in the joints and blood vessels. The drug helps cope with photoaging and protect the body from infectious diseases. The course of treatment is a month, 1 tablet. in a day.

    • Doppelhertz Active (price 200 rub.)

    The vitamin complex contains natural substances that are necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. The drug supports and normalizes biological processes in the body. Indicated for use in cases of unbalanced nutrition, atherosclerosis, and disorders of the cardiovascular system. The complex helps eliminate the increased need for nutrients. It is widely used for increased physical activity and decreased concentration. The course of therapy is 2 weeks, 1 tablet. per day.

    You should take vitamins only after consulting your doctor. The thing is that some elements can have a negative impact on the functions of internal organs. This occurs in the presence of certain contraindications. For example, vitamin A is not recommended for gallstones, kidney failure, pancreatitis and liver problems.

    Ascorbic acid should not be taken if you are predisposed to allergic reactions, diabetes, hemochromatosis and bladder stones. Vitamin D can cause complications with heart and kidney dysfunction, as well as stomach ulcers. Tocopherol is harmful to people who have had a myocardial infarction.

    You should avoid taking vitamin-mineral complexes if you have an individual intolerance to the components that make up them. If adverse reactions such as allergies, drowsiness, dizziness, irritability and weakness develop, it is recommended to stop taking the complex. You should be wary of digestive disorders and decreased muscle tone, loss of appetite and pain in the abdominal area.

    A number of changes occur in the male body with age. Internal organs require more nutrients to perform natural functions. Vitamin and mineral preparations help meet the needs. The doctor will tell you which complex will be better in this or that case.