Homemade body creams. Recipes. A chic DIY body cream? Easily! DIY honey body cream

Homemade body cream is an alternative to expensive cosmetics. The main advantage of a self-cooking product is safety, effectiveness, and the ability to independently select ingredients. Depending on the components used, the homemade cream nourishes, moisturizes, tones, rejuvenates, and fights cellulite.

The cosmetic product, prepared at home, has a rich, safe composition.

  1. The basic base is lanolin, glycerin, petroleum jelly, beeswax, oils, margarine, lard.
  2. Juices of berries, vegetables, fruits, extracts, and plant extracts are used as nutritional components.
  3. Activate processes in cells, improve the penetration of active ingredients - chocolate, cocoa, citrus fruits.
  4. Essential oils create a pleasant smell, soothe, tone, and relieve inflammation.
  5. The universal component is honey. Can be used in any type of cream.

A homemade disposable cosmetic product may contain sour cream, cream, kefir, cottage cheese, and eggs.

Moisturizing body cream

Glycerin, beeswax, oils, petroleum jelly, margarine are used as a base. Additional components saturate the skin with useful microelements, vitamins, and activate metabolic processes.

Preparation consists of mixing the ingredients, bringing to a homogeneous consistency in a water bath if necessary. The recipes are varied. You can add the desired components at your own discretion. The effect is noticeable after the first use; with regular use, the skin always looks well-groomed and protected.

A cream with a moisturizing effect increases the protective functions of the skin, prevents moisture loss, and increases the elasticity of the epidermis.

Nourishing cream at home

A deficiency of useful microelements and vitamins leads to a slowdown in cellular processes and a deterioration in appearance. A nourishing cream can stop pathological processes and replenish the lack of substances. The product differs from a moisturizer in its increased content of ingredients with a large supply of vitamins, acids, compounds, micro- and macroelements. The product can be used several times a week.

It is recommended to apply the product from the neck to the feet after water procedures. At night, the skin actively absorbs beneficial components, and in the morning it looks fresh, well-groomed, and healthy. It is necessary to rub in with massage movements, using a small amount. Remove excess with a napkin if necessary.

Skin firming cream

After 25 years, the skin begins to undergo changes. Metabolic processes slow down, the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, elastin, and collagen decreases. To prolong youth and activate cellular processes, use a cream with a certain composition.

Homemade body cream with a special recipe eliminates sagging, wrinkles, sagging, stretch marks, and cellulite. Returns the skin a healthy appearance, prolongs youth, increases firmness and elasticity.

Coffee grounds for beautiful skin

Activates cellular processes, stimulates the production of important components caffeine. Its effect is enhanced by additional

List of ingredients:

  1. Clay – 150 g;
  2. Black tea – 1 bag;
  3. Olive oil – 4 tbsp. spoons;
  4. Coffee grounds – 4 tbsp. spoons;
  5. Hazelnut extract – 10 drops.


  1. Boil 250 ml of water and brew a tea bag.
  2. Add all the clay gradually and mix with a wooden spatula.
  3. Add coffee grounds, olive oil, nut extract.
  4. Stir and leave to infuse in a dark place for 30 minutes.

If the mass turns out to be thick, you can add more oil and tea leaves. You cannot use metal tools, since clay loses its properties when in contact with metal.

The skin must first be cleaned. Apply the cream to places where you need to eliminate defects and increase elasticity. Distribute with massage movements. Exposure time – 30 minutes. The cream should dry well. Wash off with warm water. Can be used daily.

Body cream with chocolate

A cosmetic product with the scent of your favorite chocolate has a beneficial effect not only on the skin. The nervous system calms down, the production of the joy hormone increases, a feeling of satisfaction, happiness, and self-confidence appears.


  1. Lanolin – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  2. Honey – ¼ cup;
  3. Cocoa powder – 0.5 cups or a third of a dark chocolate bar.

Cooking instructions:

Mix ingredients, melt. The remaining product can be stored in a glass jar.

It is recommended to use the cream 1-2 times a week. The product acts in several directions at once:

  • Moisturizes;
  • Increases protective functions;
  • Nourishes;
  • Relieves inflammation and irritation;
  • Eliminates red spots;
  • Increases elasticity;
  • Makes the skin soft, supple and silky;
  • Evens out the tone.

The homemade product can be used for different skin types. However, it should be borne in mind that chocolate and honey are allergenic products. If the body's reaction to these ingredients is unknown, a test must be performed first. Mix a small amount of honey with chocolate and apply to the elbow. Observe the skin condition for 12 hours. If you experience a rash, itching, burning, or red spots, you should not use the cream.

Citrus body cream

The pleasantly smelling product lifts your mood and improves skin condition. An effective home remedy tones aging skin, eliminates flaking on dry skin, removes shine on oily skin, and intensively nourishes normal epidermis. Suitable for women of all ages with different skin types. The exception is the epidermis, which is prone to allergic manifestations.

Effect of citrus cream:


  • Oils 10 drops:
  1. Lemon;
  2. Neroliaceous;
  3. Jasmine;
  4. Soy – 60 ml;
  5. Apricot kernels – 50 ml;
  6. Carrot seeds – 1 teaspoon;
  • Cocoa – 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Glycerin – 1 tbsp. spoon.

The process of making homemade body cream:

Melt solid oils - cocoa, soybean, apricot. Add glycerin and carrot oil. Mix thoroughly and let cool. Esters are introduced - lemon, jasmine, orange flowers (non-lemon). Beat until smooth, pour into a glass container. Allowed to be stored in the refrigerator. You can use homemade cream daily. But initially it is recommended to conduct a sensitivity test.

Homemade body cream is a quality product made from your favorite ingredients. You don’t have to worry about negative consequences or side effects. The list of ingredients does not include parabens, mineral oils, fragrances, dyes, thickeners or other chemicals. Preparation does not require special preparation and takes a maximum of 30 minutes. You can experiment, introduce new components, expand, shorten the list of components.

Interesting video:

Our body needs constant care. Every day the epidermis is exposed to the negative influence of environmental factors. Bad habits and improper lifestyle cause serious harm to it, disrupting the structure of the skin. You can maintain the beauty and prolong the youth of your skin with the help of cream. You don’t have to buy the product in a store: you can make your own body cream at home.

What is it needed for

A good quality cream can make the skin elastic, smooth out wrinkles, give it elasticity and a healthy color. You need to take care of your body skin (arms, legs, face, neck) after 25 years: this will significantly slow down the aging process and sagging skin.

Homemade cosmetics are a worthy alternative to branded cosmetics. It helps to care for the skin of the body, helps maintain health, youth, and beauty of the skin, saturating cells with vitamins and nutrients.

Cream prepared at home has a number of advantages over store-bought products.

  • It contains no preservatives or parabens. This product is safe and does not cause allergies or skin irritation. It is prepared exclusively from natural and healthy ingredients, selected for a specific case (for stretch marks, cellulite, for massage, tightening, for dry skin, for lifting, moisturizing, nourishing epidermal cells).
  • It has an affordable price: many components of the home remedy are always at hand(butter, sour cream, honey, propolis, egg yolk, etc.). Others can be purchased for little money. Such cosmetics are a budget option, and the benefits from them are often much greater than from a store-bought cream.
  • Thanks to fresh natural ingredients, the cream will have a targeted effect on the cells of the dermis, providing maximum positive effect.
  • It’s not difficult to make homemade cream and it won’t take much time. This process is creative and fun. By changing the components of the mixture, you can choose a product for skin with specific characteristics (for overly moist, oily, dry skin, combination). The number of components included in the recipe can be adjusted by selecting the most suitable option.
  • As a rule, home remedies are not addictive. They have a cumulative effect and require course use to achieve the most positive result. Creating a homemade cosmetic product will make caring for your body skin enjoyable and useful.
  • In addition to the cosmetic effect, using certain ingredients, you can make a product with medicinal properties that helps get rid of skin diseases (fungal infections, rashes, irritation, cracks, sunburn, chapping and frostbite).
  • The consistency of homemade mixtures varies and depends on the purpose(the soufflé is light and airy, the moisturizing series is liquid, the nourishing cream is thicker).
  • To create home cosmetics you do not need to invest in expensive equipment. You can use existing kitchen containers as containers for preparing the product.

The only drawback of a homemade cosmetic product is the relatively short period of use.

Since there are no preservatives in the homemade cream, it quickly deteriorates and should be stored in a cool, dark place (refrigerator). Such preparations are prepared in small portions, before use, if necessary, preparing the desired mixture.


Cream recipes are varied. Their proportions and components depend on the specific care task at hand. Each product has a targeted effect, so you need to take into account your skin type and type of product.


The composition of cosmetic cream contains different components . It depends on its purpose.

  • Hydration. Creams in this series are made on a water basis (decoction or infusion of herbs). They have a light texture and are completely absorbed without the feeling of a greasy film. Such products are intended for dehydrated, dry and flaking-prone skin, restore water balance and saturate cells with life-giving moisture.

  • Nutrition. The basis of this product is fat, its texture is dense, and the product is absorbed slowly. This cosmetics is indicated for nourishing dull, lifeless skin of the body, giving it a beautiful appearance and velvety feel. This cream is usually used before bed.

  • Mitigation. Homemade cell softening mixtures are very effective. More often they are used twice a day and have a targeted effect on cells, restoring their structure.

This series promotes skin regeneration, makes the skin soft, saves it from chapping and frostbite, and softens dead skin cells.

  • Protection. Cosmetic preparations with a protective function are characterized by the presence of a light film when applied to the skin of the body. It prevents moisture loss, cell destruction under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, frost, wind, and aggressive household chemicals.

  • Treatment. The action of such creams is aimed at certain body skin problems (itching, rash, fungus, cracks, frostbite, burns). They have a healing effect, relieve inflammation of the skin, rid the skin of the stratum corneum, reduce pain due to cracks, and heal wounds.

  • Rejuvenation. The anti-aging series is designed to maintain youthful skin. Such creams make the dermis taut and elastic. They smooth out small wrinkles and prevent them, restoring skin elasticity.

These products are absorbed slowly, but without residue.

  • Scrubs. A series designed to remove dead cells from the surface of the skin. The use of such products improves blood circulation, they are a tool for combating and preventing cellulite, making the skin smooth and silky.

Each homemade cream consists of several ingredients. It must contain a base, active components and additional substances. These cosmetics contain:

  • Batters: 50% of the total (solid oils necessary to maintain a solid consistency at room temperature).
  • Vegetable oils ( liquid, in proportions 50/50 with solids form a cream soufflé texture).
  • Essential oils ( are added to the cream while it is in the liquid phase, giving a pleasant aroma and soothing the skin).
  • Filtered water (boiled, purified). It is used in the moisturizing series and is the basis and solvent of such a cream. Its normal content is 60–85% of the total amount.
  • Emulsifiers(glycerin, lanolin, beeswax) are an essential component of any cream. Thanks to them, the texture of the product remains stable and uniform.
  • Extracts, vitamins(active additives of plant origin make the cream effective, saturating the cells with useful substances).
  • Additional components (honey, propolis, menthol) that have a beneficial effect on the skin. They can cool, soothe, reduce itching, inflammation, and have an antibacterial effect.


Cook at home

Making your own cream is not difficult. To prepare it at home you will need the following equipment:

  • containers for heating and whipping;
  • storage containers;
  • kettle (for moisturizers);
  • whisk (spoon) - for stirring;
  • mixer (for whipping).

The technology for preparing the cream is quite simple. The container is sterilized with boiling water or alcohol. The solid components are crushed with a knife, heated in a water bath until completely dissolved, then mixed with other ingredients, adding essential oils and emulsifiers at the end.

When mixed with a spoon, the texture of the cream becomes denser; if an air mass is needed, it is better to use a small mixer. After preparing the product, it should be stored in a cool, dark place. You can use it in just two days.

Good and healthy ingredients for homemade body cream are pork and lamb fat, butter and beeswax. They make the skin soft, nourish it and revive it in case of frostbite or burn.



Cucumber cream will help moisturize your body. Wax (10 grams) is mixed with almond oil (40 ml), heated in a water bath until completely dissolved. Then add peeled cucumber, ground into a pulp, and purified water (40 ml). Place the resulting mixture on the fire for half an hour, cool and beat with a mixer. The product must be stored in the refrigerator.

Against cellulite

You can also make your own anti-cellulite cream, selecting components taking into account the characteristics of your skin type. A simple recipe does not require additional manipulation or heating. You will need regular baby cream, essential oils of orange, cinnamon and juniper (1 drop each) and 5 - 6 crushed mummy tablets. The ingredients are mixed in a sterilized container, then the mass is transferred to a glass container and tightly closed with a lid.

This product helps to prolong the youth of the skin, eliminates the signs of aging, and gets rid of stretch marks.

For the recipe for making anti-cellulite cream, watch the following video.

With chocolate

This cream has a beneficial effect on the skin, making the procedure pleasant and relaxing. The mixture consists of cocoa powder (half a glass), honey (1/4 cup) and two tablespoons of lanolin. Honey and lanolin are melted in a water bath, mixed, and cocoa powder is added to them. After the mass has cooled, it is put in the refrigerator.

Such care will saturate the skin with nutrients, improve its condition and relieve fatigue, giving it a velvety feel.

Vaseline based

The simplest recipe for such a cream consists of petroleum jelly and aloe juice in proportions (1:2). The mixture is ground until a homogeneous mass is obtained. It is applied to the skin for 20 minutes.

This procedure allows you to smooth out wrinkles, give the skin elasticity and firmness.

Cream lifting

You can smooth out wrinkles, rejuvenate the skin and restore the integrity of the skin with the help of a lifting cream with sea buckthorn. Sea buckthorn berries (3 large spoons) are scalded with boiling water and crushed to obtain a paste. Royal jelly, vitamins A and B (2 drops each), grape seed oil (1/2 teaspoon) are added to it. For ease of application, you can add a little baby cream.

For the recipe for making anti-wrinkle cream with sea buckthorn, watch the video below.


To exfoliate dead epidermal cells, you can prepare a scrub from sugar (2 cups), shower gel (0.5 cup) and moisturizing oil (1/4 cup). You can use any oil: coconut, olive, cosmetic, baby. The ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. If the consistency seems runny, add a little more sugar (the texture should be a paste).

The procedure is carried out after a shower, later rinsing with running water without soap.

For the recipe for making a sugar body scrub, watch the following video.

Making a tightening cream yourself, at home, is not particularly difficult. Moreover, such a product will not be inferior to even the most expensive samples of well-known and trusted brands. It's all about natural ingredients, which are found in abundance in home cosmetics. If you want to try making such a skin care product, then you should stock up on essential oils, because these substances have an excellent effect on the skin, toning and tightening it. Another important feature is that each portion of the cream should be prepared immediately before use; such cosmetics do not last long.

Also, don't forget about the safety and health of your skin. If you are sensitive or prone to allergic reactions, before preparing this or that cream, you should conduct a test for each component. Apply a drop of oil to the crook of your elbow, if no redness or irritation appears within twelve hours, then you can safely start cooking.

So, take three tablespoons of any baby cream or body milk that does not contain paraffins, and add three drops of juniper oil to the contents. Mix all ingredients in a ceramic bowl. Additionally, if you want a firming and warming effect, you can add one drop of cayenne pepper. The most important thing is to carefully combine all the components until smooth. Therefore, before applying the product to the skin, you should take a portion of the cream and warm it in your palms. In order to achieve a good result, combine application with short massage movements.

For the following recipe you will need: two tablespoons of coconut oil, the same amount of sesame and shea butter, one spoon of avocado oil, six tablespoons of mineral water, ten grams of wax and twelve drops of palmarosa and chamomile essential oils.

Melt the wax in a water bath, then add coconut and shea butter to it. Heat the remaining oils slightly and combine all the ingredients together. Place the resulting mixture in a glass jar and place it in a dark place for a day.

Vitamins in combination with vegetable oils have an extremely beneficial effect on the skin. In order to prepare this remedy, you will need: three tablespoons of rosehip oil, the same amount of beeswax, ten drops each of calendula and chamomile essential oils, one capsule of vitamin E and evening primrose oil, seven tablespoons of rose water and five jojoba oil. Melt the wax in a water bath and then add all the ingredients. In order for you to get a homogeneous mass, for convenience you can beat the cream with a mixer, but you should do this only at low speed and no longer than two minutes.

Starch-based cream perfectly tightens the skin; in addition, if you have thin or sensitive skin, then this recipe is ideal for you. Combine a glass of milk and one teaspoon of starch. Place over low heat and stir constantly; once you have the consistency of thick jelly, remove from the heat. Be sure to cool the cream before applying to the skin.

Creams for different skin types. Recipes for homemade body creams.

Creams for dry skin

Moisturizing cream with cucumber

Required: 5 g beeswax, 1 fresh cucumber, 40 ml almond oil, water.

Preparation. Peel the cucumber and grate it on a fine grater. Heat the wax and almond oil in a water bath. When the wax melts, add 2 tbsp. l. cucumber pulp and hot water. Heat the mixture, stirring, for 30 minutes. Then beat with a mixer.


Moisturizing cream with strawberry juice

Required: 40 ml of freshly squeezed strawberry juice, 0.5 tsp each. glycerin, oatmeal.

Preparation. Combine strawberry juice with glycerin and mix. After 30 minutes, add oatmeal and beat with a blender.

Application. Rub the cream into the skin daily with massaging movements.

Cream with raspberry juice

Required: 30 ml of raspberry juice, 15 g of glycerin, corn flour, 5 drops of narcissus essential oil.

Preparation. Combine raspberry juice with glycerin and mix. After 30 minutes, add corn flour and beat with a blender, add essential oil.

Application. Rub the cream into the skin daily with massaging movements.

Softening cream for dry skin

Required: 80 g coconut oil, 0.5 tsp. essential oils of ylang-ylang, orange, 2 tsp. camphor alcohol.

Preparation. Melt coconut oil in a water bath and combine with camphor alcohol. Add essential oils, mix and place in a jar. Store in the refrigerator for no more than a week.


Vitamin A cream

Required: 90 g margarine, 80 g lemon zest, 30 g mayonnaise, 20 g candied honey, 1 raw yolk, 60 ml lemon juice, 50 ml vegetable oil, 15 drops of vitamin A oil solution, 10 ml camphor alcohol, 5 drops each of grapefruit essential oils and tangerine, 100 ml of hot water.

Preparation. Pour water over the zest, leave for 1.5 hours, strain. Mix margarine with vegetable oil, yolk, honey, add vitamin A, mayonnaise, lemon juice. Gradually add infusion of zest and alcohol, as well as essential oils, into the mixture.


Rose scented cream

Required: 4 medium fresh rose buds, 15 g margarine, 10 g beeswax, 5 drops of vitamin E oil solution, essential oils of rose, lotus, lavender.

Preparation. Grind the buds into a paste, melt the wax and margarine in a water bath. Mix all. Add vitamin E and essential oils to the mixture.

Application. Rub the cream into the skin daily with massaging movements.

Cream with iris scent

Required: 5 medium iris buds, 15 g margarine, 10 g beeswax, 6 drops of vitamin B oil solution, essential oils of iris, rosemary, and tansy.

Preparation. Grind the buds into a paste, melt the wax and margarine in a water bath. Mix all. Add vitamin B and essential oils to the mixture.

Application. Rub the cream into the skin daily with massaging movements.

Lilac scented cream

Required: 200 g of lilac flowers, 25 g of margarine, 20 g of beeswax, 7 drops of vitamin E oil solution, essential oils of lilac, violet and lavender.

Preparation. Grind the lilac flowers into a paste, melt the wax and margarine in a water bath, mix everything. Add vitamin E and essential oils to the prepared mixture.

Application. Rub the cream into the skin with massaging movements every day before bed.

Cream with camphor alcohol

Required: 60 ml of sea buckthorn oil, 50 ml of sage infusion, 20 ml of camphor alcohol, 40 g of margarine, 10 g of glycerin, 2 raw yolks, 2 drops each of essential oils of linden blossom and wormwood.

Preparation. Mix all ingredients.

Application. Rub the cream into the skin daily with massaging movements.

Cream with oils

Required: 60 ml coconut oil, 40 ml sea buckthorn oil, 20 ml almond oil, 3 drops each of essential oils of mandarin, pamelo, 15 g beeswax, 3 g borax, 60 ml water.

Preparation. Dilute borax in water. Melt the wax in a water bath, add coconut oil, then sea buckthorn and almond oil. Slowly pour the borax solution into the resulting mixture, mix everything thoroughly, add essential oils.

Application. Rub the cream into the skin daily with massaging movements.

Cream with chamomile and Vaseline

Required: 40 ml of vegetable oil, 20 ml of chamomile infusion, camphor alcohol, 2 raw yolks, 20 g of honey, 15 g of petroleum jelly, 2 drops of essential oils of sandalwood and jasmine.

Preparation. Mix all ingredients, grind thoroughly, add essential oils.

Application. Rub the cream into the skin with massaging movements every day before bed.

Moisturizing cream with aloe juice

Required: 1 tsp. lecithin, 20 ml distilled water, 1.5 tsp, l. castor oil, 1 ml of glycerin, aloe juice, propolis tincture.

Preparation. Soak lecithin in water to swell. After 1 hour, stir lecithin and add castor oil, glycerin, aloe juice, propolis tincture. Beat with a mixer for 4 minutes. (Important! Do not beat the mixture longer, otherwise it will turn into milk). Transfer the cream into a jar.

Application. Rub the cream into the skin daily with massaging movements.

Cream "Ginger touch"

Required: 60 g fresh ginger root, 1.5 tsp. sesame and apricot oils, vitamin E oil solution, 0.5 cups of cocoa butter.

Preparation. Grate the ginger root and squeeze out the juice (0.5 tsp). Combine all ingredients in a fireproof glass bowl and keep it in the oven until the cocoa butter has melted. Then put the resulting mass into a jar and store in a cool place.

Application. Rub the cream into the skin after taking a shower or bath.

Cream "Nourishing"

Required: 0.5 tbsp. l. calendula and coconut oils, 1 tbsp. l. sesame oil, 40 g cocoa butter, 8 g beeswax, 0.5 tsp. chamomile essential oil.

Preparation. Melt the butter and beeswax in a double boiler and stir until smooth. Place the resulting cream in a cold place to cool. Add essential oil to the cooled cream, mix and transfer it to a glass jar. Store in a cool, dark place.

Application. Rub the cream into the skin after taking a shower or bath. It also soothes the skin well after prolonged exposure to the sun.

Nourishing cream with calendula for dry skin

Required: 2 tbsp. l. dried calendula flowers, corn oil, 200 ml vegetable oil, 4 tsp. beeswax, 2 tsp. glycerin.

Preparation. Pour vegetable oil over calendula flowers and place in a dark place for a week, then squeeze out. Melt beeswax in a water bath. Mix melted wax with 2-4 tbsp. l. calendula oil extract and corn oil. Add glycerin to the still warm mixture and stir until the mixture has cooled.


Cream "Gentle"

Required: 20 ml of coconut oil, chamomile hydrolate, 15 ml of sesame oil, 10 ml of avocado and wheat oils, 20 ml of shea butter, 10 g of wax, 60 ml of mineral water, 12 drops of chamomile and palmarosa essential oils.

Preparation. Melt wax, shea butter and coconut oil in a water bath. Then heat liquid oils on it. Then mix mineral water with chamomile hydrosol. Combine everything and mix with a mixer. Add essential oils and continue stirring. Place the resulting mass in a jar and leave it in a dark place for a day.

Application. Rub the cream into the skin with massaging movements every day after taking a shower.

Macadamia oil cream

Required: 1.5 tsp each macadamia oils, hazelnut, jojoba, blackcurrant extract in glycerin, 2 tsp. wheat germ oil, 1 tsp. almond oil, 3.5 tsp. shea butter, rose water, 3 drops each of geranium and lavender essential oils.

Preparation. Melt shea butter in a water bath and mix with liquid vegetable oils. Combine currant extract with rose water and add to the oil mixture, stirring constantly. Add essential oils there and mix in a mixer. Store the finished cream in the refrigerator.

Application. Rub the cream into the skin after taking a shower or bath.

Cream with persimmon juice

Required: 2 tbsp. l. sour cream, 1 tsp. rice flour, 1 persimmon.

Preparation. Squeeze juice from persimmons, mix with flour and sour cream.

Application. Rub the cream into the skin with massaging movements every day after a shower.

Apple juice cream

Required: 2 tbsp. l. sour cream, 1 tsp. oatmeal, 1 apple.

Preparation. Squeeze the juice from the apple, mix with flour and sour cream.

Application. Rub into skin with massaging movements daily after showering.

Cream with strawberry juice

Required: 1 cup strawberries, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, 1 tsp. rice flour.

Preparation. Squeeze juice from strawberries, mix with sour cream and flour.


Juniper cream

Required: 2 tbsp. l. burdock oil, 2 drops of juniper oil.

Preparation. Mix the ingredients.


Creams for sensitive skin

Milk-starch cream

Required: 120 ml milk, 1 tsp. potato starch.

Preparation. Combine the ingredients and heat, stirring constantly, until thick jelly.

Application. Rub the cream into the skin with massaging movements after taking a shower.

Banana cream

Required: 60 g sour cream, 0.5 banana, 3 drops of jojoba essential oil.

Preparation. Mash the banana, mix with sour cream and essential oil.

Application. Rub into skin with massaging movements after showering.

Strawberry cream

Required: 60 g sour cream, 50 g strawberries, 3 drops lemon essential oil.

Preparation. Mash strawberries with sour cream, add essential oil.

Application. Rub the cream into the skin with massaging movements after taking a shower.

Apple cream

Required: 70 g grated apple, 50 g sour cream, 5 drops of sandalwood essential oil.

Preparation. Stir the apple with sour cream, add essential oil.

Application. Rub the cream into the skin with massaging movements after taking a shower.

Raspberry and pear cream

Required: 80 g of pear and raspberry pulp, 70 g of sour cream, 3 drops of rosemary essential oil.

Preparation. Mash pears and raspberries with sour cream, add essential oil.

Application. Rub in with massaging movements.

Flaxseed motherwort cream

Required: 40 ml linseed oil, 1 tsp. honey, 2 drops of motherwort oil.

Preparation. Mix all ingredients well.

Application. Rub the cream into the skin with massaging movements after taking a shower.

Egg aloe cream

Required: 2 aloe leaves, 20 ml flaxseed oil, 1 raw yolk.

Preparation. Squeeze the juice from the aloe and mix with the yolk, add oil. Mix until smooth.

Application. Rub the cream into the skin with massaging movements after taking a shower.

Cream with calendula oil

Required: 70 ml each of rose water, jojoba oil, 30 ml of rosehip oil, 20 g of beeswax, 10 drops of calendula essential oil, 5 drops of chamomile essential oil, 1 capsule of vitamin E, evening primrose oil.

Preparation. Melt the wax in a water bath, add rosehip and jojoba oils to it. Heat rose water separately. When the mixtures have cooled slightly, mix them and beat with a mixer at low speed for 2 minutes. Add essential oils, vitamin, evening primrose oil.

Application. Rub the cream into the skin with massaging movements after taking a shower.

Cream with shea butter and beeswax

Required: 60 ml of olive oil, 45 ml of shea butter, 1 capsule of vitamin E, 25 g of beeswax, aloe vera gel, 4 g of lecithin, 40 ml of rose water, 2 drops of essential oils of chamomile, sage, cornflower, dandelion.

Preparation. Mix rose water and aloe vera gel. Separately, melt the wax in a water bath, add shea and olive butter, then vitamin E and lecithin. Carefully pour in the solution of aloe vera and rose water, beat everything with a mixer until the mixture cools, add essential oils.

Application. Rub the cream into the skin daily with massaging movements.

In search of an effective and safe body cream, some of us go to a pharmacy or store, and others go to our own kitchen. Both are right in their own way. On the one hand, the finished creams have a balanced composition, and before they hit the shelves, they were tested and packaged in convenient bottles. On the other hand, in the case of homemade cream, we can say exactly what it is made of and be confident in the freshness of the ingredients. The site will tell you how to make body cream with your own hands, why you need to start “producing” homemade cosmetics with it, and what you need to know.

Rules for making homemade cream

Making a good cream yourself is quite difficult. But if you follow the recipes and basic rules, you will feel the textures and you will succeed. It’s better to start by making body creams or butters. They are the easiest to mix, since they are based on fatty foods, and the volume of water or herbal decoctions is small. They are easy to learn because most body creams only require three or four ingredients to create. And if something goes wrong, it will be easy to understand where the error is.

The general rule for mixing is to first mix solid components, such as wax, then add viscous and liquid components, such as honey, glycerin, and oils. At the end, decoctions or water are added. Homogeneous substances mix well. Therefore, all solids must be melted before preparing the cream. It is most convenient to do this using a steam bath, so they will not burn and retain maximum beneficial properties. Infusible - grind, preferably into dust; a coffee grinder is suitable for this.

You have done everything correctly if the mixture is homogeneous. To do this, it is most often necessary to beat it until it cools completely and strictly observe temperature conditions.

And lastly: the container into which you will pour the finished cream must be sterile.

ABC of ingredients

In order to easily mix components, you need to understand the role of each of them.

Making your own body cream

  • Wax and propolis– thickeners. The first has nourishing, softening and anti-inflammatory properties. The second is a powerful antibiotic, promotes wound healing, and improves immunity.
  • About properties base oils We wrote in a series of materials about oils.
  • Fresh juices, such as lemon and apple, contain large amounts of vitamin C and fruit acids. They tone, brighten the skin, and saturate it with vitamins. Products containing pineapple and grape juices can work as a non-aggressive peeling when used regularly, as they contain glycolic acid.
  • Parsley contains phytoestrogen, which increases skin elasticity and moisturizes it, has a positive effect on blood vessels, and fights swelling. Aloe accelerates regeneration. In order to obtain concentrated juice, the plant is not watered for two weeks before harvesting, and then it is infused for another two weeks. These plants go well with honey.
  • Citrus essential oils effectively fight cellulite. Lavender oil acts as an antiseptic and deodorant. Fennel oil tightens and strengthens the skin.

Making your own body cream

A universal moisturizing cream for body and face

To make a universal moisturizing cream for the body and face, we need a mixer, as well as 12 teaspoons of pure distilled water, 3 teaspoons of lecithin, 4 teaspoons of castor oil, 3 ml of glycerin, 4 ml of aloe juice and propolis tincture.

Heat the water a little, to a maximum of 40°C, and soak the lecithin in it. It will swell in about an hour. Mix it well and, beating the mixture with a mixer at low speed, add propolis, aloe, glycerin, castor oil. Gradually increase the beating speed. Minimum whipping time 3-5 minutes. The mixture must cool completely during the process. The cream is ready.

Nourishing cream for face and body with calendula

To make a nourishing cream you will need an oil extract of calendula flowers. It's easy to prepare it yourself. Mix 5 tablespoons of any base vegetable oil and a teaspoon of dried calendula flowers, leave for a week in a dark place, shaking the container from time to time.

Making your own body cream

Prepare the wax. Grind it, take 4 teaspoons and melt in a water bath. Mix it with the resulting oil extract, add a tablespoon of corn oil. Gradually add a teaspoon of glycerin into the resulting mixture, stir until the mass has cooled completely.

Vanilla body milk

A body milk that is lighter in consistency, but more complex in composition, can be prepared using the Planta-M emulsifier. Melt in a water bath and mix the following ingredients: 20 g cocoa butter, 10 g unrefined shea butter, 10 g vanilla oil macerate, 3 g emulsifier, 1 g mimosa flower wax. In a separate container, mix and heat to approximately 70°C 75 ml of distilled water or floral hydrosol and 1 teaspoon of liquid honey or honey powder.