Who are nymphomaniacs? . Nymphomaniac. Who is she

Who are nymphomaniacs and do they exist in modern society?

Many experts believe that this concept indicates the presence of a psychological problem.

Nymphomania is a Greek word that means “bride” and “passion.”

Experts call this condition excessive sexual desire in women. There are also nymphomaniacs among the male population. But this term is more suitable for women.

To some extent, this is considered hypersexuality, or rather one of its types. A person suffering from nymphomania is always sexually dissatisfied, he fantasizes a lot and is constantly looking for a new partner.

Rarely, the term nymphomania hides women of easy virtue who are not approved by society. In fact, the life of each person depends only on him. Any person decides to condemn or support a nymphomaniac on his own.

People belonging to this type of hypersexuality do not consider their partners as future wives or husbands.

All they need is sexual satisfaction.

Previously, nymphomania occurred exclusively in women, so the “syndrome” was called “uterine rabies.”

A nymphomaniac constantly succumbs to some impulses, he is in search of a new partner and tries to diversify his sex life.

  • It is also interesting that people of this type do not pay attention when choosing a partner:
  • on the floor;
  • for age;
  • on external data;

on interests and other information related to a specific person.

Sexual intercourse in most cases does not bring satisfaction, so a nymphomaniac is always in search. He needs a person with whom he can have an orgasm. But at the same time, the nymphomaniac does not accept long-term sexual relations with the new “victim”.

Excitement in the true state is subjective. In this case, the genitals “do not respond” with a normal physiological reaction. Rather, it is a psychological problem. The obsession with constantly looking for a new partner, without involving the genitals in the process, is considered psychopathology. This is due to organic brain damage.

It is easy to identify a hyperactive person regarding sexual relations. A man or woman who enjoys sex moderately is able to control his passion. Moreover, they are picky in relationships, and many aspects play an important role in choosing a partner for them. People with normal sexual activity can easily go without sex for a week or a month.

Nymphomaniacs are not able to last that long; they are constantly looking for new partners. In a week, people with psychopathology can change more than one person. People with increased sexual activity do not accept long-term relationships; they constantly need fresh impressions. Moreover, in the presence of psychopathology, it is difficult to concentrate on any activities other than sex. People cannot work, relax and communicate normally.

Nymphomaniac women are not afraid of contracting unpleasant diseases or becoming victims of crime. All they care about is sexual satisfaction.

It is quite easy to identify a person with psychopathology. To do this, experts have identified the main symptoms.

The following signs will help you understand who nymphomaniacs are:

  • constant uncontrolled sexual desire;
  • inability to get rid of thoughts about sex;
  • lack of satisfaction from contact with a new partner;
  • the need for constant casual relationships;
  • lack of interest in the opposite sex as a person;
  • hysterical mood, desire to deceive and use cunning.

Treating psychopathology is not easy. First you need to gain confidence in the person and try to understand him.

In many cases, the disease is associated with abnormalities in the brain, so a tomogram will not hurt. Then blood is donated to determine hormone levels.

Treatment should be comprehensive and can only begin after a complete examination of the body. After all, the problem may be hidden in damage to the brain or nervous system.

Drug therapy consists of taking sedatives and antipsychotics. These include Aminazine and Thioridazine.

Camphor monobromide helps young girls cope with the problem.

Along with drug treatment, it is mandatory to visit a psychologist.

Every third man wants to meet a lady who is unable to control her sexual passions. Such a woman squeezes all the sexual juices out of her partner and, without hesitation, switches to a new “victim”. But young people are not afraid of either the sexual aggression of a nymphomaniac or the threat of being “thrown overboard” after 2-3 hot nights. Doctors and psychologists strongly recommend that men not get involved with nymphomaniacs, since they pose a certain danger.

Who is a nymphomaniac?

When a lady loves sex very much, this does not mean that she is hypersexual. Experts note that about 2% of women may experience excessive sexual desires at different periods of their lives. But in most cases, this is a consequence of adolescence, which passes after some time, and the woman’s sexual behavior returns to normal.

A woman can quite easily control her sexual desire, which becomes aggravated under certain circumstances. In nymphomaniacs, the desire for intimacy appears regardless of the circumstances. Such persons cannot suppress their sexual desire even when they are at work.

Frequent sexual intercourse is a necessity for a nymphomaniac. She can have several relationships with men, even if she has a permanent partner.

Signs of a nymphomaniac

A woman may abstain from sexual contact for a long time, for example, when her husband is on a business trip. For a nymphomaniac, this is an impossible task.

  • A hypersexual woman is not capable of long-term and deep relationships.
  • The main goal of her life is to satisfy her sexual needs.
  • Sexual contacts become impersonal for her.

Women with bipolar disorder, which causes a strong sexual desire, are more likely to become nymphomaniacs. The causes of female hypersexuality can also be brain injuries, Pick's disease, Alzheimer's, taking drugs or certain medications.

Why do men lust after nymphomaniacs??

Psychologists have identified the main reasons why sensible men go in search of hypersexual women.

  • The desire to fulfill your secret erotic fantasies.
  • The ability to make love in the most unusual positions and circumstances.
  • The tender age of hypersexual ladies.
  • The desire to get the most out of a sexual relationship without giving anything in return.

For a nymphomaniac, the main thing is not a man’s financial situation, but his sexual capabilities.

The danger of nymphomaniacs

Female hypersexuality is considered a pathological disease. In most cases, nymphomaniacs are teenagers or young women under 35 years old. Sexual perversion develops in adolescence and adolescence, and then moves into adulthood.

Nymphomaniacs pose some danger to men. Firstly, they are often carriers of sexually transmitted diseases. And secondly, such women can destroy not only the family life of men, but also their psyche.

Hypersexuality is also dangerous for nymphomaniacs themselves. They are susceptible to numerous sexually transmitted infections. Excessive sexual activity leads to physical exhaustion of a woman and the emergence of psychological problems in her.

If you are overcome by sexual desire at any time and anywhere and you cannot concentrate on your studies, work or even your own relatives; if your boyfriend is more tired in bed than at work, and despite this, you simply cannot live without an army of lovers, you are a nymphomaniac.

Nymphomania (Greek nymphe - bride + mania) is a pathological sexual desire in women, manifested by an unbridled desire for sexual intimacy with different partners. Nymphomania can be described as a constant sexual thirst in women.

About one-third of the stronger sex would like to see next to them not just a girl, but a nymphomaniac who is ready for sex whenever, however, and as much as they want. Sexual desire, of course, is good, but it’s just worth assessing the scale of the troubles that can arise in connection with this. You can easily dispel the beautiful myth that has been created around unhealthy horny girls...

I would like to immediately upset men who think that nymphomaniacs “always want”, since it is simply “in their blood.” This is a misconception. Those people who think that a woman who has sex twenty times a day is absolutely normal and healthy, immediately put yourself in the hands of medical specialists. Nymphomaniacs need sex like someone with a runny nose needs a handkerchief: they got rid of it and forgot about it. At least not for long.

After sexual intercourse, during which nymphomaniacs are able to experience one orgasm after another, they do not experience a peak of pleasure and want intimacy again and again. She will torture her partner almost to the point of fainting, but will never get the long-awaited release.

Nymphomaniacs do not stay long with one partner. She absolutely doesn’t care how well he kisses, what education he has, how expensive his suit is, how prestigious his job is. She will leave him after 5-6 so-called sexual acts. Moreover, there is a possibility that she rewarded him with a bouquet of sexually transmitted diseases.

Loss of criticality and control are hallmarks of nymphomania. If a girl often changes sexual partners for reasons of financial gain or simply struggles with a personal feeling of inferiority, but at the same time is aware of her actions, everything is fine. The behavior of such a girl has nothing in common with the disease, and in general, making diagnoses is the job of doctors in our country. It is not easy to determine when we are talking about nymphomania, and when it is simply about a certain structure of the body, which implies a more frequent than average desire for sexual contact. If a woman “wants” a little more often than a man, this is not yet a reason to accuse her of nymphomania.

Our society is not yet ready to accept nymphomania as a disease. It is very difficult for girls who have consulted doctors and overcome nymphomania to return to normal life, since those around them consider them ordinary libertines and in every possible way emphasize this with their contempt. Families often break up during illness: not every husband is ready to understand that his wife had sex with many men, not because she is a prostitute, but simply because she was sick...

There is no need to panic about this disorder, since nymphomania is a rather rare phenomenon. According to statistics, for every 2,500 representatives of the fairer sex there is only one nymphomaniac girl. An interesting fact is that in countries with hot climates, nymphomaniacs are found 5-6 times more often.

Typically, hypersexual girls are perceived by each man completely differently: some are happy that their beloved has inexhaustible energy in bed, while others are looking everywhere for a reason not to have sex so often. So who are they, nymphomaniacs?

Psychologists say that nymphomania, or, in other words, hypersexuality, is a term that has a figurative meaning and denotes a girl’s manner of sexual behavior, which is most often not entirely approved by society due to moral and ethical considerations.

Why can you become a nymphomaniac?

There are many causes of nymphomania - these include brain damage, some psychological pathologies and diseases, including depression, schizophrenia and epilepsy, hormonal imbalance due to drug use, such as cocaine, heroin, and other stimulants. With nymphomania, sexual desire can be constant or paroxysmal, that is, from time to time.

Among the varieties of hypersexuality, there is the so-called imaginary nymphomania, when a girl maintains relationships with several partners not because of a craving for sex, but due to complexes or uncertainty about her own attractiveness.

It is interesting that in hypersexual girls, not only the sight of a naked man can provoke a frenzied sexual desire, but also things not related to sexual life at all. The orgasm of a nymphomaniac comes in waves and is quite protracted, but still does not bring a feeling of satisfaction and saturation, but only slightly weakens sexual arousal. It is usually quite difficult for nymphomaniacs to draw the line between increased hypersexuality and normal sexual desire.

According to the famous sexopathologist Kazimir Imelinsky, increased hypersexuality is distinguished by the fact that a person recognizes himself as an individual solely thanks to it, although he could well realize himself in other areas of life. Thus, if a person considers his sexual activity to be the only way of self-expression and is not capable of anything else, this has a purely personal basis: certain disorders of personality development provoke social insufficiency and impoverishment of a person as an individual.

Increased sexual desire, in turn, provokes increased sexual activity, a manic desire to diversify and increase the frequency of one’s sex life. Here there may well be a feeling of one’s own inferiority, as well as the shackles of complexes and lack of self-confidence. That is why such a person is constantly trying to test his sexuality and emphasize it.

From the above, we can conclude that if a girl puts her sex life at the forefront of her life, while sweeping away all moral norms, she is sick with nymphomania. Well, if a girl can satisfy her sexual desire without causing harm to herself or others and taking control of the situation, most likely, we are simply talking about increased libido.

What do nymphomaniacs want?

Typically, hypersexual girls want only two things: firstly, to have as many orgasms as possible, and secondly, to have as many sexual partners as possible. Due to the desire for orgasm, a nymphomaniac is quite capable of bringing her partner to complete nervous and physical exhaustion. In the second case, a girl with nymphomania will not care at all about her partner’s appearance, character, or social status. If it is not possible to achieve multiple orgasms, the nymphomaniac switches to an intensive search for more and more new sexual partners.

How does this behavior affect the lives of nymphomaniacs?

Of course, such a rhythm of life has an extremely detrimental effect on all aspects of the life of nymphomaniacs. For example, the reproductive system suffers greatly from frequent changes of partners, because these hypersexual girls are so self-absorbed and preoccupied with their goals that they absolutely do not care about contraception, which may well lead to sexually transmitted diseases or unwanted pregnancies.

There is a stereotype among men that a nymphomaniac woman is a sexual fantasy come to life, because with her you can realize absolutely everything, even the wildest intimate desires. But this is usually not the case: after all, a nymphomaniac is most often a girl who is not at all of model appearance, and over time, the increased hypersexuality of a partner can turn a man’s life into a real nightmare.

Is nymphomania a serious disease that needs to be treated?

Yes, nymphomania is a mental illness, as a result of which a person loses control over himself. Usually this does not lead to anything good and makes life very difficult. At the first signs of increased hypersexuality, the best way out is to contact a specialist and tell about your problem. By the way, nymphomania can be one of the more severe and complex mental illnesses, for example, schizophrenia or epilepsy.

Think for yourself: for example, you simply adore chocolate. But if you eat it several times every day, very soon you will become tired of its taste, it will become ordinary and absolutely joyless. But you will still want chocolate, and you will spend all your money on buying it without getting the proper pleasure from this delicacy. This means that you are needlessly spoiling your health, and therefore, you are killing yourself. It’s the same with nymphomania - many girls who suffer from it simply try in this way to drown out self-doubt and brighten up constant loneliness.

Consequently, society does not accept nymphomania, but also does not consider it a disease requiring treatment, despite the fact that such behavior destroys life. Don’t be embarrassed to see a doctor with a similar problem - it’s better to do it now than to test the strength of your own life.

(Greek nymphe - bride + mania; synonym - andromania), pathological sexual desire in women, manifested by an unbridled desire for sexual intimacy with different partners. In men, a similar deviation is called satyriasis.
Nymphomania can be considered a syndrome characterized by a constant desire for sexual contact; it may be caused by obsessive states or aggressive tendencies. These kinds of reasons determine uncontrolled behavior aimed at the desire for sexual contact with any person, regardless of his age, appearance and even gender. Absolute promiscuity distinguishes a woman suffering from nymphomania from a woman who exhibits pronounced sexual activity, but is able to control her sexual behavior to a much greater extent, which is expressed in a certain selection of a partner. There are several types of nymphomania: nymphomania, caused by frequent attacks of sexual arousal that occur against the background of organic brain damage or hormonal disorders; nymphomania within a manic state; nymphomania against the background of an exceptionally strong innate sexual desire; imaginary nymphomania, in which women, for various reasons of a psychological and social nature, are forced to maintain numerous sexual contacts with many partners. There is a point of view according to which nymphomania is an exaggerated sexual desire of an obsessive or overvalued nature, which is based on dissonance between the biological and mental components of libido. With nymphomania, arousal is subjective and is not accompanied by specific changes in the blood supply to the muscle tone of the genital organs, and orgasm is achieved with difficulty or does not occur at all. However, the obsessive nature of sexual desire pushes a woman to frequently change partners, although the sexual contacts themselves do not bring complete satisfaction. According to a number of sexologists, only this option for increasing libido refers to true nymphomania and occurs in mental disorders. It should be distinguished from pathological hypersexuality with various lesions of the deep structures of the brain, in particular the hypothalamus. Increased sexuality can lead to both antisocial behavior with many casual sexual relationships and alcoholism, and to difficulties in sexual and social contacts. Antisocial behavior often develops when hypersexuality manifests itself in childhood, adolescence or youth, when a woman has not yet formed as a person and the resulting mental infantilism does not allow her to resist a painful increase in desire.

(Source: Sexological Encyclopedia)

Increased sexual desire (hypersexuality) in a woman. See also Satyriasis.

(Source: Sexological Dictionary)

(from Greek - bride, young woman + ... mania), female. hypersexuality, expressed in a painful increase in sexual desire; an irresistible need to perform more and more sexual acts with any, even unfamiliar, partners. N. is the result of mental disorders or endocrine diseases. cm.: messalinism; uterine rabies. Wed: satyriasis.

(Source: Dictionary of Sexual Terms)

(Source: Concise Dictionary of Sexopathological Terms)


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