Lunar calendar for November: favorable days for a new hairstyle and manicure. Lunar calendar for November: favorable days for a new hairstyle and manicure Medical and other procedures

The last month of autumn prepares us for the cold, and therefore many want to wrap up warmly and sit at home, in comfort, with a mug of delicious tea or do something else relaxing. The lunar calendar for cutting nails for November 2019 will help you choose the right day for this procedure.

One of the options for such a relaxing procedure is nail care, which, when done in accordance with the lunar calendar, can strengthen your nails, make you more attractive and positively influence your own destiny.

Remember when to cut your nails in November 2019 and on which days you should not pick up scissors.

Lunar calendar for nail cutting for November 2019: favorable days

  • November 2. If you have headaches, be sure to make an appointment with a nail technician that day. In addition, a beautiful, delicate design on the nails will delight and lift your spirits.
  • the 3rd of November. By trimming your nail plate today, you can prolong your life, improve your health, and lift your spirits. You will also feel a surge of strength and blossom. Procedures such as manicure and pedicure will bring success into your life.
  • November 4. Got a headache? So, it's time to take care of your nails and take care of them. After this, it is better to relax - for example, take a walk down the street, but you should not just lie down on the sofa and watch TV.
  • Lunar calendar for cutting nails for November 2019 is highly recommended to cut them on the 7th to make them stronger. In addition, your nails will stop peeling and breaking, and your manicure will last quite a long time.
  • November 8. Feel free to cut your nails, because thanks to these manipulations, all ill-wishers, enemies, even the bad intentions of other people that were directed at you should disappear from your life.
  • November 9. If something is bothering you, or there are some problems in life, it is recommended to get both a manicure and a pedicure. Bad, negative thoughts will leave you alone.
  • 10th of November. Deal with your enemies and problems - just cut your nails. The day is very favorable for this.
  • 11th of November. After a manicure and pedicure, your concentration will improve, you will become a little more serious, which will have a positive impact on your studies or work. Try to decorate your nails beautifully or seek help from a specialist, since a beautiful manicure will give you more confidence in your abilities, in learning a new subject or completing tasks.
  • the 13th of November. A great day to tidy up your nails, improve their growth, make them healthy, strong, and beautiful. However, the nail plate extension procedure should be canceled - you will be dissatisfied with the end result, and besides, it will not last long.
  • The next day - the 14th - is also suitable for nail care. It is better to paint them in cool shades - this way you will protect yourself from difficulties, troubles, and problems in the near future.
  • November 18th. Decided to do your nails today? Great, this will have a positive effect on your health.
  • November 19. It is not recommended to take on extensions, but a manicure and pedicure will definitely be beneficial - you will be able to meet a new interesting person.
  • November 21. Have you been looking for answers to difficult questions for a long time, trying to solve problems that seem unsolvable? A manicure or pedicure will help, or you can trim your nail plate on this day, and then you will be able to find answers and solutions.
  • November 22. Go to the master, because thanks to his efforts and work, you will achieve success in your work, personal life, and also improve your financial condition.
  • If you decide to cut your nails on the 23rd, do it only after sunset to make yourself more attractive. A manicure and pedicure will help speed up the growth of the nail plate and lift your spirits. In addition, you will feel more confident.
  • November 24. Great day for a manicure and pedicure. After the listed procedures, you will find inner harmony, and no yoga is needed. Clarity of mind will appear, you will want to work and study.
  • November 25. You will get nothing but pleasure from the procedure.
  • Good luck awaits those girls who get a pedicure or manicure on the 27th, but November 28th is suitable for these procedures if you need the attention of members of the opposite sex. However, it is better to cut your nails after the sun has set.
  • 29th of November. Again a neutral day, in other words, nothing bad will come from the procedures performed. However, you shouldn’t expect any life bonuses or anything good either.
  • The last day of November is the 30th. It's a good day to take care of your nails, so proceed without fear.

Lunar calendar for nail cutting for November 2019: unfavorable days

So, having studied the lunar calendar for cutting nails for November 2019, you now know which days are favorable for cutting nails and which are not.

Our ancestors lived according to the laws of nature - they listened to it, believed in its powers and revered it. They also associated all the changes that took place in their society with nature. After all, the whole world is full of her wisdom, and whether we like it or not, it is completely under her control: from ancient times to this day. Lunar calendars have become very popular recently, using which gardeners calculate the most favorable days for planting, fishermen select the best time for fishing, and women try to get pregnant.

The sphere of beauty, which is also influenced by the Moon, was no exception. In this article we will introduce you to several types lunar calendars for manicure and pedicure for 2017, so that you know when and what you can do with your nails without compromising your health and family well-being.

Any male or female look will be incomplete without a high-quality and neat manicure. Not so long ago, well-groomed hands were considered an aristocratic sign, but today they are a necessity for everyone who cares not only about their appearance, but also about their health. After all, there are many points near the nails that are responsible for the condition of some internal organs.

If you do not provide proper care to your nails, or do it incorrectly, you can cause severe damage to your own body.

You can prevent negative consequences for human health in 2017 using the lunar calendar of manicure and pedicure by day of the week. Astrologers suggest that we all follow these recommendations when creating nail art:

  1. On Monday, which is ruled by the Moon, nails are allowed to be cut, painted or extended. Getting a manicure and pedicure on the first day of the week will put you in a good mood, relieve depression and have a positive effect on the health of the genitourinary system
  2. It is recommended to cut your nails on Tuesday. Mars, which patronizes this day, will have a positive effect on the structure of your nails, make them strong and strong, and will also have a beneficial effect on your well-being - it will attract additional finances to your family budget
  3. Wednesday is a great day to get a manicure for those who are overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle of everyday life, tired and mentally exhausted. According to lunar calendar for pedicure and manicure, the environment will give you strength and inspiration so that you achieve success in school or at work
  4. On Thursday it is best to cut your nails, since Jupiter, which rules this day, will have a positive effect on both the nails and the entire human body as a whole. In addition, on the fourth day of the week, it is advised to get a manicure for those who have problems in the team at work.
  5. On Friday it is better not to do anything with your nails, since on this day absolutely all processes occurring in the human body slow down. Therefore, any procedures with nails, cutting them, in particular, can negatively affect your well-being
  6. On Saturday, manicure is allowed. This procedure will have a particularly good effect on those people who have accumulated a lot of financial debts or are tired of loneliness. Saturn, which patronizes Saturday, will help you solve all these problems
  7. Sunday is a day off not only to take a break from work. On this day you can’t do absolutely anything, not even manicure. Astrologers claim that the seventh day of the week is the day of evil spirits, which is well attracted to a person who violates the basic rules of Sunday

Features of the lunar calendar of manicure according to zodiac signs

This type of lunar calendar for manicure can be divided into three subgroups:

  • Periods when the Moon is in neutral signs of the Zodiac - Aries, Taurus and Pisces. This is the time when you can work on your nails, but be extremely careful so that there are no wounds left on your fingers, otherwise an inflammatory process may begin in the areas of damage.

  • Periods when the Moon passes through favorable signs of the Zodiac for manicure - Capricorn, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius. This is the time when you can carry out all types of work with nails, both at home and in specialized salons.
  • Periods during which the Moon is in zodiac signs unfavorable for nail care - Gemini and Cancer. If you decide to grow your nails at this time, there is a risk that this will not be successful - your nails will either peel or fungus will form.

Lunar manicure calendar for 2017 by month

Throughout the year, we always have many different holidays and corporate events where we want to look irresistible. However, not every day according to the lunar calendar can be used to make your nails beautiful. In 2017, astrologers identified three periods in each month during which they recommend and strictly prohibit doing manicures.

Features of the lunar manicure calendar for January 2017

The best period for creating a manicure and pedicure falls on the following January dates: 1-2, 14-26. At this time it is allowed:

  • cut and extend nails
  • make art design
  • trim the cuticle
  • carry out medical procedures

All this will have a beneficial effect on mood, well-being and relationships with the opposite sex.

Unfavorable times in January for manicure procedures are 7-13, 27-29. If you allow yourself to “brush your feathers” these days, you may encounter numerous troubles both at home and at work. In addition, wounds that may form during manicure and pedicure will not heal very quickly.

Neutral period for January manicure 2017 according to the lunar calendar falls on the 3rd-6th, 30-31st, when nails are allowed to be filed, but you cannot trim them and use bright-colored varnishes, as society may perceive this negatively.

Features of the lunar manicure calendar for February 2017

The best time in February for a manicure is the 13th-24th, which will be successful and successful, both at work and in your personal life, and will significantly improve your mood. Allowed:

  • do extensions
  • stylish nail art
  • wellness treatments

During the period from February 5 to 9, as well as from February 25 to 28, manicure is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, you risk disrupting your good relationship with your loved one.

February 1-4, February 10-12, careful nail care is allowed. It is important that no wounds occur. Nails trimmed these days may grow slowly, but there will be no negative health consequences.

Features of the lunar manicure calendar for March 2017

The positive period at the beginning of spring falls on the 9th-10th, 15th-26th. You can make bright nail art, and work on the nail plate if necessary. Astrologers say that manicures and pedicures created these days will have a positive impact on your life: you will be able to become a financially independent person and find your other half.

On March 1-4 and 27-31, you can work fruitfully on your nail design - make it bright and catchy. But you shouldn’t cut them off to avoid troubles at work and a financial hole in your wallet.

Features of the lunar manicure calendar for April 2017

Favorable times in April are April 5-9, 13-22 and 29. By creating beautiful nail art, you will bring a sea of ​​positivity, peace and harmony into your life. It is likely that you will succeed in your career and new opportunities will open up for you.

Procedures with nails on April 1-4, 10-12, 28 and 30 can lead to bad consequences. Troubles will appear in relationships with relatives, and it is possible that in business too.

Features of the lunar manicure calendar for May 2017

On May 2-9, 14-18, 27, 30 and 31, you can, without fear, visit the salon to get a manicure, and thereby increase your income and increase your chances of meeting new people and making acquaintances with them. This will only have a positive impact on your life.

Astrologers warn that May 1, 10-13, 22-26, 28 and 29 are bad days for getting a manicure or pedicure, as there is a high probability of deterioration in your health, and you may be very susceptible to depression.

Neutral days in May are 19-21.

Features of the lunar manicure calendar for June 2017

Good times for a manicure are June 1-7, 12-17, 21, 26-30. You can paint your nails brightly, decorate them with sparkles and rhinestones - the people around you will appreciate such creativity.

It is not advisable to do nails on June 8-11, 22-25 to avoid possible injuries, depression and other health problems.

Features of the lunar manicure calendar for July 2017

The best manicure at the height of summer can be obtained on July 1-5, 15-20, 25-31. You will not just have beautiful nails, but a great mood, romance will come to your relationship, and your life will be filled only with good news.

A manicure created on July 6-10, 21-24 will have a bad effect on your life. Failures in everything and endless family quarrels will begin. On July 11-14, you can have health spa treatments for nails. Everything else that has to do with nails should be avoided.

Features of the lunar manicure calendar for August 2017

At the end of summer there will be many favorable days to work on your nails, namely August 1-5, 14-17, 24-31. According to astrologers, a manicure done these days will make you attractive and sexy.

Features of the lunar manicure calendar for September 2017

With the onset of autumn, the opportunity to create an original design and high-quality manicure still remains. In September, all this can be done on 1-4, 13, 16-17, 23-30.

On September 5-8, 14-15, 18-22, do not plan to visit a manicurist, as nail art created on these days can negatively affect your business. Astrologers identified September 9-12 as neutral days on which manicure is not recommended.

Features of the lunar manicure calendar for October 2017

In October, manicure can be the brightest and most unusual. This month you can create it on October 1-3, 8-10, 13-17, 22-25 and 29-31. Astrologers are convinced that by doing your nails these days, you will protect yourself from any troubles, add sophistication and sophistication to your image, and also gain unprecedented popularity at work among your colleagues.

On October 4-7, 11-12, 18-21, you cannot work on your nails, so that the family does not have financial problems.

A manicure done on October 26-28 will not cause you any particular trouble, but it is better to reschedule it for other days.

Features of the lunar manicure calendar for November 2017

Astrologers have calculated that November 1-2, 7, 10-16, 21-24 are the best days for a manicure, which can extend your life, help you achieve excellent results in any endeavor and strengthen your nails.

Manicure procedures carried out on November 3-6, 8-9 will lead to the opposite result. On November 25-30, you can only repaint your nails, but cutting or filing is prohibited, in order to avoid quarrels and failures.

Features of the lunar manicure calendar for December 2017

The most successful period in December to get a manicure is December 7-16, 21-31. It will bring you many positive aspects - luck, success, financial independence and love.

A manicure done on December 5-6, 17-20 will have a negative impact on the health of your nails. But the beginning of December - the 1st-4th - was designated by astrologers as neutral, but they do not recommend cutting or painting your nails.

The lunar manicure calendar in 2017 will help people always remain beautiful and well-groomed. It can be an excellent assistant in choosing the best days to create a unique, and most importantly, healthy manicure.

Video: Manicure according to the Lunar calendar

This video is a plot from a popular Ukrainian TV show. In it, experienced astrologer and psychic Sofia Litvinova talks about how the phases of the moon affect the health of our nails.

The lunar calendar for November 2017 will tell you the most favorable time to change your image and care for your hands. To ensure that success does not leave you, use the manicure calendar.

A well-groomed appearance and harmonious style are the key to good luck. Lunar energy can be used for your benefit if you know how it will behave. The manicure calendar reflects favorable days on which nail care will help you not only look great, but also feel positive.

Favorable and unfavorable days for manicure

November 1-3: The moon continues to grow in November, and will spend the first three days in the constellation Aries. These days are filled with impulsive energy, which will allow ambitious and self-confident people to succeed. A manicure is possible these days, however, site experts do not recommend choosing bright shades that can provoke aggression. It would be optimal to shape the overgrown nails and paint them in delicate pastel shades.

November 4-5: The Full Moon in Taurus on the 4th is a favorable time for cutting your nails. This way you can get rid of health problems, as well as accumulated negativity. In a two-day period, you can safely use bright colors and also strengthen the nail plate. Oil baths and hand massage will help you with this.

November 6-7: These days will pass under the influence of the waning Moon and the zodiac constellation Gemini. The energy of two days will be positive, so ladies should use this period to create a unique image. A new nail design, as well as changing the shape of the nail plate, will help get rid of shyness and repel ill-wishers and envious people. Also, cutting and trimming your nails will prevent them from becoming brittle and splitting.

November 8-9: These days, the harmonious energy of the constellation Cancer is suitable for measured and thoughtful activity. A new nail polish color will help you maintain a positive attitude. The priority will be aquatic shades of green and bluish. These colors will make you feel more confident and will also have a great effect on your mood. Also these days you can cover your nails with a layer of useful enamel, which will protect your new manicure and strengthen your nail plates.

November 10-11: the constellation Leo in alliance with the waning Moon will actively influence feelings and emotions, pushing for experiments. To prevent an overly extravagant nail design from disappointing you later, astrologers recommend postponing a trip to the nail salon and doing home restoration of the skin of your hands and nail plate with the help of massage and care products.

November 12-13: the positive influence of the Virgo constellation on this day will help you express yourself in the business sphere. To look impressive and feel a surge of strength, astrologers recommend resorting to a classic, discreet manicure. Calm shades of varnish and rounded nail tips will help you find inner harmony and comfort.

November 14-15: luck will be on your side these days. The positive influence of the Moon in its waning phase, which will be in the constellation Libra, will help you achieve success and material independence. Lacquer in green and gold shades will attract money energy to you, and the unusual design will help restore strength and lift your spirits.

November 16-18: The Moon in Scorpio is not the best combination for active manipulation of nails. During this period, it is worth giving them a rest and using caring baths. You can visit a manicure salon for restorative procedures, strengthening your nails and giving them the required shape. But it is not advisable to use varnish, especially on the New Moon on November 18th. It is best to choose a colorless caring base that will improve your nails.

November 19-20: The zodiac Sagittarius and the waxing moon phase these days will cause a surge of strength. Dear ladies should take care of their image and pay attention to their nails. A new manicure using delicate shades of varnish will help you show activity and also win the attention of the opposite sex.

November 21-23: The constellation Capricorn during this period will have a positive impact on people’s well-being and emotions. The growth of the Moon gives strength, so to maintain a fighting spirit, lovely ladies can safely go to a nail salon to update the color or shape of their nails. These days you should pay attention to unusual and bright shades that will have a beneficial effect on your mood.

November 24-25: the active constellation Aquarius these days will help you find a common language in both business and personal spheres of life. In order for meetings to be held at a high level, it is worth paying attention not only to the wardrobe, but also to the condition of the nails. A classic French manicure, which is always in fashion, will endear you to your interlocutors.

November 26-28: these days, the active energy of the growing Moon in Pisces can lead you to think about beauty and lead you into the world of illusions. You can avoid losing your working spirit by changing the shade of the varnish to a more neutral one. But cutting and filing your nails is not recommended - it can get you into trouble.

November 29-30: The Moon returns to the constellation Aries again. In the last days of November, his active energy will make it possible to complete tasks and projects, however, increasing mood swings can negatively affect performance. Delicate shades of varnish will help pacify emotions. A trip to a beauty salon will help you relax and gain strength while the master works his magic on your nails.

Dear ladies, do not forget that their marriage depends on many factors. In this regard, it is very important to always be on top. With the help of the lunar calendar, you can choose the optimal days to change your manicure and choose the right colors that will help you attract good luck and prosperity. We wish you success, and do not forget to press the buttons and

Lunar calendar of haircuts and beauty for November 2017 in the form of a table: the most favorable days for going to the hairdresser, cosmetologist, massage therapist, as well as the best time for manicure, pedicure, hair removal and visiting the bathhouse. Waxing and waning Moon in November 2017.

In November 2017, the Moon grows from 1 to 4 and after November 18 until the end of the month. This is the most favorable time for all cosmetic procedures, the purpose of which is hydration, nutrition and toning. All nourishing masks for skin and hair during this period will also bring the greatest benefit.

From November 4 to November 18 - the waning moon. The days of the waning moon are the most favorable for getting rid of everything unnecessary: ​​weight, unwanted hair, toxins, freckles, acne, pimples, pigmentation, cellulite, stretch marks, etc. A haircut during the waning moon will have a positive effect on the hair roots, strengthening them, but the hair will grow more slowly.

Explanations for the table: The table shows the most favorable days for various activities to care for your appearance, taking into account the phases of the Moon, the position of the Moon in the zodiac signs, the energy of lunar days, the Moon without a course and its planetary aspects. Moscow time.

Neutral days are also marked for visiting the hairdresser.

Little green heart means that the day is especially favorable for this procedure.

Cross× means that the day is not very good for creating beauty and it is best to do other things on this day.

Date and day of the week Moonrise time Moon in zodiac sign Moon phase
1 Wed Light massage for face and head.
Bath until 16:21.
from 16:21 Aries 09:43 00:00-09:43
2 Thu Light massage for face and head. from 16:42
3 Fri Neutral day for all procedures. Moisturizing and nourishing the skin. from 17:06 Taurus 12:46 06:03-12:46
4 Sat Massage- relaxing, lymphatic drainage. Relaxing water treatments, aroma baths. Nourishing, moisturizing masks for face and body.
Bath from 17:33.
from 17:33 Full moon 08:22
5 Sun Hairdresser from 13:26 - hair cutting and coloring (especially in light colors), for light, airy styling. Hair will grow back more slowly.
Massage, especially for the hands.
from 18:05 Twins
6 Mon Hairdresser- cutting and coloring hair (especially in light colors), for light, airy styling. Hair will grow back more slowly.
Massage, especially for the hands.
Bath until 18:46.
from 18:46
7 W Until 13:44 the same as yesterday.
Afterwards - SPA, water procedures.
from 19:38 Cancer 13:44 13:39-13:44
8 Wed SPA, water treatments.
Bath from 20:40.
from 20:40
9 Thu Hairdresser- cutting and coloring hair (especially in bright, golden and light brown shades). Hair will grow back more slowly.
Bath until 21:50.
from 21:50 a lion 15:29 08:14-15:29
10 Fri Hairdresser- cutting and coloring hair (especially in bright, golden and light brown shades). Hair will grow back more slowly. from 23:05 Last quarter 23:36
11 Sat × Virgo 19:41 11:55-19:41
12 Sun Hairdresser- hair cutting and coloring (especially in dark shades). Hair will grow back more slowly. Perm.
Cosmetologist- skin cleansing, peelings, masks.
Mani Pedi .
Getting rid of warts, calluses, corns.
from 00:22
13 Mon Hairdresser until 18:45 - hair cutting and coloring (especially in dark shades). Hair will grow back more slowly. Perm.
Cosmetologist until 18:45 - skin cleansing, peelings, masks.
Massage to 18:45, especially to reduce abdominal volume.
Mani Pedi until 18:45 .
Getting rid of warts, calluses, corns.
from 01:37 18:45-24:00
14 W Hairdresser
from 02:52 Scales 02:26 00:00-02:26
15 Wed Hairdresser- hair cutting and coloring (especially in light colors). Hair will grow back more slowly.
Cosmetologist- especially skin cleansing and peeling. Piercing.
from 04:05
16 Thu Lymphatic drainage massage from 11:09. from 05:17 Scorpion
17 Fri × from 06:27
18 Sat Bath from 07:37 to 14:42. from 07:37 and from 14:42 Sagittarius
New moon 14:42 14:42-21:59
19 Sun Hairdresser- neutral day.
from 08:43
20 Mon Hairdresser- cutting and coloring hair (especially in red and red shades). Hair will grow back faster.
Massage- especially anti-cellulite wraps. Face and body masks.
Bath from 09:46.
from 09:46
21 W Hairdresser from 10:14
Cosmetologist from 10:14.
Manicure from 10:14.
Bath until 10:43.
from 10:43 Capricorn
22 Wed Hairdresser- hair cutting and coloring (especially in dark shades). Hair will grow back faster.
Cosmetologist- moisturizing, nutrition, masks, facial massage.
Bath from 11:33.
from 11:33
23 Thu Hairdresser until 13:33 - hair cutting and coloring (especially in dark shades). Hair will grow back faster.
Cosmetologist until 13:33 - moisturizing, nutrition, masks, facial massage.
Manicure until 1:33 p.m.
from 12:15 Aquarius
24 Fri Hairdresser- neutral day. The result may not be predictable.
Bath until 12:49 p.m.
from 12:49
25 Sat ×

The lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure of nails helps to choose favorable days for these procedures. This will help you find success in business and improve your mood.

Our ancestors also noticed that the Moon influences the energy of all living things on planet Earth. Even the seas and oceans react to the phases of this satellite; on some days there are low tides of sea water, and on others there are high tides.

Several centuries before our time, people learned to compile a lunar calendar based on the phases of the moon. In the modern world, gardeners use, and fashionistas follow the dates of the lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure.

Lunar calendar of manicure, pedicure and nail extensions for 2019

An important factor for the growth and development of organisms on Earth is influenced not only by the lunar phase, but also by the zodiac sign in which this planet is located. Each zodiac sign controls a certain energy, so there are favorable days for manicures, and there are dates on which visiting beauty salons is not recommended.

  • Capricorn governs the skin and nails of the hands and feet. Therefore, on this day you can do a manicure, trim the length of your nails or do extensions. Any manipulation with nails and the skin around them will be done efficiently and painlessly for the tissues.
  • Aries and Taurus- these are neutral signs for performing manicures, extensions and cutting nails. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. Each woman decides independently whether to go to a beauty salon or not.

Important: If you have already had a manicure done on such a day, and it turned out unsuccessful, then refrain from going to the beauty salon on the days the Moon is under these signs.

  • Twins- a bad period for performing manicures, extensions and cutting nails, it is worth postponing this procedure for another day.
  • The moon is in Cancer- Nails are not trimmed, extended or manicured. They will flake, grow poorly and be susceptible to various diseases.
  • a lion— the lunar calendar of manicure, pedicure and nail extensions for 2019 suggests that the Moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%.
  • Virgo- you can not only perform various manipulations with nails, but also treat the skin and nail plate: do baths, massage, remove calluses and cut off ingrown nails.
  • Scales- baths with aroma oils or simple skin care will be useful - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicures and extensions.
  • Moon in Scorpio- a favorable period for cutting nails, manicure and extensions, but use hot baths and gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin.
  • Sagittarius- favorable days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, nail extensions and nail cutting.
  • Aquarius- the period when cracks and any inflammation should be treated. You can perform any type of manicure, nail extensions and nail cutting.
  • Fish— you can perform manicures, extensions, and trim your nails, but do it carefully—without cuts or abrasions. These days, it is not recommended to try out new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear.

Important: We do everything we want to remove on nails (length) and cuticles, calluses on the waning Moon. Perhaps your nails will grow slower, but they will be healthier and more beautiful. For enhanced nail growth, cut them under a favorable constellation on the waxing Moon. We do care, nourishing masks, baths - everything that is necessary to nourish nails and cuticles on the waxing Moon, when the body absorbs everything.

Nail cutting according to the lunar calendar in 2019

  • A person’s energy balance largely depends on the condition of the nails. Therefore, astrologers advise cutting nails according to the lunar calendar. This will help preserve and even replenish vitality. Therefore, before visiting a beauty salon or before cutting your nails, you should look at the lunar calendar.
  • IN new moon And full moon, lunar and solar eclipses Any procedures involving nail trimming are not performed. In general, a person may not feel the negative influence of the Moon, but the impact does occur.
  • Therefore, the lunar phases and the factors influencing a person must be taken seriously. Even the most harmless, at first glance, procedure of cutting nails can cause trouble if you do not listen to the advice of astrologers.

  • It used to be that nails had to be cut on certain days. For example, on Thursday they could not be cut, as this could lead to illness.
  • According to ancient legends and superstitions, nails had to be burned after circumcision so that witches could not use human energy biomaterial for witchcraft.
  • Cutting nails according to the lunar calendar is safe for human energy. If he carries out this procedure on favorable days. Manipulate your nails only on the indicated days - this will help attract success, money and even love.

Important: Do not cut your nails not only in full moon, new moon and eclipses, but also 1-2 days before and after these periods.

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure for January 2019

in January
Lunar phase
and stay
in the zodiac
Extensions, manicure Nail cutting
Waning Moon in Scorpio Good for haircuts
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Sagittarius Favorable days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions.
4.01.19 The new moon and solar eclipse already have an adverse effect.
Not good for cutting
nails, cuticles
05.01.19 Waning Moon in Capricorn _
06.01.19 New moon, solar eclipse. Moon in Capricorn _
Waxing Moon in Aquarius 07.01.19 And 08.01. 19 The new moon and solar eclipse have a negative effect.
Waxing Moon in Pisces Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Aries
Waxing Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
Waxing Moon in Gemini Not good for cutting
Waxing Moon in Cancer These days, the full moon and lunar eclipse have a negative impact. _
21.01.19 Full moon, lunar eclipse. Moon in Cancer Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
22.01.19 Waning Moon in Leo N The full moon and lunar eclipse have a negative effect. _
Waning Moon in Virgo 23.01. 19 The full moon and lunar eclipse have a negative impact.
24.01.19 you can not only perform various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate: do baths, massage, remove calluses and cut off ingrown nails
Good for haircuts
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Libra
Waning Moon in Scorpio This is a favorable period for manicures, pedicures and nail extensions, but use hot baths and gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin. Good for haircuts
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Sagittarius Not good for cutting

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure for February 2019

in February
Lunar phase
and stay
in the zodiac
Extensions, manicure Nail cutting
Waning Moon in Capricorn Good for haircuts
nails, cuticles
04.02.19 Waning Moon in Capricorn _
05.02.19 New moon
Moon in Aquarius
Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
06.02.19 Waxing Moon in Pisces _
Waxing Moon in Pisces You can perform manicures, pedicures, and nail extensions, but do it carefully—without cuts or abrasions. These days, it is not recommended to try out new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
Waxing Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
Waxing Moon in Gemini A bad period for manicures and nail extensions. Reschedule the procedure to other days. Not good for cutting
Waxing Moon in Cancer Not good for cutting
18.02.19 Waxing Moon in Leo _
19.02.19 Full moon. Moon in Leo Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
20.02.19 Waning Moon in Virgo _
21.02.19 Waning Moon in Virgo You can not only perform various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate: do baths, massage, remove calluses and cut off ingrown nails Good for haircuts
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care will be useful - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicures, pedicures and extensions. Not a good day to cut your nails
Waning Moon in Scorpio This is a favorable period for manicures, pedicures and nail extensions, but use hot baths and gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin. Good for haircuts
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Sagittarius Favorable days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Not good for cutting
28.02.19 Waning Moon in Capricorn These days you can get a manicure, pedicure, trim your nails or have extensions done. Any manipulation with nails and the skin around them will be done efficiently and painlessly for the tissues. Good for haircuts
nails, cuticles

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure for March 2019

in March
Lunar phase
and stay
in the zodiac
Extensions, manicure Nail cutting
Waning Moon in Capricorn These days you can get a manicure, pedicure, trim your nails or have extensions done. Any manipulation with nails and the skin around them will be done efficiently and painlessly for the tissues. Good for haircuts
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any types of manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Good for haircuts
nails, cuticles
05.03.19 Waning Moon in Pisces There is a new moon ahead. Manipulation of nails is undesirable. _
06.03.19 New moon
Moon in Aquarius
Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
07.03.19 Waxing Moon in Pisces The new moon still continues to have a negative impact. _
Waxing Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
Waxing Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
Waxing Moon in Gemini A bad period for manicures and nail extensions. Reschedule the procedure to other days. Not good for cutting
Waxing Moon in Cancer Nails are not extended and manicures and pedicures are not given. They will flake, grow poorly and be susceptible to various diseases. Not good for cutting
Waxing Moon in Leo The Moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
19.03.19 Waxing Moon in Virgo Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
20.03.19 Waxing Moon in Virgo On this day, the full moon has a negative influence. _
21.03.19 Full moon. Moon in Libra Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
22.03.19 Waning Moon in Libra The full moon has a negative effect. _
Waning Moon in Scorpio This is a favorable period for manicures, pedicures and nail extensions, but use hot baths and gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin. Good for haircuts
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Sagittarius Favorable days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Not good for cutting
Waning Moon in Capricorn These days you can get a manicure, pedicure, trim your nails or have extensions done. Any manipulation with nails and the skin around them will be done efficiently and painlessly for the tissues. Good for haircuts
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any types of manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Good for haircuts

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure for April 2019

in April
Lunar phase
and stay
in the zodiac
Extensions, manicure Nail cutting
01.04.19 Waning Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any types of manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Good for haircuts
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Pisces You can perform manicures, pedicures, and nail extensions, but do it carefully—without cuts or abrasions. These days, it is not recommended to try out new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Good for haircuts
nails, cuticles
04.04.19 Waning Moon in Aries There is a new moon ahead. Manipulation of nails is undesirable. _
05.04.19 New moon
Moon in Aries
Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
06.04.19 Waxing Moon in Aries The new moon still continues to have a negative impact. _
Waxing Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
Waxing Moon in Gemini A bad period for manicures and nail extensions. Reschedule the procedure to other days. Not good for cutting
Waxing Moon in Cancer Nails are not extended and manicures and pedicures are not given. They will flake, grow poorly and be susceptible to various diseases. Not good for cutting
Waxing Moon in Leo Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Virgo You can not only perform various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, massage Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
18.04.19 Waxing Moon in Libra On this day, the full moon has a negative influence. _
19.04.19 Full moon. Moon in Libra Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
20.04.19 Waning Moon in Scorpio The full moon has a negative effect. _
21.04.19 Waning Moon in Scorpio This is a favorable period for manicures, pedicures and nail extensions, but use hot baths and gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin. Good for haircuts
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Sagittarius Favorable days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Not good for cutting
Waning Moon in Capricorn These days you can get a manicure, pedicure, trim your nails or have extensions done. Any manipulation with nails and the skin around them will be done efficiently and painlessly for the tissues. Good for haircuts
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any types of manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Good for haircuts
Waning Moon in Pisces You can perform manicures, pedicures, and nail extensions, but do it carefully—without cuts or abrasions. These days, it is not recommended to try out new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Good for haircuts

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure for May 2019

in May
Lunar phase
and stay
in the zodiac
Extensions, manicure Nail cutting
01.05.19 Waning Moon in Pisces You can perform manicures, pedicures, and nail extensions, but do it carefully—without cuts or abrasions. These days, it is not recommended to try out new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Good for haircuts
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
04.05.19 Waning Moon in Taurus There is a new moon ahead. Manipulation of nails is undesirable. _
05.05.19 New moon
Moon in Taurus
Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
06.05.19 Waxing Moon in Gemini The new moon still continues to have a negative impact. _
07.05.19 Waxing Moon in Gemini A bad period for manicures and nail extensions. Reschedule the procedure to other days. Not good for cutting
Waxing Moon in Cancer Nails are not extended and manicures and pedicures are not given. They will flake, grow poorly and be susceptible to various diseases. Not good for cutting
Waxing Moon in Leo The Moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%. The design will be excellent. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Virgo You can not only perform various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, massage Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care will be useful - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicures, pedicures and extensions. Not a good day to cut your nails
17.05.19 Waxing Moon in Scorpio This is a favorable period for manicures, pedicures and nail extensions, but use hot baths and gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
18.05.19 Waxing Moon in Scorpio On this day, the full moon has a negative influence. _
19.05.19 Full moon. Moon in Sagittarius Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
20.05.19 Waning Moon in Sagittarius The full moon has a negative effect. _
Waning Moon in Capricorn These days you can get a manicure, pedicure, trim your nails or have extensions done. Any manipulation with nails and the skin around them will be done efficiently and painlessly for the tissues. Good for haircuts
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any types of manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Good for haircuts
Waning Moon in Pisces You can perform manicures, pedicures, and nail extensions, but do it carefully—without cuts or abrasions. These days, it is not recommended to try out new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Good for haircuts
Waning Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
31.05.19 Waning Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure for June 2019

in June
Lunar phase
and stay
in the zodiac
Extensions, manicure Nail cutting
01.06.19 Waning Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
02.06.19 Waning Moon in Taurus There is a new moon ahead. Manipulation of nails is undesirable. _
03.06.19 New moon
Moon in
Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
04.06.19 Waxing Moon in Gemini The new moon still continues to have a negative impact. _
Waxing Moon in Cancer Nails are not extended and manicures and pedicures are not given. They will flake, grow poorly and be susceptible to various diseases. Not good for cutting
Waxing Moon in Leo The Moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%. The design will be excellent. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Virgo You can not only perform various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, massage Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care will be useful - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicures, pedicures and extensions. Not a good day to cut your nails
Waxing Moon in Scorpio This is a favorable period for manicures, pedicures and nail extensions, but use hot baths and gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
16.06.19 Waxing Moon in Sagittarius On this day, the full moon has a negative influence. _
17.06.19 Full moon. Moon in Sagittarius Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
18.06.19 Waning Moon in Capricorn The full moon has a negative effect. _
19.06.19 Waning Moon in Capricorn These days you can get a manicure, pedicure, trim your nails or have extensions done. Any manipulation with nails and the skin around them will be done efficiently and painlessly for the tissues. Good for haircuts
nails, cuticles
Waning Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any types of manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Good for haircuts
Waning Moon in Pisces You can perform manicures, pedicures, and nail extensions, but do it carefully—without cuts or abrasions. These days, it is not recommended to try out new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Good for haircuts
Waning Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
Waning Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
30.06.19 Waning Moon in Gemini A bad period for manicures and nail extensions. Reschedule the procedure to other days. In addition, there is a solar eclipse ahead. It is already having its negative impact. Not good for cutting

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure for July 2019

in July
Lunar phase
and stay
in the zodiac
Extensions, manicure Nail cutting
01.07.19 Waning Moon in Gemini There is a new moon and a solar eclipse ahead. Manipulation of nails is undesirable. _
02.07.19 New moon. Solar eclipse
Moon in Cancer
Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
03.07.19 Waxing Moon in Cancer _
04.07.19 Waxing Moon in Leo The new moon and solar eclipse continue to have a negative impact. _
05.07.19 Waxing Moon in Leo The Moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%. The design will be excellent. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Virgo You can not only perform various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, massage Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care will be useful - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicures, pedicures and extensions. Not a good day to cut your nails
Waxing Moon in Scorpio This is a favorable period for manicures, pedicures and nail extensions, but use hot baths and gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Sagittarius Favorable days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Not good for cutting
Waxing Moon in Capricorn On this day, the full moon and lunar eclipse have a negative impact. _
17.07.19 Full moon. Moon eclipse. Moon in Capricorn Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
Waning Moon in Aquarius The full moon and lunar eclipse have a negative effect. _
Waning Moon in Pisces You can perform manicures, pedicures, and nail extensions, but do it carefully—without cuts or abrasions. These days, it is not recommended to try out new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Good for haircuts
Waning Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
Waning Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
Waning Moon in Gemini A bad period for manicures and nail extensions. Reschedule the procedure to other days. Not good for cutting
Waning Moon in Cancer Nails are not extended and manicures and pedicures are not given. They will flake, grow poorly and be susceptible to various diseases.
31.07.18 - there is a new moon ahead, which is already having a negative impact.
Not good for cutting

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure for August 2019


Lunar phase
and stay
in the zodiac
Extensions, manicure Nail cutting
01.08.19 New moon.
Moon in Leo
Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
02.08.19 Waxing Moon in Leo The new moon still continues to have a negative impact. _
Waxing Moon in Virgo You can not only perform various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, massage Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care will be useful - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicures, pedicures and extensions. Not a good day to cut your nails
Waxing Moon in Scorpio This is a favorable period for manicures, pedicures and nail extensions, but use hot baths and gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Sagittarius Favorable days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Not good for cutting
Waxing Moon in Capricorn These days you can get a manicure, pedicure, trim your nails or have extensions done. Any manipulation with nails and the skin around them will be done efficiently and painlessly for the tissues. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
14.08.19 Waxing Moon in Aquarius On this day, the full moon has a negative influence. _
15.08.19 Full moon. Moon in Aquarius Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
16.08.19 Waning Moon in Pisces The full moon has a negative effect. _
Waning Moon in Pisces You can perform manicures, pedicures, and nail extensions, but do it carefully—without cuts or abrasions. These days, it is not recommended to try out new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Good for haircuts
Waning Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
Waning Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
Waning Moon in Gemini A bad period for manicures and nail extensions. Reschedule the procedure to other days. Not good for cutting
Waning Moon in Cancer Nails are not extended and manicures and pedicures are not given. They will flake, grow poorly and be susceptible to various diseases. Not good for cutting
28.08.19 Waning Moon in Leo The Moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%. The design will be excellent. Good for haircuts
29.08.19 Waning Moon in Leo _
30.08.19 New moon.
Moon in Virgo.
Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
31.08.19 Waxing Moon in Virgo The new moon still continues to have a negative impact. _

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure for September 2019


Lunar phase
and stay
in the zodiac
Extensions, manicure Nail cutting
Waxing Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care will be useful - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicures, pedicures and extensions. Not a good day to cut your nails
Waxing Moon in Scorpio This is a favorable period for manicures, pedicures and nail extensions, but use hot baths and gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Sagittarius Favorable days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Not good for cutting
Waxing Moon in Capricorn These days you can get a manicure, pedicure, trim your nails or have extensions done. Any manipulation with nails and the skin around them will be done efficiently and painlessly for the tissues. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any types of manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
13.09.19 Waxing Moon in Pisces On this day, the full moon has a negative influence. _
14.09.19 Full moon. Moon in Pisces Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
15.09.19 Waning Moon in Aries The full moon has a negative effect. _
Waning Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
Waning Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
Waning Moon in Gemini A bad period for manicures and nail extensions. Reschedule the procedure to other days. Not good for cutting
Waning Moon in Cancer Nails are not extended and manicures and pedicures are not given. They will flake, grow poorly and be susceptible to various diseases. Not good for cutting
Waning Moon in Leo The Moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%. The design will be excellent. Good for haircuts
27.09.19 Waning Moon in Virgo On this day, the new moon has a negative influence. _
28.09.19 New moon.
Moon in Virgo.
Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
29.09.19 Waxing Moon in Libra The new moon still continues to have a negative impact. _
30.09.19 Waxing Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care will be useful - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicures, pedicures and extensions.

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure for October 2019


Lunar phase
and stay
in the zodiac
Extensions, manicure Nail cutting
Waxing Moon in Scorpio This is a favorable period for manicures, pedicures and nail extensions, but use hot baths and gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Sagittarius Favorable days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Not good for cutting
Waxing Moon in Capricorn These days you can get a manicure, pedicure, trim your nails or have extensions done. Any manipulation with nails and the skin around them will be done efficiently and painlessly for the tissues. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any types of manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Pisces You can perform manicures, pedicures, and nail extensions, but do it carefully—without cuts or abrasions. These days, it is not recommended to try out new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
12.10.19 Waxing Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
13.10.19 Waxing Moon in Aries On this day, the full moon has a negative influence. _
14.10.19 Full moon. Moon in Aries Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
15.10.19 Waning Moon in Taurus The full moon has a negative effect. _
16.10.19 Waning Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
Waning Moon in Gemini A bad period for manicures and nail extensions. Reschedule the procedure to other days. Not good for cutting
Waning Moon in Cancer Nails are not extended and manicures and pedicures are not given. They will flake, grow poorly and be susceptible to various diseases. Not good for cutting
Waning Moon in Leo The Moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%. The design will be excellent. Good for haircuts
Waning Moon in Virgo You can not only perform various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, massage Good for cutting nails
26.10.19 Waning Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care will be useful - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicures, pedicures and extensions. Not a good day for cutting nails and cuticles
27.10.19 Waning Moon in Libra On this day, the new moon has a negative influence. _
28.10.19 New moon.
Moon in Scorpio
Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
29.10.19 Waxing Moon in Scorpio The new moon still continues to have a negative impact. _
Waxing Moon in Sagittarius Favorable days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Not good for cutting

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure for November 2019

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure for November 2019:


Lunar phase
and stay
in the zodiac
Extensions, manicure Nail cutting
Waxing Moon in Capricorn These days you can get a manicure, pedicure, trim your nails or have extensions done. Any manipulation with nails and the skin around them will be done efficiently and painlessly for the tissues. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any types of manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Pisces You can perform manicures, pedicures, and nail extensions, but do it carefully—without cuts or abrasions. These days, it is not recommended to try out new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
11.11.19 Waxing Moon in Taurus On this day, the full moon has a negative influence. _
12.11.19 Full moon. Moon in Taurus Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
13.11.19 Waning Moon in Gemini The full moon has a negative effect. _
Waning Moon in Gemini A bad period for manicures and nail extensions. Reschedule the procedure to other days. Not good for cutting
Waning Moon in Cancer Nails are not extended and manicures and pedicures are not given. They will flake, grow poorly and be susceptible to various diseases. Not good for cutting
Waning Moon in Leo The Moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%. The design will be excellent. Good for haircuts
Waning Moon in Virgo You can not only perform various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, massage Good for cutting nails
Waning Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care will be useful - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicures, pedicures and extensions. Not a good day for cutting nails and cuticles
24.11.19 Waning Moon in Scorpio This is a favorable period for manicures, pedicures and nail extensions, but use hot baths and gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin. Good for cutting nails
25.11.19 Waning Moon in Scorpio These days the new moon has a negative impact. _
26.11.19 New moon.
Moon in Sagittarius
Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
27.11.19 Waxing Moon in Sagittarius The new moon still continues to have a negative impact. _
28.11.19 Waxing Moon in Sagittarius Favorable days for treatment, massage and various procedures, but not for manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Not good for cutting
Waxing Moon in Capricorn These days you can get a manicure, pedicure, trim your nails or have extensions done. Any manipulation with nails and the skin around them will be done efficiently and painlessly for the tissues. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure for December 2019

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure for December 2019:


Lunar phase
and stay
in the zodiac
Extensions, manicure Nail cutting
Waxing Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any types of manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Pisces You can perform manicures, pedicures, and nail extensions, but do it carefully—without cuts or abrasions. These days, it is not recommended to try out new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
Waxing Moon in Aries This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
Waxing Moon in Taurus This is a neutral sign for manicure, pedicure, and nail extensions. That is, doing this procedure is not recommended, but it is not prohibited. But you can do, for example, It is better to postpone cutting your nails
11.12.19 Waxing Moon in Gemini On this day, the full moon has a negative influence. _
12.12.19 Full moon. Moon in Gemini Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
13.12.19 Waning Moon in Cancer The full moon has a negative effect. _
14.12.19 Waning Moon in Cancer Nails are not extended and manicures and pedicures are not given. They will flake, grow poorly and be susceptible to various diseases. Not good for cutting
Waning Moon in Leo The Moon in this zodiac sign helps beauties to improve themselves. Show your creativity and come up with beautiful nail designs. On this day you will be able to realize your creative potential 100%. The design will be excellent. Good for haircuts
Waning Moon in Virgo You can not only perform various manipulations with nails (manicure, pedicure), but also treat the skin and nail plate, do baths, massage Good for cutting nails
Waning Moon in Libra Baths with aroma oils or simple skin care will be useful - cleansing, using cosmetics, but not manicures, pedicures and extensions. Not a good day for cutting nails and cuticles
Waning Moon in Scorpio This is a favorable period for manicures, pedicures and nail extensions, but use hot baths and gel polish with caution so as not to harm the skin. Good for cutting nails
Waning Moon in Sagittarius
Solar eclipse ahead
These days, the new moon and solar eclipse have a negative impact. _
26.11.19 New moon.
Moon in Capricorn
Unfavorable day for any nail procedures. _
27.12.19 Waxing Moon in Capricorn The new moon and solar eclipse continue to have a negative impact. _
28.12.19 Waxing Moon in Aquarius The new moon and solar eclipse continue to have a negative impact. _
Waxing Moon in Aquarius It is good to perform any types of manicure, pedicure, nail extensions. Cracks and any inflammation should be treated. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly
31.12.19 Waxing Moon in Pisces You can perform manicures, pedicures, and nail extensions, but do it carefully—without cuts or abrasions. These days, it is not recommended to try out new hand cosmetics, as undesirable consequences in the form of allergies may appear. Nails cut on this day will grow quickly

Manicure and pedicure according to the lunar calendar will make you attractive and your hands beautiful. You are guaranteed healthy and soft skin, as well as strong nails. Adjust to the lunar phases using the recommendations of this calendar, and natural beauty will be guaranteed to you.

Video: Haircut and manicure according to the Lunar calendar - Everything will be fine - Issue 559