Maria Maksakova before and after plastic surgery photos. Biography and personal life, children of an opera singer. Plastic surgery. Maria Maksakova-Igenbergs before and after plastic surgery Maksakova Maria Petrovna plastic surgery

Stanislav Sadalsky has long been friends with People's Artist of the RSFSR Lyudmila Maksakova. The actress has a difficult relationship with her daughter from her second marriage, the famous opera singer Maria Maksakova.

Stanislav Sadalsky often does not miss the opportunity to discuss a scandalous topic. His recent story touched on the plastic surgery of a 41-year-old opera diva.

The actor published a collage of two photographs: a recent photo of Maria and a more recent image of her with her mother and father. The frame clearly shows that Maksakova’s nose has undergone dramatic changes - it has become shorter and taken on a different shape.

“There was Maria, similar to mom and dad - thin, delicate, with European features and the graceful appearance of an aristocratic grandmother on her father’s side. She became Martha, like many others, although, undoubtedly, she was also a beauty. I like the old Masha, and you?” – Sadalsky signed the photo.

Maria Maksakova with her parents – Lyudmila Maksakova and Peter Igenbergs

Soon Stanislav Sergeevich added another photo to the discussion. “The photo was sent by People’s Artist of Ukraine Roma Viktyuk. I couldn’t guess who he was with, I thought it was Kristina Orbakaite. But it turned out to be with Martha before well-known events,” the artist ironically commented on the photo, supplementing his story about Maria Maksakova with rhetorical reflection: “By changing yourself outwardly, you change your destiny - this is a truth that has been tested for centuries. The question is: why run away from yourself?”

Roman Viktyuk and Maria Maksakova

Netizens actively participated in the discussion of the dramatic changes in the appearance of Maria Maksakova. Some subscribers agreed with Stanislav Sadalsky and were skeptical about the singer’s new appearance: “Yes, she became a commoner with such lips,” “I also liked natural Maria more. Now it’s kind of unnatural, like a puppet. The old one had charm.”

However, many fans of the opera diva objected to the artist and noted that the transformed Maria Maksakova seems much more beautiful to them:

“The old one – no, even though it was natural. The real one is more beautiful”, “The new one is more beautiful”, “The new nose suits her much better, the lips are certainly too much”, “That case when the operation is clearly beneficial”, “Well, honestly, she looks better now... Everything is fine”, “I it seems that this is not an escape from oneself, but a search for oneself. The breed is visible even in Mary, even in Marfa” (the authors’ spelling and punctuation have been preserved. - Ed.).

Maria Maksakova before and after plastic surgery - photo confirmation of the operations performed. Maria Maksakova is a media personality; millions watch her personal life and career successes. What is important is that she achieved such stunning success with the help of hard work. It's nice to see a woman whose fame did not come with the help of House 2 and similar projects. There is a lot of gossip around Maria Maksakova’s appearance, especially after the death of her husband.

We can say with confidence that Maksakova resorted to the help of plastic surgeons - before the operations, her face was rounder, her nose had a pointed tip, her mouth was larger, her breasts were smaller. Moreover, young Maria Maksakova was a copy of her famous mother, Lyudmila, a famous actress and singer.

The natural beauty of Mary

Natural charm and charisma, the ability to behave with dignity in public, not feigned individuality. These epithets can be continued endlessly. And Maksakova is unlikely to have resorted to the help of plastic surgeons, if not due to severe mental shock.

It’s nice that critics are not creating unnecessary hype around Maria’s personality. It would be undignified to write “hot news” about such a worthy person.

The opinions of experts regarding the transformation of Maria Maksakova after plastic surgery were divided into 2 camps. The first claim that Maksakova had her first plastic surgery about 10 years ago. The latter confidently declare that Maksakova began her radical transformations after the death of her husband. The resulting psychological trauma did not allow the woman to move forward; independent psychologists say that Maria Maksakova’s condition improved only a year after the so-called escape from herself.

Biography of Maria

Date of birth of Maria Maksakova: 07/24/1977

Country of birth: Germany (Munich). In early childhood, Maria was transported to Snigiri, a small village near Moscow. In parallel with her studies at school, little Maria Maksakova attended private music lessons, after which she entered the central music school.


Fame came to Maria back in 2000. It was then that she received the role of Rosina in “The Barber of Seville.” Then she received her first award for “best debut”.

A year later, Maksakova reached a new level of personal development - she was able to obtain the position of State Deputy. Duma and become a party representative. The girl could not stop there; in addition to opera and politics, she tried herself in cinema as an actress.

Maksakova’s life before and after her husband’s death

Having received the position of deputy, Maria decided to slightly improve her already outstanding appearance. Presumably, the first operation is rhinoplasty.

The second step was monthly Botox injections. Unfortunately, there is no reliable information. Maria denies the leaked information, and doctors abide by the code of ethics. Having carefully studied photographs of Maksakova during the life of her husband, it seems that the girl did not undergo any plastic surgery.

Maria Maksakova - a year after the escape. These words contain a lot of pain; unfortunately, Maria still cannot recover from the death of her beloved husband. Escape from reality, panic attacks, a year of grief and hatred - this is not the whole range of feelings and emotions that were seething in the mind of the widow of her beloved husband.

Most likely, the theory that Maksakova began to go under the surgeon’s knife in order to somehow cope with mental pain is correct. But as we see, these changes were not at all beneficial - in some moments Maria simply disfigured her appearance.

Alleged plastic surgeries

  • Changing your face shape

We can say with confidence that Maria Maksakova definitely did rhinoplasty, and more than once. Photos of Maria at the age of 20 and after the wedding show a completely different position of the bones of the nasal septum.

The girl’s nose changed gradually, which means that there really were several operations. In the photo from 20 years ago, Maksakova’s nose was a little rough and elongated, just like her mother and grandmother’s. Over the years, it became more even and acquired a slightly unnatural upturned tip.

Most likely, Maria had rhinoplasty and Botox injections about ten years ago. The appearance of the star indicates that cosmetic injections are being carried out. Natural aging cannot maintain such a fresh face, especially revealing the condition of the skin under the eyes.

The photographs of Maria Maksakova show how fresh the woman’s look has become after so many years. Expression wrinkles and “blueness” under the eyes have disappeared; this is only possible with the help of lifts and subcutaneous injections.

Breast shape correction

Every popular personality is surrounded by rumors about breast augmentation.

Having reviewed all possible PHOTOS AND VIDEOS of Maksakova, experts confidently declare that they did not do anything to Maria. All breast changes are completely natural.

Ill-wishers constantly discuss and condemn Maksakova’s appearance. Many assure that the woman clearly overdid it with Botox injections. Some even compare her with Volochkova, and say that there was no living space left on her face after the intervention of plastic surgeons.

The most unpleasant thing about the current situation is that critics constantly pay attention to the distinctive appearance of Maksakova’s children; in some years, there were rumors about adoption. But most likely the children look like the famous mother, only natural, real, and not like the woman she became after many plastic surgeries.

The most important thing is that Maksakova herself is happy with her appearance and changes. After numerous procedures, not only her appearance changed, but also her moral state.

Lip augmentation

Maksakova made cosmetic injections of hyaluric acid long before marriage. After business meetings and participation in party meetings, enough photos and video materials have been preserved, where one can clearly see how much Maria’s lips have enlarged. So the theory about plastic surgery after the death of her husband has cracked - Maksakova is familiar with plastic surgery firsthand, and from her very youth.

After the lip correction procedure, Maksakova’s appearance changed beyond recognition.

What specific changes have become so noticeable?

  • Improved lip shape and smoother contour
  • Noticeable asymmetry eliminated
  • Gone are the facial expressions above the lips
  • The corners of the lips rose
  • Thanks to all of the above, the sad face was replaced by an eternal smile

Reference! Lip augmentation is not as simple a cosmetic procedure as it might seem at first glance.

Once you decide to have the procedure, be very careful when choosing a doctor and clinic. Trust your health only to professionals. Study the work of your doctor before concluding a contract for the provision of medical services.

Don't be afraid to ask and find out all the information you are interested in. Despite the short duration of the procedure (from 15 minutes to 1 hour), if certain rules are not followed, the procedure can cause irreparable harm.

Naturally, the lip correction procedure for Maria was not a one-time procedure. Once every six months she visits a cosmetologist's office for maintenance injection therapy. Now we can say with confidence that due to the regularity of the procedures, the actress has completely lost her individuality.

Well-groomed skin

Maria Maksakova will give odds to many 20-year-old girls - her skin looks simply flawless. In many interviews, the actress admits that she is constantly engaged in maintaining her beauty, thanks to proper nutrition, plenty of fluids and vitamins. Maria is silent about carrying out injection procedures, but in this case there is no need to even talk - such an appearance can only be achieved with the help of constant maintenance “beauty injections”.

Presumably Maksakova got rid of wrinkles in 2 ways:

By injecting special fillers into the folds of the skin (collagen or filler). Thanks to them, the skin gradually smoothes out and looks much younger. If the wrinkles are very deep, it is possible to use the patient's own fat.

Changing the oval of the face

From a more round outline, it became more elongated, oval. Even if the actress did not go under the surgeon’s knife, such changes could well have occurred after a sharp weight loss amid constant stress.

Cosmetic changes

If the actress does not confirm her plastic surgery, then the external changes in her face can be attributed to competent eyebrow tattooing and constant cosmetic procedures.

Maria has never been a supporter of bright makeup; her images are always harmonious and effortlessly natural. It is quite possible that thanks to a professional makeup artist, Maksakova will shed a couple of decades off.

Where did Maksakova’s pregnancy go after her husband’s death?

Maria was not pregnant, these were just internet rumors. After the loss of her husband, the favorite of Russian fans lost about 16 kilograms. No wonder she was thought to be pregnant.

In a frank interview for a women's magazine, Maria admitted that she did not get out of bed for several weeks, her appetite was completely lost. Only six months later, Maksakova was able to pull herself together and begin to take care of herself again.

In any case, it is not decent to develop intrigues and scandals on such a tragedy. What Maria had to endure is beyond the pale of almost any sane person. It remains to wish Maria good luck and speedy moral relief.

Not everyone will be able to behave so dignifiedly and come out of any conflict gracefully. Even when Maria is insulted to her face, she will never scream or be rude, she will always listen to her opponent with dignity and leave with a proud smile.

Opera singer and State Duma deputy Maria Maksakova resorted to plastic surgery for the sake of her career in opera and her beloved men. They worked on her: they enlarged her lips and g

rud, corrected the shape of the nose, made the cheekbones more chiseled. Not everyone approves of such regular visits to facial plastic surgery: Maksakova does not look like her mother, the children do not look like her.

The tabloids included Maria Maksakova among those who were most likely disfigured by the fashion for “apricot lips”: it doesn’t suit many people, women are becoming the same type. It is impossible to deceive God and nature; age must be accepted with dignity. Natural Maksakova gave odds to many recognized beauties; on Marinka’s stage she shone with her voice: appearance is practically unimportant for a soloist, but her role still changes over the years. The Countess, whom Maksakova sang, running away from age, was generally an old woman and had an adult granddaughter Lisa. You can keep yourself in shape simply by leading a healthy lifestyle and not forgetting about changing your image and beauty salons. But alas, the methods of caring for myself and my daughter Lyudmila Maksakova have changed. Plastic surgery appeared. Actress Vera Alentova scares show business with her paralyzed face and is a living reminder to artists.

Photo: Maria Maksakova before plastic surgery

Maksakova’s facial plastic surgery is no less a pressing topic these days than her children and men. They discuss Vladimir Tyurin, the father of her children Lyuda and Ilya, condemn him for his connections with crime and his reluctance to marry Maksakova. They are wondering why she quickly left the jeweler Jamil Aliyev - was it possible that “Prison” intimidated him and ordered him not to touch Maria and his children? But the main person involved in the discussion is Denis Voronenkov, and he could simply be taking advantage of Maksakova, who is selflessly in love.

Maria Petrovna Maksakova is a Russian opera singer, soloist of the Mariinsky Theater. She also realized her talent as an actress and TV presenter. From 2011 to 2016, she was a deputy of the State Duma, where she represented the United Russia party.

Lyudmila Maksakova and young Maria Maksakova

Maria was born on July 24, 1977 in Germany in the family of a German citizen, Peter Andreas Igenbergs, and a Soviet actress. The singer has an older brother, Maxim, who is involved in financial activities. By the way, Maria received her name in honor of her famous grandmother, also an opera singer Maria Petrovna Maksakova, her full namesake.

According to official documents, Maria’s real surname combines both her maternal and paternal surnames – Maksakova-Igenbergs. But the stage name is always compressed only to the first part.

Maria Maksakova in her youth

As a child, Masha and her parents lived alternately in Russia and Germany, but went to school in Moscow. And not just any time, but the Central Music School at the State Conservatory, where she studied piano. In her youth, Maria attended catwalk classes at a modeling school. Due to poor relations with her mother Lyudmila Maksakova, Maria left her father’s house at the age of 18 and began an independent life.

The girl graduated from the academic vocal department at the famous Gnessin Russian Academy of Music, and in 2004 she strengthened her education when she accepted the Gnesin graduate school. By the way, Maria Maksakova completed her internship in Italy with recognized masters of the opera stage Miwako Matsumoto and Katya Ricciarelli.


Immediately after graduating from the Gnessin Academy, Maksakova was accepted into the troupe of the Moscow New Opera Theater, where the opera singer made her debut in the role in the play of the same name. After 3 years, the singer was invited by the Bolshoi Theater of Russia, and after another 3 years she moved to Helikon-Opera.

In 2011, her long-cherished wish came true: Maria Maksakova became a soloist of the Mariinsky Theater. On its stage she performed roles in the operas “The Marriage of Figaro”, “Ariadne auf Naxos”, “The Tales of Hoffmann” and many others. Maria also performed in the premiere performances of the grand operas “Lefty” and “War and Peace”.

To perpetuate the singer’s voice, the Russian branch of one of the largest record labels published Maksakova’s debut album “Mezzo? Soprano?”, which included popular opera arias accompanied by the Moscow Symphony Orchestra “Russian Philharmonic”.

This was followed by an album of classical romances and alternative recordings of the arias “Another Me. Alter ego”, the lyrical record “The Man I Love” and other recordings.

Maria Maksakova not only sang herself, but also tried to attract audiences who were not fans of these genres to academic vocals and classical music. For this purpose, the singer hosted a series of concert programs “Romance of Romance” on the “Culture” TV channel. Her co-hosts in the studio were Svyatoslav Belza, and since 2014 -.


In 1998, while still studying at the music academy, Maria Maksakova made her film debut in the role of one of the students in the historical drama “The Barber of Siberia.” The role was a success thanks to the girl’s natural artistic charm and textured appearance - with a height of 173 cm, Maria’s weight was 70 kg, and her blond braid completed the image of the Russian beauty.

Maria Maksakova in the film “Between the Notes, or Tantric Symphony”

She had to wait 10 years for her next appearance on the screen. But then she appeared in three films at once - in the crime series “Tycophs,” the drama “Savva,” dedicated to the biography of a famous philanthropist, and the detective story “Photographer.”

Her filmography also included romantic films “Capital of Sin”, “About Love” and “Scent of Rose Hip”. Maria’s outstanding work in cinema was the melodrama “Between the Notes, or the Tantric Symphony,” in which she played the role of the main character’s tutor in his memories of days gone by.

Maria Maksakova has repeatedly resorted to plastic surgery. Since the mid-2000s, the singer has undergone a series of operations to correct the shape of her nose and lips. The artist has repeatedly used beauty injections to improve the contours of her neck and face. Maksakova also increased her bust size.

Public life

Another page of Maria Petrovna’s biography is related to politics. In 2011, Maria Maksakova entered the State Duma from the United Russia party, running from the Astrakhan region. In the Duma, she primarily took up cultural issues. Maria Maksakova became one of the authors of the bill on the protection of intellectual rights on the Internet.

Maria Maksakova in the State Duma

When the law on non-traditional relationships was adopted, the singer supported this project, but spoke out against openly homophobic language and asked for amendments. The artist’s proposal was rejected, but this performance had a great resonance among the deputies. In addition, Maria Maksakova was the only State Duma deputy who abstained from voting on the bill prohibiting the adoption of Russian orphans by US citizens.

Personal life

Maria Maksakova dated for a long time and then lived in a de facto marriage with crime boss Vladimir Tyurin, who was considered the head of the Russian mafia in Spain. From him the woman has two children - son Ilya and daughter Lyudmila. After breaking up with her first husband, the singer dated the famous jeweler Jamil Aliyev.

The children lived with their father at one time. At the age of 10, Ilya entered the St. Petersburg Suvorov School, but after 4 years he withdrew his documents from there. Daughter Lyudmila, in addition to receiving an economic education, is learning to play the harp. Now she is already a laureate of an international harp competition.

Only in March 2015 Maksakova officially got married. Maria's chosen one was a State Duma deputy. After the wedding, she kept her maiden name. It soon turned out that Maria was pregnant with twins, but due to the tense situation associated with the persecution of her husband, the singer suffered a miscarriage.

In April 2016, after Maksakova’s health returned to normal, her third child was born - son Ivan. It seemed that his personal life had improved, and only bright years lay ahead. But the dreams did not come true.

On March 23, Maria’s husband Denis Voronenkov was in Kyiv. A former Russian deputy, who immigrated to Ukraine with his wife at the beginning of 2017, was killed near the Premier Palace Hotel. It is also reported that his bodyguard, who tried to cover Voronenkov, died at the scene of the tragedy.

Maria Maksakova now

After the death of her husband, Maria remained to live in Kyiv. At the beginning of 2017, the singer released the studio album “Strong and Proud,” which included five songs. The artist shot videos for the title track of the album and the hit “You Will Be Mine.”

In the spring, the singer changed her hairstyle, getting a short boyish haircut, and lost weight by 14 kg, to which the singer’s online followers could not help but react "Instagram". Enthusiastic comments from fans began to appear under Maria Maksakova’s photo.

Maksakova is not discouraged; the singer has many creative plans. In the summer of 2017, the artist began work on creating a Fund to Support Talented Children. The young mother often travels to Russia, where she is invited to film popular programs. Maria has already given an interview on the program “Let Them Talk.” The video was broadcast on Channel One on July 12, 2017.

Maria Maksakova in the program “Let Them Talk”

A few months after the death of Maria Maksakova’s husband, conspiracy theories appeared that the attack on the Russian was faked. At the end of July, on the “Actually” program, the presenter called on Maria Maksakova to clarify the situation.

Soon, confirmation of the death of Denis Voronenkov came from the lips of Maria Maksakova herself on a talk show that the former Georgian president hosted on Ukrainian television. At the beginning of 2018, Maria Petrovna gave a detailed interview to journalists from the NTV channel as part of the “New Russian Sensations” program.

Based on the results of the investigation conducted by the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine, it became known that Voronenkov was killed by order of Maria Petrovna's first common-law husband, Vladimir Tyurin.

After the death of her husband, Maria was not left alone. The artist acquired a patron, Ukrainian millionaire Alexander Suslensky, who helped Maksakova get through difficult times. In the summer of 2018, Maria Maksakova’s next chosen one, with whom she walked down the aisle, was Ingush by nationality.

They got married in Kyiv and did not attract press attention to the wedding. But the information nevertheless became known to the public after the singer went to court. Maksakova gave her newly-made husband an apartment in Moscow on Krasnopresnenskaya embankment, and the man immediately sold it to his compatriot. Having learned about this, Maria demanded that the deal be annulled through the court. There is talk on social networks that the artist has again failed in her personal life.

In October 2018, Maria Maksakova commented on the situation for the first time, admitting that the marriage with Dalhat was fictitious. Maria could not return to Russia, because Khalaev was handling her legal affairs. Immediately after the marriage, the man sold her apartment and tried to escape, but was detained by the police. At the moment, Maksakova’s apartment is under arrest pending a court decision.


  • “Mezzo? Soprano?
  • “Romances. P. Tchaikovsky and S. Rachmaninov"
  • “Another Me. Alter ego”
  • "My voice for you..."
  • “Astrakhan, how dear you are to my heart...”
  • "The Man I Love"
  • "R. Schumann, F. Schubert. Songs"
  • "Strong and proud"


  • 1998 - “The Barber of Siberia”
  • 2008 - “Tycoons”
  • 2008 - “Savva”
  • 2008 - “Photographer”
  • 2010 - “About love”
  • 2010 - “Capital of Sin”
  • 2014 - “The Aroma of Rosehip”
  • 2014 - “Women on the Edge”
  • 2015 - “Between the notes, or Tantric Symphony”

I don’t really follow politics, so I only heard about Maria Maksakova in full in connection with the family tragedy that recently befell her. Maria's husband is no longer alive. As a woman, and in general as a human being, I really sympathize with her in this regard.

I typed her name on the Internet. It turns out that before she was far from politics and was engaged, as for me, in a much more pleasant and suitable activity for a woman - singing.

Maria is a professional opera singer. She graduated with honors from Gnesinka in academic vocals. Plays the piano beautifully. She has performed at many famous venues. She performed as a soloist on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater and the Mariinsky Theater! She is the daughter of actress Lyudmila Maksakova. I think even those who lived in Soviet times remember little of this actress. And here we are not talking about her lack of talent. It’s just that, by the standards of that time, Maksakova’s mother committed a desperate act - she married a German! You understand, at that time everything foreign was perceived as hostile. Marriage, first of all, hit the actress’s career hard - they simply stopped inviting her to act in films.

There was always a lot of gossip around the women of the Maksakov family. I don't see anything surprising in this. When you work in the field of theatrical art or politics, and especially when your career takes off, a trail of different rumors will always follow you. Well, of course, the female half of society likes to wash their bones about the external data of Maria and her mother, by the way, too.

They suspect that Maria changed the shape of her nose, enlarged her lips and breasts, and corrected her cheekbones. Having looked at her photographs, of these rumors, in my opinion, the one about rhinoplasty is definitely true. I think Maskakova decided to do it not only for purely feminine reasons, that the nose should be even and neat, that the artist is always supposed to look impeccable. I think there was also a reason here on a deeper level, I would even say professional. Judging by the early photographs, the deformation of the nose was significant, and there could be breathing problems. And the breathing technique for professional singers must be very good. It seems to me that the operation had to be resorted to mainly for medical reasons.

There was breast enlargement, it’s hard for me to judge. She herself could become larger with age. Moreover, this could well be natural for Maria, because she is the mother of three children.

As for changing the contour of the lips and cheekbones, I think they did something, but in small doses. And perhaps cunning makeup techniques helped this. Don't forget that she is an artist. Indeed, people in these professions study their own faces more carefully than others and more skillfully correct what is necessary than we do. And the brushes of professional makeup artists touch them more often than ordinary citizens of our country.

In any case, well, except for rhinoplasty (here, in my opinion, it is obvious and obvious), talk about plastic surgery for the singer remains only at the level of rumors. There is no information on this matter on the Internet with the opinion of professional experts in the field of aesthetic medicine.