Review of means to combat excess body hair. The best post-depilation products that slow down hair growth. Reviews Cream for body hair growth

There are remedies against hair growth, temporarily or permanently, from shaving, sugaring to laser hair removal. But what about natural methods? Is there a remedy for body hair using only natural ingredients? No lasers, no harsh hair removal creams and no risky razors?

Luckily, there are several natural removal methods that actually work. And since we need to get rid of hair forever, we are interested in the question of whether there are such natural remedies against the rapid growth of body hair that gets rid of it forever? Is there a way to prevent regrowth or will they eventually grow back?

The most radical methods of depilation

First of all, you should understand one thing simple truth— there is only one method of hair removal that can be considered permanent. This is the complete destruction of hair follicles. The burn or other damage must be so severe that the body is unable to repair the hair follicles. Only complete destruction of the follicles will not be able to grow new shoots. In all other cases, after some time, new hairs will sprout from the restored hair follicles.

Moreover, even electrolysis, the most radical of methods, is ineffective. Many people who have undergone this type of hair removal notice hair growing again on the treated areas of the body after a few years. Sometimes this happens even after 10 years, the regenerative capabilities of the body are so strong. Of course, after such destructive effects, hair growth will be noticeably less, it will no longer be so thick, strong, or brightly colored.

Laser hair removal usually only works for up to a year or so. The light beam damages the hair follicles quite thoroughly, but still not to the same extent as electrolysis. This slows the rate of regrowth, but does not stop it completely. This is why repeating laser hair removal every year is recommended. We can say that the laser burns out hair follicles, but the effect lasts no more than a year.

As for other removal methods:

  • Wax,
  • Plucking,
  • Shaving,
  • Sugaring, etc.

The effect of these methods used against body hair growth is approximately the same. Depilation using wax, sugaring, plucking or commercial creams is valid for a month. After some time you will see new growth. On the back and shoulders, the effect of hair removal with wax lasts a little longer, due to the sparseness of the hair in this area. Eventually, they will definitely start growing again.

People who are looking for a way to get rid of body hair permanently will naturally be disappointed. The removal methods we list are very effective, but they can never rid you of the problem for life.

All we can recommend is to try natural remedies to find out which one works best for you personally. But they are all quite effective and help many people in their weekly or monthly fight against unwanted hair. These are good ones safe means to keep your body in excellent condition and under constant control. In any case, they are healthier and safer than any commercially advertised cream that consists of aggressive chemicals.

Remedy No. 1 - papaya with turmeric

It turns out that papaya is much more than just a tropical fruit! It is rich in vitamins, minerals, and also contains a lot of an enzyme called papain. It is this substance that can damage hair follicles and slow down the rate of hair growth. The best thing about papaya is that this fruit is very nourishing for the skin and can be used by people with the most sensitive skin. It is also an exfoliant. This choice can be considered a win-win.

To make an excellent papaya hair removal product, you will need 2 ingredients: papaya, turmeric root. Use a knife to remove the skin and cut the papaya into small cubes. Why do you need to mash these cubes with a fork? The raw turmeric root should be grated on a fine grater, and the resulting zest should be mixed with papaya. A well placed paste is applied to the body where unwanted hair grows. Rub the mixture into the skin with your fingers and leave for 20 minutes.

After this time, the body should be rinsed with warm water. You can see that the skin is colored yellow from turmeric, but this tint will disappear after a few days. The product can be used 1-2 times a week. At a minimum, you need to take at least a day break between treatments. If you use it regularly, you won't have to worry about waxing or shaving for a long time. Papaya with turmeric really seriously slows down growth. It is clear that it is rational to start using this method after shaving.

Remedy No. 2 based on papaya

To prepare this composition you will need:

  • Fresh papaya.
  • Turmeric.
  • A little flour.
  • Aloe vera.
  • Mustard oil.
  • Peppermint oil.
  • Moisturizing cream.

Half a glass of papaya puree should be mixed with half a tablespoon of flour and turmeric powder. Add two tablespoons of mustard oil, 4 tablespoons of aloe vera (this can be gel or raw pulp) and a couple of drops of peppermint oil to the mixture.

Apply the mixture to the skin and let it dry. After about 20 minutes, or 15 minutes for those with sensitive skin, rinse with warm water. This will help weaken and lighten body hair and prevent regrowth from the follicles. Once your skin is dry, apply a natural moisturizer to reduce dryness and protect against irritation.

Turmeric against hair

Turmeric is a powerful root that is used in cooking to add flavor to sauces and stews. It contains a powerful antioxidant known as curcumin. This substance helps reduce inflammation, fight bacteria and keep skin always healthy. But the best thing is that turmeric can seriously reduce height. It can be used in any form - raw or powdered, depending on availability in your city. If your local hypermarkets don't sell turmeric, look for oriental food stores. There you will definitely find raw turmeric or its dry powder.

Turmeric - remedy number 1

To do this you will need:

  • Turmeric.
  • Sesame oil.
  • A little flour.

Mix a tablespoon of turmeric powder with an equal amount of flour, mix well and add sesame oil to form a thick paste. Use your fingers to apply the paste to areas with unwanted hair. Wait for the mixture to dry. This happens after 30 minutes, then rinse your skin with warm water. Use a gentle scrubbing motion to remove the paste. At the same time, part of the hair will be removed. You can repeat the procedure once a week until the unwanted vegetation is completely removed.

Turmeric remedy No. 2

For this tool you will need:

  • Turmeric.
  • Pink water.

A fist-sized piece of turmeric should be grated on a fine grater and mixed with a few tablespoons rose water. You should get a thick paste that is easy to spread on the skin. You need to apply this paste with your fingers, but only on the area with unwanted hair, hold for 15-20 minutes, depending on the sensitivity or dryness of the skin. Afterwards, rinse with warm water.

This is a remedy for legs, back, arms and other places with less thick and fairly thin hair. To remove coarser, thicker hair, such as pubic hair, you may need to add yogurt, ground oats or rice flour to the paste.

Lemon, honey and sugar

Have you ever noticed that sugar turns into a thick wax-like substance when heated? That's why we have delicious caramel. Using sugar with honey can be a natural alternative to the expensive paraffin wax used in hair removal spas and clinics. Adding a small amount of lemon provides a whitening effect, reducing their visibility. Mixing honey and sugar creates a thick, wax-like substance that, once applied, will nourish the skin even as it sticks and dries. This remedy is most effective on short hair. Therefore, before using it, it is recommended to shave the treatment area 10 days before.

How to remove hair using sugar and honey? For this tool you will need:

  • Sugar.
  • Lemon.

A tablespoon of sugar should be mixed with a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of lemon juice. The mixture should be placed in a metal bowl and placed in a double boiler. This way, the composition will heat up slowly, which will prevent the sugar from burning and the destruction of bioactive substances in honey and lemon juice. The sugar will dissolve slowly and the mixture will eventually turn into a thick wax-like paste. If the paste turns out too thick, you can add a little water. If, on the contrary, it turns out too liquid, add corn starch.

To prevent the mixture from sticking to the skin, dust the area to be depilated with cornstarch. Using a wooden spatula or spoon, apply wax to the skin in the direction of growth of the skin. Then glue a strip of fabric and let the mixture cool and harden, after which the fabric must be torn off with a sharp movement. This product works exactly the same as regular wax, but it is nourishing for the skin.

We haven't listed everything existing methods combating unwanted vegetation, but talked about the most effective ones. You can experiment as much as you like, there are really a lot of recipes. And if you have no time for experiments and you are not yet ready for radical and expensive clinical methods, then buy ready-made depilatory cream - cheap and cheerful!

Everyone knows that male bodies abundantly covered with hair. For some, they grow only on the face, as well as in the armpits and pubic area. Others have abundant hair all over their bodies. This type of man has hair on his arms, legs, chest and back. Many people, including women, like this state of affairs, and they consider such men sexy.

However, many of the stronger sex have complexes about this. They dream of getting rid of hair and are looking for the most effective means against hair growth. One way or another, abundant hair on the body fades into the background over the years and you can increasingly see clean-shaven men around.

Reasons for removal

Among the reasons for this process are not only attractiveness, but also irritation of the skin, fashion and even professional necessity.

Irritation is a fairly common problem that most often appears on the neck, as well as in areas of cuts and injuries. This point repels many men from shaving due to its unpleasant consequences and forces them to leave a slight stubble on their face. As for the need for smooth skin in the profession, at first this reason does not seem so important. However, there are vacancies that have conditions such as smooth skin or, conversely, the presence of a beard. Following fashion trends is typical of young males. Many of them, without noticing it, do everything to look like models from glossy magazines or bloggers. Also, many men strive to please others and listen to other people’s opinions, which entails a loss of individuality and getting rid of hair under the influence of another person. One way or another, there is nothing wrong with removing hair from the body. It is only important to think carefully about this decision, weigh the pros and cons.

Removal methods

There are two main methods of getting rid of unwanted hair: depilation and hair removal. In the case of hair removal, it is possible to get rid of hair forever. This result is achieved due to the fact that not only the hair is removed, but also the hair follicle itself. However, this method is very painful. Many women use it, but it is much more difficult for men to voluntarily agree to such procedures for the sake of their own attractiveness. The most effective option is the use of hardware cosmetology.

Laser hair removal

Many men dream of getting rid of excess body hair forever and finding a remedy against hair growth on the face and other parts of the body. But only hardware cosmetology can provide a guaranteed result. One common option is laser hair removal. It is carried out in cosmetology clinics and beauty salons. The laser acts on the hair shaft, which leads to the destruction of the hair root. However, the follicle still remains. Because laser hair removal It also cannot be called a permanent hair removal method, since, after a few years, the hair follicles will wake up again and the procedures will need to be repeated. In general, such manipulation requires about half an hour (depending on the treatment area) and about 8-10 sessions. However, this number of sessions should not be relied upon. Considering the rigidity male hair, the abundance of plant cover and different tolerance of laser among people, the number of sessions may be less or longer in time. This method will work best on men with fair skin. Their hair will disappear faster. Almost any area can be treated with laser. Many representatives of the stronger sex use laser hair removal on the chest and back, and very often they are asked to concentrate not on complete hair removal, but on thinning, that is, partial removal of vegetation, in order to create sparse hair.


This method of hair removal is also done in cosmetology clinics. It is based on the use of a thin needle, which is inserted into the hair shaft, and an electric discharge is applied to it, destroying the hair cell. Here we can already talk about the likelihood of getting rid of hair forever. However, this method will take a fair amount of time. One session lasts about twenty minutes, and to remove hair over a large area, it will take about a year of weekly treatments. This method for hair loss is equally good on different parts of the body. However, in order to use electrolysis in the groin, it is necessary to use local anesthesia. The method is very painful, but the most effective. Most often, men use this method to remove excess hair on the nose and eyebrows.

There are few men who want to spend a lot of money on such procedures, which must be carried out constantly. In addition, they are not particularly painless. There are undoubtedly fewer unpleasant sensations than when epilating with wax or sugar, but one way or another, the process is uncomfortable.

It happens that for some reason a man is completely unsuitable for hardware cosmetology methods. In this case, you should resort to depilation methods. They will not solve the problem of hair growth forever, but they are available at home and are painless.


First of all, this is, of course, a razor. It can be used on any part of the body. Now there are special razors that allow you to shave even your back (with a long handle and large blades). It is important to treat the groin area very carefully, because any microtrauma can have serious consequences. Usually the procedure takes from twenty minutes to an hour. However, this method is not very effective, since stubble, especially men’s, grows very quickly and you will have to shave almost every day. There is another disadvantage - if used incorrectly, ingrown hairs may appear. Therefore, you should shave the hairs in the direction of growth and use special shaving gels in order to soften the hair and skin.


Waxing is also popular among men. Today, wax can be applied to any area of ​​the skin without fear. The most commonly used method is the bandage method. A strip of non-woven material is placed on top of the wax layer. After a few seconds, after the wax sets with the hairs, it is torn off in the opposite direction from the hair growth. Depending on the area of ​​application, the procedure will take from ten minutes to an hour or more. However, for men this method can be very painful and should be started with less sensitive areas. Commonly used the following types wax:

  1. Film.
  2. Hot.
  3. Warm (most common).
  4. Cold.

The waxing procedure can be carried out independently, however, if you have never waxed before, then the first few sessions must be done by a specialist. The results usually last up to a month. You should also remember to carry out the procedure correctly, because mistakes can cause ingrown hairs to appear.

This process occurs because with each hair removal, be it with depilatory cream, epilator or waxing, the hair becomes weaker and cannot penetrate the skin. And as the growth process continues, it grows inward due to the fact that the outer layer of skin is much denser than the one underneath it. To avoid such situations, in addition to following the instructions for hair removal and depilation, you should steam the skin before the procedures, soften it with creams and remove the stratum corneum with a scrub or a hard washcloth. All hair removal tools and hands must be perfectly clean. If you remove hair using a machine, the blade should not be dull and should be rinsed with water as often as possible during the procedure. Remember, the less irritation, the less ingrown hairs there are.

If the problem has already appeared, then you can remove the hair at home. First, you should treat the inflamed area with an antiseptic (for example, Chlorhexidine). As soon as the redness goes away, you can begin to remove the hair. To do this, you need to carefully pick up the hair with a thin needle, pull it out and treat the wound. If the hair has not grown too deeply, then daily use of a gentle scrub will help.


This method is even more painful than waxing. A special epilator mechanism grabs the hair at the very base and pulls it out along with the bulb. There is no need to go to a salon to perform this removal method. You can purchase an epilator and carry out the procedures at home yourself. The advantages of this method include efficiency, long-term results and low cost. It will take at least half an hour to remove all the hairs and there is a risk of missing some hairs, so examine the treated area carefully. In addition, you should definitely apply a moisturizer to avoid irritation.

Depilatory creams

An ideal option for men would be a cream against body hair growth. Is it possible to find good remedy against body hair growth? Some manufacturers add components to the cream that significantly slow down hair growth. With constant use, the hairs become thinner and softer, lighten and grow more and more slowly. It will not be possible to completely get rid of hair in this way, but it will make caring for it noticeably easier. The basis of creams with such components is the principle of deep destruction of the hair by exposing it to chemical elements. In addition, the depilatory cream gives the skin a feeling of smoothness for up to 5-7 days.

Depilation will allow you to temporarily forget about body hair and daily shaving. The hair follicles remain, but it is worth remembering that this method is painless and will not cause any discomfort to the man.

IN modern world As described above, there are many different methods and preparations for hair removal, but a man cannot always find the time, or even the desire, to visit beauty salons. Depilatory cream is the ideal solution. This is a convenient anti-hair growth product that will help in the fight against excess hair on the body. In addition, the product is affordable. Technologies are becoming more modern every day and cosmetology companies are increasingly concerned about their consumers, which is why there are many types of depilatory creams on the market, for various types skin and places of use. For example, there are universal products that can be used on any part of the body. There are creams for intimate areas(for delicate skin) and cream for coarse hair (usually legs and armpits). For men with sensitive skin, hypoallergenic preparations are available on the market.

Advantages and disadvantages

Any product aimed at removing body hair has its pros and cons. First, let's talk about the advantages:

  • does not injure the skin, unlike blades on machines;
  • penetrates deeper, therefore removes most of the hair;
  • can be used on almost any area of ​​the skin;
  • leaves a feeling of lightness and smoothness that does not come from using a razor;
  • simple and easy to use at home;
  • affordable price.

As for the disadvantages of such funds, there are few of them. The main thing is to follow the instructions when using the cream, since if you violate the time frame, you can get a burn or an allergic reaction.

Among the minor advantages: bad smell and the possibility of lightening the area if the skin was tanned.

The methods listed are far from the only ways removal unwanted hair. There are options with folk remedies that can be used for partial hair loss and depilation, but for men they are not so effective due to the hardness of the hair.

Hair on the human body is a completely normal phenomenon. Moreover, their presence is vital for the body. They provide the skin with protection from negative environmental factors. However, there is an excessive amount of them on certain parts female body contradicts the concept of “flawless beauty”. Therefore, today, as well as many centuries ago, women tirelessly struggle with the problem of excess hair, testing various methods and drugs on themselves. Moreover, the main thing in solving this problem is not so much the question of “how to remove hair,” but rather “how to slow down hair growth.” The remedies and recipes described in the article will help answer this question.

Depilatory creams: advantages and disadvantages

One of the common ways to combat unwanted body hair is depilatory creams. They not only thin and destroy the hair shafts located on the surface of the skin, but also affect the hair follicle, weakening it. Thus, the natural process of new hair growth slows down.

A cream (gel, mousse or powder) against hair growth necessarily contains an active ingredient such as calcium or potassium thioglycolate. It negatively affects the structure of the follicle, deforming it and shortening its lifespan. As a result, the rate of hair growth is significantly reduced.

The depilation procedure, as a rule, does not take much time and can be performed at home. The product is applied to the skin and after a certain time is removed with a special spatula along with the hairs. Remains of the cream are removed using plain water. This method of getting rid of unnecessary hair does not irritate the epidermis, causing pain (unlike waxing or shaving).

The disadvantages of this method include: ingrown hair into the skin, a specific smell of the product and a temporary effect (after 14 days the hair grows back). The cream, as noted above, removes the hair itself, not the bulb. The follicle is only slightly deformed and weakened, but does not leave the hair funnel, so the result lasts no more than two weeks.

Traditional medicine recipes

You can prevent the reappearance of unwanted hair on the body or slow down its growth with the help of natural remedies, inhibiting the production of hair follicle.

An excellent remedy for slowing down hair growth is turmeric. The powder is poured with warm water and stirred until a creamy consistency is obtained. After covering the problem areas of the skin with the mixture, cover them with polyethylene or cling film for 30 minutes.

Prevents rapid growth hair white grape juice. They should treat areas where “vegetation” is undesirable several times a day.

An alcohol lotion will help delay the appearance of hair after depilation or hair removal. For this 5 ml ammonia, 35 ml of ethyl alcohol, 1.5 ml of iodine and 5 ml of castor oil are mixed and the resulting mixture is applied to problem areas twice a day.

Hyacinth root juice is effective in the fight against excess hair; wipe the skin with it once a day. The root of the plant is grated on a fine grater, the pulp is placed in cheesecloth and the juice is squeezed out.

Walnut slows down hair growth different types: the skin after depilation or shaving is lubricated with the juice of an unripe fruit, a lotion made from the ashes of a nut shell and water, or a tincture of nut partitions, which is infused in alcohol for two weeks in a dark place.

Each time after a hair removal procedure, the treated areas are wiped with a slice of lemon or a syrup is prepared from lemon juice and sugar, which is applied to the skin and washed off after 20-30 minutes.

Hemlock tincture is one of the most effective drugs, preventing excess hair growth, which is used after mechanical hair removal. Use the product once a day for a long time.

Datura tincture slows down hair growth. Pour 5 tablespoons of water (0.5 l), boil for 15 minutes. After use, store refrigerated.

Among the recipes folk remedies against the growth of unwanted stripes there are also:

  • a mixture of papain (0.2 g), bromelain (0.3 g), which is thickened with guar gum (0.3 g) and 3 drops of peppermint oil are added;
  • nettle oil, for the preparation of which 100 g of stinging nettle leaves are poured with vegetable oil and infused for 20 days;
  • poppy ash;
  • rivanol solution (1/1000);
  • A mixture of hydrogen peroxide (6%) with liquid soap (1/1) and 10 drops of ammonia.

Ant oil against hair growth

Ant egg oil has been used for many centuries by Eastern women as a means to remove unwanted hair. Currently, the exotic product is presented in European markets and attracts customers with its affordable price, effectiveness and natural composition.

The oil does not remove the hairs themselves; its action is aimed at destroying the hair follicle, which contributes to thinning and severe discoloration of the hair. As a result, their growth stops, and subsequent hair removal procedures become easier and less painful.

This cosmetic product perfectly moisturizes the skin and eliminates irritation, which allows the use of ant oil for treating delicate parts of the body (face, bikini area).

The product is rubbed into the area where hair was removed. The course of procedures ranges from 5 days to one month for six months.

Women of all ages strive to have soft, beautiful and smooth – flawless skin. An important step in achieving perfection is body care, which involves getting rid of excess hair on the face, arms, legs, armpits and bikini area. Excess hair always looks unattractive, and its absence indicates good care, emphasizes femininity.

Women's nature is very mysterious and paradoxical. Modern fashionista I am concerned about the question of how to strengthen hair and accelerate its growth on the head, and how to get rid of unwanted “vegetation” on the legs, bikini area and face.

Fortunately, nowadays there is a whole industry dedicated to resolving such issues.

Depilation products

Cosmetology offers girls various means to combat unwanted hair growth. From the simplest to the most exotic means for...

These include:

  • Shaving. The advantages of this method are simplicity and accessibility. The disadvantages include fragility and irritation. By evening there will be stubble in the place where the razor was used.
  • Wax strips. The most popular method compared to shaving. The advantages of this method are that hair does not grow for several days, but the disadvantages are that it is a very painful method. In addition, it is not suitable for all areas of the skin. Basically, wax strips are used to remove hair on the arms and legs.
  • Sugaring- one of the most popular and modern methods hair control. By its principle, sugaring resembles wax method, only instead of wax, a mixture consisting of sugar, lemon and water is used
  • Depilatory cream- the most familiar method for fashionistas of any generation. The cream has a uniform texture, easily applies to all hard-to-reach places on the body, quickly and gently removing even small hairs. Of the many creams developed for different types skin, each person can choose the most suitable

Currently created great amount various creams for removing unwanted hair on any part of the body. The most popular brands for depilation are:

  • Brand Veet– a company that has created many lines for convenient, quick and gentle removal of unwanted hair, has become the most popular brand among Russian women
  • Brand Sally Hansen– popular for its line of facial hair removal creams. Also, lotions and sprays for skin care after procedures are recognized as the highest quality among buyers
  • Brand Cliven– products of this brand receive mixed reviews. On the one hand, the cream has an excellent effect on the skin. On the other hand, the cream does not cope with the task, without removing the thickest hairs on the body
  • Brand Velvet– This brand has gained popularity among many products because, despite the fact that the products are cheap, many people like the effect. The cream removes hairs of any thickness. The main disadvantage is that it cannot be left on the skin to avoid burns.
  • Brand Byly– gained its popularity among customers with its line of turbo strips for the bikini area and a gold-based wax line

Anti-hair growth cream

On the body

Finding a body hair remover will be the hardest part. This is due to the fact that different areas of the body have different sensitivity. It is impossible to use one product that would suit different areas.

For example, the skin of the hands is less sensitive than the skin of the face, so you should approach the choice of depilation products more than responsibly.

Depilation is an effect on the body's hair without affecting the hair follicle.

The process begins immediately after applying the creamy texture to the hair removal site. Therefore, under no circumstances should the product be overexposed to avoid burns. You definitely need to pay attention to the choice of product and test for an allergic reaction.

The modern market for women's body care has a lot of offers. The following brand creams are suitable for removing body hair:

  • Sally Hansen cream - suitable for sensitive skin. Does not dry out the skin after the procedure. Convenient brush for applying cream. Smooth, effective and long-lasting results
  • Cliven cream - thanks to the composition of the components (almond oil, glycerin and lanolin), the cream will quickly and effectively remove body hair, leaving behind velvety skin
  • Silium, Shary, Fito creams will also quickly and effectively help get rid of body hair

These creams contain active ingredients that deform hair follicles and reduce their lifespan, which slows down their growth.

On the face

Face - business card every fashionista. It is important that such a “business card” is attractive. Achieving beauty is not easy, so facial hair removal products must be treated with extreme caution. Undoubtedly, preference here is given to depilatory creams.

A cream for removing hair on the face should leave behind a feeling of smoothness, and, in no case, not tightness and dryness.

The composition should include both moisturizing and cooling components.

If a burning sensation occurs, immediately rinse off the product with running water and lubricate the application site with a moisturizer. Such creams contain special elements that are gentle on the skin, so their price will be much higher.

On foot

Having smooth and well-groomed legs is not only the dream of any woman, but also a way to express her sexuality. Touching your loved one's feet is an incredible pleasure.

But how to make sure that such pleasure is not overshadowed by untimely stubble? The answer is simple - fight hair growth.

To combat vegetation on the legs, any method described above is suitable.

  • To the delight of the girls, another method of fighting appeared - Photoepilation. It is done exclusively in beauty salons, and only by professionals. The essence of this method is that light acts on the hair follicle, destroying it from the inside, and it falls out. You need to visit the salon about five times, and you can forget about unwanted hair for a long time
  • Laser hair removal– is also one of the most effective ways. Here, a laser is used as a fight, which also destroys the bulb. Electrolysis is a method of combating unwanted vegetation using current. The procedure is absolutely painless

All of the above methods are very effective, but also significantly expensive.

In the bikini area

The bikini area is one of the delicate areas of the female body that requires a delicate approach.

Such precautions are primarily due to the fact that the skin is very delicate, and any rough impact on it can cause an inflammatory process.

Cosmetologists advise fighting hair growth in the bikini area exclusively with depilatory creams. The most common cream for this case is Veet.

It has a delicate texture and pleasant smell. Gently affects delicate areas and eliminates hair for at least two weeks. And the spatula included in the composition will allow you to effectively and painlessly remove hair treated with cream.

Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 6 minutes


Question about effective removal or at least slower hair growth is always relevant for women. Traditional methods hair removal does not provide the desired result, and hair begins to actively grow immediately after removal. Are there ways to prolong skin smoothness and slow down hair growth?

20 effective folk remedies to combat body hair

  1. Turmeric. Pour warm water over the turmeric until it reaches a creamy consistency. Apply to problem areas of the skin, wrap in plastic for fifteen minutes. In addition to slowing down hair growth, this seasoning also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Treatment of problem areas of the skin with grape juice. It is advisable to choose wild white grape juice.
  3. Alcohol mixture(ammonium and Castor oil- 5 g each, iodine - one and a half g, alcohol - 35 g). Mix the ingredients and treat the skin twice a day.
  4. Hyacinth root. Grate the fresh root, squeeze out the juice, and treat the skin with the resulting juice before going to bed.
  5. Walnut. Rub the skin with the juice of an unripe nut (with caution to avoid burns).
  6. Walnut with ash. Pour water over the ashes of the burnt shell until it reaches the consistency of cream. Use after hair removal procedure.
  7. Walnut in alcohol. Insist the “partitions” of the nuts in a dark container filled with alcohol. Leave for two weeks. Apply after shaving.
  8. Lemon. After each hair removal procedure, wipe the skin with a lemon drop.
  9. Lemon with sugar. Mix 10 tablespoons of sugar (teaspoons) with lemon juice (half a fruit), heat, mix. Apply to skin, rinse after fifteen minutes.
  10. Nettle. Mix vegetable oil(half a cup) and 3 tablespoons of nettle seeds. Leave for two weeks. Wipe the skin daily.
  11. Datura. Boil Datura herb (5 tbsp) in 0.5 liters of water for fifteen minutes. After cooling and squeezing, store refrigerated. Use the infusion after shaving.
  12. Hemlock (tincture). Apply after hair removal, lubricating problem areas of the skin.
  13. Potassium permanganate. Dilute potassium permanganate to a dark, rich color. Keep your feet in the bath for about half an hour.
  14. Dissolve papain (0.2 g) and bromelain (0.3 g) in Peppermint Water (20 ml). Thicken the mixture with guar gum (0.3 g), add essential oil(3 k.) peppermint. Mix the components and apply to the skin after hair removal, no more than twice a week.
  15. Pine nuts. Grind the nut shells into flour, dilute with water to a cream consistency, rub into the skin for a week. You can also use a decoction of nut husks.
  16. Quicklime. Mix lime (10 g) and calcium sulfite. Apply for 30 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  17. Poppy self-seeding. Burn the plant. Rub the skin with the resulting ash.
  18. Rivanol. Lubricate the skin with a solution of rivanol (1/1000).