Moana holiday decoration. Moana (an exciting adventure across the ocean to return Tefiti's heart. The highlight is the lighting of the stars in the night sky) Moana birthday party decorations

In short, it will be like this:
Meeting Moana and Maui → Fun in the tribe → Snow Blizzard → Preparing for swimming → Making hook amulets → Adventures in the ocean → Duel with the snow spirit Heon → Returning Tefiti's heart → Navigation by the stars → Return to the Matanui tribe

Fearless Moana, the daughter of the leader of a small tribe on an island in the Pacific Ocean, dreams of adventure more than anything else in the world and decides to go on a dangerous sea voyage. Together with the once powerful demigod Maui, they will have to cross the ocean, fight terrible monsters and break an ancient spell!

And now, first things first:

  • After recent turbulent events, Moana decided to travel to her heart's content, see everything and get to know everyone. And what luck, Moana meets new friends. She meets the guys and finds out that one of them has a birthday. This is a great reason to have fun. But first, Moana decides to introduce the guys to Maui, but where is it?;
  • Maui is right here! Our cheerful demigod appears with a fiery song. Together we organize a super holiday, an extravaganza of tribal fun and entertainment;
  • Tribal games: “Cutting watermelons”, “Barrel racing”, “Crab racing”;
  • And now there's a break for fiery tribal dances;
  • Especially for the birthday girl Let's arrange a catch-up game with Pua the pig at your request!
  • It’s funny to say, but it turns out that very nearby there were chickens whose eggs had not been collected for three months, and the Rooster appeared at the festival. Game with the Rooster;
  • The holiday is gaining momentum, laughter and fun are suddenly interrupted by a strong snow blizzard, the air is clouded with fog. Moana and Maui they immediately understand everything and tell the children the ancient legend of their tribe. It says that if the Heart of Tefiti falls into the hands of the Spirit of the Ice Ocean Cheon, then Eternal Cold will come everywhere, you must immediately save Tefiti's heart;
  • But before you set sail on the ocean, you need to learn seamanship. Maui teaches children how to sail and raise anchors;
  • Before setting sail, everyone must create a small miracle for themselves - a magical amulet-hook that will protect him along the way;
  • The guys have their first test - The sea is frozen! You have to make your way;
  • The ocean decides to help Moana and the children and sends sea inhabitants who show our heroes a shortcut;
  • There is a snow tunnel ahead, everyone has passed, only Maui cannot get through. “Hey, I can turn into something and get smaller!” Only your detour to Maui I left it somewhere. He asks him to wait and runs away behind the hook;
  • But they can’t wait for Maui; a strong rockfall begins, escaping from which the guys moved away from the tunnel;
  • Nothing to do, we need to get ready to meet Cheon. The heroes decide to stock up snowballs;
  • Cheon appears, the guys, as much as they can, shoot him with snowballs. Cheon is confused and retreats, but not for long;
  • Finally, a shrunken Maui appears. He learned that the birthday girl could handle Cheon. using his hook;
  • Cheon appears again, now the birthday girl enters into battle with him. She touches him with a hook, Cheon explodes, the ice villain loses his powers and retreats, leaving Tefiti’s heart;
  • It's time to head back, let's navigate by the stars. But Cheon managed to confuse the stars in the sky; they need to be drawn again;
  • Through the tunnel, with the cheerful song of Moana, we return to Maui;
  • The congratulatory part of the holiday begins;
  • All children receive balloons;
  • Taken out fireworks cake and candles;
  • A song is being performed "Congratulations".

Thematic master class “Make your own Kakamora”

The cost of conducting a master class (1st actor) is 5500 ₽
Cost of consumables (for 1 child) - 500 ₽

How to order a holiday?

You can find out the details of the holiday, make an estimate for a comprehensive program (with the addition of show rooms and various holiday services), and also place an order by phone or with us in the office.

Why is it better to call now?

At first glance, it may seem that everyone’s birthdays and holidays are on different days, so you can book a holiday a couple of days in advance.

On practice:

  • most often the celebration is postponed to the next day off;
  • Would you like to have a party in certain time to which you will invite all guests;
  • programs are presented in a single copy;

And you will save your time.

A colorful cartoon about demigods living on islands in the Pacific Ocean captivated your child, then Birthday in Moana style, he'll definitely like it. Young Moana and the strongman Maui will help you create a festive atmosphere for your child. Primary colors Moana's Birthday yellow, pink and blue. In our online store You will find Moana holiday decoration. A garland with images of the main characters, a garland with the inscription Happy Birthday or personalized garland will become the centerpiece of the holiday. They will look good in a composition with paper pompoms, paper forfeits or honeycomb balls. If you want to indicate the age of your birthday girl, then we will be happy to do it for you volumetric figure or inflate a foil figure. A plain table setting will help you decorate your holiday table, cake toppers(which indicate the birthday girl's age), Moana and Maui shaped toppers, cupcake toppers and Moana straws. Piñata Moana will look great as an element of room decoration on Moana party, and then can be used as a game for guests. We really hope that the product presented in our online store everything for the holiday will help you arrange an unforgettable party in Moana style .

We invite you to bring into your children’s holiday a powerful wave of positivity and adventure that once happened in the exotic tropics. Especially for them, based on the famous Disney cartoon “Moana”, we have developed an entertainment program “Search for the Heart of Te Fiti”. The daughter of the leaders of the Motonui island tribe, she must pass a series of tests in order to be honored to meet the real Gods and Goddesses... And on one of the trips our Moana P will fall right on your child’s holiday! Can you imagine how happy your daughter or son will be when they have the honor of accompanying the brave Moana on her journey?! Your children's birthday or children's party will be a blast!

Get ready! This will be a stunning Hawaiian party that will be able to involve any number of participants in the celebration, from 2 years of age to primary school students. Professional animators in the form of the demigod Maui and princess Moana Vayaliki, the daughter of the great leader, will stage a real tropical show with fun competitions and games.
The proposed program allows artists to adapt to absolutely any audience.
Therefore, all children present at the celebration will be able to have a lot of fun, play and show courage and resourcefulness.


Program “Standard” 1 hour 1 artist – 2100 rubles

Maui and Moana Animator Program our advantages:

— Professional animator, holiday script
— Each program uses games, competitions (music, dance), and relay races.
— Extensive props for games and competitions. FOR FREE!
— Musical accompaniment (on disk or flash drive) FOR FREE!
— Face painting for all children FOR FREE!
— Figurines made from sausage balls FOR FREE!
— Exclusive costume.
- Bubble FOR FREE!

“Maxi” program 1 hour 1 artist-2500 (the program includes focus s.Selected according to age and woven into the plot )

Program “Optima” 1 hour 1 artist-5500 (the program includes a bubble show with dressing children in a bubble for 20 minutes or elements of a chemical show and an animation program.)

Will make the holiday brighter: Cake, Gifts for guests, Photographer, Balloon decoration.

Find out more detailed information about the program, animators Moana and Maui for a child’s birthday , You can invite by phone 84991369167, or leave a request on the website right now!

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