Facial peeling - which one to choose for the salon and at home, rating of the best. What does facial peeling do? Benefits of peeling for the skin Medium chemical facial peeling

So, are scrubs beneficial or harmful?

According to cosmetologists, given our ecology, it is not enough to simply wash your face and wipe your face with tonic. Harmful external influences plus slow cell regeneration - as a result, dead cells accumulate on the surface of the skin - this is a real resort for bacteria. They actively multiply, become dull, coarse, look lethargic and unkempt. Therefore, the skin from time to time requires “spring cleaning,” that is, deep cleansing.
The only question is how and how often it should be done.

The procedure for exfoliating dead cells is called exfoliation or peeling and can be chemical or mechanical.

Mechanical peeling carried out using scrubs. They contain small, hard particles - natural or artificial. Rolling over the skin, they “clean off” its dead scales.

Moreover, experts advise choosing scrubs with artificial particles, since they have an ideal spherical shape, which means they do not scratch or irritate the skin. Unlike, for example, apricot kernel crumbs, the grains of which may have sharp edges. For these reasons, luxury brands are increasingly using artificial scrub particles in their products.

During a chemical peel dead cells of the stratum corneum are not “scraped off”, but dissolved

▪ using acids: lactic, malic, citric
▪ with the help of enzymes (enzymes) that “feed” on dead protein.

Peeling with enzymes is considered more natural and gentle, because these substances are present on our skin initially. It’s just that with age (at 35-40 years) there are not enough of them to “eat” all the dead cells. Then peelings containing enzymes extracted from fruits, such as papaya or kiwi, come to the rescue.

Exfoliating too often will confuse the sebaceous glands and they will start working in emergency mode. The result will be the opposite.

Can peeling cure acne? It can’t, but it will help. Its effect is not deep enough to cope with clogged pores, but it is one of the mandatory components of caring for problem skin. However, if the skin is inflamed, it is better to postpone the procedure.

Doing peeling correctly:

1. Cleanse skin thoroughly

2. Apply the peeling generously in circular massage movements from the center of the face to the periphery in an ascending manner. Peeling must be kept on the skin for at least 3 minutes. Firstly, deep cleansing does not happen quickly, and secondly, good manufacturers add a lot of useful elements to their products - give them time to work.

3. Wash your face thoroughly with warm water and wipe with toner. Now you can apply the cream. After which you can use a mask or daily care.

Along with exfoliation, cleansers are also a way to deeply cleanse the skin.
They not only deal with surface impurities, but also unclog pores. Kaolin (or another type of clay) is a key component of such masks - a strong absorbent that successfully absorbs oil from the surface of the skin. The already mentioned enzymes and acids are also included in cleansing masks and provide additional cleansing of horny scales. In addition, cleansing masks cannot do without antiseptics that fight bacteria and ingredients that regulate the process of sebum secretion.

How to make a cleansing mask correctly:

1. Cleanse your skin with peeling

2. Apply the mask in a thick layer to your face, excluding the areas around the eyes and lips. If you have combination skin, apply only to the T-zone. The thick layer is designed to prevent the mask from drying out quickly

3. Don't laugh or smile while the mask is on your face

4. After the mask is removed (with warm water), be sure to wipe your face with tonic. Keep the mask on your face for 5-7 minutes if the skin is clean, but it is used for prevention. If there are real problems, then it will not be possible to achieve results faster than in 15-20 minutes. You will also have to repeat the procedure three times in the first week of treatment, twice in the second, and then once every week.

At what age should deep cleaning be done?

Of course, a girl with a perfectly smooth face does not need to exfoliate her skin. But for teenagers with problem skin, such procedures are useful.

As cosmetologists note, in older age, peelings and deep cleansing masks are indispensable - they not only fulfill their direct functions, but also greatly enhance the effect of other cosmetic preparations. Regular use of homemade deep cleansing products will help you have an even skin texture and eliminate the need for painful cleaning at the salon. But the main thing is not to overdo it!

Lyubov Petrukhina

Clean and fresh skin- this is the key to youth and beauty. You must ensure that the pores are clean and the color of the skin itself is uniform. In order for your face to attract the gaze of others and evoke positive emotions, you need to make every effort to maintain a well-groomed appearance. Today, peeling is a popular procedure in beauty salons because it can help you achieve the skin of your dreams. A professional will do the necessary procedures, and after a short period of time you will see the result. In pursuit of youth and beauty, you shouldn’t do desperate things; it’s enough to choose the right skin care products.

Various peelings profound impact today raise a lot of questions and objections. Women, for the most part, are simply afraid to use the services of a cosmetologist in this area, because this is a very serious procedure. But in reality, not everything is as scary as they write about it on various forums.

What is peeling? This is a cosmetic procedure during which a specialist removes dead cells from the client's skin. The purpose of this procedure is to directly cleanse the skin, improve its appearance and activate cell renewal. If a specialist cosmetologist removes old cells from your skin that no longer bring any benefit to the body, then young cells will be visible underneath them, effectively refreshing your face.

Types of peeling

Mechanical (removal of dead skin cells using exfoliating particles).
- Chemical (special agents that destroy frozen epidermal cells during interaction with the skin).
- Laser (with the help of laser beams, dead cells are separated from living ones and your skin is completely renewed).
- Fruit peeling (fruit acids perfectly cleanse the skin and allow young epidermal cells to work better).

Peeling allows you to perfectly cleanse the skin and rejuvenate it; with this procedure you will feel the freshness and purity of your body. Which peeling to choose is entirely a matter of your desire. There are clients who love only the deepest types of skin cleansing, and only with their help do they feel the effectiveness of such a procedure. Peeling also perfectly stimulates blood circulation, because all procedures are aimed not only at cleansing the skin, but also at stimulating small vessels.

What restrictions exist for those who want to undergo a peeling procedure? If you want your skin to become younger and take on a fresh look, then peeling is exactly the method that is perfect for you to achieve this goal, but it is worth remembering that such a cosmetic procedure can bring both benefits and harm.

1. Be sure to consult with a cosmetologist, since he is the one who knows the specifics of the peeling procedure and will help you choose a specific product for removing dead cells.
2. Do not peel either in winter or summer, as the skin becomes very sensitive after the procedure. In summer, they can negatively affect deeply cleansed skin, and in winter, a sharp drop in temperature can harm young cells.
3. You cannot peel more than 2 times a week.
4. Almost all peeling procedures must be done on damp skin.
5. Deep peeling should not be done for people who suffer from spider veins and severe pigmentation.
6. Chemical peeling is not recommended for women during pregnancy and lactation.

Myths and facts about deep peeling

Costs more often learn information directly from the specialist himself, rather than looking for answers from other potential clients like you. Deep peeling involves a serious impact on the skin in order to clean out the pores. With the right approach, this procedure has a great effect on your skin and allows you to get rid of dead epidermis. Many women around the world began to resort to the help of cosmetologists in this matter, because this is actually an effective recipe for deep cleansing of facial skin. We should also not forget that much depends on the choice of clinic, since all medical procedures must be carried out professionally, and illiteracy of specialists can lead to serious infections.

Chemical and mechanical peeling slightly damage the skin, so the recovery process after the procedure can last a couple of weeks. Peeling and redness of the skin after deep peeling are considered normal, so do not forget to follow all the instructions of specialists. Those peels that are based on a high content of fruit acids help you get the most comfortable facial cleansing without allergic reactions. Always try to use as many skin care products as possible after the procedure, as this will provide you with protection from infections. Swelling also occurs, since the skin is under stress for another 72 hours. In fact, deep peels allow a woman to rejuvenate her skin very quickly and effectively. If you don’t know how to get rid of facial wrinkles and enlarged pores, then this procedure will ideally solve your problem. Deep peeling will make you look much better and look several years younger, even after the first procedure.

Don't forget that deep peeling It is always worth doing in the cool season to avoid aggressive sun rays, because they will only delay the healing process, and the condition of your skin will not please you for many more days. Deep peeling allows you to forget about such problems as age spots and acne scars, because modern lasers can rid you of such cosmetic trifles in a matter of minutes. Not everyone can do peeling; some restrictions still exist, but try to consult in advance not only with a cosmetologist, but also with your doctor. Deep peeling will give youth and freshness to your skin, and you will enjoy the beauty of your reflection in the mirror for many years to come.

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Any woman dreams of her skin always being velvety and clean, maintaining youth and freshness for as long as possible. To make these dreams come true, various cosmetic procedures have been invented, including facial peeling. What does facial peeling do and is it so important for rejuvenating and maintaining the beauty of facial skin?

Types of peeling and its benefits

Peeling is a skin cleansing procedure that can be carried out in several ways and can be of varying depths of impact.

The principle of operation of any type of peeling is the removal of the stratum corneum, due to which the skin is able to be fully saturated with oxygen and nutrients, it is rejuvenated, deep wrinkles and various skin irregularities disappear, which are more noticeable and deep on dry, non-exfoliated skin.

Based on the type of effect, peeling is divided into mechanical, chemical and cosmetic; the strength of the effect depends on how concentrated the peeling composition is used, whether the procedure is carried out in a salon or at home. Naturally, people go to the salon in order to get a more powerful effect on the skin, which also gives a more pronounced rejuvenating and cleansing effect.

  1. Mechanical peeling is the familiar treatment we all have with scrubs, both ready-made and homemade, homemade, obtained from common products such as honey, salt, sugar, ground seeds and coffee. What are the benefits of facial peeling at home? It gently removes dead skin cells from the skin, giving it a radiant, youthful appearance. Peeling with scrubs at home is a regular procedure, which is not advisable to do more than once or twice a week, as otherwise the protective layer of the skin may be damaged.
  2. The chemical method is the effect on the skin of agents that dissolve dead cells and impurities - this is a stronger and more effective method that can be used if the skin has certain problems: acne marks, comedones, age-related changes. As a rule, peeling is carried out using a chemical method in a salon, but today in cosmetic stores you can buy various products with a low percentage of fruit or other acids, which can be used at home, without the supervision of a specialist.
  3. The cosmetic or salon method speaks for itself - the benefits of skin peeling carried out in a salon are not limited to cleansing. Salon cosmetology has a large range of products that can improve the condition of the skin, restore it, restore youth and the possibility of regeneration to the skin. In salon conditions, all types of peeling are carried out, but here they are more powerful and effective, however, they require a lot of experience from a cosmetologist, since improper powerful peeling can lead to the formation of scars on the skin of the face.
  4. Brossage, or mechanical peeling using special rotating brushes, has become widespread. Their bristles are natural and perfectly polishes pre-cleaned and steamed facial skin, exfoliating the keratinized epidermis, improving blood microcirculation.
  5. Peeling under the influence of ultrasound allows you to activate the deep tissues of the epidermis, which leads to improved metabolic processes and rejuvenation. This is a non-contact method of peeling that does not injure it. Ultrasonic peeling is indicated at any age - in adolescence it helps fight pimples and acne, in adulthood it helps to activate the protective and regenerative functions of the skin.
  6. Microdermabrasion is a peeling by grinding, one of the types of hardware peeling. Due to the action of aluminum oxide crystals, the skin is polished, all irregularities, scars and fine wrinkles are smoothed out. Gives a pronounced rejuvenating effect, an even and beautiful complexion.
  7. Laser peeling - allows for deep non-contact peeling, improving blood circulation and rejuvenating the skin from the inside, relieves swelling and eliminates inflammation. Non-traumatic. Allows you to eliminate the long-standing effects of acne and act on such delicate areas as the area around the eyes and mouth.
  8. Salon techniques also include cryotherapy, which allows, by exposing the skin to cold, to activate its protective and regenerative functions, and enzyme peeling, which acts very gently and perfectly stimulates metabolism at the cellular level due to the fact that the active substances are enzymes.

The variety of peeling types allows you to effectively combat both the first signs of skin aging and the pronounced manifestations of age. The benefits of peeling for the skin are undeniable, and it helps improve its condition at any age.

Chemical peeling of the face is a complete cleansing of the upper layers of the skin from dead keratinized epidermal cells, excess sebaceous secretions, accumulated microparticles of cosmetics, dirt, and dust.

This procedure is carried out under the influence of a special acid composition.

The essence of the method is that a woman subjects her face to a light, controlled chemical burn, as a result of which the upper stratum corneum of the epidermis is completely removed.

After such exposure, the skin is completely cleansed, renewed, and a young and healthy skin is formed.

What to expect from the procedure

Although chemical peeling is used in cosmetology as a rejuvenating technique, many women are wary of this cosmetic procedure.

After all, a facial burn (even a mild one) carries with it some risk and the possibility of side effects rather than the expected result.


  1. Cleansing. Under the influence of acid, the stratum corneum of the skin completely gets rid of dead cells, excess fatty secretions are removed and the epidermal ducts are cleared. As a result, the surface of the face acquires smoothness and a healthy tone.
  2. Rejuvenation. After chemical exposure, an active regeneration process starts. The epidermis forms new young cells, and the production of collagen and elastin increases. The elasticity and firmness of the skin increases. All this contributes to a significant reduction in wrinkles, visually the facial contour becomes clearer, sagging, age-related pigmentation and creases disappear.
  3. Normalization of fat content. Peeling can normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The acid, penetrating the epidermis, cleanses the ducts and narrows the channels, thereby significantly reducing fat content. After cleansing, symptoms such as acne or acne disappear completely.
  4. Elimination of skin defects. Cosmetologists often use peeling to remove shallow scars, scars, acne marks, and age spots.

Cosmetologist, dermatologist Irina Kotova talks about the benefits of chemical peels:


Complications and side effects arise as a result of non-compliance with the procedure protocol and, as a result, neglect of contraindications.

Possible post-peeling reactions:

    Chemical burn. The stronger the effect of the acid, the greater the consequences of the burn can be observed, and this is swelling, crust formation, severe peeling, redness, irritation.

    Dryness. In the first week after cleansing, many women notice increased tissue dryness. This is expressed in a feeling of tightness and flaking of the skin.

    Hypersensitivity to sunlight. During the procedure, the top protective layer of tissue is removed, making the skin very susceptible to sunlight. This can trigger the formation of age spots. Therefore, after the procedure, women are advised to strictly protect their face from the sun for the first time.


Depending on the depth of impact of chemical peeling, there are such types.


The most gentle and soft. Acts on the stratum corneum of the epidermis.

It does not cause persistent redness or crusting, so it does not have a recovery period.


  • normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • eliminates the effects of acne, acne;
  • brightens (whitens) the tone;
  • removes roughness and evens out the skin structure.

More about this cleansing:


It acts not only on the stratum corneum, but also affects part of the epidermis.

The acidic composition behaves more aggressively, therefore it leaves swelling, small crusts, and redness.


  • pigmentation goes away;
  • wrinkles are significantly reduced, small ones completely disappear;
  • flabbiness is eliminated;
  • it is possible to get rid of scars, scars and keratoses.

About medium chemical peeling - our video:


The most aggressive type of cleansing. Affects all layers of skin up to the papillary layer. A chemical burn is equivalent to third degree.

The method is painful and most traumatic. It is carried out strictly in a hospital under the supervision of specialists.

The procedure itself requires general anesthesia and a long recovery period.


  • eliminates all wrinkles (including deep ones), scars, scars;
  • significantly tightens the facial contour;
  • flabbiness completely disappears;
  • significantly rejuvenates.

Which one to choose, how often can you do it?

The cleansing procedure is selected according to the condition of the skin and the age of the patient.

How to make at home

Finished Products

At home, you can use industrial preparations or natural mixtures that contain fruit acids or AHA acids.

The acid concentration for independent home use should not exceed 10 -15%.

If you use them independently, without following the procedure protocol, you can get a severe chemical burn, with all the ensuing consequences.

For cleaning at home, you can use the following types of chemical peeling:

  1. Peeling mask. The finished product containing a small acid concentrate (5-7%) is recommended for frequent use (2 times a week).

    Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, improves color, evens out the surface of the skin. Can be purchased at any retail outlet, pharmacy or store.

    Popular brands:

    • TianDe;
    • Lierac High Peel.
  2. Special cosmetics to prepare for the procedure with a cosmetologist. Used as prescribed by a doctor, according to an individually developed program.

    When used independently, there is a high risk of burns and negative side effects.

    Popular brands:

    • Arcadia;

Recipes for cooking at home

Natural fruit masks. For a gentle but effective cleansing of your home, you can use natural acids from fresh fruits. The most popular ones include the following.

Or lime:

  • squeeze the fresh juice of one lemon or lime;
  • soak a cotton pad in it;
  • apply evenly to a clean, previously degreased face in several layers (wipe the surface the first time, wait until it dries, wipe a second time, then a third);
  • leave for 10-15 minutes until you feel a slight tingling sensation, a slight burning sensation and redness. In case of severe discomfort, finish the procedure immediately and wash with warm water;
  • rinse off the juice with warm running water;
  • dry with a soft cloth;
  • apply moisturizer, do a light soothing massage with your fingertips.

Homemade chemical peeling with lemon:

The principle is the same as the lemon one, only instead of lemon juice you need to take the juice of sour green apples.

Grape, strawberry or raspberry:

  • Grind several fresh berries in a blender (mash with a fork) to a puree (paste);
  • Apply fruit paste evenly onto a pre-washed and degreased face;
  • stand for 10-15 minutes;
  • You can wash off the composition with mineral or purified water;
  • dry the skin with a soft cloth;
  • Apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream, massaging strictly along the massage lines.

Peeling scrub with strawberries:

Algorithm for professional cleansing

Acid cleansing of any complexity (superficial, medium or deep) is carried out in three stages.


  • the face is thoroughly cleansed (cosmetic cleansing, mechanical peeling, steaming and application of cleansers can be used);
  • degreased (with a special lotion);
  • dried with cosmetic wipes.


  • the acid composition is quickly applied in an even layer;
  • the drug is applied with a brush, for deeper penetration - with a cotton swab using driving movements;
  • the composition is kept for 10-15 minutes, then removed with a damp cloth and water;
  • During the action of the chemical composition, the patient feels a slight tingling, burning and tingling sensation - this is the norm.

Final stage:

  • the acid composition is washed off with clean, warm water;
  • after this, an acid neutralizer is applied, which stops its effects;
  • the patient washes her face again with water;
  • the skin is dried with a napkin;
  • apply moisturizer along massage lines with light massaging movements;
  • Special soothing masks, lotions or serums can be applied.

Depending on the complexity of the procedure, post-peeling care may be required; all recommendations are prescribed by a cosmetologist according to individual skin parameters.

Contraindications, precautions

Acid peeling has its contraindications and limitations. Before experimenting with your appearance, expecting all problems to be solved after the first procedure, you should consult a specialist.

Precautionary measures:

  • use the finished product strictly according to the manufacturer’s recommendations;
  • before using a finished product or homemade cleanser, do an allergy test;
  • during the procedure at home, the sensations should be tolerable, otherwise immediately stop the session and wash off the solution with water;
  • Before applying the acid, protect the skin around the eyes and lips with a nourishing cream.

If after home cleansing there are signs of a chemical burn, consult a doctor immediately.


  • mechanical damage (scratches, wounds, abrasions, etc.);
  • rosacea (visible spider veins);
  • skin diseases (diathesis, psoriasis, rash of unknown origin);
  • herpes in the acute stage;
  • moles, papillomas;
  • weakened and dehydrated skin;
  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • period after laser procedures.

You can do a light superficial acid peel at home., for more serious cleansing (medium or deep), you need to contact a cosmetologist.

It's all about the incredible effectiveness of chemical skin cleansing, which is often used as an anti-aging technique. At the same time, despite the huge variety of home peeling compositions offered by well-known cosmetic brands, the greatest effectiveness can be achieved precisely by professional chemical exposure, which, unlike other cosmetic procedures, has a powerful mechanism of action.

Based on the nature of the interaction between the chemical peeling agent and human skin, many patients ask a logical question: is it worth doing a chemical facial peel, and in what cases is the risk really justified? We will try to consider the pros and cons of chemical peeling and find the pitfalls of this procedure.

Benefits of chemical peeling for the face

In order to fully appreciate the advantages of chemical peeling, you should first of all understand that the technique is aimed at completely cleansing the surface layers of the skin from keratinized epidermal cells, excess sebaceous secretions and polluting agents. The essence of the procedure is to receive a controlled light chemical burn under the influence of an acid or enzyme composition, as a result of which the skin is cleansed and renewed, forming a young, healthy epidermal layer.

The effectiveness of chemical peeling lies in the following aesthetic and physiological effects:

    Skin cleansing. Under the influence of acid, a significant weakening of the intercellular connections of the stratum corneum occurs, which leads to the elimination of dead cellular structures. A similar reaction is observed in relation to sebum and the contents of the epidermal ducts. As a result, the skin is cleansed of excess surface elements, acquiring an even structure and a healthy color tone.

    Rejuvenation. The anti-age effect that can be achieved by chemical peeling is due to the complete renewal of the surface layers of the epidermis. After the chemical destruction of dead skin cells, an active regeneration process is launched, which leads to the formation of new, young skin cells. In addition, the activation of internal growth factors provokes the production of collagen and elastin by cellular fibrils, which results in increased elasticity and firmness of the skin, as well as smoothing of epidermal facial wrinkles and skin creases.

    Normalization of the sebaceous glands. Cosmetologists especially often recommend peeling procedures to patients with oily skin. This is explained not only by the ability to clear clogged gland ducts from natural secretions, but also by the effect of optimizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands and narrowing the skin channels. A full course of peeling procedures significantly reduces the oiliness of the epidermis and eliminates the manifestations of acne and acne, restoring the natural beauty of the facial skin.

    Elimination of skin defects. Chemical peeling is often used as a therapeutic technique for eliminating scars, scars, especially those formed as a result of acne, as well as age spots. The last aspect is based on the fact that the melanin pigment is produced in the superficial skin structures, which are quickly renewed under the influence of peeling.

Considering the relationship between the pros and cons of chemical peeling, we can clearly draw conclusions in favor of this cosmetic procedure, since it is almost impossible to achieve the appropriate aesthetic effects without the use of chemical agents.

Speaking about the dangers of chemical peeling, it is worth mentioning that there are a number of contraindications, which most often provoke complications and the development of unpleasant consequences of this cosmetic technique. Most often, if the procedure protocol is followed and there are no contraindications, chemical peeling does not cause significant side effects. At the same time, a number of temporary post-peeling reactions are always observed, which you should know about in advance when deciding to carry out this cosmetic procedure:

  1. Chemical skin burn– this concept primarily means hyperemia and swelling of tissues, which may be accompanied by the formation of crusts and active peeling. Typically, this reaction persists for the first few days to a week after peeling.
  2. Dry fabrics– one of the disadvantages of the peeling effect is some dryness of the skin, which patients usually note in the first week after the procedure. Such a reaction is completely natural and is compensated by subsequent active hydration of tissues.
  3. Hypersensitivity to sunlight– manifested by an increased risk of developing pigment spots. This effect is typical for almost all types of chemical acid peeling, which imposes some restrictions on its implementation - it is recommended to do it only in the autumn-winter period.

Assessing the benefits and harms of chemical peeling, we can certainly conclude that this procedure has many more positive effects than negative skin and body reactions. At the same time, a decision on the need and advisability of peeling and the choice of a specific technique should be made only on the basis of consultation with a professional cosmetologist who can assess the individual characteristics of the skin condition. Cosmetologists of the NEOMED beauty center are ready to provide informative advice and conduct effective and safe chemical peeling of the face.