Sati Casanova admitted that stardom prevented her from getting married. Wedding of Sati Casanova and Stefano Tiozzo

In October Sati Casanova married an Italian landscape photographer Stefano Tiozzo. The 35-year-old singer met her boyfriend last year.

Sati's friend Marina Missbach married pianist Christiano Tiozzo. At the wedding, the artist met the groom's brother.

The meeting became fateful - the star finally decided to get married for the first time.

Sati Casanova and Stefano Tiozzo

After the magnificent Caucasian celebration, which took place in Kabardino-Balkaria, the young people organized another celebration in Stefano’s homeland. The singer continues to share photos from the wedding on Instagram and talks about touching or romantic moments.

Recently, Sati published a small selection of photographs, accompanying it with a story: “How I persuaded my dad to take my hand to wedding arch to hand over the daughter to the groom, according to European traditions... I searched for a long time Wedding Dress under the tiara (usually they do it the other way around... How and why I wanted the bridesmaids to wear red, and these wonderful dresses were found exactly a week before...".

The singer added words of gratitude to her father, friends and numerous helpers in organizing the celebration. Sati added: “My father, who had a Caucasian upbringing and Muslim traditions, had a very hard time agreeing to this step... But out of respect for the culture of the groom’s family, he agreed to it.”

Photo: @satikazanova @satiethnica @stefanotiozzo @sskazanova @maryanakazanova

On her Instagram page, the artist posted photos from the wedding celebration, where she and her chosen one, Italian photographer Stefano Tiozzo, were dressed in national Kabardian outfits. As the singer writes, the celebration took place in her small homeland, in the Caucasus.

Screenshot of Sati Kazanova’s personal Instagram account @satikazanova

“I thank everyone, everyone, everyone who congratulated me/my husband and I - @stefanotiozzo - on our wedding! We are not making any secrets, on the contrary, we want to tell and show you everything beautifully and first-hand (although scraps of the canvas were leaked onto the Internet ) Moreover, in the coming weeks my feed will be full of photos and videos from wedding events (there are already several of them!),” Sati captioned the photo.

In addition, the singer shared with her fans a photo of her first dance with her groom.

“According to the ancient customs of the Circassians, couples do not enter the dance circle on their own. There is a person appointed for this, Dzheguaklue, who first brings out the man, then the woman. This was the case with our first dance of the bride and groom. Our first dance with my husband took place to sonorous singing old friend Cherim Nakhushev. When I just started singing in the republic, 19 years ago, he supported me greatly. And how symbolic and beautiful that now I got married to Cherim’s songs!” - the singer noted.

Photo from Sati Kazanova’s personal Instagram account @satikazanova

Photo from Sati Kazanova’s personal Instagram account @satikazanova

Photo from Sati Kazanova’s personal Instagram account @satikazanova

Photo from Sati Kazanova’s personal Instagram account @satikazanova

0 August 14, 2017, 12:00

Sati Casanova
Today, August 14, a new issue of the weekly HELLO! appeared on the shelves of all kiosks in the country, in which Sati Casanova admitted that she was finally getting married. The chosen one of the 34-year-old singer was the Italian photographer Stefano Tiozzo, with whom she is familiar less than a year. But, apparently, there is absolutely no need to postpone the wedding when you find your soul mate:

I'm getting married. Although I still don’t quite believe it myself. It would seem that every woman has a “built-in program” of unconditional readiness for marriage. I'm probably somewhat unconventional in this regard. Every time I was close to the wedding, I began to have disturbing dreams, all sorts of signs appeared - as if God was taking me away from this step. Apparently, the wrong people were nearby. Now everything is so easy, joyful and somehow childish! I’m almost 35, and my condition is like that of a 15-year-old. For the first time, I’m not afraid of anything and I’m not complicating anything. Everything is simple and clear. The heart knows - this is the right person,” she admitted in an interview with HELLO! magazine.

Casanova met her chosen one at the wedding of her friend Marina Missbach and Stefano’s brother, Cristiano Tiozzo. At first he seemed arrogant to her, and she to him. But already during the next meeting the couple changed their minds about each other. The relationship developed rapidly, and Tiozzo did not hesitate to propose marriage:

- said Casanova.

Rumors about imminent marriage The ex-“manufacturers” walked long and hard: in 2014, her engagement to producer Arthur Shachnev broke down, and two years later she was persistently credited with an affair and a quick wedding with 55-year-old businessman Alexander Shenkman, but the singer denied this information.

Sati (full name Sataney) was born in the village of Verkhniy Kurkuzhin, Kabardino-Balkaria, into a large family, where she was the eldest of four sisters. The future star set off to conquer the capital after her third year at the Kabardino-Balkarian College of Culture. In Moscow, the girl entered the Gnessin Academy of Music for a pop-jazz vocal class. In parallel with her studies, Sati made a living by singing in casinos and restaurants.

Casanova began her ascent to the musical Olympus with the television show “Star Factory” in 2002. In the finals of the project, she ended up in the group “Factory” created by producer Igor Matvienko, where she performed for eight years. She left the team in 2010 to pursue a solo career.

Benefactor in Moscow

Casanova’s personal life was a closely guarded secret for many years; the singer was in no hurry to make public the names of her rich and influential fans. According to Sati herself, she was in no hurry to get married because she was looking for a man like her father - generous, noble, who would not try to make her a housewife.

The artist said that she came to Moscow from Nalchik, thanks to the ex-president of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (and at that time, a successful businessman) Arsen Kanokov. Having once seen a young singer perform in a restaurant, he admired her talent and offered to help if she suddenly decided to move to the capital. For the first year of living in Moscow, Kanokov paid Casanova for all expenses, including payment for a rented apartment.

President's son-in-law

Thanks to rich fans, the singer already at the beginning of her career had all the attributes of the sweet life - a luxurious apartment on the 35th floor of an elite residential complex near Mosfilm, a Bentley car. “This apartment is a gift from a person with whom I had a long relationship,” Sati admitted in an interview. – I still remember him with great warmth. Imagine: when I entered here, everything was there, right down to slippers, bed linen and dishes.”

The generous donor was Kazakh oligarch Timur Kulibayev (son-in-law of Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev), with whom Casanova’s secret relationship lasted about three years. Receiving luxurious gifts, Sati, as she herself admitted, loved and obeyed her man in everything, hoping that someday they would become a family. But Kulibayev looked at the relationship differently.

“Besides me, he had other women, and he did not see anything reprehensible in this. He joked that his love was enough for everyone. I cried, but endured, justifying my boyfriend by saying that he was an Eastern man, and for Muslims this position is quite natural,” the singer later recalled. – After living for three years in complete submission and a feeling of my own insignificance, I realized that I had lost myself. The spring compressed in my soul suddenly straightened out, briefly making me strong and decisive, and I put an end to this strange relationship.”


After a while, Sati had a new admirer, again of Eastern blood, who turned out to be the complete opposite of her former lover. Without giving a name, Casanova recalled that the man literally “strangled” her with his total control and excessive care. He made decisions about what projects she could participate in, what events she could attend, and who she could communicate with. “If earlier I dreamed that my beloved would always be there, then during this relationship I secretly wished the opposite,” Sati noted. The singer was able to put an end to this painful relationship three years later.

Star suitors

In 2011, rumors appeared about Casanova’s affair with the program director of Russian Radio, Roman Emelyanov. They first appeared together at the premiere of the film “Suicides”. The couple neither refuted nor confirmed their close relationship, having arranged an intriguing correspondence on social networks. Roman turned to the singer: “Well, have we been declassified?” “So it was a bad secret!” – Casanova answered and added. “Marriages are made in heaven...” However, there was no continuation of the love story.

A year later, Andrei Kobzon, the son of Joseph Kobzon, was listed as the singer’s groom. The couple appeared together at the celebration of the 75th anniversary of Joseph Davydovich. The young people refused to give any comments on this matter.

Famous Producer

And in September 2013, the tabloids started talking about the singer’s new romance. While performing at a club on Pokrovka, Casanova met music producer Arthur Shachnev. The romance developed rapidly, the young people appeared together at all social events. In 2014, the engagement took place, and everyone around was only talking about the upcoming wedding.

But unexpectedly the couple broke up. Casanova’s comment about the reason for the breakup was very short: “He’s just not my person. But I’m not his.” Arthur himself admitted after a while: “Parting with this woman was very difficult for me, because I loved her very much. But she doesn't have me. The difference was that I loved, but I didn’t tell anyone about it. And she told everyone that she loved me, but she didn’t love me. When we broke up, she gave numerous interviews about our relationship and talked about how difficult it was for her with me. I don’t want to comment on this in any way, I’ll say one thing: this experience gave me a clear understanding of the word “hypocrisy.” Before that, I didn’t know what it was.”

In the same 2014, the media wrote about Sati Casanova’s new romance with the Moldovan singer Arseniy Toderash (ex-soloist of the O-Zone group). The artists released a joint video “Until Dawn”, after which their duet was called a love duet. The newly minted couple appeared together on the red carpet, and published quite a lot on the Internet. romantic photos. True, the artists later stated that they were connected exclusively by creative and friendly relations.

Ideal man

In 2016, it became known that the singer was going to marry the 55-year-old president of Rosvodokanal, Alexander Shenkman. They even claimed that Casanova was pregnant and therefore the wedding would take place in the very near future. Although the couple’s relationship was no longer a secret, Sati tried not to advertise this romance. She explained this by saying that for a long time she could not meet a man who would become a real support and support for her. And now, when she found her ideal, she decided to remain silent, because “happiness loves silence.” But Sati could not keep this “happiness”, the wedding never took place...

Future husband

It seemed that Casanova would remain the “eternal bride,” but in August of this year, shortly before her 35th birthday, the artist officially announced that she was getting married. The singer's chosen one was the Italian photographer Stefano Tiozzo. As Sati said, they met in Germany at a wedding best friend singer and brother Stefano. Casanova and her fiancé have already submitted an application to the registry office on Butyrskaya Street and are now preparing for the celebration, which will take place in October. The lovers are planning to arrange three weddings at once - one of them will take place in the bride’s homeland in Kabardino-Balkaria, the second in Italy, and the wedding itself will take place in Moscow. The future newlyweds plan to spend their honeymoon in Sati’s favorite country – India. The Italian is already learning Russian specifically to communicate with the bride’s relatives.

This is how the singer herself describes her state on the eve of the celebration: “Whenever I was close to the wedding, I began to have disturbing dreams, all sorts of signs arose - as if God was taking me away from this step. Apparently, the wrong people were nearby. Now everything is so easy, joyful and somehow childish! I'm almost 35, and my condition is like that of a 15-year-old. For the first time, I’m not afraid of anything and I’m not complicating anything. Everything is simple and clear. The heart knows - this is the right person!

It was heard throughout the country in 2002 after participating in the most popular musical project of Channel One “Star Factory”. In December of the same year, she, Sasha Savelyeva and Irina Toneva became part of the female trio “Factory”. This project became very successful - compositions performed by its participants “About Love”, “Factory Girls”, “Fish” and others soared to the top of the Russian charts. According to Sati, the sudden dizzying success led to the fact that she caught the “star” disease. The newly minted singer lashed out at her colleagues, drivers and housekeepers. It was this difficult character that caused failures in his personal life.

“I remember about 15 years ago, shortly after the explosion of the very first “Star Factory” (and there were many of them after), these very “star” and “crown” syndromes showed up in an acute form... My drivers, poor ones, suffered from me. The housekeeper got it too, and I also put a lot of strain on my colleagues (I mean Ira and Sasha)... I’m still not a gift, but believe me, it’s a lot better than before! (That’s why they “didn’t marry me” before!) At that dangerous “star” time, only my sisters and parents could put me in my place. And thanks to them for that!” - Casanova shared on her microblog on Instagram (the author’s spelling and punctuation are unchanged. - Note ed.).

Sati Casanova with colleagues in the “Factory” group - Irina Toneva and Sasha Savelyeva

Now Sati Casanova is engaged in a solo career and is a happy wife loving husband. In early October, in her native Kabardino-Balkaria, the singer married an Italian photographer Stefano Tiozzo. The ceremony was held in traditional Caucasian style. The wedding was attended mainly by friends and numerous relatives of the lovers. It is known that Sati and Stefano performed a Kabardian dance. The bride appeared in a stunning national snow-white dress with golden embroidery. The groom also tried on a Kabardian suit. Sati has repeatedly said that Stefano respects the national traditions of the Caucasus, therefore he is ready to observe them as during wedding ceremony, and in everyday life.

The lovers immediately announced their intention to hold two weddings: in the bride’s homeland and in the groom’s homeland. Therefore, two weeks after the Caucasian wedding, Sati and Stefano went to Italy, where they had a second wedding. The newlyweds flew from Italy on their honeymoon so that after a series of wedding celebrations to finally be alone. Place honeymoon they chose one of the most romantic places on Earth - the Maldives.

Wedding of Sati Casanova and Stefano Tiozzo

At the Caucasian wedding ceremony, Sati and Stefano were dressed in national costumes