Modern scenarios Wed group February 23. Physical education festival for Defenders of the Fatherland Day in the middle group. Competition "Minefield"

We enter the hall with flags in our hands.

We walk like a snake.

We sit on the chairs.

Leading: Dear Guys! So again we all gathered together in this hall. Our mood is joyful and upbeat, because today we celebrate holiday- Defenders of the Fatherland Day. The whole country congratulates your fathers and grandfathers on this day, everyone gives them flowers and songs, reads poems in their honor. And we will congratulate our boys, because they are also the future defenders of the country. Why holiday Is it called Defender of the Fatherland Day? Who are the defenders? (defenders are those who protect their people). What qualities do you think a defender should have?

(strong, brave, courageous).

All the boys from all over the country

Must be brave

So that the borders are protected,

To make mothers smile,

So that there is no war!

Soldiers and military personnel protect our country from possible enemies...Guys, how many of you know what the fatherland is? The word fatherland comes from the word father. The Motherland is called the Fatherland. Our Motherland is Russia, the country in which you and I live.

Our Russian army

Birthday in February!

Glory to her invincible!

Glory to peace on earth!

The trumpets sing loudly.

Our army.

All: Firework!

Leading: The soldier also needs rest,

Well, what about future soldiers?

I suggest you play!

Well, let’s now play the game, imagine a little that we are in the Army.

A game "In the army…"

How did you serve? like this! (show thumbs up)

How were you friends? like this! (hands locked)

How did you shoot at the target? like this

How did you sleep in the barracks? like this!

How did you eat the porridge? like this!

How did you sing the song in the ranks? like this!

How did you miss home? like this!

How hot did you drink your tea? like this!

How did you submit the report? like this!

marched on the parade ground? like this!

How sad were you about your friends? like this!

how did you laugh? like this!

Leading: Guys, what types of troops do you know? (border, navy, missile, flight, airborne troops.)

Presenter 2: Guys, now we’ll sing a song about them.

Song “ONE-TWO!”

Now guys let's play a game "Commander with a Trumpet".


Presenter 1: Guys, now we’ll see how well you know military equipment. I will ask you riddles.

Without acceleration it takes off into the heights,

Reminds me of a dragonfly

Now it's about to take flight

Big and noisy... (helicopter)

Underwater - an iron whale,

Day and night the whale does not sleep,

Day and night underwater

Protects our peace. (Submarine)

Miracle bird, scarlet tail,

Flew off into a flock of stars. (Rocket)

A bird flies - a fable,

And the people are sitting inside,

He talks to each other. (Airplane)

Far from your country

They go to sea... (ships)

The sea ice has split

Sharp nose... (icebreaker)

Who taxied for takeoff?

Reactive (airplane)

This bird is flying towards the stars,

Overtakes the sound (rocket)

Airplane in the blue sky

Runs it (pilot)

No vest without stripes

The one in the vest is the one (sailor)

I'll take a quick look at it

I'll tell the whole team (binoculars)

He's tight and thick-skinned.

Hit it with a stick. -Bam, bam!

It will rattle. Can't keep quiet

This one is loud. (Drum)

Presenter 1: Guys, let's sing a song about a drummer


Presenter 2: And now I suggest you be the Drummers.

Drummers game (march, drum, dream).

Presenter 1: Guys, do you know that a soldier must be able to be friends, because you can defeat the enemy only with comrades. There is even a proverb:

"There is safety in numbers" Do you know how to make friends?

Children: Yes!

Presenter 1: Let's check!

Contest "Collect a picture"

(2 groups of 4 people, you can take one adult into the team and, on command, they must collect a cut-out picture and come up with a name for it)

Presenter 2: Our fun is coming to an end holiday, dedicated to our beloved boys, their fathers, grandfathers and brothers! We have no losers today! Our boys, as well as girls, showed themselves to be strong, brave, friendly - future Defenders of the Fatherland!

Let's once again greet future sailors, border guards, pilots, and intelligence officers!

Our future soldiers still have a lot of time to grow up, gain strength, health, knowledge to become real Defenders of our homeland!

The purpose of the physical education holiday: upbringing physical culture personality.

Software tasks: to develop agility, speed, and strength in children; develop coordination of movements, motor skills and abilities; .

Material and equipment: team uniforms, emblems, two sticks with attached cars, two rolls of bandage, two children's white coats, two rattles, a telephone, binoculars, two spoons, two tennis balls, two stands, two target hoops, sandbags, one each red, green and yellow flowers; multi-colored “salute” ribbons, diplomas based on the number of participants, two gymnastic sticks with a horse’s head, audio recordings: march, polka, waltz.

Location: gym

Progress of the event

Solemnly, in marching step, singing the song “Brave Soldiers” (lyrics by T. Volgina, music by A. Filippenko), the children enter the hall. Under musical accompaniment, in the center of the hall they make a change from one column to two columns.

Supervisor physical education(R.f.v.). Dear Guys! Our holiday is dedicated to Defenders of the Fatherland Day, which is celebrated on February 23.

When there is ice on the rivers

And the blizzard rushes into the distance,

Brings us a wonderful holiday

Thoughtful February.

The holiday of all soldiers will come,

Defenders, fighters.

Everyone will be happy to congratulate you

And grandfathers and fathers!

I. Gurina

Dear guests! Today our guys will show their dexterity, speed, and ingenuity in various competitions.

R.f.v. After each competition, the jury will sum up the results.

Presentation of the jury (composed of: head, nurse, teacher).

Team greetings


We can't sit still,

A steel bird flies upward.

We'll fly higher than everyone else

And we will defeat the tankers.


The armor is strong

And our tanks are fast,

We are brave and brave tankers!

Competition "Best Driver"

One of the team members sits on a chair and receives a stick, to which a machine is tied on a ribbon. At the signal, participants begin to wrap the ribbon around the stick. The one who gets the car to him the fastest wins.

Summing up the results of the competition.

Competition "Nurse"

Two girls (one from each team) bandage the “wounded” man’s head. The accuracy and speed of completing the task are assessed.

Summing up the results of the competition.

Song “About the World” (lyrics by T. Volgina, music by A. Filippenko)

Competition "Combat Readiness"

Team members take off their shoes and place them jumbled in the center of the room. On command, you must quickly find your pair, put on your shoes and get into formation. The team that quickly and correctly completes the task wins.

Summing up the results of the competition.

R.f.v. A scout must be able to get behind enemy lines without being noticed.

Competition "Scouts"

Team members pass the rattle toy to each other so that it does not rattle. The speed and noiselessness of execution are assessed.

Summing up the results of the competition.

Theatrical break - skit “Military”

Telephone operator(by phone).

Hello, hello, Rocket, I'm Diamond.

It's really hard to hear you.

We occupied the village with a fight.

And how are you? Hello Hello.

Machine gunner.

And I climbed into the attic,

After all, the enemy may be hiding here.

We clean the house behind the house,

We will find the enemy everywhere.


I'm a young infantryman.

He fought with a fascist near Moscow.

I went on reconnaissance missions more than once,

The colonel awarded me.

Tank commander (looks through binoculars).

There is an airplane on the horizon.

Full speed ahead, forward!

Get ready for battle, crew!


Leave us alone, our fighter.


Wounded, don't moan

Just be patient a little.

Your wound is not deep

It will heal for sure.

Competition "Don't Drop the Grenade"

Team members line up in a column and take turns carrying a tennis ball in a spoon to the counter and back. The winner is the team that quickly and accurately completes the task.

Summing up the results of the competition.

Competition "Sniper"

Each participant “shoots” at a target hoop from a certain distance. The team whose members are the most accurate wins.

Summing up the results of the competition.

Game pause "Salute"

Three adults stand in different places in the hall with red, green and yellow flags. March, waltz and polka sound in turn. Children with multi-colored fireworks ribbons move around the hall in different directions to the music. At the end of the music, the adults say: “Fireworks, light up! Get ready quickly!” Children gather around the adult whose flags are the same color as the fireworks ribbons. Together they shout: “Hurray!”

Competition "Cavalrymen"

Team members take turns galloping on a “horse” (a gymnastic stick with a horse’s head), run around the stand and pass the “horse” to the next participant. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Summing up the results of the competition.

Competition “Rockets Signal Formation”

Team members disperse around the room. At the signal, the teams must line up in two lines. The team that completes the task faster wins.

R.f.v. Thank you all for your attention,

For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,

For the fire of competition,

Guaranteed success.

All participants perform the song “Sunny Circle” (lyrics by L. Oshanin, music by A. Ostrovsky).

Holiday scenario for February 23rd for the middle group


Characters: Presenter, soldier Ivan.

To the accompaniment of solemn music, girls enter the hall and take their seats.

Leading: We have gathered in this hall to celebrate the holiday of defenders of the Fatherland together. Since men have always been the defenders, warriors who guard the peace and tranquility of their country, I propose to welcome our boys, who, when they grow up, will definitely become strong, courageous, courageous men, our fathers and grandfathers.

Boys enter the hall and sit next to the girls.

Leading: Today, on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, we congratulate fathers and grandfathers, we congratulate our boys - future defenders of the Fatherland on this wonderful holiday. Our holiday today is for you, songs, dances, poems and competitions - everything is for you. Dads were already soldiers, and our boys will only be soldiers, so today we decided to play a little at military men, at soldiers.

1 child:

Hello, holiday!

Hello, holiday!

Celebration of boys and dads!

Congratulations to all military personnel

Our cheerful kindergarten!

2nd child:

Glory to the beloved Army!

Glory to the dear Army!

Our soldier, brave, strong,

Protects our peace!

3rd child:

Let the sun shine brightly

And let the guns not thunder,

Peace, people, native country

A soldier will always protect!

THE SONG “Well done guys” is being performed


We are great guys

We walk merrily.

« Left-right, one, two, three,” -

We repeat together.


Left, right,

We keep pace.

Like soldiers

Let's have fun.

They look at us with envy

There are girls in the yard.

“You guys are just great!”

They shout after us.

We will serve in the army,

Let's help our homeland,

We'll protect mom and dad

And girls too.

Leading: This day is of special significance:

Birthday of the brave sons.

All Russian people on this date

Sends greetings to the sailor and soldier!

There is a knock on the door.

A soldier enters the hall: Hello, good people. I was walking past on leave to go home, I heard voices and laughter. Let me come in, I think.

Host: You are welcome to visit us. Today we congratulate our boys, dads and grandfathers. We are glad to see you at our holiday! Tell us something about yourself?

Soldier: The job of every man is to defend his homeland! As a child, older boys teased and bullied me because I

was weak and frail. But I always dreamed of becoming brave, so I played a lot of sports and grew up strong, healthy and strong. I always knew that for a man to live means to serve the Motherland! That's why I volunteered to serve in the Army.

Leading: Our children are also dexterous and brave.

Fast and skillful. They go in for sports and harden themselves from childhood.

Soldier: But we'll check it now.

Don't waste your time,

Everyone stand in a circle now.

Don't be lazy, don't yawn,

Repeat everything after me!

Game "In the Army..."

How did you serve? like this! (show thumbs up)
How were you friends? like this! (hands locked)
How did you shoot at the target? like this
How did you sleep in the barracks? like this!
How did you eat the porridge? like this!
How did you sing the song in the ranks? like this!
How did you miss home? like this!
How hot did you drink your tea? like this!
How did you submit the report? like this!
Did you march on the parade ground? like this!
How sad were you for your friends? like this!
How did you laugh? like this!

Leading: Dear soldier Ivan, our children have prepared for our dear dads and grandfathers a festive surprise. These are funny ditties:


Oh, the pillar path,

It winds and never ends,

We'll sing ditties for you,

Let dads smile!

Don't scold me, mom,

That I have a cold!

On the belly, through the puddles

I learned to crawl!

At our beloved dads

Hard-working hands

Come join our group

Repair toys.

Don't sit at home, dads,

Come to kindergarten.

And then daughters and sons

They will soon forget you.

I eat porridge and sour cream

I have strength.

I'm just not going to fight,

But don't bother me!

Ivan joined the army

His grandfather found him a saber,

You, grandson, save it,

Suddenly enemies will appear!

It's good to sing ditties

It's fun to laugh

To become a brave soldier

We have to try!

Leading: For today’s meeting with you, dear guests, we have prepared a few thoughts about what our dads are like?

4th child:

My dad is handsome

And strong as an elephant

He is loving, attentive, affectionate

5th child:

My dad is resourceful

Smart and brave.

He can handle it

Even a difficult matter.

6th child:

My dad is funny

But strict and honest.

And it's fun to play.

7th child:

My dad is a wizard

He's the nicest.

He instantly turns

Whatever you ask.

8th child:

I'll hug him

And I whisper quietly:

My daddy, I love you

I love you so much!

Leading: Today, when we celebrate the holiday of our fathers and grandfathers, I want to make riddles about the objects that they always use. Who can guess faster, guests or children?

She buzzes like a wasp,

He is in a hurry to cut his beard.

In the morning there is a battle with stubble,

That’s why I’m serious... (razor)

Four wheeled beast

In our garage now.

Dust swirls from the wheels -

Ours is coming... (car)

What kind of silk ribbon

Is it worn under the collar?

Dad says to everyone: “Hello”

Slightly adjusting the fashionable... (tie)

Let's dial dad's number

Let's put the receiver to your ear.

He will quickly contact dad

Our mobile... (phone)

He has a big buckle

Well, he's thin, poor thing,

Dad wears it every day

Hard leather... (belt)

Leading: And (name) will give advice to other boys on how to behave with dad

9th child:

If you're down the corridor,
Ride your bike
And towards you from the bathroom
Dad went out for a walk
Don't turn into the kitchen
There is a solid refrigerator in the kitchen,
You better brake for dad,
Dad is soft. He will forgive.

Soldier : Do you know that there are different professions in the army?

For example, artillerymen...

Long live the artillerymen—

Defenders of our lands,

Carriers hitting the target!

Leading: Well, let's test our dads and boys for accuracy, the competition is called: “Who can bring the ball to the goal with a stick faster?”
Soldier: Pilots are also highly respected in the army.

Meet the blossoming of youth

Under the shadow of wings and rockets

And guards the heights

Those who are on duty today!

Leading: Come on, pilots, get on your planes.

Game “Airplanes”: the game is played to the music “We are migratory bird friends”

Let's clap clap-clap with our hands,

Let's stomp our feet,

We start the engines

And they flew...

Leading. Well done, pilots! Now let's play the game "Demines the field." Participants: dads and children, there are balls on the floor, you need to collect them with your eyes closed, whoever collects the most wins.

Soldier: The profession of a border guard is very important in the army...

The birds fell asleep on the branches,

The stars don't shine in the sky.

Hidden by the border

Border guard detachment.

Border guards are not asleep

At the native border;

Our sea, our land,

Our sky is being guarded!

Presenter: Game "Demines the field"
Soft balls are scattered on the floor. Two participants are blindfolded. Players must collect as many balls as possible into their baskets. Children and adults participate.

Soldier: There are many professions in the army, but I like sailors the most.

MOryak you are all dashing

And the dancers are not bad.

Well, do you have any dexterity?

Let's check this now.

Host: Well, the next competition is called "Captains"
Three participants are invited. They need to wrap the boat on a string around a stick as quickly as possible. Both children and adults can participate.

Soldier: It was a pleasure visiting with you,

But the time has come for me to leave.

I wish you to grow up healthy, strong, and be sure to become defenders of the Fatherland when you grow up. Goodbye guys!

The guest leaves the hall.

Children read poetry.

10th child:

You are the most caring
The most native,
You are kind, you are the best
And you are only mine!

11th child:

Let's congratulate dad
And wish for various blessings:
Don't lose the winning flag.

12th child:
Don't get captured by troubles,
It is courageous to defeat them.
One two three four five -
Let me kiss you!!!

Children give gifts to dads.


So that there is a Fatherland

Strong as granite, -

Army dear

Standing at his post.

Airplanes in the sky.

Ships at sea

Guarding the open spaces

Dear earth.

Army dear

Nice and strong.

Free power

She takes care of it.


We had a great rest

We all won by right

It's time for us to say goodbye.

Let's all shout “Hurray!”

A holiday for middle school children and their dads dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day.


Adults: Presenter, Captain Vrungel.

Children and their dads.

To the melody of the song " A true friend» V. Shainsky (audio recording) children enter the hall and take their seats.


Hello my friends,

Adults and children!

Glad to see you again

Within these bright walls.

Special holiday today

If you find out, you will be glad:

The most important characters

Dads will be at the party!

1st child:

Our dads are young

Our dads are daring

Clever and brave

First after mom!


So let's meet them, -

This will make everyone happy.

They are already rushing to us

With Captain Vrungel!

A march sounds, the dads enter the hall, Captain Vrungel goes first.

Vrungel: Left - right, left - right! Stop! One, two! Get ready for roll call!

Captain Vrungel conducts a family roll call.

Vrungel: Pay for the first or second!

Dads are “getting even.”

Vrungel: The first numbers are a step forward: one, two! I allow you to relax and take your seats according to the numbers at the tables.

The dads take their seats.

Leading: This is discipline! Simply beautiful.


You will see this

During the celebration...


Thank you! We will all be glad

But just let me now

Children read poems of their choice music director.


Well, it's not an easy task for you.

Now you have to do:

Try your prowess

Convince guests and children.


You know, our dears,

Let's not go far:

An ordinary man's day will show -

We can handle this easily.

But before you do that.

Let me introduce the men.

Dads take turns talking about themselves.

Children sing “Song about Dad” by V. Shainsky.


As you know, in order

Let's start the day with exercise.

The same will happen now

We'll charge right away.

There are games for dads: “I’ll Jump As I Want”, “Running in Sacks”, “Score a Goal with Potatoes”.

You need to get dressed quickly.

A competition is being held for dads “Who can dress the fastest.”

2nd child:

I happened to see something

What no one has seen:

A coat was walking down the alley.

The people around could not understand

Who is this that moves without legs?

And it was - do you know who?

A boy in his father's coat.


We understood your hint. Happens...

Men will fix everything now.

A “Fashion Show” competition is being held. Dads show off their pre-prepared costumes.


Let our dads rest

And they will gain more strength.

And we will dance for you here

His perky “Quadrille”.

Children perform the “Quadrille” dance (at the choice of the music director).


Is in the routine of men

Healthy, tasty, quick breakfast,

So I asked

We should prepare some sweet porridge.

The cook enters with a tray in his hands, on which there is a cast iron with porridge, plates and spoons.

A competition for dads is being held: “Eat porridge blindfolded.”


If you were very careful,

Then they guessed that it was time to start classes.

There are games and activities for dads: “Blow up the balloons”, “Who can collect the most balloons”, “Burst the balloons”.


It's such a hard day

It's coming to a man -

We're working on it, believe me.

Even during the break.

Competitions are held for dads: “Sing a song”, “What has changed?”, “Dance like me”.


We are undoubtedly convinced

There's nothing better in the world

Our dads, and all men

We send enthusiastic greetings!

Children and their dads sing “The Song of Friends” from the cartoon “The Bremen Town Musicians.”


We thank the men

We want to give them prizes.

True, we need it again

Show your “top class”!

There is a game for dads called “Cut the Souvenir”.

A march sounds (at the choice of the music director). Adults and children leave the hall.

Children enter the hall, marching, and stand in a semicircle.

Leading: Our Russian army

Birthday in February!

Glory to her invincible!

Glory to peace on earth!

The trumpets sing loudly.

Our army...

Children: Fireworks!

Leading: Ships are sailing into space.

Our army...

Children: Fireworks!

Leading: There is peace and work on the planet.

Our army...

Children: Fireworks!

Three people come out and read poetry.

1 child: So that there is a Fatherland

Hard like granite

Army dear

Standing at his post.

2 child: Planes in the sky,

Ships at sea

Guarding the open spaces

Russian land.

3rd child: Army dear

Nice and strong.

peaceful power

She takes care of it.

Then they sit down on their chairs.

Leading: Today, on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, we congratulate fathers and grandfathers, we congratulate our boys - future defenders of the Fatherland. And our holiday today is for you, songs, dances, poems and competitions - everything is for you.

Leading: Let the boy still be a baby,

Small in stature - no problem!

A coward can become an adult

And never to the brave!

1 competition “The Strongest”

Two participants are invited. Their task is to collect as many as possible while the music is playing. balloons in your hands

Leading: The ship is sailing on the waves,

The captain is leading him.

He is not afraid of fogs,

Shoals, ice floes, hurricanes...

He is a brave sailor

Everyone knows this.

2nd competition "Captains"

Two participants are invited. They need to wrap the boat on a string around a stick as quickly as possible.

Leading : You did a great job! But what else should a soldier be like? Of course, smart. After all, he must, if necessary, be able to show ingenuity. Now we are exercising our minds.

Exercise for the mind

Far from your country

They go to sea... (Ships)

The sea ice has split

With a sharp nose... (Icebreaker)

Who taxied there for takeoff?

Reactive plane)

This bird is flying towards the stars,

Overtakes the sound... (Rocket)

Presenter: And now I invite everyone to warm up

Warm-up . Children line up as if for exercise.

Leading: Be equal!

They stood up straight and pulled themselves up.

Hands reached out to the sun.

Hands to the sides, forward.

Make a right turn

Make a left turn.

We squat and stand up

We reach the floor with our hands.

And we walk on the spot,

We raise our legs higher.

Children, stop! One-two!

The game is over!

Children read poetry.

1 child: We play, we play

We are infantry, sailors.

We launch rockets

We love ringing blades.

2nd child: We dream, we dream

That when we grow up,

We will become infantrymen

And we’ll go serve in the navy.

3 child: To the border and to the sappers,

To pilots, to the submarine fleet.

We will grow up very soon,

In the meantime, the game is on.

Then the children sit down.

Two - three participants. Each of them throws the ball forward. The participant whose ball flies the farthest wins. Children and adults participate.

Game "Demines the field"

Sandbags are scattered on the floor. Two participants are blindfolded. Players must collect as many balls as possible into their baskets. Children and adults participate.

Leading: We had a great time!

You won by right

worthy of praise and rewards,

And we are happy to give prizes to everyone.

The presenter gives commemorative medals to everyone.

Leading: Let children not know grief.

May all over the earth's expanse

The harvests will sing together,

Let people not know war

And they greet the day with a smile,

Doves are flying in the sky.