Nose earring: jewelry options, how to insert, pull out and care for? Learn how to insert earrings into your nose yourself How to insert a round earring into your nose

Nowadays, nose piercing is fashionable and common, and almost anyone can wear it if there are no contraindications. Therefore, an interesting question arises about how to insert a hook earring into the nose. And is it possible to do this quickly and safely at home?

Benefits of piercing

There are certain advantages and disadvantages of piercings. Knowing them, you can decide for yourself whether this procedure is necessary at all. As you know, piercing has the following main advantages:

  1. It is fashionable and beautiful, thanks to which you can complement your appearance in an original way, making it special and unique, because you can choose a piercing of any shape and design.
  2. Almost anyone can wear nose rings. After all, it is fashionable and stylish for both men and women at any age (you can choose any earrings according to their shape and design). For example, a hoop earring on the nose looks quite interesting.
  3. The procedure can be performed at home or in a beauty salon, and the cost will be low, so almost anyone can insert earrings into their nose.
  4. Caring for the earring will be easy, thanks to which you can maintain the beauty and elegance of the piercing for a long period of time (if the installation process was successful).


Despite such a number of advantages, nose earrings have the following disadvantages:

  1. The procedure of piercing and inserting jewelry is long and painful, so a man or woman should prepare for the fact that it is painful and beauty requires sacrifice, as they say.
  2. If the procedure is carried out in unsterile conditions and carelessly, the risk of infection increases and can cause a serious illness that can impair overall health.
  3. If the piercing is inserted incorrectly and does not follow the rules of sterility at first, then there is a possibility of deforming the nose, ruining its beauty and general health.

Please note that nose wing piercing is done safely and practically painlessly, and it looks beautiful. However, it all depends on how you install it. After all, if you insert a nose ring incorrectly and violate the integrity of the nose, then the beauty and attractiveness of your appearance will disappear.

Modern designers offer a large selection of earrings and nose piercings, which will help make the image of women and men much more attractive. Therefore, many are interested in the question of how to insert an earring with a hook into the nose and what is needed first. There are different types of earrings. Let's look at them.

Medical What is it?

This type of piercing is considered safe and sterile, since it consists of steel and titanium, which do not corrode and do not cause unpleasant pain when worn. It can be inserted into the nose, ears and eyebrows, as it is considered safe and beautiful if the procedure is carried out correctly and if there are no allergic reactions (as a rule, the body does not react to medical steel).

Gold earring. Description

Products made from gold are considered beautiful, they can be worn for a long time, because the body most often accepts this metal. Such earrings are expensive compared to other materials, but despite this, gold piercings will look bright and attractive.

Silver piercing. What is this earring?

This material will be safe and beautiful if it is inserted correctly into the nose. It is a little cheaper than gold, but despite this, you can choose any shape of earring from this material. It is safe and practically does not cause allergic reactions unless there are certain contraindications.

Plastic. Description of this type

Plastic piercing is considered a cheaper and more accessible option, so almost anyone can afford it. It looks quite attractive, and also does not cause inconvenience or discomfort, because the material is light and suitable for almost everyone. It is most often used by young girls with an informal appearance who want to make their image bright and more rich.

It is also recommended to visit a dermatologist, who will examine your skin and determine if you are allergic to the piercing material, and tell you how to wear a hook earring on your nose. After all, if you insert the piercing incorrectly, you can damage the skin and mucous membrane of the nose, which will worsen your overall health and attractive appearance.

How is a piercing installed in a beauty salon? Step-by-step actions of the wizard

Are you interested in the question of how to properly insert an earring into your nose and what is needed for this? Typically the procedure is carried out in this order:

  1. The master conducts an examination and determines whether there are any diseases of the skin and nose that can progress after installation of the piercing or disrupt the overall beauty and attractiveness of appearance.
  2. After this, the master provides a choice of earrings of different materials and designs, which can decorate a woman’s (or man’s) nose in their own way. Make the image bright and attractive.
  3. Once everything is ready, the master disinfects the earring and then inserts it into the nose, and this is done carefully and with the help of a special anesthetic.
  4. After a successful procedure, the specialist will treat the pierced area and ensure that there are no side effects or serious swelling.
  5. Upon completion of the earring piercing, the master should conduct a detailed consultation on how to care for the jewelry and how to preserve the nose wing piercing for a long time.

It is worth considering that the procedure is quick and safe if carried out carefully and sterilely. In the beauty salon, the master also conducts additional disinfection and consultation. It will help preserve the piercing for a long time and get rid of pain. You also need to decide on the type of earring material and design that will decorate the image in its own way, making it attractive and original.

How to insert an earring with a hook into your nose? Step-by-step instruction

Make sure that there are no nasal diseases or inflammatory processes that can progress and disrupt the beauty of the installed piercing (runny nose, sinusitis, and so on).

Interested in the question of how to insert a snail earring into the nose and can this be done at home quickly and accurately? It is generally recommended to insert the piercings in this order:

  1. If everything is fine, then you should prepare the necessary tools that will be needed to pierce the nose and install the earring (special needle, antibacterial agent, cotton swab and earring).
  2. As soon as everything is ready, you need to carefully pierce the wing of the nose and insert the earring, then push it further and carefully fasten it (before this, administer an anesthetic if possible).
  3. After the earring has been installed properly, it is necessary to disinfect the wound. Afterwards, you need to make sure that you do not experience pain and that the wound does not open. Here's how to insert a hook earring into your nose. As you can see, everything is quite simple. But in this matter you need to be extremely careful.
  4. At the end of the procedure, you need to treat the wound and then familiarize yourself with the rules for caring for the piercing.

In order for the piercing to last for a long time, you need to know exactly how to insert an earring with a hook into your nose and how to properly care for it. For care you need to do the following:

  1. Avoid going to the beach and pool, which can cause an infection of the nose and pain in the piercing area. This is due to the fact that the wound has not completely healed.
  2. Avoid using cosmetics, ointments and creams that can irritate the skin and cause pain and an allergic reaction.
  3. Visit a doctor who will conduct an examination and determine whether there are any diseases of the nose, whether the piercing is safe and whether the general health of the nasal mucosa will be affected.
  4. Avoid using antibiotics and medications to which you have an allergic reaction, as a result of which side effects may occur and the piercing will be rejected.
  5. Do not touch the wound with your hands after you have just completed the procedure for installing a nose piercing (you can get an infection and cause pain).

What are the contraindications to the procedure?

We figured out how to properly insert an earring into your nose. But there are cases when piercing cannot be done. The procedure is not performed if there are a number of contraindications:

  • If you have infectious diseases of the sinuses and throat (sinusitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, etc.). First you need to undergo a course of treatment and only then think about piercing your nose.
  • If you have an allergic reaction to the piercing material and sensitive skin, which may become covered with red spots and other unpleasant symptoms will bother you.
  • If you have cancer, infectious diseases and a number of other ailments (leukemia, diabetes, AIDS, and so on).

A little conclusion

Please note that nose piercing looks beautiful and attractive. But only if everything was done correctly and without complications. Therefore, before carrying out the procedure, you need to consult a dermatologist, who will determine whether there are any contraindications or serious diseases.

And today nose earrings have become a trend. However, piercing has always been popular in certain youth subcultures. Punks, metalheads, emo - all of them, one way or another, decorated their bodies with various trinkets.

Is it worth getting your nose pierced?

First of all, it is a matter of taste. Everyone can decide for themselves whether they want to insert earrings into their nose and whether they can withstand the process of piercing and care. In addition, there are medical contraindications:

  • Intolerance to medications used to treat punctures.
  • Predisposition to keloid formations in wound healing sites.

Otherwise, there are no contraindications, so you can safely go to the salon. From an aesthetic point of view, piercing is quite appropriate, the main thing is to choose the right jewelry.

Types of nose piercings

At first glance, it may seem to an ignorant person that there is not much choice. In fact, gold jewelry in the form of rings is far from the only option for nose piercing. There are many forms of earrings, among which everyone can find their own.

And the choice will depend, first of all, on the location of the puncture. There are several main types of nose piercings.

  1. Piercing the wing of the nose (or nostril) is the most common option, one might say classic. Simple to implement, safe, looks modest and not provocative.
  2. “Septum”, also known as septum puncture, is a more complex option than the previous one, but no less common and quite easy. Most often it is decorated with gold jewelry in the form of rings or screws.
  3. "Septril" is one of the varieties of "septum". The only difference is the direction of the puncture. In this case it is performed vertically.
  4. “Bridge”, which means “bridge”, is a puncture of the upper part of the bridge of the nose at eye level through soft tissue without touching the cartilage. Just like "septril", it can be vertical.

Of course, these are not all types of piercings, but perhaps the most popular of them and the safest.

How to choose your first earring?

The type of nose piercing you choose will determine what type of nose earring is suitable. All jewelry can be divided into two categories: the material from which they are made and the shape. Today there are:

  • Classic rings - suitable for the septum and wings of the nose.
  • Half rings - for the "septum";
  • Bananas and barbells are quite versatile and are suitable for “septum”, “bridge”, “septril” and other more complex punctures;
  • Nostrillas (straight or curved) are suitable for the wings of the nose.

Once you have decided on the shape, you should think about the material. It is especially important that at first your decoration meets certain requirements:

  1. They should easily tolerate treatment with alcohol or other sterilizing liquids.
  2. The material must be hypoallergenic. Therefore, you should not immediately run and buy. The prices for them, to put it mildly, are rather high (the simplest decoration will cost from 1,500 rubles, and since there is no limit to perfection, then all 17-20 thousand), but it can easily arise. Bioplastic, titanium or medical steel (also called surgical steel) are ideal.
  3. The earring should be easy to care for so that you don’t have to take it off too often. This is especially important at first, while the canal is just healing.
  4. The decoration should be comfortable, not cling to clothes, not get in the way, and at the same time please you and be aesthetically pleasing.

All these recommendations are especially important for the first nose earring, because the further fate of your piercing depends on how the healing proceeds. Well, when the channel is fully formed and healed, you can purchase either silver or gold earrings. The prices are steep, but now you know for sure that you will not remove the jewelry in a couple of days due to pain and inflammation.

What are they made from?

There are many materials from which piercing jewelry is made. You have already read about some of them above in the recommendations for choosing your first earring. Everyone chooses what they like best. Basic and most common materials:

  • Silver.
  • Gold.
  • Platinum.
  • Tree.
  • Bone.

The main thing is to remember that these materials can only be worn after the hole has completely healed. If any inflammation occurs, it is better to remove such an earring and put the first one back on.

How to care for a piercing?

  1. Healing of the nose is a fairly long process that can take from 1 to 3 months. Therefore, caring for your piercing is important throughout this time.
  2. Follow the rules of hygiene, do not bring dirty hands to the wound and do not pull the earring without reason.
  3. Treat the puncture with Chlorhexidine or saline solution every morning and evening. The most convenient way to do this is with a cotton swab.
  4. Girls should refrain from using foundation, powder, tonics and lotions during healing, so as not to be at risk of inflammation.

How to insert an earring into your nose?

When you get a piercing in a salon, the earring is inserted into it by the master. If you want to change the decoration, you will have to repeat this feat yourself. How to put an earring on your nose without damaging the fabric? Very simple!

  1. Wash your hands well and treat them with antiseptic.
  2. Process the decoration.
  3. Carefully insert the stem of the earring into the hole, while using the finger of your free hand to “catch” it from the back of the puncture.
  4. It happens that soft fabrics slightly block the exit for the earring. Then you need to carefully move them so that the leg finds the hole.
  5. Screw the decoration. Ready!

Medical earrings are accessories with the help of which, most often today, the earlobe is almost painlessly stitched with a small beautiful stud using a special gun. Medical earrings are made of expensive alloy or surgical steel. You can change them to other jewelry only after the puncture has completely healed.

Medical earrings. Filming with an assistant

And about this in more detail. How to remove medical earrings? What does that require? First, soap and water. Secondly, a piece of bandage. Thirdly, hydrogen peroxide. And finally, an assistant. However, you can remove the earrings yourself. However, this is not very convenient.

So, the assistant washes his hands thoroughly. Take the front part of the earring with one hand, and the clasp with the other. And it pulls hard. The earrings are removed with great effort. If there is no one to ask for help, but you cannot remove them yourself, contact the salon where you had your ears pierced.

After removal

Next point. Knowing how to remove medical earrings, you need to understand the further treatment of the ear. Moisten the bandage with hydrogen peroxide and wipe the earlobe. Cotton pads or cotton wool are not recommended. If the puncture has not healed completely, lint may get in and cause pain. You will have to walk around without earrings for about two hours.

After this, you can put on new jewelry. Wipe their locks with alcohol, because the punctures are still quite tender. First you need to wear earrings made of precious metals. Although they, like jewelry, can cause allergic reactions. If in doubt, return the medical earrings to their place. Or insert jewelry made of expensive alloy. This material is hypoallergenic, although it also sometimes causes reactions.

Don't forget that punctures can heal over time. Therefore, it is advisable to wear earrings daily. At least not for long.

Duration of wearing

Medical earrings should not be removed for six weeks. At the very least, five. If you have your cartilage pierced, wear the earrings for about twelve weeks. During this time, the correct channel will be formed and its complete healing will occur. When the tissues move apart, this makes the procedure painless. If you change earrings ahead of schedule, you may touch the walls of the canal, and this will lead to inflammation. In general, there is no need to rush.

Puncture care

Now you know how to remove medical stud earrings. But remember one thing. When you remove the earrings, the channel will be the diameter of their post. It is not recommended to insert jewelry with a thicker pin diameter. The same as earrings with an “English lock”. Otherwise, you can injure the canal and cause an infection. The lobe is elastic and soft fabric. Over time, the diameter of the channel will acquire the size required for earrings of any design you choose.

Whatever earrings you insert, do not press the clasp too tightly to the earlobe. The result can bring big trouble.

For inflammation

Medical stud earrings are an ideal option for piercing. And if you initially experience a little redness, this is absolutely normal. By following the recommendations for caring for your piercing, you will forget about it after forty-eight hours. If the inflammation does not go away, try loosening the clasp slightly. Air must be supplied to the puncture site. This will help speed up the healing process.

If the puncture site becomes inflamed after six weeks, you should urgently seek help from a specialist. After ear piercing, it is advisable to immediately purchase special care products.

Inflammation can occur due to micro-tears that occur when putting on and taking off hats, scarves, etc. If you wear permanent earrings, but the puncture site still becomes inflamed from time to time, try replacing your jewelry for a while. Ears must be wiped with a special lotion.


Medical earrings will not cause discomfort. However, changing jewelry often causes allergic reactions. Inflammations may occur periodically. In this case, many girls have to remember their first medical earrings. However, some modern manufacturing companies have made a more interesting decision. For example, Studex has developed an entire Sensitive series specifically for girls with hypersensitive skin - these are hypoallergenic earrings with a lot of significant advantages.

They are not inferior in quality to medical earrings. They are made of good surgical steel. The jewelry is plated with 999 gold plating using the electroplating method. This, unlike spraying, ensures durability of the coating for up to ten years. The company offers the consumer an exquisite classic design. The earrings are decorated with zircon and Swarovski crystals.

For many young people these days, piercing is a great way to stand out from the crowd and show off their vibrant personality. In order to decorate a part of your body with a fashionable earring, all you need to do is visit a special salon, however, in some cases, this procedure is so simple that many decide to do it on their own, without the intervention of specialists. Below are detailed instructions with information on how to insert an earring with a hook into your nose. If you are hesitant and do not know that you can correctly perform these steps, do not take risks, trust the professionals.

First of all, you will need to prepare all the necessary components for the procedure. It would be best to include the following things on this list:

  • The needle is of the correct diameter (must match the earring - piercing);
  • Rubbing alcohol for disinfection (or any similar material);
  • Cotton pads (cotton wool);
  • Earring.

Be sure to wash your hands and disinfect them, and treat other items with cotton wool and alcohol. Then determine the injection site and also wipe it thoroughly with alcohol. Try to choose the location of the earring so that the clasp is located away from the edge of the nostril; to do this, during the operation it must be turned outward as much as possible. The puncture must be done quickly, clearly and without worry, not from the outside, but from the inside. Correct and prompt actions will allow you to minimize possible discomfort and get excellent results. The earring should be put on immediately, not forgetting to re-treat the puncture site with alcohol at the end of the procedure. Such events will need to be carried out every day for a week, several times a day.

If you decide to undergo such an operation yourself, choose jewelry made of medical or precious metal, with small stones. If you are not enthusiastic about piercings, then you can completely limit yourself to a classic ear piercing, and demonstrate your own individuality with the help of jewelry made by yourself. From beads

A huge number of women are ready to do a lot just to stand out from the crowd and highlight their beauty. For several years in a row, nose earrings have remained at the peak of popularity, adding some piquancy to one’s appearance. According to statistics, men find this type of jewelry very sexy and attractive. Thanks to the wide range of earrings, you can constantly select jewelry to suit your look.

In general, the history of piercing began several dozen centuries ago. There is even mention of such decoration in the Bible. For many tribes, nose piercing is a mandatory ritual. Some people use bones, feathers, teeth, etc. instead of earrings.

What are nose earrings called?

The anatomical structure of the nose makes it possible to use several types of piercings, which allows you to choose the most suitable option for yourself. It is worth considering that making holes in this part of the face is painful and takes a long time to heal, so you should think carefully before deciding to get a puncture.

The most popular is the piercing of the wing of the nose. This is due, firstly, to the fact that the pain in this place is not too noticeable. Secondly, the range of jewelry is the largest. In the salon, after a puncture, they usually immediately insert a screw with a ball, which is secured inside with a special hook.

They may also use a decoration called barbel. Outwardly it looks like a horseshoe. There is a circular version with small balls at the ends. When the puncture heals and there is no pain, replace the earring with any of the existing options: straight or curved fang, ring, lance, labret, stud or nostrilla.

When a puncture occurs in the nasal septum, it is recommended to use the following earrings: barbell, keeper, horseshoe or ring. The last two options can be purchased in both gold and silver. For the manufacture of other products, titanium, surgical steel or silicone are mainly used.

If you decide to make a puncture in this particular place, then you should contact a professional craftsman, because if the hole is made incorrectly, the jewelry will end up looking crooked.

Some people decide to pierce the tip of the nose and bridge of the nose. In the first case, the hole can be made not only horizontally, but also vertically. It is recommended to use a barbell for this. In the second case, it is necessary to give preference to rings or barbela.

Oriental jewelry is worth discussing separately. The peoples of the East never do piercings just like that, it always has a special meaning and carries a certain meaning. Many cultures associate the nose with a person's ability to procreate.

Men demonstrated their courage and readiness to start a family by wearing large jewelry. In India, a girl's left nostril was pierced the night before marriage.

How to choose an earring for a nose piercing?

Experts recommend choosing jewelry in advance and only then going to the salon. Initially, it is worth saying that silver products should not be taken, because... When it gets into a puncture, this metal begins to darken. In addition, silver particles get into the hole and lead to an unaesthetic appearance.

You should approach the choice of gold products with special care. Be sure to check the earring so that there is no sample on the part that will be punctured, as this will irritate the wound and it will take a long time to heal.

Also keep in mind that the head of the upper part above the puncture should not be large, because air must flow to the hole. In addition, this will prevent the growth of scar tissue along the edge of the wound.

When choosing a gold nose earring, pay attention to the curve of the hook. It should be as large as possible to make putting it on easier.

A gold earring is the most common piece of jewelry. In almost all jewelry stores you can find several different options. Instead of a regular ball, products can be shaped like a butterfly, flower, triangle, etc. In principle, the range is quite wide. The advantage of such jewelry is that they do not cause allergies and do not lose their attractiveness.

Nose earrings with diamonds are no less popular. As a rule, such products are a manifestation of financial viability. There are simpler options with semi-precious stones or Swarovski crystals.

The pieces may have one diamond or another stone, or they will have a specific shape with several stones. There are also earrings made from special medical alloys.

There are many exotic jewelry for piercings, but the most popular option is Indian nat. When such a decoration appeared on a girl, everyone knew that she had lost her virginity. Modern Indian women use nat not only following traditions, but also as a fashion accessory.

An interesting fact is that in different parts of India, nose decoration is viewed differently. For example, in the north and east of the continent, women wear earrings in both nostrils, or they pierce the septum and insert a ring. It can be of different sizes, starting with small specimens and ending with a huge hoop that covers the entire cheek.

In Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, women can get their nose pierced at any time without waiting for their wedding. Hoop earrings inserted into the nose are called mukkuthi. In India they wear not only nose rings, but also carnations, and items in the shape of birds and fish.

How to insert an earring into your nose?

Accuracy and sterility are important in this process. To prevent serious problems from occurring, you need to use peroxide, gloves, cotton pads, and the earring itself. The tools you will need are a special needle and forceps.

You can insert an earring if there is no hole in several steps:

  • Since the skin in a new puncture is mobile, it is better to use a special needle;
  • Place the earring for 10 minutes. into peroxide, which will allow it to be thoroughly disinfected. Wear gloves;
  • Inhale forcefully through your nose, which will allow you to see two indentations in your nostrils. Their center is the best place for a puncture. Lighten the nose to determine where there are no capillaries. Using a marker, make a dot;
  • Moisten a cotton pad and disinfect the site of the future puncture. Take the needle and check that the selected decoration fits easily into it;
  • Using forceps, fix the nostril so that the hole in it coincides with the previously placed point;
  • Using a needle, make a hole. Remove the forceps and leave the needle alone. You need to insert the selected decoration into it. Remove the needle and the earring will remain in the nose;
  • Now fix the product. If you choose a spiral or a ring with a ball, then be sure to fix them all the way. When choosing a nail, you will have to fasten a ball on the inside that will hold it tightly. If it is a ring, then insert the thin end into the hollow part and press until it clicks. The result should be a perfect circle shape;
  • Do not remove the earring until the piercing is completely healed. On average, this takes a week.

Changing decorations depends on a variety of options. If you want to insert a loop, then you need to do it from the outside in. First, insert the end of the loop and carefully twist it clockwise.

Typically, such products have a spiral or loop-shaped end that allows them to hold on. Insert the barbell from the inside with your thumb, and then twist the ball. Be sure to check that everything is done correctly and it will not fall out.