How much fabric is needed to sew a gypsy skirt? How to make a gypsy costume with your own hands from scrap materials

You can get by with little money and put together a gypsy costume from your existing wardrobe. Let us remember how colorful the representatives of this nation look. Painted fluffy skirts, as if created for cheerful dancing, colorful scarves, on which flowers of exotic colors were gathered, bright, emphasizing the advantages of witchcraft eyes, and jewelry.

Wear one, or preferably two, long, loose skirts (two to create a fuller figure). Tuck a white shirt into your belt, tie a scarf on your head, and fasten the second one to your hips. Find large bright beads, gold-tone monistos, massive earrings, don’t be afraid to go overboard, this will work to your advantage for the gypsy look.

Advice. Try sewing a few fortune telling cards onto your skirt for added effect.

If there are no suitable skirts, you should sew them yourself. As a rule, gypsies wear long, wide, colorful skirts. Therefore, we need to make two sun flared patterns. You need to take two measurements: waist circumference and estimated skirt length. For each sun flare, we calculate the waist volume by half, since these parts will be sewn into one. Carefully cut out the pieces from the fabric and sew them together.

Advice. Use a bright shiny fabric so that the product sparkles and shimmers with every step and movement, attracting attention.

Sew on a belt with an elastic band. Try to make the strip of fabric match the width of your elastic band with a slight overlap, this will make it more interesting. Use the rest of the fabric to sew the bodice. To do this, you need to cut out two rectangles, stitch them and assemble them with a special bobbin elastic band. Cut another rectangle for the flounce that holds the bodice on the shoulders.

Despite the fact that a gypsy’s skirt most often looks like a flare, for a carnival you can choose from several hem design options:

  • in the flamenco manner: simulating the presence of a large number of wide and narrow frills sewn on top of each other;
  • the so-called “Kotlyar” hem, which means one wide and large frill;
  • a flirty ragged or Esmeralda hem that allows you to playfully show off your leg up to the knee.

But the skirt is only half the battle. Wear a wide white blouse with puffy sleeves and match it with a lace bodice. In this way you can emphasize the chest and waist. Another version of the gypsy top is a Spanish-style blouse. It has narrow sleeves at the shoulder that widen from the elbow.

Blouse and accessories

Embroider the resulting suit with ruffles and braid in a contrasting color. You can decorate it with coins cut from special scarves for oriental dances. This way your dress will be not only bright, but also ringing.

Tie your head with a scarf or wear a piece of jewelry, leaving your hair loose. As a decoration, you can take a flower or twisted Christmas tree tinsel.

It is generally accepted that the image of a gypsy is relaxed and frivolous: it involves open shoulders and stomach, as well as bare feet. But, in fact, traditions strictly prohibit women of this nationality from dressing like this. Although such an oversight is acceptable for a carnival costume, we are not demonstrating knowledge of the history of the costume, but want to give girls and women the opportunity to get their share of attention and have a lot of fun.

How to choose jewelry for a “gypsy”

You should not ignore the iconic accessories of gypsies that can “stretch” your image: a bright large scarf with fringe or a beautiful shawl, jewelry in the hair, eye-catching makeup. You will also need a deck of cards and a smoking pipe.

The most important thing in a gypsy costume is jewelry. Find (rummage through your bins, borrow from friends) the maximum number of large beads and thin ringing bracelets. You shouldn't dress up in gold and diamonds, unless you're related to the Vanderbilts, of course; make do with costume jewelry. For a child, this is just the thing, but an adult woman, even if she never wears jewelry in everyday life, can make an exception and try herself in a new quality and image, because it’s just a game. If you can find real dangling shiny gypsy earrings, your girl will transform into a very real gypsy “Gild the Hand.”

Advice. In order to make a gypsy monisto yourself, you can use old coins. Drill two holes located close to each other in each coin, thread a fishing line through the coins, make a clasp and use it.

The image of a gypsy as a carnival costume is relatively easy to sew with your own hands, not economically expensive, but always attracts attention with its variety of colors and unique national style. With our advice you can shine even in a real camp.

Gypsy costume for a matinee: video

Many women have thought about the things they can use to diversify their wardrobe. You can buy something primitive and boring in a store; it’s much more interesting to make a unique thing with your own hands. Gypsy skirts are now gaining great popularity due to their unique pattern and ease of sewing. Today we will tell you how to sew a gypsy skirt with your own crayfish.

The gypsy skirt uses a very simple cut and draping fabric in bright colors. You can use mixed fabric, lye, satin or polyester. You will need to use a pattern technique called two suns. Ribbons and other various decorations are best suited to decorate a skirt. Making one skirt will take beginners several hours, perhaps due to inexperience you will spend more than six hours, but don’t despair! The main thing is practice and you will succeed.

How to sew a gypsy skirt: the main stages of sewing

The process of sewing a gypsy skirt is usually divided into three stages. Each process will take a different amount of time, the last one will be the longest, and the first one will be the fastest.

The essence of the first stage is to take measurements. First, decide what length of skirt you want to sew, and then measure the volume of your hips and waist.

Have you decided and measured all the sizes? It's time to move on to the second stage - patterns. You can use a ready-made pattern or make it yourself. Before cutting the fabric, be sure to wash it or steam it with an iron, this will prevent the fabric from shrinking during wear. We cut out the panel, belt and frills. When cutting the fabric, do not forget to add one and a half centimeters to each seam. This step will allow you to make a quality hem for the bottom of the skirt.

Our master class will describe and consider this stage in more detail.

  • We take two cut panels and lay them on top of each other. Baste and stitch the side seams.
  • We will need to overlock the edges of the seams and iron them. We fold the frills of the parts facing each other inward. Sew all side seams.
  • The frill along the length of the hem must be gathered and sewn to the bottom edge. Sew the edges of the seams and iron the bottom. Sew all the frills around the bottom and make a hem.
  • Add interlining to the waistband and sew all the edges together, fold them in half and iron all the seam allowances inside.
  • We put the skirt into the belt, but leave a small piece of the seam uncovered. But we thread the elastic tape completely into the waistband. We finish the seam by completely sewing it up.
  • The skirt we made with our own hands must be ironed.

The pattern of a gypsy skirt is not as difficult as it seems. Even a beginner can easily handle it. The main detail here is a pair of circles and a belt. A pair of circles consists of one large one and another smaller one at its center.

To create a pattern, we take a newspaper or tracing paper, canvas, pencil, scissors, chalk, compass and ruler.

  • In order to determine the size of the circumference, measure the hips and add five centimeters to the resulting size. Maybe a little less. The outer radius of the hem of the skirt depends on the length you would like to achieve.
  • The gypsy skirt pattern is made in two parts. The cut details are in the shape of a semicircle.
  • When you measure the dimensions, be sure to leave a small allowance, from half a centimeter to one and a half centimeters.
  • The size of the allowances depends solely on what kind of fabric you use. You don’t have to worry too much and just make a pattern of one-fourth of the inner radius.
Some tips for sewing a skirt:
  • Try to use bright and colorful fabrics. Skirts made from fabric with a pattern look very good.
  • If you are using a plain fabric, be sure to add some brightly colored braid or ribbon.
  • If the skirt is made for dancing, then do not forget about the petticoat. A petticoat is a skirt that has a straight shape and is also the same color as the skirt. Try to make it such a length that it does not hinder your movements and does not interfere with your movement.
  • The fabric must be as light as possible. A gypsy skirt made of heavy fabric will be very heavy.
  • Make the pattern for the belt detail the same width as the rectangular shape. And the length of this form should be equal to the radius of the main canvas.
  • Be sure to remember to add six centimeters to the hem of the edge of the belt and fastener.
  • When cutting, do not forget to lay out the fabric in one layer and smooth out all its folds. In this case, the side seam should lie parallel to the cut edge. The belt is drawn on the working fabric along an oblique line.

Video on the topic of the article

Below you can watch some very interesting videos on sewing gypsy skirts.

Learning how to sew a gypsy skirt is very simple. This is a circle skirt with a flounce made of chiffon. The flounce is trimmed with bias tape. Skirt with a small yoke. This is a skirt for gypsy dances. Also suitable for flamenco. Black fabric requires only 1.5 meters. The shuttlecock requires 2.5 meters. The fabric should be thin, soft and light so that the entire skirt is not very heavy. You will also need 25 m of bias tape, a small zipper and 1 m of black braid approximately 3 cm wide for the belt. It’s easy to sew such a skirt, but since the flounce is very long, it will take some time.

Video How to learn to sew a gypsy skirt without a pattern

How to draw a drawing of a gypsy skirt

We don’t need a large pattern, but only a small drawing on a checkered sheet from a school notebook on a scale of 1:10. Here he is:

The sun skirt is very easy to cut. It's just a circle, or rather a ring. Draw two concentric circles. The radius of the outer circle is determined by the width of the fabric, that is, 150 cm. The radius of the inner circle is determined by the width of the hip circumference, since the skirt will have a yoke. The yoke performs two functions. Firstly, the skirt will not widen much starting right from the waist, but will fit around the hips. At the same time, the figure looks much slimmer. Secondly, it allows for greater fabric savings. If you sew a skirt without a yoke, from 150 cm of fabric you will get a skirt with a maximum length of 60 cm. With a yoke it will be longer. Otherwise, you would have to sew a skirt from two fabrics, but then you would need twice as much fabric. A flounce will be sewn on the bottom.

How to cut a gypsy skirt

First we cut out a circle of large diameter. To do this, fold the fabric in four. We put it on a large table. We will draw with chalk or a thin piece of soap. We make an improvised compass. To do this, take a lace 80 centimeters long. We apply one end to the corner corresponding to the center of the fabric and hold it with one hand. With the other hand we take the second end of the lace, stretch it to the edge of the fabric, put a piece of chalk in this place and draw a quarter circle like a compass. Cut it out. We unfold it - it turns out to be a circle.

Calculate the diameter of a small circle. To do this, measure the hip circumference and divide this number by 6.3. Draw this circle. Cut along it.

Now gently cut out the flounce. Here is your piece of fabric intended for this. Length 2.5 m, width 1.5 m. Cut it into 15 squares with a side of 50 cm. On one of the squares we draw two circles, the diameter of the outer circle is 25 cm, the inner circle is 5 cm. Cut it out. Cut according to the diameter as shown in the picture. The result is one element of the shuttlecock. Now cut out the remaining 14. This can be done by placing one element of the shuttlecock on top of another.

How to sew a gypsy skirt

Sew all 15 pieces of flounce into one ribbon.

Now you need to trim the shuttlecock with bias tape. To do this, fold the bias tape in half, put the edge of the flounce inside it, baste and stitch.

Measure the total length of the shuttlecock. Measure the length of the hem of the skirt to which you will sew the flounce. Since the fabric stretches on the bias, these two lengths may not match. If it turns out that the flounce is a little shorter than the hem, cut off one centimeter from the hem in the entire circle. The circumference will immediately become smaller. Baste the flounce and sew this seam.

Now try it on yourself and slightly lowering or slightly raising the skirt, determine the optimal position. Measure the distance to your waist. This will be the width of the yoke. Add 2 cm to this width for the seams.

In the first drawing, the location of the four elements of the yoke is drawn in the corners. To cut them, fold the four triangles left over from cutting the skirt together. Draw one element of the yoke with chalk, as shown in the drawing. The length of the bottom edge of one such element is equal to the circumference of the hips divided by four plus 3 cm. Cut along this line. Take two yoke elements and sew them in the middle. This will be the front of the yoke. Now take the second two elements of the yoke and sew a small zipper between them along the entire length. This will be the back of the yoke. The side seams of the front and back parts of the yoke do not need to be sewn yet.

Fold the bottom edge of the yoke right side inward with the top edge of the skirt. Align the center of the front of the skirt with the front seam of the yoke. Baste from the center to the edges. Do the same with the back of the skirt. Baste the side seams of the yoke. Try on your skirt; with the zipper closed, it should fit well around your hips. Adjust the side seams if necessary. Sew all seams.

Now you need to make a belt. To do this, fold the top edge of the skirt half a centimeter and baste. If it lags a little behind the waist, you can pull the basting to slightly gather the top edge. Now take the braid intended for the belt. Measure along the width of the waist plus 4 cm. Place the top edge of the skirt at the top approximately to the middle of the braid. Baste and stitch. Fold the waistband over twice and stitch. Sew on the hooks. Finish the seams with a zigzag. The skirt is ready.

You will see that learning how to sew a gypsy skirt is very simple.

The enticing gypsy dance does not allow you to take your eyes off you, largely thanks to the bright skirt, which seems to repeat all the movements of the performer. It seems that sewing such a thing is very difficult, but in fact it is not so. It’s just that such a model will require a lot of fabric, especially if it is sewn for an adult girl. This thing looks good on almost any figure. It’s easy to sew with your own hands, even for a beginner. How to sew a gypsy skirt with your own hands? — Patterns can be found on any needlework website. And then you need to choose the material for sewing and purchase threads that match the color, bias tape and interlining. We will deal with all this in this article.

Choosing material

Gypsy skirts are usually made of bright material that does not wrinkle or show through. Suitable:

  • atlas;
  • staple;
  • rayon;
  • polyester based fabric.

To sew a gypsy skirt with your own hands, the color of the material is usually taken with a floral pattern.

Important! Fabrics with geometric patterns are not suitable here. You can take a plain material and decorate it with contrasting color ribbons, beads, sequins or embroidery. For the lining, you can use fabric that matches the color, but from a cheaper material.

What is a gypsy skirt?

  • Most often, such a thing is a wide, long model, sewn in a “sun” style, with a frill at the bottom.
  • The frill can be slightly gathered or represented by several flounces cut on the bias.
  • The belt is sewn of medium width, usually without elastic, so that the product does not slip during the dance. For rigidity, it is treated with non-woven fabric and a zipper is sewn in. You can make a belt with ties on the side.

Important! If you still want to sew in an elastic band, then use one that is not very thick and not very narrow.

  • In order to give the product pomp, the bottom needs to be treated with fishing line.

Important! What can be added to such a thing?

  • If it is part of a themed costume, it is usually accompanied by a tight-fitting short blouse that covers the stomach.
  • Instead of a blouse, you can choose a regular T-shirt and complement it with accessories. This costume goes well with a brightly colored shawl, large beads, earrings, and bracelets.
  • In cold weather, the suit can be complemented with a long knitted sweater.

How to make patterns?

Before you make patterns and sew a gypsy skirt with your own hands, you need to take measurements - measure the waist, hips and length of the product. Further:

  • To create a pattern, you need to calculate the internal radius. To do this, the waist circumference is divided by 6.28. For example, your waist size is 63 cm. Dividing this figure by 6.28 we get 10 cm. This will be the radius for one circle skirt. But the style of such a model requires two such “suns,” so we divide this radius by two more. The result is 5 cm, which we mark on paper.
  • From the inner radius we set off the length of the product and draw the second radius. We will get either two semicircles or a quarter of the “sun”. In this case, when cutting, the fabric will need to be folded in four.
  • If we take the width as 150 cm, then for one copy we will need from 9 to 13 meters of fabric. From this fabric you will get two “suns” and there will be more left for a frill.
  • For the belt, cut out a rectangle from the main fabric and another similar one from non-woven fabric.
  • The size of the main fabric should be 4 times the length of the item. And the length of the frill is 2 times the hem of the finished product.

Sewing stages

How to sew a gypsy skirt with your own hands? The following stages of sewing can be distinguished:

Fabric cutting:

  • We attach the pattern to the material and outline it with chalk.

Important! Don't forget to leave seam allowances.

  • Cut out the main parts.
  • Cut out the frill and belt.

Making the main part of the skirt:

  1. We fold the panels with their right sides facing each other.
  2. We sew their side seams.
  3. We sew the edges with an overlocker.

Sewing the frill:

  1. The lower part of the frill needs to be folded and stitched. Or you can finish it with bias tape.
  2. The ruffle strips sewn together must be gathered and sewn evenly to the main part of the skirt.

Residual work

The main work is done, all that remains is to sew on the belt and petticoat, if provided in this model. Decorate the product if it needs it, wash and iron it.

Gypsy skirts are very beautiful and increasingly popular outfits. Gypsy skirts can be combined with different clothes, but they look especially beautiful in a gypsy costume. Today we will tell you how to sew gypsy costumes quickly and easily with your own hands.

We will try to describe the process of making a gypsy costume as simply and accurately as possible. The most difficult element of the costume is the skirt, which is sewn quite simply. Even beginners should not have any difficulties with a dance skirt, not to mention those who have sufficient sewing experience. And so, let's start sewing the main part - the skirt.

We sew gypsy costumes with our own hands: the main decoration of a gypsy costume

A skirt alone can be a very beautiful item of clothing for a girl or woman. As we mentioned above, the skirt is sewn quite simply and easily. The main feature of the gypsy skirt is its large width and looseness. In the photo below you can see the approximate diameter of the gypsy skirt.

In order to get a wide skirt we need to take a large amount of fabric. We need a canvas ten meters long and one and a half meters wide. From this fabric we will make two suns and a frill along the edge. Some craftswomen sew a skirt of 2.5 suns, but it is very difficult and if you do not have enough experience, then it is better not to do this.

For your skirt, look for the lightest and loosest material possible. It should be as light as feathers. Of all the fibers, we can recommend these: satin, rayon, polyester and staple. All of them are very light, do not wrinkle and practically do not change their shape during wear. We would not advise you to use natural silk. Yes, he looks very nice, but his “tendency” to stretch will bring you a lot of trouble. A skirt made of natural silk will very quickly lose its original shape and size.

According to gypsy traditions, the skirt should fit very tightly to the girl’s waist. No bare legs or belly should be visible during the dance! Very often, many craftswomen, along with the outer skirt, also sew an inner one, the manufacture of which uses cheaper materials and, as a rule, they do not have such beautiful colors.

Sew a frill to the outer, main skirt. The frill is done in one, two, or three layers. The more layers, the heavier the skirt. But the skirt will be noticeably more beautiful. So if you're not making a skirt for dancing, you can add more layers of frill. Try to make the frill one color, this will create contrast. You can use different shapes of frill. If this is your first time sewing a skirt, then it is best for you to make a gathered frill.

Trying to make a beautiful blouse in a master class

There are many different blouses available in different shapes. You can make the sleeves tight or very wide and decorate them with waves and small frills. In modern gypsy dances, traditions have changed somewhat. If previously it was impossible to open the belly, now many dancers dance with an open belly.

A corset belt is a very beautiful and popular costume decoration. It should be made semi-rigid and not very wide. The belt beautifully emphasizes the waist and does not hinder the dancer’s movements.

A mandatory element of a gypsy costume is a shawl. The shawl serves not only as decoration, but also as a special dance accessory. The size of the shawl should be large and exceed 1.5 meters. The long length allows you to throw the shawl over your shoulders or tie it around your waist. Pavlovo Posad scarves with fringes can be used as a shawl.

In order to sew the suit, we took eight meters of printed stretch satin. The canvas had a pattern in the form of rose flowers.

Let's start sewing the suit with the skirt.

We take measurements of the waist circumference and length of the future skirt. The length of the skirt should be such that its bottom reaches the ankles.

The length of the lower tier can be made from ten to twenty-five centimeters. But first, calculate all the frills.

Be sure to step back one and a half centimeters from the edge of the skirt - we need this in order to sew on the frill. Carefully cut out and make sure that the fabric does not move. To do this, you can attach it with pins, but be careful that the pins are as sharp as possible. They may leave small puffs or burrs that are simply unacceptable.

Sew all parts of the skirt. You can sew using a closed seam, because we use thin fabric.

After that, we make frills and sew them on using a sewing machine. Next we need to straighten all the frills along the bottom of the skirt and make a beautiful belt. Our skirt is ready!

In our article we looked only at a gypsy costume for a girl or woman. There are many articles on the Internet describing how to make a suit for a boy.