What to do with your child at home or on vacation - a selection of games for inventive parents. What and how to keep your child busy at home? Interesting activities for children What to do when your child is bored

A wonderful and pleasant thing for parents. But sometimes moms and dads are forced to do urgent things, and the child gets bored and doesn’t know what to do. All children are different, and each baby likes to do something different - some leaf through books, some rattle pots, and for others, sitting still for 5 minutes is torture, and they run around upside down. How to calm down little fidgets? Houses? Let's try to find an exciting activity for any little one - calm or restless.

Summer days and the baby is at home

It's hard to stay at home when it's summer outside, it's sunny, warm and fun outside. Of course, rain, thunderstorm, wind or, on the contrary, scorching heat does not make anyone want to go outside. Even a child will understand that it is better not to go for a walk just yet. And if there are urgent matters or one of the family members is sick, which does not allow you to immediately leave the house with the baby, the question arises: what to do with the child at home in the summer? Every parent has an arsenal of ways to distract their baby. Although you can always find something new for your child.

For example, arrange a disco for your child. Children love to move. Play some fun music. There is time - set an example - dance with the baby, it will bring you closer and cheer you up. If the child is not alone, let them have a competition to see who can dance better and who can dance longer. The judge can be anyone - mom, dad, or whoever is next to the children right now. Competitions are a great incentive for older kids. You can build towers from cubes - which one is taller. Or put together puzzles - who is faster, etc. Almost all children love to splash in the water. The question will not arise about what to do with your child at home in the summer if he is healthy. It’s enough to pour water into the bath, give toys, and that’s it - your child will play in the water with pleasure, especially when it’s hot outside. It is important not to leave the child alone for a long time, you need to monitor the safety of the bathing process and, of course, control the water temperature, because your plans do not include the child’s illness.

Activities for the little ones

It is clear that different games are suitable for children of different ages. For example, there are not many options for keeping a three-month-old baby occupied at home. For such a baby, entertainment with toys hanging in the crib is suitable; it is better if they are bright rattles. The baby will lie down, look at objects with interest, touch it with an arm or a leg and listen to what sounds are produced. For children of this age, this is a favorite activity. You need to constantly talk to such children and sing them songs. Even if you are busy, you can tell your baby what you are doing. Take the baby in your arms as often as possible, do not be afraid to spoil him - there is never too much love, affection and warmth. If the baby is capricious and doesn’t want to stay in the crib, but urgent matters await you, take the baby with you. Sling is the solution to the problem. Many household chores can be done in the company of the baby, putting him in a sling. There are many variations of this product. You can keep your little one busy and sew them from different fabrics. The baby also needs to develop. These toys can be filled with various cereals - buckwheat, beans, pearl barley, etc. The child will touch them with his hands, and when he grows up, he will be interested in crushing such homemade things.

Classes for one-year-old children

What to do with a one-year-old child at home? The answer is not so simple. Sometimes a child can become fascinated by such a thing, a subject that an adult would not even think about. Almost all children at this age love to play with saucepans, unbreakable jars and bottles, spoons, ladles and other child-safe kitchen utensils. If you are busy in the kitchen with your own affairs, sit your baby next to him, give him a few objects, and let him study. When he gets tired of looking, opening and closing, replace some objects with others, and the child, if he is not hungry and does not want to sleep, will sit a little longer, doing what you gave him. You can pour some beans, legumes or some cereal into plastic bottles. The baby will happily rattle his homemade toy. You can also offer your little one colorful books, preferably ones that won’t tear. Children love to look at pictures, but you need to make sure that the baby does not put books in his mouth; some mischievous children bite off or tear off the paper and chew, or even swallow.

Do you have an urgent computer-related job and don’t know what to do with your one-year-old child at home? Place him next to him, give him a blank sheet of paper, pencils, a pen, and just make sure that the baby doesn’t put anything in his mouth. The child will occupy himself for some time. Many kids love to tear paper. You can give your child an unnecessary magazine or an old book, show how to tear the pages, but make sure that the baby does not put anything in his mouth. In addition, children at one year begin to play with pyramids and cubes. Offer them to your little one, show them how to build, and when he gets carried away, leave him to play alone. Place a box or drawer with clothes - and you will be surprised how your baby will enthusiastically sort through things, trying to try them on.

What to do with a two year old child at home

A two-year-old child has already learned a lot, but does not always find something to do on his own, especially if he is alone in the family. If there are several children, they often find something to do. Of course, at any age, children love to play mischief, so supervision is always important and necessary. Some kids love to draw on the wallpaper. Offer such artists pencils, markers, crayons and blank paper. Let them show their talent where it will not disturb anyone. Other children are partial to telephones, equipment remotes, etc. It is better to give them a broken remote control or telephone, and let the child take it to press buttons or make fun of parents while talking with an imaginary interlocutor. All the same cubes and pyramids interest two-year-old children no less than one-year-old ones. And the child will try on clothes even more diligently than a year ago. Many girls love to help their mother with housework, for example, washing dishes. And here you don’t have to think about what to do with a two-year-old child at home. Just put a chair near the sink and get down to business with your daughter. She will simply be delighted with this activity. You can pour water into a cup and give them toy dishes or ordinary spoons, unbreakable plates, mugs.

Activities for older children

It's no secret that modern children can watch TV with interest for hours on end, almost from the cradle. Naturally, parents get free time when the child sits in front of the screen. But keep in mind that watching cartoons affects your vision, psyche, and behavior, so you shouldn’t get carried away with this activity. Twenty or twenty-five minutes a day is the threshold of safe time for watching cartoons and children's programs. Leave the TV as a last resort. Look for other ways to keep your three-year-old occupied at home when you need something done.

You can ask your child to bring two bears, three blue plates, etc. The child will be busy, and you and your child will repeat or teach colors and counting. In addition, by looking for the necessary objects, the child will be distracted and play on his own. By using your imagination, you can easily come up with something to keep your little child occupied at home. Tell the baby that one of the toys is sick, it needs to be treated, cooked porridge, fed, and put to bed. There are many options. You can go through them all. Ask the baby to treat it, then tell him that the toy is feeling better and now she wants to eat. Let the child feed his friend, etc.

Evening activities for children

Many experts, when answering the question of what to do with children at home in the evening, will say that quiet games, reading books, and activities without physical activity are needed so that the child gets ready for bed. But not all parents can boast of an obedient and calm child, especially in the evenings. For some reason, it is at this time that your child seems to turn into a hurricane - he needs to jump, run, squeal. And the more you calm him down, the more he tries to indulge. What to do with children at home? You can give a lot of old magazines and newspapers, let the baby tear them up, throw them on the floor, jump on the crumpled sheets (many children like the way they spring), throw the paper into the basket. This method of releasing the emotions accumulated during the day is suitable for children who are calm during the day. Every child likes to splash in the water. Bathing is another way to calm a fidget and get you ready for sleep. Water will calm the nervous system, relieve fatigue, and the baby will be able to become calmer. And then, after listening to a fairy tale or song, he will fall into a deep sleep.

Hyperactive baby at home

A child with increased activity is visible almost from birth. He begins to crawl and walk early. He interferes everywhere and does not listen to his elders. We can talk a lot about raising such children, but now we are talking about something else. What to do at home? The most important thing is that the type of activity is somehow related to movement. The child should even be allowed to listen to a book with a toy in his hands, otherwise the baby simply will not sit still. Give the little ones tasks: jump five times, run three times to the kitchen and back, jump 10 times over an obstacle, for example, over a rope lying on the floor. Bathing for such children is also an opportunity to relax. The most important thing is not to scold or punish the child. Hyperactive kids are receptive to praise, but punishment does not work on them. This way you can scare the baby and lose his trust.

Unusual activities for kids

When your child is tired of all the usual things, you want to offer him something new and exciting. If you look at what you have in your pantry, you can come up with ideas for keeping little kids occupied at home. Have a large cardboard box left over from household appliances? Great! Making a tunnel for climbing. You can use old wallpaper and tape to make the same tunnel. If your child doesn’t want to climb on his own, show him an example. The child will certainly enjoy this activity.
Found a cabinet door or an old shelf in your pantry? Amazing! Making a slide. We place a board, shelf or door to the sofa at an angle, and that’s it. The slide is ready. Let the baby ride on his own or lower the cars. Show your child how to knock down cubes and castles built at the bottom of the slide using a machine.

Useful activities for babies

What can you do with your children at home to make it beneficial and interesting for the kids? Here are some simple and fun activities to develop fine motor skills. Take beans, a mug, a cup and a spoon. Let the little one try to pour all the beans from the cup into the mug with a spoon. You can pour water into a container with beans and give the child the task of catching all the beans using a spoon or strainer. Take a small box, cut a hole in the top, ask to put all the beans through the hole. Instead of a box, you can use a plastic bottle. And if you cut a hole at the bottom, objects lowered through the neck will fall out through it. Something as common for an adult as peeling a boiled egg is an exciting activity for a little person. And if you offer your child a quail egg rather than a chicken egg, the child’s interest will only increase. This is not the entire list of what to do with children at home.

Fun hour

Sometimes allow yourself to become a child for a while. The baby will really appreciate it. He will trust you more and see you as his friend. Take all the soft toys, small pillows, paper balls - everything that does not have hard parts. You can stand still, run from one to another, catch up with each other, hide in cover and throw these soft objects. The fun will be unforgettable. It’s better to end this kind of entertainment with a hug. You can play unusual hide and seek. You will have to look for a toy. The leader remains alone in the room, hides the object that was chosen in advance, and then the second participant looks for it. It is better to accompany the search with the words “cold”, “warmer”, “hot” to make the task easier for the child.

Letting go is also a very fun activity. Children love to run after bubbles and catch them. And how much laughter and joy there is! By the way, you can prepare a solution for soap bubbles yourself at home. To do this, you need to take water and boil it. Let it sit for a while. Take 600 ml of water and 200 ml of dishwashing detergent. Add 100 ml of glycerin to this mixture, mix everything thoroughly and leave for the solution to infuse for about a day. This amount of soap bubbles is enough to amuse the kids many, many times and not have to think about what to do with the children at home.

Children can become passionate about things that adults would never even think about. Kids are inventors and dreamers. Show them an example of how to spend time, and when they grow up, they won’t spend days watching TV or playing on the computer, but will figure out what to do on their own. Teach your child to spend his time profitably!

Little children are little troubles. The older the child, the more you understand this. Cars, construction sets, dolls, children's dishes... - all this is forgotten as soon as the child learns the world of technology.


The school dictates its fashion: touchscreen mobile phones from classmates, consoles, communication on social networks... Welcome to the world of modern children! As the mother of an 8-year-old boy, I learned that all the values ​​that were instilled in the family over these 8 years are easily replaced by new, fashionable ones among peers.

For some reason, children who are accustomed to playing computer games easily convince others that this is better than grades or sports achievements. Alas, there is no escape from this. And there is no place for strict prohibitions from parents.

Nobody wants to be the black sheep, right? You always need to look for a compromise and ways to distract your child.

I bring to your attention 7 recipes for keeping an 8-year-old child busy.

Reading and audiobooks

No, don’t think that this is about forcing a child to read. Vice versa. Even at this age, you need to read aloud to your child. If your child is still a slow reader, it will be difficult for him to truly become interested in reading.


He doesn't understand how great it is to immerse himself in the world of a book. Show this to your child. And then he himself will read with great interest.

In the meantime, while you are not at home, audiobooks will go great. But there is one rule - books should not be from the school curriculum. Let the child read these books himself.

Board games

Fortunately, today the choice of board games is huge! Strategy, puzzles, logic, economic and card games... True, there is one drawback - board games are quite expensive for the price, but there is always a way out. You can buy different games with friends and change for a while.


Family cycling

A wonderful way to spend time together in good weather. To do this, of course, you need to have bicycles for all family members or rent them.

Fortunately, there are now many bicycle rental outlets. And the advantages are obvious: not only will you have fun with your child, but you will also spend several hours outdoors, while getting in excellent shape.

And if you also take a blanket with you and have a picnic! Many children eat with greater appetite outdoors than at home.

Clubs and sports sections

Every child should have some hobbies. And the task of parents is to find them and show the child how many opportunities there are around. Do you like breakdancing? You can go to a circle. Do you like singing? Struggle? Robotics? Please! Don’t be lazy, find a club nearby for your child or an opportunity to take your child to classes.


Does your child like to sculpt/embroider/draw/cook? Have a sculpting/embroidery/painting/cooking evening! Don’t be afraid that your child might smear paint on the table or stain the kitchen cabinets with dough.


On the contrary, try to provide your child with everything necessary for the creative realization of his talents. There are many sets for children's creativity on sale for every taste. And if a child loves football, then dad is simply obliged to go to the stadium with his son.

Get interested in collecting stamps, calendars or buttons with your child! Collect puzzles and build incredible structures using construction sets.

Family viewing of a movie or cartoon

We are talking, of course, not about television, but about the family film or cartoon you have chosen, which should be interesting for the child, educational and kind.

Get a dog

This method is very extreme, I’ll tell you right away. No matter how much a child asks for a four-legged friend, believe me, he will not take care of the pet! All worries will definitely fall on your shoulders.

Perhaps a couple of times the child will go outside with the dog to appear among friends, perhaps he will even go for a walk at lunch while you are at work... But this is not all the worries about caring for a pet. Therefore, think a thousand times whether you want a dog. But I digress.


So, the magic of this recipe is that the child will play with the dog at home (BUT! Perhaps only the first time!). And most importantly, you can get into the habit of going for walks with your dog and a ball on weekends as a family.

You can go together to a museum, theater, cinema or to a cafe for ice cream. You can play mother-daughter or Formula 1 together. And no one said it would be easy! Yes, this also requires your time. Work, the lady's road, household chores - it's all clear.

But remember what I said about compromise? The child does not sit on the computer, but with you. And don’t forget about personal example! If you sit at your laptop all evening, then why would you want your child to sit with a book?

Good luck! I'm sure you have your own secrets on how to keep an 8-year-old child busy. Share them with us

Hello, dear readers! The task of every parent is to comprehensively develop their child. Each of us understands the degree of responsibility for the future of the child, so we spend hours poring over educational literature and articles on the Internet. We teach children to read and write, but we often face the question - how to teach a child to count? We’ll talk about this topic today. Summary1. How do children perceive counting?1.1. We count everywhere1.2. Learning to count to ten1.3. Remember writing numbers 1.4. We overcome...

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Greetings, dear readers! The requirements for first-graders are becoming more and more stringent, and if previously a child could come to school at the age of 7 and only vaguely know a couple of letters of the alphabet, today everyone should be able to read syllables already at 6! But what if you are not a teacher by training and have completely forgotten how your mother taught you as a child? Find out now how to teach your child to read syllables. Summary1. When...

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Hello, dear moms and dads! Do you consider yourself caring and responsible parents who do their best to develop their child? And now you’ve already learned all the colors and counting to 10, but you still can’t master the alphabet? Does your kid absolutely not want to look at the pictures in the brand new alphabet book, lay out cards with letters, and generally listen to anything on this topic? Don't be upset, today you will learn how to teach your child letters so that this process gives...

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One day, every mother runs out of imagination: the children whine or misbehave, and you don’t know how else to entertain them... Let this list be your lifesaver, bookmark it and gradually try all the ways.

1. Try organizing a picnic at home - believe me, it can be a lot of fun.

2. Using chairs, armchairs, and any other materials at hand, build a blanket fort.

3. Find instructions online and make cute little dolls out of old socks.

52. Design and make your own journal - if the child does not yet know how to write, combine your efforts to create it.

53. Bake a cupcake. Let the children do most of the work.

54. Plan and prepare a family vacation together.

55. Teach children to sew up holes, for example, in socks.

56. Rearrange the furniture in the children's room.

57. Open a home cocoa cafe. The cocoa in it can be served with marshmallows, whipped cream, chocolates - your imagination is unlimited.

58. Make a bird feeder from a plastic bottle. Pour some seeds there and hang it outside the window.

59. Make mini pizzas using bread, tomato sauce, cheese and any ingredient you like. Readiness is easy to determine - as the cheese melts.

60. Let the kids try themselves as makeup artists - it will be a lot of fun!

61. Play patient and doctor. Any child would be interested in being a doctor at least for a while.

62. The game “the mummy returns” - anyone can play the role of the mummy. The other participants in the game wrap the “mummy” in many layers of toilet paper.

63. Throwing balls. Place several buckets of different diameters and invite children to throw balls into them from different distances.

64. Offer children bright lipstick, which they can use to leave traces of kisses on their family and friends.

65. Read a simple story to the children, and then invite them to try themselves as theater actors.

66. Play grocery store with your kids. Products in the store may be items from the pantry.

67. Take a bath! Allow your child to take toys into the bathroom that you wouldn't normally allow (it's important that they are waterproof!).

68. Do spring cleaning together. Of course, children do not always like to do housework. However, it is very important to teach your child to help around the house at an early age.

69. Draw comics with your children and color them.

70. Allow your child to independently choose and print beautiful color pictures from the Internet.

What to do on a rainy or windy evening with your baby? Of course, creativity! We share ideas for quick crafts for autumn evenings.

Even if you are the busiest mother in the world, do not forget that it is very important for your child to spend time together and engage in interesting joint activities.

Nothing brings people together like solving problems and spending time together. A win-win option - hand-made. By making small crafts, you can analyze your child’s behavioral patterns, evaluate abilities and give the most important thing for any person on the planet - communication.

We have made a selection of the most simple crafts and quick crafts that you can do together with your baby. Even if you hated labor lessons at school, here you will definitely find something to your liking.

1. Multi-colored pebbles

If in the summer you collected not only shells, but also pebbles from the sea, it’s time to decorate them.

What you need: acrylic paints, pebbles, water and a brush, a sippy cup.

2. Bottle with sand

Making another beautiful piece of furniture together is very simple.

What you need: colored sand (you can take colored crayons, rub them on sandpaper and mix with fine sea salt), transparent dishes.

N.B. In order for the bulk mixture to fall directly into the narrow neck of the bottle, you need to make a small cone with a hole out of paper.

3. P anno "We're cooking" jam" .

What you need: A4 paper or cardboard, scissors, apples and pears, gouache, brushes.

Cut out the shape of a jar from cardboard. Cut apples and pears in half. Using a brush, apply gouache to the cut halves and press them down to leave imprints on the cardboard. We complete the bones, leaves and tails after making the prints.

You can also make such an applique using leaves. Apply to one side of a leaf or flower with a brush and gently press onto colored paper for an imprint.

4. Craft “Kapitoshka” (or Christmas tree toy )

What you need: colored cardboard, an inflatable ball, PVA glue, a small container in the form of a bowl, thread.

Inflate the balloon and tie it. Pour PVA glue into a small bowl, coat the entire length of the thread in glue and wind it in a chaotic manner around the ball. Let it dry and burst the ball, decorate it with different details - nose, eyes, hairs.

5. Developmental toy for hand motor skills

What you need: Flour, watering can, balloon, marker, multi-colored thread.

Using a watering can, pour flour into the ball and compact it. We tie the filled ball, add eyes, and tie a thread in the shape of hair.

6. Butterfly pin

What you need: A4 paper or multi-colored cardboard, pencils, clothespin.

We cut out “wings” from paper in the form of two figure eights: one larger, the second smaller, and clamp them closer to the base of the clothespin.

7. Underwater world

What you need: Paints (acrylic or gouache), colored cardboard, scissors, disposable plates, imagination :)

8. Mouse on a plate

What you need: Paper, markers or paints, disposable plate, scissors, thread.

First you need to cut a circle out of A4 paper, paint it one color, roll it into a cone and glue it. Cut out, paint and glue the ears. Cut out eyes from cardboard. Glue the thread like a tail.

9. Crafts from disposable cups

What you need: Disposable cups, colored paper and cardboard, glue, scissors (additional needle and thread) .

10. 3 D aquarium

What you need: An old box, threads, shells, scissors, colored paper, regular tape, double-sided tape, PVA glue, felt-tip pens, paints (gouache or acrylic), you can additionally take cling film to “close” the aquarium.

At the “bottom” of the box, using felt-tip pens or paints, we draw the “background” of the underwater world. Cut out fish, seahorses, and seaweed from colored paper or cardboard. We hang fish from the “ceiling” of the aquarium on strings. We glue “algae” to the opposite edge. We glue shells to the bottom with double-sided tape. Wrap the aquarium in cling film.

11. Lamb from napkins And cotton wool

What you need: Cotton wool or napkins, divided into small pieces, one sheet of cardboard, colored paper, PVA glue or glue stick, felt-tip pens.

12. Handmade jewelry -made

What you need: Threads, a set of large beads (can be found in Montpasier stores), cardboard and scissors.


What you need: Plastic bottle, two tablespoons, thread and knife

We all know that with the onset of cold weather, birds have nothing to eat. With older children, you can make such a feeder at home and hang it in the park near your house.


What you need: Floss threads, colorful cardboard, stickers, rhinestones, felt, colored paper, scissors and glue.

You can make bookmarks like these for your favorite books and teach your child discipline from childhood.


What you need: colored cardboard, scissors, glue stick or double-sided tape, needle or hole punch, rubber band.

You don't need a reason to make masks. A mask can be a great excuse to have a masquerade!

16. Angel

What you need: Napkins for glasses, wooden beads, scissors, wool threads, floss threads, PVA glue

We cut out the napkin in the shape of a “candy”, as shown in the picture, make small cuts in the form of unfinished triangles and a hole in the center of the circle. We bend it in half and get the body of an angel. We take 6-8 pieces of thread, tie them together in the middle with floss threads, which we throw to one side, string a bead on them and thread them through the hole in the center of the circle. We tie a knot. We stretch another thread through the bead so that you can hang the toy.

17. Christmas tree made of wine corks

What you need: wine corks, paint, glue, paper.

To make a Christmas tree from wine corks, you need to prepare a cone shape, drape it with colored paper and stick wine corks on top, which will act as “needles”.

18. Button applique

What you need: A lot of multi-colored buttons, double-sided tape, PVA glue, threads, cardboard, colored paper, glue stick.

19. Chest of drawers with a secret

What you need: matchboxes, PVA glue, markers, colored paper.

We glue together 4, 6 or 8 matchboxes (9 or 10 are possible, the main thing is to get a rectangular shape), wrap the fixed part and glue colored paper onto it. We draw decor with a felt-tip pen - handles, coils, flowers, etc.

20. Hedgehog

What you need: plasticine, sunflower seeds

We sculpt a small oval and press it on one side to form a “muzzle”. Using the sharp end, we insert the seeds in rows into the hedgehog’s body. Don't forget about the eyes and nose.

Depending on the time of year, you can also consider certain types of activities. In the fall - collect and dry a herbarium together, cut out or paint a pumpkin for Halloween. In winter, cut out snowflakes or garlands, decorate Christmas balls, and sculpt a snowman. In the spring, decorate Easter eggs, plant seedlings or just small flowers. And in the summer...Imagine what you can do together in the summer.