What does reason give to a person? Why was reason given to man? How did the mind appear?

"Long" road to "dream" -
this is a search on the Path to the immortality of life...

Mind of thought, human intellect

The mind is the result of the discovery of consciousness and subconscious as a Single Whole...

You can't deny Reason... This is the action of “dream”... This is the creativity of thought... This is the mood for...

Mind of the physical body
- "breathing"
- "sleep"
- subconscious thoughts
- "thoughts"
- bodies
- "life"
- "Time"
- "numbers"
- Infinite
- "spaces"
- Intangible
- "sound"
- Well-being
Fluid Body Mind
Mind chakras...

Intelligence- this is the “Beginning” in which thought speaks...
- this is the result of awakening the energy of thought.
By connecting “space” and man into one Whole, we get Reason.

"Sleep" at the level of "sound" is meditation.
"Dream" at the level is the Mind...
Reason is the intelligence of life.

This is a versatile mind, where there is a library of all “knowledge” that confirms the Purpose of life through “space” as a “Vision”, where all the multidimensional possibilities of a person are involved... The Mind of the Inhalation of “sleep” is that “Experience” that knows "All". The abilities or capabilities of the body are the Result of the Mind of thought...

Everything speaks for itself when the principle of the Mind of the body is discovered. The perfection of the physical body is the Path to the manifestation of the Mind in the body as “energy”...

Overthinking turns on the Mind, giving a person to realize the rhythm of the Future, due to which he understands the entire speed of development of life... Healing is always a meeting with the “Experience” of the Future or with the Mind of the energy of life as Evolution, where the work of “dreams” is emphasized as the foundation of the main indicator of life.. .

Behind meditation is healing... Behind healing is Reason... Striving for better means being in the flow Mind thoughts... This is a versatile version of the Idea of ​​Perfection.

There are no dreams if the “Inhalation” of the Mind is open...

Why are we talking about this?
- This is what Reason and the “Result” that comes to a person speaks about... Sooner or later a person will speak all “languages” Reason, but for this you need to understand the Universe...

Intelligence- this is the Result of the discovery of consciousness and subconscious as a Single Whole...

What is Reason?
This is the result of unblocking consciousness at the level of thought...

Why is Reason needed?
is an open source of thought energy...
- this is the open result of the life of Time...
- this is a short chronology of the energy of “space” in which all signs of life are formed...

The subconscious is the same Mind at the level of “ultrasound”. This is the “language” of sound dynamics that is present in the “energy” of sleep.

The mind is one at its beginning, but also has many faces in communication with “space”... The mind is manifested or manifested only at the level of the “space” of thought.

This is a creative energy that is included in the Evolution of human life as a sign of unlocking consciousness...

The mind has nothing to do with the physical body, but only has to do with its “energy” as the foundation for the opening of “spaces”, through which the person himself lives...

Evolution of "mind"

Open the mind to immortality, that is, to understand the principle of its action within the radius of your mind and easily reproduce it for your Goals, in order to see, that is, to reveal the intelligence of “Vision” and the actions of the mind, where there are events that our mind decides, creating everything around itself... It is the “mind” that creates everything, giving the body a better “see” and “know” of all its actions, all its development plans, opening the scheme of the Unified and conscious knowledge, consciously expressing the scheme of the “mind”, for this is the action of the absolute Beginning of Unity in its sphere accuracy and movement of the mind, where the resonance of the copy of the “Result” is located, from which the diagram of all events and actions follows, aligning them towards Creation, if there are deviations from the norm...

There is a formula for the movement of the “mind”, given by the Creator or Creator, and any deviation brings trouble...
What is this formula?
- this is the Unified formula for the development of the mind:

(volume of “mind”) 2 x (intelligence of the sound of “mind” thoughts) 3 + (combination of “knowledge” of the general theory of life of “space” and man) 12 = EVOLUTION OF “MIND”...

Mind is the Perfection where the sound of “sleep” works, manifesting consciousness at the level of thought; This is the ideal attitude...

Intelligence is the sound form of "Vision"; This is a unified system where everything is voiced...

The body is "Light"...
Body is "Sound"...
The body is the “Word”, where its own “breathing” system is expressed...

The evolution of the “mind” presupposes precisely this development, since in this a special degree of development of the mind is formed, that is, you can build the mind according to your program through “numbers” and their transformation, which gives us the right to see the diversity, multidimensionality of our movement in, opening consciousness to all levels of development...

Tune in to what shapes Knowledge...
Tune in to what shapes Creation, for this is the Goal of the Future... This is the good of the present and the “past”...
This is the benefit of each and every individual living in its “space”... By developing this, we can achieve the Main thing - to get away from all diseases, expressing in our body and space the individual speed of development, that is, the immortal “mind” of the sound of thought and her cycle of the Trinity of “sleep” in the absolute sphere of activity of consciousness and knowledge of the Scale of life...
This is how it should be... This is how it will be...

A gentle copying of this... as concentration... already exists, because it gives the Future, as a scheme for the development of Creation in everything, in everyone and in “everyone”...

It is impossible to stand still, because in this version, what is inherent inside and what passes into the Mind, realizing immortality in a person, is not created, what is not created...

When working with ideas of the Future, the space turns into an option:
- self-healing,
- self-healing...
making the physical body resistant to all indicators of breathing, including the version of the Mind as a geometric progression of “Time”...

Is it possible to speed up the work of Future Time?
- yes it is possible, but at the same time your consciousness is already the subconscious and there is an option to enter the Mind by:
- space,
- Time,
- thoughts,
- breathing,
- energy,
- sound,
- balance and so on...
Everything is completely simple when there is Time to speak the language of the Mind... Inhaling, a person remembers “Time” where the “second” of thought works. It is she who creates and creates the Future, revealing in man the power of the current of life...
Intelligence- this is the space that begins to live inside the EGO, using the parallel of the breath of all dimensions... By measuring eternity, we understand the sound of the infinite where the magnetic knowledge of all sciences is realized...

Now the Earth “stands” in the Civilization of Time, but will “enter” the rhythm of the Civilization of “energy”. This means the revelation of the Cosmic Mind on planet Earth...

Everything that has been said and is being said - everything can be said in a single language of the Mind, combining the possibility of a person with the space of sound, simply and complexly responding to one’s work within oneself...

Knowledge of the Mind of thought allows you to open the Universes and Galaxies of other Civilizations, ahead of the work of dreams, switching consciousness into the Evolution of the Idea of ​​the Mind of the Result of life, meeting all the requirements of spaces where Time itself blocks or develops the speed of intuition, working with the pure number of the EGO, noting the literalness of the Whole and the Main as a unique and accurate knower of the Absolute ...

The heart is the only organ that has “hot” energies. The Heart does not undergo Evolution, since Reason is already present in it according to the law of human presence in space. The heart has a pulse graphic; it switches the body to the Result of Perfection, revealing the possibility of moving to the level of “hot” energies. We are talking about entering the intuitive part of the Mind of thought, and in this order a person moves into the Mind of his body, having a high concentration of energy.

And here we see a person - “light” or a person - “energy”. The goal of Evolution is to transfer the consciousness of the body into the version of the work of “hot” energies...

The symbol of sleep is the Mind of thought...

The mind of the body is the unblocking of the body's breathing across all structures and signs of Time and thought. In this version, all Astral and Mental cycles of the life of Time work.

Everything is completely simple when you have time to speak the language of Reason...

IDEAS OF MIND- these are Ideas about the Globality and Scale of man in the life of the material unconscious movement of “Time”...

The brain always lives in the “Mind” of its Ideas... And only then does the “Goal” arise to know even more...

The whole ideal of life is to be in. This is the maximum level of development of the Mind of Thought...

Idea of ​​Reason

The idea of ​​Reason is to create the Scale and Globality of the life of the Earth...

What is the Secret of the Secrets...
- In the discovery of Infinity as a Result of the creation of Mind within oneself...

What is the secret of Reason?
- In the Result of “Time” or “thought”, since it is the Result that reveals all the beginnings, including the memory of subtle energies, creating a complete balance of the vision of the course of any life...

Everything is concentrated at the level of the “dream” Mind and is given according to the readiness of the knower to bear his Perfection...

There are Goals in which consciousness does not participate...
There are Goals in which only Reason participates...
This is access to the “memory” of the Civilization of life...

It is better to know Everything than to know nothing... although this Answer is not imprinted in the subconscious... It is better to think about what is, but at the level of the Mind... Then there is a chance to concentrate your attention on Well-being...

If we constantly think about the Mind, it works in dreams...
If we constantly think about problems... then they will be around us...
If we constantly think about Well-being, it accompanies us throughout life, since the maximum or minimum energy is taken from this...

Spirituality is “Experience” at the level of high Reason... This is the part of life with which a person “comes” to Earth, “finishing” his life in the Immaterial... A person “comes” with the “Experience” of the Mind, and “leaves” with the energy of the “Light” of the Mind... fixing in this your Infinity with the ability to “live” and be present “Everywhere”...

How to enter into this “knowledge”?
- Only through “dreams,” that is, dreams that form and reveal:
- Mind of thought;
- "Time";
- "breath" of life...

To reveal the theme of Immortality, we need a Single “Idea”, which does not sound in the material; it is created and sounds in the Immaterial. It cannot be translated into the “language” of the Word and is understandable only to Reason...

A person is not shaped by hypnosis, but rather by the Mind or the result of hypnosis at the level of “breathing”...

Multifacetedness is an already open Mind of thought...

For the creator there is a road to the Mind...
For those who pray, the road to “sound”...
And for the knower, the road to “memory”...
Which is what he lives on now...
Creating your “Ideal”...

New is only for consciousness... and for Reason this is the usual course of life... This is an ordinary day of life, where one’s own practice of “knowledge” about “Everything” is manifested... Isn’t this the Result in which “Time” participates.. Isn’t this “Experience” that reveals the subconscious... You just need to think about how to think about what is Main... There is a Single Answer to this question. It manifests itself in diversity... and most importantly - in the Whole... which is what life affirms... It is enough to say “Everything” about a moment of life to understand life itself, where a bright and obvious “day” is a “dream” like the “Sun” "that rises in your consciousness...

This is the working principle -
- Mind thoughts
- "Time"
- "breathing"...

This is the Unified formula for revealing the “energy” of sleep under the corresponding laws of the “space” of life...

Consciousness is the unrevealed Mind of thought....

“In the depths of winter, I finally realized that an endless summer lurks inside me.” ~ Albert Camus

We live in turbulent times. Every day there is less and less certainty and more and more unknowns. Fortunately, this also means an increase in the number of opportunities. But in order for you and me to overcome the obstacles in our path and realize the opportunities available, we need a strong mind.

Mental strength means, first of all, that you understand how to manage your emotions, adjust your thoughts in the right way, and always act in a positive direction, no matter the circumstances. This is the deep knowledge that every, even the smallest step forward is already progress. And that if you really want something, then you will achieve it, despite mistakes, failures and unequal chances. Yes, every step forward will not be easy, but when you reach your goal, you will feel better than ever. And one day you will understand that obstacles are not obstacles on your path, that they are the path. And he's worth it.

A strong mind is needed in order to voluntarily follow this difficult path. Why? Yes, because about 90% of our problems are a by-product of externally acquired weaknesses of the mind. In other words, throughout our lives we hear a whole bunch of lies from other people about what we need and what we don’t, what we can do and what we can’t do, what is possible for us and what we shouldn’t even think about – and subconsciously we believe every word.

Do you know what's even worse? Afterwards, we not only begin to repeat this lie to ourselves and others, but also to live in accordance with it.

This means that the time has come to forget this lie - for the sake of ourselves and our future. What types of lies do we deal with most often?

1. Everything should have been completely different. – We all have a swarm of ideas swirling in our heads about what our ideal world should look like, and often this does us much more harm than good. Try to understand this. Expect less and experience more. Get rid of illusions and let life teach you - let it test you. Yes, you won't always understand it, but that's okay. Just when you think it can’t get any worse, it will suddenly get worse – but just when you think it can’t get any better, life will dash your expectations of the worst. People who are strong in mind appreciate the obstacles that come their way, because I know that each of them is another step on the ladder to the top. So keep moving forward, keep growing, and one day you will be able to sum up your entire life in one phrase: “It didn’t quite go according to plan, but to hell with it.”

2. Disappointments and sadness are not at all necessary. – By being overly focused on happiness, and only happiness, you can program yourself to have an unhealthy attitude towards negative emotions and phenomena. Mentally strong people do not try to avoid negative emotions; instead, they accept both positive and negative emotions, allowing them to coexist harmoniously. And this is a key element of their resilience. Trying to be happy 24/7 is futile - instead, it is better to focus on the integrity of our personality. Frustration, irritation, sadness, and mistakes are all things that have helped shape you into the person you have become. Happiness, victory, feeling good about yourself - all this, of course, is good, but they will not teach you half as valuable life lessons.

3. Everything is bad, everything is very bad. – Against this way of thinking, a remedy was found in the ancient philosophy of Stoicism: “There is neither good nor bad, there is only how we perceive it.” This was later paraphrased by Shakespeare as: “Nothing is either good or bad, it is reflection that makes everything so.”. And they were right - the way we perceive a situation can either work to our advantage or cause significant harm. We often react to situations overly emotionally, projecting our negativity onto them, when in order to overcome them we should treat them objectively. Ultimately, it is not the situation in which you find yourself that is beneficial or detrimental to us; it is your attitude towards it and what we do about it that is beneficial or detrimental to you.

4. There is no hope. “People who are strong in mind know that the opposite of defeat is not courage, but hope.” And there is always hope. When you lose something good, think of it not as a loss, but as a valuable experience that will help you move forward a little more on your life's journey. Ultimately, who you are is determined by the sum of your actions at each point in your life. Remember - you always have enough strength and capabilities to continue moving forward. Stay strong and try to think clearly - even when it seems like everything around you is falling apart, it probably isn't.

5. You had no other choice . – Have you ever met a happy and successful person who constantly strives to avoid responsibility for his life and blames everyone but himself for all his failures? So we haven't met. Because happy and successful people have strong minds. They take responsibility for their lives. They believe and know that their happiness and success are only the result of correct thoughts, the right attitude towards life, and the right actions.

6. Successful people follow the rules of society. - Don't obey the rules. Don't break the law, but don't obey the rules. You don't have to live up to other people's expectations. The root of many people's unhappiness often lies in their need for external approval, which stems from their attempt to measure their self-worth based on listening to the opinions of others. But actually the only opinion you should really listen to is your own. You, and only you, decide what kind of life to live! And other people's goals and expectations don't mean that much

7. There is always an easier way . – The path of least resistance is often the path of least reward. If you want to achieve something worthwhile, you have to work hard for it. If the shortest path leads somewhere, think, do you even need to go there? As Einstein once said, “Genius is 1% talent and 99% hard work.”. To learn to run fast, you need to run more. It is impossible to become a writer without practicing writing books. If you want to become a successful businessman, you have to start somewhere. In short, there is no substitute for hard work. So repeat to yourself every day: "I will work. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it.".

8. Now is not the time . – What is the use of doing the right thing if it was done at the wrong time? And when it comes to achieving your goals, the wrong time is usually “later.” Why? Because time does not stand still. AND stop waiting for the right time, because it will never come. So make your decisions. Take risks! Life is too short to waste the end of it thinking “What if...”.

9. You lack something to be happy. – People who are mentally strong know that sincere human gratitude most quickly improves their mood. The more good you see, the more good you create, the more things to smile about around you. Happiness does not lie in the absence of problems. Happiness is when you appreciate what you have.

10. To impress people, you need to be perfect. – If the face you show to the whole world is nothing more than a mask, one day you will realize that there is nothing behind it. Because when you spend too much time focusing on how other people perceive you and creating an image of the person they want you to be, sooner or later you forget who you really are. So don’t be afraid of other people’s assessments and judgments - deep down in your heart you know who you are and what you really need. And you don't have to be perfect to impress people - let them be impressed by how you deal with your imperfections.

11. You have reasons to hate someone. “The mark of a truly mature person is that when confronted with someone who has hurt him, he tries to understand why he did it, instead of trying to hurt him in return.” Learn to forgive. This does not mean that you give up on what happened in the past or forget about what happened. This only means that you refuse contempt and pain, instead trying to draw the right conclusions based on what happened, and then continue to follow your path in life. Remember, the less time you spend hating people who hurt you, the more time you will have to love those who love you.

12. Loved ones should always agree with you. – Strong-minded people know that even those people who love you will not always agree with you just to make you happy. Rather, they will say what you need to hear in a given situation, regardless of how much you want to hear it. And this is good, because when people tell each other the truth, not embellished with sweet lies, it only makes the relationship between them stronger. When you are seen as you are, without embellishment and tinsel, and still respected - this is love. It is a preference for acceptance over saccharine assent and agreement with everything you say. And sometimes it’s agreeing with something you don’t agree with. So what?

I want to give you something else to think about...
In 1914, the great inventor Thomas Edison suffered a great misfortune. His laboratory burned to the ground along with many years of work. The newspapers described this situation as the worst thing that had ever happened to him, but this was not true. First of all, because Edison did not think so at all. The inventor chose to consider this an excellent opportunity to recover and re-examine much of what he had been working on lately. Immediately after the fire, Edison is said to have said: “Thank God, all our mistakes were burned. Now we can start over with a clean slate.".

That's what I call the power of the mind!

“In the depths of winter, I finally realized that an endless summer lurks inside me.”
~ Albert Camus

We live in turbulent times. Every day there is less and less certainty and more and more unknowns. Fortunately, this also means an increase in the number of opportunities. But in order for you and me to overcome the obstacles in our path and realize the opportunities available, we need a strong mind.

Mental strength means, first of all, that you understand how to manage your emotions, adjust your thoughts in the right way, and always act in a positive direction, regardless of the circumstances. This is the deep knowledge that every, even the smallest step forward is already progress. And that if you really want something, then you will achieve it, despite mistakes, failures and unequal chances. Yes, every step forward will not be easy, but when you reach your goal, you will feel better than ever. And one day you will understand that obstacles are not obstacles on your path, that they are the path. And he's worth it.

A strong mind is needed in order to voluntarily follow this difficult path. And this is exactly what my wife and I ate the dog with, and what we talk about every day in our articles and with our clients. Why? Yes, because about 90% of our problems are a by-product of externally acquired weaknesses of the mind. In other words, throughout our lives we hear a whole bunch of lies from other people about what we need and what we don’t, what we can do and what we can’t do, what is possible for us and what we shouldn’t even think about – and subconsciously we believe every word.

Do you know what's even worse? Afterwards, we not only begin to repeat this lie to ourselves and others, but also to live in accordance with it.

This means that the time has come to forget this lie - for the sake of ourselves and our future. What types of lies do we deal with most often?

  1. It shouldn't have been like this at all.– We all have a swarm of ideas swirling in our heads about what our ideal world should look like, and often this does us much more harm than good. Try to understand this. Expect less and experience more. Get rid of illusions and let life teach you - let it test you. Yes, you won't always understand it, but that's okay. Just when you think it can’t get any worse, it will suddenly get worse – but just when you think it can’t get any better, life will dash your expectations of the worst. People who are strong in mind appreciate the obstacles that come their way, because I know that each of them is another step on the ladder to the top. So keep moving forward, keep growing, and one day you will be able to sum up your entire life in one phrase: “It didn’t quite go according to plan, but to hell with it.”
  2. Disappointments and sadness are not at all necessary.– By being overly focused on happiness, and only happiness, you can program yourself to have an unhealthy attitude towards negative emotions and phenomena. Mentally strong people do not try to avoid negative emotions; instead, they accept both positive and negative emotions, allowing them to coexist harmoniously. And this is a key element of their resilience. Trying to be happy 24/7 is futile - instead, it is better to focus on the integrity of our personality. Frustration, irritation, sadness, and mistakes are all things that have helped shape you into the person you have become. Happiness, victory, feeling good about yourself - all this, of course, is good, but they will not teach you half as valuable life lessons.
  3. Everything is bad, everything is very bad. – Against this way of thinking, a remedy was found in the ancient philosophy of Stoicism: “There is neither good nor bad, there is only how we perceive it.” This was later paraphrased by Shakespeare as: “Nothing is either good or bad; it is thinking that makes everything so.” And they were right - the way we perceive a situation can either work to our advantage or cause significant harm. We often react to situations overly emotionally, projecting our negativity onto them, when in order to overcome them we should treat them objectively. Ultimately, it is not the situation in which you find yourself that is beneficial or detrimental to us; it is your attitude towards it and what we do about it that is beneficial or detrimental to you.
  4. There is no hope. “People who are strong in mind know that the opposite of defeat is not courage, but hope.” And there is always hope. When you lose something good, think of it not as a loss, but as a valuable experience that will help you move forward a little more on your life's journey. Ultimately, who you are is determined by the sum of your actions at each point in your life. Remember - you always have enough strength and capabilities to continue moving forward. Stay strong and try to think clearly - even when it seems like everything around you is falling apart, it probably isn't.
  5. You had no other choice.– Have you ever met a happy and successful person who constantly strives to avoid responsibility for his life and blames everyone but himself for all his failures? So we haven't met. Because happy and successful people have strong minds. They take responsibility for their lives. They believe and know that their happiness and success are only the result of the right thoughts, the right attitude towards life, and the right actions.
  6. Successful people follow the rules of society.- Don't obey the rules. Don't break the law, but don't obey the rules. You don't have to live up to other people's expectations. The root of many people's unhappiness often lies in their need for external approval, which stems from their attempt to measure their self-worth based on listening to the opinions of others. But in reality, the only opinion you should really listen to is your own. You, and only you, decide what kind of life to live. And other people's goals and expectations don't mean that much
  7. There is always an easier way.– The path of least resistance is often the path of least reward. If you want to achieve something worthwhile, you have to work hard for it. If the shortest path leads somewhere, think, do you even need to go there? As Einstein once said, “Genius is 1% talent and 99% hard work.” To learn to run fast, you need to run more. It is not possible to become a writer without practicing writing books. If you want to become a successful businessman, you have to start somewhere. In short, there is no substitute for hard work. So repeat to yourself every day: “I will work. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it."
  8. Now is not the time. – What good is doing the right thing if it was done at the wrong time? And when it comes to achieving your goals, the wrong time is usually “later.” Why? Because time does not stand still. And stop waiting for the right time, because it will never come. So make your decisions. Take risks! Life is too short to waste the end of it thinking “What if...”.
  9. You are missing something to be happy.– People who are mentally strong know that sincere human gratitude most quickly improves their mood. The more good you see, the more good you create, the more things to smile about around you. Happiness does not lie in the absence of problems. Happiness is when you appreciate what you have.
  10. To impress people, you need to be perfect.– If the face you show to the whole world is nothing more than a mask, one day you will realize that there is nothing behind it. Because when you spend too much time focusing on how other people perceive you and creating an image of the person they want you to be, sooner or later you forget who you really are. So don’t be afraid of other people’s assessments and judgments - deep down in your heart you know who you are and what you really need. And you don't have to be perfect to impress people - let them be impressed by how you deal with your imperfections.
  11. You have reasons to hate someone. “The mark of a truly mature person is that when confronted with someone who has hurt him, he tries to understand why he did it, instead of trying to hurt him in return.” Learn to forgive. This does not mean that you give up on what happened in the past or forget about what happened. This only means that you refuse contempt and pain, instead trying to draw the right conclusions based on what happened, and then continue to follow your path in life. Remember, the less time you spend hating people who hurt you, the more time you will have to love those who love you.
  12. The people you love should always agree with you.– Strong-minded people know that even those people who love you will not always agree with you just to make you happy. Rather, they will say what you need to hear in a given situation, regardless of how much you want to hear it. And this is good, because when people tell each other the truth, not embellished with sweet lies, it only makes the relationship between them stronger. When you are seen as you are, without embellishment and tinsel, and still respected... this is love. It is a preference for acceptance over saccharine assent and agreement with everything you say. And sometimes it’s agreeing with something you don’t agree with. So what?


I want to give you something else to think about...

In 1914, the great inventor Thomas Edison suffered a great misfortune. His laboratory burned to the ground along with many years of work. The newspapers described this situation as the worst thing that had ever happened to him, but this was not true. First of all, because Edison did not think so at all. The inventor chose to consider this an excellent opportunity to recover and re-examine much of what he had been working on lately. It is said that immediately after the fire Edison said: “Thank God, all our mistakes were burned. Now we can start over with a clean slate."

That's what I call the power of the mind!

And now it’s your turn...

What lies do you most often tell yourself? Which of the following types of lies did you consider to be true? Leave a comment and share your thoughts!

Man is a creature, an animal. But what distinguishes him from other living beings is the presence of reason, the ability to think and act. How did he acquire these abilities? And how did he start using them? What is the human mind?

How did the mind appear?

Man gained intelligence through work, as is usually said. Some may argue about how, holding a stick in his hands and trying to build something out of it, a person could develop to his current level?

Man evolved only in one direction - to facilitate survival in earthly conditions. Trying to adapt to earthly life, man began to turn to his mind. He managed to use it to achieve success in using the gifts of nature and thereby learned to create benefits. Man found the path to survival not through innate reflexes, but by logically carrying out his actions. Over time, this allowed him to realize that his mind was capable of more. And so a wonderful world appeared on Earth thanks to the human mind.

But if a person is a highly developed being, then why can’t he overcome his primal instincts and get the upper hand over his vices? Now a person does not need to protect his life from predators and the environment. But now he is looking for ways to escape from himself.

What is the human mind in spiritual terms? Does this mean that it develops one-sidedly? Or are we simply unable to part with our instincts and primitive needs, which is why the development of the mind, except for adaptation to satisfying our needs, is impossible?

From these reflections we can conclude that labor did not create the human mind, but only helped to develop it.

Is the brain the source of intelligence?

This organ was created by nature to regulate functions in the body. It helps navigate the environment, stores and uses innate instincts, and is comparable to a library that stores many books of information. The brain is subject to feelings, reflexes, emotions, but is not a pure mind and does not function as an organ that forms it.

But other animals lack the ability to think, because their brains are not sufficiently developed. Then how to explain this?

This organ helps answer the question of what the human mind is in a biological sense. Together with all our sensations - instincts, emotions, irritations - it is an integral part of our mind. And often a person acts not guided by his highly developed intellect, but by feelings and emotions, which are individually developed to a greater or lesser extent in everyone.

Personal development

Since ancient times, people have considered consciousness to be a divine gift. Therefore, many philosophers adhered to religious beliefs. That is, they did not adhere to them because they became philosophers. It was religion that taught them to think. One question is followed by a series of other thoughts. Some believed that every great thought that came into their minds was sent by God. What can be celebrated in a religion like Buddhism.

What is the human mind? Not every person can achieve high personal development. It is closely related to intelligence, but it is not easy to master. Personality is the next step after the development of the mind. It is also part of consciousness, mind.

The intellect is responsible for logical activity, perceives and processes information. And personality is a connection of principles, ideas, rules of behavior, ways of perceiving received information, and the ability to compare it.

Religion for our mind

The emergence of religions is one of the manifestations of the development of the human mind. Atheists consider believers to be only fanatics and do not take the words of the scriptures seriously. Indeed, not every person, be it a Christian or a Muslim, correctly understands and interprets what is prescribed.

But if we remove unnecessary sayings, we can say that thousands of years ago man realized that he was a highly developed being, and began to think about how he appeared, why he perceives the world this way, why the Universe itself is structured this way? The amazing world of the human mind does not stop there.

Having invented writing, man began to express his thoughts and assumptions about this matter. In ancient times, not having high technologies and being content with little experience in understanding this world, man tried to explain to himself questions about the origin of his existence.

This indicates that people were also aimed at satisfying spiritual needs (interest in life, the emergence of the arts, turning to their inner world), and not just focused on survival. Religion prompted man to do this. The amazing world that was created thanks to the human mind would not be the same if it did not have the desire for spiritual food.

And even though many assumptions from ancient times turned out to be incorrect, they at least indicate that we were able to think consistently, create logical chains and look for confirmation of them.

This is an amazing world created by the mind and performed ritual ceremonies over the deceased, which shows us their attitude towards a living being. Life was valuable to them.

The struggle between nature and reason

The existence of highly developed science, technology, and economics in our lives does not mean that we have reached the highest level of intelligence. They only explain the world created thanks to the human mind and nature. Our home planet has interested us since ancient times. And it is this interest and the desire to satisfy it that shows us as beings with intelligence.

The brain is our tool that helps us achieve what we want. And it is also the link between natural instincts and true intelligence. He is able to capture the subtlest vibrations of the immaterial plane of existence, to become an instrument of the spirit, as he said

Ways of thinking

A person is capable of producing both emotional and logical thinking. The second is precisely used in the creation of science and technology.

The emotional is involved in solving complex problems that do not lend themselves to algorithmic thinking. It also contributes to decision making, choice of action, behavior.

A person's mind and personality cannot be shaped by desiring a specific outcome. Everyone meets different people, hears information from them, and, choosing a particle from it, adds up knowledge. Even other people's actions shape a person's personality. This is what distinguishes the external and internal amazing world, which was created thanks to the human mind.

Life by human hands

Ancient buildings still amaze with their beauty and grandeur. We are still trying to figure out how people managed to achieve such perfection, what technologies did they use? Many studies, experiments and studies have not helped to establish this accurately. Thanks to the human mind, the world has become more favorable for our lives.

Having made a tool for the first time, man did not limit himself to it. He began to create goods that satisfy his other needs, that is, household items.

The man did not stop at satisfying his needs. Gradually, in man-made life, as the human mind developed, its echoes began to appear. House and clothing ceased to satisfy people only as a means of protection from bad weather, and weapons - as an object of hunting and a means of attack by predators.

The amazing world, thanks to the human mind, changed and improved with each generation that changed, leaving behind improved man-made lands. The buildings became more complex and skillful. Clothes are sleeker and more comfortable. Weapons are more reliable and dangerous.

The Greatest Structures of Humanity

Until now, people do not stop there. They outperform the previous generation every time.

Man has always strived to surpass the one who is higher. An example of this is the myth of the Tower of Babel. It tells how people strived to reach the level of their creator, God. They wanted to be on an equal footing with him. True, this failed. After all, being a human means not only having high material development, but also spiritual development.

Buildings as information carriers

Almost all buildings carry religious ideas, which are reflected in ornaments, frescoes, mosaics, and reliefs. Many have practical significance and reflect a person’s desire to achieve perfection in art.

Many buildings have survived to this day, which shows a high level of technology development and an effort to preserve their material values. Spiritual values ​​were also important. And this is not the end of the amazing world created by the human mind.

Truly, when Allah Almighty created the mind, He addressed it: “Turn in this direction” - the mind turned, “Turn in the other direction” - the mind turned. Then Allah Almighty said - “I swear by My Greatness, I have not created a greater creature than you, thanks to you I will punish, and thanks to you I will reward!” Thanks to reason, man became human. This is the greatest blessing of Allah, for finding happiness in both worlds depends on the presence of this quality. A person who does not know his Creator and does not follow His commands is not rational, even if he has a human form. Anyone who wants to bear this high name - “man”, must believe in the Great and Mighty Allah, who created him and the numerous benefits that he enjoys in this world, and also promised to give him in the next world, settling him according to His mercy to the house of eternal bliss. Great sins, such blessings that he cannot even imagine.

But Allah Almighty also promised great punishment to anyone who disobeys Him, sending him in His justice to Hell - a place of eternal humiliation and punishment. “Reason is faith,” says one of the hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). If there is no faith, there is no reason either, for it is impossible to call someone reasonable who, having disobeyed the commands of his Creator, chose Hell as the place of his stay in the next world. And before it’s too late, everyone should come to their senses and reflect on how they relate to the commandments of Allah, and if they find themselves plunged into sins, repent.

Allah Almighty is Merciful, He has opened the gates of His forgiveness and calls those who have sinned to repentance. Allah Almighty says in the Quran: “Tell My servants who have done injustice to themselves by committing sins, let them not despair of the mercy of Allah I. Verily, Allah I forgives all sins to those who do not associate partners with Him. Verily He is Forgiving, Merciful.” Surah "Crowds" verse 53.

There is a hadith that says: “Sins are the mail of unbelief,” that is, sin is a harbinger of unbelief. If the carnal soul (nafs), which encourages evil, takes over and forces you to sin, then repent immediately, so that with the help of repentance, by the will of Allah, the traces of a sinful act will be removed! If you cannot leave the forbidden because of your laziness and enjoyment of it, which prevents you from stopping committing sinful things, then you must remember about death, which comes unexpectedly, and that perhaps you will die without repenting, like many people, and you will become one of those who will suffer loss in the next world. But if you cannot leave your sin, having lost hope in the forgiveness and mercy of Allah because of the severity of the sin you committed before him or feeling the greatness of the One Whom you disobeyed, then be afraid to lose hope in the mercy of Allah Almighty, for only the lost lose hope People. Imagine the greatness of His mercy, which no one can comprehend except Him. One should not lose hope, because mercy towards sinners who believe in His uniqueness exceeds the punishment for sins.”

Repentance for a sin committed, even a small one, must be done without delay. Whoever delays repentance and puts it off for a time sufficient for it will find himself additionally sinful because of this.

Compiled based on materials from the book “380 Great Sins” by Ibn Hajar al-Haytami.