Talking alphabet for kids. Online primer and letters for kids. Talking ABC Games for girls Russian alphabet

Talking Russian alphabet from Azbukvarika - a wide selection of posters and hard book-tablets. Different models pronounce letters, sounds, numbers, and are voiced with their favorite cartoon songs, animal sounds, and poems. Soft posters attach to any hard surface and require no storage space. Cardboard books-tablets have a smaller format, are equipped with bright illustrations, and a field for writing letters. Words for each letter are divided into syllables for independent reading, and the electronic talking alphabet for know-it-alls even contains small information blocks that can be read by adults, and then by the child himself. It is convenient to learn the speaking alphabet with such books not only at home, but also on the road, or in line at the clinic, and anywhere.

The price of a talking alphabet depends on several factors:

  • brand;
  • set of functions;
  • format, material and others.

At a fairly modest price, such an educational game is a profitable purchase. It can hold a child’s interest for several years, and the benefits for development and preparation for school are undeniable. The talking alphabet, which you can buy right now, will be a wonderful gift for a child from 2-3 to 6 years old. It will not only entertain your baby, but will also introduce him to the interesting world of letters. Convenient delivery forms will help you receive your order quickly and without hassle, both in Moscow and in any corner of Russia. Find out how much the talking alphabet costs in the Sportbaby online store and place your order today!

Talking ABC is an application designed to help your child learn the alphabet and learn to put letters into words. This is a kind of game in which the child needs to repeat the pronunciation of letters and words after the announcer. In fact, it replaces talking cubes and allows the child to learn the alphabet independently, even without the participation of a parent.

The design in the game is very bright and colorful. The developers did everything to ensure that the child would be happy to run it and point at images with letters, thereby remembering their pronunciation. All this is voiced in a pleasant female voice. In general, from a technical point of view, we have no complaints about Talking ABC.

For older children who have already become familiar with the alphabet, a mini-game is available in which they are asked to form words from letters. That is, the announcer pronounces a word to the child, and he, in turn, must select the letters on the playing field that it consists of (in the correct order). In our opinion, this game has one serious drawback. It consists in the fact that the letters “ъ”, “ы” and “ь” are combined on one virtual key. Most likely, this will confuse the child somewhat and cause him to make mistakes.

Another mini-game that is in the application is much simpler and serves more of an entertaining function than an educational one. It is a regular coloring book in which the child needs to highlight individual elements in the picture and color them in the desired color.

Child development is one of the most important and difficult tasks for any parent. This process begins almost from birth. Children master everything they see and what they can reach. This is a natural process of learning about the world around us. Every child experiences it. Children are interested in everything around them, so they need to be provided with not only dolls , cars and rattles, but also all kinds of educational and interactive toys. Moreover, they should be varied, interesting and colorful. This contributes to the baby’s early development and rapid mastery of:

  • speech skills
  • logical thinking
  • attention

The connoisseur alphabet is especially suitable for these purposes.

All parents care about the development of their child so that he learns the necessary skills and abilities. Children with whom mothers and fathers systematically teach from an early age subsequently learn to read, write and speak foreign languages ​​faster. After all, it is easier for a child to remember a large amount of information, especially if it is done in an interesting and playful way.

Children love bright toys that also make different sounds. Especially useful are those that also have an educational function for the baby. These can be toys for remembering colors, numbers or letters. Talking ABC for Kids helps children not only have fun, but also learn the alphabet, letter pronunciation and letter placement. Moreover, for an older child, you can purchase several posters to master not only their native language, but also a foreign language.

Which alphabet should you choose?

Undoubtedly, first of all you need to pay attention to quality. It is not so important whether it is an ABC poster for children or any other toy, it is necessary that they are made reliably and from materials suitable even for children. It is advisable that all letters are pronounced correctly. High-quality products usually do not have problems with this. This is especially important if you purchase the English alphabet. It is necessary that the child remembers the correct pronunciation of letters from the very beginning of learning, otherwise it will be very difficult to correct this later.

The choice of the alphabet, as well as all educational toys, depends on the age and individual abilities of the baby. Children need to be bright and attractive. Musical and lighting effects only increase interest and the desire to practice constantly.

For children from 4 to 5 years old, you can buy a poster for the wall, which will depict various geometric shapes, countries, celestial bodies, etc. The more information a child receives at an early age, the easier it will be for him later.

Where is the best place to buy

Like all products, children's toys in particular must be of high quality. Therefore, you need to buy them from a reliable and decent seller. In our online store you can choose a variety of alphabet books, an electronic poster or quiz, books and other products for the development of your baby. We offer not only one of the largest assortments, but also a number of favorable discounts and promotions. Our prices are cheaper than other sellers, and you choose the delivery and payment option yourself.

Your child is growing up, and school is just around the corner. And you are faced with the task of teaching your child letters (sounds) and teaching him to read. Most likely, you have already purchased cubes with letters from which you can make words, and the alphabet.

Perhaps you have already made your first, but unsuccessful attempts to teach your baby letters. But the child either confused the letters or completely abandoned activities that were uninteresting to him.

Especially for your children, in order to make activities with your child exciting, this talking alphabet was created, which will definitely interest the child and it will be easy and natural for him to learn letters with the help of familiar images.

Your children probably already master the computer mouse and will enjoy learning letters in a playful way. You just need to press a button or click the mouse on any letter of the alphabet and your child will be immersed in the world of letters and words. To consolidate knowledge, an easy-to-remember poem has been specially selected. The talking alphabet for kids was created with the support of a child psychologist and is designed to memorize letters and associated associations.

All parents face the problem of teaching their child to read. Children learn letters and try to read their first words at an early age, when they are not yet accustomed to studying. To succeed in learning the alphabet, you need to get your child interested, and the easiest way to do this is to play educational game. This is why the talking alphabet was created.

In this section of the site, children remember the letters of the Russian alphabet in a playful way and try to make words from the letters. Letters and words are spoken out during play, making it easier for children to remember them.

This game will be interesting and useful for children who cannot read yet and are just beginning to learn letters.

Learning letters

ABC for kids

The letters of the alphabet are actually symbols of sounds. The letters of the English alphabet are based on the Roman alphabet, which is about 2,500 years old. The capital letters almost exactly resemble the Roman letters used in the 3rd century BC.

Before the invention of the alphabet, people used drawings to record events or convey messages. The image of several antelopes could mean “good hunting here,” that is, it was a form of writing. Such “pictorial writing” was widespread in ancient Babylon, Egypt and China.

Over time, visual writing has undergone changes. The drawing, instead of simply depicting an object, began to represent an idea associated with the designated object. For example, a drawing of a leg could represent the verb “to go.” This period of writing is called “ideographic,” or “conveying an idea.” But the problem with such a letter was that the message could be understood differently by different people. Gradually this method changed. The symbols began to correspond to a combination of sounds. For example, if the word "id" meant "hand", the design of the hand came to represent the sound "id".

Therefore, whenever they wanted to convey the sound “id”, they used a hand drawing. This stage of writing can be called “syllabic writing.”

In Babylon and China, the development of writing did not cross this threshold. The Egyptians created a kind of alphabet by including 24 signs in the drawings, indicating individual sounds or words consisting of one consonant. However, they did not understand the significance of their invention.

About 3,500 years ago, the peoples who inhabited the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea made a discovery that brought them closer to the creation of an alphabet. They realized that the same sign can be used for one sound in all combinations, so they used a limited number of signs for these purposes. Such signs became the alphabet.

The alphabet began to be used by the ancient Jews and Phoenicians. The latter passed on the alphabet to the Greeks. The ancient Romans adopted the Greek alphabet, making some changes and additions. From here the Latin alphabet was adopted by the inhabitants of Western Europe.

In my spring youth I met the beauty - “A”. But it seemed nicer to me - “B” from our yard. And, fearing for RV- (Fate is an evil game), I talked a little with “V” and “G” - the time has come! “D” took me away at the moment, But “J” was already waiting, Since “D” wooed the cop on the fifth floor. “Z” sometimes clicked with her teeth, And “I” was stupid. She told me, look! She took off her cap and became And “K” “Kama-Sutra” knew the heat, But “L” was reputed to be more passionate... “M” warmed my soul, But “N” was slender, “O” knew - the truth is in wine, A " P" - alas, it’s full. “R” conquered with her thinness, And “S” drove her crazy, Some boy took her away, When I was limping towards “T”. “U” surpassed the others - She is the most experienced of all.. But “F” said “Libedich” And I lost sleep... “X” is hot, soft, wise. “C” - she was humorous, she was struck by the hip line - “C” (even though she had a reputation for B). "Sh" of honor is simply a standard, But she is weak in love.. "Sh" - took the throne for a while, But "E" - (Eh! C'est la vie!). "Yu" is the gift of the East and warmth, The last storm in the blood! “I” - in the end I was already there.. There’s nothing to catch with her.. But I’m tired of changing faces. I met “S” again: Shining with the holes of her eye sockets With a scythe... at the ready!

PS Sorry, I’m not literate at all. I have no attraction to quotation marks. Neither to colons, nor to dashes. Personally, letters are nicer! The Lord didn’t bring it together with the letter “Y” - Siamese are twins! And a soft sign with dropsy Left early in the morning I always have a hard sign (the Rod in my destiny) with me

Play alphabet for children

In games, new knowledge is learned much easier! That is why children's educational games are a great way to make a child’s learning process fun and more effective. We bring to your attention the website for children's online games “Let's Play”. Here you will find games for the general development of the child, games for attention and memory, logic and thinking, various coloring books, puzzles, rebuses, riddles, puzzles, as well as many other interesting tasks. It is such a joy to watch your beloved child grow day after day. And undoubtedly, all parents want him to be smart and capable. Everything is in your hands. Only you, dear parents, can help your child develop his abilities and introduce him to the wonderful world around us.

Everyone knows that in order to develop a child’s ability to create, it is necessary to engage in creativity with him in a playful way. When playing, the child’s mental activity is activated, taste develops and color is determined.

We offer you a series of educational games for children 6 years old, aimed at developing fine motor skills. What exercises with children help develop fine motor skills? To develop fine motor skills in children of any age, there are various interesting and exciting games.

Everyone knows that for children, and especially for preschool children, the best form of learning is learning through play. How to help a child develop? In the section "Educational games for children" there are interesting free online games for the general development of the child, for the development of attention, memory, and logic. While playing, the child will learn colors, names of shapes, names of months, and much more.

Russian alphabet games

Elena Anufrieva Guru (4954) 2 years ago Alphabet [Greek. alphábētos, from the names of the first two letters of Greek A. - alpha and beta (Modern Greek - vita); similarly: alphabet - from az and beeches], a set of graphic signs - letters (for example, Latin, Russian A.) or syllabic signs (for example, Indian A. Devanagari), arranged in a traditionally established order. A. arose at the end of the 2nd millennium BC. e. in the most ancient sound writing systems - Ugaritic and Phoenician; Previously, apparently, there was a system for listing Egyptian hieroglyphs. The majority of modern alphabetic and some syllabic A. comes from Phoenician A. through Aramaic (Hebrew, Arabic A.), Greek A. (Latin, Georgian, Armenian, Slavic-Cyril A.), etc. Most modern national writing systems are based on A.: 1) Latin - the writing systems of all the peoples of America and Australia, most of the peoples of Europe and some countries of Asia and Africa (for example, Turkey, Indonesia); 2) Slavic-Cyrillic - the writing system of most peoples of the USSR (except for Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, which use Latin A., and Armenia, Georgia, which have their own national A.), Bulgarian and Serbian letters; 3) Arabic - writing systems of all Arab countries, as well as Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and the Chinese province of Xinjiang; 4) Indian syllabaries, used by many peoples of India. See also: Arabic writing. Armenian letter, Greek letter, Georgian letter, Hebrew letter, Indian letter. Korean letter. Latin alphabet, Russian alphabet, Japanese letter

The principle of the alphabet was invented by the Semitic peoples. In mid. 3rd millennium BC e. scribes in the city of Ebla (modern Tel Mardikh, Northern Syria) created the following classification of cuneiform syllabic signs borrowed from Mesopotamia, which they used to record the local Eblaite language and the Mesopotamian Sumerian language, in which the signs were ordered by the nature of the vowels with the same consonants: ma, mi, mu (in Semitic languages ​​there were only 3 vowels a, i, u). Apparently, thanks to the use of the experience of cuneiform and Egyptian writing, the Semites no later than the 1st half. 2nd millennium BC e. created such an initial type of consonantal-syllabic writing, where there were signs for conveying consonants (for example, w) in combination with any vowel (syllables like wa, wi, wu, written not with different signs, as in cuneiform, but with one). After the set of all written signs included signs for vowels, the alphabet finally emerged as an ordered set of written designations for phonemes. The most ancient was the alphabet of the city-state of Ugarit, known since the Middle Ages. 2nd millennium BC e. The order of characters in it basically corresponds to the order of characters in other West Semitic alphabets known since the last centuries of the 2nd millennium BC. e. : in Phoenician, Hebrew and some others. The Phoenicians, who lived on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, were famous sailors in ancient times. They conducted active trade with the states of the Mediterranean. From the Phoenician alphabet come the Greek and Aramaic alphabets, which gave rise to most modern writing systems, as well as many “dead-end lines” in the development of writing: Asia Minor alphabets, Iberian writing, Numidian writing, etc. The order of the letters of the Phoenician alphabet can be traced in the descendant alphabets; the word “alphabet” itself is formed from the name of the first two letters alpha ἄλφα/aleph and beta βῆτα/bet. ) The South Semitic alphabet, which outwardly resembled the Phoenician, apparently did not originate from it, but from a hypothetical common ancestor with the Phoenician; A descendant of the South Semitic script is the modern Ethiopic script.

Alphabet (Greek: ἀλφάβητος) is a form of writing based on a standard set of characters. In the alphabet, individual signs - letters - designate the phonemes of the language, although a one-to-one correspondence between sound ↔ letter is rarely observed and tends to be lost during the development of oral language. The alphabet differs from pictographic (ideographic) writing, where signs represent concepts (Sumerian cuneiform), and morphemic and logographic writing, where signs represent individual morphemes (Chinese script) or words. The following types of alphabets are distinguished: Consonantal-vocal alphabets - letters represent both vowels and consonants; Consonantal alphabets - letters represent only consonants, vowels can be indicated using a special system of diacritics (vowels); Syllabic alphabets - letters represent entire syllables, and syllables with the same consonant but different vowels can be indicated by similar signs (the so-called abugids, such as Indian writing), or they can be completely different (for example, kana); in the narrow sense may not be considered an alphabet. The use of signs for individual phonemes leads to a significant simplification of writing as a result of reducing the number of signs used. Also, the order of letters in the alphabet is the basis of alphabetical sorting. The relative complexity of the phonetic systems of different languages ​​results in alphabets of unequal size. According to the Guinness Book of Records, the most letters - 72 - are contained in the Khmer language alphabet, the smallest - 12 (a, e, g, i, k, o, p, r, s, t, u, v) - in the Rotokas language alphabet Bougainville Islands (Papua New Guinea). The oldest letter of the alphabet is the letter "o", which has remained unchanged in the same form in which it was adopted in the Phoenician alphabet (about 1300 BC). (This letter there designated a different, consonant sound, but the modern “o” came from it).

Games for girls alphabet Russian

Educational games and DIY toys for young children. A special section on the site with homemade gaming materials and manuals for kids. Educational books, games for sensory development, frames and inserts, ideas for games with clothespins, water and sand. A lot of homemade toys made by parents and kindergarten teachers for young children.

Carefully choose the time for educational games up to a year. It is necessary that educational games for up to one year are interspersed in your communication with your child not as random bright episodes (when the mother took a moment between cooking porridge and endless ironing), but to be an integral part of the baby’s life. And therefore, gaming activities should be given their own time in the daily routine. Moreover, the duration of the game should also correspond to the child’s age and capabilities. Don’t think that the more you keep your little one busy with the game, the better. Remember that the child is actively exploring the world, learning a lot, learning a lot. Therefore, he needs time not only for full-fledged studies, but also for proper rest. Experts advise offering educational games to a child of the first year of life when he is most inclined to these activities. That is, when he finally woke up and ate. When he is dry and does not suffer from colic. It is best to play with the baby in the middle of the waking period. And, of course, when the baby does not tell you by screaming about his discomfort - a swollen tummy or temperature. Even a small fold in the sheet can make a child cry, and in this case there can be no talk of any kind of play.

But even a game chosen in accordance with the child’s age and level of development is not always suitable. After all, all children, as you know, are different and have their own individual characteristics. One gets up a little earlier, the other learns to hold a spoon in his hand later. Small deviations from the norm are quite acceptable. But a baby’s consistent inability to play in the first year of life those educational games that are designed for his age may be an alarming signal indicating that the child has developmental problems. In this case, you should not panic, but contact a specialist. You may be advised of a special set of corrective games that will help smooth out existing problems.

The alphabet, in my opinion, is too early, too much for a 5-year-old child. In general, I would advise you to approach it somehow unconventionally, for example, in the form of a game, so that the child finds it interesting, and add stimulation to this, so that there is something to strive for. This technique is very popular in schools, although it is not new. But the alphabet at five years old... I don’t remember what grade I taught him in (first or second), but I was 8-9 years old, but not five! The main thing is that he can read and do it well, yes, and with counting too, although again, it depends on how long the child can count.