How to choose an anti-aging face cream. How to choose an anti-aging face cream Which face cream to buy after 50

Mature skin requires special care. When a lady has already lived for half a century, she tries to look dignified and appropriate for her age. Sometimes it can be very difficult to achieve this, because the traitor time constantly reminds us of approaching old age.

However, it can also be outsmarted with modern products labeled “Anti-Age” - anti-aging. In order for your appearance not to show your age, you need special cosmetics for the face after 50 years, which can solve the most difficult skin problems.

Effect on the skin

At this age, caring cosmetics for the face after 50 include all the same products: milk, serum, scrub (even gommage is better), mask, anti-aging or lifting cream, emulsions.

With regular use of these products, time will no longer be so merciless - even after your fiftieth birthday, you can look much younger than your age. So, what miracles should you count on:

  • strengthening the skin and muscle frame of the face;
  • intensive hydration;
  • maintaining the remaining fat ballast under the skin;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • acceleration of regeneration processes;
  • whitening of age-related skin lesions that appear due to a lack of estrogen as a result of menopause;
  • restoration of elasticity;
  • eliminating blue circles and bags under the eyes;
  • reducing the depth of wrinkles and nasolabial folds;
  • tightening of drooping eyelids as a result of ptosis;
  • correction, jowls, oval face.

Of course, one single remedy will not be able to quickly solve all the accumulated problems at once. However, the more regular the care, the better the quality of facial cosmetics designed for women aged 50, the faster and more noticeable the result will be.

In addition, do not forget that such products have their own contraindications, which you should be careful of so as not to harm your own skin.

Terminology. At 50 years old, it’s time to select cosmetics for the face marked “anti-age”, which translates from English as “against age”. However, you need to understand that the miracle cream will not make you 10 years younger. Its main purpose is to prevent further aging.


If facial cosmetics are applied incorrectly after 50 years, it can worsen the condition of the epidermis. There are several contraindications for its use:

  • age up to 50 years: you should not spoil your skin, which is not yet burdened by a double chin and pigmented age spots, with powerful anti-age cosmetics;
  • serious skin problems on the face: folliculitis, furunculosis, hidradenitis, lichen, erythrasma, actinomycosis, dermatomycosis, basalioma, demodicosis, mycosis, etc.;
  • allergy to the composition of cosmetics;
  • operations or plastic surgery on the face.

Keep these important nuances in mind so as not to harm your own skin. You need to know how to handle facial cosmetics recommended for women over 50 to avoid unpleasant side effects.

It is very important to choose it correctly, because there are a lot of fakes and low-quality products on the modern market. In this case, you must definitely pay attention to the composition of the purchased product.

On a note. If you only remembered at the age of 50 that you need anti-aging cosmetics for facial care, it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve any significant results. All lines of such products are aimed at preventing aging, so they had to be used starting from the age of 30.

Useful composition

It is necessary to pay special attention to the composition of cosmetics 50+; it must contain anti-aging components

Cosmetics for facial care after 50 years should contain many anti-aging components, among which the following will not be out of place:

  • AHA acids (glycolic, lactic);
  • vitamins (better than others and);
  • BHA acids (salicylic);
  • Coenzyme Q10;
  • dimethicone;
  • lanolin;
  • glycerol;
  • peptides;
  • ceramides;
  • adenosine;
  • hyaluronic acid.

If you are scared by the abundance of chemicals in industrial products, folk cosmetics for the face after 50 years can always come to the rescue, which you can prepare with your own hands at home. Here all the ingredients will be familiar and understandable:

  • honey and vitamins for nutrition;
  • Vaseline and cream for softening;
  • protein for lifting;
  • cosmetic oils moisturize;
  • parsley and cucumber quickly and effectively whiten age-related pigmentation.

Regardless of what cosmetics you prefer to use after 50 years - folk or industrial, always pay special attention to the composition. After all, the beauty and well-groomed skin even at such a respectable age will depend on the components. And in order not to make a mistake when purchasing, you can focus on the ratings, which indicate the most popular and high-quality products.

Interesting information. Modern manufacturers are increasingly including adenosine, a substance with calming properties, in anti-aging cosmetics. It allows tired mature skin to relax and rest.

Rating of the best funds

Set of Multi-Intensive products and Double Serum from the French cosmetics manufacturer Clarins (after 50 years)

The ratings usually include the best cosmetics for the face after 50, which have proven themselves well in salons and when used at home. You can rely on these funds when going for your cherished purchase. This way you will know the approximate cost of the product and which brands are most successful in this area.

  1. Double Serum, Multi-Intensive - set for intensive skin restoration. Clarins. France. $83.16.
  2. Regeneration Serum - serum for regeneration of mature skin. Klapp. Germany. $44.39.
  3. Anti-aging face cream with anti-aging formulas Matrixyl and Renovage. Absolute Care. Israel. $26.69.
  4. Restoring biocomplex for rejuvenating mature skin. Tete Cosmeceutical. Switzerland. $26.17.
  5. Velvety cream with Mexo active element and anti-aging effect. Vichy. France. $19.55.
  6. Cream with Omega-3 complex 50+. Gloris Beauty. Russia. $16.6.
  7. Perfect Beauty 50+ - restoring cream. Farmona. Poland. $6.22.
  8. Lifting serum with stem cells. Delia. Poland. $6.05.
  9. Modeling, intensely moisturizing cream. Eveline. Poland. $4.8.
  10. Cream for smoothing deep wrinkles. Belkosmex. Belarus. $3.92.

This rating reflects the main trend in the use of facial cosmetics after 50 - the advantage remains with creams. Indeed, at this age, few people decide to experiment with new products in the modern beauty industry. Although fillers perfectly fill and smooth out even the deepest wrinkles. And to enhance the effectiveness of the chosen product, it is best to buy it in conjunction with the entire line from this brand.

Brand history. Polish cosmetics Farmona is the painstaking and long-term work of dermatologists and biotechnologists. Their unique tandem produces products that interact perfectly with the skin and have balanced compositions.

Product lines

Do you need high-quality cosmetics for the face after 50, represented by several products at once? Many brands are developing entire lines of this type of product. Within one series you can find creams (and), fluids, emulsions, serums, wrinkle correctors, film masks, gommage, fillers and much more.

They complement each other, enhancing their lifting and rejuvenating properties. You can choose one of these professional lines from world famous companies.

When choosing cosmetics for mature skin after 50, focus on its functionality (what specific age-related problems it solves), composition (are there enough anti-aging components), cost (French Lancome can cost from $200, and Belarusian Belita - only $3), reviews or other product. Choose your facial care products responsibly in order to look decent at such a respectable age.

Unfortunately, time does not stand still, and every year leaves new traces on our faces. The services of plastic surgeons are inaccessible to many due to the high cost, and many women are afraid of “beauty injections”. And in such cases, anti-aging cosmetics come to the rescue. What products are most effective, and how to choose the right cosmetics?

How anti-aging cosmetics work

Why do wrinkles appear? The root cause is a lack of collagen in the epidermis. This is a substance that retains moisture in skin cells, making it look smooth and shiny. Collagen is produced by hormonal glands up to a certain age, and then it simply begins to disappear. The following factors can greatly speed up the process of its consumption:

  1. Lifestyle (poor sleep, poor nutrition);
  2. Improper self-care (washing with hot water, incorrectly selected foundation and other decorative cosmetics);
  3. Bad habits (in particular, smoking);
  4. Poor ecology (especially for women living in megacities);
  5. Emotional outbursts (frequent stress, depression, etc.).

Of course, it is simply impossible to protect the body from most of these factors, so you need to try to resist the consequences.

It is very important to know at what age you can use anti-wrinkle cosmetics. Many products are designed in such a way that, on the one hand, they restore the level of collagen in the skin, but on the other, they destroy the natural hormone, completely replacing it with an artificial one. Therefore, dermatologists are against the use of anti-wrinkle cosmetics until the age of 25, while the body itself copes with the function of restoring water balance.
Video: How to stop aging

Types of anti-wrinkle cosmetics

There are several types of anti-aging cosmetics:

  1. natural (this includes anti-wrinkle masks, folk remedies);
  2. professional anti-aging (these are cosmetics produced by well-known pharmaceutical companies);
  3. nanocosmetics (the latest word in the beauty industry, cosmetics that produce the effect of mesotherapy without acupuncture);
  4. products for internal consumption (by anti-aging cosmetics we mean not only external preparations, but also internal ones, such as the Herbalife database and others).

The main indicator by which anti-wrinkle products are selected is age. Many companies take care of their clients in advance, and the boxes indicate the age we recommend for using the cream. Often anti-aging luxury cosmetics are sold as whole complexes, which greatly facilitates the treatment of wrinkles and folds.

It is worth noting that sometimes there are situations in which a woman is only 30 years old, but wrinkles and age spots, which are very difficult to get rid of, look much older. In this case, we advise you to consult a dermatologist, because here you need to rely not on the age of the skin, but on its condition.

According to the advice of leading dermatologists and endocrinologists, you can distribute cosmetics for different age groups in the following way:

Which cosmetics are the best (table)

In order to draw certain conclusions, we suggest that you read our independent review of anti-aging cosmetics. We have collected the most popular products on the domestic market in this table. We present this list:

Name Manufacturer country Note
OriflameSwedenAffordable and popular cosmetics from a Swedish company. The base includes extracts of rare plants and water from pure mountain springs.
Mary KayFranceA company founded by a woman for women. Developed taking into account all age-related characteristics of the dermis of the fair half of humanity. Products can be selected not only by age, but also by skin type.
LieracFranceLierak is a very popular cosmetics in Europe. Unfortunately, these products are often counterfeited and therefore it is advisable to buy them directly from the manufacturer using the company’s official website. Take a closer look at anti-wrinkle products.
FaberlicFranceFrench cosmetics Faberlic is known for its anti-wrinkle products. Particularly popular is a special anti-aging serum, which is used for injection-free mesotherapy.
Olay 45+ Anti-aging products produced by the American company Avon. Quite accessible, the catalog can be purchased from an independent agent. Moreover, if you become an Avon distributor yourself, you will be able to order products of this brand at a discount.
ArmaniFranceIf anti-aging cosmetics are divided by brand, then Armani will be in second place in cost after Dior. This company produces very high-quality anti-wrinkle products, but their price is appropriate.
Dr. Miralles Excellent cosmetics after 50. Helps restore the desired balance of collagen and smooth out not very deep wrinkles.
ChanelFranceHigh-quality French cosmetics Chanel has been produced for about half a century and is distinguished by its hypoallergenicity.
Aroma IsraelIsraelThere are not many cosmetic products from Israel on the domestic market. The basis of these preparations is the healing salt of the Dead Sea.
Dr NonaIsraelDr. Nona is an Israeli cosmetics based on Dead Sea salt, and Dr. Nona is the author of the entire series. There are many lines of cosmetics - both creams and additives.
EukerinGreeceExcellent Greek cosmetics with extract of olive tree and exotic fruits. Before use, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test due to the presence of unusual fruit components in the composition.
DermophilFranceVery good budget cosmetics, a worthy analogue of famous European brand products, which are not accessible to everyone.
GuerlainMade in GermanyGerman scrupulousness and precision became the key to the quality of these cosmetics. It is recommended to use it from the age of 25, but you need to select the right category of products.
OasicsJapanPharmacy cosmetics, you can hardly find them in our stores; these products are classified as medicinal. In addition to lotions and creams, you can also find whitening masks produced by this company and body care products.
Clean lineRussiaRussian cosmetics of excellent quality. Very reasonable price, you can buy the products as a set.
VitexBelarusExcellent Belarusian cosmetics with a reasonable price. The main difference between these products is that they are odorless. This testifies to their natural ingredients and modern production technologies.
DiorFrancePerhaps this is the most expensive cosmetics against age-related facial changes. Some products use hyaluronic acid.
L'OréalFranceThis is probably the most effective anti-wrinkle cosmetics. The composition includes high-quality natural ingredients, extracts of rare herbs and vitamin complexes.
VichyFranceWonderful anti-aging medicinal cosmetics. In the catalog you can find different creams for different skin types and lotions. Not the cheapest, but one of the best for the face.
Yves RocherFranceEuropean, extremely effective cosmetics. Eco-friendly Provençal herbs and herbal infusions are added to the products.
One Hundred Beauty RecipesRussiaAnother Russian company that produces good cosmetics from natural ingredients. It is worth noting that all products are based on folk beauty recipes.
Anti-aging cosmetics Rock (ROC)FranceRoc is a company that has established itself as the best anti-aging cosmetics for women. Initially, this company began as a developer of effective anti-wrinkle products; the quality has not changed over the years.
Gerontol Not very expensive. But quite effective cosmetics are produced in neighboring countries. It is in demand among European women, it is distinguished by good quality products and a reasonable price.

Cosmetics are a purely individual thing, especially anti-aging, so even if you read good reviews about a certain product, be sure to do an allergy test before use, because otherwise, rejuvenation without surgery will not only not help, but will be disastrous.

In addition, the effect will only be after regular use. Depending on the condition of the skin, it may take more than one year. We hope that with our help you have decided what to buy for you. If you are undecided, visit a forum where anti-aging cosmetics are discussed.

When you are twenty and your face shines with health and freshness, you simply don’t think about What will the skin look like in a few decades?.

But youth fades and is replaced by a beautiful velvet age, when the first signs of aging are “crow’s feet” around the eyes.

Push back old age and creams designed specifically for the area around the eyes will help you get rid of the disease. What should you pay attention to when choosing a cream? We will answer this question in more detail in the article.

Age-related skin features

After 50 years, internal changes in the body brightly reflected on women's skin.

At this age, the body needs additional care, hydration, vitamins and minerals.

Leather becomes flabby from the fact that the amount of collagen and elastin is significantly reduced; dark circles appear under the eyes and form; increasingly noticeable.

What are these changes related to? Unfortunately, with age, the body begins to work less efficiently and needs more help.

Therefore, if you did not lead an active healthy lifestyle in your youth, then in “mature” age, skin features will inevitably appear.

Wanting to get rid of signs of age, women need to use not only day cream, but also nourishing night so that the skin is protected for 24 hours.

  • hyaluronic acid, which is necessary for ladies of any age, as it actively penetrates the skin structure, abundantly moisturizes and nourishes it. After use, it makes the face toned, elastic and “fresh”;
  • vitamins E and C have several properties;
  • First of all, they protect the face from negative influences, eliminate inflammation, and prevent the development of acne.

  • retinol especially necessary in the summer, as it protects against exposure to UF rays;
  • peptides They began to be actively used in cosmetology relatively recently, but at the same time they have a beneficial effect on the skin: they moisturize, start the regeneration process, eliminate wrinkles, and restore microdamages.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, you should pay special attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - 97% of creams from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

What properties should they have?

Since, first of all, a good age cream should have the following properties: hydration and nutrition, it is necessary to choose creams with a light structure, since excessive oiliness can cause bags under the eyes and shine on the face.

When choosing a cream, pay attention to the composition; do not use one that contains too many nutrients.

They can call allergic reaction when entering the structure.

Give preference to those creams that have natural ingredients.

What to look for when choosing?

When choosing a cream, many are confused: what to look for? What should you study? How to choose? To speed up decision making, stick to a few rules:

  • pay attention to age recommendations;
  • study the composition of the product, choose those that contain the recommended components;
  • study the date of manufacture and expiration date of the cream;
  • rely on reviews from relatives and friends.

List of the best

Despite the fact that there are currently numerous cosmetic brands on the market, women prefer the best creams, which will be discussed below:

  1. Cream "Liftactive dermoresurs", presented by one of the oldest companies Vichy is one of the most effective today. The natural components and oils included in the composition have a beneficial effect on the skin as a whole: it becomes tightened and elastic, wrinkles become less noticeable, and pigment spots disappear. The product is light in structure, applied to the face daily in the morning.
  2. Moisturizing Bio-cream from the Russian brand Black Pearl is a representative of economical cosmetics.
  3. Despite the fact that its cost is small, it actively moisturizes the skin, eliminates dark circles and discoloration, evening out the entire face; quickly smooths out wrinkles.

  4. Collagen from librederm is unique and in demand among women. The cream, penetrating into the skin, fills voids, which allows you to even out the skin's texture, smoothes wrinkles, and protects against the negative effects of the environment. It must be applied not only to the skin of the face, but also to the neck and décolleté, which will lead to a greater effect.

Considering the fact that at an elegant age, first of all wrinkles form around the eyes, women choose nourishing creams that target the area around the eyes.

Let's look at the best of them:

  1. Eye area product "Vitamin E" from Librederm is very popular. After prolonged use, the skin quickly tightens, dark circles and bags disappear. Due to its lightness, the cream quickly penetrates the skin structure and does not cause discomfort during the day.
  2. Moisturizing non-stop 24 hours from Garnier actively neutralizes toxins, nourishes the skin, peptides quickly tighten the skin.
  3. And the light structure and refreshing effect give additional energy that lasts throughout the day.

  4. One of the inexpensive remedies is considered to be an anti-inflammatory cream. Biocon, which, thanks to leech extract, fights all age-related features.

Of course, youth fades, and former beauty remains only in memories of the past.

But it is worth focusing on age, everyone is unique at any moment in life.

And in order for the skin to be healthy and elastic any day, use anti-aging creams from the best cosmetic manufacturers.

You can learn how to tighten your face shape after 50 years from the video:

The first facial wrinkles can form as early as 25 years of age. With age, their number increases, the oval of the face changes, the folds deepen, giving the face a tired look. A properly selected cream will help improve your skin condition. Women over 50 need rich formulas with a maximum content of nutrients that restore the epidermis and prevent the formation of new wrinkles.

It is difficult for mature women to get by with just one cream for all occasions. A complex of products that not only fight wrinkles, but also perform other important functions, works more effectively. The necessary drugs can be found in any price category, from mass to luxury. They can be purchased in series, but some women prefer to choose the most effective products from different lines.

In a woman's cosmetic bag fifty There should be the following cream options:

  1. Moisturizing. The product with a light, quickly absorbing texture replenishes the lack of moisture. Making skin smoother and firmer. The cream smoothes fine wrinkles well, eliminates flaking, and cosmetics lie on a more even layer. There are day and night options, but universal products that can be used before bed or applied under makeup as a base are especially convenient.
  2. Protective. Day cream containing sunscreen filters. Covers the skin with the thinnest film, visually evens it out, prevents photoaging and prevents the appearance of new wrinkles. It can have different textures: semi-liquid, thick, gel-like. Use as a stand-alone product or again under makeup.
  3. Nutritious. A necessary remedy for women fifty years. Usually applied at night, it replenishes the lack of lipids. Restores skin density, eliminates minor damage, improves color. Can be used daily or in courses. It usually has a denser texture, but thanks to modern technologies it is well absorbed without leaving a sticky film. Regular use of nourishing textures will allow a woman not to look like her of the year, staying young longer.
  4. Around eyes. The eyelid area requires special care. The skin here is thinner and completely devoid of natural fat. Wrinkles around the eyes form earlier and are much more difficult to deal with. The cream for this area is quickly absorbed, eliminates fine rays, softens deeper folds, refreshes and brightens the skin, and tightens bags under the eyes.
  5. Cream mask. A new product category with increased nutritional content. Preparations with a peeling effect are especially effective, removing dead particles of the epidermis, eliminating a fine network of wrinkles, giving the face a rested and fresh look. Usually applied before bed, it is quickly absorbed and does not interfere with normal air exchange.
  6. Products for the neck and décolleté. The neck is practically devoid of fat glands, so the skin in this area ages faster. You can apply regular face cream to it, but special products are much more effective. They are used 2 times a day, after morning and evening cleansing of the skin. Creams for the neck and décolleté thicken and tighten the epidermis, make deep transverse folds less noticeable, and eliminate sagging and sagging skin.

Useful components: what creams include

The best anti-wrinkle creams from 50 years must have a rich and balanced composition. Typically, the formula of the product includes at least 10 active components, supplemented by related substances. The following components are especially important for aging skin:

  1. Hyaluronic acid. Regulates the level of natural moisture in the skin, increases its elasticity and firmness. Copes well with fine wrinkles, removes swelling, softens deep folds. Included not only in cosmetic creams, but also in pharmacy ointments.
  2. Retinol or vitamin A. An important element that restores damaged epidermis. Stimulates the formation of your own collagen. Copes well with deep wrinkles and age-related ptosis. In large quantities it is harmful, as it can cause swelling.
  3. Vitamin C. a natural antioxidant found in many nourishing and moisturizing creams. Restores damaged skin, protects from the negative effects of sunlight.
  4. Caffeine. Decongestant and firming agent included in day creams and preparations for the skin around the eyes.
  5. Collagen. Modern creams often use a substance of plant origin obtained from seaweed. Collagen fills wrinkles, making skin smoother and more beautiful.
  6. Natural herbal extracts. Extracts from ginseng, rose, meadow's mantle, ginkgo biloba, golden root, chamomile and other medicinal herbs will help prolong youth.
  7. Natural oils. A necessary component of nourishing creams. They replenish the lack of natural fats, soften and restore the skin, and prevent moisture loss. Anti-aging products include well-refined cosmetic oils: shea butter, almond oil, soybean oil, argan oil, macadamia oil.
  8. Valuable microelements. Many preparations contain gold particles, silver ions, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iodine and other components. They combine well with other substances, inhibit the aging process, and strengthen natural immunity.
  9. Silicones. An indispensable component of day creams. They have a smoothing effect, remove a network of fine wrinkles, and visually rejuvenate the face. Contrary to public opinion, silicones do not harm the skin; on the contrary, they can protect it from the negative effects of the environment.

It is better to use creams with active elements in courses, this will enhance their effectiveness. Cosmetologists recommend using one drug for a month, and then replacing it with a new one. If there is severe swelling, itching or redness of the skin, it is better to refuse the chosen product. Potent drugs can provoke an allergic reaction, so before using a particular drug it is useful to know opinion cosmetologist. Some creams do not combine well with each other; this should be taken into account when choosing preparations for the face and area around the eyes, since they are applied simultaneously.

Which creams to choose

Rating anti-aging products can be found in various magazines. Usually it includes creams of different price categories, sold in pharmacies, chain stores, and supermarkets. When choosing, it is worth considering reviews consumers.

Rich Cream (Yves Rocher). One of the most popular anti-aging products, containing a complex of valuable natural oils: olive, shea butter, almond, soybean. The cream is enriched with plant extracts, vitamins A and C, brightens and tightens the skin, relieves dryness and flaking. Consistently collects positive