What makeup for blondes with blue eyes. Makeup for blondes: application techniques, styles, features of creating an image. Smokey Ice Makeup for Blue Eyes

Blonde beauties are incredibly lucky, because makeup for blondes with blue eyes can be done in different colors. Perhaps, it is precisely such natural data that many men consider the standard of female beauty. It is only necessary to correctly emphasize the appearance with decorative cosmetics, and not spoil the impression with an illiterate make-up.

Sometimes girls with blond hair can face an unpleasant problem - fading. But it can be easily removed with a small amount of cosmetics. Considering all the factors, the experts gave some important tips for blondes.

  • It is recommended to use translucent watercolor shades. otherwise, makeup can be daring and defiant.
  • Mother-of-pearl shadows are allowed only for an evening look. but not for daytime.

  • Eyelashes are allowed to emphasize with black mascara, since often by nature in blondes they are thin and inconspicuous. You can not impose too many layers, as you risk making the image vulgar.
  • Blue mascara, which blondes love so much, is suitable only for young girls. Black mascara is a classic, the only option for older women. Brown pencil and mascara is the best solution for blondes of any age and status.

  • Particular attention should be paid to the eyebrows. In blondes, they can be too light. Of course, you need to give them a beautiful correct shape. They must be tinted, but not too zealous so that the face does not look artificial. Again, forget the charcoal pencil. Brown or gray is better, which will be 1-2 shades darker than the natural color of the eyebrows.
  • Pinkish blush will give freshness and attractiveness. And add vigor!

  • It is most appropriate (according to experts) to choose blue, gray, sky blue or lilac-violet shadows. For lovers of natural makeup, delicate beige, peach, milky-coffee colors are suitable. Shadows for blondes with blue eyes must be carefully shaded. Transitions between shades should not be visible. Rough strokes will easily destroy all the charm of a gentle image.
  • For every day, pick up lipstick in light brown and pink shades. Alas, juicy scarlet tones were banned. And the rich color of lipstick is more recommended for brunettes.

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  • And yet, to create a festive image of the "fatal blonde" sometimes intense berry shades can be used. If the lips are painted in a bright color, then the eye makeup should be restrained. Definitely, colored shadows (blue, green, purple) must be abandoned. Natural beige tones are acceptable, and the eye contour is highlighted in brown or black.

Blonde makeup based on hair color

The range of shades of hair that fits the category of "blonde" is extremely wide. Accordingly, the makeup of different types will be slightly different. Natural hair tones are really diverse. They can be conditionally divided into four categories.

  • Girls with golden wheaten hair and fair skin can use light pink, peach (apricot), bronze and purple shades.
  • If you have pale skin combined with blond hair, then blue and azure shades are ideal in combination with soft pink lipstick.

  • For beauties with ashy hair and pale skin light blue, delicate golden brown, soft chocolate shades are recommended. Under the eyebrow - beige shades. Apricot or coral lipstick will complete the look.
  • Owners of dark skin and honey-colored hair a composition of shadows in a muted blue tones is perfect, it is possible with a silvery sheen. Eyelashes cover with two layers of brown or blue mascara.

General rule: the darker the hair color, the richer the shadows can be.

As you may have noticed, skin color also matters when choosing cosmetics. In most cases, blond girls have pale skin. In this case, it is not recommended to use juicy shades of decorative cosmetics in makeup. Only dark-skinned blondes are allowed to be a little bolder in makeup.

Day makeup for blondes with blue eyes

Don't Create Contrasting Transitions, avoid saturated shades. The best choice is a natural peach-beige, as well as a cold gray-blue gamma. You can diversify your daily make-up with light pink, lavender shades.

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Owners of light brown hair can do makeup in light brown or golden hues. Then you will definitely eliminate the problem of fading and make your eyes expressive.

At the end of the article, we will give one of the popular schemes for performing a daily make-up for girls with blond hair in stages.

Evening makeup for blondes with blue eyes

For a festive exit, experiments with color are welcome!

  • Try applying eye shadow with a slightly damp applicator. The hue will appear with greater force.

  • Of course, it is impossible to refuse stunning smokey ice makeup. Only blondes need to replace black shadows with deep gray or deep brown. For more effect, add pearl or lilac shadows.
  • Purple shadows can also be applied only for an evening out. In the daytime, they give a certain artistry to the overall image, which is not always appropriate.

  • If the eyes are not applied many layers of shadows, then you can highlight the lips with a bright color. Ask, how about a seductive make-up with red lipstick? Blondes should use this make-up carefully. Such an image can become mega charming and seductive! But if that's what you're looking for, then why not? Recall that together with red lipstick, it is inappropriate to use any colored shadows, except for natural beige. But it’s hard to do without eyeliner and mascara in black or brown (but not blue!) at a party! Very often you can see star blondes with red lipstick! And it looks especially solemn and luxurious in combination with a red dress, as in the photo.
  • Do you have ashy hair? Try cherry or plum lipstick. And if you are the owner of honey hair, then experiment with burgundy or lingonberry. Pearly shades of lipstick (especially pink) will give an incredible freshness to the overall look.

Wedding makeup for blondes with blue eyes

Of course, girls prepare especially carefully for the wedding day! Let's describe the main features of wedding makeup for a blonde, which will help turn her into a real princess!

Blond hair and blue eyes - this is perhaps one of the most beautiful combinations. As practice shows, it is these features that are very much appreciated in show business. So, for example, the image of Kate Hudson, Julianne Hugh and Charlize Theron is immediately remembered as the brightest representatives of this color type. According to makeup artists, in this case, you can use all the color possibilities to the maximum.

However, in practice we meet with a slightly different experience. In everyday life, blue-eyed blondes face such a problem as fading, therefore they are hostages of a rather bright everyday make-up. In addition, makeup for blondes with blue eyes must be correctly performed, combined and in harmony with the external image.

Otherwise, the "unnatural" effect of the Barbie doll is obtained. How to always look beautiful and natural to fair-haired beauties with the color of eyes of celestial azure, we will now tell in more detail.

It's no secret that women with blond hair and blue eyes always look very gentle and romantic. It is this trend that you should try to maintain in makeup. Priority for blue-eyed blondes should be placed on the eyes, but do not forget that the lips should also look beautiful and well-groomed. Eyebrows should be given special attention to fair-haired beauties. If your natural eyebrow color is light, it is advisable to tint them regularly with a special paint. If the eyebrows are dark and even black, they should be carefully plucked, giving the correct shape. Do not forget that your eye makeup should begin with the eyebrows.

As for the shadows, almost all the colors of the shadows are perfect for blondes with blue eyes. But do not forget about the most suitable ones - these are blue, blue, gray and purple. But even here there are nuances. First of all, experts advise choosing the right colors in accordance with your hair shade. For example, light blue and silver shades, blue mascara and pink lipstick are suitable for honey-colored hair. For women with an ashy shade of hair, blue and brown shades, as well as peach lipstick, are perfect. For fair-haired blondes, blue and azure colors of shadows with light pink-gold lipstick will suit the color of the eyes. With this combination, the image of a blue-eyed diva will always be on top.

Correct accents

If you have blond hair and light blue eyes, you should give up sharp tonal transitions, as well as rich black eyeliners and pencils. This will make your image catchy and vulgar. The best solution in this case is a brown pencil and ink (you can also use blue). The gray tone of the pencil looks beautiful. As for lip makeup, lipsticks and glosses in light brown and pink shades are the best choice. But dark red tones and scarlet color need to beware. And don't forget to finish your makeup with blush. Light pinkish shades will emphasize the natural beauty and give the face freshness and vivacity.

How to apply?

So, let's look at how to apply makeup to blondes with blue eyes step by step.

  1. Before applying shadows and lipstick, blue-eyed blondes should pay special attention to the color and condition of the skin of the face. Under the base tone or powder, be sure to apply a moisturizer. If there are no obvious skin imperfections, then you can use only light loose powder. Remember that in this color type it is important to apply foundation very easily, as it can add unnecessary “heaviness” to makeup.
  2. Then we shape the eyebrows and, if necessary, tint them with a brown pencil.
  3. Apply some white pearl shadows around the eyes.
  4. On the entire line of the lower eyelid and upper movable we apply a light lilac tone of shadows.
  5. We shade the inner corner of the eye with a coral tone, and the outer one with pink.
  6. For eyelashes, take light brown mascara
  7. Lips can be lined with a brown-orange pencil and painted over with lipstick of the corresponding color.
  8. We complete the look by applying a light pinkish blush on the cheekbones.
  9. Here is a daily makeup for blond hair ready!


We figured out what is suitable and how to do the right makeup for blue-eyed blondes step by step, now it’s worth considering a few options for the most common images. The fact is that many girls complain that with such a color type it is difficult for them to choose the right shadows for an evening look, as well as for a daytime one. In the first case, the make-up often turns out to be very catchy and bright, in the other case, on the contrary, it is faded and “gray”. That is why we offer you a small selection of the most beautiful make-up options for all occasions.

Daytime make-up technique

Day makeup for blue eyes and light brown hair is best done in a “cold” style, that is, using light-colored shades with pink powder and a small amount of mother-of-pearl. In this case, the image is a little pale, but with a very light and fresh effect. This gives a special appeal to the eyes, as in the photo.

Evening make-up

To make evening makeup for blue-eyed blondes look perfect, you should give preference to rich shades and deep colors. In this case, since the artificial light creates additional reflections, it is best to apply a denser layer of foundation with a bronze tint. For a more intense effect, shadows can be applied wet. You can see in more detail in the photo, as well as how to do makeup, the video will once again demonstrate step by step.


Natural makeup for blue eyes

Makeup for blondes

Blonde curls give freshness to the skin of the face, so the right makeup creates the image of a gentle innocent girl. It is the feminine light image that is preferred by more men.

Following the laws of fashion trends, many blond beauties forget about the measure when creating makeup, making it vulgar or boring. Therefore, before creating a stunning image, you need to determine the tone of the blond. Cold shades of hair do not go well with bright colors of shadows, and warm ones vice versa.

The correct hairline is the first step to perfect makeup. Shadows can be selected depending on the shade of the hair. Ash blonde and other cool tones go well with purple, blue and pink. Owners of wheat color are recommended to experiment with brown.

Minimalist makeup is welcome for girls with golden, honey, blond curls. Shadows of the pale orange spectrum are ideal for blondes with blue eyes and warm hair color. Stylists especially highlight brick, copper, ocher and sand tones of shadows. Bright accents should be avoided because the color of the iris does not tolerate them.

Wedding makeup is always done in stages:

  • alignment of the texture and complexion (concealer, foundation, loose mineral powder);
  • applying blush of a natural shade with a thin layer (you need to process the protruding parts of the cheekbones, the edge of the jaw line, earlobes, the tip of the nose);
  • shaping the eyebrow line with a pencil or shadows (darkening is not desirable).

The color palette of shadows, eyeliners and mascara must be selected individually, depending on the shade of the hair. Pale-skinned blue-eyed blondes will suit gray, steel, silver shades. More intense colors can afford the owners of ashy, pearl, platinum curls.

Before applying shadows, you need to prepare the skin of the eyelids with a foundation and corrector.

The use of black liner or eyeliner should be avoided. Dark brown shades are best. There are no restrictions on the choice of mascara.

General rules for applying makeup on blue eyes:

  • shadows should be applied moderately;
  • first apply dark tones of shadows, then shade them with light ones;
  • with mascara for blue eyes, it is necessary to tint only the upper eyelashes in 2-3 layers.

Lipstick should not be too intense (beige, peach, coral and plum shades are great).

Advice! On the wedding day, makeup should be combined not only with hair and eye color, but also with outfit, accessories, bouquet.

What if the eyes are grey-blue?

Gray-blue eyes allow the blonde to experiment with makeup choices. If you choose the right shade, the pupils can change color from dark gray to sky blue.

In 2016, it is fashionable to paint the upper eyelid with orange, but it is not suitable for everyone. Owners of gray-blue eyes are lucky. All shades of the palette perfectly emphasize the depth of the look. Yellow and brick tones also look good due to the contrast between the blueness of the eyeballs and the eyelids.

What colors to choose?

  • for the mystery of the look and its drama, stylists recommend pale blue, pink, purple, azure and shades;
  • a spectacular memorable image is created using dark blue shadows;
  • in summer, a turquoise shade is perfect for gray-blue eyes (you need to pay attention to a girl with small spots on the pupils and thick eyelashes);

  • fair-skinned fashionistas are appropriate to use shades of purple or lavender;
  • dark-skinned blondes with gray-blue eyes will suit the colors of champagne, amber and chocolate;
  • silvery shadows can give the eyes a steely tint;
  • emphasize blueness with pastel colors.

Advice!Bright shades of shadows are suitable for gray-blue eyes, but it is better to use them for evening events. During the day they look a little defiant.

Step by step instructions for flawless makeup

Before you start applying makeup, you need to correlate the blue color of the eyes with the shade of the hair.

Honey shades of hair look good with silver or light blue shadows. Brown and blue ink will look original. In this case, vulgarity and excessive flashiness are excluded. Powder is selected to match the skin tone. Rose gold or rose coral lipstick is the perfect complement to the look.

Fair-haired blondes with blue eyes are better off choosing blue shades. In combination with peach or pink nude powder and light pink lipstick, the makeup will be completed.

To achieve flawless permanent make-up you need:

  • Cleanse the face from pre-applied cosmetics, wash and apply foundation with powder on the skin.
  • Prepare the skin of the eyelids by matting it with a concealer of a natural shade.
  • Apply light shadows to the inner corner of the eyelid. White or shades of silver are perfect.

  • Apply brick-colored shadows to the middle part of the eyelid.
  • Treat the outer corner of the eyelid with ocher shadows. If the eyes are large, white shadows on this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin will also come in handy.
  • Blend all applied colors so that the colors shimmer smoothly.
  • Highlight the upper eyelid with a brown pencil.
  • Treat the lower eyelid with a light beige pencil.
  • Apply colored or black mascara (preferably brown) to the upper eyelashes.
  • An oriental look can be made using thin arrows. For festive makeup, it is recommended to use rhinestones and sparkles.

If you can’t find the perfect makeup for yourself, stop at the smokey ice technique. It is suitable for any face shape.

In order for the makeup to last as long as possible and look great, one selection of colors is not enough. Only high-quality cosmetics can refresh your face and remain unchanged from morning until late at night.

Blondes are almost always under the scrutiny of others. Literally everything is discussed in their image - from outfit to gait. Therefore, makeup for them is of particular importance, it should be unobtrusive and harmonious. The slightest deviation from the standard - and you can become either a pale toadstool or a defiant person.

Everything has to be taken into account - the color of the eyes, hair, dresses and stylistic orientation. Let's try to master this art to look perfect.


To create beautiful makeup for blondes, there are little tricks that professional makeup artists use.

  1. Use styles and, they allow you to emphasize natural naturalness.
  2. Avoid thick foundations. The ideal option is a transparent primer, moisturizing BB cream, mineral powder (reflective particles are acceptable).
  3. Light blush is best applied in a transparent layer using a wide brush.
  4. Brownish shades of shadows - for winter blondes, peach - for freckles, pinkish-coral - for very white ones.
  5. Ink - brown or gray.
  6. Lipstick - matte light, from beige or grayish shades.

If it’s difficult for you to deal with color types and take into account the palette of eyes, hair and outfit at the same time, use these universal tips, and there will be no problems. But if you can, the result can exceed expectations.

Comfort for blondes. According to statistics, blond hair is thicker than dark hair: there are about 150,000 hairs on the head of a blonde, which is 1.5 times more than that of brunettes, and 2 times more than that of brown-haired women.

Depending on color type

When applying makeup, be sure to take into account the color of the eyes and the shade of the blond.

For blue-eyed

  1. Makeup for blondes with blue eyes is dangerous because there is always a risk of going aside and making the image either too bright or pale and uninteresting. Therefore, we have to look for the golden mean.
  2. The color type becomes decisive here: a cold blond looks bad with a bright palette, a warm one - on the contrary.
  3. Makeup artists recommend using gray, blue, blue, purple shadows. They will not weigh down the image and will be in harmony with the hair color.

For the green-eyed

  1. Shadows can be lavender, peach, pale beige or chocolate.
  2. Ink - brown or gray. Black is allowed only as part of evening makeup.
  3. Lipstick: for a festive appearance - bright scarlet or pastel with a cherry sheen. For the day - berry, coral, peach, salmon, raspberry.
  4. But it is most correct to focus on the shade of the eyes (see table).

For brown-eyed

  1. Blonde girls with brown eyes are a rarity, so they will have to take the longest time with makeup.
  2. Make-up assumes a maximum, including primer and concealer.
  3. The most winning shadows are pastel colors: pink, green, sand, beige. Too light will make the face tired, and mother-of-pearl will create the effect of puffiness.
  4. Eyebrows would be nice to draw with a gray pencil.
  5. The eyeliner is black, and it is better to gradually thicken it towards the outer edge. Brown will give the mucous membrane of the eyes the effect of inflammation. The line along the lower cilia needs to be shaded.
  6. Ink can be either black or brown.

For grey-eyed

  1. Blondes with gray eyes are considered by makeup artists to be the most sophisticated and delicate.
  2. It is better for them to choose warm shades that will make the image soft and airy.
  3. An excellent solution - light beige, chocolate tones, shades of coffee with milk and eggshells, orange-yellow, apricot, salmon, orange-red colors.
  4. You can create interesting combinations with azure blue, apple green and sapphire shades.

If we summarize the information, we get the following table:

Depending on the shade of blonde

Blondes are different, respectively, and makeup can be very different. What is suitable for ashen hair is hardly suitable for golden hair. It is difficult to determine this on your own, experts know such subtleties. But let's at least try ... The table below contains 13 shades with a description and a suitable palette of cosmetics.

It is interesting. Most natural blondes are born in Sweden, Russia, Finland, Germany and Denmark. 1/3 Scandinavia - the owners of blond hair.

Style directions

Consider a few step-by-step instructions for applying makeup in different styles.


  1. To mask skin imperfections, it is recommended to use a primer and concealer.
  2. The foundation can be taken in shade No. 1. It is applied to the entire face, lips and eyelids.
  3. Light powder with a large brush. The rest can be removed with a tissue.
  4. To define the contours of the face, sculpt (you will need a beveled brush) with dry concealer or matte shadows in warm browns. In this case, all the recesses are darkened, and the bulges are highlighted.
  5. Blush you need to choose a pink or peach shade.
  6. Finely blend the borders with your fingers.
  7. It is permissible to apply very pale, almost imperceptible pink shadows on the eyelids.
  8. With a light brown gel eyeliner, draw an ultra-thin line at the eyelashes. Until dry, blend.
  9. Paint over the upper lashes in 1 layer with brown mascara. The lower ones are undesirable.
  10. Lip gloss, take pink, coral shades. If lipstick, then only muted tones from a berry, salmon, peach or raspberry palette.


  1. Work with primer and concealer.
  2. Tonal cream take a tone darker than the color of the skin.
  3. Powder the face, eyelids, lips.
  4. Light base shadows are applied to the entire eyelid, starting from the eyebrow itself and ending with its moving part.
  5. Richly highlight the eyelids with brown shadows with golden sparkles. Blend under the brow. Draw a crease with the same shade.
  6. With a dark brown liner, make arrows along the entire lash line, bending them up. The outer corners of the eyes are dotted with brown or golden hues.
  7. Bright scarlet lipstick and coral blush complete the evening look.

Brown-eyed blondes are allowed to experiment with red lipstick, but do not overdo it.


  1. Blondes tend to have fair skin, so foundation should be a light pink, pinkish-flesh, pinkish-white shade.
  2. Blush - peach or pinkish coral.
  3. Lipstick is better to take from a cold range (for example, pink, plum, purple).
  4. For eyebrows, light brown shimmering shadows or a pencil of the same color, but with sparkles, are suitable.
  5. For eye makeup, you can use blue, gray, silver, light blue, chocolate, bronze shadows in 2-3 layers.
  6. carefully and beautifully drawn with black liquid eyeliner.
  7. Eyelashes are twisted and stained in several layers with black or dark brown mascara.
  1. Correct problem areas with concealer.
  2. Create a tone or cream with a light and airy consistency.
  3. Apply a liquid highlighter with shimmery particles to the cheekbones.
  4. Powder should be combined with a tonal foundation and blend well.
  5. Pale pink blush is applied to the powder in 1 layer.
  6. Comb your eyebrows. For coloring, choose a shade darker than the hair color by 1 tone. Use pencil or shadow.
  7. Make-up is better to create in brown, sand, cream, beige shades.
  8. It is allowed to use no more than 2 shades of shadows.
  9. Brown mascara is applied in one layer only on the upper row of eyelashes.
  10. It is better not to use eyeliners and pencils.
  11. Lipstick - soft berry, natural beige, pale pink or soft wine. It will be successfully replaced by a transparent gloss.

Be sure to consider the situation for which you are creating makeup. Only in this way you can create an impeccable image of a blonde who knows how to manage cosmetics.

through the pages of history. The first woman to artificially lighten her hair was the wife of Napoleon III, Empress Eugenie.

Depending on the outfit

Usually the problem of matching an outfit with makeup arises when creating an evening look in which color errors cannot be made. Let's see what makeup artists have to say about this.

Red dress

Under the red dress, you need to choose soft pastel shades so that the image does not turn out to be too disharmonious and flashy.

  • pink, orange, light coral (for green-eyed blondes);
  • vanilla, beige, pastel (gray-eyed and blue-eyed);
  • dark black, bright red, scarlet, matching the dress (brown-eyed).
  • white, light beige, silver (wheat, honey, golden blondes);
  • jet black (pearl, ash, platinum);
  • mother-of-pearl, light pink (strawberry, coral).

blue dress

With the right selection of shades, creating makeup for a blue dress is not difficult. Especially those whose color type is winter, i.e. platinum, ash and pearl blond with gray and blue eyes, will especially benefit.

  • light beige (for summer color type);
  • plum-burgundy (make-up with dark lipstick will be ideal for “winter”).
  • brown, green, ocher (for brown eyes);
  • brown, silver, beige (green-eyed);
  • peach, pink, smoky (for blue-eyed blondes).

Green dress

There is a myth that green dresses are not suitable for blondes. But if you choose the right palette, others will envy the bright and outrageous image that will result.

  • under an emerald dress - nude (for summer blondes), bright red (for winter ones);
  • under a gray-green dress - neutral pink or beige.
  • plum, purple, golden sand, yellow (summer color type);
  • (winter).

Note. The most common mistake blondes make is choosing a green palette for a dress of this color.

Black dress

Black color slims and gives the figure elegance. Such a dress will be a success both at a party with friends and at business negotiations.

  • all shades of red;
  • rich burgundy;
  • juicy cherry.

Makeup eye:

  • smokey ice (a great makeup option for cold blondes);
  • clearly visible, bright arrows (black, blue or dark brown);
  • false eyelashes in blue, dark brown or black.

Watch video tutorials, make an appointment with the master, consult with experts. And you will master this difficult art.

How to make beautiful makeup at home? About this in ours.

Of all the fair sex, it is the blond beauties who need the competent selection of individual makeup.

After all, harmony in a gentle, sophisticated image is so easy to spoil with the wrong combination of various shades of decorative cosmetics.

When choosing a color palette for makeup, you should consider the following nuances:

  • hair color;
  • face shape;
  • eye shape and pupil color;
  • shade and skin type.

Golden Rules of Makeup

Modern trends dictate fashion for everything natural and natural, and the use of decorative cosmetics is no exception.

Today, daytime make-up for blondes is necessary only as a means of masking skin defects, emphasizing the advantages given by nature and correcting minor imperfections.

Blonde girls should approach the purchase of cosmetics with great care and caution.

After all, the main goal is to minimize flaws and focus on attractive facial features. This can be achieved by underlining:

  • delicate, fair skin and soft blush;
  • depth and expressiveness of the eyes;
  • clear outlines of soft, swollen lips.

When choosing a palette of shades for daily use, you should use the golden rule: the lighter the color of the curls, the softer and more delicate the colors of decorative cosmetics should be.

Therefore, owners of blond curls are ideally suited for muted, pastel colors. This applies not only to blush and shadows, but also to lipstick.

Strands of hair, devoid of bright color pigment, create the illusion of transparency of the skin, making it look paler than it really is.

The pearlescent sheen found in powder and foundation can add radiance and nobility to the face.

Toning products with shiny particles equally well complement both daytime and evening make-up for blondes.

When choosing a base for makeup, it is necessary to build on skin color, powder and foundation should be 1 tone darker.

At the same time, owners of cold shades of hair should give preference to the colors of the cold spectrum, and vice versa.

The key to a good make-up, even complexion without visible signs of skin flaws:

  • Representatives of the fair half, who have peeling of the upper layer of the skin, with the manifestation of age spots and reddened areas, need to moisturize and tone the skin.
  • The foundation should match the type and color of the skin.
  • Nasolabial folds and in the area under the eyes are pre-lightened with a corrector.
  • Contouring the oval of the face is done with a concealer and several shades of powder. Blend the transitions with a wide brush with natural bristles, this will make the lines smooth and soft.

We focus on the eyes

Very often, in natural blondes, not only hair, but also eyebrows and eyelashes are deprived of coloring pigment.

If bright pupils are added to such a combination, then the eyes, no matter how beautiful the cut is, can hardly be called expressive.

To give the look depth and piercing, be sure to highlight the eyebrows with special shadows or a pencil.

Looking at photos of makeup for blondes in glossy magazines, it can be noted that girls look the most organic, whose eyebrow color is only slightly darker than curls.

Blonde girls without fear can choose any light colors of shadows, applying them not only on the upper eyelid, but also on the under the brow part, paying due attention to the corners of the eyes, near the bridge of the nose.

The final chord will be arrows and eyelash coloring. It is these simple steps that will help create the illusion of wide-open eyes.

Blush will give makeup freshness

To apply dry blush, use a wide brush. It is desirable that her bristles are soft and natural. With the help of blush, you can easily emphasize the cheekbones and give the face freshness.

Dark-skinned or tanned blondes will look great with brown shades of blush on the cheeks.

Pale-faced girls with porcelain skin can use coral or pink tones, applying them in a thin transparent layer.

If your skin is adorned with a scattering of cute freckles, opt for peach shades.

If the main colors of makeup interspersed with gold and bronze, by the way, will be ocher blush.

We select cosmetics for blue-eyed ladies

Sky-colored pupils, combined with blond curls framing the face, give the image an almost angelic expression.

How to properly emphasize natural virtues? Makeup for blondes with blue eyes should preferably be made up of pastel colors, applying them with a thin transparent layer.

Opt for natural pearl shades, as well as intermediate shades from blue to gray, or from soft pink to pale purple, they will emphasize the sky blue of the eyes.

The same colors will organically fit into makeup for blondes with gray eyes.

You should not line your eyes with a black pencil, use a brown or gray outline for this purpose.

With special care it is necessary to approach the choice of carcass.

Black resin brasmatiks with the effect of elongation and volume look great in evening make-up, but in daytime options, lighter colors are preferable:

  • grey
  • brown
  • blue or green (exclusively for young fashionistas)

They will make the image complete, but at the same time absolutely not vulgar.

Pay attention to the photo of eye makeup for blondes, made by professional stylists. Surely you can choose the option that is right for you.

Blond bride

The makeup of the bride depends on many small details. Even the shade of the wedding dress and the flowers in the bride's bouquet should not be overlooked, all these nuances play a huge role.

Traditional blonde wedding makeup does not tolerate bright flashy colors.

However, this rule can be neglected if you want to break the accepted charter and have a wedding in an unusual provocative style.

Delicate shades of gold, warm brown, pink, turquoise can be complemented with mother-of-pearl shine. On this day, the girl is simply obliged to radiate sparkling light, in all her ways.

It will not be superfluous to use gloss on the lips. A clear contour, outlined with a pencil or a special eyeliner, and lipstick in two shades will make the lips voluminous and inviting.

Photos of makeup options for blondes