When and where to collect Epiphany water. Five facts about Epiphany water: where to get it and how to use it. What time is water blessed on the feast of the Epiphany?

Holy water at Epiphany has miraculous powers that help people improve their health. This applies to both physical and mental illnesses. It is used for sprinkling homes, vehicles, and animals. Epiphany water helps when a small child is often capricious at night. You need to wash the child and he will become calmer. It will also help in cases where a person at work has tense relationships with the team. You need to discreetly sprinkle your work area. After this, all troubles will bypass the person.

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    How and when is water blessed?

    The Christmas-New Year cycle of religious holidays, which begin on Christmas Day, ends on January 19 on the day of Epiphany. The holiday is associated with the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River by John the Baptist, during which the Holy Spirit descended from heaven in the form of a dove. At this time, a ritual called the “Great Blessing of Water” is carried out in every church. According to the teachings of the Orthodox Church, thanks to this rite, water in reservoirs throughout the earth is sanctified.

    Holy Epiphany water can be taken from every church once a year on January 19th. It is distributed in the temple after the service.

    Among some believers, it is customary to collect life-giving moisture twice. It must be taken into account that the water that is given to parishioners on January 18 is no different from the water that is blessed on January 19. The fact that the water is illuminated twice occurs for historical reasons: the first time - on the eve of Epiphany in the temple, and the second time - after the consecration of springs, lakes, and rivers.

    It is generally accepted that water is sacred from 12 o’clock at night, but this is not entirely true. It becomes special from approximately 6 pm on January 18th and retains its properties until lunchtime on January 19th. After this, life-giving moisture in reservoirs is considered normal.

    Water is collected in the temple on the day of the Epiphany. According to church regulations, the holiday continues for another week. BYou can take the sacred baptismal life-giving moisture in the temple on January 20 and a few more days after that.

    You need to collect it from the tap in the time period from 00:10 to 01:30 on the night of January 18th to 19th. This time is the best.

    What kind of container should you use?

    To collect Epiphany water, you should use containers that are intended only for this purpose and are used from year to year.

    Glass containers and tanks are suitable for this. It is often collected in large plastic bottles.

    An important condition is the utmost cleanliness of the dishes. It is imperative to remove all stickers from the container. Using vodka or beer bottles is blasphemy.

    Miraculous properties

    There is an opinion according to which the life-giving moisture of Epiphany has miraculous properties due to the presence in it of silver ions from the cross and a bowl made of the same metal, but this is not so. The fact is that the percentage of precious metals in modern church utensils is very low.

    Holy water for Epiphany receives its unique properties after reading church prayers due to the presence of the grace of the Holy Spirit in it.

    It is used in the morning on an empty stomach. If a person is sick, then you can drink it after meals. If necessary, it is combined with medications.

    You should drink no more than half a glass a day. If a person is seriously ill, then he is allowed to consume it in unlimited quantities.

    Epiphany life-giving moisture helps both with physical ailments and in difficult mental states, grief, and depression. It relieves increased anxiety and irritability.

    Water from Epiphany helps to get rid of toxins. To do this you need to pour 1 tbsp. l. water in a glass of ordinary boiled water and drink in the morning before meals. It helps to increase the tone of the body, relieve headaches, and get rid of conjunctivitis.

    After consumption, you must definitely pray for healing.

    If painful sensations are present, you should apply a compress moistened with it.

    How to use the Great Shrine?

    The consecrated life-giving moisture should be used only with good intentions.

    It can be used for sprinkling objects, apartments and houses, vehicles, animals, plants.

    To ensure that a warm and friendly atmosphere always reigns in the house, you should sprinkle every corner of the house. The following words must be uttered: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!” Each family member should take a sip and wash with it.

    If Epiphany water runs out, then you can add plain water to it, and then all of it will become holy.

    How to drink correctly

    On the day of the holiday, you can drink life-giving moisture throughout the day. On other days it is consumed on an empty stomach with prayer. You should drink half a glass at a time.

    You can not only drink holy water, but also anoint yourself with it, like holy oil.

    How to store Epiphany water?

    Epiphany water remains consecrated from Epiphany to Epiphany, provided there is a sufficiently reverent attitude towards it as a Great Shrine.

    There are times when life-giving moisture deteriorates. This suggests that its owner has some kind of sin.

    Another reason for the appearance of mold and an unpleasant odor is storing the shrine in the sun. After all, we should not forget that according to physical parameters, Epiphany water still remains water.

    An unfavorable environment at home can have a negative impact: constant quarrels, scandals, swearing, bad words, assault, fornication, adultery. In this case, you should go to church for confession and tell about your problem.

    Spoiled water should be poured into a river or other natural source, under a tree or flowerpot. It can be poured in an untrodden place where people do not walk and dogs do not run.

    What not to do?

    There are a number of prohibitions on handling Epiphany water, which are important for every Christian to know about.

    Epiphany water should not be given to animals to drink. It can only be used to sprinkle them.

    How to sanctify life-giving moisture at home yourself?

    If for some reason you cannot visit the temple, then you can bless the water at home on Epiphany night. For this you will need glassware. A three-liter jar works well. It must be filled from the tap and allowed to stand for a while.

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Epiphany is a major Orthodox holiday. Some people prefer to plunge into the ice hole on this day, while others prefer to bless the water. Such traditions appeared many years ago and have not lost their popularity to this day. The power of Epiphany water puzzles scientists, but ordinary believers are confident that it can heal and give strength.

The history of Epiphany water begins with the advent of the feast of Epiphany and the very fact of baptism in the Jordan River. This happened 2 thousand years ago. History says that at that time Jews came to John the Baptist to be baptized. Thus, they wanted to wash away all their sins. But John did not agree to baptize everyone. According to him, first he had to confess and admit all his sins.

One day Jesus Christ came to be baptized. But John the Baptist did not accept it at first and only after a while gave his consent to the ritual.

Why was Jesus, who had no sins, baptized? Unlike people, he did this to take upon himself their sins. By his example, he showed that a believer cannot help but perform this ritual. Only in this way will he receive a blessing from the Lord, he will have a chance to atone for his sins, overcome fear, pain and torment for the sake of supreme grace.

Epiphany water: the essence

Epiphany water is the water that was consecrated on Epiphany Eve or on the holiday of Epiphany itself (January 18 - 19). These days, thousands of believers and even non-believers of Orthodox Christians gather to illuminate the water. But not everyone knows the essence of this procedure, but it has a very deep meaning.

Everyone must understand that the goal is not to get water and drink it, but to come with pure thoughts to the temple to meet God and receive a blessing from him in the form of consecrated water.

Tradition says that on the day of this great holiday, all the water on the planet becomes holy. This is a manifestation of God's grace and forbearance towards humanity. Cases were established when people collected water not in a certain place, which was previously consecrated by church representatives, but in others, but even such water did not deteriorate over the years.

From what moment is water considered Epiphany? As soon as the first illumination of the water occurred on January 18, we can assume that it acquired unique properties.

There is a misconception that if you drink holy water, all sins will disappear. But that's not true. As religion says, you can atone for your sins only through confession and communion. One should also lead a righteous life.

The power of Epiphany water

Belief in the power of Epiphany water did not appear just like that. Many facts pointing to its peculiarity baffle scientific minds.

It has been proven in practice that Epiphany water:

  • does not deteriorate for a long time even when opened and under the influence of direct sunlight;
  • does not change its taste;
  • no sediment appears in it;
  • has a positive effect on the entire body, well-being and mood.

Skeptics often attribute this to the fact that the water is pre-illuminated using a silver cross placed in the liquid. As a result of the positive effect of silver molecules on the body, an amazing effect occurs. Another fact is that they recommend drinking this water on an empty stomach. Any water drunk in this way will be beneficial. At the same time, metabolism will improve, a person will lose extra pounds, and digestion will improve.

But why doesn’t Epiphany water spoil over the years? Even scientists cannot give a reasonable explanation.

Believers are sure that this is the result of God's favor, and they believe in the power of such water, its ability to heal and be beneficial.

It should be noted that you should not be greedy when lighting the water for Epiphany. There is no need to fill it in liters. It is enough to consecrate just one container, and when the water begins to run out, dilute it with plain water. So the latter will also become baptismal.

The positive effect of such liquid on plants was also noticed: flowers watered with such water began to bloom, and plants that had almost withered came back to life.

Epiphany water: scientific explanation

Many teachings are trying to give a scientific explanation for the phenomenon of Epiphany water. This riddle attracts world-famous professors and ordinary people.

Biophysicists deal with this issue in detail: they take water for analysis at different periods of time, analyze it under a microscope, and conduct chemical experiments.

As a result, a theory arose that explains the beneficial properties of water at Epiphany.

According to scientific conclusions, water acquires unique characteristics due to the fact that the Earth enters such a special position when there is a strong flow of particles that change the properties of water. Scientists can even name specific hours when this happens: January 18 from 17:30 to 23:30 and January 19 from 12:30 to 16:00.

It was possible to determine the time so accurately thanks to the annual observation of this process by scientists. After the specified period, the water quickly returns to its normal state.

Scientists have also found that water is highly susceptible to current conductivity. At certain times its molecules are very active, and at others they are quiet. All this affects the structure of water and its properties subsequently.

The physical explanation of the phenomenon of Epiphany water looks like this:

  1. The earth's shells fluctuate horizontally and vertically.
  2. Under the influence of the Sun, the shells begin to move, and tidal friction begins.
  3. Electromagnetic radiation is emitted into water resources throughout the planet.

A person also feels these changes: at some hours he may be cheerful and cheerful, and at others he may be lethargic and depressed.

The period of Epiphany holidays marks a new phase of the solar cycle. This means that the vibrations will be active, which will immediately affect the structure of the water. The molecules will also be active and affect the human body in a similar way.

Scientists also give the following explanation for the fact that Epiphany water does not spoil for a long time: due to low electrical conductivity, the growth of microorganisms in the liquid slows down, which means that the water will remain in its original form for a long time.

Epiphany water: prayer

Epiphany water will become stronger if you use it together with reading a prayer. Both believers and scientists agree with this. The former will confirm that any ritual in Christianity is impossible without prayer, and the latter have established that when reading a prayer, the frequency of vibrations is equal to the purity of the Earth’s vibrations. This makes the water structure correct and it acquires beneficial properties.

Prayers for Epiphany water can be divided into two types:

  • for lighting an apartment and other premises;
  • for taking water inside.

If you need to protect your home, pour Epiphany water into a small container and pick up a candle. You can also attach a cross to the container if possible. Next you should say a prayer:

Leave the water untouched all night, and in the morning walk through the rooms and sprinkle it in the corners. You can also wash your household with it.

If the water is intended for ingestion, then the following prayer should be read:

There are several rules on how to drink holy water correctly:

  1. Pour the liquid into a separate container.
  2. Drink on an empty stomach in the morning or before bed.
  3. You can use it any number of times a day, in any volume.
  4. After a person has drunk the water, a prayer for healing must be read.
  5. A compress soaked in holy water will help relieve pain.
  6. It is important not to pour out the baptismal water and not to spill a single drop.

If a person has forgotten the prayers listed above, then you can simply read the “Our Father.”

Where to get Epiphany water?

Those who want to carry out Baptism for the first time according to traditions are concerned about the question of where to get Epiphany water.

The simplest and most affordable option is to collect water in a container at home and bring it to the temple grounds, where the lighting process will take place.

You can also collect it on the territory of the temple, if there is a spring, well or borehole there. Often the church itself puts out bottles of water for parishioners.

According to legend, at this time you can draw water from any body of water, and it will have unique properties. But if I plan to drink such water, then it’s better to worry about its purity.

Epiphany water: how to use it correctly

In order for everything planned to come true, you need to understand how to properly use Epiphany water.

The rules are very simple and accessible:

  • You can drink holy water, but only from a separate container;
  • You can also sprinkle your home with it, but first you should read a certain prayer;
  • if you feel unwell or if you suspect the evil eye, you need to wash your face with this water;
  • If desired, a small amount of Epiphany water can even be added to the bath.

It is prohibited to waste water irrationally. If it turns out that the water has acquired an unpleasant smell or taste, then you can pour it only in a place where people and animals do not walk. The ideal option is to water the plants with it.

Epiphany water should be used with sincere faith and hope. Skeptical sentiments will only aggravate the situation and the desired effect is unlikely to occur.

If a person feels that his energy is running out and he doesn’t have enough strength, then just wash himself with holy water, and everything will fall into place. But you also need to do it correctly:

  • pour a small amount of liquid into a glass or palm;
  • wash;
  • wipe your face with the inside of your shirt.

You can also not wash the water off your face at all; it can dry naturally.

The algorithm for using Epiphany water has its own sequence:

  • first you need to consecrate your home with it;
  • then pour a little into another container and drink;
  • If there is still water left in the glass, you can dilute it with plain water and water the flowers.

Is it possible to drink Epiphany water?

Before beginning the process of consecration, inexperienced parishioners are interested in whether it is possible to drink baptismal water and give it to children. The answer is clear - it is possible and even necessary. This water has unique healing properties, will help improve health, protect against bad looks, and improve energy metabolism.

Children should be given Epiphany water to drink regularly. This can be done from birth. Over time, this ritual will become a habit and the child will be protected and respectful of the faith.

How to drink Epiphany water correctly

To understand how to drink Epiphany water correctly, you can consult the church.

As with any holy water, the following requirements are put forward for the liquid consecrated for Epiphany:

  • You need to drink it in small sips on an empty stomach;
  • It’s better to pour a small amount of water into a glass so you can drink it all in three sips;
  • You can also drink it at night, be sure to read the evening prayer before going to bed.

It is important not to pour out such liquid. If you haven’t finished drinking it, it’s better to wash your face with it or pour it into a flower pot. But it’s better to calculate your strength in advance and drink everything in three sips.

How to bless a house with baptismal water yourself

Sometimes the atmosphere in the house becomes tense, household members begin to quarrel frequently, and things go wrong. Then you should think about consecrating your house with Epiphany water yourself. This is not difficult to do if you stock up on holy water in advance.

This needs to be done regularly so that negative energy does not accumulate in the house. You need to sprinkle those rooms where the owners are often located. This means that the barn or cellar does not need to be subjected to this procedure.

For the procedure you will need a container of holy water and a candle that needs to be lit.

You need to visit every room in the dwelling, coming from the east. You should stop in each corner, sprinkle it with water and stand with a candle in your hands.

Also, each corner must be crossed and said at the same time: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”

After the procedure, the remaining water should be stored behind the iconostasis in the holy corner.

Does Epiphany water spoil?

Considering the unique properties of Epiphany water, it is rational to find out whether such a liquid spoils. It happens that such a liquid, to the surprise of Christian believers, “blooms” and acquires an unpleasant smell and taste. In this case, the main thing is not to panic and not take it as a sign from above. It’s just that plant seeds can get into the water, then this result is a simple pattern.

Also, water can stand in the sun for a long time and also become undrinkable. In such a situation, there is no need to pour it down the drain.

If sediment is found in the water, this is another sign of spoiled liquid. So it’s time to water the flowers with this water and not worry about using it for other purposes.

Where to store Epiphany water?

It will be useful for everyone to know where to store Epiphany water. It is best to do this in a cool, dark place.

The ideal container for such a liquid is a glass jug with the same lid. If you don't have one, you can use a jar. Taboo - plastic bottles.

Periodically, the water needs to be checked to see if there is an unpleasant odor, sediment, or a change in taste. If this happens, you should not pour Epiphany water down the drain so that it does not mix with sewage. It is better to water the flowers in the house with it.

Conspiracy for Epiphany water

Our ancestors also believed that the power of conspiracies increases at Epiphany. With their help, you can improve your health, find love or improve your financial situation. It is believed that during this period the heavens “open” and you can ask for whatever you want. The main thing is to do it sincerely, without malicious intent.

A plot to gain financial stability is very popular at Epiphany. The flow of well-being received on this day will accompany a person for a whole year.

How to implement the conspiracy for Epiphany water? You need to do the following:

  1. Collect water from an open source after 12 o'clock at night (or simply pour water into a bucket, put it outside first, and then take it into the house).
  2. Pour some water into a glass and walk with it around the house (clockwise).
  3. After dipping your fingers in the water, you need to christen all the corners and doorways.
  4. Words of the conspiracy: “Epiphany water entered the houses. It will bring joy, prosperity, and prosperity. Prosperity will remain in the house, we will not know evil and grief.”
  5. In the morning you should drink a lot of holy water and wash your face with it.

During the year, if a person feels that luck is leaving him, the ritual can be repeated.

For those whose money does not linger in the house, you should definitely read the conspiracy to save income. To do this, you also need to collect water from the street and bring it into the house. Throw 12 coins of different denominations into the bucket. Light the same number of candles and say: “I brought holy water to the house.” With her wealth will come to the house. I pray to the Lord, I obey in sins. I call wealth into the house so that it remains in it.”

Leave the coins in water overnight, and then take them out and dry them. Store it and never waste it. They will serve as an amulet against poverty and thoughtless spending.

Epiphany is a big holiday with an interesting history and traditions. If you understand them, you can discover a lot of new and useful things. Water consecrated at this time will protect, strengthen physical health and spirituality.

Water performs an extremely necessary function in the life of any person. It is believed that at Epiphany it acquires special properties and does not deteriorate. There is no scientific explanation for this phenomenon, although numerous studies are being conducted. When, where and from what hour to collect holy water on Epiphany, is it possible to drink it from the tap on January 19, we will tell you in the article.

When and where to collect holy water on January 19, Epiphany

The clergy compare blessed and ordinary water to a light room and a dark one. If in a dark room you can stumble and fall, then in a bright room you see and understand everything. Holy water is the one on which God's grace has descended. Therefore, if a person drinks ordinary water, he satisfies his immediate need. And the shrine penetrates not only into the cells of our body, but also ennobles our soul.

When is the great consecration of water in the church and how to use holy water on January 19 for Epiphany

Inexperienced parishioners are often interested in the question of when and where to collect holy water on January 19, Epiphany. The great consecration occurs twice: on the eve and on the holiday itself. The Great Agiasma is a great church value. The clergy read prayers and lines from the Old Testament on behalf of the parishioners, since church visitors are also participants in the action. Then the cross is immersed in water, which, by the way, is not as important as prayer. Confessors believe that water is sanctified not by the cross, but by the Holy Spirit. When on January 19, on the Epiphany of the Lord, a crowd forms near the container with holy water, the blessed helpers collect and pour it. They drink water, wash themselves, sprinkle it on people, homes and places of work, as well as food. After visiting the temple for Epiphany, it is recommended to sprinkle all the rooms of the house. But this water should not be doused with or given to animals. If you really want to consecrate your beloved puppy, just spray it on him.

When to collect holy water from the tap for Epiphany (Holy Epiphany) - from what hour and how to use holy water

Often on Epiphany (Epiphany) the church blesses not only the water in the temple, but also reservoirs, so from this hour holy water can be collected directly from the tap and used as usual. Newborn babies are united with Christ through baptism. When a person dies, his resting place is sprinkled as a farewell to eternity. Travelers and students are also blessed by the shrine. The water that is blessed at Epiphany is called Epiphany. Its effect on humans is more significant. Holy water can be used in different ways. If you sprinkle your home or place of work with a shrine, it will be much easier for a person to live and work in such an environment. Even the air itself becomes different.

Ordinary holy water can always be consumed, regardless of time and meal. But the attitude towards when to draw holy water from the tap for Epiphany (Holy Epiphany), from what hour and how to use it should be more strict. It is drunk only on an empty stomach after prayer with prosphora. But it cannot be used for domestic purposes. For example, clergy prohibit making tea or soup from it, since the shrine requires special treatment. Moreover, you should not pour it into the sink along with leftover food. Although it is still added to prosphora when baking.

From what hour is holy water available from the tap on Christmas Eve and Epiphany?

Both on Christmas Eve and on Epiphany, water is blessed in the same way. This blessing of water is called the Great. Performed on Vespers, it serves as a monument to the christenings of catechumens in ancient times. On January 19, the water is blessed in memory of the baptism of the Lord. On this day, all three faces of the Holy Trinity were revealed to people. It is believed that on the night of January 18 (Forever) to January 19, any water is Epiphany. But the degree of its holiness varies.

Why Epiphany water does not spoil: a scientific explanation of the properties of Epiphany water

People are often interested in the question of why the water at Epiphany does not spoil, and the scientific explanation of the properties of Epiphany water. It retains its properties for a long time. But even if it goes bad, there’s nothing wrong with that. The fact is that all water contains impurities. In addition, the Lord can thus show a person his failure as a Christian. If the water for Epiphany spoils, pastors advise not to look for a scientific explanation for its properties, but simply water flowers with it and communicate with God more often.

Orthodox Christians believe that the water of Epiphany has unique healing properties. The great consecration of water in churches and open reservoirs occurs only 2 times a year - on January 18 and 19. Most often, believers use water collected on Epiphany Eve and Holy Epiphany to treat illnesses, consecrate living quarters, and improve well-being. Such holy water can be stored for years without changing its properties at all. From a scientific point of view, this is a real phenomenon that many scientists have tried to understand. Some of them were able to scientifically prove that this is not a myth and holy water in reality does not spoil for decades. Read more about what unique properties holy water has, where and when it should be collected and how to use it in the next article.

Holy water for Epiphany: where and when is the best time to collect water

There is an opinion among the people that it is best to collect holy water in the morning of the Epiphany itself, that is, directly on January 19th. In fact, as mentioned above, the great consecration of water begins on Epiphany Eve - January 18. In other words, already in the evening on the eve of Epiphany, in Orthodox churches and temples, a ceremony of consecration of water takes place, which believers can take home. But on January 19, early in the morning, the clergy also go to bless water in open reservoirs. One of the main traditions of this Orthodox holiday is associated with this procedure - diving into a river/ice hole/lake after the consecration ceremony. It is believed that such a bath helps to overcome the ailments of the physical body and cleanse oneself of sins.

When and where is the best time to collect holy water on January 19 for Epiphany?

If we talk about where and when to collect holy water for Epiphany, then it is best to do this directly in the church after the service on January 18 or 19. However, many believers cannot be personally present at the temple and therefore collect holy water from any available body of water. As a rule, these are springs that don’t freeze in winter, ice holes in the shape of a cross, ordinary rivers and lakes. Also, for drinking purposes, holy water can be collected directly from the tap at home.

Holy water for the Epiphany of the Lord: when to collect (at what time) water from the tap at home

Most often, holy water for Epiphany is collected from the tap at home early in the morning of January 19th. But in fact, this can be done much earlier. Since the great consecration of water begins on the eve of the feast of Epiphany, you can collect supplies of holy liquid on the evening of January 18th. In addition, consecrated water does not lose its healing properties throughout the Epiphany. Therefore, you can dial it until midnight from January 19 to 20.

From what time can you draw holy water for Epiphany at home from the tap?

Some believers want to know not just when, but from what hour they can draw holy water for Epiphany from the tap at home. Most clergy agree that this can be done after 12 o'clock on the night of January 18-19. However, after 8 o’clock in the evening on the eve of Epiphany, you can try to collect water in a special container. By the way, you need to treat holy water with great respect. Under no circumstances should you put it in dirty dishes, or in containers containing alcoholic beverages. It is best to store the liquid next to the icons, away from direct sunlight.

Why water collected for Epiphany does not spoil - a scientific explanation of the phenomenon of holy water

For a long time, the phenomenon of water collected for Epiphany, which does not spoil for years, had no scientific explanation. And although the Orthodox do not need any scientific arguments to believe in a miracle, scientists did not give up trying to find out the nature of this phenomenon. At the moment, there are several theories that, to one degree or another, explain why the water at Epiphany does not spoil.

Scientific theories explaining why holy water collected at Epiphany does not spoil

One of the most popular hypotheses about holy water is related to the consecration procedure itself, for which silver items (crosses, dishes) are traditionally used. It is no secret that silver ions have disinfecting properties. Based on this, the “longevity” of holy water, from a scientific point of view, is explained by the fact that the use of silver elements in the church during the great consecration helps to destroy microorganisms that may cause the water to spoil. Scientists are also confident that long-term storage of water is facilitated by sub-zero temperatures, or rather severe frosts, which can often be observed at Epiphany.

. Every year on January 19, the entire Orthodox world celebrates a great holiday - the Epiphany of the Lord. On this day, the church remembers the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist in the Jordan River. This holiday is one of the most significant in the church calendar. Traditionally, on Epiphany Eve and on the holiday itself, the Great Blessing of Water is performed. What water is considered holy, where to get it, how to use it and store it correctly - read in the material.

The Great Blessing of Water is performed twice

The first blessing of water is carried out on the eve of a church holiday - on Epiphany Eve on January 18. The second is on the day of the holiday itself. According to custom, clergy perform the ceremony near living water - the sea, springs, lakes, rivers, ice holes. The Orthodox Church has been performing the great consecration of water on Vespers (on the eve of a church celebration - ed.) and on the feast of Epiphany itself since ancient times, and the clergy always explains: the grace of consecrating water on both these days is the same.

“Some people believe that there is a certain difference between Epiphany water, blessed on Christmas Eve, and the so-called Epiphany water, blessed on January 19. Allegedly, Epiphany water helps with diseases, “Epiphany” water - for other cases. This is absolutely false, this is paganism. Water in fact, the same, the rite of consecration of water is carried out the same, therefore, the water consecrated both on Christmas Eve and on the holiday itself is equally considered Epiphany, it is a shrine,” emphasized the secretary of the Simferopol and Crimean diocese, rector of the Peter and Paul Cathedral, Archpriest Alexander Yakushechkin .

Sometimes people who are unable to come to church due to health conditions can drink baptismal water instead of communion, the archpriest says. “For example, if a person is in a critical situation, and it is not possible to call a priest to give communion to a dying or seriously ill person, then you can give him baptismal water. If he drinks it, then the shrine in such cases will replace the sacrament,” added Yakushechkin.

Epiphany water becomes holy everywhere

On the day of the Epiphany of the Lord, all sources of water are consecrated. As a rule, people collect water in churches and temples - fortunately, festive liturgies and the great blessing of water take place everywhere. But it is believed that even water from taps becomes sanctified on the night of January 19th. Therefore, those who live far from the temple and water sources, or cannot go to church due to health, can put it in a clean container and store it carefully.

“The Lord sanctifies all water nature - all sources, storage tanks. Believers know that even ordinary tap water from the tap is sanctified on this day. Believers know that it also does not spoil if properly stored,” Yakushechkin noted.

How to use Epiphany water correctly

You must drink Epiphany water on an empty stomach, this emphasizes a special attitude towards water, without hesitation, at any time and throughout the year.

It is believed that water acquires healing properties, so it can be applied to sore spots. In addition, you can sprinkle your home with Epiphany water. At the same time, the church emphasizes that the baptismal water brought from the church, consecrated at the rite of great consecration, cannot be used for washing, laundry and household needs.

How to store water

Epiphany water should not be stored in garages, on the floor or in a closet, but always at home and preferably near icons. Then it won't spoil. You can drink water for physical and spiritual health.

"A drop sanctifies the sea"

It is unwise to collect Epiphany water in canisters; a small container is enough for a whole year. If the water runs out quickly, it doesn’t matter. As Archpriest Alexander Yakushechkin said, it is enough to add a few drops of consecrated Epiphany water to a container with ordinary water, and it acquires the same properties.

“A drop sanctifies the sea. It is not necessary to take a lot of water; you can take a small container and add it drop by drop to another liquid. It combines with it and the entire vessel with water is sanctified,” he emphasized.