First day at a new job: how to join the team. Rules of conduct in the company of peers and friends How to make friends with a new company

Joining a new team is exciting. Not all professionals successfully join a team. The actions of a newcomer attract maximum attention, are examined under a microscope, discussed by colleagues, and pressure often arises. Avoiding unpleasant situations and painlessly joining the team is quite possible if you know a number of rules.

Impeccable image

Compliance with the company dress code is task No. 1. It is important to pay attention to appearance. A neat hairstyle, discreet makeup and manicure, and neat clothes immediately inspire affection.


Intense, sharp, cloying odors of perfume are repulsive and make being in the same room with a “fragrant” person stressful. It is better to opt for a subtle, barely perceptible aroma.


It is important to show concern for the common cause, to do everything for high-quality, prompt completion of assigned tasks. This will allow you to quickly gain points in front of management, gain a foothold in the company, and count on career growth in the future.


We need to immediately raise the issue of mentoring. A new employee needs advice and support from a competent specialist. Try to gain the trust of the person giving useful recommendations. The efficiency of immersion in the course of business and the quality of further activities depend on this.


Avoid conflicts, stay away from scandals - this will allow you to maintain diplomatic relations with team representatives.


Excessive talkativeness causes irritation, but a person’s secrecy is also alarming. It is necessary to find a middle ground by introducing new colleagues to personal stories. You need to be prepared for uncomfortable questions, they will certainly arise.

It is better to avoid topics that may have an unfavorable effect on your reputation - romance novels, troubles associated with your previous place of work.

Social network

Surely colleagues will triple their search for a newcomer’s account on social networks. From electronic pages it is better to remove photographs from parties where alcohol, playful dancing, or ambiguous circumstances appear. One harmless archival photo of friends fooling around at a disco can generate a lot of gossip.


It is important to support the informal rules established in the team. Don’t avoid tea parties, Friday get-togethers, or a group trip to a shopping and entertainment center. This will allow you to quickly open up to new acquaintances and join the company.

Joining the team is no problem!

Following the rules will allow you to:

  • smooth out rough edges that arise during employment;
  • quickly find support in the team;
  • establish yourself as a serious employee;
  • show the best sides of your character.

You can join a new team. The main thing is to do it professionally!

There are times when you will find yourself among strangers. For example, you are getting a new job or want to make new friends. Once in their company, you want to get closer to them, to be part of them. For some people this comes easily, as if by itself. But some have communication problems. They do not know how to behave correctly in unfamiliar company. And then the tips below will come to the rescue. Here they are:

1.Engage in visualization

Before entering a new company, psychologists recommend doing visualization. You should imagine, or better yet, feel that you feel great with these people. You feel at ease with them. You feel joy and satisfaction from loving communication. You are pleased that your new like-minded people like you. Enter a state of confidence. This will help you in unfamiliar company.

2.Natural behavior

When you get into a team, don’t think about how to please them. Allow yourself to behave naturally, at ease. Be yourself. Don't try to please anyone. People will sense your pretense and will distance themselves from you or take advantage of you to take something from you.

3.Look for the good in every person.

Once you join a team, start looking for positive qualities or external traits in the people with whom you will communicate. Don't focus on the shortcomings. See the benefits. This will help you in communication.

4.More positive

Additional guidelines for success in a new company:

Imagine that the new company is your close friends whom you love and who love you. Send them love and they will actually become good friends to you.

Listen to people. Be an attentive conversationalist. It is important for people to be heard. They see it through non-verbal manifestations. They feel it.

Try not to distract people over trifles. If you can handle something yourself, do it. People love independent, responsible people.

Keep the conversation going. Don't give one-word answers. You should answer questions in more detail, so that your interlocutor will find a reason to ask you a new question.

Don’t be shy about being interested in others yourself. Try to ask open-ended questions to get more information.

If your conversation has reached a dead end, find a new topic to talk about by switching to it. Talk about anything, the main thing is that in communication you find common points of contact.

Be calm. In the event of a possible conflict, maintain composure and listen not to emotions, but to reason.

These guides will help you integrate easily into the team and maintain positive relationships within it.

Be happy and loved!

New comrades and acquaintances usually mean new emotions, new impressions and adventures. There are a great many advantages here. But it can be difficult to become “one of our own among strangers”; in a new company this is not so easy, because this is a long-established team with its own established rules and small traditions. But the adaptation period can be significantly softened by using our advice.

  • Always be friendly and natural. Don't try to seem like someone you're not. Do not attribute qualities and skills that are not characteristic of you to yourself. Even a small lie always becomes obvious and will only turn the new company against you.
  • Be prepared to make contact and demonstrate it. Ask questions about your potential friends' habits and hobbies. But find a “golden mean”, because too personal and intrusive questions will only irritate people.
  • Be friendly, but don't forget about personal boundaries. The desire to help new acquaintances is good. But try not to turn from a voluntary assistant into an ordinary “six”, in other words, an “errand” person. The friendship will end there. Therefore, learn and be able to refuse if the request goes against your personal interests. Your authority will increase your ability to behave with dignity, rather than serve everyone.
  • After meeting everyone from your new company, immediately try to strengthen the relationship, but only if you are truly interested in them. Don’t give up on friendly get-togethers or visiting public places. Show your initiative and organize a joint trip to some unusual, interesting place.
  • Don't be embarrassed. You are among the same people who also have their own complexes and problems. The only way they differ from you is that they have known each other for a long time. Try to try to fix this and get to know them better.
  • Of course you have some talents. Feel free to reveal them, just without imposing it or feeling superior to others. Talented individuals have always aroused and aroused respect and interest.

And finally, one more important point. If you are constantly trying to meet new people and join their company, but fail every time, think about what personal qualities you have that may interfere with this. Ask your friends, because from the outside you can see all the mistakes and shortcomings much more clearly. After clarifying the problem, start working on yourself using special literature on social psychology. You can find it on the Internet or at your local library. And then the question of how to join a new group of friends will disappear by itself. Everyone has a chance to acquire some new qualities through self-improvement and become a truly interesting person. Then many others will think about how to arouse your interest.

6 years ago

Getting to know a new company is always very difficult and difficult. And getting to know the company of your other half is doubly difficult. On the one hand, you need to impress your friends, show that your intentions are sincere and you are not going to offend their friend, and on the other hand, not to disappoint your boyfriend.
I think it's best to get to know the whole company at once. Don’t break it up into acquaintances, prolonging your torment, but get to know everyone at once. Therefore, it is better to gather the whole company at once.
I would advise you to gather everyone on your territory. In the apartment where you live, in the country house or in a cafe where you feel comfortable. This will make you feel more relaxed. As they say, houses and walls heal, and in our case they help.
The main advice is to be yourself. Naturalness is the main trump card of all relationships. There is no need to pretend that you are something more than you are. Sincerity, simplicity, openness - these are the main trump cards for you in meeting the friends of your loved one. Communicate actively, take a keen interest in people’s affairs and hobbies, tell them about yourself and everything will work out for you.

Getting used to a new environment and new internal rules is always difficult. When starting a new job, many people experience the greatest stress not from fear that they will not cope with their responsibilities, but from anxiety about how their colleagues will perceive them. How to behave at a new job in order to quickly get used to work tasks, make a good impression on colleagues and make sure that you are taken seriously?

First day

Traditionally, a new employee is introduced to his colleagues by his manager. It’s good if the company is small or regular general meetings are held. Then getting to know others will happen faster. If you go to work in a corporation, be prepared to learn about new colleagues over the course of several weeks, not only through your manager, but also in the process of solving problems.

On the first day, the main thing is to be introduced to your closest colleagues with whom you will work closely. Try to remember them. It’s even better to briefly write down who’s name and who’s responsible for what.

If you forget someone's name, ask again on the same day. It's completely normal to forget someone if you've been introduced to twenty people in a few hours.

If it is customary for the company to communicate in a general work chat or in a group on a social network, make sure that you are added there. Ask your manager about this. Ask to show you the documents that regulate the work of the department or you personally, if there are any. For example, editorial offices usually have editorial policies, and design studios usually have clear standards and life hacks.

Ask your colleagues if the office has a cafeteria or kitchen and where they eat lunch. It's best to go to lunch with them on the first day, even if you don't plan to do so in the future. Over lunch, discuss general topics: who lives where, how long it takes to get to work, and other neutral issues.

First week

Your main task for the first week in communicating with colleagues is to remember everyone, understand who is who and how you interact with them. Colleagues should also remember you and understand what issues they can contact you about.

Don't brag or be smart. You shouldn’t show off your talents if you consider yourself more experienced than your new colleagues in some way. Even if you really want to demonstrate your professionalism, at first, take more of an observer position and express your opinion within reasonable limits, especially if no one asked about it. It is much more important to prove that you are interested in work tasks, that you do not hack, but observe processes and learn new things - these are the most important signs of a true professional in any position.

Ask questions. The main rule of communication for the first week: “If you don’t know, ask.” Ask about everything that causes you even the slightest doubt. Even if you think these are stupid questions, remember, you have an indulgence - you are new here! It’s better to figure out how to do it right than to do it at random. Everyone around you understands perfectly well that you are a new employee, and they expect these questions from you.

If you have come to work in a new area and do not yet understand the details of the business, ask one of your colleagues to explain the process to you step by step. This does not have to be your manager or someone senior in position. It may be more helpful to talk to your subordinates or peers. After such meetings, you will immediately understand the processes: how everything happens, how much it costs, how long it takes to implement. If you are a manager, only such conversations will help you optimize the processes you run.

Ruslan Lobachev, content producer: “I came from television to work in online cinema. The field is related, but has a lot of its own details. For the first week, I didn't understand why it was taking so long to post a movie on the app. It turned out that this was one of the sore spots in the company, and the marketing and content promotion department could not understand why video engineers were constantly missing deadlines. To understand the production process, I asked the chief video engineer to meet with me and explain the details. After an hour-long lecture, I learned that one film weighs hundreds of gigabytes, takes a long time to download from the server of the owner company, then is archived on the cinema server, then encoded, then goes through the final stage of preparation, for example, subtitling. It is unrealistic to do all this in one day. From the first week, I made planning ahead a priority in my work. We had to shift the release dates of several films and justify this to the marketing department. But within a month we were able to establish the release process, release films on time and prepare them ahead of schedule.”

In meetings, don't hesitate to write down in detail what is said. At first there will be a lot of information that others will understand at a glance, but for you it will be a dark forest. This is normal: you are here recently, you still have to delve into many of the nuances and understand the internal processes. This is especially true for large companies with complex devices. If something is not clear during the meeting, and you do not want to interrupt the general discussion with your questions, make note of these points and ask your colleagues to fill you in on the matter after the meeting. In a new circle, there will always be someone who will sympathize with you from the first days and agree to spend time on tips. If you don’t know at all who to turn to for help, ask who was the previous “new guy” in your team before you - this colleague still has fresh memories of how difficult it was to get used to the new environment, he is best able to understand your feelings and, more likely, of all things, he won’t dismiss you if you ask for help. In order not to distract your colleague from work, the easiest way is to ask him or her to join you for lunch and ask your accumulated questions in an informal setting.

Seek feedback. There is no need to approach your boss every day with a request to comment on your work, this is intrusiveness. Approach after the first week (you can write a letter or ask in a chat). Next time ask for feedback after the first month, and then after three months. It’s good when the company already organizes such meetings with each employee, for example, at the end of the probationary period. This is usually done by the HR department. At such meetings, they discuss your impressions of your work, give you an objective assessment, and together outline possible development paths and goals for the coming year. But even if such meetings are not held, ask the manager to meet with you. An adequate boss will never dismiss a newcomer and will find time for him.

First month

Observe your colleagues. Watch how they behave, how they solve work problems, what is accepted in the team, and what is not accepted.

Understand responsibilities and delineate them. Don't do tasks that others should do. There are teams where employees try to push their affairs to a newcomer. Learn to say a firm no if you are sure that this is not your functionality. And, conversely, clarify with a direct question whose task it is, if in doubt. In long-established teams, everyone is accustomed to who is responsible for what, and the boss can put a task “out of the blue,” knowing that the right person will pick it up. If it turns out that in a particular case you should have become such a person, because your predecessor was always involved in similar tasks, but no one informed you about this, then, of course, it will not be your fault. But a conflict situation is guaranteed.

Don't try to behave differently than usual. If you don't smoke, don't start going to the smoking room with your colleagues. If you think they are discussing work issues, raise the topic in a work chat, email, or meeting. In a healthy work team, news will not be learned in the smoking room.

Be natural. Don't try to make jokes if you usually prefer to listen to other people's jokes.

Be polite. Follow the rituals established in the team. If you see that your colleagues are collecting for a gift for someone in the department, offer to participate. Don't come up with revolutionary ideas. This is called “taking your own charter to someone else’s monastery” - and is not welcomed in any established group.

Less emotions. Try to think rationally, not emotionally, at work. Something happened? Turn off your emotional reaction and think about how to solve the problem.

Maintain neutrality. Most likely, after some time you will find friends and allies here, as well as opponents. There is a time for everything, but first stay neutral. It is possible that in the team there are ongoing conflicts and other complex relationships that are not yet visible to you, and there are intriguers who may try to immediately drag you into this completely unnecessary story for you.

When communicating with colleagues, do not meddle in their personal lives. You shouldn’t talk about yours in detail either. Do not participate in office intrigue and do not be interested in gossip, especially if you work in a female team. Better offer to discuss plans for the weekend or a new movie at the cinema.

First three months

Usually only towards the end of the probationary period do you understand who is who in the office. For the first three months you are a newbie. This also works in the opposite direction: colleagues understand what kind of employee you are, whether they can trust you with tasks and rely on you. Usually only after three months (and sometimes after six months) do people begin to take you seriously, especially if you are a young specialist.

Remember that those around you cannot read minds and do not yet understand you perfectly. While you are not yet on the same page with your colleagues, try to convey your thoughts to your colleagues as carefully and calmly as possible. Remember, if they didn’t understand you, it’s not they who are fools, but you didn’t explain it well enough. Be pedantic and explain yourself as thoroughly as possible. By the way, not everyone can understand jokes either; a sense of humor is a subjective thing.

False Consensus Effect

This is one of the main mistakes that can happen to a newcomer to a team. Our brain tends to project its way of thinking onto others. We automatically assume that those around us think the same way as we do. Therefore, misunderstandings arise when transmitting information - both oral and written.

When communicating with colleagues in a new team, explain the context of your messages. “Check your watches” to make sure you are talking about exactly the same thing. Everyone has their own quality standards, working tools, and habits.

Remember that your colleagues may think very differently. For example, you believe that after each meeting, the manager who led the meeting should write a short summary letter to everyone who participated in the meeting. And no one in the company has done this before you. To avoid misunderstandings, discuss the benefits of such letters with your colleagues.

Well, the most important thing. You came to this company to work, not to make new friends, demonstrate the ability to tell jokes and please others. Your manager will primarily evaluate the results of your work. Don’t try to seem like someone you’re not, be natural and calm, be interested in what’s happening, but don’t cross personal boundaries. This is the best way to put yourself in your place in any team.

Take care of your resume

Starting a new job is a reason to update your resume on, indicating the start of work in a new place. It may be worth changing the visibility of your resume. If your resume is visible to all employers, then your colleagues at your new job may see it and think that you are not going to stay with them and are looking for them again.

There are several ways to avoid leaving your resume open to everyone and, at the same time, not to deprive yourself of even more interesting offers (what if they appear):

  • Hide resumes from certain companies. To do this, you need to create your own stop list in a special window. For other employers looking for candidates in the database, your resume will continue to be available.
  • Set the “Visible to selected companies” mode. Great if you have a dream company or several dream companies and are always ready to consider offers from them. Your resume will be available for viewing only to those companies and recruitment agencies that you select in a special window. The others won't see it.
  • Make your resume anonymous, that is, hide your full name in it. and contacts through which you can be “identified” by those who know you, and even places of work.
  • Set your resume to be visible only via a direct link. Then no one will find it in the resume database, but the one to whom you send a link to it will open it. If you respond to a vacancy on with such a resume, the employer who received the response will see the resume.

To adjust the visibility of your resume, log into it and click on “Change visibility” on the right.