Practical advice. How to make your dream come true? Practical advice Quotes from the book “The Whole Life”

Do you dream of winning a Nobel Prize, flying into space or buying a house on the islands? Thought is material, you just need to want it very much, esotericists believe. According to rationalists, in order for dreams to come true, it is necessary to act. Combining various techniques for achieving what you want, we offer an algorithm for realizing your dreams in 12 steps.

1. Be clear about what you want.
You need to understand what you really want. Perhaps, while dreaming of a sports car, deep down you just want to please women. Desires should come from you, and not be imposed by parents or advertising. Think about what you will do if tomorrow you win a million dollars in the lottery or find out that you have six months to live? What would you wish for a genie if you had just one wish? Answer quickly, in 1-2 minutes, and then your subconscious mind will highlight the main thing itself.

2. Write it down
Write down in detail all the characteristics and qualities that your dream should have. Thus, fantasies take on concrete forms and become more real for your own subconscious, that is, the dream turns into a goal. Writing a goal deepens belief in your own capabilities and includes a mechanism for achieving success.

3. Find and neutralize the internal enemy
If you want to become a millionaire, but are afraid that wealth will not bring you happiness in your personal life, then your dream is unlikely to come true because you yourself are blocking it. Write down all the doubts that come to you: “Why can’t I have a house in the Canaries (can’t be a TV presenter, etc.)?”, “I’m afraid that if I have my own business (get married, etc.), That…". Bring out hidden fears, find internal prohibitions. Analyze what stands in your way - guilt, fear of disappointment, self-pity, the desire to avoid responsibility.

4. Think positively. Cast aside your doubts
Once you find the negative beliefs that are blocking your dreams, transform them into positive ones. Use affirmative sentences when describing your future accomplishments. Repeat out loud or write down on paper: “I am talented and will write a book,” “My wife will support all my endeavors.” Think in a positive way: drop the “NOT” particle.

You must firmly believe that your dream will come true. Wait, don't hope. Doubts and anxiety take away the strength you need to overcome your own inertia and external obstacles. Absolute faith in the achievability of a goal, on the contrary, activates hidden abilities and inner potential. By thinking positively - I deserve this, I can do this, I will get this - you will set yourself up for success.

5. What's at the start?
Determine your starting position. If you dream of a prince on a white horse, take a sober look at yourself in the mirror. If you are thinking about your own business, evaluate your education, start-up capital, and research the market. Assess how your current situation matches what you are striving for. This will be the starting point.

6. What separates you from your dream?
If you are waiting for a prince on a white horse, it's time to understand what you need to become a princess with whom a person of blue blood can fall in love. Make a list of all the obstacles standing between you and your dream. They can be both external and internal. Honestly ask yourself: “What should I change in myself, what should I learn to achieve my dreams? What conditions are necessary for the materialization of desire?

7. Find helpers
Announce your plans loudly. Identify a circle of people who can help you or will be useful. Communicate with those who have already achieved what you dream of, or know how to do it.

8. Set deadlines
Set a deadline for achieving the goal. Thus, you program its achievement in your mind and turn on the mechanism of intensifying efforts. If your dream does not meet the deadline, install a new one - it means that you simply made an overly optimistic forecast. It is more realistic to earn a million dollars in 10 years than in 1 month. It is useful to break a long-term goal into several short-term subgoals.

9. Make a plan
Now that you have completed all the previous steps, you have a clear idea of ​​what you want, what obstacles you have to overcome and who can help you. Now you need to make a detailed plan to achieve your goal. Write down a list of all your activities in order of priority and chronology.

10. "Back to the Future"
Many new wave psychologists and esotericists talk about the creative power of visualization. Now that you know what characteristics the desired thing should have (money, relationships, qualities, position, etc.), imagine that it is already in your life. Imagine in the most detailed detail the furnishings of your dream home, right down to the upholstery of the sofa and the rug in the bathroom, walk through the rooms. Imagine communicating with your loved one, how you prepare dinner together or talk until the morning.

Play your imaginary “movie” over and over again. In this way, you increase the power of your thinking and begin to attract the people, ideas and opportunities you need to achieve your goals. It’s as if you are attracting your dream.

11. Don't give up
Achieving big goals can take weeks, months, or years of hard work. Obstacles and difficulties will seem insurmountable. Don't even think about failure and don't give up. Every day, do something that brings you closer to your dream. Your strong desire, firm belief in the achievability of the goal, as well as perseverance and perseverance will definitely lead to success.

12. Learn to be happy with what you have
And finally, the magic secret. Your dream will come true if you can do just fine without the desired object. Let your dream go free, don’t make it the only meaning of life, and be grateful for what fate has already rewarded you with. Enjoy the process of turning your dreams into reality, because this is life.

Every person wants to have the best in their life and the opportunity to fulfill their most cherished dreams. But many of our desires remain unfulfilled, and this greatly undermines self-confidence. How to dream correctly? In order to make your dream come true, you must adhere to a number of rules, especially since there is nothing complicated about them.

By definition, a dream must have the following properties:

Be real

You can't get something that isn't real. If you want to stop wars on the planet or learn to fly on your own, then you will not succeed, no matter how hard you try. But every person can earn a million or travel around the world, although it will be very difficult to do this. And such a thing as getting rid of 5 extra kilos is quite possible to do.

Have a time frame

If you talk about how you want to lose weight or become a millionaire, then there is very little chance of this happening. Such a vague dream is lost in the flow of time and will most likely never come true. But if you add a specific date to it, then the probability increases many times over. Formulate your dreams as follows: “I will lose 5 kg by September 20, 2016.”

Many people want to get a good job and education. There is nothing unrealistic about this at all. It is very easy to obtain higher education in Austria or any other country in the world. To do this, you need to carefully plan everything, draw up an action plan and just stick to it. Purposeful movement towards a goal works wonders.

Specification down to the smallest detail

You need to fully understand what you want and imagine it in detail. For example, if you want to open a new restaurant, then you need to imagine the layout of the rooms in it, what the interior will roughly look like, and so on. If you want a car, imagine its interior and appearance, study the photo of the desired model. When you think through the little things, the realization of your desires accelerates at incredible speed.

Visualization of desires

This is the most effective method to get what you want from life. No one knows how it works, but it really works. Make your own wish map and hang it on the wall in front of your eyes. You will see the things you want every day, and they will miraculously be attracted to you. You can place small photographs on the monitor screen, which will work even more effectively. Make dreams come true not as difficult as it actually seems.

You must have your own dream

Many people want a new car like their neighbor's or to become a successful businessman. But in reality, these are not their dreams. You need to decide what is really important to you in life, and build from there. You can't get something that doesn't matter to you at all. Think everything through and set your life priorities.

A dream should motivate action

Let's give a simple example. Many people who want to lose weight and go on a diet to do this often think about food. They want fried potatoes or a hamburger. But this is not a dream. You can buy this from your local store or prepare it yourself. But to have an amazing figure in a year is motivation. You need to work for this. Any dream should first of all inspire action.

It must be regular

You need to replay in your head every day how you will achieve your dream, and do it in the smallest detail. In this way, you will very often send signals to the Universe about what you need from life. And miraculously, she will give you everything you need. As the saying goes:

Dreaming is not harmful, but not dreaming is harmful!

Anyone can make their dream come true if they wish. Work on it and good luck in life!

Every day you think about how to fulfill your dream, turning it into reality, but the dream goes further and further, resembling something illusory and unattainable. This is how the ambitions of many are shattered by resistance on the way to their desires. What to do in this situation?

How to make your dream come true? I discovered this for myself after taking a course with Konstantin Dovlatov. Although no, I already knew all these common truths, I heard from friends, I read on the Internet. But the information circulating around me was not assimilated by me, and the course I took helped me understand myself and move towards my goal. But before, I would have only run from my dream in the opposite direction, overcome by fear and a feeling of uncertainty.

There are many reasons why we cannot make our dreams come true. They become powerful shackles on the legs. As a result of our own doubts and endless reasoning, we only continue to stand still, only mentally embodying our desires. Although this also plays a big role. The technique of materializing thoughts is no longer a wonder; it’s worth trying to take care of your head and the nature of your thoughts. When we begin to formulate thoughts, we often make mistakes, so we cannot do without the help of a specialist. This is not something to be ashamed of or afraid of - once you take a risk, you can remain happy for the rest of your life.

As for my case, I am an ideological person. I often came up with various ideas for projects, business or creative self-realization, but their implementation was carried out only in my head. I always found a lot of “buts” and “it won’t work” in response to my ideas. We are afraid to face the unknown, because we cannot know whether it will work out or not. But, if so, then shouldn’t we even try? No, you definitely need to try it. Now I don’t mean crazy thoughts from the fantasy category, I suggest choosing something real. For example, you have always dreamed of singing, you know that you have a talent for it, then try and learn. The same goes for playing the guitar, what's stopping you from starting to learn the craft? All difficulties that you find to justify your indecision, put aside.

Not only creative ideas can be materialized. If you want to open your own business, study your capabilities and demand in detail. If you understand that this is real, act.

Often, to make a wish come true, we lack a favorable combination of circumstances and luck. However, this is not a reason to give up: it is quite possible to make your dream come true if you find an effective spiritual tool that would help you get closer to your goal.

For dreams to come true, it is not enough just to wish - you need to take certain steps towards the goal. However, it often happens that very little separates you from what you want, and everything breaks down at the most inopportune moment. It also happens that the efforts made do not bring the result closer, and the obstacles become more and more numerous. In such cases, the most important thing is not to despair and look. After all, history knows many examples when a person from scratch achieved unprecedented heights, and his name remained for centuries.

There is always an opportunity to turn to ancient wisdom and learn to use it for your own benefit. This is why ancient eastern teachings are so popular now: for example, Feng Shui or Tibetan practices. Entire sections of Eastern wisdom are devoted to the technique of fulfilling desires. Many factors are taken into account: in the teachings of Feng Shui, primary attention is paid to the harmonization of energies, achieving the desired through the use of elements. Tibetan wisdom directly concerns a person’s internal energy, which can be correctly directed to achieve a goal. According to Tibetan philosophy, the road to a dream brings a person much more than just: along the way to achieving the goal, everyone gains wisdom and becomes truly happy.

Ancient eastern techniques for fulfilling desires remained hidden for a long time, and even now, in the age of accessibility of any information, only a select few possess this knowledge. However, there is a person who got it straight from the hands of a Tibetan sage - this secret has an ancient and mysterious history, but is capable of instantly changing the life of the one who possesses it.

An easy way to make your wish come true

This secret is owned by a man who spent a long time in Tibet and listened to the teachings of Tibetan monks. It was no coincidence that he ended up there: after mobilization from the front, he found himself in a hopeless situation and lost his bearings in life. Then an inner voice told him to go to the mountains - and this event became fateful.

He spent a long time wandering, and finally the meeting that was predetermined took place: the wanderer was saved from a snowstorm by the great Tibetan hermit sage, Tobgyal. He named his newly made student Choepal, and passed it on to him for a long time.

When the time of Tobgyal’s death approached, he left the ancient manuscripts to the student, telling him what was hidden in them. The manuscripts described the secret Knowledge that was revealed to Genghis Khan by a Taoist monk, and it was thanks to him that he got out of poverty and became a great commander. However, the teacher warned Choepal about the great danger hidden in this Knowledge and forbade its use until a certain time.

A few years later, after Choepal returned to Russia, the spirit of the teacher appeared to him, informing him that from that moment Choepal could use the acquired Knowledge for the benefit of people. Choepal was able to read the ancient manuscripts: they described in detail the stages of creation, and also talked about which people were allowed to apply it to.

How does Genghis Khan's spell work?

To make your dream come true, you need to describe your request. After analyzing your desire, performing a special ritual and asking permission from the spirit of your teacher, Choepel will create for you a unique Genghis Khan spell, with the help of which you can once and for all change your life for the better.

Thanks to Genghis Khan's spell, you will be able to focus energy and direct it to achieve what you want. Your subconscious mind itself will tell you the right ones.

For Genghis Khan's spell to work, it is necessary to abandon skepticism: the energy of desires is almost intangible, but strong, and no one can explain what kind of force it is. You need to open up to the energy flows and not interfere with the effect of the spell with doubts, disbelief and negative thoughts.

If you work correctly with ancient Eastern knowledge, you will soon feel that you are already closer to your dream. Each new day will provide you with new opportunities, because the power of Genghis Khan’s spell does not decrease over time, but, on the contrary, opens up and increases, opening the path to happiness for you. Many people have already tested the power of Genghis Khan’s spell: by reading their reviews, you can get the most complete idea of ​​how effective ancient magic is.

Let it be your key to happiness. Do not miss the favorable opportunities that fate will provide you, because water does not flow over a lying stone. We wish you the fulfillment of all your hopes, and do not forget to press the buttons and

In this article we will consider a very important question - How to make your dream come true?

How to make your dream come true?

Surely now you are asking: “Okay, let’s say I found my , how can I find a way to implement it?”

My answer may seem strange to you, but it's true.

It's not your concern to find a way.

The way to achieve anything in this world is a task. Only she has a complete set of information, and only she can guide you to your goals. This is an impossible task for humans, and especially for logic.

The Universe will find the most harmonious and optimal option to deliver you to your destination.

Your role is to trust the Universe and follow whatever it brings. And most importantly, you must carefully monitor and look for what the Universe wants to present to you. Believe me, the Universe will find the optimal and harmonious way to lead you to what you want. There is no need to analyze and think about how this will happen. Just take action. If a friend suddenly calls you and invites you to a job interview, saying that a position has become available, and he suddenly remembered you. Don't think, go straight away. The Universe orchestrated this event, and your role is simply to accept the offer.

I would like to especially draw your attention to the most important work that you must do.

You must constantly keep yours in mind and FEEL that you ALREADY have it.

I consider this the most important and main quality of everyone. They learned to work with theirs. They inspired their own. In his book Napoleon Hill writes about Andrew Carnegie's secret. After 25 years of research, he finally came to understand it. So, this is the secret.

This is your most important job!

The second main job is to implement those ideas that you "threw" Universe.

This is all your work!

Let's repeat:

  1. Constantly keep in mind and feel that you have already realized your true dream.
  2. Implement those ideas that the Universe will present to you

Let's talk about why it is so important to feel that you have already realized your dream:

  1. By doing the work and feeling that you have already realized your true dream, you bring the Universe into search mode. She begins to look for the most suitable way for you to implement this idea. (why this happens, we’ll talk a little further)
  2. You tune your subconscious to perceive those scenarios in which you achieve your dream. If you think why you need the subconscious, because you have your own head on your shoulders, then I hasten to assure you that logic is powerless here. (Here are two articles and, after reading them, you will understand a lot.)
  3. Once the Universe finds a way to achieve your true dream (by the way, if you haven’t found your dream yet, then read the article), it will somehow show you this way. This may be the most unusual way. But whether you accept this method or not depends on how your subconscious is configured. If you did your job well "feeling" your dreams, your subconscious will perceive this method and give your consciousness access to it. If you did your job poorly, the subconscious will in any case perceive this method, but it will consider this information unimportant and filter it out. Thus, consciousness will not gain access to this information, and you will continue to not know what to do.
  4. The subconscious is like a filter. It filters and lets through all information important to consciousness, and discards all that is not important. The subconscious needs to be convinced that your true dream is important to you. And you can only be convinced by feeling over and over again that you have already achieved your dream.
  5. Another reason why you need this state is to work towards achieving this dream!!!

Actions are based on emotions. And when you create certain emotions in yourself, you immediately enter a state of certain action. This powerful feeling of dreaming will with great force attract events and people to you that will help you achieve this state in reality.

Now you understand why your intentional work is so important. "feeling"?

  1. "Force" The universe to find a way to make your dreams come true.
  2. Convince the subconscious that this information is very important for you, so that the subconscious lets it into the world of consciousness.
  3. The feeling of a dream provides you with strong emotions so that you can work towards achieving your dreams.

Let's be clear and understand why this works.

The universe reacts to feelings and emotions. It is what you feel now that creates your future. No, it is not thoughts that create your reality, but feelings, although thoughts are directly related to feelings. Take a break from reading for a minute and remember your best moments in life, when you won and were at your best.

You're starting to feel better, aren't you? What preceded these feelings? That's it, your thoughts.

There is such a beautiful thing at work in the Universe. I'm sure you've already heard about him. So, when you feel that you already have something that actually doesn’t exist yet, you attract it into your life. And when you experience the feeling of a real dream, you let the Universe know by sending a powerful signal in the form of your emotions and feelings that you already have it, and all these things will be attracted to you.

Do you know how the Universe responds to this?

She begins to transform this into reality! This process begins quite slowly. But the most important thing is that it begins. If you continue to convince yourself that, then over time it will accelerate. Your feelings say that you have a very happy marriage - which means that the Universe must attract an ideal soul mate into your life. Your feelings claim that you are very rich, which means the Universe must attract a lot of money to you. And not just to attract them to you, but to show you what your ideal area of ​​activity is, where you will earn a lot of money.

After all, your feelings confirm that you are engaged in an activity that you love.

You see, we feel this in order to attract into our lives everything that we feel, because we have collected into a dream everything that is most important, valuable and best for us.

After you have received the information that the Universe wanted to convey to you, it is time to work twice as hard.

First, you must continue to feel that you have already achieved your dream.

Secondly, you must begin to implement the idea that you have "threw" Universe.

The Universe will also show you a way along with an idea on how to do it. (I always say: “Don’t spare money on self-education”. This is the easiest way for the Universe to give you some amazing idea.) And you just have to get to work.

Get to work and don't think.

These are exactly the sections that you will have to go through yourself. Where you may have difficulties, the Universe will guide you. On the way, she will tell you where to go when you encounter a roadblock. Take her hand and follow, don't hesitate. The Universe will control and adjust events that are beyond your direct control. We must control events that are under your direct control.

For example, the Universe showed you a way to realize yourself. Your task is to start working to implement the idea you received. Instead, you go out with friends for a beer or start watching TV. This is stupid to say the least. The Universe lays out everything for you and arranges 95% of events for you, but you cannot do the remaining 5%. This way you will achieve nothing.

I want to warn you about something: Until you achieve your dream, never stop feeling that you have already achieved it. Once you stop doing this, the Universe may stop sending you instructions. And then you will very quickly get lost.

Consciousness, Subconsciousness and the Universe must be tuned in to your dream. If you lose the synchronicity between them, you can turn off the right path and go down the wrong path.

how to make your dream come true, how to make your dream come true
