Nutrition principles and diet Gisele Bundchen. Gisele Bundchen's diet: The secret of a supermodel's slim figure A balanced diet from Gisele Bundchen

In 2014, supermodel Gisele Bundchen was once again awarded the title of the highest paid in the world. Agencies are vying with each other to offer Giselle multimillion-dollar contracts, and fashion houses of clothing and lingerie want to see the supermodel as the face of their brand. What is the secret of the unprecedented excitement around the Brazilian beauty?

The fact is that Gisele Bundchen has a perfect figure. She is the envy of not only millions of women around the world, but even her colleagues on the catwalk! Slenderness and, at the same time, incredible femininity are the main features of the supermodel’s figure.

Gisele Bundchen does not starve herself, but eats according to strict rules

Bundchen's fans often wonder how she manages to always stay in tip-top shape. Perhaps she has good genetics? Or do you have to constantly go on a strict diet? In order to dispel all doubts, Gisele frankly spoke about her lifestyle and nutritional principles.

Secrets of Gisele Bundchen's slimness

  • Fractional meals. The supermodel claims that by eating small portions every 2-3 hours, she does not have to worry about her figure, because in this mode, overeating is practically excluded.
  • Careful selection of products. Giselle never eats on the go and does not buy processed or low-quality products. Her choice is organic, minimally processed foods. These include extra virgin olive oil, fresh vegetables and fruits, nuts, and grains.
  • Self-discipline. The supermodel cannot afford to relax for a second. Therefore, Giselle strictly monitors her food intake throughout the day, never overeats or eats in the evening.
  • No alcohol law. Gisele completely stopped drinking alcohol. This was facilitated by her husband Tom, who also does not drink alcohol. According to the top model, alcohol is not only very high in calories and increases appetite, but also has a bad effect on the condition of her skin, so giving up alcoholic drinks only benefited her.
  • Express diet. Before fashion weeks, when you have to go to the catwalk several times every day and wear model clothes in very small sizes, Gisele resorts to an express diet, with which you can lose a few kilograms. The fashion model's favorite express diet options are diet.
  • A healthy diet for the whole family. The supermodel introduced the whole family to a healthy lifestyle. In this case, it is much easier to follow a healthy diet, because family members do not consume, which means there is no temptation to eat something harmful.

Vegetable diet - Gisele Bundchen's favorite weight loss method

Menu for the day from Gisele Bundchen

  • Breakfast. Whole grain bread, one apple and a pear. A cup of coffee without sugar.
  • Lunch. A handful of almonds.
  • Dinner. Steamed sea fish, green buckwheat. A cup of tea.
  • Afternoon snack. Apple.
  • Dinner. Whole grain toast with a piece of low fat cheese. Cucumber salad.

Fruit express diet menu from Gisele Bundchen

  • Breakfast. Two apples. A glass of orange juice.
  • Lunch. Half a grapefruit.
  • Dinner. Two pears. A glass of orange juice.
  • Afternoon snack. Half a grapefruit.
  • Dinner. A glass of orange juice.

Giselle's fruit diet requires a lot of self-discipline

Vegetable express diet menu from Gisele Bündchen

  • Breakfast. Salad of two cucumbers and half a tomato. A glass of mineral water.
  • Lunch. One grated carrot.
  • Dinner. One tomato, sliced ​​and sprinkled with dill.
  • Afternoon snack. One cucumber.
  • Dinner. A glass of mineral water without gas.

As you can see, being slim is not an easy task, but it is quite achievable! The diet of supermodel Gisele Bundchen once again confirms that self-control and a careful approach to choice are the main secrets of a beautiful figure.

The most sought-after and rich model of our time, included in the Guinness Book of Records, has not only a beautiful face, but also a chic body. Unlike her many colleagues in the modeling business, Gisele is not thin or bony, her curves are very feminine, without an ounce of excess fat. It is not surprising that such a model is a role model for all women on the planet, because she breaks stereotypes about the popularity of thinness and by her example proves that the body should be appetizing.

But, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, Gisele Bundchen is an ardent opponent of strict diets and hunger strikes. She adheres to her own nutritional system, the basis of which is proper and healthy nutrition, as well as regular physical activity. The model itself will highlight several life principles that are always followed in everything:

Make time for sports. Giselle practices kung fu and yoga several times a week. She is convinced that by following diets and proper nutrition, you will, of course, get rid of excess weight, but to get an ideal body you need to work physically every day, “sculpting” your figure.

Watch what you eat. All products that go to the table of the model and her family are fresh and natural. No preservatives, artificial colors or flavors. Many people eat whatever they want and end up turning into trash themselves. She even cooks Giselle’s favorite hamburgers herself.

This rule should also be followed during pregnancy. During the happy nine months, the model herself was very careful about what she ate, and as a result, she gained less than 15 kilograms.

Don't drink alcohol. The model was able to give up alcohol thanks to her husband Tom, who is an opponent of alcoholic beverages and does not drink them at all. The beauty doesn’t want to look stupid next to him, so now there’s no place for alcohol in her life. But Giselle is unable to refuse a scoop of ice cream or a piece of dark chocolate.

Carry out an “express diet”. If Gisele Bundchen urgently needs to lose 2-3 extra pounds, she resorts to the help of a three-day express diet that has repeatedly helped her. All three days you need to eat as follows: breakfast - one soft-boiled egg; lunch – 200 gr. low-fat cottage cheese; dinner – a cup of tea without sugar.

Be happy and give happiness to others. When you are happy, you share your happiness with others. When you feel unhappy, you experience similar feelings towards everyone around you. Since childhood, Giselle was surrounded by five sisters, who, according to her recollections, never made an effort to achieve their goals, but Giselle, on the contrary, always tried to give 100% and achieve the best possible result. Therefore, keeping an eye on her figure and weight is something she can easily do now.

Teach children to eat healthy. The supermodel's children, according to her, almost never eat sweets, and her eldest son, Benjamin, has broccoli as his favorite dessert. For his last birthday, Gisele and her husband Tom made him a cake from cocoa powder, coconut oil and dates - they simply blended everything in a blender and put it in the form of a cake.

Don't give up meat. Like any resident of Brazil, Gisele Bundchen loves meat, but to satisfy her culinary cravings, she only needs to eat one steak once every two weeks.

The daily diet of the beautiful Giselle, which has long become her way of life and nutrition, looks something like this.


  • two toasts made from whole grain bread or oatmeal on water with the addition of dried fruits and nuts;
  • half a green apple and a grapefruit. Can be replaced with a fruit salad dressed with light yogurt or kefir;
  • a cup of natural black coffee without cream or sugar.


  • light vegetable soup (cooked in chicken broth, bell peppers, celery, tomatoes, fresh herbs and herbs are added as ingredients);
  • a piece of lean fish, steamed or baked, with a side dish of wild rice or green beans;
  • light vegetable salad with olive oil, lemon juice and Provençal herbs dressing;
  • a cup of green or herbal tea without additives. The star also indulges in dessert, preferring panna cotta with raspberries or curd mousse with fresh berries.

Dinner (no later than seven in the evening):

  • grilled or stewed chicken (can be replaced with seafood);
  • about 50 grams of hard cheese;
  • salad of grated boiled beets with low-fat sour cream dressing; or a light salad of grated celery root and green apple with a tablespoon of olive oil;
  • a glass of still drinking water.

If you have problems with excess weight, then by resorting to this diet, you can get rid of 6–8 kg in a month. Of course, the weight does not come off quickly, but no harm is done to the body, since weight loss occurs correctly. Such a diet will also help maintain the achieved results.

Gisele Bundchen is a famous Brazilian supermodel. At one time, Giselle did not even dream of a modeling career - she was attracted by sports. However, the incident changed the life of our heroine. At the age of 14, she quite by chance met with a representative of a modeling agency, and from that moment on, the podium became her destiny. Encouraged by decent fees, the Brazilian beauty began to carefully monitor her figure.

Let's find out what Gisele Bundchen's diet is.

Food habits of Gisele Bundchen

Nature has generously rewarded Giselle - our heroine not only has an ideal body, but also has virtually no difficulty maintaining weight. She does not have to exhaust herself with long-term diets. In addition, Giselle does not deny herself the pleasure of eating her favorite hamburgers, cheeseburgers, French toast and delicious pancakes (though she cooks them herself). The famous model’s favorites are Italian cuisine (pasta, risotto, etc.), as well as a variety of meat dishes (steaks, etc.).

Diet Gisele Bundchen, option No. 1

This Gisele Bundchen Diet is not too strict - you can stick to it for a long time.

  • Breakfast: any fruit (2 pieces), wholemeal bread and natural coffee without sugar
  • Lunch: a piece of lean meat or fish with a serving of South American wild buckwheat porridge, as well as a vegetable salad, a light dessert and green tea
  • Dinner: toast with a slice of cheese, as well as a portion of stewed or grilled meat (optionally fish), vegetable salad and mineral water

Diet Gisele Bundchen, option No. 2

This diet allows the model to quickly get herself in order if the next delicacy does make adjustments to her ideal figure.

  • Breakfast: soft-boiled egg (1 pc.) and unsweetened green tea
  • Lunch and dinner (same menu): low-fat cottage cheese (200 g) and unsweetened tea

Just a day of such a strict diet takes away 1 kg of excess weight.

Gisele Bundchen does not ignore sports. She loves football, volleyball, cycling and yoga. Physical activity combined with reasonable dietary restrictions allows our heroine to look simply amazing. It is quite possible that Gisele Bundchen’s diet will help you achieve your desired goal.

Models are always an object of admiration and imitation. Many women strive to get closer to the ideal parameters of 90x60x90. To do this, they are ready to starve, use diets and work out in gyms.

Flawless figure has one of the richest models in the world - Gisele Bundchen. She is the face of a company that produces and advertises underwear. Her the figure is amazing and perfect.

Her figure without a single fat deposit in problematic women's As stated model, she not sitting on tough diets and does not starve. Moreover, she loves to treat herself to hamburgers and cheeseburgers, which she prepares for herself. Giselle understands that her weakness can ruin any ideal figure.

Gisele Bundchen uses to keep yourself in great shape loyal diet. This diet allows you to eat a large number of vegetables and fruits, as well as meat. The model loves to eat delicious food, especially risotto dishes, juicy fish and meat dishes, pancakes, French toast, and steaks.

Diet menu from Gisele Bundchen.

The model starts her morning with breakfast. Breakfast consists of two pieces of fruit, grain bread, a cup of coffee without added milk or sugar.

For lunch Giselle prepares meat or fish dishes. They should be low-calorie, low-fat, and can be combined with vegetable salad and wild South American buckwheat. Light desserts are shown for lunch.

Dinner includes fish, stew or meat. Be sure to have a vegetable salad and a sandwich with Dutch cheese.

Second diet option (hard)

If a model needs to get in shape quickly, she uses a stricter diet. Breakfast consists of only one hard-boiled egg. Dinner and supper includes 200g low-fat cottage cheese and a cup of unsweetened tea. This diet lasts three days. Afterwards your weight will decrease by 3 kg.

Gisele Bundchen combines diet with physical exercise and for weight loss, cycling, yoga, volleyball, and sometimes football.

Only this combination of sports and proper nutrition allows Giselle to keep herself in great shape.

Gisele Bundchen is well aware that such food can have a detrimental effect on her figure and her natural female beauty may lose its luster. And to prevent this from happening, the model developed her own diet, which quickly gets her in shape, but does not exhaust her.

Diet Gisele BundchenQuite varied, it includes in its diet an abundance of various vegetables and fruits, as well as lean meat and fish.

Gisele Bundchen Diet Menu:

Express Diet Gisele Bundchen

If a famous model urgently needs to get herself in order before a fashion photo shoot or show, she resorts to her express diet. The menu consists of 1 soft-boiled egg for breakfast, as well as 200 g of light cottage cheese and a glass of unsweetened tea for lunch and dinner. So, already within 3 days such expressGisele Bundchen dietgets rid of 3 kg of excess weight.

How did Gisele Bundchen lose weight after giving birth?

The famous model assures that it was not at all difficult for her to get back in shape after giving birth.

Gisele Bundchen: “I attended kung fu classes until two weeks before the birth. Besides kung fu, I did yoga three times a week.”

Gisele Bundchen: “I think the main mistake many women make is that they turn themselves into a “trash can” when they become pregnant. I was very careful about what I ate, and as a result I gained less than fifteen kilograms!”

Gisele Bundchen Fitness

Gisele Bundchen loves to play sports, and it is probably this passion that allows her to look so good. In sports, Giselle prefers kung fu, volleyball and football, and loves swimming and cycling. Of all the fitness workouts, she prefers yoga.