Statuses, quotes and hashtags about your wedding anniversary. Congratulations on a Wooden wedding (5 years) in prose Beautiful status about 5 years of marriage

Funny messages

On holiday, the mood of loving spouses simply must be high. And frivolous. And naughty! Moreover, neither the husband nor the wife is forbidden to lighten it up with friends and acquaintances by posting a funny joke or a short anecdote on the topic of marriage on their page. They are especially appropriate in statuses pro, 2 or 5 - in short, for a young family taking their first steps towards family life. While both spouses are young, playful and love to have fun, it’s time for some good jokes.

An interesting idea is to post it on a social network page funny timer, which will tell those curious how long you lived together down to the seconds:

“Our family is already 365 days old! 8760 magical hours! 525600 fabulous minutes! 31,536,000 unique seconds! Thank you for them, honey!

It is quite appropriate to play on common stereotypes about married life:

  • “Guys! Guard! As soon as I got married, problems with my eyes began! I don't see any money!
  • “Bunny”, “bird” and “kitten” after the wedding begin to turn into a larger animal..."
  • “If you want to live happily ever after, don’t contradict your wife.”

Such remarks look cool and completely harmless, for example, in the pro status. By this time, a rare wife manages to acquire a dozen extra kilos or turn into a grumbler, and her husband becomes a miser, so those around him understand perfectly well: this pebble is by no means in the garden of a happy couple. However, you still shouldn’t post risky jokes about the appearance or character of your other half for everyone to see, otherwise there is a high risk that in the status about your 4-year wedding anniversary you will have to write “Still in disgrace” or “We broke up.” Cheerful self-criticism is welcome, criticism is not! Even funny.

On the other hand, everything is individual. It happens that both spouses have a sense of humor, do not have the habit of pouting for any reason, and understand perfectly well which joke will offend a loved one and which will make them laugh heartily. It’s not forbidden to complain about your significant other:

    • "Girls! I thought they were offering me a hand, a heart and a gold ring, but it turned out that they were talking about a stove, a vacuum cleaner and a washing machine!”
    • “Guys! Know that in family life everything is divided equally! Socks and shaving foam for you, a fur coat for your wife and a trip to the Canary Islands.”

If you can get into trouble with “dangerous” jokes, then publicly praising your life partner is never harmful:

  • “Young ladies! Don't look for the perfect man, you're too late! He’s been with me for 5 years, and I’m in seventh heaven!”
  • "Darling! Happiness is falling asleep and waking up next to you... Well, and the borscht that you cook. For him, I am ready to marry you a second time.”
  • “They say that over time, feelings fade and passion goes away. Nothing of the kind! We’ve been together for half a decade, but we don’t make our bed on weekends!”

Of course, praise and juicy “secrets” are suitable not only for pro statuses, but also for later dates. An affectionate word, like passion, will always have a place in the lives of loving people.

Romantic notes

Not everyone will like funny statuses about their wedding anniversary. Many people consider even cute jokes on the topic of love inappropriate. If for you an anniversary is a time of lyrical confessions and sublime words, turn to romance. For example, the pro status could be like this:

  • “They say that a relationship after six years of marriage is cast iron. No, my love! For me they are stronger than steel, more expensive than gold and more beautiful than a precious diamond.”
  • “Some people call the anniversary a cast iron anniversary, but I call it a spring anniversary. Because now butterflies are fluttering in my soul and flowers are blooming, because you are nearby.”

Romance is, first and foremost, poetry. And it doesn’t matter if they turn out to be naive. How do you like this status about:

  • “May our home become a full cup at our Copper Wedding. If it’s just the two of us, we’ll make it to Krasnaya.”
  • “For 7 years I have been protected by two rings: a gold one on my finger, and another, warm and reliable – your embrace.”

Even statuses about, which has acquired one of the most unromantic names in the “national” calendar, can be made tender and exciting:

  • “They say the Tin Jubilee is unromantic. But in my soul on this day, fairy-tale elves are tapping out melodies on tin bells that cannot be compared with the music of harps with golden strings.”
  • “This is a miracle! We’ve been together for 8 years, and every day I fall in love with you again.”

How not to play up the theme of a happy couple, which fits so well into the status of the pro-faience holiday?

  • “You and I are a tea pair made of the finest faience. Separately it’s just a cup and saucer, together it’s a work of art that came out of the hands of a master and has stood the test of time.”
  • “We’ve been together for 9 years, and I couldn’t be happier. Let the whole world know now how dear you are to me.”

You cannot find a more romantic date than Rose Day. Statuses are deservedly filled with reverent confessions, frank messages and affectionate, sensual, sublime epithets. It’s difficult to overdo it with romance here; everything will be in place.

Has the pink anniversary not arrived yet or has it already passed? This is not a reason to save enthusiastic confessions for your significant other. Moreover, with age, the need for them grows, because it is important for a loved one to understand: he remains desired, needed, the only one! Use romantic statuses about, 12 and further ad infinitum:

  • “He’s nearby and I’m happy. He smiles and the sun begins to shine brighter. If I feel sad, it’s enough to be in his arms, and my soul is filled with warmth. He is brave, strong, wise. My husband!"
  • “11 (12, 15, 20) years ago I was lucky to marry the most charming, intelligent and caring girl on earth. Darling, our meeting was the best thing that happened to me in my life.”

Don't like any of the proposed options? Search among, and you will probably find a suitable quatrain about a wedding anniversary for a beautiful status.

Or turn to high literature. Russia is generous with brilliant poets, and they, in turn, wrote billions of beautiful lines about love. The creations of the classics are still relevant today - it’s not for nothing that they are called immortal.

Telegram statuses

It just so happens that the older a couple gets, the more restrained they are in showing their feelings in public. Many are initially not in the mood to pour out their souls in front of unfamiliar people: after all, not only friends, but also strangers visit their pages on Odnoklassniki, Contact and other social networks. Are you also not prone to colorful expressions of feelings? Then your 11 year wedding anniversary status might look like this:

  • “So we’ve reached the Steel Festival! “Darling, our main anniversaries are still ahead!”
  • “We've been together for 11 years! Happy holiday, my sun! Your Wife."
  • “If love is stronger than steel, then 11 years of marriage is just the beginning. We are waiting for the 111th anniversary!”

By the way, you can safely write the same status about the wedding anniversary of 13 years (nickel), 22 (bronze), 25 (silver), 50 (gold), 65 (iron) and other dates suitable for the topic. It is enough to change the number and name of the metal.

But for Lace, Linen, Muslin, Satin, Cashmere and other “soft” dates it is worth choosing other analogies:

  • “13 years ago we began to weave the lace of family life. For me, it turns out great!”
  • “You and I are two threads in a lace pattern - intertwined once and for life.”

Naturally, the pro status does not have to contain a reference to lace, just like for all subsequent ones, there is no point in selecting comparisons strictly according to the topic specified by the title. Tell us briefly and succinctly:

  • “14 years old, normal flight!”
  • “And we have an Agate (Cintz, Coral) anniversary!”

- and guests of your page will be aware of the significant event.

Serious marital experience allows you to give advice to “newcomers” in family life. Feel like a sophisticated couple by posting a status like this:

  • “Love and take care of each other, everything else will follow!”
  • “If two people in a love boat value each other, rocks are not scary for them.”
  • “To be happy, it is not enough to love. You need to meet someone who will love you with all his heart.”
  • “In order to reach the 15th anniversary hand in hand, relationships must be crystal clear, love pure, and trust immeasurable.”
  • “If my husband and I break dishes, then only crystal glasses - for good luck. It works!

Or you can do it quite simply and, without breaking down statuses about wedding anniversaries by year, announce: “Today is our anniversary! We are planning to get to the Red Wedding. Who's with us?

Today is our anniversary
We lived with you for five years.
You are my only man
There are no others like them in the world.

Over the years, everything has happened,
And the days were difficult
But it always worked out this way,
That we stayed together.

You were the perfect husband
You were a stone wall to me.
So let's wish each other
Live until the golden wedding!

It seems to me that you and I are together
Not five, but two hundred years have passed.
Do you remember: you are the groom, and I am the bride,
There is nothing happier in this world...

I love you as before, endlessly
And I believe that you love me very much.
I wish this lasts forever
All your cherished dreams came true!

I ask God for happiness and success -
Everything for you, beloved, kind husband.
So that there is a lot of laughter in our house
And there was no bad weather or cold.

My dear husband, today our family turns 5 years old! This is, of course, not a lot, but not a little either. Our family may still be young, but it seems to me that we have lived together our whole lives. You are the dearest and closest person to me, I love you very much and appreciate everything that we have. May our relationship be strong and bright! Happy holiday!

Wooden wedding, my love!
This means I have the right to cut.
Where is my unique holiday?
How dare you forget about this?

I will remember this evening for you,
I'll use a circular saw,
Where is my dinner, champagne, candles?
Where is the gift, even if it’s small?

No? And okay, today I forgive you,
I know you love me, there is no doubt.
So let's have some hot tea
Here's to our five years together!

We are celebrating today
First wedding anniversary.
Congratulations, beloved husband,
There is no one in the world dearer to me.

Let the "five" become a sign
Our feelings, great love.
I imagine my life
Only next to you.

I wish us prosperity
Let your dreams come true.
So that we always feel sweet
To follow our destiny together.

Happy fifth anniversary, my dear,
I congratulate you
You and I are already united
We are a happy family.

I wish you and I
Happiness, peace and love,
So that towards a cherished, common dream
Hand in hand, we walked.

You and I have overcome
There are a lot of difficulties, believe me,
We ate a ton of salt with you -
Celebrating the anniversary.

Wooden, long-awaited,
There is so much to say:
Be like a tin soldier
So that it doesn't break.

Be my shield and sword
Drive away all adversity,
Amaze me with your courage
And captivate with romance!

Darling, be patient
From the whims of not animals,
I want to celebrate with you
Our golden anniversary!

It's been five years since I said "Yes"
And the gold on my finger shone,
Let's spend years with you
And we will never part.

You are dear to me, it’s clear without words,
That I will follow you through fire and water,
Let love grow stronger every year,
And there will be only clear weather in the house!

Happy anniversary, my beloved.
You are the strongest in the world.
Congratulations on this day,
We have been living together for 5 years.

I say thank you
Because I am loved.
I live with you in a fairy tale
And I scream for joy.

My best one
The whole family knows this.
You are my armor, support,
I don’t know grief with you.

Celebrating the anniversary
We are with you, my love.
We keep the wedding day in our hearts -
He is unique.

Difficult five-year plan
It was given to us, husband, with you.
But we demolished everything with dignity,
After all, there is always love in the soul.

I want to wish us, dear,
Understanding, kindness,
Passion, ardor, excitement,
Great tenderness, warmth.

We've been together for five years, dear,
I love you more and more!
I'm only yours, and you're only mine,
With you my world has become brighter!

You won't find a more beautiful husband,
There is no relative in the world!
I want to go with you all my life
Only forward and to the end!

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Congratulations on your first serious family anniversary - a wooden wedding is a must. Moreover, not only the husband and wife should take care of choosing congratulations in poetry or prose for each other, but also friends and relatives should not forget about such a date with their loved ones. In our selection you will find a variety of congratulations on your 5th wedding anniversary - short SMS, romantic poems with deep meaning and simply original modern congratulations.

Congratulations to the wife on her 5th wedding anniversary from her husband

Five years of happy marriage with you, Flashed like a ray of sunshine, And our children are signs of happiness, Now his lock and key. With you, wife, I melt from bliss, And on the wooden anniversary I wish us eternal May, To love each other more and more! Even if there is bad weather somewhere, But in our house there is peace, comfort, And the bonds are stronger year after year,

And souls sing in unison!

The wooden anniversary has already overtaken us. Five years is a short period of time for some, But we were able to grow closer to each other, And more than once you were able to shock me, Surprise, make me laugh and always understand... And I still want to recognize you: To open, as if wonderful beautiful world Like the edges with which a sapphire burns! The jewel that I admire to my heart’s content, I’m so afraid that someone will want to steal it! Darling, we are just at the beginning of the journey

Only the best, I know, is all ahead of us!

Wooden anniversary today, dear! I give you a bouquet of flowers. As before, I am delighted with my heart. I am ready to carry you in my arms! Our wedding is like yesterday, is the Five Year Plan a deadline? With you I became calm and at home, I was able to achieve a lot for us. Be my guiding star, Always shine for me on our journey, And I will report annually,

What have I done and where do I want to go!

Wife, happy anniversary! Five years have flashed by, And I’m just as thrilled... She flashed a smile And I, like a boy, admire you! And my heart is like a ball, And I light up! I wish with my soul that we do not grow old And, as if from a painting

Walked - flew!

Five years have passed since our wedding, And we will celebrate the wooden one magnificently, May your magical light not fade away, Your soul blooming like a cherry tree in spring! You are beautiful in everything, my wife, And a celebration is just a good reason To say how much I need a road,

There is one like this for the whole world, not just the city!

Dear, the fifth year has passed since we are a family, The wooden anniversary has come to the door with a run, I am happy that you are my wife!

I’ll knock, even though I’m not superstitious...

Congratulations on 5th wedding anniversary to husband from wife

How quickly and unexpectedly half a decade has passed since our wedding, but you are still loved and desired, There were and are no reproaches in the heart! You are the strongest, kindest, the best, I love you, I am lucky to have you, And let those vows that are associated with you

Always protected by fate itself!

Five years have flashed after our wedding, And we are no longer afraid of anything in the family, I am behind your back, but I will also lend my shoulder, I obey you, but sometimes I will guide you... And I want to wish that we carry this harmony, warmed by each other, So that you were me and I was you,

And we are not afraid of any test!

On the fifth wedding anniversary, it’s clear why it was called wooden: Feelings, as if the crown is immense, I am still loved and desired... I want to wish my dear husband So that your health is strong, So that you are friends with my mother So that both roots and branches intertwine . So that luck always goes with you, The house is full of laughter and fun, So that your love is always with me,

“Dolce Vita”, caramel life!

My dear husband, the five-year anniversary flashed from our wedding like a meteor, But our vignette of happiness does not dim, Love, which lit a fire in our souls! Let her fire warm you everywhere, melt away rudeness in a tense moment, and let it blow through our home, our family hearth,

And the best feelings will remain forever!

Five years and a wooden wedding symbol May it protect our marriage now and henceforth, And you are the stimulus of my whole life, My husband, support and wall, rock and firmament! I love you, I’m proud of you, honey! A breadwinner, a warrior and a hero in everything! The soul of the party, the joker and the ringleader,

And my homey, sweet and simple!

Dear husband, congratulations on your wooden wedding. Let all our affairs grow like bamboo, so that the health of all loved ones is strong, like an oak, and joy reigns in the house, as if under the canopy of tangerine trees.

Congratulations on your fifth wedding anniversary from your parents

The fifth year since the wedding has flown by, but it seems like just a few minutes. And the marriage of our children has matured, Let them live happily! May your grandchildren bring joy to us all, And may there be abundance in your home, May you be successful in any calling! Let the fruits of love bring joy and peace to everyone; And let the money flow to you

Big quiet river!

Five years since the wedding died down, You have grown together in your roots, children, We wish that love warms you, Pushes you straight up! So that you can spread your wings, And fly straight to the sun, Shine good luck with stardust,

And warm, not burn!

Congratulations, children, on your wooden wedding, For the hundredth time we wish you happiness - a good spell! Mother's prayer protects you more, So that you live together, so that you don't get sick, May work never take away your strength, May it only bring you joy and success! Rejoice in your family, peace and harmony to you,

So that everything will always be as it should be!

Let's congratulate our dear daughter and son: In five years, the roots have been woven together, And the wood of the oak tree has become strong, The two halves of the hearts have grown together into one! Five-year marriage - you are already seasoned! We wish that the marriage becomes iron-clad, Covered later with pure gold, But it is not the material that is important, But sincerity, mutual care! We wish you to cherish your loved ones and feel sorry for you, you are forever responsible for each other, success at work, don’t get sick, patience and kindness, dear children,

We wish you to be the happiest person in the world!

Happy wedding day, children! For five years you have been like doves, always together! Let the supply of love never run out And let the conversation about boredom be inappropriate! We wish you health and goodness, And understanding - the recipe is very simple, Together you will reach Silver,

Well, and then to the Golden!

We lived together for five years. This means that the family has grown, the spouses have intertwined roots. And wood is a durable material, although it will yield under the pressure of iron. We wish you that you do not encounter any sharp metal corners, that there is no steel in your voice, and that the sparks of relationships do not ignite an uncontrollable flame! Patience, balance and happiness to you, children!

Congratulations on your wooden wedding anniversary from friends

We congratulate you on your wooden wedding, We wish that the compass points to happiness, Forward under sail, command: “Full speed”! So that there are no storms and various bad weathers... And in the ocean of life your wooden boat, So that it is filled to the top with abundance, So that cheerful children's laughter rings on the deck For your personal life, just so that there are no interference! Friends, we wish you a healthy and fun life,

We want to drink champagne during our five years of marriage!

Friends, we came to congratulate you on your wooden anniversary as part of the group in which we were drunk together at the wedding and shouted “bitterly” to you at the table! Five years have passed, the family has matured, and grown, your efforts were not in vain! We wish you to preserve the fuse, and gunpowder, and spark, and fire! Shine with joyful and cheerful fireworks, And family life will be brightly illuminated, And wealth will be in the house with the fullest measure,

Good luck, may your best dream come true!

Happy wooden anniversary, friends, you will accept congratulations today From a wedding witness and friend: So that life becomes more excellent and happier over the years in your home, May luck protect you, Give you benefits, and in an increased volume,

Satisfies all your desires!

From your friends on your wedding day, on your wooden anniversary, accept: Wishes of good health, wild passion, in a warm color! Prosperity for business and home, In a suitable size! May all your dreams come true,

Luckily you're on your way!

Five years have passed since your wedding, There was no more fun wedding! Please accept wishes from your friends on your wooden wedding anniversary. We wish you complete prosperity, so that the head will always be on horseback! Everything is fine in the house of the owner,

Joy to you every single day!

A wooden wedding is the first anniversary. A tree is a symbol of a strong relationship that does not drown in water, but fire is still dangerous for them... Be careful, spouses! Don't light a big fire in the forest!

Cool congratulations on a wooden wedding

Five years have passed, but you are still a bride in my eyes... Passed the marriage exam and tests: It is made in heaven! And you can’t argue with this fact: You and the road are loved, If only you didn’t argue

You could still give me at least a day...

First family anniversary: ​​You have five easy years together And an anniversary gift: A wooden stool! Congratulations from your friends: Continue to be happy, Well, we are preparing to give you cast iron and copper... After all, we are honestly sure that your marriage is for centuries. Let love be iron,

But beautiful and light!

On the fifth anniversary of your bright marriage, please accept congratulations from your parents. We wish you an interesting situation! It's time to have children! After all, a strong house has already been built, And many trees have been planted, We wish that descendants will come,

Make us "woman" and "grandfather"!

You from your parents for a wooden wedding Please accept congratulations from the bottom of my heart! Patience to you and constant faith in each other, without the slightest doubt! Family life flaunts with unity - After all, it’s like the roots of hearts have grown together! And even the ideological ones must give in. Listen to your mother and father! Married life is the same diplomacy, but honestly, and without sanctions, and without quarrels. There should be no tyrants - democracy!

Resolve every dispute with love!

Five years ago the roads intertwined... Their wedding connected them on one path, And your anniversary is on the threshold: The family has already walked for five years! We wish, children, to live in harmony and be each other’s support, to preserve your happiness for a hundred years! Let the husband respect his wife, let the wife not contradict her husband. It is known: the head and the neck... And who is spinning, and who is spinning,

It doesn’t matter, as long as you don’t get sick!

Toasts for the 5th anniversary of a wooden wedding

We will celebrate the wooden wedding with you, Darling, with you we will easily reach the golden one, Thank you for the wonderful minutes and years, I wish we never quarrel with each other. I'm so proud of you, wonderful wife,

And for you on our anniversary I will drink my glass to the bottom!

I'll drink a glass of champagne to the bottom, my husband, on my anniversary. I've been in love with you for five years - In everything, you're always sweeter than everyone else! And a wooden wedding toast: To eternal love without quarrels! Its recipe is quite simple:

Keep our marriage agreement!

There is a toast for a wooden anniversary: ​​How feelings became strong as wood, So that your husband grows in his career, And your children grow up after them... Your wife blossomed, and your marriage flourished, Like the evergreen forest of a ship. And we wish you all the best,

Everyone according to their wishes and interests...

We drink to your cozy corner, to a quiet pier in the stormy waters of life, and to your rather long “wooden” life -

For five years your marriage has been flawless for us!

A wooden wedding is an excellent reason to invite all your friends and relatives to your anniversary. Let's all drink together to the love of the spouses,

A close friend wishes you happiness!

Let's raise a toast again to the wooden wedding. We wish that your business continues to grow, so that both the day and every moment are illuminated with happiness,

So that everyone can achieve success together!

SMS congratulations on the 5th wedding anniversary

Happy wooden wedding, lovelies, Happiness in your personal life and business! So that the days are as light as clouds

It was like being in blue skies!

Half a decade has quickly passed since the wedding. Congratulations, my friend, and hello to my wife! Wishing you happiness, drive and love!

Are you thinking about registering? Invite me to visit!

Spouses, happy fifth anniversary! We wish that their hearts do not grow old, that the husband is a support for his wife, that the business develops without effort, that they love each other just as passionately,

May everything always be perfect for you!

Five years of marriage. Congratulations! A barrel of joy to you and a supply of love! A basket of tenderness, And a chest of goodness, Peace throughout the sky

Many summers!

Congratulations on your wooden anniversary! We wish you happiness in every moment and hour. So that there is no anxiety and worries,

May only joy await you in the future!

Five years have passed since the wedding, We wish you to remember, How love sighed for the first time, Adding rhythm to the hearts! How the wedding rang merrily, And your first dance... How the date became “numb” Over five years of experience. You are in the memory of all tenderness, cherish every moment! To new whirlwinds of inspiration

The rush has arrived!

Let's celebrate the marriage period of five years, so that life becomes not boring: We wish you longevity, a lot of blessings and a lot of money! And a slice of moonlight love to you so that it keeps coming! Tenderness, so much goodness to you,

So that everyone gets it!

Five years is a long time, And may God protect your love, And the Angel will always be next to you, And no problem is so scary! Happiness to you on your long marriage journey,

So that together fifteen times five more...

Statuses for the 5th anniversary of a wooden wedding

Some people want to be known as happy, while others are just happy, like us! Our family is already five years old!

Five years of marriage is a lucky number, it feels like a tree has grown up! And it gives us its fruits: happiness the size of a star!

Today is a wooden wedding: let's save the forest from fires!

Five years since the wedding... Psychologists say that a five-year-old child reaches a new level in development. This also applies to marriage.

Time spent with loved ones goes by quickly! Five years of marriage have already flown by unnoticed...

Today is our 5th wedding anniversary. But it’s not the dates that make a wonderful day, it’s the people! Thank you, my husband!

Today is a wooden wedding. Five years of marriage have taught us that happiness is like a mechanism: the simpler it is, the fewer the problems.

Of course, don’t forget about a gift for a wooden wedding; more than 50 gift ideas can be found on our website here. Also write in the comments your options for congratulations and comments on ours.

We have been married for 5 years, and I thank fate for what you once said: “Darling, I love you.” Five years have passed, but it seems like an instant, You surrounded me with care and warmth, You have become a gentle inspiration for me I am ready to give you love all my life.

Today we are celebrating our first wedding anniversary. Congratulations, beloved husband, There is no one dearer to me in the world. Let the “five” become a sign of Our feelings, great love. I imagine my life Only next to you. I wish us prosperity, May our dreams come true. May we always have sweetness Together follow fate.

Today's day is called the Wooden Wedding. Congratulations, my sun, on the long-awaited date! Your love is my reward, I am strong with you. The family is not afraid of obstacles, If the love is mutual. Every day I love more, Like a moment, five years have passed. Closer, better and There is no one dearer in the world!

Today our family is five years old! Beloved husband, I wish you, May the feelings not fade away and have a lot of strength, May our journey be successful! May you be surrounded by true friends, May there be extraordinary moments, May the path together be unique, Beautiful, happy, bright and long!

Five years have passed since our marriage, And it seems like just yesterday we got married. We are not tired or bored, As if we had just fallen in love with each other. And on this five-year anniversary, Which is called a wooden wedding, I will congratulate the best of husbands. I love you , kisses, my sun!

You and I remember our wedding day again, Although a few years have passed, But still as many as five! Congratulations on the wooden anniversary, my husband, You are the only man, My assistant, best friend, Happiness does not leave us, Respect will not go away, We love you to each other, This will save you and me.

Five years of happy excitement, And from you there is only admiration. You are ready to carry me in your arms now, Which sometimes you sometimes do. I love you so much too, I want to congratulate you on your wooden anniversary. Today, my beloved husband, I will give you a spoon, You vilify her at all - just a little. And in the evening we will build a fire near the house, and there I will read my unusual congratulations.

I’ve been married to you for five years already, And there’s no end to my happiness. Life is so wonderful with you, I’m glad that I said YES then! I’m ready to live with you for a hundred years, no less, Just toughen up, don’t get sick. Success will still come , I know that, And now sip the champagne solemnly.

Even though we lived few years, But all the time for lunch, I cooked, I tried, I smiled tenderly at my husband. We are a happy family, I congratulate you, And I kiss you tenderly, I want to live as before! Dear, I love you, You - my husband, my family! May everything be on time, Here is my tender congratulations!

I congratulate my dear husband, On your wooden wedding and wish you to be happy for many years, I am preparing a festive dinner for you. I wish you great love here, I want to live two golden weddings with you. Accept my gentle angel, Such a wonderful congratulation.

We have a wooden wedding today, Let's dance to the melody at this hour. We have been living together together for 5 years, We will never leave the path of happiness. Yes, and I give you, my love, a spoon, It is wooden, you accept it from me. I’m sending you a good congratulation now, Let’s drink your favorite tea with you.

You are my soul mate, Well, what am I without you? Five years with you in an embrace We lived lovingly. Five years so happy, Like a sweet dream. I wake up in love, I bow to you. And on this “wooden”, but joyful day To you with my love, congratulations will come.

For 5 years we have lived happily, loving each other, for 5 years you are my only husband, and I am my wife. We always divide everything in half, Joys and anxieties are within our power. Beloved, I congratulate you on your wooden wedding, May your life flow like a river, knowing the barriers. Let the constellations of love always burn above your head.

5 years ago we put on gold rings, The certificate was stamped. Our marriage with you is beautiful and happy, And our feelings burn with a bright flame. I want to congratulate you on your wooden wedding, I wish you good luck, joy and peace, May happiness never forget you, And may The melody of love sounded for the two of us.

I’ll knock on wood, I’ll knock, I won’t scare away our happiness, my beloved. You and I are so happy together, We’ve been living in a joyful marriage for 5 years. I congratulate you on your wooden wedding, I wish you all the blessings of life from the bottom of my heart. Health, prosperity, peace and warmth, So that the family, warmed by love, will always be strong.

I wish my husband happiness and good luck, I wish him rest from worries, Today I am setting a big table, We will celebrate five years with you, I want us to be together always, And so that trouble does not touch us, I want happiness to go next to us, And that’s all good things have come!

It’s hard for me to find words now, To convey how happy I am with you. We divide all adversity in half, And we multiply joy with love. When we started living together, Everything seemed new, unknown, We created our own cozy home And we looked for common interests. And on the 5th wedding anniversary I will say: We succeeded, and even very much. Sorry, I can’t find more words And as a sign of love I’ll put an ellipsis...

The grinding has been completed a long time ago, We have already studied each other, And without you it’s hard for me, So that people don’t tell us - We will take care of each other, We’ve been together with you for five years, My beloved husband, the joy of meeting Always with me, always in place!

On your wooden wedding day, I congratulate you, I wish goodness and happiness to my dear husband, And only the best for him! After all, you deserve it all, For five years you have been the best husband, I hope this will continue, My dream will come true!

The family lives for five full years and grows from great love. Increasing wealth every year, creating its own special way of life. Control in business, subtle calculation, Without extravagance - accounting for money. But in love it’s the other way around: An abundance of affection, madness, generosity. We continue our flight, Without reducing the heights of previous years. And let another five years pass - Love will save you from all adversity. And on the fifth anniversary There is no better and more tender couple!

Today we have a wooden wedding. You have been living together for five years already. For me, this is the best reward in the world. With love, we keep pace in life. And may there be no bad weather on our way. May joy and luck guide us in life. I congratulate us, we wish We are happy, And on this day, a poem from me to you!

How quickly time has passed! Five years have passed since the wedding. The fifth anniversary is a wooden wedding, The love given to us from above is strengthened. And five years have passed without any benefit... Let our tree be iron!

Five years of happy excitement, And from you there is only admiration. You are ready to carry me in your arms now, Which sometimes you sometimes do. I love you so much too, I want to congratulate you on your wooden anniversary. Today, my beloved husband, I will give you a spoon, You vilify her at all - just a little.

I congratulate my dear husband, On your wooden wedding and wish you to be happy for many years, I am preparing a festive dinner for you. I wish you great love here, I want to live two golden weddings with you.

Kind, longed-for wooden wedding! Boards, spoons, ladles - Painted pattern! Joy to you, dear, May you direct your gaze with renewed vigor into the new five-year period. May we live songfully, Sunny and cheerfully. Keep up with the times (and therefore, with the flow!) So that the main thing comes true, And the words of congratulations Affectionately honor the friendly family.

There are mountains of wood in the world - Table, ship and wall, Wooden Pinocchio, Wooden pine. I could glue everything around with just wood glue. Happy wooden anniversary to you, my beloved husband!

You can’t tell me exactly, How many times a day I like to repeat, That I love you endlessly, I want to congratulate you on your anniversary. Today is the anniversary, of course, of a wooden wedding, It happens, of course, once. My beloved husband, dear, Always, you are with me everywhere.

A wooden wedding, waited for five whole years! Now our marriage cannot be broken, You can only cut it! But no one will cut it, Because people know: If there is a strong family, There will be friendly relatives!

You are my soul mate, What am I without you? We lived in love for five years with you in our arms. Five years so happy, Like a sweet dream. I wake up in love, I bow to you.

It’s hard for me to find words now, To convey how happy I am with you. We share all the hardships in half, And we multiply the joy with love. When we started living together, Everything seemed new, unknown, We created our own cozy home And we looked for common interests. And on the 5th wedding anniversary I will say: We succeeded, and even very much. Sorry, I can’t find more words And as a sign of love I’ll put an ellipsis...

We have a wooden wedding today, Let's dance to the melody at this hour. We have been living together together for 5 years, We will never leave the path of happiness. Yes, and I give you, my love, a spoon, It is wooden, you accept it from me. I’m sending you a good congratulations now, Let’s drink your favorite tea with you.

For the wooden anniversary, A wedding seems desirable, If we are together - great! We wish you happiness personally! Difficult years have passed, Understanding has been found, May love always live, Give tenderness again and again! Let's become close people, Sharing everyday days, Let's live a hundred years, Side by side , together and without troubles, So that ardent hearts beat in time to the end!

We have been together for five years, But no one can figure it out, How is it that love never ends?! Silence and peace in the family, And prosperity on the table, You give me flowers, And our dreams come true! Let it continue like this, Life floats calmly , And love burns brighter, My congratulations will be hotter!

Good afternoon, beloved husband! I won’t beat myself up. And today I’ll have time to congratulate you on your anniversary. Let the wooden wedding be as strong as a manor. We lived only 5 years. But there is no stronger family in the world!

We have been together for five years, But for me you are joy and a bright light. I am always ready to go through life with you, You are my angel, protector and guiding star.

Even though we lived a few years, But all the time for lunch, I cooked, I tried, I smiled tenderly at my husband. We are a happy family, I congratulate you, And I kiss you tenderly, I want to live as before!

Congratulations, hugs, I wish you new joys. So that after the wooden wedding, a new, long-awaited wedding, a happy time has come,

And I was able to add more love.

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Wedding anniversary 5 years - poetry, prose, texts, SMS

I congratulate the spouses on their fifth anniversary, And I wish you another hundred years to live in unison! And I also wish you strong love and passion, May there be love in the family as a reliable law! May there be no lies or secrets between you, May you be any We were able to overcome problems together, May your happiness be eternal, selfless, So that you can give each other warmth!

I want to wish that a husband would be loved by his wife, And a wife would always remain desirable to her husband, We would like to congratulate you on your fifth anniversary, On a wonderful date, on a wooden wedding! And may the years fly by, like a ringing moment, Live with respect, tender friendship, And may the spring of joy will be inexhaustible, Let there be love like a boundless ocean!

I want to wish you such great happiness, And so that a horseshoe hangs over your door, So that there are never separate roads, And so that God helps you in your family life! Today your family has turned five years old, And it makes me happy to congratulate you on this, Love to you , prosperity, comfort, warmth, May your family life be a fairy tale!

We heartily congratulate you on your wooden anniversary, And we wish you happiness as strong as a hundred-year-old oak, May you be able to build yourself a dacha out of wood, And may your patience be strong and good luck! May you always reach agreement and compromise, And may you live together in harmony for a hundred years, Feelings for each other and they respected space, and always asked each other for advice!

Today we will celebrate five years since the wedding, And there is no happier family than you in the world, So let love be like a bright beacon, So that you never let your feelings go to waste. Let there be a home, a hearth, warmth, comfort, there will be affection, passion and adoration, After all, you and each other are very lucky, So may the state of love always live in you!

Today your wooden anniversary has come, And we are sitting at the festive table - elegant clothes, We want to congratulate you and hug you as soon as possible, And see the light of hope in your eyes! May your destinies be tightly intertwined, And the love in your hearts only grows with every goal, After all your souls were born into peace for each other, so let your feelings never melt away over the years!

With your dear one, heaven and in a hut, as people say, Although not in a hut, you have already lived exactly five, Five happy years, five joyful years, Your marriage is ready for a new stage in life! Accept congratulations, A year of wooden wedding! prosperity and love give you confidence, May a guardian angel protect your family, May evil jealousy not burn your feelings!

Wooden wedding! Five years have lived! There is no end to the joy for the spouses, May the happiness of your union have no boundaries, May a happy smile never leave your faces! May your home be cozy and warm, You are incredibly lucky to be together for love, Take care of your feelings and keep your love Let the family hearth flare up again!

Happy Wedding Day! Five-year term! Be happy! May God protect you! You have a wonderful life adventure ahead of you, May a strong union not bring you grief! May each of you try for your family, If you feel guilty, may you be the first to repent, Forgive each other’s mistakes in life, Give each other gifts and smiles!

Wooden wedding! We have been together for five years! Spend the night together, meet the dawn, All together and the same thoughts for two, And to you two, we dedicate today’s verse! Keep a positive attitude towards the future, May love live in your young hearts, May youth not leave your souls ,May your desires and dreams coincide one hundred percent!

Today is a Wooden Wedding - a young thing! Love each other, everything else is acquired! Feel free to make plans for the rest of your life, After all, your souls and hearts have merged together! Five years have passed since you are a single family, Common desires, common girlfriends and friends You are responsible for each other - there is no turning back, Take care of your secret happiness and love!

Today is your union’s birthday, Your marriage is very strong and without regret, We wish you to continue to do so, newlyweds, Be happy, loved and infinitely healthy! The journey of five years has been successful, Treasure the feeling, treat love tenderly, And then, practically, one can say for sure,

Only bright clouds will float over the family!

Congratulations on 5 years of wedding: In prose | Cool | Wife | To my husband | From parents

5 Anniversary wedding statuses are beautiful

Issue topic: 5th wedding anniversary, beautiful statuses. So that the hearth of your family happiness never goes out. Good health, prosperity and prosperity.

You have created your family, we gladly wish you to be happy, so that life protects you from quarrels and adversity. Take care of your love, remain faithful. Don't forget about us. We love you and will always be there for you.

Congratulations, you are now ringed. I wish you to carry these handcuffs of marriage until the end of your days and maintain a sincere smile on your face, and not a twitching eye, excellent health, and not a mental disorder, the extraordinary beauty of soul and body, and not a disheveled and tired appearance.

My dear dad and mom, congratulations to you! If it weren't for your marriage, I wouldn't exist either. So that makes it necessary for my very existence. May your life together always continue to be good and happy. Let it bring you nothing but joy.

Congratulations on your wedding day. May your journey together be easy and happy, may your family live in prosperity, happiness and love.

Dear newlyweds! On this wonderful day, your two loving hearts united, so that throughout your life you will carry the light of the best feeling on earth! Mutual understanding, warmth and tenderness! Always be desirable and irreplaceable for each other!

Burn in each other without a trace, because passion is a fleeting thing. But happiness in your family must be eternal. You have taken a serious step towards this wedding, may your new goals for the good of the family be just as swift and victorious.

Two wonderful people - a guy and a girl - walked through life and did not know each other. Then heaven tripled their meeting and it became a family - YOU and ME! I wish you, my dear newlyweds, that love, respect, tenderness, and patience will always be present in your life!

Another star lit up today. It’s like you lit a fire and gave hope to the universe. Now your fate is illuminated personally by your guiding star. So that there is always a reason to celebrate a good mood, let goodness always sparkle in you. Congratulations on this wedding and from the heart we wish you faith, hope and love.

We are pleased to inform you that an event in honor of our wedding will take place on the _date at_ the address. And we are certainly looking forward to your warm visit. We hope that you can share our happiness and fun with us, make our holiday bright, bright, kind and unforgettable.

Let the hearth from your catastrophe of love sparkle across all the radars of the angels from above. We wish for calm only in our declining years, but now we wish to simmer in the fire of passion.

I wish you to never be disappointed in each other! Keep your love, because only then will the family be strong and reliable!

Our dear and dear children. Thank you, beloved ones, for giving us a good upbringing and giving us happy childhood years. We will always love you deeply, take care of you, and in the near future we will delight you with a visit with our beloved grandchildren.

Today is a true holiday of the triumph of love! May this joyful day last you a lifetime. I wish you mutual understanding, family comfort and children's laughter!

Let children's laughter not keep you waiting long and your eyes always sparkle with happiness. Live as you please, no matter what people say!

Today you have conquered time and overcome many obstacles. This is the only way love and happiness are born. Dear newlyweds, congratulations on this magnificent holiday.

Congratulations to the beautiful, sweet and wonderful newlyweds on their wedding day. May the ship of your family life boldly set off on a happy voyage, may its board be washed by waves of love and goodness, may there always be order on deck and comfort in the cabins, may your hearts never go astray from the course of luck. Advice and love to you!

Keep your love, because only then will the family be strong and reliable! I wish you to carry touching tenderness and noble generosity through life!

Dear newlyweds! I sincerely congratulate you on your wedding day. May your marriage become a strong and happy unit of society, may your home always be light and joyful, may your hearts continually give love and support to each other.

Congratulations, our young relatives. We wish you to live a hundred years in legitimate happiness, prosperity, peace and prosperity. May every day be kind and successful for your family, may your marriage be sweet, may your love, hope and family idyll live forever.

Congratulations, you are now ringed. Live as happy birds, flying high in dreams and happiness, and may you soon have wonderful chicks.

We congratulate you on your wedding day. Be happy, dear ones, live without troubles and never stop pleasing each other. And soon, please give us wonderful grandchildren.

The wedding is a good thing! May your marriage be strong, based on love and faith in miracles!

Today the door to a new life opens for you, where everything will be multiplied by two - happiness, joy, responsibility and care. Now you will build your life together, and let it consist only of pleasant moments!

Congratulations on your engagement and I want to wish you a grand wedding, a wonderful life together, a strong family and endless happiness for many, many years to come. May envy and adversity not disturb you, may joy and success always knock on your doors.

Congratulations, wonderful guys. This wedding is the most wonderful, and you, dear ones, be the happiest. I wish you many successful, cheerful, joyful and amazing days in your lifetime, I wish your family well-being, peace, health and prosperity.

Congratulations to the bride and groom on the most important acquisition in life. Now each of you has your closest and most precious person nearby. You now live in a legal marriage, you have achieved true happiness.

The king and queen of today's celebration! Please accept my best wishes for your wedding!

I wish you to create your own hospitable, welcoming home, full of sonorous children's laughter! I wish you good health, prosperity and prosperity.

There is no summer without a thunderstorm, but after the rain the sky plays with seven colors. There is no family without quarrels, but there are marriages in which people know how to give in in the name of love. May a rainbow always bloom on your family horizon, even after the heaviest rainfall.

Achieve happiness and harmony in everything together. Advice and love, bride and groom.

Today you have taken a very big and important step in your life! And I wish that your every further step, every step of your progress will be just as successful and joyful!

May the gentle sun always shine over your home! And if clouds suddenly appear, your great and strong love will sweep them away with your hands! May you have no equal in patience and understanding of each other.

Dear newlyweds! May your family have enough mutual understanding, patience, prosperity and love to maintain happiness for many years to come!

Today is a celebration of love and the unification of two hearts - a wedding! Congratulations on this magnificent and truly important event! I wish you a long and happy life, united by mutual feelings and the desire to be together. May all your dreams and plans, ideas and desires come true!

Let it be sweet from tomorrow, and today let the guests “bitterly” rejoice tirelessly. In the waltz, spin carefree, dance and have fun until you drop.

Many important guests, relatives and closest relatives, came in large numbers today. You have spread your wings and are starting to fly under your sky to your little paradise called family!

Young people, I hasten to congratulate you. Let your marriage not be a marriage according to GOST. I would like to wish you long-lasting love so that your family ship never crashes on the iceberg of everyday problems. Try to understand each other and have compassion.

On this significant day for you, I want to wish you happiness, love, prosperity, and prosperity! Happiness to you and eternal love.

Today two people left their parents, but they did not become strangers. And, having matured a whole life, they founded their own family. May the angels circle above you and protect you for many years to come.

May you have plenty of health and give birth to beautiful, wonderful children. And don’t forget about your parents, thank your mothers!

May no one ever separate you, may you have everything you want and even more!

You are such an amazing couple. Holding hands on this day, I wish that you will not let go for the rest of your life, and after many years you will remember where it all began.

Maintain tender feelings throughout your life. May you never regret what you did years later.

So I came to walk at your wedding! From the very beginning, my heart felt that you were made for each other!

Dear newlyweds. Let this day be the first step for you on a wide and long road called MARRIAGE. Happiness, love and understanding.

Dear newlyweds! Life consists of many little things, words, disputes, a wide variety of life situations. So I wish you that these everyday little things and trifles do not spoil the main thing in your life - joy and happiness!

Dear guys, we are glad that you decided to unite your hearts. You are on the right path, because those who love must be together. Congratulations on your wedding and wish you home warmth and comfort, wealth and good weather in your home.

Congratulations on the first and most unforgettable celebration of your life. Today, as a sign of great love, you exchanged not only rings - you gave each other a piece of your heart. Take care of it, because now it is one for two, and may faith, hope and love always live in it.

On the family's birthday, I wish the newlyweds to create their own hospitable, welcoming home, full of sonorous children's laughter!

Eternal love to you and may all people look at you and consider you an example to follow. Advice and love to you!

How beautiful the bride is, how serious and excited the groom is. Of course, not every day, but, on the contrary, once - and for the rest of your life. Happiness to you, young people, one road, one love and not a single trouble. Congratulations!

I sincerely congratulate the beautiful and happy newlyweds. I wish that your feelings never lose their sincerity, and that relationships are always built on trust and mutual understanding. May the Lord send grace and happiness, peace and bright hope to your family.

As you know, love works miracles, and family is the most beautiful of its miracles. I want to sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful day! I wish you to look at each other just as lovingly and happily in half a century. Happiness, all earthly and unearthly blessings, take care of yourself!

We wish that today’s start to family life will lead you only to victories, a bright future and to winning gold medals of joy!

We wish you great happiness to your newlyweds, the fulfillment of all your marital dreams and the justification of all your warm hopes.

I want to congratulate this lovely couple and wish that the wife sheds crocodile tears only from happiness, and the husband finds out who is more important only behind the canopy. Financial wealth, a long and happy journey together, and so many children that the neighbors take out a calculator when counting.

Protect your happiness and cherish it! Take care of each other and have wonderful children.

Take from life now everything you need. It's now easier to pass obstacles together. We wish our dear newlyweds to walk shoulder to shoulder throughout their lives, without letting go of their hands.

Our dear daughter! May your married life be full of mutual understanding, and every year you will become even more confident that you have made the right choice!

Congratulations on your legal marriage, on great and new opportunities, I wish you openness and fidelity, eternal love. - 5 Anniversary wedding statuses are beautiful.

Dear newlyweds, we congratulate you on this significant event - your wedding day! We wish you strong family ties, mutual understanding, reverent and sensitive attitude towards each other.

Newlyweds, accept my wishes: love, prosperity, swan fidelity. May your family become stronger every day. Be each other's support and joy in life. Harmony and mutual respect!

All meetings and families on this Earth are not accidental and apparently the horoscopes have converged today. We wish the newlyweds to live a happy family life as long as the Milky Way, and that happiness flies to you like a comet. And so on in a circle every year so that your family becomes stronger, more reliable and happier. Advice and love!

The 5th wedding anniversary is called a wooden wedding. The wedding anniversary is already a solid one: five years is not yet ten, but not three. This joyful date should be celebrated. If all previous anniversaries were fairly optional, that is, not requiring special celebrations, then a real celebration is assumed.

Wood is a warm, pliable, cozy and very homely material. In addition, it is also a building material. By five years of marriage, the couple had already managed to build their relationship, furnish their home, and possibly have a child. A well-known parable about the meaning of life says: a man must build a house, raise a son and plant a tree. By the age of five, the young tree has already taken root quite well and begins to bear its first fruits. Likewise, young spouses can already quite accurately determine whether the tree of their family has taken root or is drying alone, bowing under the storms of life. Wood is also a fuel that brings warmth into the house, maintaining the fire in the family hearth, the fire of love and mutual understanding. It’s not for nothing that people love products made from natural wood so much, because they please the eye and remind you of the warmth of the hearth, the creaking of a wooden rocking chair by the fireplace, or the large wooden table around which the whole family gathers.

Compared to all the previous symbols of wedding anniversaries - chintz, paper, leather and linen, wood is the first solid material, which is also very symbolic. By the age of five, all the main roughness and angles in relationships are smoothed out and relative stability is achieved. Wood is a hard material, but, unfortunately, not eternal. A house built of wood is warm and reliable, but can burn down overnight.

It would be a good idea to invite friends and all the guests who were present at the first wedding to celebrate your wedding anniversary. Get together with your spouse's relatives, remember all the good things that have happened to you since your first wedding, and share discoveries made during the reporting period.

This debriefing allows us to finally clarify all the ambiguities and misunderstandings that have accumulated in the life of a young family. Backed up by the facts, the parents of your half will be forced to admit that in a criminal conspiracy with their child, they hid some facts of his (the child’s) biography. At a wooden wedding, it is not forbidden to finally find out what flaws in upbringing led to the fact that your spouse does not know how to cook or refuses on principle to wash her socks, preferring to hide them in the corners.

During the celebrations, some unexpected facts may be revealed. In addition, if you are persistent enough in finding the reasons for the imperfections of your marriage partner, you will be able to hear a lot of new things about yourself. It is not surprising, therefore, that according to statistics, the largest number of divorces occurs precisely in the fifth year of marriage.

Wedding anniversary gifts. You should give wooden items - boxes, candlesticks or carved salt shakers. It wouldn’t hurt to show some forethought when choosing a gift. Given the statistics, avoid giving gifts of heavy wooden objects with impact properties, such as canes, rolling pins, baseball bats, etc.

Congratulations in verse on 5th wedding anniversary

The family lives for five wonderful years
It grows big from its love!
Life creates originality,
And keeps good things from year to year!
Saves wisely, but the calculation
It doesn't count in relationships anymore!
Here, waste is not at all scary,
In caresses you are uncontrollably tender!
And let another five years pass -
Love will save you from all adversity!
On this fifth anniversary
There are no better and more tender spouses!

You lived together for five years.
There was everything: joy, anxiety.
You walked the same path together.
And we want to wish you
Live until the wedding is golden.

Time has its own laws,
Day after day 5 years have passed,
And here you are newlyweds again,
We wish you not to know grief and misfortune.

Happiness, joy to you, young people,
And forget the sadness forever!
Like beautiful bouquets of flowers,
You can live your life just as beautifully.

Today you will celebrate 5 years
For you, it is the best day in the world!
Since you lit a beacon of love,
Then may it shine for you all your life!

Congratulations on your wooden wedding,
We wish you great happiness.
It's easier to live life with love -
Everyone knows about this.
Achieve harmony in life,
Live to be a hundred years old.
Always respect each other
Love and advice to you!

Today is your special day -
Your five year anniversary.
So be happy always!
May the road be bright
Let there be a friendly family.
Keep the feeling, loyalty, affection,
Don't forget the first meetings.
And the rings that you put on
Make sure you save until the end!

Fifth anniversary of marriage -
Good holiday, dear.
May the commonwealth of happy souls
Will be your star
So that you don’t come out untalented
Life on the road is not easy
So that the wedding is “wooden”
Has grown to “golden”.