Test whether a guy loves a girl. Test: Does he love me?

A test to determine whether a man loves you. This questionnaire takes into account the most accurate signs of a man’s love and will help answer the question: “Does a man love me?” However, it also reveals your own psychological problems and illusions.

The exclusivity of the test lies in the fact that it not only scans a man’s interest and sympathy for you, but also analyzes your personal difficulties and psychological conflicts. Very often, we see something that is not there and imagine that a man is in love with us, although this is not the case. Answer the questions accurately and find out: is a man in love with you? Does he have sympathy and interest in you?

How to win a man's heart? Millions of girls ask themselves this question every day. In order to soberly assess your chances and efforts, you need to understand whether the guy has sympathy for you? This test will help you understand whether your chosen one likes you.

Some women, not knowing the answer to the question “Does a man love me?” spend a lot of time on dreams, fantasies and waste their time. They look for signs of hidden attention in simple everyday things, justify his inattention, inactivity, and even simply ignore him - just to remain with the hope that the man loves her. This test not only determines whether your chosen one likes you, but also diagnoses the presence of false illusions and self-deception!

Self-deception in the question: Does a man love me?

The main ways in which women unconsciously deceive themselves, entertain the illusion, hoping that the chosen one also has sympathy and wants to meet:

  1. The excuse for ignoring him is “the man’s hidden fears of relationships”;
  2. The feeling that the success of a relationship depends only on the woman’s desire: “I don’t really like him... But if I want, he will be mine”;
  3. Seeing a man’s desire for a meeting, even if he doesn’t want it;
  4. The feeling that you need to be more active in the relationship and then “certainly the man will be mine.”

In any relationship, love plays the main role. But how to check whether a guy loves you or not? Maybe he's just taking advantage of you, looking for someone else on his side? To find out for sure, you can resort to simple tests that can identify a person in love without any magic. The main thing is to show a little persistence and attentiveness.

How to check how much a guy loves you?

There are several ways to carry out verification. Using simple words, you will truly know whether he is playing you. And here are a few simple checks:

  1. Confess your love to him. If he responds mediocrely, then it is possible that he does not need you;
  2. Ask him to do something for himself. If he begins to complete the task with great zeal, then there is love;
  3. Go on a date in simple clothes and no makeup. If he starts to feel shy about you, then he only needs appearances;
  4. Deny him sex, like “his head hurts.” A person in love will not scold you and demand intimacy;
  5. Ask if you can stay overnight with him. A loving person will definitely let you spend the night, despite your parents;
  6. Give a gift and watch his reaction.

But you shouldn’t take every sign too seriously. After all, a young man may have some problems, be not in the mood, or simply not be a romantic. Therefore, it is worth identifying his love in a comprehensive manner.

A test to check if a guy loves you?

The first test to check your feelings is a shopping trip.

All guys hate walking around the mall with girls. And if he agrees without any problems, then you are dear to him. A person in love will be able to go with you anywhere and to any extent. Also, he can politely refuse the trip. But if he starts swearing and saying that he doesn’t need this, then he doesn’t love you.

Second test. Say that you need help, for example financial.

See if he will solve your problem. Will he help you get out of the situation? A guy who doesn’t love him will promise to sort everything out and “go into the astral plane” for a few days to get rid of the “problem” chick.

The third test is strict parents.

Say that your parents insist on the wedding. Listen to what he has to say. If his reaction is violent and negative, then he does not love you. Afraid of losing freedom. If he refuses, but calmly and reasonedly, like, there is no money, then it is possible that there are feelings.

There is no need to come up with strict tests. Otherwise, you will undermine the relationship, and even a person in love will run away from you. Act calmly and measuredly, and the truth will reveal itself.

How not to check if a guy is in love?

There are many radial tests of a young man's feelings on the Internet. You shouldn't resort to them. After all, many of them are ineffective and very dirty. To test a guy's love, do not use:

  • Non-existent pregnancy or news of the death of loved ones;
  • Card and other fortune telling;
  • Help from various kinds of psychics;
  • Assistance from friends and parents;
  • Provocations and setups.

You are dating a normal person who has feelings and emotions. One of the stupid checks may seriously offend him and he will leave. Therefore, everything should be unobtrusive and unnoticeable.

General signs that he loves you

You don't need to be a good psychologist to recognize a person in love. This guy is constantly trying to communicate with you and be close to you. He is rarely there, busy and almost never hangs up.

A loving person tries to touch you and does not focus only on sexual intimacy. He is ready to do any favor for you and never starts conflicts.

Don't confuse love with ownership. Some guys consider a girl to be their thing. They can be manically attached to you, without giving you any rights and freedoms. It is this “love” that is the cause of domestic violence and murder. It is better to stay away from such young people.

Every girl should understand for herself how to check whether a guy truly loves you. It all depends on many features and nuances that are inherent in a particular situation. There are practically no exact recommendations here.

Love is one of the most beautiful and at the same time mysterious feelings to which we are subject.

Its influence on a person is limitless: it can change the perception of the surrounding world and events, worldview and attitude towards life - make you happy or, conversely, deeply unhappy.

It all depends on the reciprocity of the feelings experienced... And it doesn’t matter how many years you’ve been together, whether you’re married or just dating!

Any representative of the fair sex wants to know what is going on in the soul of her other half. Do they really love her or does the relationship “stick” only on habit.

If you doubt the sincerity of your spouse and dream of finding the answer to the question: “Does my husband love me?” – the test and tips presented below can help you.

This universal test is based on identifying patterns that appear in the absence or presence of love from your significant other.

Take the test

Try to answer the following questions as honestly as possible by choosing the appropriate answer option.

“Does my husband love me” test:

  • How often do you hear words of love from your spouse?
  1. Every day.
  2. Several times a week, probably.
  3. I do not remember exactly.
  • Does your significant other share their experiences and secrets with you?
  1. Yes, I know about everything that happens in my husband’s soul.
  2. Yes, but we very rarely have heart-to-heart conversations.
  3. No, my husband is a very secretive person.
  • What changes have occurred in your man over the past year?
  1. He remained the same as he was before.
  2. My husband became more irritable.
  3. He became more calm and sometimes indifferent to what was happening.
  • How does your loved one prefer to relieve stress and relax?
  1. We love family vacations: we go to nature, etc.
  2. Drinking beer with friends.
  3. Hard to tell.
  • Do you think your husband is happy in his marriage?
  1. Probably yes.
  2. I am not sure.
  3. Hard to tell. Sometimes you hear him regretting past decisions.
  • Do you often allow yourself to speak unflatteringly about your mother-in-law in the presence of your spouse?
  1. Rarely, I try to keep my opinions to myself.
  2. It happens sometimes.
  3. My husband knows how I feel about his mother.
  • What will you do if your husband’s friends suddenly come to visit you?
  1. Put aside all your business and invite them to have dinner together.
  2. You will not interfere with them and their spouse.
  3. You won't pay attention to them.
  • What is it about you that irritates your significant other the most?
  1. My specific look: too short skirt, heavy makeup, etc.
  2. Over-salted soup, burnt potatoes.
  3. Everything I do is criticized by him.
  • Do you have “household chores” - a list of things that each of you does?
  1. No, we can always agree on who does what and when around the house.
  2. Yes, we have everything strictly scheduled.
  3. I usually do everything around the house myself.
  • Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you were married to another man?
  1. Sometimes I think about it.
  2. I think about this very often.

If you have the most answers:

  • "1"– your relationship is built on trust and mutual love. You have no reason to worry, since you and your husband understand each other perfectly. Such relationships are rare in marriage, take care of them.
  • "2"– your relationship with your spouse is developing like in an average family, where the husband is always dissatisfied with his wife and vice versa. If you want more, try to destroy these prejudices by filling your marriage with new happy emotions and harmony.
  • « 3"– your family is on the verge of destruction, because you do not understand and do not want to understand your spouse. Of course, you can stay together for a long time, but such a life is unlikely to bring you happiness.

Love does not love…

It is important to understand that no test can convince you of the sincerity of your loved one’s feelings.

If you really want to understand whether your husband loves you, pay attention to his actions.

Perhaps there is no reason to worry, but you simply stopped noticing his care and attention, and began to consider his gentle touches habitual.

Try to look at your relationships and communication from the outside. Maybe you didn’t even realize how much envy your “modest” hugs in public cause.

If you are lost in doubt about the sincerity of your personal happiness, you most likely need real evidence.

Check your feelings

The ideal way to test your soulmate is on your own initiative.

Yes, yes, you yourself must show attention to your spouse: arrange a romantic dinner, surround him with care and affection, show him how much you love him.

And if in such a situation a man does not come to meet you, moving away from you, this is a very bad sign. Perhaps he put an end to your relationship a long time ago.

You will have to make a lot of effort to convince him otherwise. ()

If a man really loves you, he will definitely show his feelings, for example, in response to a romantic surprise he will give you an unexpected gift, etc.

“Does a man love me?”, “Is my husband faithful to me?” – these are the questions every girl most wants to know the answers to.

And it’s not a matter of uncertainty or fear of loneliness - it’s common for any woman to worry about her relationships.

Therefore, hint to your spouse that it is very important for you to see his feelings every day in minor actions and manifestations of attention.

And it doesn’t matter at all whether it’s a lush bouquet of roses or just a compliment. Just don’t forget that if you demand manifestations of love, nothing good will come of it!

Surround your husband with love and care, and he will do everything to make you happy with him!

    I'm not surprised by the result! I already knew that my boyfriend loved me very much! If a person loves you, it is reflected in his gaze. You just look into his eyes and read love and tenderness in them. I just simply feel how much he loves me and that’s the most important thing. I wish everyone to find mutual love!

    Sincere feelings are felt only at a distance. Therefore, it is enough to listen to your feelings, observe your behavior and sensibly assess the situation

    When a guy truly loves a girl, he is ready to lay down the whole world at her feet. Only his behavior changes, but also his perception of reality.

    I think the main thing here is gifts. People in love do not miss the opportunity to give a gift to someone for whom they have tender feelings, and even if it is just a cute, insignificant trinket - the fact itself is important. In short, if there are gifts, it means he loves.

    wow... He loves only himself. For him, you are like an addition to his image. And no more. He is a real egoist and only cares about his desires and needs. You shouldn't continue a relationship with him if you don't want to always take a secondary role in the guy's life.

    Hooray they love me! This is Love! Congratulations! His heart belongs only to you! Yes, you yourself know this very well.

    Anything is possible... He has strong and sincere feelings for you, but whether this is real love, only time will tell. Maybe the test gave a result because our relationship is just beginning.

    TIME and only time will tell you whether they love you or not!

    Test result: This is love! Congratulations! His heart belongs only to you! Yes, you yourself know this very well.

    Excellent test! We wish you a meeting with true mutual love. Be happy!

    Yes Yes Yes! I knew it! He loves, I know, but how nice it is to hear confirmation of this, both from him, words and actions speak about it, and from the outside, and even the test says that his heart belongs only to me! How nice it is to be loved, girls, I wish you all to feel it to the fullest!