Touching complex (manga). Touching complex (manga) Touching complex manga read online in Russian

Manga Lovely Complex

Manga Touching Complex read online in Russian - Lovely Complex

Manga Touching Complex

Manga "Touching Complex"

Japanese comic series (manga) " Touching complex"will definitely appeal to connoisseurs of unusual, lively, romantic shojo. The main characters are classmates Risa Koizumi and Atsushi Otani, unique teenagers in their own way. Surely each of us had at least one abnormal and at the same time amazing student while studying at school, and here there are two of them. It would seem that the young people cannot stand each other, one is always trying to tease the other, schoolchildren are constantly making fun of the couple, comparing them with the heroes of the famous comedy duet. But this is not the main feature of the main characters.

« Touching complex» — manga, the main highlight of which is not only the peculiarity of the characters of Risa and Atsushi. The fact is that they have quite a big difference in height. It's worth getting to know them better.

Atsushi Ohtani is a schoolboy who stands out among his peers for his short stature (156 centimeters). In addition, Otani literally translates as “big valley.” The student is very worried about his short stature. Apparently, this is why he regularly plays on the school basketball team, and is its permanent captain. Otani often does rash things, and sometimes even behaves rudely towards others.

Risa Koizumi is 16 centimeters taller than Atsushi (her height is 172 centimeters). It is worth noting that the average height of a young Japanese girl rarely exceeds 160 centimeters. Risa's surname means "small spring" (and here the manga authors showed originality). Unlike the main character, the girl does not have any complexes about her height and, together with her best friends, jokingly calls herself a “giraffe.” Her character is characterized by impulsiveness. Risa never deviates from her goals.

As is commonly believed, different poles always attract - such is the law of nature. Naturally, he could not help but act in relation to Otani and Koizumi. In class they are constantly disastrously “lucky”. They are often seated at the same desk. If they punish for wrongdoing, then both. They periodically quarrel, making fun of each other, and then, suddenly, unexpectedly for everyone, they make up. It is thanks to healthy humor, sincere empathy for the characters, “ Touching age» — manga, read which is interesting and funny.

Each of the main characters seems to find solace and tranquility in their opposite. It would seem that here she is - the ideal couple to be together. But, as soon as one of their classmates mentions this, “write - it’s gone.” A whirlwind of indignation sweeps through the entire school, and now the young people again become their worst enemies. In general, “one Satan.”

Risa and Ohtani have been friends for many years, so it's not surprising that they have similar hobbies. This applies to many things - from your favorite music to your food and drink preferences. Over time, Koizumi begins to experience feelings for Otani that are more like love than friendship. This is not surprising, because, in fact, hatred and love are very similar, impulsive feelings. When you love, you do completely unreasonable things, and the difference in height has absolutely no meaning.

It is worth noting the efforts of the authors who achieved that read manga« Touching age"It's not just exciting. It’s as if you are immersed in your own school years, remembering your first love, thoughts about how to confess your feelings to her or him. And do it in such a way that no one laughs at you, without shame, sincerely and openly. Well, for those who don’t like romantic Japanese comics, we recommend read manga« Naruto» in Russian language.

Beware, spoilers.

I liked this very cute thing. Probably, there is still a romantic part in me. To be honest, I have no idea how similar “Lovely Complex” is to other things in this style - because I’m practically not familiar with them.
But let's talk about everything in order - that is, about what, in fact, the plot is.
Otani Atsushi and Koizumi Risa, a boy and a girl, study in the same class. They sit next to each other, quarrel constantly, and yet they constantly help each other, their interests are absolutely common, the same dishes, singers and entertainment evoke enthusiastic cries. Most of their friends already perceive them as a permanent couple, and never stop teasing them about it. However, they themselves don’t even consider each other in that capacity – if only because Otani’s height is one hundred and fifty-six centimeters, while Risa’s is... one hundred and seventy. In particular, this is why mutual curses often relate specifically to height - “Giantess! - Dwarf! - Giraffe! - Runt! “Both of them do not shine with any serious external beauty or wonderful character. Especially in character: both are extremely ruff, they flare up instantly. And tastes seem to be opposite in this area: Risa is looking for a tall, handsome man, Otani admires petite, quiet girls.
In short, you can expect these two to remain friends at best. But it was not there.
We see almost all events through the eyes of Risa, who was the first to realize that she really liked “this runt.” And, oddly enough, there is a reason for it. Despite all his character flaws, Ohtani is a good person in many respects, including caring. What is worth at least an episode with Christmas and a calm parting with a previously beloved, simply because “Rise promised it before.” Moreover, just as Risa tends to constantly cheer up her friend, he constantly does the same, always coming to the rescue when she is sad. And even when none of them even thought about high feelings... they feel good together, and they understand each other flawlessly.
But Risa was the first to realize that the feelings were more than friendly. And then another problem arose in full force - how to say this? Even if there were enough clues: fortunately, a situation very quickly developed when her feelings remained a secret only to Otani - but not to everyone else.
In general, a lot can be discussed about why it took him so long to understand. Otani voiced one of the reasons himself - it was difficult for him to suddenly perceive his excellent girlfriend and almost sister as his beloved girl. But it seems to me - and there seem to be hints at this - that there was another, unspoken reason: he simply could not imagine that someone could love him. Fortunately, the previous romantic experience ended in unequivocal failure; and for a proud man like Otani this is especially bad.
There is no particular point in retelling all the vicissitudes of awareness and acceptance. There are approximately equal numbers of sparklingly funny and truly sad moments: as is probably often the case. In fact, this is generally an obvious feature of the entire plot: within one chapter, hilarious episodes coexist, sharply piercing the heart and warming it.
Once again, we see everything through Risa’s eyes, but understanding Otani’s motives is not that difficult. It is not easy for a hot-tempered and proud person to breathe out a seemingly easy confession; you can notice that his most sincere, undisguised words come out either at the peak of emotions - or when there is a chance of losing fragile happiness, or because of a rival, or because she herself is ready to refuse.
However, this leads to one of, in my opinion, the warmest scenes of the manga - Risa's birthday (or rather, the evening), and the gift.
And after the explanations... no, it doesn’t end there. The newly formed pair is tested for strength. And if the previous ones were rather comical, like an ideal handsome teacher or an annoying childhood friend... now everything is more serious. Perhaps only the thread with Kohori can be considered comical... by the way, it again shows Otani's difficulties in saying what he really thinks. What is behind the words “you are stopping me from preparing for exams! ” stands “when you’re around, I only think about you, what the hell kind of preparation is there! "
It is worth noting that from Risa’s perspective, all the “contenders” for her loved one look much more serious than those vying for her own heart. Perhaps, again, because of the main point of view: she knows her true feelings, but she cannot read someone else’s heart - and that is why the stories with Kanzaki and Hitomi give her such pain.
However, these two manage to get through everything - and stay together. To some extent, this is emphasized by three additional chapters - revealing that Otani and Risa, it turns out, managed to meet three times before consciously meeting, and even remembered the third time. And it turns out that the same person gave them their favorite singer. And what are they connected in general...
Distracting for a moment from the main characters, I cannot help but mention the “second plan”. There are not so many secondary characters - those who play some role in the plot - but everyone has a serious role to play. First of all, of course, these are the four (or rather, two pairs) of friends of Otani and Risa - Nakao and Nobu, Suzuki and Chihiro. Actually, without Nobu, little would have happened - because Risa's closest friend is always the one who beats common sense into her (often more than literally). The second couple pales in comparison to the more energetic Nakao and Nobu, but nevertheless, they also have a prominent role. It is not for nothing that some part is devoted specifically to this four – or rather, to the prospect of a split.
Nakao is ready to sacrifice his own happiness - but not to let Nobu suffer. Suzuki, on the other hand, is broken by failure - and does not want to drag his beloved along with him. And in both cases, Otani and Risa find themselves in an unexpected role: those who now come to the rescue. And successfully: the couples reunite.
In general, the red thread running through the entire plot is the thought of those who feel good together. You can talk any kind of nonsense, knowing full well that the person next to you will understand and pick it up. You can run around the school, poorly understanding what you are running away from - and then laugh at it. You can easily throw yourself into a celebration, you can call each other names without being truly offended. You can easily hit someone in the neck - and also not offend (although you will receive an immediate response). You can be late for graduation and not be particularly surprised to find another latecomer. All this is woven into many episodes that leave a surprisingly warm impression. And let the friends sigh once again, wondering “when will these two crazy people calm down?”, and the teacher sarcastically suggests putting “All Hanshin Kyojin,” the name of the comedy duo, on their diplomas instead of their names. The main thing is that they are together. And it will continue to be so.

Manga Lovely Complex

Manga Touching Complex read online in Russian - Lovely Complex

Manga Touching Complex

Manga "Touching Complex"

Japanese comic series (manga) " Touching complex"will definitely appeal to connoisseurs of unusual, lively, romantic shojo. The main characters are classmates Risa Koizumi and Atsushi Otani, unique teenagers in their own way. Surely each of us had at least one abnormal and at the same time amazing student while studying at school, and here there are two of them. It would seem that the young people cannot stand each other, one is always trying to tease the other, schoolchildren are constantly making fun of the couple, comparing them with the heroes of the famous comedy duet. But this is not the main feature of the main characters.

« Touching complex» — manga, the main highlight of which is not only the peculiarity of the characters of Risa and Atsushi. The fact is that they have quite a big difference in height. It's worth getting to know them better.

Atsushi Ohtani is a schoolboy who stands out among his peers for his short stature (156 centimeters). In addition, Otani literally translates as “big valley.” The student is very worried about his short stature. Apparently, this is why he regularly plays on the school basketball team, and is its permanent captain. Otani often does rash things, and sometimes even behaves rudely towards others.

Risa Koizumi is 16 centimeters taller than Atsushi (her height is 172 centimeters). It is worth noting that the average height of a young Japanese girl rarely exceeds 160 centimeters. Risa's surname means "small spring" (and here the manga authors showed originality). Unlike the main character, the girl does not have any complexes about her height and, together with her best friends, jokingly calls herself a “giraffe.” Her character is characterized by impulsiveness. Risa never deviates from her goals.

As is commonly believed, different poles always attract - such is the law of nature. Naturally, he could not help but act in relation to Otani and Koizumi. In class they are constantly disastrously “lucky”. They are often seated at the same desk. If they punish for wrongdoing, then both. They periodically quarrel, making fun of each other, and then, suddenly, unexpectedly for everyone, they make up. It is thanks to healthy humor, sincere empathy for the characters, “ Touching age» — manga, read which is interesting and funny.

Each of the main characters seems to find solace and tranquility in their opposite. It would seem that here she is - the ideal couple to be together. But, as soon as one of their classmates mentions this, “write - it’s gone.” A whirlwind of indignation sweeps through the entire school, and now the young people again become their worst enemies. In general, “one Satan.”

Risa and Ohtani have been friends for many years, so it's not surprising that they have similar hobbies. This applies to many things - from your favorite music to your food and drink preferences. Over time, Koizumi begins to experience feelings for Otani that are more like love than friendship. This is not surprising, because, in fact, hatred and love are very similar, impulsive feelings. When you love, you do completely unreasonable things, and the difference in height has absolutely no meaning.

It is worth noting the efforts of the authors who achieved that read manga« Touching age"It's not just exciting. It’s as if you are immersed in your own school years, remembering your first love, thoughts about how to confess your feelings to her or him. And do it in such a way that no one laughs at you, without shame, sincerely and openly. Well, for those who don’t like romantic Japanese comics, we recommend read manga« Naruto» in Russian language.