Anna Lorak Instagram official. Ani Lorak boasted about her Russian award and is preparing a documentary film. Personal life of Ani Lorak

Ani Lorak runs Instagram under the nickname anilorak. The popular Ukrainian singer attracted over 800 thousand subscribers to her account.

Account: anilorak

Occupation: Ukrainian singer

Ani Lorak is the creative pseudonym of Carolina Kuek. The beauty was born in Kitsman in 1978. The girl had a difficult childhood: her parents separated even before the baby was born, and at the age of 7, Anya’s mother sent her to a boarding school. When the girl was 9, her brother was killed in Afghanistan. But, despite a childhood marred by difficulties, little Carolina loved to sing and performed in vocal competitions. Her talent was noticed by producer Yuri Thales at the Primrose competition. While participating in the Morning Star competition, the girl changed her name to a well-known pseudonym and has since performed as Ani Lorak.

Instagram of singer Ani Lorak

Ani Lorak regularly posts photos from Instagram on her feed. She very rarely signs her pictures, but sometimes responds to comments from followers. In the beauty’s feed, everything is typical for a social network: traditional selfies, professional photo projects with her participation, posters for upcoming concerts, elegant images of Carolina in which she appears at social events, pictures with her husband Murat. The singer has a daughter, Sofia, who turned 4 this year. But Ani Lorak does not publish her photos on Instagram and tries not to show the baby to the public. In her feed, the girl posts videos of her shows, thanks to which you can feel the atmosphere that reigns at her concerts.

At the end of last year Ani Lorak announced her new show “Diva” directed by Oleg Bodnarchuk. The Ukrainian director and producer previously prepared concerts by Alla Pugacheva, Philip Kirkorov, as well as the “Voice of the Country” show. The premiere of the new project “Diva” will take place in Minsk on February 16. On February 25, the concert will take place in St. Petersburg, and on March 3, in Moscow’s Olimpiysky Sports Complex.

During the show, Ani Lorak will transform into thirty beauties from different times and nations and change her hairstyles, outfits and even makeup the same number of times.

On the eve of a big tour, the 39-year-old singer told the Antenna portal. Tele seven" about her relationship with her husband. In her opinion, any artificial division of responsibilities ruins the family: “When the concepts of “he must earn money” and “she must cook borscht” are included, love dies. If we owe anyone anything, it is perhaps to ourselves, namely, to be happy. I continue to be the same free person. And I do whatever I want."

Ani Lorak with her husband and daughter

The artist is sure that a woman sets the tone for a relationship, choosing those that are right for her, and assigning herself the role of “mom,” “daughter,” or someone else: “My husband and I are best friends. Maybe also because we are the same age, we understand each other perfectly. Just look, and he already knows what I want to say. And I also understand it on some subconscious level. It seems that we even experience the same emotions. I still flirt with my husband, I love dressing up for him or arranging some surprises, but at the same time I believe that the relationship should develop.

It’s impossible to remember your first date all your life and try to repeat the hairstyle, makeup, dress you were wearing when the man fell in love with you.”

Ani Lorak noted that a couple’s relationship changes over the years. This is influenced by people growing up, having children and other factors. The singer added that she likes herself much more now than in the photographs of ten years ago. Her husband Murat Nalchadzhioglu moved to Kyiv from Turkey for his beloved, not knowing the Russian language: “He only dreamed of being next to me. And look at him now: he has learned the language and is successful in his business. I started from scratch and achieved everything myself.”

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The singer admitted that her husband is not at all jealous of her on stage, and encourages her spectacular sexy outfits: “I laughed recently. I thought that at least once in my life I would wear a longer dress and do without a neckline. And Murat says: “Well, why are you dressed up like an old woman?” And I realized that he is a successful young guy and, of course, wants me to be a beauty next to him. He treats my stage images absolutely calmly.”

Ani Lorak is proud that Murat feels her mood very subtly - he often gives flowers or puts tickets to Paris under her pillow: “When I want special attention or a gift from him, I can calmly hint at it. I think this is our feminine strength... And he will definitely notice it, buy it and surprise me.”

The artist does not hide the fact that she would be glad if her husband accompanied her to premieres and the red carpet of social events, however, Murat is firm in this and does not agree to public appearances: “Even to persuade him to do joint photo shoots, which we have done in our entire life together.” two or three, it took me a lot of effort. But, on the other hand, this is another big plus for my husband, because I don’t like it when a man indulges in narcissism.”

Photo: Ani Lorak (

A famous director will make a movie about a Ukrainian singer

The popular Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak, who has an active career in Russia, boasted of another Russian award. She said that Ukrainian director and music video director Pavel Kildau will make a documentary about her new show “Diva”. The star spoke about this on her page on the social network. Instagram.

After Carolina Kuek (the singer’s real name) received the BRAVO award in Moscow for “Show of the Year,” she shared news about the documentary.

Photo: Ani Lorak (

“We are preparing for you a unique documentary about the creation of my show “Diva”, on which an international team is working. @pavel_kildau,” the performer wrote.

“The show “DIVA”, on which we worked for a whole year, was recognized as “Show of the Year”! This award is recognition of the work of our entire huge global team! I am grateful to everyone who took part in the show. Thanks to my dear viewers who attended our concerts "Thank you for your warm hearts and crowded halls! Thanks to the BRAVO awards," the singer wrote online.

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It is worth noting that Pavel Kildau created a video for the group "Skryabin" for the song "Dolphins" and other videos of various artists, and is also the director of the film "Molotov Cocktail", which received the main prize of the International Film Festival in Delhi in the category Best world cinema ("Best film") peace").

Ani Lorak (Carolina Kuek)- popular Ukrainian singer. Born on September 27, 1978 in the city of Kitsman, Chernivtsi region, Ukraine.

Carolina began her pop biography at the age of 14, when she signed a contract with the famous producer Yuri Falyosa. In 1995, on the Russian television show “Morning Star”, she first performed under her creative pseudonym Ani Lorak. And a year later, the singer’s first studio album, entitled “I Want to Fly,” was released.

The singer's performance at Eurovision 2008

Since then, the singer has built a dizzying career, she has 12 studio albums and about forty video clips. At the age of 19 she was recognized as “Honored Artist of Ukraine”, and today she has simply a huge number of different awards and titles, including second place at the international music competition “Eurovision”!

Ani has been recognized more than once as the most beautiful girl in Ukraine, and in 2000 she entered the top 100 most attractive women in the world.

With her husband Murat Nalchadzhioglu (photo from the wedding)

Carolina is married, her husband is a major businessman, a Turkish citizen. They met in Antalya in 2005, and got married in the summer of 2009. Two years later, their daughter Sofia was born.

You can follow Ani Lorak’s personal life on her official page at Instagram

She captivates with her beauty, charm and talent, becoming popular not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia, and her many fans follow not only her work, but also her personal life, and they would be interested to know if she is married and who Ani Lorak's husband? Yes, the singer has been happy with her husband, Turkish businessman Murat Nalchadzhioglu, for more than nine years, and seven of them have been legally married.

Personal life of Ani Lorak

The personal life of Ani Lorak developed differently, and it was not always only cloudless days. The parents of Carolina Kuek, this is the singer’s real name, separated even before her birth, so her mother, who had two more sons in her arms, and then a third was born in a new marriage, sent her older children to a boarding school.

In the photo - Ani Lorak and Yuri Thalesa

Mom, father and grandmothers did not indulge the girl with their attention, and Ani constantly felt lonely and unwanted, and her main dream was to quickly get out of the boarding school. In the seventh grade, she took her documents and transferred to a regular school, but this did not make her life better - Caroline constantly heard ridicule and endured bullying - her peers openly laughed at the poorly dressed “fatherless girl”.

Anya’s parents devoted themselves to creative professions - her mother was a radio announcer, and her father was a journalist, a penchant for creativity manifested itself in her - she loved and knew how to sing and from early childhood took part in various competitions, and at fourteen her professional career began.

The talented young singer was noticed by producer Yuri Thales and did everything possible to turn Ani into a real star. As often happens, a mutual feeling arose between the producer and the young singer, despite the significant age difference of seventeen years, Yuri divorced his wife, and soon they began to live together.

It was Thales who suggested Caroline’s stage name, inverting her real name - this is how Ani Lorak turned out. However, this civil marriage did not last long, and the reason for the separation from her first husband was Ani Lorak’s new love. She openly admitted to Yuri that she had fallen in love, but Thales decided not to immediately put an end to their relationship, they continued to work together, and Ani suffered from new love.

Her lover was a wealthy, famous and wealthy man, but married, and, assuring Lorak that he would soon divorce his wife and everything would be fine with them, he was in fact in no hurry to change anything in his biography and leave the family. Tired of enduring this uncertainty, Ani broke up with him and returned to Thales, but it was no longer possible to restore what was between them before, and they broke up completely. And after several years of loneliness, the singer met her true love.

Who is Ani Lorak's husband?

Ani met Murat while on vacation in Turkey. He was an employee of the hotel, one of the owners of the tour operator “Turtess Travel”, where the singer stayed, and fell in love with her at first sight, and soon Lorak reciprocated his feelings. After several days spent together, they had to break up, but they continued to communicate on the phone until Ani realized that this romance would lead nowhere - after all, she and Murat are from different countries, speak different languages, and there is no point in continuing the relationship. So they would have parted forever if a year later the singer had not flown to the same hotel to shoot a video, and from this meeting their beautiful romance began.

In the photo - Ani Lorak with her husband

Murat Nalchadzhioglu arranged romantic weekends for Ani, gave flowers and gifts, and in 2006 he moved to Ukraine. This fairy tale lasted all three years until Ani finally agreed to become his wife - she delayed this moment because she was afraid that the stamp in the passport would ruin their relationship, but this did not happen, and after Murat proposed to her, she decided to marry him. They played two weddings - one in Kyiv, the other in Turkey.

In the photo - the wedding of Ani Lorak and Murat Nalchadzhioglu

Murat Nalchadzhioglu: biography

Many people are interested in the question - how old is Murat Nalchadzhioglu? The singer’s husband is almost her age - he was born on June 12, 1977 and is a year older than his wife. His biography is somewhat similar to the biography of Anya herself - Murat also began an independent life early, at the age of fourteen he began earning money so that after the death of his father he could help his mother raise three sisters. After moving to Ukraine and marrying Ani Lorak, Murat turned from an average entrepreneur into a successful businessman and continues to develop his business - he owns several restaurants in Kyiv, manages entertainment clubs and is not going to stop there.

Children of the singer and her husband

Children of Ani Lorak - this has always been the ultimate dream of the singer and her husband, because for complete happiness their family only needed a happy child’s laughter. On June 9, 2011, the daughter of Ani Lorak and Murat Nalchadzhioglu, Sofia, was born. Having decided to have a child, the couple were worried about how the birth would go, because by that time Anya was thirty-three years old, and she was afraid that various complications might arise.

Fortunately, everything went well, and soon photos of the singer’s daughter appeared online. A year after Sofia was born, they baptized her in Kyiv, and Philip Kirkorov became her godfather.

Ani Lorak successfully combines career and motherhood, and her husband helps her with this. The singer says that her husband is a wonderful dad - he always walks with his daughter, plays with her, sings songs to Sofia, and her daughter adores him. Ani calls her family an island of happiness, and considers it a real gift of fate.

Rumors about Ani Lorak's divorce from her husband

Ani knows that star marriages are not distinguished by strength and constancy, but she knows well how to avoid this, and tries to do everything so that their family exists forever. However, she and Murat also had to go through certain difficulties in their relationship, and rumors often appeared in the media that Ani Lorak’s husband Murat Nalchadzhioglu was divorcing her. They talked about this especially often when Murat moved from Turkey to Kyiv, and then everyone disapproved of the singer marrying a Turk.

In the photo - Ani and Murat with their daughter Sofia

The singer’s lifestyle also caused some tension in the relationship at the beginning of her married life - Ani often toured and therefore was very rarely at home, which is why Murat once doubted whether she needed him at all. Fortunately, they managed to survive society's disapproval and some problems in their relationship, and now the couple are still happy together.

Murat Nalchadzhioglu learned Russian for the sake of his wife, although it was not easy for him, and now they communicate in Russian in the family. Ani tries not to lose her attractiveness in the eyes of her husband and does not allow herself to look unkempt at home. Lorak is sure that a woman should be a source of tenderness, love and warmth, and then her man will never stop liking her. They often have to be far from each other, but even in such moments, Ani and Murat try to always be in touch and remind each other of their love.