What is the funded part of a pension in simple words? Funded pension: what it is and who is entitled to it. About the moratorium on the use of the technique

This element of the pension is one of the legislative innovations adopted in 2002. From a theoretical perspective, this moment is represented by a system of accruals, which can lead to an improvement in the state of the pension fund in the country. As for practical experience, not enough time has passed to reliably assess the effectiveness of the approach.
Let's look at it in the article: the funded part of the pension - what it is, what points and subtleties are observed when forming it.

Insurance part

This element is based on compliance with the insurance principle. Actually, this is where the name comes from. An insured event is a citizen’s retirement when he reaches a certain age. In our country, the female indicator is 55 years, and the male indicator is 60 years. The state acts as the insurer, namely the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Components of a funded pension

The insurance share is based on the fact that insurance contributions are paid by the employer instead of the subordinate. These amounts are directly proportional to wages. Therefore, it is important for an employee to receive white wages. In this situation, the amount of contributions will be greater, therefore, the size of the pension will also increase. Insurance contributions amounting to 22% of wages are paid monthly towards the pension.

Every year the conditions become more stringent. For example, this year you need to have at least 6 years of work experience to retire. It is predicted that in a few years the length of work experience will increase to 15 years or more.

Funded pension

Cumulative part of pension– this is a certain amount formed on the personal account of an individual. It should be noted that this type of payment may differ among people, even if their salary is the same. This type of pension can be influenced directly by the pensioner himself. A citizen has the right to choose where to spend his part of the savings:

  • make a transfer to a non-state pension fund;
  • make a transfer to a private company;
  • entrust the amount to the state, namely the company.

Currently, every citizen can choose a company to suit their taste, since their number is constantly growing. Each of the companies can engage in advertising activities, and data on their financial condition is constantly updated and noted on the website.

Pension contributions

Previously, it was planned that the funded part should have a positive growth trend from year to year until the citizen reaches retirement age. Typically, these differences increase due to changes occurring in the company's income. Once a year, a person has the right to transfer his savings portion to another company.

The distinctive characteristic of the accumulative part is that it is subject to inheritance. This rule is also applicable when the deceased employee did not use the funded portion of pension contributions made throughout his life.

Features of receiving

We have looked at why the funded part of the pension is needed, all that remains is to decide how to get it. Certain persons have the right to receive this element at a time:

  1. Those who do not have work experience in old age and people receiving other types of pension payments. But you can apply for the use of the funded part only after reaching a certain age.
  2. Persons who have a funded component amounting to no more than 5% of the total labor pension.

Pension formula

Urgent payments are made by state and non-state companies for persons who:

  • made transfers to a savings account on a voluntary basis on the basis of government financing project programs;
  • transferred to the funded part “maternity capital”.

In short, urgent return is typical for amounts voluntarily deposited into the account. In addition, the amount of profit received in the course of investment activities is subject to return.

The time of the urgent pension and certain periods can be noted by the citizen independently, but this period cannot be less than 10 years.

Formation of the storage part: features

To understand and determine the difference between the funded part of a pension and its other elements, you need to have a general understanding of the payment structure. In our country, the entire pension is divided into 3 parts, financed from various sources. All employers have an obligation to make contributions to pension funds instead of employees; this is regulated by general legislation. In 2002, this indicator was equal to 28% . Of these:

  1. 14% — Federal budget + basic pension part.
  2. 14% — Revenues to the Pension Fund budget + financing of insurance payments + funded part.

The amounts of money received by the budget for the Pension Fund were divided into two elements:

  1. The first part was intended for women (1958-1966), men (since 1953), the amount of the insurance part was 12%, and the funded part was 2%.
  2. The second part is intended for citizens of another generation. According to statistics, only 20% of citizens made transfers to non-state pension funds, and only 1% of people made payments to the management company.

Calculation of a citizen's pension

In 2015, a new law came into force, establishing different calculation rules. Currently, a working citizen independently forms insurance and funded pensions, which he can count on upon reaching retirement age.

Types of insurance pensions

  • on disability;
  • loss of a breadwinner;
  • old age.

Not so long ago, the rights of citizens in this area began to be formed on the basis of special points.

Conditions of receipt

  1. The age for men is 60 years, for women – 55 years. If you have 15 years of work experience, you can count on early receipt of your pension.
  2. Pension points in total must be at least 30. Their number depends on the amount and number of general insurance contributions, as well as on how long the work experience is.

Interesting statistics: citizens’ attitude towards funded pensions

Having considered what the funded part of a pension is, we can conclude that it is a profitable system that has the potential for further development in our country. The accumulative amount after death can also be paid if the citizen died before the assignment of the accumulative part. If death occurs after the accumulation amount has been assigned, then the heirs will be able to receive its remains. It is still difficult to make predictions about the future fate of the funded part, but numerous programs are currently being developed aimed at changes in this area.

Today in Russia there is an active pension reform, intended mostly for the population of the Russian Federation born after 1967.

The reform is based on the principle of accumulating pension funds, which are transferred to the pension accounts of citizens engaged in working activities.

What does the funded part of the pension consist of?

The funded part of the pension is formed, first of all, by the employer. Every month, from the place of employment, the pension fund receives an amount of 22 percent of the worker’s official salary. The value of this 22% determines the size of the future pension.

In turn, this 22% is divided into two parts:

  • The distribution part is sent to the Federal budget to meet current expenses. Consists of two components:
  • 10% - the insurance part, from these funds the monthly payment guaranteed to each citizen after retirement is formed;
  • 6% is the joint part and is not transferred to the employee’s individual account. It is used to provide for current pensioners;
  • 6% - the savings portion intended for investment in order to receive an additional increase in pension; this percentage is transferred directly to the individual pension account.

Insurance part 228 + 3610.31 + Savings part 228 = pension amount

Explanations for the formula:

  • 3610.31 – the main amount of the insurance part, as a rule, is fixed;
  • 228 months is included in 19 years, the expected period of old-age pension payments;
  • The funded part includes not only the funds transferred by the employer or personally, but also the income from their investment.

It shows that the increase in future pension directly depends on the increase in the funded part.

Management of the accumulative part

Citizens can make additional personal contributions to the funded part of their future pension. You can do this in two ways:

  • Independently, transfer money to the Pension Fund through any bank;
  • Through the employer. To do this, you need to contact the accounting department at your place of work and agree to transfer the desired amount to the Pension Fund, which will be automatically deducted from your salary.

Initially, pension savings are managed by the state company Vnesheconombank (VEB), but since 2002, citizens themselves can choose a manager.

Any participant in the reform has the right to transfer his funded part to non-state structures, the profitability of which is much higher than the profitability of VEB. You can change the management company once a year, without any material losses.

The main difference between public and private companies is the investment strategy.

VEB's actions are conservative in nature; they are often aimed at preserving savings from inflation.

Non-state funds pay great attention to generating income from investments, due to which their profit rates are higher.

If management is transferred to a non-state company or fund, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will transfer all savings, along with income from investment, to the selected institution, which will then be responsible for preserving the funded part of the pension and paying them.

How to find out the funded part of your pension?
It is not difficult to control an individual pension account where savings are stored. Once a year, management companies send out statements indicating the results of investing pension funds.

What will change in 2014?

On November 20, 2013, the State Duma approved a bill on choosing the size of the funded portion. The draft establishes that reform participants can independently decide whether they need a funded part equal to 6%.

Citizens can refuse the funded part by directing all 6% to the insurance part.

It is also possible that 2% remains in the savings part, and the remaining 4 goes into the distribution part. Or leave all 6% for savings.

To select a tariff for 2014, you must submit an application before December 31, 2013. If this is not done, the funded part will automatically be transferred to the solidary part.

There may be several decisions regarding the savings part.

Where is the funded part of the pension now? Selected tariff for funded pension Where do you want to store the storage part? What needs to be done for this before January 31, 2014
GUK "VEB" 6% GUK "VEB" Write an application for choosing VEB with the note 6%
NPF Conclude an agreement with the selected organization and submit a transfer application to the Pension Fund
2% GUK "VEB" Do nothing
NPF 6% GUK "VEB" Write an application for a refund to VEB with a note of 6%
NFP Do nothing, or apply to change NFP
2% GUK "VEB" Write an application for a refund to VEB with the note 2%

The choice of a management company should be approached responsibly, because it can only be changed once every 5 years

The state is not responsible for non-state pension funds (NPFs), but only monitors them.

Therefore, it is best to choose time-tested organizations or collect as much information as possible about the company you like.

When submitting an application, you must have the following documents with you:

  • Passport;
  • SNILS.

Payment of the savings portion

What to do when you reach retirement age? It is necessary to contact the Pension Fund with an application containing an application to grant an old-age pension.

Thanks to this, the payment of the insurance part of the pension (basic) starts.

If the funded part was also paid, then to receive it you need to write another application for a pension, only now for its funded part.

The application must be submitted to the management company, which was once entrusted with the savings component.

Where to transfer, when and how to receive the funded part of the pension can be decided individually by everyone.

You can receive the entire savings portion in three ways:

  • One-time payment. This option is possible if the savings amount does not exceed 5% of the monthly pension payment;
  • Urgent payment. In this case, savings are received upon retirement in the form of monthly payments. The total amount of payments includes personal contributions from the citizen, employer contributions and all income received from investment. It is up to the pensioner to decide how long the payments will be made, but not less than 10 years.
  • Standard payments. This option is possible only in one case, if the monthly payment upon calculation turns out to be more than 5% of the monthly labor pension. Payments occur according to the standard scheme, together with the basic pension. The pensioner will receive such a combined pension indefinitely.

The size of standard payments depends directly on the indicator approved by the state.

This indicator is called the expected period of pension payment.

A standard payment is calculated in the same way as an urgent payment, only it must be divided by the expected period in months. In 2012, the period was 18 years, in 2013 it was already 19.

The Pension Fund warns that urgent and standard payments will be adjusted annually depending on contributions and the results of investing savings.

In the event of the death of a person who has unpaid pension savings, his heirs have the right to them.

If maternity capital was used to replenish the funded part of the pension, then the savings together with income from investments will be paid only to the child or his father.

Note to accountant

Contributions to the Pension Fund for employees participating in the reform are paid in two payment orders using different budget classification codes (BCC).

Thus, transfers to the savings and insurance parts occur separately.

In 2014, practically nothing will change; the accountant will need to additionally take into account which pension accumulation option the employee has chosen.

From January 1, 2014 The law came into force, according to which changes are introduced regarding pension contributions of Russians. The document regulates not only the redistribution of amounts to various insurance and funded parts of the labor pension, but also the revision of the current tariffs of insurance contributions. Let’s take a closer look at the changes to understand how we can ensure a decent amount of pension payments in the future.

Let’s figure out how the insurance and funded parts of a pension differ from each other. Both parts differ from the basic component in that they are not fixed values, but depend on the citizen’s salary. The insurance part and the funded part of the pension are calculated based on the survival period (228 months).

The insurance part is guaranteed by the state to every citizen of the Russian Federation. This does not depend on which company will manage the savings part. The deducted amounts are used to pay amounts to current pensioners.

The savings part is intended for storing funds in an individual account that cannot be spent on government needs. The amount of savings depends entirely on the choice of the citizen and his business activity.

Cumulative part of labor pension

Employees born in 1967 and younger than them must decide on the method of forming the tariff for the funded part before 12/31/15:

  • leave 6%;
  • refuse to increase the insurance part of the pension. In the first case, you need to submit a corresponding application to the Pension Fund or Non-State Pension Fund before 12/31/15. In this case, the funds will be returned to the Pension Fund if the NPF ceases its work for various reasons. If the employee does not want to make contributions to the funded part, then 22% will go to the insurance part, of which: 6% is the solidary part of the tariff, 16% is individual. The size of the funded part of the labor pension is regulated by the conditions of the institution to which the employee entrusts the management of his funds . In the case of cooperation with the state Pension Fund and the company that manages its assets (Vnesheconombank), the amount of the funded pension is adjusted annually on August 1, based on the results of the company’s investment activities.

Insurance part of pension

The insurance part of the labor pension will be calculated according to the new formula only for citizens who will start working for the first time in 2015. For those who have work experience, pension rights in 2014. converted into a new accounting tool - individual pension coefficients. The value of the “annual pension coefficient” is planned to be calculated as the ratio of the amount of contributions paid by the employer for the insurance part, multiplied by 10% (16%), to the amount of contributions from the maximum salary, multiplied by 16%. The resulting value must be multiplied by 10. This coefficient will evaluate the person’s annual work activity.

16% of the employer's contributions will be directed to the insurance part in case the employee refuses to form a funded part, 10% - in case of filing an application to the non-state pension fund (NPF). For citizens born in 1967 Only the insurance part of the pension will be valid.

The insurance portion will be calculated in points based on the person’s length of service, salary level, and date of retirement. Only those who score 30 points will be able to receive social assistance. The minimum length of service, which provides for payment of an old-age pension, will increase to 15 years. Since 2015 the required experience must be 6 years, increasing annually. The amount of wages subject to insurance contributions will also be increased to 2.3 average salaries instead of the current figure of 1.6.

Insurance premium rates in 2014

For most companies, insurance premium rates remained at the 2013 level:

  • 22% are transferred to the Pension Fund;
  • 5.1% are contributed to the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund;
  • 2.9% are deducted to the Social Insurance Fund. With payments above the maximum base value (624 thousand rubles since 2014), contributions are sent only to the Pension Fund (10%) for the insurance part. The base is calculated from the beginning of the year on an accrual basis for each employee.

New pension calculation

Starting from 2015, a new principle for calculating labor pensions will be introduced in the Russian Federation, which will make it possible to close the “pension holes”. It is assumed that newly minted pensioners from 2015 will be able to solve this problem without raising the retirement age, reducing payments or transferring additional burden to taxpayers.

So, the new system assumes:

  • the basic component is a state guarantee of payments for all citizens of the Russian Federation without exception upon reaching the age specified by law or the corresponding length of service.
  • insurance component - this part depends mainly on the integrity of the employer (amount of contributions paid) and the solvency of the state (economic situation).
  • accumulative component - its size is formed voluntarily and compulsorily, and depends on the will of the employee.

Payments of the basic pension will be assigned to the Federal Budget. Initially, it is tied to the base size with annual indexation of 1.04. The size of the increase depends on the rise in prices for the consumer basket or on the level of inflation.

You can save pension payments without raising the age limit by indexing payments. It depends on the actual age at retirement. For example, an employee who did not apply for a pension on time and continues to work for more than a year will have 5.6% added to the accrued pension, from two years - 12%, from three - 19% and beyond. It is easy to calculate that if you retire 10 years later than your age, a person will receive an amount greater than 2.11 times.

Non-state pension funds

Why is it important to decide on the choice of non-state pension fund before 2015? People who did not apply to the Pension Fund before 01/01/15 will lose 6% currently subject to deduction to the funded part of their labor pension from employer contributions. They will be automatically redirected to the insurance part of the pension. Those citizens who have already transferred their savings portion to a non-state pension fund or have submitted an application to select a management company will not be affected by this procedure.

In conditions when the average return on investments of the state agent Vnesheconombank is up to 9.9%, and the inflation rate, in turn, reaches 9.7%, it seems inappropriate to quickly transfer your savings to a non-state fund.
Important to know:

  • The state will make pension payments in any case, but their size depends on the person.
  • You can increase your future pension several times only with the help of the funded part.
  • The fund must be selected taking into account its profitability and reliability rating (A++ the highest degree). You can choose a fund annually (for example, where the annual percentage is higher).
  • When choosing a non-state pension fund, you should focus on organizations operating in your region. Sometimes you will have to appear there in person, so a fund located nearby will be convenient.
  • The state is informed about your savings, since at the end of the reporting year the funds report to the Pension Fund about the amount of money earned for investors.
  • Do not forget that state extra-budgetary funds (FSFR, PFR) guard the interests of citizens. A positive aspect of the new pension reform is the involvement of Russians in the fate of their own future through financial control. The ability to choose non-state pension funds will allow you to wisely increase your pension savings.

After the 2015 reform, new concepts appeared in the practice of pension provision for citizens. The labor pension turned into an insurance pension, and the funded component acquired a different content. The funded pension is still frozen in 2019. The government imposed a moratorium on the implementation of legislation regarding the accumulation of subsidies for old age back in 2014. However, all the funds already invested do not go anywhere. They are recorded in the personal accounts of citizens.

Funded and insurance pensions - which is better?

The law gave people the right to choose. It is the worker himself who must decide how to manage the mandatory contributions. The logic is this:

  1. The company must pay 22% of the employee’s income to the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR). This is how the solidarity budget of this organization is replenished, from which money goes to provide for all pensioners.
  2. This 22% is divided as follows:
    • 6% goes to the solidarity fund, that is, to ensure current expenses for pensioners;
    • 16% is money that a worker can dispose of. They go towards the formation of his future pension:
    • send the entire amount to create an insurance pension;
    • divided into two parts: 10% for the insurance part and 6% for the savings part of future maintenance.

Important: the difference is who will manage the funds:

  • if you send everything to the insurance fund, then the money will be managed by the state;
  • The funded part is allocated to a management company (MC) or to the accounts of non-state pension funds (NPF).

The main difference between deposits

Insurance deposits are guaranteed by the state. In addition, their amounts are subject to mandatory indexation. That is, they increase by the amount of inflation recorded in the previous year.

Non-governmental organizations are engaged in investing funds. And this can lead to:

  • to their significant increase;
  • to fix the invested amount (if the company suffers losses).

State structures do not guarantee contributions from non-state pensions. They are not indexed.

Important: the insurance contribution is transformed into points or coefficients. They are taken into account when calculating the old-age pension. A savings contribution is similar to a bank deposit. It can be:

  • pass on by inheritance;
  • receive instantly (limited);
  • register for another person.

Will the funded part be formed in 2019?

According to the law, before 2015, citizens whose date of birth falls in the period from 01/01/1967 onwards could choose the method of investing funds. In addition, this right is reserved for workers who have recently begun service (not earlier than five years).

Those who decided to save for old age have already replenished their accounts in the management company and non-state pension fund. Their contributions are personalized. They are not going anywhere and can be used legally. However, in 2019, the process of investing in savings for old age is frozen.

Attention: Articles 11 and 15 of Law No. 360-FZ stipulate that this type of investment can only be managed by the citizen for whom the funds were transferred by the enterprise. Download for viewing and printing:

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Subtleties of savings formation

It is necessary to understand all the nuances of the system laid down in the legislation. Namely:

  1. When a person enters into an agreement with a management company or non-state pension fund, his insurance premium is reduced. And this leads to a decrease in the number of points, and therefore, in future maintenance in old age.
  2. In 2019, there is still a moratorium on savings.
  3. However, it is not prohibited to transfer voluntary contributions to management organizations. They will be taken into account when determining the payment after the occurrence of the insured event.
Attention: you can transfer maternity capital or a certain share of it into pension provision.

In addition, the citizen is allowed to change the decision on how to distribute funds at his own discretion. You can refuse to transfer 6% to savings. Then the already invested funds will be used for investment, and paid out after reaching retirement age.

About the moratorium on the use of the technique

Let’s look at what the phrase “freezing pension savings” means. In 2014, the Russian Federation found itself in a situation of economic crisis:

  • the budget turned out to be in deficit;
  • prospects for economic development are vague;
  • For geopolitical reasons, a war of sanctions and counter-sanctions began, which negatively affected the situation of the country.

In this regard, the Government of the Russian Federation decided to transfer all money received from enterprises to insurance coverage. There was not enough money to pay existing pensioners. Therefore, contributions to NPFs were temporarily “frozen.” For now, the Central Bank has been instructed to check organizations that want to manage the future maintenance of citizens. In addition, work is currently underway to create a register of such companies.

Important: the moratorium has been extended several times. It is now set until 2021.

For now, experts are trying to develop a mechanism that allows them to apply the law on saving money for old age. The Ministry of Finance believes that this requires attracting personal funds from workers.

Conditions for assigning pension savings

The procedure for forming a contribution to old age is described in Law No. 424-FZ. The right to use contributions in this way generally extends to workers born after 1967.
However there are exceptions:

  1. Men born between 1953 and 1966, and women born between 1957 and 1966, already have a certain capital. Pension savings were formed only from 2002 to 2004. And since 2005, due to changes in legislation, the transfer of insurance premiums was stopped.
  2. Participants in the pension co-financing program through personal contributions. This category also includes employers of future retirees who voluntarily paid additional insurance premiums for them.
  3. Holders of a certificate for maternal (family) capital. Provided that his funds are used to form a funded pension.
  4. People who have reached the employment age limit are entitled to payments of accumulated funds:
    • men over 60 years of age;
    • women 55 years old.
Attention: this type of content may be assigned ahead of schedule, in accordance with Articles 30 and 32 of Federal Law No. 400. Download for viewing and printing:

Important: The 2019 pension reform did not in any way affect the payment of the funded part of the pension. and they will still be able to make lump sum payments in the same way - at 55 and 60 years old, respectively, by submitting an application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Amount of pension accruals

This is a calculation of an immediate pension payment. One of the types of receiving the funded part of the payment. The formula for calculating payments on a savings deposit is enshrined in Article 5 of Federal Law No. 360. It is as follows:

  • SV = surge arrester / T, where:
  • SV - the size of the regular payment;
  • OPN - total capital;
  • T - the number of months for which the entire amount is calculated (indicated in the application).
Attention: it is assumed that an annual adjustment of the amount of SV will be introduced.

The correction formula looks like this:

  • SV = SVk + OPNk / T, where:
  • SV - new payment amount;
  • SVk - previous indicator;
  • PNk - the amount of pension savings as of July 1 of the current year;
  • T - as above, means the number of months.
Attention: the adjustment is made taking into account the decrease in the T indicator. Every year it becomes 12 months less than the previous level specified in the investor’s application.

How to receive the accumulated part of the pension benefit

Payments are made by the organization to which the worker entrusted his money.

  • the NPF department that managed the deposit;
  • territorial Pension Fund, if the agreement was drawn up with the management company.
Important: this type of old-age support does not depend on other types of payments, for example, an insurance pension. However, they are interconnected by the terms of the transfer deadline.

A worker has the right to start receiving money under the following conditions:

  • reaching the age of 55 for women and 60 for men;
  • receive a disability pension, a survivor's pension, or a social pension. Payment to them is established upon reaching the generally established retirement age and the impossibility of establishing an old-age insurance pension due to the lack of the required length of service and the value of the IPC (points).
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Selected cases of pension capital management

Fundamentally, a funded pension differs from an insurance pension. Its personification provides citizens with the opportunity to manage funds.

  • receive a lump sum contribution yourself;
  • leave it to his heirs.

Types of payments of pension savings funds:

  1. One-time payment. Assigned if the estimated size of the funded pension is less than 5% in relation to the sum of the amount of the insurance pension and the size of the funded pension.
  2. Urgent pension payment. Appointed if the citizen participated in the state co-financing program or funds from maternal (family) capital were allocated to form a funded pension. The citizen himself determines the period of this payment, but not less than 10 years.

It is calculated according to the formula specified in Art. 5 of Federal Law No. 360-FZ, namely:

SP = PN / T

SP - the amount of immediate pension payment;

PN - the amount of pension savings;

T is the number of months (as we have already found out, at least 10 years).

3. Lifetime payment of a funded pension. Assigned if the estimated amount of a funded pension is more than 5% in relation to the sum of the insurance pension and the size of a funded pension

Attention: payment of the full amount is made within three months from the date of application:

  • one is given for document review;
  • two - to transfer funds using the chosen method.

An example of using the full amount of savings

Citizen N., born in 1960, has 33 years of work experience. In 2016, she reached her 55th birthday, which is retirement age. She submitted a corresponding application to the Pension Fund authorities. After studying all the papers, she was assigned old-age insurance in the amount of 16,000 rubles.

Citizen N. never applied to a non-state pension fund and never thought about savings. However, between 2002 and 2005, her employer paid contributory contributions for her. Thus, an amount of 4.5 thousand rubles has accumulated in her personal account. Due to the small capital, it was paid to her in one payment.

Inheritance of pension savings

When drawing up an agreement with a management company or non-state pension fund, a person can indicate the order of inheritance of his contribution. In this case, it is allowed to appoint any citizen (or several) as a legal successor.
Moreover, the owner of the deposit can dispose of it at will:

  • indicate different shares of inheritance;
  • order of priority.

If there is no such clause in the agreement, then the succession of money is carried out in accordance with Article 1183 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation and Law No. 424-FZ. The amount of capital of the deceased is distributed in the order of priority:

  1. The first priority includes children, spouses and parents.
  2. The second includes other relatives (brothers, sisters, grandchildren, etc.).

If a citizen has been assigned a lifelong funded pension, then in the future it will not be subject to inheritance. Download for viewing and printing:

Methods for transferring funds to the recipient

The procedure for paying money from a savings account is the same as for other types of pensions.
Funds are transferred:

  • through a branch of the Russian Post;
  • organizations providing relevant services;
  • to a bank account.

In addition, the recipient has the right to entrust the management of funds to another person. To do this, you need to draw up an appropriate document and have it legally certified:

  • notary;
  • from the head of the enterprise where the recipient works or studies.
Important: the citizen chooses the method of transferring funds at his own discretion. It can be changed at any time by submitting a written application to the sender.

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Latest changes

Since 2019, the period used to calculate the funded pension has changed. This year it was 252 months..

The moratorium on pension capital proves the ineffectiveness of the reform of the system. In this regard, there is an intensive discussion of further work to improve it. Today, the expert community agrees on transferring the responsibility for caring for old age to workers.

The essence of the planned innovation comes down to the following:

  • citizens will create savings for old age on a voluntary basis;
  • the contribution amount will be from 0 to 6%;
  • The responsibility for making contributions will fall on the employer, after the will of the worker.

At the same time, understanding the heavy burden on citizens’ budgets, the government offers the following preferences:

  • introduction of a tax deduction for people participating in the formation of a budget for old age;
  • legislative enshrinement of the possibility of early use of the deposit:
    • in the amount of 20% of the total amount;
    • completely in difficult circumstances (illness, disability).
Attention: what is stated in the last paragraph is still just a proposal from the Government. However, such conditions may come into force as early as 2019. Important: The transition from the current funded pension option to the SIPC (individual pension capital system), which was described above, has, according to the latest data, been postponed to 2020. Moreover, such a transition will take place automatically for all citizens who have chosen a funded pension. And it will be possible to refuse connection to the SIPC only by application.

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Watch a video about where to send your funded pension

May 28, 2017, 11:53 March 3, 2019 13:48