The master's work is afraid. What does the expression “The master’s work is afraid” mean? What does the master’s work mean? The meaning of the proverb

M aster is a strong and sonorous word with a slight Renaissance flavor. Where the “master” came from in the Russian language is still unknown exactly. Some sources suggest borrowing from German, others from Latin via Old French and Polish. Nevertheless, in the “great and mighty” the new word took root perfectly. It also easily and very organically entered into . One of them is “The master’s work is afraid.”

The meaning of the popular expression “The master’s work is afraid” is as follows - a person who thoroughly knows his business, craft, even complex work will go well and succeed. It should be noted that the proverb is used not only as a reward for skillfully performed work. Often, folk wisdom performs an encouraging function, thereby reminding the one to whom it is addressed that the one who has taken up the task, even if he doubts his own abilities a little, has everything necessary - ability, skills, qualifications - to complete the task. The meaning of the proverb is quite clear, but why do people believe so much in the power of the master?

That true image of a master, a person who has not only achieved the highest art in his craft, but is also in constant creative search, with a tireless and inexplicable ability to put his soul even into routine work, can be found in the wonderful Ural tales of Pavel Bazhov.

Ordinary people, often having received only minimal basic knowledge, learned to turn ornamental stones of the Urals into genuine masterpieces. Of all the heroes of fairy tales, the image of Danila the master most fully embodies the deep spiritual meaning of the word “master”, its creative content. In constant search for perfection, “Mining Master” Danila creates unusually elegant and complex things from the stone wealth of his native land, arousing universal admiration.

Perhaps someone will object that literary characters, especially those from works where reality is subtly intertwined with fiction, are usually far from real people, and the search for idealized and slightly romanticized traits of the hero of the story, even in a very similar real person, is a pointless exercise. But the prototype of Danila the Underfed was a man who was called a master not only by the nature of the position he held, but also for his amazing ability to extremely subtly feel, see and understand colored and semi-precious stones.

The professionalism and skill of Danila Kondratievich Zverev, the image of the hero from the “Malachite Box” was largely based on this Ural miner, was beyond doubt; scientists often turned to him for advice in assessing minerals.

In fairness, it is worth noting that in the Russian language there are proverbs not only praising the skill, dexterity, and skill of masters. Quite often there are popular expressions that contain a disdainful and mocking attitude towards the master.

For example, even the Russian proverb in question has a continuation that is quite unambiguous in its emotional connotation - “The master’s work is afraid, but another master’s work is afraid.” It is easy to guess that the proverb contrasts a true craftsman, whose competence and abilities create a wonderful tandem with a creative approach to business, with a simple worker who has received all the necessary knowledge, but does not experience the necessary attraction and love for the chosen occupation in order to be called a master not only formally, but due to professional traditions.

“If you love your work, you will be a master.” Behind simple words, as always, there is a great and deep meaning. Only love for the work itself, and not for fees, bonuses, other material rewards and preferences for it, contributes to the development of true mastery, which, in turn, is always valued and valued higher than just skilled work. A person who has found himself in business is happy, so it is natural for him to move towards higher levels of mastery.

The one who, in addition to the above interpretations of “The master’s work is afraid,” will not be mistaken, will hear in the Russian proverb a call for improvement, both professional skills and personal qualities. The great doctor, a true Master of his craft, Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov, very often spoke and wrote about the fact that a master must constantly work not only in order not to lose his skill, but also to bring it to a new level.

The legendary cardiologist believed that “the most important thing for a surgeon is to operate a lot,” since only experience gives confidence. A simple and, at first glance, obvious rule for yourself and your colleagues, with all its laconicism, is absolutely synchronous - “Skill is improved in hard work, but lost in idleness.”

Proverbs like the above are especially useful for the younger generation, as they teach them to respect the knowledge and work of other people.

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On this page: the meaning (interpretation) of the proverb “The master’s work is afraid.”


- (and another master of the matter is afraid). See STUDY SCIENCE...

Adverb, number of synonyms: 1 in skillful hands the matter is going well (1) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

As is the master, so is the work. Wed. Every work of the master is praised. Wed. It is not without reason that it is said that the master’s work is afraid. Krylov. Pike and Cat. Wed. So I went ahead and told you (how I will turn this matter around)! They found a fool!.. The master's work is afraid!... This... ...

Adverb, number of synonyms: 1 the master's work is afraid (1) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

- (The deed will reveal the doer.) Wed. A l oeuvre on connait Partisan. La Fontaine. 1, 21. Wed. From the greatness of the beauty of a creature, the Author of their existence is comparatively known. Wed. Rom. 1, 20. Wed. Acts 14, 17. Wise. Solomon. 13, 5. See the case of the master who is afraid... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

He who wants to know a lot needs little sleep. Going into science endures torment. Without flour there is no science. Learn by rote, hammer, cram, cram from board to board. I learned to read and write, and I learned to sing and dance. Some by rumours, and some by warehouses... ... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

Artist of the Moscow Imperial Stage; genus. November 6, 1788 in the village of Krasnoye, on the Penka River, Oboyansky district, Kursk province, in the serf family of Counts Volkenstein, whose father, Semyon Grigorievich, was a servant... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

Main article: Repertoire of the Moscow Maly Theater Here is a list of productions of the Moscow Academic Maly Theater of Russia for the 19th century... Wikipedia

FEAR, be afraid of someone, what; to be afraid, to be afraid, to be timid, to be frightened, to be cowardly; distrust, doubt, beware. Fear of wives fear, apprehension, timidity. Fearful, scary, dangerous, unreliable; fearful, more common adv., unsafe... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Songs of the Dead ... Wikipedia


  • The master's work is afraid, E. Serova. /rice. K. Savkevich...
  • The master's work is afraid. Village professions and occupations, Shangina Isabella Iosifovna. Our ancestors, who lived in villages and villages, were real craftsmen and, above all, valued hard work in each other. Each man could plow and sow the land, cut down a bathhouse or hut, and a woman could...

People have written many different sayings about skill. One of them is the focus of our attention - “the master’s work is afraid.” Let's look at the meaning of the proverb today.

Master and business. Who will win?

It is very important for a person to feel like an expert in the field in which he works. The popular wisdom “the master’s work is afraid” speaks about this; the meaning of the proverb boils down to the fact that if someone who is knowledgeable in work takes on the task, then everything will be completed at the highest level. In other words, the business will not withstand the onslaught of the knowledge, skills and abilities of a professional.

And it also happens that the “master” is afraid of the task. The person is not confident in his abilities. There are various reasons for this. For example, the “master” did not study well and does not know exactly how to approach the matter.

It is known that you can look at a person who works forever. True, this applies, as a rule, to physical labor, when it transforms the material, external reality around. But the expression “the work of the master is afraid”, the meaning of the proverb is suitable for characterizing any activity, it makes no difference whether we are talking about a piece of untreated wood or an “unpolished” text. But it’s more interesting to watch a carpenter’s work, of course, because it’s akin to the birth of a miracle, when there was something formless, of natural origin, and it became a bookshelf. In comparison, the service of an editor or writer is not so noticeable, because when a text is corrected or transformed, the most important part of the action is moved from external reality to internal space, and the viewer sees only the rearrangement of phrases in a sentence.

Proverb as encouragement

But the expression can be used for more than just saying that someone is doing a good job. Maybe so, the master carpenter took the boy as his assistant and allowed him to do everything on his own for the first time. And he was taken aback by surprise and did not know where to start, how to approach the work, and the mentor said to him: “Nothing, nothing, remember everything I taught you. The master’s work is afraid.” The meaning of the proverb is very short: a person who is well prepared succeeds in everything. The main thing is to believe in yourself.

The main advantage of the saying is that it is universal. Depending on the intonation and situation, it can express:

  • Statement of fact.
  • Encouragement, approval.
  • Hope for a successful outcome of the enterprise.

We hope that we were able to reveal the meaning of the proverb “the master’s work is afraid”, and we were able to live up to it.

The master's work is afraid.

Proverbs of the Russian people. - M.: Fiction. V. I. Dal. 1989.

See what "The master's work is afraid." in other dictionaries:

    Adverb, number of synonyms: 1 in skillful hands the matter is going well (1) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

    As is the master, so is the work. Wed. Every work of the master is praised. Wed. It is not without reason that it is said that the master’s work is afraid. Krylov. Pike and Cat. Wed. So I went ahead and told you (how I will turn this matter around)! They found a fool!.. The master's work is afraid!... This... ...

    The master's work is afraid. As is the master, so is the work. Wed. “Praise every work of a master.” Wed. It’s not for nothing that it is said that the master’s work is afraid. Krylov. Pike and Cat. Wed. So I took it and told you (how I will turn this matter around)! Found... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Adverb, number of synonyms: 1 the master's work is afraid (1) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

    - (The deed will reveal the doer.) Wed. A l oeuvre on connait Partisan. La Fontaine. 1, 21. Wed. From the greatness of the beauty of a creature, the Author of their existence is comparatively known. Wed. Rom. 1, 20. Wed. Acts 14, 17. Wise. Solomon. 13, 5. See the case of the master who is afraid... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    He who wants to know a lot needs little sleep. Going into science endures torment. Without flour there is no science. Learn by rote, hammer, cram, cram from board to board. I learned to read and write, and I learned to sing and dance. Some by rumours, and some by warehouses... ... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Artist of the Moscow Imperial Stage; genus. November 6, 1788 in the village of Krasnoye, on the Penka River, Oboyansky district, Kursk province, in the serf family of Counts Volkenstein, whose father, Semyon Grigorievich, was a servant... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    Main article: Repertoire of the Moscow Maly Theater Here is a list of productions of the Moscow Academic Maly Theater of Russia for the 19th century... Wikipedia

    FEAR, be afraid of someone, what; to be afraid, to be afraid, to be timid, to be frightened, to be cowardly; distrust, doubt, beware. Fear of wives fear, apprehension, timidity. Fearful, scary, dangerous, unreliable; fearful, more common adv., unsafe... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Songs of the Dead ... Wikipedia


  • The master's work is afraid, E. Serova. /rice. K. Savkevich...
  • The master's work is afraid. Village professions and occupations, Shangina Isabella Iosifovna. Our ancestors, who lived in villages and villages, were real craftsmen and, above all, valued hard work in each other. Each man could plow and sow the land, cut down a bathhouse or hut, and a woman could...

The master's work is afraid

As is the master, so is the work.

Wed.“Every work of the master is praised.”

Wed. No wonder it is said,

What the master's work is afraid.

Krylov. Pike and Cat.

Wed. So I went ahead and told you (how I will turn this matter around)! Found a fool!.. The master's work is afraid!... This is my secret...

Sun. Krestovsky. Outlaw. 2, 2, 8.

Wed. Das Werk lobt den Meister.

Wed. Von der Stirne heiss

Rinnen muss der Schweiss,

Soll das Werk den Meister loben;

Doch der Segen kommt von oben.

Schiller. Das Lied von der Glocke.

Wed. Les affaires font les hommes.

Wed. Il n"est ouvrage que de maistre.

Gabr. Meurier. Sent. XVI s. Wed. Rabelais. 4. Prologue.

Wed. The product is praised according to the artist's hand.

I. Sirach. 9, 22.

Cm. secret.

Cm. found a fool.

Russian thought and speech. Yours and someone else's. Experience of Russian phraseology. Collection of figurative words and parables. T.T. 1-2. Walking and apt words. A collection of Russian and foreign quotes, proverbs, sayings, proverbial expressions and individual words. St. Petersburg, type. Ak. Sci.. M. I. Mikhelson. 1896-1912.

See what “the master’s work is afraid” in other dictionaries:

    - (and another master of the matter is afraid). See STUDY SCIENCE...

    Adverb, number of synonyms: 1 in skillful hands the matter is going well (1) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

    The master's work is afraid. As is the master, so is the work. Wed. “Praise every work of a master.” Wed. It’s not for nothing that it is said that the master’s work is afraid. Krylov. Pike and Cat. Wed. So I took it and told you (how I will turn this matter around)! Found... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Adverb, number of synonyms: 1 the master's work is afraid (1) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

    - (The deed will reveal the doer.) Wed. A l oeuvre on connait Partisan. La Fontaine. 1, 21. Wed. From the greatness of the beauty of a creature, the Author of their existence is comparatively known. Wed. Rom. 1, 20. Wed. Acts 14, 17. Wise. Solomon. 13, 5. See the case of the master who is afraid... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    He who wants to know a lot needs little sleep. Going into science endures torment. Without flour there is no science. Learn by rote, hammer, cram, cram from board to board. I learned to read and write, and I learned to sing and dance. Some by rumours, and some by warehouses... ... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Artist of the Moscow Imperial Stage; genus. November 6, 1788 in the village of Krasnoye, on the Penka River, Oboyansky district, Kursk province, in the serf family of Counts Volkenstein, whose father, Semyon Grigorievich, was a servant... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    Main article: Repertoire of the Moscow Maly Theater Here is a list of productions of the Moscow Academic Maly Theater of Russia for the 19th century... Wikipedia

    FEAR, be afraid of someone, what; to be afraid, to be afraid, to be timid, to be frightened, to be cowardly; distrust, doubt, beware. Fear of wives fear, apprehension, timidity. Fearful, scary, dangerous, unreliable; fearful, more common adv., unsafe... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Songs of the Dead ... Wikipedia


  • The master's work is afraid, E. Serova. /rice. K. Savkevich...
  • The master's work is afraid. Village professions and occupations, Shangina Isabella Iosifovna. Our ancestors, who lived in villages and villages, were real craftsmen and, above all, valued hard work in each other. Each man could plow and sow the land, cut down a bathhouse or hut, and a woman could...