Piebald diet. Irina piebald's simple diet with a quick and stable weight loss effect. Photo by Irina Pegova

The weight gain of show business stars does not go unnoticed by fans and paparazzi. Surprisingly, most of them delight viewers with their former slender forms within a few months. This happened with the famous artist Irina Pegova. The girl was always famous for her curvaceous figures and was proud of them. But after the birth of her daughter, the actress completely forgot about her figure and plunged into household chores and caring for her daughter, which affected Irina’s figure.

Irina Pegova gained noticeable weight, but despite her excess weight she was able to play leading roles in films. How Irina Pegova lost weight, and what prompted her to undergo the transformation presented? Today we only know that actress Irina Pegova has noticeably lost weight and changed her image. Now she is a slender woman with short hair, bleached blonde, and a happy mother of her daughter Tatyana. By the way, Irina lost a little weight - with a height of 155 cm, her weight after losing weight is 61 kg. The actress plans to lose another 7 kg. Fans follow the results, and Pegova willingly shares the secrets of her weight loss.

Irina Pegova began acting in 2002. Then Irina could boast of slender, but very noticeable forms. Despite the lack of thinness, which is what most stars strive for, the girl was proud of her curves and easily got leading roles in films, playing them impeccably and receiving a large number of awards and prizes. After the birth of her daughter, her curves noticeably increased, although it was difficult to call her a “full-fledged fatty.”

The actress’s successes were noticed and given wide publicity. The girl herself told all her fans that a slim body is not a guarantee of success or a solution to problems.

The woman began to lose weight rapidly after her divorce from her husband, actor Dmitry Orlov. What prompted the decision to lose weight is unknown. Surely Irina decided to start a new life, but where would she be without a new appearance? The actress went on a diet, began to actively engage in sports, as if in her youth, and was able to please herself and her fans with a new appearance - Irina Pegova lost weight and cut her hair, achieving approval and admiration from millions of viewers, fans, acquaintances and relatives.

Principles of losing weight

Before going on a diet, Pegova analyzed the situation and came to the conclusion that losing weight is possible only with a comprehensive effect on your own body, as well as under the close supervision of a nutritionist, to whom she immediately turned. As a result, Irina Pegova came to certain conclusions in losing weight, which she shares with fans:

  • Initially, it is necessary to establish the cause of weight gain and completely eliminate it. Irina herself did this, losing more than 20 kg in a few months - the reason for her weight gain was stress.
  • It is forbidden to overeat while eating - you need to get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. She never followed this rule, so Irina quickly changed her habits.
  • Regardless of the situation, it is important to eat food 5 times a day to prevent a wild feeling of hunger in the evening.
  • Along with the diet, it is important to use physical activity, which is largely due to which Irina lost weight.

You should choose a sport that you like. It is necessary to achieve a feeling of satisfaction from exercise, and not grueling workouts with muscle pain. Sport should give you a boost of energy, and not take away your last strength.

Photo by Irina Pegova

Diet features

Irina Pegova's diet is strict and low-calorie. It should be noted that the artist lost weight with the work of a nutritionist, who could promptly monitor the woman’s condition at a certain stage of weight loss.

Therefore, before deciding to use this particular diet, it is necessary to consult with nutritionists and attending physicians if you have diseases of the internal organs. Pegova’s diet, with the help of which she lost several tens of kilograms, is presented in the following menu:

  • for breakfast you are allowed to eat only a tablespoon of oat bran and kiwi;
  • second breakfast allows you to eat an apple;
  • lunch consists of a bowl of vegetable soup, which can be replaced with the same small portion of broccoli puree;
  • For dinner you can eat a small piece of boiled beef.

During the day, Irina drank water and green tea in unlimited quantities. Of course, it is difficult to stick to such a low-calorie diet, but Irina is strong and she did it, as a result of which she lost significant weight in a few months.

Physical exercise

In her youth, actress Pegova was involved in athletics and gymnastics. Her achievements in athletics can be seen in the film “Space as a Premonition”, where Pegova, already in impressive shape, runs fast and wins the competition. This can be seen today, because the girl has returned to her former hobbies. Now Pegova runs in the morning and never misses a workout in the gym, because she needs not only to lose weight, but also to maintain her new slender figure. Irina has added fitness exercises to running and works with a personal instructor, who also monitors her condition during the transformation. This once again proves that the woman has taken her own appearance seriously.

A rather powerful incentive was added to an active life position, which Irina always had with interest. To motivate her to lose weight, an artist buys a dress she likes, but in a smaller size, and loses weight to show off her outfit and attractive petite figure at a social party. As Pegova herself says, this is an indescribable feeling of delight and envy in the eyes of others. Irina Pegova has lost weight, as evidenced by her stunning photos before and after losing weight. But using the presented nutrition without proper examination and observation by a specialist is strictly prohibited. The menu, although balanced, is low-calorie and monotonous, so you can not only break down, but also provoke the development of serious diseases, including hormonal and endocrine disorders. Beauty, of course, requires sacrifice, but without long-term recovery and treatment.

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Irina Pegova is a famous person. Until recently, as the star herself admitted, she was not worried about curvaceous figures. However, it soon became noticeable that the actress had become significantly slimmer. How did she do it? We’ll talk about Irina Pegova’s parameters and her weight loss secrets.

The actress has always been inclined to be overweight - heredity affects her. This did not upset the woman at all - she got the best roles, and there was enough male attention.

The favorite of many is currently 39 years old. She is quite short - only 155 cm. After losing weight, the woman weighs 61 kg. Exactly how much the movie star lost is a mystery. There is no exact information about this. Fans and journalists only assume that the actress has lost 15 to 20 kg. It is known that she is going to get rid of another 5-7 kg.

Many say that it was the divorce that pushed Irina to actively lose extra pounds. In any case, the star developed her own diet, which, as it turned out, turned out to be very effective.

Secrets of losing weight by Irina Pegova

Irina Pegova cut her hair, and her fans liked the new image of the star, as did her noticeably slimmer figure. She herself says that, having gotten rid of those extra pounds, she began to feel much better and more confident.

The actress tried a lot of diets: kefir, protein, and vegetable. The press said that the movie star even practiced therapeutic fasting. But all this did not bring the desired result - the weight returned with renewed vigor. As a result, Pegova developed her own diet.

Sweet, kind, gentle and sympathetic - this is exactly what we are used to seeing Irina Pegova on the TV screen. As often happens, an actor simply plays a role well and turns out to be completely different in real life. Fortunately, this is not an image. This is probably why all the roles were played professionally, and Irina has been in demand for many years. But not so long ago, the favorite of millions surprised not with her role, but with her stunning figure.

Irina does not advertise her personal life. And I didn’t even reveal the secrets of losing weight right away and not to everyone. But after her divorce from Dmitry Orlov, the actress wanted to change her life. And How real woman, she started with her appearance. Yes, I had to give up my favorite pasta and high-calorie creamy sauce. But what results!

Irina Pegova's rules

The actress's menu is based on the full avoiding fatty and fried foods. This means that when preparing borscht you should choose lean meat. It is generally better to exclude salt from the diet. In addition, it is recommended to walk more and drink a lot of water.

  1. Eat small portions, but do it often. Irina Pegova considers the ideal portion to be the size of a clenched palm.
  2. When eating, focus only on the food. No phones, TV shows or newspapers. This is distracting and leads to overeating.
  3. Sweets and flour products should be completely excluded. Replace cookies and sweets with healthy fruits and dried fruits.
  4. You need to get up from the table feeling slightly hungry.
  5. Drink more water. It not only dulls the feeling of hunger, but also cleanses the body.
  6. Avoid coffee and tea, or at least reduce their consumption to a minimum.

Irina does not hide the fact that she also runs every day, combines cardio and strength training. In tandem with a diet, this approach helps not only to lose weight, but also to maintain muscle tone.

3 stages of weight loss

Realizing that the process of losing weight could take a long time, Irina approached the issue seriously - in several stages.

Visitors to women's forums often see headlines saying that Irina Pegova has lost weight.

As a result, people became interested in her biography and began to often wonder how Irina Pegova lost weight. Diet and menu This famous actress was helped to get rid of excess weight. Of course, some people think that she looked good before. However, after divorcing her husband, she decided to lose weight.

The actress told reporters that she has weak willpower. However, in her youth she was never overweight. One of the projects inspired her to lose weight.

He gave her external control - the project management monitored the actress and did not give her the opportunity to make mistakes.

Diet and menu of Irina Pegova

Before losing weight, the actress thought about the reason for her poor diet. She came to the conclusion that these habits come from childhood. Little Irina lived with her grandmother in the village in the summer. She overfed the girl.

Having matured, Pegova began to work a lot. Due to a busy work schedule, proper diet was impossible. It was not uncommon for her to eat nothing all day and then overeat at night. In addition, she often snacked on fast food.

It's worth saying that the famous actress tried many diets . Fasting didn't help her. As a result, Irina Pegova only gained excess weight. Such popular diets as milk, rice, and chicken did not help her either. The fact is that such diets are effective, but if you follow them, it’s easy to fail. For example, when on a diet, a person may eat at night.

Considering this feature, the actress periodically allows herself to break her diet . After divorcing her husband, she lost several kilograms and decided not to stop there.

Here is the answer to the question of how Irina Pegova lost weight. The diet and menu of the actress implies restriction on fried and fatty foods. Irina eats her favorite French fries, but in very limited quantities. She prepares borscht and other meat soups using low-fat meat. The actress allows herself to relax only if she gets to a feast.

Eliminated salt

She says that the preparatory stage in the diet is very important, since it is better to accustom the body to proper nutrition gradually. In addition, at this stage it is recommended walk a lot and eliminate salt from your diet . During this period, you can easily lose five kilograms.


The actress's approximate daily diet is as follows. She drinks before breakfast two glasses of water . She eats for breakfast any cheese. It can be hard or soft cheese. Goat or sheep cheese will do. The actress also eats for breakfast yeast-free bread with seeds .

If you want cottage cheese for breakfast, the actress does not eat it raw, but uses it for cooking casseroles or cheesecakes . Sometimes she can afford sandwiches and red fish . In a few hours she eats a little fruits or nuts . Sometimes you can have dried fruits.

The actress advises eliminating salt from your diet


At two o'clock in the afternoon the actress has lunch. She eats for lunch cold or warm salad . It contains fresh vegetables, lettuce and shrimp or beef. She also eats two pieces for lunch yeast-free bread .


But for dinner, which Irina Pegova hosts no later than seven o'clock , she doesn't eat bread. But she eats meat or fish cooked in an air fryer or over an open fire . Sometimes she allows herself a little for dinner vegetables .

Here's another secret of how Irina Pegova lost weight. Diet and menu mean that the amount of food eaten should not exceed the size of a fist . To emphasize small portion sizes, place food on large plates. In addition to the fact that it is beautiful, this way you can easily tune in to moderation in food.

Also the actress does not recommend eating quickly . If you have a lot of time, you can feel the moment of saturation. It is advisable for lunch to last about an hour. Irina Pegova says that suppress hunger to her water helps . So, when she gets hungry, she drinks a glass of water and waits ten minutes. When the stomach is filled with liquid, the feeling of hunger disappears.

It is also recommended to drink food with water. The actress advises those who are losing weight give up tea and coffee . The fact is that you want to add some kind of sweetness to them, for example, cake or chocolate. In addition, these drinks contribute to dehydration. So, It’s better to drink only water – about four liters a day . It is advisable to drink a liter of water before breakfast.

By the way, Irina Pegova does not eat porridge for breakfast , because he considers them too high in calories. She also says that she eventually got tired of eating meat. She even plans to give it up over time. However, this is not caused by ideological considerations - the actress says that she can just do just fine without meat.

In addition to what diet Irina Pegova followed, it’s worth talking about how she eats on set. The actress asks for dietary products for herself, for example, boiled fish or a little lean meat . Salads she eat without mayonnaise . While filming in Kyiv, she even gave up cheesecakes.

By the way, Irina also teaches her daughter to eat healthy food.

Physical activity of a famous actress

During the diet, Irina Pegova is actively involved in physical exercises, for example, she runs every morning

The secret of Irina Pegova’s weight loss lies not only in diet, but also in physical activity. By the way, even as a child she did gymnastics. She still devotes a lot of time to physical activity today. So, the actress runs in the morning and goes to the gym . To lose weight, she dances . According to her, group classes give the best results.

But the actress’s nutritionist is still dissatisfied with her results. Today, with a height of one hundred and fifty-five centimeters, she weighs sixty-three kilograms. According to Pegova, she wants to lose another six kilograms. Then her weight will be ideal.

The actress does not forget about positive emotions . So, she has a simpler attitude towards life, towards others and towards herself. This helps her feel great in any situation.

According to Irina Pegova, incentive plays an important role in losing weight. Thus, a famous actress rewards herself with new dresses for a good result. She just needs to imagine herself in a new outfit to motivate herself to achieve her desired goal.

Finally, the actress says that in her diet the stage of consolidating the obtained result is important . At this stage, the body learns to consume small amounts of calories without feeling discomfort. This period should last approximately two years .

Biography of Irina Pegova

Pegova Irina Sergeevna is a famous actress who played in the films “Girlfriend for Special Purpose”, “Masha in Law”, “Indian Summer”, etc. After unexpected weight loss, the public became interested not in the biography, but in the secrets of weight loss.

Many are accustomed to calling Pegova “star chubby.” The actress's plumpness suited the role perfectly. Therefore, Irina did not pay attention to excess weight. However, recently fans noticed that Irina Pegova had lost weight and noted that the new image was beneficial - she looked fresher and younger. It is believed that the incentive to lose weight was changes in his personal life. In 2011, Irina divorced her husband.

Irina recalls that she tried a number of methods - she ate rice, went on strict diets, and starved. Nothing helped. On the contrary, the kilograms only increased or the effect did not last long. Then she decided to take matters into her own hands and developed her own diet, which brought the desired result. In addition, the thinner actress cut her hair, which transformed her even more.

Shape Options

Today Irina looks stunning and does not hide her parameters from the public:

  • age - 39 years;
  • height - 155 cm;
  • weight - 61 kg.

The actress does not talk about how much she weighed before losing weight. But judging by old photos, it can be assumed that Irina could weigh more than 80 kg, and lost about 20 kg in a few months.

Principles of Pegova’s technique

The two main directions of Pegova’s weight loss method are proper nutrition and sports. Thanks to them, it is possible to lose dozens of kilograms and still look healthy and fit.

The diet is based on the following principles:

  • a complete ban on unhealthy foods (sweets, flour products, fried and fatty foods);
  • refusal of fatty meat, sausages, smoked meats, as well as rice, pasta, vinegar;
  • drink 2-4 liters of water per day;
  • Start the morning with two glasses of clean water, also drink before each meal;
  • a glass of warm water in between meals perfectly satisfies hunger;
  • portions should fit in the palm of your hand;
  • you need to eat 5-6 times a day;
  • It is necessary to chew food thoroughly, then the feeling of fullness comes faster;
  • eat separately, for example, eat fruits in the morning, vegetables in the afternoon, and fish in the evening;
  • eliminate or limit salt intake, as it contributes to the appearance of edema;
  • drink less tea and coffee, which provoke an increase in appetite.

Irina Pegova’s diet is described in detail here:

The weight loss method includes three stages:

1st. It is necessary to prepare the body for weight loss - take a long walk in the fresh air, drink a lot of water, give up salt, and gradually switch to a new diet. At this stage, you can get rid of 6 kg of weight.

2nd. Strict adherence to the diet. The duration of the stage depends on how many kilograms you need to lose.

3rd. During the final stage, it is important to consolidate the result. The diet can be varied, but increasing the number of calories is not recommended. The duration of the stage is 3 years or more.

Diet features

Irina Pegova's diet has some restrictions, however, the diet is quite varied. In addition, as the actress admits, she sometimes allows herself small weaknesses.

  • fruits, vegetables, herbs;
  • dairy products;
  • lean meat, fish, seafood;
  • freshly squeezed juices.

It is recommended to cook dishes in the oven, grill, steamer or boil. Irina completely gave up meat, and prefers to eat fish without a side dish or with vegetables. Also, the actress does not eat porridge due to the calorie content. Salads should be seasoned with olive or other vegetable oil. It is strictly forbidden to consume mayonnaise, ketchup, and fatty sauces. Kefir is beneficial for weight loss. It has a beneficial effect on digestion, perfectly satisfies hunger and cleanses the body.

Sample menu

The daily diet can be compiled based on the options below:

Eating Meal options Eating Meal options
  • 30 minutes before breakfast, drink two glasses of water;
  • 2 slices of whole grain bread and a little hard or soft cheese (or red caviar);
  • cheesecakes or casserole;
  • fresh fruits;
  • bran (1 tsp) with kiwi, cut into pieces
Lunch (2 hours after breakfast)
  • fruits;
  • dried fruits;
  • nuts;
  • glass of kefir
Lunch (no later than 14-00)
  • vegetable soup;
  • lean borsch;
  • boiled vegetables;
  • vegetable salad (you can add pieces of boiled meat or shrimp), plus a piece of bread
Afternoon snack
  • kefir;
  • fruits;
  • nuts
Dinner (no later than 7 pm)
  • meat or fish dishes;
  • vegetables

Between main meals, Irina can drink a glass of kefir or juice, and enjoy fruits and nuts.

From Irina’s interview with “7 Days” magazine, 02/12/2014:

“In the first half of the day I can snack on fruit, because if you eat it later in the evening, then the sugar, which is contained, for example, in pears and grapes, will be put into reserve.” Therefore, in the evening it is better to eat a piece of meat than an apple. For lunch I usually eat salad; I don’t like soups. And for dinner, meat or fish are ideal, especially cooked in an air fryer or over an open fire. True, over time I somehow grew cold to meat. Maybe someday I’ll give up completely. Not for ideological reasons, but because I have little need for it. But I cook fish often and quickly: I put a whole bream or sea bass in the electric grill, sprinkle seasonings on top, and in 10 minutes the dish is ready.”

Several recipes from the star

Boiled broccoli recipe. Boil water and put 200 g of broccoli in it. For the sauce, fry 3 teaspoons of flour in olive oil, add a small amount of vegetable broth and chopped garlic (a couple of cloves). Pour sauce over cooked broccoli.

Vegetable soup recipe from Irina Pegova. Chop bell peppers, a couple of stalks of celery, onions and white cabbage. Pour cold water over the vegetables, bring to a boil and cook until tender. Add spices to taste.

The actress's favorite diet salad recipe. Chop beet tops, onions, apples, parsley. Season with olive oil and spices.

The role of sport in losing weight

Irina believes that it is very important for people who are losing weight to exercise. This helps you lose extra pounds faster, prevents sagging skin and tones your muscles. The actress prefers cardiological and strength exercises, which she performs in a fitness center under the supervision of a trainer. In addition to working out at the gym, she dances and runs in the morning.

Additional factors that helped the actress lose weight

According to Irina, during a diet it is necessary to follow a daily routine. Without rest, the body experiences stress and cannot perform functions properly and burn calories. Therefore, it is very important to sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Motivation, psychological attitude and support from loved ones also play a big role in losing weight. To motivate yourself, you can buy a beautiful dress or get an old one that you would like to fit into soon.

The opinion of nutritionists about Pegova’s technique

Proper nutrition not only helps you lose weight, but also improves health, cleanses the body and has a beneficial effect on your appearance. Irina’s menu contains vitamins, minerals, and essential nutrients, so you can always adhere to this diet without compromising your health.

The actress shared useful tips:

  • Before you decide to lose weight, you need to understand the reason for your weight gain. This often happens due to stress or health problems. Irina recommends seeing a doctor about this.
  • Do not overeat under any circumstances. It is recommended to leave the table with a slight feeling of hunger.
  • Whatever your work schedule, you should try to eat 5-6 times a day. If you don’t do this, your appetite will work up in the evening.
  • Don't forget about physical activity. It is recommended to jog, swim, and go to the gym.

Irina Pegova's secrets to losing weight are proper nutrition and physical activity. By changing your lifestyle to a more active one, following a daily routine and eating healthy food, you can lose dozens of kilograms.

Losing weight can be fun. How to prepare delicious dietary dishes is described in the video below.