Extraction of precious metals. Technology for extracting gold and silver from electrical and radio components. Free method for extracting precious metals at home

Refining is a universal chemical process through which it is possible to purify gold from various impurities in order to obtain pure precious metal. In this article we will present the main methods of gold refining that can be used at home.

What is the refining procedure?

Advances in technology are helping to transform jewelry production. The emergence of refining production as one of the most optimal and practical types of technological work with precious metals is due to the growing demand for jewelry.

The following objects can serve as raw materials for refining production:

  • scrap jewelry;
  • gold mining concentrates;
  • spot gold;
  • waste from the refining of various metals;
  • "silver foam" and much more.

Thus, gold refining can be defined as a set of special technological measures that are aimed at producing gold of the highest quality and purity. Such a complex includes several purification stages, during which the yellow precious metal is purified from impurities (other metals) using one of the alternative methods (chemical or electrolytic).

Industrial refining process

Required materials and tools

To carry out refining, the following equipment is required:

  • 2 chemical flasks with volume divisions of 250 and 1000 ml;
  • chemical funnel;
  • quartz rod (length – at least 20–30 cm);
  • assay crucibles;
  • latex gloves;
  • electric stove;
  • porcelain containers;
  • reagents (nitric and hydrochloric acid; hydrazine or sodium sulfate).



Jewelry workshops use the chemical method in their activities. Moreover, it can also be used at home. The essence of this method is to soak contaminated scrap yellow precious metal in special chemicals. As a rule, ferrous sulfate or ferrous sulfate is used for chemical refining. One of these substances is dissolved in water in the following proportions: 10–12 g of solution per 1 g of gold.

Jewelers often mix iron sulfate with aqua regia (one part gold chloride and three parts hydrochloric acid), in which scrap gold jewelry is first dissolved. However, this method is not always effective due to the fact that it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely extract the yellow precious metal.

Evaporation of nitric acid in a porcelain container

As part of this method, it is necessary to alternately add ferrous sulfate and hydrochloric acid to the solution. As a result, a dark red powder will settle to the bottom of the vessel. This is gold. The resulting precious metal must be filtered and washed with water, and then collected on a paper filter. If all operations are carried out correctly, you will be able to obtain gold of the highest standard.

In order to ensure the absence of gold in spent reagents, a small amount of ferrous sulfate should be added to them. If a precipitate forms, then there is gold in the mining.

It is important! One of the simplest methods for refining gold, used at home, is the reaction of hydrochloric acid in the presence of clean nails if, as a result of quantitative analysis, the complete absence of gold is determined. The essence of this method lies mainly in the specific reaction of iron, which, gradually passing into solution, destroys the existing nitric acid compounds. Upon completion of the reaction, the nails remaining in the solution must be carefully removed, the gold powder collected and washed.

Mining from radio components

In addition to the methods mentioned above, at home, gold can also be mined from various radio components (in particular, microcircuits, transistors, gold-plated appliances, cutlery, etc.).

To mine gold at home, you must have gold-containing products available. Finding such products is not difficult.

It's surprising, but many things we use in everyday life contain gold. For example, a SIM card.

Among the variety of gold mining methods, you should choose the one that is more convenient, profitable and acceptable for extracting gold from specific parts.

The simplest way to refining gold at home is etching, which is based on the unique ability of gold to react with other chemical elements (the chemical inertness of gold).

To dissolve gold, a strong oxidizing agent is needed, which is aqua regia.

Reference! Pure nitric acid should release a small amount of steam when opening a bottle of the substance.

Heating the container with liquid to a temperature of 60–70 degrees Celsius on an electric stove will help speed up the etching process.

The utensils used for the procedure must be new, without scratches or cracks. A regular enamel or aluminum pan is best.

Before starting the etching procedure, you must ensure that all gold-plated elements are carefully separated from each other and from other elements. This can be done by removing the contacts from the connectors, and cutting off the metal caps without gold content with wire cutters and removing them. All these operations represent the preparatory process of refining.

Extracting gold from transistors and microcircuits is a more difficult process because the iron legs take longer and more difficult to dissolve in concentrated nitric acid. However, those parts that contain iron and are not completely etched can be removed using a magnet, or separated separately by repeating the procedure or with a different batch.

The gold powder obtained through the etching process must be dried, after which it can be weighed. However, not all gold can be mined this way. Don't worry about losses, as they can be up to 10%.

It is important! The gold obtained in this way can be used exclusively for your own purposes. Its sale on the territory of the Russian Federation is prohibited.

  • One of the alternative ways to obtain yellow precious metal is to extract it from radio components. The following components are required for this:
  • hydrochloric acid;
  • Nitric acid;
  • other reagents;

directly scrap radio components containing precious metals.

  1. The step-by-step procedure for extracting gold from radio components is as follows:
  2. Preparation of “royal vodka”.
  3. Adding sodium sulfide (sodium sulfate) to the solution.
  4. Immersion of the product in the solution.
  5. Separation of unnecessary radio components from a solution with gold.
  6. Separation of the resulting gold in powder form from the solution.
  7. Washing gold powder.
  8. Drying.

Smelting of ingots.

In general, gold refining at home is a very complex and labor-intensive process that requires special knowledge, minimal equipment and reagents. If you wish, you can extract gold by extracting it from radio components, transistors and other gold-containing objects. However, it is worth remembering that the sale of yellow precious metal mined in this way is prohibited in Russia.

Methods for extracting gold from radio components.

To extract gold, it is very important to know the amount of precious metal
in one or another radio component, the price of the radio component depends on this at
purchase, the amount of reagents (for its extraction), the amount of time and
ultimately profitability.
In the literature that I was able to find on this topic, it is suggested
methods based on the use of cyanide and mercury. The most interesting of
I present here what I read.

Electrolysis method.

Gold coating can be removed from brass and copper by anodic dissolution of gold
in hydrochloric or sulfuric acid at a temperature of 15-25 ° C and current density
0.1–1 A/dm2. Cathode – lead or iron. End of dissolution
determined by the drop in current.

*Another way:*

1000 ml sulfuric acid (density 1.8 g/cm3) and 250 ml hydrochloric acid
(density 1.19 g/cm3). Before immersing the radio components, the mixture is heated
up to 60-70 °C; Having lowered the parts into the mixture, add a small amount
nitric acid to form aqua regia (freshly mixed
mixture: 3 parts by volume hydrochloric acid and 1 part nitric acid),
which is the solvent for gold.

Methods for extracting silver from radio components.

Based on the scientific literature, I know of two ways to use
silver in radio components:

1. Silver is applied to the contacts or housings (outside or inside) of the part,
thin – “micron” layer.
2. Silver contained in relay contacts in its pure form.

*In the first case, silver can be removed in the following way:*
You can remove silver from brass and copper parts by heating it to 80 °C.
a mixture of solutions of sulfuric and nitric acids, taken in a ratio of 19: 1.2.
Silver can be extracted from this solution by reducing it
an equivalent amount of zinc dust or shavings. You can also extract
silver by carefully acidifying the electrolyte with small doses of hydrochloric acid
acids. The operation is extremely dangerous and must be performed in a fume hood.
Silver is deposited in the form of a white cheesy sediment of silver chloride,
which is allowed to sit for at least a day; then check for
complete precipitation of silver by adding hydrochloric acid to the filtered
sample solution. The silver chloride precipitate is filtered through a thick
calico fabric, washed and dried at a temperature of 105-120 ° C.

Some data on the silver content in radio components:

Fuse link VP1-1 for 1000 pcs. – 15.611 gr.


K15-5 for 1000 pcs. – 29.901 gr.
K10-7V for 1000 pcs. – 13.652 gr.

It should also be noted that silver is contained in this form in
most existing radio components produced in the territory of the former

The second case is pure silver in a relay.

As an example, here are several types of relays:
RES6 for 1000 pcs. – 157 gr.
RSCH52 for 1000 pcs. – 688 gr.
RKMP1 for 1000 pcs. – 132 gr.
RVM for 1000 pcs. – 897.4 g.

The silver contained in these parts is CP999 fineness

To extract silver from these radio components, you must remove (with wire cutters)
aluminum body, and separate the contact part, then silver
contacts are removed using scissors or wire cutters - depending on
the density of the material on which the contact is attached. If desired, contacts
can be melted into an ingot at home directly on a gas stove (for
This can be done with a porcelain crucible) because t-melting of silver = 960.5 °C.

The aluminum housings remaining after work can be placed in a bag and
then take it to a collection point for non-ferrous metals.
If you buy relays from the public, be sure to make sure that they
contain silver, because different batches may contain different amounts of it
quantity, or not contain at all.

The simplest and most cost-effective way to recover silver from relays

Some recommendations for organizing the purchase of radio components and sales
the resulting silver and gold.
To purchase radio components, firstly, you need to advertise in newspapers
with approximately the following content: “I’ll buy radio components. Tel. xxxxxxxx." -
You can indicate in more detail, but carefully, i.e. don't write "I'll buy"
gold-plated radio components,” - you can get into trouble. Secondly,
Tell your friends that you are interested in radio components. Will
It’s good if you make arrangements with local reception centers for people of color
metals, so that they hang up a sign about the purchase of radio components,
tell them approximate prices for radio components and buy from them a little more.
Finished gold must be sold in accordance with the current
legislation, very carefully, it is advisable to establish contact with
one or two buyers, or better yet, jewelry stores. Gold is possible
melt into small ingots, or even better into products - for example, rings,
because products are easier to sell. To do this, you need to purchase a burner, or
assemble a “Portable electrolyzer installation. With its help you can
obtain a burner outlet temperature of 1800-2600 °C, which will be
enough to melt silver and gold.
Reagents for the extraction of precious metals are freely sold in
specialized stores. Or you can negotiate with the locals
chemical enterprises. As a last resort, you can search on the Internet, there
There are plenty of organizations selling chemical reagents.

Briefly about profitability:

I will give prices in rubles, because... The purpose of this manual is to give you
an idea of ​​profitability in general, and prices specifically for your
you can determine the locality yourself.
Reagents cost approximately 30 rubles. per liter
The finished gold received is about 300 rubles. for 1 g.
Let's take the KT605 transistor as an example - three legs and the body are gold-plated.
One transistor contains 27.5537 mg of gold. Let's say you buy
100 transistors for 1.5 rubles. = 150 rub. For reagents in this case
it will cost 45 rubles. for 1.5 liters. Total of your expenses = 195 rubles.

From 100 transistors you will get 2.75537 g. Gold 999 = 826,611 rubles.
We'll charge 50 rubles for remelting, by the way, for large batches it makes sense
when melting into gold, add approximately 10% copper (in this case, gold
you get 585 samples - as in products sold in jewelry stores
those. you sell copper at the price of gold, without deceiving anyone).
Thus, with total costs of 245 rubles, revenue will be 826,611
rub. And the net profit is 581,611 rubles.
Profitability is 237%.

For example, below are some tables on the content of precious metals. metals
in various radio components.
Formal content of precious metals in connectors and connections

Formal content of precious metals in some connectors

Tips for cleaning silver and gold items

How to get gold from radio components

1. Place a piece of zinc (a glass from
regular battery - zinc), items to be cleaned from dredges.
metal and water them on top with a solution of soda ash (linen)
in water (1 tablespoon of soda per 0.5 liters of water).
2. It is good to clean silver items with chalk and ammonia, then
rinse with water and wipe dry.

A little more about folk methods of extracting precious metals from
radio components.

Obtaining silver from radio components

Any relays and microswitches contain the largest amount of silver
MP type... So from one relay you can get from 0.5 to 3 g practically
pure silver, and from the microswitch 0.31 g. In these products, silver
used for contacts.
So, you can remove silver using ordinary pliers. For this
take the contact plate in your left hand, and then take the pliers in your right hand
firmly hold the contact in the cheeks of the pliers and turn.
And also, for reference, let’s say that radio engineering silver in terms of purity
corresponds to approximately 817 samples.

Methods for extracting gold and platinum from old radio components

Many radio components contain gold and platinum, highlight
These metals can be used using their property of not dissolving in acids.

In a glass container with nitric acid (you can use sulfuric acid, but the result will be
worse) they throw away the prepared raw materials (mostly contacts and terminals from
radio components) acid dissolves all foreign substances, and gold
remains as a sediment. It must be carefully separated from the acid by draining it
into another container, and then neutralize the resulting precipitate with a solution
baking soda until the reaction stops (the reaction is accompanied by hissing).
The resulting precipitate, consisting of gold or platinum dust and
small amount of impurity, it needs to be dried and melted in
small ingot.
Extracting gold from yellow (gold-plated) watches.

And here is the secret of the gold business. I'll tell you how to do it at home
gold is recovered from yellow (gilded) watches. And how to organize
a system for collecting yellow (gold-plated) cases from the population.

The point is that throughout the entire period of Soviet power, all
The watch industry in the USSR produced wrist watches in huge quantities
watches with yellow cases, but not everyone knew that these were watches with gold plated
body. Over time, these watches with gold-plated (yellow) cases came out
out of order, but since our people are thrifty, people feel sorry for throwing them away,
even if they cannot be repaired. And someone bought new ones a long time ago -
more fashionable, but he won’t throw away the old ones and doesn’t want to repair them. That's
the population has accumulated a huge number of old and not so old
wristwatches with yellow (gold-plated) cases. And at your home,
There are probably two, three, or even more. And they are kept in someone's
in a vase, in someone’s nightstand, in someone’s box. In general, they just get in the way,
dust is collected. Below I will describe how to organize the collection work (you can
say garbage) of these so-called yellow buildings, i.e.
gilded, of which countless numbers had accumulated among the population of the former

*Now to the point:* There is a very effective way that allows you to
special expenses to create a network to accept old watches with yellow ones from the population
cases. And believe me, people bring them in such quantities that anyone
the watchmaker will be jealous. I live in Ukraine in a city of 200 thousand people and
organized 4 points. On average, 200 - 300 buildings are assembled per week.
Now I’m thinking about opening more outlets in regional centers. I didn't expect it myself
that this will happen.

*1. Organization of a collection point for old watches and yellow cases.*

In every market there are people selling small goods - consumer goods (in
mostly Chinese). These are the ones we need. In order to
the trading point has simultaneously become a collection point for old watches or
cases (some people bring bare cases, without mechanism), you need
make a beautiful sign with the inscription: “Exchange of old watches.” Sign
need to be made in such a way that it has a side pocket for
small booklets with instructions that clearly explain what
watches can be exchanged for goods. (I can send instructions.) Now it’s important
it’s right to talk to the owner of this small retail outlet, place it at
place a sign on his desk with instructions and explain to him the benefits

Firstly, a beautiful sign with the inscription "Exchange of old watches" attracts
the attention of curious buyers (everyone becomes interested in what the exchange is);

Secondly, he will have an additional influx of people who were not previously
who wanted to buy goods from him, but now agree to exchange them for old ones
watches (thus increasing sales);

Thirdly, it will not be difficult for him to do this at the same time - issue
instructions for people to exchange and accept old watches (cases) by exchanging
them for your product.

As you already understood, people come, exchange old watches for new goods, and
we buy these old yellow cases from the seller at the rate of: 1 watch
(body) for 25 rubles.

It is advisable to think over the principle of exchange. For example: two old watches
exchanged for some item worth 50 rubles or three hours per item
costing 75 rubles, etc.
In the end, everyone is happy - the buyer exchanged the old watch (junk) for a new one
goods, the seller sold the goods, and we receive gold-plated cases.

*How to determine whether the case is gold-plated or not?*

Usually, on the side of the case or at the end of the case it is indicated in small print
"AU 10" or "AU 20", "AU" is AURUM - gold, and "20" is the thickness
coating (micron). It happens rarely, nothing is written, but it’s still visible,
that the case is gold plated, as abrasions are visible.

*ATTENTION!!!* Chinese-made watches do not have gold plating
(this is immediately visible - by eye). This will come with practice.
The seller at the point must be given 2 samples and explained - one body
gilded (he can sell his goods for such cases) and the second
the case is simply yellow from a Chinese watch (for which the goods cannot be sold
follows, citing the fact that it is not suitable).

People shouldn't say that the watch cases are gold plated, but
if anyone knows, it’s okay - everyone understands perfectly well that the thickness
The coating is thin and has no value as such. But in fact, when
extracting gold from two male cases with a coating thickness of 20 microns.
it turns out 1 gram of 850 gold. Anyone can buy gold of this standard
jeweler at a price of 9-10 $ per 1 gram.

*TIP!!!* Don't rely only on men's cases. On my points
There is an exchange of both male and female buildings. For example: people bring 2 at once
male and 2 female buildings and want to exchange for an item worth 10 UAH.
($2) - you need to boldly change it. There is certainly less gold in women's corps, but
still profitable.

*2. Brief description of the technological process.*

1. plastic bucket;
2. plastic basin;
3. electric stove;
4. heat-resistant glass saucepan;
5. filter fabric (you can use ordinary cotton fabric thicker than gauze);
6. sprinkler (from a plastic bottle);
7. brush;
8. blade;
9. rubber gloves;
10. laboratory scales (preferably).


1. nitric acid;
2. water.

As you can see, the equipment is simple and inexpensive. The process is also simple.
Suffice it to recall the chemistry lessons from the school curriculum. Housings
are processed not one at a time, but all together - 200-300 pcs. and more. By
time: 300 cases are processed in 4 hours. Acid consumption: 3-4 l.
The gold produced is of high standard - 850.

*3. Economic calculation.*

The yield of gold from the entire mass depends on the number of female and male
there were always more cases for men (more of them were produced).

*On average it turns out:*
with 300 pcs. - 65-75 gr. Gold
with 200 pcs. - 45-55 gr. Gold
In general, approximately 4 pieces. = 1 gr. Gold
Price 1 g. angry = 9 - 10$
Price of 1 case = 0.5$
The price of nitric acid is $15 - 10 l., 1 l. = $1.5
Let's take the minimum:
200 pcs. x $0.5 = $100 - costs for purchasing cases from points.
3 l. sour x $1.5 = $4.5 - acid costs
100$ + 4.5$ = 104.5$ - total costs
200 pcs. : 4 things. = 50 gr. - gold yield from 200 pcs.
50 gr. x $10 = $500 - sales revenue
$500 - 104.5 = $395.5 ($400) - profit per week.

*4. Pros and cons of this business.*

1. The big plus is that you spend very little time on this matter.
Organize collection points only once: produce and distribute
signs with the inscription "Exchange of old watches" (once again I want to remind you that
the sign should be very beautiful, not spoil the seller’s display window, but
even embellish it). And then once a week you collect the cases and
you recycle. You can have a main job, but this is how
Additional income. For example, I work as a manager and my salary is
less than three times the income from watches. So I think there’s a lot more time
2. High profitability: with low financial costs, a large percentage of profit.
3. Very simple processing technology - accessible to everyone.
4. There are no problems with the sale of the finished product (gold).
5. In addition to gold, watch mechanisms remain intact and unharmed.
which watchmakers willingly buy.

1. Sniffing acid is harmful, but if you follow safety precautions,
can be avoided.

*Extraction of silver from waste fixing solutions*

part of the silver goes into fixer.

*Here are some numbers:*

Photographic paper contains from 1 to 3.7 g/m2,
- photographic plates contain silver from 4 to (!) 510 g/m2,
- photographic film - 2.5-9.5 g/m2,
- X-ray film - 10-50 g/m2.

Methods for extracting silver from waste fixing solutions are divided into:
to chemical and electrolytic:
The chemical method of silver deposition includes recovery methods
silver powder or sawdust (shavings) of zinc and iron,
hydrosulfite, hydrazine borate and developer, as well as sulfide
regeneration - precipitation of silver in the form of silver sulfide when introduced into
sodium sulfide solution fixer.
For industrial applications, the most appropriate is
using the method of electrolytic regeneration of silver, in which
silver is released in its purest form, which makes it easier to further
refining (purification). Electrolytic silver recovery is based
on the reduction of silver ions by electric current.

*The most common methods for extracting silver are
the following:*

1. The spent fixing solution is acidified with sulfuric acid and injected
into it zinc filings or zinc shavings, tin, vigorously
stir until the solution becomes clear. Then
the solution is carefully drained. A precipitate consisting of silver, zinc and its
compounds, sulfur and gelatin residues, washed and dried.

2. To 1 liter of used fixing solution add 20 ml of 20%
sodium sulfide solution. After the solution sits for 24 hours
the precipitate, which is silver sulfide, is filtered off and
dried. Deposition is carried out outdoors or with increased ventilation,
to reduce the release of hydrogen sulfide, spent fixing solution

3. A method that eliminates the ineffective transportation of solutions with low
silver content in them, is based on the ability of certain ion exchange
resins sorb silver ions from solutions. It is suitable for regeneration
silver directly in film and photo laboratories and photographic studios, does not require
no special equipment and can practically be carried out in
process of daily work.

Add to the spent fixing solution or the first rinse water
granules of ion exchange resin brand KU-1 or AN-21 at the rate of 5 g per 1 l
solution. For a more complete ion exchange, the solution is sufficient
shake 2-3 times in 5-8 hours. The process takes 10-12 hours.
After this time, the solution is filtered, and the resulting sludge is dried.
This method extracts 80-90% of silver from solutions.

4. Precipitation of the sparingly soluble silver sulfide salt is carried out after
preliminary alkalization of the fixer solution with caustic alkali in order to
subsequent neutralization of hydrogen sulfide H2S, which is released during
precipitation of silver with sodium sulfide. To an alkaline fixer solution
gradually add 20% sulfide solution with constant stirring
sodium. Sodium sulfide, reacting with a complex silver salt, forms
sparingly soluble silver salt Ag2S, which precipitates. All in all
The reaction of the sulfide method of silver deposition proceeds according to the equation
Na4 + Na2S Ag2S + 3Na2S2O3

A day after settling, silver sulfide precipitates at the bottom of the vessel.
The sediment contains about 87% silver. The clarified liquid is drained from
sediment, which is dried in any way.

5. Reduction of silver to metallic is carried out using
active reducing agent - sodium dithionite. Acid fixer solution
pre-alkalinize with soda to pH = 7-8, after which it
add sodium dithionite. For the reaction to take place, the solution must
reheat. The precipitate that falls is almost 100% metallic
silver For 1 liter of used fixer add at least 20 g of anhydrous
soda and 20 g of sodium dithionite Na2S2O4 + 2H2O.

Reaction of silver recovery from waste alkaline solution
fixation proceeds according to the following scheme:

Na4 + Na2S2O4 + 2NaOH
2Ag + 2NaHSO3 + 3Na2S2O3

As can be seen from the above equations, when extracting silver from
fixing solutions, they are simultaneously regenerated. So
the restored fixer can be reused if it is
add 15-20% sodium thiosulfate.

6. Precipitation of silver with spent hydroquine developer consists of
that equal volumes of spent fixing solution and
spent developer is mixed with 1 liter of fixing solution
add 3-4 g of caustic soda or caustic soda. Solution is good
stir and let stand for 24 hours, and then filter.
The silver-containing sediment remaining on the filter is collected and dried.
For the most complete release of silver into a solution passed through
filter, add some more spent developer and
the process is repeated.
Chemical processes occurring during the specified regeneration method
silver, can be expressed by the following scheme:

1. Na4 + C6H4(OH)2 2Ag + 2Na2S2O3 + H2S2O3 + C6H4O2
2. H2S2O3 + Na3CO3 Na2S2O3 + CO2 + H2O

7. Reduction of silver with formaldehyde is carried out by adding to
spent fixing solution of 40% aqueous solution
formaldehyde at the rate of 4 ml per 1 g of precipitated solution. The process is carried out
when boiled in porcelain or enamel dishes for 24 hours.

The advantage of the method is the high content of silver in the sediment, and
The disadvantage is high energy consumption and strong odor.

8. Recovery of silver by metals is based on the fact that silver
is displaced from solutions of its salts by the vast majority of other
metals. The most widely used materials for this purpose are iron and aluminum.
and zinc, and the metals are used in the form of shavings, which significantly
reduces the cost of the process, since production waste can be used,
or dust. With an increase in the surface of contact of the metal with the solution
the speed of the process increases. Before use, the chips are degreased
3% alkali solution. Duration of silver deposition and metal consumption
- reducing agents are given below.

The advantages of the process are low cost and high silver content in the sediment;
disadvantages - duration, need for periodic mixing,
the presence of large vessels for storing solutions.

9. A short note from the magazine "Young Technician" (No. 11, 1959)
"Silver mines" - in waste.
The spent fixing solution has the following chemical formula:
Na2. If you mix equal amounts of fixer and solution
sodium sulfide (5-6 g Na2S per 1 liter of water), a reaction will occur in
as a result of which silver sulfide will precipitate. Mix
dried sediment with iron filings and soda ash.
Melt the mixture in a crucible to obtain rough metallic silver.

10. Spent hydroquinone is added to the used fixer,
methylhydroquinone or phenidone hydroquinone developer in proportion
1:1, then mix everything vigorously. Leave for 24 hours and
drain the solution from the sediment.

*Technology for producing silver from photographic materials*

*Necessary materials:*

After processing photographic film and photographic paper, the fixative remains
a significant amount of silver, which forms with sodium sulfate
highly soluble compounds:

2NaSO + AgBr => Na(Ag(SO)) + NaBr

To obtain silver, you first need to precipitate it from solution. Pour over
fixer into a glass, add a little soda (1-2 g). And in small portions
add 10% sodium sulfide solution until the sulfide is completely precipitated

2Na(Ag(SO))+ NaS => AgS + 4NaSo

Filter the precipitate and dry. In order to melt from the resulting
Mix pure silver sediment in a porcelain crucible 20 g. received
sediment (AgS), and 5 g. Powdered iron and 30 g. Chalk. Heat the crucible to
flame of a gas stove until the mixture is completely melted. When the mixture
hardens, remove the top layer of slag. At the bottom of the crucible you will find a small
silver ingot. After washing it in a weak solution of sulfuric acid and water, you
finally clean it of any remaining slag.

*11 technologies for extracting silver from waste hyposulfite (fixer)*

Only a portion is spent on constructing a photographic image.
silver contained in the photosensitive layer of the photographic material. Big
part of the silver goes into the fixer and developer, this part of the silver
can be isolated and collected.

*1 way:*

Allows you to highlight pure silver. Consists of the following: in a vessel with
iron filings or small nails are poured into the exhausted fixer, good
washed from grease with gasoline. Shake the solution from time to time.
After 7-10 days, the solution is drained, and the metal shavings and nails
air dry. Silver deposited on nails crumbles in the form
black powder, which can then be smelted into ingots.

*2 way: *
Add 40% formaldehyde to the fixer at the rate of 4 ml per 1 g of silver and 20 ml
nitric acid per 1 liter of fixer. Boil for 1 hour. Dry the sediment.

*3 way: *
Precipitation with table salt (sodium chloride NaCl). This is the way to
release of silver from bleaching solutions containing K2Cr2O7 at
processing of black and white reverse films and films. Saturated solution
salts are added to the bleach solution. After 1 day, the precipitate is separated
AgCl and dried.

*4 way: *
Exhausted fixer and the same amount by volume of waste
methylhydroquinone developer is poured into one vessel. To the resulting mixture
add a 30% sodium hydroxide solution at the rate of 100 ml for each
liter of waste fixer. Silver is deposited in the form
the finest pure silver powder. The process lasts at least 48
hours. The silver precipitate formed during this time is filtered out and
dried. The remaining aqueous solution of sodium thiosulfite, that is, the fixer,
can be used again at work.

*5 way:*
Place in the used fixer, which is in a glass vessel.
polished brass sheet. After 48 hours, almost everything will settle on it
metallic silver from depleted solution. After deposition sheet
rinse well with water and dry. Then carefully remove it from its surface
scrape off the silver layer.

*6 way:*
To 1 liter of used fixer add 5-6 g of sodium hydrosulfide and 5-6
g anhydrous soda. After 19-20 hours, it formed in the form of black
fine powder, metallic silver is filtered and dried, and
the desilvered fixing solution is acidified with sodium bisulfite and
used again at work.

*7 way: *
Add 20 g of soda and 20 g of dithionide to 1 liter of spent fixer.
sodium. The solution is heated to 70 °C, the precipitate that forms is dried. In him
Contains up to 100% pure silver.

*8 way: *
Fine zinc is added to the spent fixer and the first wash waters.
shavings, dust or at the rate of 2 g per 1 g of silver. The solution is pre-
acidified with sulfuric or hydrochloric acid. The solution is stirred periodically.
The precipitate is filtered and dried.

*9 way:*
Silver-containing slag can be isolated by electrolysis. As
for electrodes, you can use carbon rods from MARS batteries,
"SATURN" etc. Electrodes are immersed in a container with fixer and served
constant voltage 6-8 volts. During the electrolysis process they are released
black flakes of a silver-containing substance, which then precipitate.
When the separation of flakes stops, the precipitate is filtered and dried.

*10 way:*
In 3 liters of used fixer, dissolve 1 teaspoon of food grade
soda, after 1-2 minutes add 5 g of sodium sulfide (Na2S). Happening
violent reaction with the release of black flakes. Liquid for a couple of days
settles, the precipitate is filtered and dried.

*11 way:*
To 1 liter of used fixer add 20 ml of a 20% sulfur solution
sodium. The solution settles for 24 hours. Sediment representing
is silver sulphide, filtered and dried.

*Extraction of silver from alloys, mirror glass, ash of photographic materials, etc.*

1. The emulsion layer is removed from glass photographic plates while hot.
soda solution, other photographic materials are burned in porcelain dishes.
True, when burned, some of the silver will evaporate with smoke. For
to reduce losses, it is best to burn photographic materials with a smoldering fire or
extract silver with sodium hyposulfite.

2. Mirror fight and Christmas decorations also contain a large amount
silver: mirrors - from 3 to 7 g/m2, toys - from 0.2 to 0.5% by weight
fragments. To remove the silver-containing layer from the mirror glass, it
placed in an acid-resistant container, filled with hot saline solution
acids and subjected to mechanical processing: in other words, they turn until
complete separation of the silver-containing layer from the glass. In industry
A rotating drum is used for this purpose.

3. To restore silver from photographic ash you will need
muffle furnace and heat-resistant crucibles capable of withstanding thousand-degree temperatures
temperature. The ash is thoroughly mixed with soda and broken glass in
following ratios: 30% ash, 65% sodium bicarbonate and 5% broken
glass The charge composed in this way is sintered at a temperature
1200°C. The melt is poured into a cast iron mold, lubricated with oxide powder
gland. You can cool the melt in a crucible, but then you will have to
break, and at the bottom you will find an ingot of pure silver.

4. And here is the method for separating silver from a silver-copper alloy,
described in the 20th volume of the "Technical Encyclopedia", published in 1935:
the product is dissolved in nitric acid, hydrochloric acid is added,
the precipitated silver chloride is washed with water and reduced from it
metallic silver through interaction with zinc and dilute
sulfuric or hydrochloric acid.

5. Another method was described in great detail in Do-It-Yourself magazine (No. 4 for
1990). It consists of the following:
The silver-containing product is thoroughly cleaned of oxides and washed
first with a warm alkaline solution, and then with plain water. After that
the product is filled with 10% nitric acid until it is completely dissolved. IN
The solution thus contains a mixture of silver and copper salts. Solution
evaporated, and the resulting powder is calcined in a porcelain cup, in
As a result, copper nitrate transforms into insoluble copper oxide.
The completion of this process is determined by the cessation of selection from
bubbles of very caustic gas bubbles on the surface of the melt. Now melt
cool and dissolve in 2 parts distilled water; transparent
a solution containing pure silver nitrate is removed from the sediment - well, how
recovering metallic silver from salts, we have already discussed. IN
The described process encounters some difficulties, such as: manipulation
with nitric acid, toxic volatile compounds and evaporation
large volumes of solutions. However, such problems are easily resolved in
laboratory conditions.

6. Silver coatings (including those applied chemically) and
silver alloys on bases of copper, nickel silver, brass, tombac,
cupronickel and steel are removed in a mixture of concentrated sulfur and nitrogen
acids with a volume ratio of 19:1 at a temperature of 40-60°C. Solution
protect from dilution and regularly adjust it with nitrogen
acid, which is used in the process of dissolving the coating.

Silver is removed from the surface of copper and its alloys by anodic treatment in
composition solution,%:

Sulfuric acid H2SO4 (density 1.84 g/cm3) – 91
-Sodium nitrate (sodium nitrate) NaNO2 – 3

At a temperature of 20-50°C and a DC source voltage of 2-3 V. V
Lead is used as cathodes.
Removing silver from parts with a thin coating thickness is usually carried out using
temperature 40-50°C in a solution of the composition, g/l:

Potassium iodide KI – 250
-Iodine metal I2 - 7
- The alloy of silver and antimony is removed from the same parts in a solution of the composition, g/l:
- Potassium iodide KI – 250
- Metallic iodine I2 - 7.5
- Nitric acid HNO2 (density 1.41 g/cm3) - 150 ml/l

Many people, having a lot of radio components at their disposal, are trying to extract gold from them. After all, it has long been known that gold is the best conductor of electricity, so it is used in small quantities for the manufacture of various radio components. This is especially true for microcircuits, they contain a higher proportion of gold.

On the Internet there are various photos of gold mining from radio components, which depict the process and its results. There are several known methods, but let’s consider those that are suitable for home use.

How to identify gold

Separating gold from other metals in radioelements is not so easy; it is a long and dangerous process. The metal goes through a refining stage and is separated from impurities. Refining gold from radio components at home is possible if you follow all safety rules.

Anyone who decided to mine gold for the first time should know that after all the elements are dissolved in acid, one can only guess about the presence of the precious metal there. You won’t notice it visually; the result will be visible only after all procedures are completed.

What parts are best to extract gold from?

How to remove gold plating

It is worth noting that yellow-colored parts do not always contain gold. Many people want to know which radio components contain gold?

More often it is found in various microcircuits, as well as transistors, diodes, glass electrodes, and relays are also coated with it.

Before mining the precious metal, you need to prepare the correct proportions of reagents. Next, all gold-containing elements must be washed without leaving any traces of dirt.

The extraction procedure will have to be carried out with dangerous acids that pose a real threat to human life. Therefore, instructions for extracting gold from radio components begin with a safety rule.

What chemical to use

You can mine gold at home using aqua regia. Whoever hears this name for the first time may think that it is an alcoholic drink, but alcohol is not capable of dissolving metals.

Aqua regia consists of hydrochloric and nitric acids. To obtain it, you need to mix two reagents in a certain proportion. If you take a liter of concentrated nitrogen reagent and add up to 300 ml of hydrochloric acid to it, you will get aqua regia.

Gold extraction using acids must be carried out in glass containers. The preparation of the required solution should be carried out in a cold environment, which means that the dishes where the reagents are mixed should be placed in ice water. This procedure requires extreme caution and slowness. Next, the solution should be stirred slowly.

Metals can be dissolved in the resulting mixture by heating it to 60-70 degrees. Then you can place the radioelements into the liquid, but this should be done slowly, it is better not to shake it. To keep the solution clean longer, do not immerse foreign objects or dirty parts in it.

What are the dangers and results?

To extract gold from radio components with your own hands, you need to wait 6 hours until chemical processes dissolve all the elements. At this time, nitrogen oxide is rapidly released; it is a toxic yellow smoke that poses a serious danger to humans. One breath of this gas can lead to loss of consciousness. Poor ventilation can result in death!

After dissolving the elements, you need to proceed to the following procedures. The gold precipitate will not be visible in the liquid; the metals in it will dissolve to the state of molecules.

To assemble the precious metal into a single whole, we will use hydrazine. It is found in powder and liquid form. To complete the procedure, you need 250-300 grams; it is added to a container with aqua regia. The result should be a brown precipitate. Outwardly it looks like rust, if absent, no gold was used in the parts.

The solution is filtered, and the flakes are purified in aqua regia until the gold acquires its proper appearance.



In fact, there are several ways to refine gold from parts. The use of table salt rids the solution of nitric acid. Hydroquinone also reduces the loss of precious metal during its mining.

Photo of gold from radio components



Radio amateurs often ask questions about the extraction of gold, silver and even platinum from parts of household appliances. In general, there are precious metals in radio components, especially those produced in the USSR, and quite a lot. They are found almost everywhere - from resistors to transistors of any type.

In particular, precious metals such as silver, gold, palladium and many others were used in parts from the times of the Soviet Union.

general information

An affordable radio component from which expensive components can be extracted is considered to be a conventional electromagnetic relay made in the USSR. Any of them contains either gold or silver. Low-power parts that were used in high-end technology either have gold-plated contacts or are entirely made of this metal. Plates that are elements of the device can also be precious. Such spare parts are quite difficult to find, so the most affordable option is a regular relay, which can be bought on any market. It is advisable to take a more powerful one; many people have it in stock.

It is quite difficult to obtain precious metals from radio components. The most primitive way to remove silver from contacts is to take ordinary pieces and bite off pieces of it. But of course, you can use another method, chemical. It's more complex.

It is impossible not to say about tin. In imported circuit boards, which use soldering of parts using no-win technology (computers, laptops, etc.), lead-free tin solder is used, which is especially abundant under the south and north bridges. We heat them up with an electric hair dryer and carefully remove them, and collect the metal balls with a soldering iron and shake them into a plate. Here is the finished material for tin chloride.

Prices for radio components containing precious metals are growing higher and higher. Therefore, many are looking for valuable parts on which they can make money.

Gold from radio components

Knowing what to look for can make a good profit. The content of precious metals in radio components varies. Gold has attracted human attention since time immemorial. The main reserve of the country is in the form of this metal. How to create your own gold fund? The simplest option is, of course, buying up radio components. Expensive, but profitable.

Urban craft

This way you can make good money. Of course, in our country there are specialized collection points for gold-plated radio components. Watch cases and components that contain a portion of this metal are desirable items for buyers.

Every day, gold mining from domestic radio components is in increasing demand. Why domestic ones, because it’s everywhere? Modern digital technology also contains a considerable amount of gold. The same computer system unit from which you can remove approximately one gram of an unclean precious metal of not very high standard. At the same time, from one small transistor you can get the same amount of gold as you can get from a system unit.

Many people are interested in what type of metal soldering does not cause residue to fly away, what is better to use, a gas burner or a gasoline burner?

Some experimenters use gas, and to prevent sparks, you need to moisten the part with a strong borax solution. When it heats up, it becomes lumpy.

There are massive transistors, inside of which there is a drop of gold. You need to fill them with electrolyte and cover them with saltpeter. The problem is that such a mixture will not “eat” all the metal in one go. You have to repeat it several times. So, after the first time, when the acid has worn off, you just need to take out the transistor with tweezers and wash off this droplet with a spray bottle. It usually peels off. After this, the part goes into the furnace, the rest goes into recycling.

Others believe that it makes no difference what to do. To obtain gold chloride you need a catalyst. This may be nitric acid or peroxide. By the way, you can try the galvanic method, where only hydrochloric acid is used, and current plays the role of a catalyst.

Classification of precious metals

Precious metals in radio components have a certain classification, that is, they are divided into three large groups. Depending on this, their price is determined.

Group No. 1: the most expensive parts

The first group is noble precious metals. The same transistor mentioned above, gold plated. The noble metal is exposed in plain sight; you just need to remove the top cover. Beneath it lies the gold. The part must be thrown into aqua regia, and no additional operations need to be performed.

Transistors KT-601 belong to the same group. Of course, you need to cut off the lid; the bottom of this part is completely covered in gold. Of course, not all transistors of this brand are gold-plated; there are also plastic cases.

You need to pay attention to the production date. The seven-segment indicator contains precious metals in radio components. It turns out that in the Soviet Union there were televisions with remote controls operating in the infrared ranges. And these indicators showed which channel the transmission was on. They were the ones that were gilded. You just need to remove the plastic cover and throw the part into aqua regia.

We can conclude that the first group of radio components is one with which no additional operations are required to remove gold, or they are reduced to a minimum.

Palladium belongs to the category of platinum-like noble metals. Today, one gram of it costs about eight hundred and fifty rubles, which is two times cheaper than ninety-ninth standard gold.

You can find detailed information about the pricing policy below; radio components containing precious metals (purchase) and the prices at which they can be sold will be listed.

Group No. 2: parts with a small content of precious metals

The second group consists of transistors KT-916, 917, 914, 915 and so on. At first glance, the gold plating on these transistors is not visible. How can you tell if they contain a particle of expensive metal or if it’s just a dummy? To do this, you need to take ordinary wire cutters, break the transistor and look inside. As for the amount of gold from a given part, two grams can be removed from a thousand pieces.

For large low-frequency, medium-power transistors, cleaning the gold components and terminals is a rather difficult procedure. But if you consider that the third group consists of dirty components, then working with the second is much easier. It takes a lot of time to expose all the components. Imagine, there are only two grams of gold in a thousand transistors, and you need to work for a couple of days to remove them.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that not all components use ninety-ninth grade metal. After the first time, when you dissolved it in aqua regia and collected the grains for remelting, you will not yet receive pure gold (that’s what the ninety-ninth sample is called, by the way). In order to obtain pure metal, you need to dissolve the resulting “ingots” again in aqua regia. And each time your gold will become purer, but its weight will correspondingly decrease.

Group No. 3: minor low-grade gilding

The third group is “dirty” components. The integrated circuit has gold-plated pins on the sides, and most of the metal is underneath the plastic casing. The part contains a huge number of contacts, which scatter and get lost during the cleaning process. Sometimes some people who are engaged in removing gold from radio components refuse to accept such spare parts.

This group also includes small, low-power transistors. The gold in them is hidden under plastic, and its share is low.

"Precious metals at hand"

Where else is gold found? The television unit also consists of transistors and a microcircuit. Precious metals in radio components are not always visible, keep this in mind. But all active components contain gold.

Antenna units have varicaps in huge quantities. But the metal is quite difficult to remove from them. There is silver in sublinear capacitors, although its share there is negligible.

In the DVD, the laser itself is covered with gold, while the mouse (buttons) and keyboard (on film) are silver. There is little precious metal in the old monitor, you need to look for details, and besides, there is a lot of copper. The new flat panel monitors have all the precious coatings. You just need to know in what detail and in what quantity. For example, in KT315 there is about 0.8 grams of gold per 1000 pieces, and in KT 308 per 1000 there is about 25 grams of gold, in KM capacitors (5 series) platinum per 1000 pieces is about 15 grams.

Radio components containing precious metals: purchase and prices

Many individuals, entrepreneurs, and companies at the state and commercial level purchase non-working spare parts coated with gold. Prices for radio components containing precious metals are completely different. For 1 kg of capacitors you can get up to 55 thousand rubles. One lamp ranges in price from 300 to 17,000 rubles. Therefore, it is quite profitable to sell such parts if you still have them somewhere. But the purchase price may fluctuate. Each company should have a price list called “Precious metals in radio components.” Prices from it determine the final cost that the company is ready to offer for the product.

Previously, there was a way of receiving money in which gold was mined from radio components at home. The earning potential was great, but now the relevance of this method has diminished, since the amount of precious metal in the parts has become smaller and the size of the parts no longer requires as much substance. Even if the quantity has decreased, this does not mean that gold mining has completely disappeared, so amateur gold miners will be interested in learning about the method.

In addition to radio components, you can also find other accessories or things at home that contain noble metal. For example, there is gold in items such as gold-plated watches, mobile phones and SIM cards.

Gold in radio components

Radio components with gold are also found in computers, especially in old motherboards. But in order to establish the extraction process, you need to have a sufficient amount of source material. Therefore, before disassembling old parts, make sure that there really are more than 1 kilogram. If the quantity is small, you can buy parts on the Internet or look for them from friends and acquaintances. It is radio components that are the most profitable opportunity to mine gold at home.

Parts selection principles

To understand how to get gold, you need to know in which radio components to look for it and where it is found in large quantities. Among the popular raw materials for precious metal extraction:

  • The details come from the nineties of the twentieth century. At that time, the precision industry was just developing, especially in the field of television and computer technologies. Therefore, the old equipment is not only larger in size, but also more profitable from the point of view of gold mining. You should look for instruments that date back earlier than 1986. It was during perestroika that gold mining from radio components at home was a very popular source of income. Now obtaining gold on your own has decreased. Modern technologies also use metal, although the application layer reaches several millimicrons. This reduces the cost of the device, but is unprofitable for miners.
  • Transistors of the KT series, which contain gold in large quantities.
  • Microcircuits, especially 133 and 155 series.
  • Diodes.

The number of gold-containing radio components is much larger; there are entire amateur catalogs, and detailed information is also contained in reference books on radio engineering.

If you engage in mining professionally, you can divide the parts into groups according to the amount of gold, as well as magnetic properties. If the parts are magnetic, then it is easy to remove excess iron and other metals from them. The solution will be less contaminated and the gold will be purer. Cleaning can be done once, otherwise a multiple procedure may be necessary. You can also take into account the timing of the parts: they can be new, where there is most gold, or soldered. The number of reagents and the timing of separation of gold from solder depend on this classification.

In any case, there are universal methods that allow you to purify gold in radio components. In order to carry out refining, that is, purification of gold from impurities, you must first separate the part from the entire mechanism manually. It will be better if as few impurities as possible are involved in the extraction process, then the alloy will be cleaner.

If you are interested not only in the process of obtaining the metal, but also in the question of how gold got into the mechanisms, you should remember the properties of the substance. It has good electrical conductivity and, accordingly, low resistance. The same indicators for silver are much better. But gold has such a feature as inertia. And although silver serves well, it has a shorter lifespan because it oxidizes during chemical reactions.

How to extract gold?

There are two ways to obtain pure gold. One is based on a cascade of chemical reactions using reagents at different concentrations. The method is called chemical, or refining the substance. And the second process is more related to physics, since current strength and electrodes are involved in it. The technique is called galvanic or electrolysis.

The first method is much more dangerous to health, but it is simpler to organize and reagents are always easier to find than a special bath with electrodes. In addition, this method is much cheaper.

The chemical method is also called etching. It is based on the properties of the precious metal, in particular, the inertness of the noble metal. The metal does not react to most elements on the periodic table, only to halogens when exposed to high temperatures. This is why gold occurs in nature in the form of nuggets.

Therefore, in order to dissolve gold from radio components and separate it from impurities, a strong oxidizing agent is needed. Aqua regia is exactly such a substance. There are also cyanides in high concentrations, but their effect is fatal to humans, so the method is not used at home.

Aqua regia is a mixture of concentrated nitric and hydrochloric acid in a proportion relative to the dry substance of 1 to 2. In practice, the ratio can reach 1 to 3. The substance is orange in color with a characteristic odor. But it must be made not only very carefully, but also immediately before dissolving the gold, since nitric acid tends to erode in air. All this must be prepared outside or in a well-ventilated area.

The extraction of gold from radio components and the dissolution process lasts up to 6 hours. It is then that toxic smoke is released, which contains nitrogen oxide and can even kill a person. Aqua regia can even dissolve platinum and palladium, but it does not interact with silver, since a coating in the form of metal chloride forms on the surface of the silver, which makes it untouchable by the reagent. Therefore, before mining, make sure there is no silver on the parts.

When using the term “dissolve,” it means that the gold or other metal will remain in solution, although not in the form of a piece or ingot. It will not disappear from the container without a trace. After dissolution, a precipitation process should be carried out, as a result of which a familiar-looking metal is formed. The etching process is best carried out in an aluminum container and before doing so, make sure that there are no microcracks in it. And to make the action happen faster, you can slightly heat the aqua regia to a temperature of 60-70 degrees Celsius.

You need to navigate the amount of reagent based on the volume of radio components. The height of the reagent in the container should be three times higher than the level of the metals. Do not pour aqua regia into the pan to the brim, because during dissolution, gases and bubbles are formed, the liquid level rises, and some of the acids may leak out.

After dissolution, gold settles in small particles to the bottom, but they cannot be seen with the naked eye. To begin the precipitation process, hydrazine must be added to the mixture. As a result of this action, a brownish mass will appear that looks like rust; the substance will float to the surface. There, the gold can be carefully removed with tongs and sent into a new aqua regia solution for further purification. The proportion of hydrazine should be five times more than aqua regia.

And there is another method of production, based on mixing concentrated hydrochloric acid with hydrogen peroxide. True, the process takes up to one week, and the technique requires daily stirring of the solution.

Gold can be obtained in the form of thin plates or, more often, in powder form. Therefore, to give it a beautiful appearance, it can be melted in a crucible. Before melting, the crucible must be treated with borax - this will help remove residual oxides. To reduce the melting point of gold, use borax - in this case, the process can be carried out on a regular gas burner.

As a result, up to 10% of the precious metal is lost from such mining methods. The purity of the precious metal also suffers from this method of production, since impurities are not completely removed. To achieve better results, you can re-purify the gold in aqua regia. But at the same time, the miner risks losing a significant amount of the substance obtained.

The results of working at home can be unpredictable. Sometimes the miner receives white gold with impurities of palladium or other elements. If gold has a bluish tint, it most likely contains a lot of iron. The work itself is labor-intensive and painstaking; it requires not only compliance with safety rules, but also constant presence during the process.

But it is also worth remembering that obtaining metal at home or independently extracting gold in another way, even refining scrap gold, is considered illegal. The purchase of radio components for gold extraction, as well as the sale of the resulting substance, are prescribed in the articles of the Criminal Code. And the person who does this must be held accountable before the law in the form of imprisonment for a period of two years.

The method of enriching and obtaining refined gold is not only dangerous from a health point of view, but also has criminal overtones. Therefore, doing this at home, in particular, extracting metal, is not recommended, and besides, the volume of raw materials for extracting a large amount of the substance must be significant.