How to dress for a concert, different looks for each occasion. How to dress correctly and look good at a rock concert (for girls) How to dress for a rock band concert as a woman

When thinking about how to dress for a rock concert, feel which direction of rock is closer to you, and arrange your wardrobe in accordance with it. It’s great if you have things in this style in your closet, otherwise you’ll have to buy them or “borrow” them from friends.

Rock clothes are as diverse as musical movements within a style: only the challenge posed to society remains unchanged.

Hard rock

When going to a concert with hard rock bands, look for straight jeans or leather trousers, denim shirts, jackets and vests, as well as monochrome tops or loose T-shirts with prints (skull, cross, wolves, Celtic patterns, photos of soloists and popular bands) ).

Suitable footwear would be army boots, grinders, Cossacks, sneakers and sneakers. As an accessory, you can grab a backpack, wear a bandana, leather collar, bracelet or mitts. A high-quality leather belt with a massive metal buckle will also come in handy. The more accessories there are in clothes - spikes, zippers, rivets, chains - the better.

Feel free to wear silver earrings, chains, rings and bracelets. This is exactly the case when an earring in a guy’s ear will look quite appropriate.

Short hair should be tousled, and long hair should be tied into a ponytail or loosened. Smoky eye makeup can be enhanced with a catchy lipstick color: black, brown, cherry, lilac and purple.

Glam rock

The English word “glamorous” has become defining for the music and clothing of a new style, the brightest representative of which is the American group “Motley Crew”.

Protesting against the excessive brutality of rock performers, Motley Crew, followed by Jim Morisson and David Bowie, dressed in tight outfits with an abundance of rhinestones and feathers, appearing on stage with outrageous makeup and huge piles of dyed hair.

Glam rock style has become a way of life for young people around the world. If you want to put together a Motley Crew outfit, invest in tight leather pants, leggings, or jeggings. Don't forget about mini shorts, mini skirts and corsets.

A girl should think about an ensemble of a romantic dress and a leather jacket. A guy just needs to wear a fitted jacket with torn jeans, complementing the look with black sunglasses.

For glam rock, any shoes (platform or heel) with spikes and rivets are suitable. As for footwear, boots, Cossack boots, sandals, sneakers and rough boots will also work.

Prints - skull, heart, leopard, cross, panther, rose, dragon, guitar and bat.

If you have already decided how to dress for a rock concert, complement the look with accessories: a clutch, a backpack, a dark scarf and sunglasses. Please note that this style, in addition to silver jewelry, is characterized by precious stones and large jewelry.

Hair can be loose, pulled back into a ponytail, or combed high. The makeup is simple: arrows on the upper eyelid or smoky eyes, bright lips.

Punk rock

These clothes value creative combinations: a cocktail dress with sneakers, torn jeans with an expensive tie, a plaid miniskirt with fishnet stockings. Leather jackets with lots of rivets are welcome.

You can wear bandanas with skulls, baubles, earrings and wristbands to the concert. The hair is styled in a mohawk or combed into a “tower”, dyed extremely boldly: scarlet, blue, pink and similar colors.

Makeup is made frighteningly bright or done without it.

Indie rock

Supporters of this style do not care about the label: they value simple and comfortable clothing, often unisex. They love checkered shirts.

Dresses and skirts often give way to jeans and short shorts. Indie rock means comfortable shoes: moccasins, tennis shoes and sneakers.

You can't go to a concert without a bulky fabric bag, a hat and glasses (dark or clear). Hair is collected in a random bun or loosened. Makeup is natural or absent.


The most romantic of all rock styles with a focus on exciting femininity. Dresses are figure-hugging, shirts are fitted, plain stretch T-shirts are allowed. Here they wear flared and half-sun skirts, stockings with arrows, light blouses and dresses with full skirts. Girls prefer sandals and high-heeled shoes.

The clothes are characterized by cheerful colors, including white. Accessories are kept to a minimum: bright earrings, hairbands, beads, straps. The emphasis is on perfectly styled hair and neat but noticeable makeup with red or pink lipstick.

How to dress for a rock concert

Rock fashion is very democratic. There are no dictates or strict boundaries here, either gender or age: a 60-year-old rocker can dress like a teenager and not look ridiculous. A girl can wear her boyfriend's riveted vest and no one will laugh at her for it.

If you are young and love rock, the question “what to wear to a concert?” will never be unsolvable for you. True rock fans ignore conventions and dress like true rebels, shocking others and trampling on their opinions.

It doesn’t matter whether you are fat or thin, tall or not very tall, and whether flaws are noticed in your figure: in clothes you are focused on your inner world, over which only Rock has power.

How to dress for a concert? It depends on the style of music you are going to listen to. At concerts of pop music, rock, hip-hop, country, and open-air music festivals, completely different images will be appropriate. In this article we will give general recommendations for each of them.


Pop music

    Start at the bottom and work your way up. Usually you start with choosing a shirt or top, but when going to a pop concert, try starting with your shoes.

    • Heels or wedges look great. Wear high heels only if they are comfortable enough to stand for five hours without being able to sit.
    • It is better to choose comfortable shoes without heels. Keep in mind that you will be on your feet most of the time and will most likely be dancing. Wear colored ballet flats or bright sneakers.
    • Boots are a more conservative, but very stylish choice. They are comfortable, fashionable and look amazing with jeans.
    • Avoid open-toed sandals. You'll find yourself in a dancing and moving crowd where you could easily get your feet stepped on, so it's best to protect your toes with closed-toe shoes.
  1. Choose a bottom that matches your shoes. Having decided what shoes you will wear to the concert, choose a skirt or trousers to match them.

    Complete the set with an interesting top. You want to create a feminine and modern look.

    Wear a dress instead of a set. Opt for a simple short dress and accessorize it.

    • If you decide to wear a dress for a fun evening with your girlfriends, choose a fitted dress or a dress with a unique neckline.
    • Accent it with bright shoes or cool boots.
    • Wear something sexier and more form-fitting than a casual dress or maxi dress. However, if the concert takes place in the hot summer, this kind of dress is also suitable.
    • Dresses and accessories for going to a concert can be found in stores of such popular brands as Top Shop and H&M.
  2. Complete your look with accessories. Wear jewelry that will go well with your T-shirt, jeans or skirt and shoes.

    Do your hair and makeup. They should match your outfit.

    • Usually, a bold lipstick (red or coral) and rich eyeliner are enough to look stylish.
    • Hair should always be styled and shiny. You can straighten your hair, make soft waves or braid it.
    • Paint your nails yourself or get a manicure to look truly flawless from the tips of your toes.

    Rock, punk or metal

    1. Wear a rock band T-shirt. However, keep in mind the unspoken rule of metalheads - do not wear a T-shirt with attributes of the band whose concert you are going to.

      • Find a T-shirt with a similar band in the same genre.
      • Black or graphic tees are always a good choice for a rock concert.
      • Choose only cotton items. While moshing or in a large crowd, you are sure to get sweaty!
    2. Wear appropriate jeans or a skirt. Keep in mind that rocker style combines masculine and feminine, and accessories will need to tie the look together.

      Choose the right shoes. Army boots or dark sneakers are quite consistent with the idea of ​​rocker chic.

      Complete the look with accessories. Don't forget that your style is a combination of masculine and feminine, so stylish details will give you the opportunity to look more feminine.

      Hair and makeup depend on your personal preferences. However, light makeup and a simple hairstyle will be the best solution.


      Decide first - jeans or a dress. Any country style outfit is based on one of these options.

      You may prefer a dress. Floral prints, flowing fabrics, frills - this is a very feminine style.

      Choose a light, feminine shirt to pair with your jeans. Remember that country music tends towards casual style. A flannel shirt is always a good option.

      Choose accessories to match your outfit. Characteristic details of country style are cowboy hats and boots.

      • For a playful look, wear a cowboy hat.
      • Cowboy boots, or boots in general, are always a popular option.
      • Jewelry should be discreet - stud earrings, bracelets with pendants and long necklaces made from natural materials.
      • Focus on comfort and femininity.
    1. Complete your look with hair and makeup. Don't wear a lot of makeup or do complicated hairstyles. Country style welcomes naturalness.

      • Let your hair down in loose curls, tie it up in a messy bun or braid it.
      • Makeup should be natural and minimal. The main thing is a radiant pink blush.
      • Avoid wearing bright lipstick or eye shadow. Harsh colors don't go well with the sweet simplicity of country.

    Hip-hop and rap

    1. Start with a bold, colorful piece of clothing. The point is to choose a statement piece that your entire outfit will revolve around.

      • In rap and hip-hop style, catchy, provocative clothing is valued.
      • For bottoms, choose skinny jeans or leggings - bright or denim-like. Ripped jeans are popular among hip-hop fans.
      • For the top, wear a tight-fitting tee with a bold graphic design. Fashionable colors are hot pink, orange, blue and purple.
      • Tank tops in bright colors or sparkly prints are also very popular. Rich colors and metallics are appreciated.
      • You can also wear a shiny jacket. Gold and silver leather jackets are often worn over tight T-shirts or dresses.
      • Let other parts of the outfit be not so bright in order to emphasize the “central” item.
    2. Complete with eye-catching accessories. Chrome and precious metals with diamonds or rhinestones are an important detail of a hip-hop look.

    Summer multi-day festivals

    1. Choose an open, casual outfit. You'll be outside all day long, willingly or unwillingly, getting tanned, so showing some skin is not only acceptable, it's even encouraged.

      • Crop tops, T-shirts, tops with various cutouts, swimsuits, bandeaus and bustiers are popular.
      • Outdoor festivals almost always take place in the summer, when the weather is hot and sunny.
      • Be sure to take sunscreen and apply it thoroughly if you don't want to get sunburned.
      • Be prepared for rain. Don't forget to bring a poncho or raincoat so you don't walk around wet all day.
    2. Keep your look balanced. If you're wearing a very revealing top, balance it out with a more conservative bottom.

      • Wear a crop top with a maxi skirt or mini shorts with a loose shirt.
      • A flowy top or bottom looks elegant without being too conservative.
      • Loose and flowing clothes are more comfortable in hot weather.
      • Instead of a top with a skirt or shorts, wear a jumpsuit, dress or sundress - they are no less popular at music festivals.
      • This will allow you to create a balanced look, as most designers combine a conservative and revealing approach in such models.
      • A dress or jumpsuit with a pattern will make your look even more interesting. Floral, abstract or animal prints are suitable for indie style.
    3. Makeup should be minimal and natural.
    4. Be sure to wear sunscreen.
  • Have dinner before going out. The hot dogs sold at concerts usually don't look appetizing, and eating a proper dinner will make you feel better during the show.
  • Prepare for the concert. Know what is expected - dancing, moshing - and dress accordingly!
  • Dress comfortably - you will appreciate it when you dance or make your way closer to the stage.
  • Bring more money than you think you will need. Prices for souvenirs, drinks and food at concerts are usually overpriced.
  • Don't rely on plastic cards - take cash with you.
  • If possible, do not take your purse with you.
  • Buy souvenirs.
  • If you have several jeans, wear the ones with the largest or most pockets.
  • If you want to be noticed, bring a sign with an interesting inscription or a funny thing. This will work if you bought a ticket for a seat in the front row (next to the stage), and, of course, if such things are allowed at a particular concert.


  • Don't leave a concert with strangers, even if they invite you to the after-party.
  • Don't wear too much jewelry. They are easy to lose.
  • It gets hot at concerts. If you feel weak, go to a cool place or to a first aid station.
  • Standing next to speakers all evening can seriously damage your hearing, so be careful.
  • Avoid wearing high heels if you plan to stand or dance for a long time. Your legs will hurt or you may injure your ankle.
  • If everyone in your group has been drinking alcohol, call a taxi or call a friend or parent.
  • If you scream a lot, you will become hoarse for several days. Try to save your voice.
  • Concerts can be very tiring, so even if you haven't been drinking, make sure you can drive. If you know you tend to get tired, have someone else drive, or book a room at a nearby hotel in advance.

Every girl, going out into the world, wants to look fashionable and stylish, on the one hand, and appropriate, on the other. In this regard, the concert makes you think seriously about your outfit. Although everything is not as complicated as it seems at first glance.

Firstly, when choosing a set, you need to start from the genre of music you are going to listen to. This will help you decide on the color scheme and style direction of your clothing.

Secondly, you need to take into account the fact that a concert is a long-term event, which also involves dancing or standing throughout the entire performance of the group or performer. Therefore, only the most desperate girls decide to put on high-heeled shoes when going to concert.

What to wear to a rock concert?

Clothes for a rock concert will be 99% of the time. A time-tested, win-win option remains (in the summer it can be shorts) with a T-shirt or T-shirt, a leather jacket and sneakers or boots, as in the following photos.

For the summer, a good option would be loose-fitting low-waisted trousers, a top and flat sandals. In the cool season, a combination of dark trousers with a knitted jacket will also look stylish, also in a dark color and with a print that matches the theme.

When preparing for a rock concert, special attention should be paid to the choice of accessories. As you know, clothing involves a lot of metal decorations and finishing elements. These can be any chains: massive and heavy or, conversely, thin. Metal and wooden rings, bracelets and necklaces, leather belts and shoes with large buckles, skulls, rivets, decor in the form of spikes and metal plates - all this will serve as an excellent addition to the set.

Moreover, it will be difficult to overdo it, because the style itself assumes the principle in accessories: the more, the better.

What to wear to a pop concert?

A pop music concert means more options in colors and styles. If you prefer comfort, then you can wear a not particularly elegant set in a casual style, like the one shown in the following photo. Still, a concert of popular music does not strongly oblige one to make any specific stylistic decisions.

For the young and daring, a pop concert at this time of year will provide the perfect excuse to choose bold and vibrant color combinations.

In autumn, you can give preference to classic jeans and a knitted blouse with an interesting print. Fashionable platform sneakers will complement the look.

Romantic young ladies will probably want to stay true to their style. For a concert, you can recommend that they choose brighter colors, like the dress in the next photo. In combination with it will be beautiful and convenient.

Interesting option for a pop concert can become a country style set. with a denim jacket and

Going to a concert is a great leisure option for a weekend. You want to look stylish at any event. Therefore, you need to choose the right outfit. The choice of clothing depends on the direction of the music, the format of the evening, and the duration of the concert. If the event will last a long time, then things should be comfortable and convenient. Especially in this case, you need to think about shoes.

What to wear to a classical music concert?

Going to such an event is always very pathetic and exciting. Women, first of all, try to choose an outfit and think for a long time about choosing clothes. The chic decoration of the hall, luxurious interiors and people in formal and elegant outfits - this whole atmosphere must be matched. So what should you wear to a concert? This issue should be approached very seriously and responsibly.

The usual evening uniform with an elegant cut will do. It is unacceptable to wear revealing low-necked items with a pattern. Dresses with a deep neckline are also not suitable. To emphasize femininity and elegance, you should choose clothes made from light knitted fabric. The material will favorably emphasize the figure. You should not give up length, for example, from a material such as velvet or taffeta.

What should those who don’t like dresses wear to a classical music concert? You can wear a black skirt. Top it off with a bright jacket. When it comes to footwear, seasonality should be taken into account for evening wear. In cold winter, boots are suitable, and in summer or spring, black or blue stilettos. Decorate your look with a clutch and jewelry in neutral colors. You should avoid flashy jewelry in bright colors.

Hip-hop party look

What to wear to a concert where hip-hop artists perform? It is best to choose loose and informal clothing, such as jeans or shorts. It’s better to put on sneakers, and put on a T-shirt with a bright pattern on top. If you wish, you can decorate the suit with accessories, diversify the look with large bracelets and bright rings. Clothes should be as loose as possible and not restrict movement, because hip-hop events are always a lot of dancing, movement and fun.

Pop style show outfit

The variety event does not require special outfits. You are allowed to dress as you please. Casual or country style predominates. For girls prone to romance, a sophisticated dress will suit you. It will turn out original if you sew an outfit from Nigara material. The dress will be light and silky. Nigara material has a special floral print that will make your outfits brighter. Jeans and a shirt with a belt will also look good. If all these options are not suitable, then what should you wear to the concert? A lace dress and a denim jacket are ideal.

Look for a rock festival

You need to dress in a certain style for a rock concert. Things should be chosen in dark colors. For example, blue, black, brown or gray shades. Clothes should be comfortable and stylish. In this case, a certain freedom and a complete lack of strictness in things is allowed.

Jeans or leather trousers with a bright T-shirt will do. It will turn out original if you make a custom-made T-shirt with a portrait of your favorite rock band. To look more sexy and feminine at a rock party, choose a light cotton or velvet dress. These clothes can be combined with a leather jacket. For example, an elegant full tulle skirt can be worn with an impressive leather jacket. Such experiments are possible when you are going to a rock concert.

It is unacceptable to wear pink clothes. After all, true fans of rock music may not correctly understand this style. You can complement the look with accessories, for example, large bright or themed rings with skulls, voluminous trumpet earrings, or a massive chain. You can put a bandana on your head. Shoes should be comfortable in case there is dancing at the evening. Therefore, you should not choose shoes with high heels. It is advisable to replace the heel with high boots, sneakers, and jackboots. By choosing these shoes, you can dance the entire concert and not get tired.

Hair and makeup for various concerts

When choosing clothes, you shouldn’t forget about makeup and hairstyle for each event. For an evening of classical music, you can put your hair in a bun and do a neat styling. Makeup should be in subdued tones. For a variety show, it is better to weave an original braid. For a rock concert, you can comb your hair or make a voluminous hairstyle. Eyes should be painted with bright shadows. But be careful not to overdo them.


Now you know what to wear to a concert. We hope that you will be able to choose clothes. Good choice and relax at the concert!

The tickets have been purchased, all that remains is to decide. The rule of appropriateness has not been canceled even here. A lot depends on which one you go for. Below you can find many useful tips for creating a practical and stylish look for an active pastime. After all, comfortable clothes are the key to a pleasant evening.

What to wear to a concert - important points

There are 4 important aspects based on which you need to create your image:

  • Shoes;
  • Textile;
  • Decorations;
  • Makeup.

When going to this event, you should first take care of your feet. If you have seating and you're sure you don't want to start dancing in the middle of a song, you can safely wear heels. If you have tickets to the fan zone (dance floor), heeled shoes will not be entirely appropriate, since a large crowd of people, and even fiery dancing, can have a bad effect on your feet. It is better to choose closed shoes, such as sneakers or boots. In this case, there is a high probability that your feet will not be trampled on so much. You also need to be careful with color. If you don’t want to throw your sneakers in the trash immediately after the performance, then it’s best to leave your favorite white sneakers at home.

Clothing should be chosen from natural fabrics, as it can quickly become hot among a large number of people. It will be much more comfortable if the fabric allows air to pass through well, thereby cooling the body. An excellent choice would be cotton or linen dresses with a simple cut, as in the following photos.

Accessories. It is not recommended to wear a lot of jewelry, as there is a risk of losing it, breaking it, or it could simply be stolen. Everything is good in moderation. Choose what you like and even if something happens to it, it won’t spoil your impression.

Makeup. It all depends on the venue and genre of music. It is better to choose waterproof cosmetics so that you don’t have to check every 10 minutes to see if your mascara has run.

How to dress for a rock concert

When going to a performance of your favorite rock band, you don’t need to wear a pink or yellow dress. Girls are not recommended to wear revealing clothes. Also, deep necklines and short miniskirts can attract the attention of unfriendly gentlemen. If you don’t know what to wear for a girl to a rock concert, then loose-fitting clothes in dark shades would be appropriate: black T-shirts with slogans, dark jeans, sneakers, a sweatshirt. In the summer, you can choose shorts in combination with a tank top and add a plaid shirt on top (like the one below in the photo). Has it gotten hot? Tie your shirt at your hips - this will make your outfit even more stylish.

What to wear to a jazz concert

When creating the perfect outfit for an evening of jazz music, it is better to opt for cocktail dresses. They will reveal all the femininity and elegance in the best possible way. By styling your hair beautifully and adding a couple of jewelry, you will definitely be among the most stylish spectators. Evening classic jumpsuits would be quite appropriate. With high heels, this thing looks very elegant and festive. A small clutch and bright lipstick will complement your fashionable look.

What to wear to a classical music concert

This is a rather solemn event that requires special preparation. Such places require a certain dress code, which includes a ban on revealing outfits, as well as a sporty style. The most suitable option would be a sheath dress that fits well or a combination of a skirt and blouse. Midi skirts add lightness and airiness, and now they are at the peak of their popularity. A pencil skirt looks quite strict, but in combination with a light blouse and a small handbag it can make you simply charming. If you are going to a performance at the theater, you can read.

What to wear to a rap concert

Choose simple but interesting things. Sports style clothing would be appropriate here. Wide pants, a crop top and a baseball cap will make you girl number 1. A sport-chic dress is perfect. Together with sneakers and matching accessories, you will look bright and stylish. Another good option would be boyfriend jeans with a printed T-shirt. You can put on shoes with stable heels (note that you will have to stand for more than 2 hours) or sneakers. Don't forget about the nuances: curls in the style of sea waves or a careless bun look very good here. Add hoop earrings, a watch and a fashionable look is ready.

What do you usually wear to such events? What was the last concert you attended? Leave your comments below and don't forget to smile, because you are beautiful :)