How to give your hair shine. Hair shine at home. How to add shine to hair using folk remedies How to restore natural shine to your curls

No matter how thick and long your hair is, without shine it will not look luxurious. In addition, dullness of hair is an indicator of any deviations in the health of the scalp, so it is imperative to deal with such a nuisance. But how to restore its former beauty and give shine to your hair again?

Is it really possible to do this only with the help of shampoos and store-bought conditioners? After all, manufacturers in their advertising campaigns claim that their products provide excellent shine to hair.

Dull locks, at the very least, look unpresentable, not to mention that this is an indicator of their ill health.

In fact, the problem of dull hair cannot be solved with one remedy, since each head of hair is unique, therefore, in any individual case, an individual approach is required, often complex. Of course, the best way to deal with dull locks is to contact a specialist.

But you can’t completely rely on someone else’s opinion either, because only the owner of problematic hair, having analyzed her lifestyle, can know what specific factors provoked this problem. For a thorough analysis, of course, you need to know the main enemies that steal the shine of your hair in the face, so let's start with them.

What can cause your hair to lose shine?

If the work of the sebaceous glands, which are located near each hair, is disrupted, then either excessive or insufficient secretion of sebum occurs, and because of this, their shine is lost.

A healthy shine to hair is ensured by 4 main factors. These include:

  1. Sebum. It protects the strands, evenly distributed from tips to roots from negative external influences. Thanks to sebum, each hair becomes elastic and shiny. However, it must be normal, otherwise an excess can also lead to dullness, since in excessively greasy hair all vital processes are disrupted.
  2. Tightly fitting scales. If the cuticle on the hair is damaged and does not fit tightly to the shaft, then it becomes porous, as a result of which the moisture that is so necessary for a healthy shine will begin to evaporate from it.
  3. Sufficient amount of moisture. Without it, the hair will become dry and brittle and, of course, such a structure cannot have a vibrant shine.
  4. Sufficient amount of nutrients. Vitamins and microelements play the most important role in the entire life activity of each hair, so if they are lacking, there can be no question of any healthy shine.

This is what damaged and healthy hairs look like under a microscope.

All of these factors can be negatively affected by the following actions and habits:

  • washing your hair with too hot and hard, chlorinated tap water;
  • diets or unbalanced diet;
  • walking in hot and cold weather without a hat;
  • use of care products that contain alcohol, formaldehyde, lauryl sulfate and other chemicals that destroy the cuticle;
  • constant mechanical, thermal and chemical effects on the strands;
  • insufficient water consumption.

NOTE! Without eliminating the listed negative aspects, it is unlikely that you will be able to restore shine to your hair, even if you apply all the existing effective methods and means of combating this problem at once. Therefore, it is necessary to begin to restore the shine of your hair with your own hands by eliminating the main causes.

7 rules that will help restore the shine of your hair

Split ends will never allow your hair to shine, so they need to be trimmed periodically.

As has already become clear, the presence of shine on the hair depends on many aspects. Therefore, in order to return it, you will have to follow a lot of rules.

But they are so acceptable and simple that any woman can easily cope with them. The main thing is to take them seriously, and then your hair will once again shine with its pristine beauty.

So, to make your hair shine, you will need to do the following:

  1. Hair should be washed only with warm water, the optimal temperature of which should be approximately 35-37°C. It is better if it is settled or mineral without gas.
  2. To keep your hair shiny, it is not recommended to frequently use straightening irons, hair dryers or curling irons. But if their use is really necessary, then they should be applied first. They will help prevent them from drying out, protecting the structure of the hair shaft from destruction.
  3. Periodic trimming of the ends will allow each time to stimulate the metabolic processes in the hair, and this in turn will help restore its shine.
  4. In order for the strands to regain their beautiful shine, it is necessary to nourish them not only from the inside, but also from the outside. Do this with the help of useful various compounds.
  5. Severely dull and lifeless hair can be restored using some salon and home procedures, such as lamination or.
  6. When combing your hair, various metal and plastic combs create static electricity and damage the cuticle, which ultimately leads to loss of shine. That is why for these purposes it is preferable to use brushes and combs with bristles and teeth made only from natural materials.
  7. Hair, as an accurate indicator, reacts to everything that happens in the body, so if there is not enough fluid in it, then this will definitely be reflected in it - it will become dull and lifeless. To prevent this from happening, you should drink at least 6 glasses of water per day.

Combs and brushes made from natural materials are very beneficial for the health of your hair.

ATTENTION! Without proper attention, your hair will never become shiny again, so it is advisable to take the question of how to care for your hair seriously.

Products that help restore shine to hair

Store options

To restore the shine of your hair, you need to carefully select detergents.

Now the market is oversaturated with various hair care products, and even a specialist can get confused in such abundance. In order not to purchase useless products that cannot help restore the shine of your locks, it is advisable to give preference to professional products from well-known brands.

Well's spray does a good job of tackling dull hair.

Also, in choosing store-bought products that are usually used for hair shine, the table below will be useful:

Names of store-bought products used to restore the shine of curlsRecommendations for selection
Shampoo.It should be remembered that if the locks are dull, you need to use shampoos with useful ingredients such as rosemary, nettle, chamomile, aloe, jojoba oil or soy proteins. It would be nice if they included lipids, amino acids and minerals.

All of them perfectly moisturize and add shine to hair, improving its structure. It is not advisable to use detergents, constantly changing their brands. They must be selected in accordance with the type of strands available. So, their acidity (pH) for a dry strand structure should not exceed 4, and for oily strands – about 6.

Conditioner balm.When choosing such a store-bought product, you should pay attention to whether it contains citric, lactic or acetic acids, since they regulate the pH of the hair, bringing it to normal. If the structure of the curls is not very damaged, you can give preference to similar products with silicone. This substance perfectly holds the raised scales together and also protects the hairs from external negative influences. However, the effect of silicone-based conditioning balms extends only to the surface layer of the shaft. Therefore, in case of severe damage, it is better to purchase a product based on proteins: keratin, collagen or silk protein. These elements penetrate much deeper into the core, filling all the voids.
Hair shine spray.Among the cosmetic products that restore hair shine, special sprays should be highlighted. These products, containing medicinal herbs, minerals, and other useful components, belong to professional cosmetic products. That is why they perfectly care for curls, moisturizing them and smoothing out scales, so that they regain their radiance. When choosing them, you should study the instructions written on the packaging, which should indicate that this spray is not only saturated with useful substances (vegetable oils, herbs, vitamins, microelements), but also must contain protection against UV rays elements. This product should be used, although regularly, but in moderation, otherwise the curls may stick together and become greasy. A brilliant effect with the help of sprays is usually achieved quickly, but it can last for quite a short time, because such products do not have strong healing properties.
Polishing serum.This product perfectly holds together the raised scales and thus, as it were, polishes the hairs, thanks to which it begins to shine again. Store-bought serum is created only on the basis of natural ingredients and has virtually no contraindications. It is recommended to use it daily, without rinsing off and applying to both wet and dry curls.

This serum does not need to be washed off.

Home options

Rinse aids

Herbal infusions are the best alternative to store-bought conditioners.

You can not only buy it, but also prepare it yourself from various available ingredients that can be found in every home. For example, these could be:

  • decoctions of medicinal herbs;
  • brewed tea;
  • lemon juice with water;
  • apple cider vinegar with water;
  • beer and others.

Since they are prepared immediately before use, and they do not contain a single gram of chemicals, rinses have a very beneficial effect on curls. In general, they are considered an excellent alternative to store-bought conditioners, since they smooth out scales, nourish the roots and moisturize every hair just as well as they do.

ON A NOTE! Chamomile decoction is best used for rinsing light hair, a decoction of hops or nettles is more relevant for dark curls, and a decoction of onion peels is more suitable for red hair.

Vegetable oils

Vegetable oils are one of the important means for hair shine.

You can restore shine to dry and lifeless locks using vegetable oils. They not only improve the structure of the hair, but are also a storehouse of useful elements that very effectively nourish the roots.

They can be added to masks, made using aromatherapy, and also made into night compresses. Any of the listed procedures is beneficial for hair in its own way, so you can alternate them.


The most effective restorers of hair shine are masks made from natural products.

The most useful home remedies for hair shine, which are guaranteed to restore its former shine, can also be made from quite ordinary products available in every kitchen. There are many such recipes, but since it is impossible to describe them all within the scope of this article, we will now consider the easiest and most effective:

A hair shine mask made from kefir and mayonnaise effectively improves the structure of your hair.


In conclusion, it should be noted that shiny hair is not a genetic predisposition. If it has been lost, every lady, with a competent approach, can still restore the beauty of her hair.

And even if one remedy doesn’t work, another will definitely help. Especially when measures are taken in a timely manner. Have you ever encountered this problem? Share in the comments what helped you?

Life keeps us on our toes; we don’t always have enough time or energy to care for our hair. It’s better for us to relax for an extra 10-15 minutes in a comfortable chair or do something else. As a result, our hair becomes dull, weak and makes us little happy with its appearance. Yes, you can go to the salon and leave a tidy sum there and get an immediate effect for several days. But it’s better to invest a little time in yourself and enjoy your gorgeous hair every day. By the way, caring for your hair at home also means saving money on salons.

If you want instant shine in your hair, coconut oil is your best option. Rub a few drops of pure coconut oil into your hair along the entire length with your palms. This oil moisturizes well and adds shine to hair.

Lemon rinse

Another easy way to restore shine to your hair is to rinse with lemon. Dissolve one spoon of lemon juice in 1 glass of water. After washing your hair, rinse your hair with the resulting lemon water. Make sure that the rinse goes through the entire length of your hair, then finish rinsing with cold water. Do not leave lemon water on your hair for too long as it may affect your hair color.

Almond oil

This happens to many people with curly hair: the humidity in the air causes the hair to frizz more and make it unmanageable. How to tame curly hair? – massage your scalp with warmed almond oil. Leave the oil on your skin and hair for 30-45 minutes, then wash it off with a mild shampoo. Massaging your scalp with warm oil makes your hair shiny and soft to the touch.


Another easy way to add shine to your hair is to simply comb your hair with a brush. Before going to bed or in the morning, run a brush through your hair; This will not only add shine to the hair, but also distribute sebum along the entire length of the hair. Choose a soft hair brush that will distribute oil evenly from roots to ends and also remove dead hair.

Wash your hair with vinegar

Vinegar is one of the ingredients that can add shine to dull and tired hair. You can use any vinegar on your hair, but apple cider vinegar is especially recommended. If you have an empty and clean spray bottle at home, fill it with vinegar and spray along the entire length of your hair. Leave the vinegar on your hair for a few minutes and then rinse with water. You will be surprised by the results! The shine of your hair will increase with every wash. It's definitely worth a try!

Mayonnaise hair mask

Do you like mayonnaise? Try treating your hair with it. Make a mayonnaise mask once a month, and your hair will thank you with its silkiness and softness. If you can't stand the smell of mayonnaise, you can add a few drops of vanilla oil.

Remember the old advice: to keep your hair beautiful, comb it with a hundred strokes of the brush? Of course, one hundred is too much. But if you slowly run a brush or comb with short and thick natural bristles (for example, boar) through your hair 20-30 times, it will become smoother and shiny. Hairdressers call this technique polishing hair The explanation is simple: such combing actually polishes the hair, smoothing the cuticle scales - and they begin to shine.

2. Use special hair shine products

Almost every brand has such a line. These are various products with vitamins (primarily panthenol), plant extracts, collagen, keratin, glycerin, betaine, volatile silicones, and various natural oils. If you need quick and maximum results, choose professional products. Just check with your hairdresser first: if you make a mistake in your choice (for example, choosing a treatment that is not suitable for your hair type), you can worsen the condition of your hair. Yes, it will gain shine, but the hairstyle will quickly begin to lose shape.

And be careful with oils, leave-in sprays and serums for hair shine: if you overdo it a little, your hair will stick together and appear greasy.

Promo brands

Styling spray for shine and smoothness of hair “Stardust”, got2b. Serum-shine for dark hair “Expert-Super Shine”, Oriflame. Spray-gloss for light and highlighted hair Blond & Highlights, Syoss. Shine serum to prevent split ends Repair & Shine, Maria Nila

3. Laminate your hair

In a beauty salon, to give your hair shine, they may offer you a procedure lamination or ellumination. Although the principle of action of the compositions used for them is radically different, the essence of the procedures is basically the same: a special composition (transparent or tinted) with proteins and other biologically active substances is applied to the hair for 20-30 minutes, which, as it were, glues scattered cuticle scales and smoothes out porous hair, making it shinier, smoother and more manageable. Moreover, the effect lasts 3-6 weeks.

4. Dye your hair with henna

Doesn't matter - colored or colorless– shine will be guaranteed. Unlike chemical dyes, henna does not penetrate the structure of the hair shafts, and like lamination compounds, it envelops them, filling in unevenness in the upper scaly layer. An additional bonus is that your hair will become stronger and begin to grow better, since henna also strengthens it well. And such strengthening “masks” are an effective remedy for combating dandruff. However, remember that after dyeing with henna, chemical dyes may not “take” or the result will turn out to be the most unexpected (up to a swamp-green tint). For the same reason, after dyeing your hair with henna, including colorless henna, it is not recommended to perm or chemically straighten your hair.

5. Add sourness

By changing the pH to acidic, it is also easy to smooth the cuticle and make your hair shine. Many balms for hair shine work on this principle - the effect is achieved by adding fruit acids, extracts or citrus essential oils to their composition. And a very simple option - you can add it to the rinse water lemon juice or vinegar(per liter of water - a tablespoon). By the way, such acidification also softens the water. And hard water is one of the reasons why your hair remains dull, despite all your efforts: the salts present in it react with the detergent. As a result, a sediment forms on the hair, depriving it of shine. In order to remove it, fruit acids or salicylic acid are added to many shampoos.

Promo brands

Spray with argan oil for hair shine Glimmer Shine, Moroccanoil. Hairspray “Hold and shine”, Garnier Fructis Style. Sunscreen shampoo Sun Spark Shampoo, Londa with macadamia oil and mandarin essential oil. Serum-fluid for shine of highlighted hair Lumino Contrast Taming Gloss Serum Serie Expert, L "Oreal Professionnel. Shampoo for preserving the color and shine of dyed hair Bain Chroma Rich, Kerastase

6. Use natural masks

The simplest homemade hair mask for shine- with egg yolk. It contains vitamins A, B and E. Amino acids and lecithin perfectly nourish, moisturize and restore even damaged hair. For maximum effect, it is better to mix the yolk with oil (for example, olive, avocado or jojoba). The resulting mixture is applied to the hair 30-40 minutes before washing.

In the summer, we especially often ask the same question - how to restore healthy hair. This is because at high temperatures, hair loses more moisture than usual, so it looks dull and lifeless. As you can see, it’s unlikely to be possible to keep your hair in perfect shape without proper care. However, we know 3 fantastic ways that will help restore healthy shine and natural thickness to your hair.

We share the secrets of restoring healthy hair at home.

1. Prevent split ends

When moisture and nutrients do not reach the ends of your hair, it begins to split, break and look quite unattractive. To prevent this, use little hair balm. Add natural oils to your care. For example, Eastern women often use coconut, almond, flaxseed or olive oil to add shine to their hair.

The procedure is simple: before washing your hair, gather your hair in a ponytail at the back of your head and heat a little natural oil in the microwave (5-10 seconds is enough for 1 tablespoon of oil). When the oil is warm, rub it between your palms and apply to the ends of your hair, distributing it along the entire length of the tail. After an hour or two you can wash your hair. Do this procedure twice a week and your hair will never split ends.

2. Restore shine to hair

After washing your hair with shampoo, particles of the product often linger on the scalp. Over time, this leads to dull hair, depletion of the hair follicle and the appearance of dandruff. In addition to cosmetic masks and salon procedures that can be done to restore hair, there are also natural remedies for shiny curls. The best of them are rinsing your hair with vinegar or chamomile decoction. For colored hair, it is better to use a pure chamomile decoction, as vinegar can remove artificial pigments.

Depending on your natural hair color, you can use a combination of vinegar and herbal infusions to enhance the natural shade. Chamomile infusion is naturally suitable for light hair, and rosemary for dark hair. The same compositions are suitable for hair colored with natural dyes.

Before rinsing your hair with vinegar, wash your hair with your usual shampoo. Then use the balm. Prepare a solution of vinegar: for 1 liter of warm water (decoction) you need 1 tbsp. natural apple cider vinegar. You should rinse your hair in this way after every hair wash. Within a month you will notice that your hair has become more manageable, shiny and healthy.

3. Say goodbye to hair loss

To treat hair loss, it is best to use homemade or cosmetic masks in combination with natural decoctions of St. John's wort, nettle, and chamomile. You can also add a few drops of tea tree oil to your shampoo (5-7 drops per 200 ml of shampoo). The hair will become greasy more slowly, therefore, the hair follicle will not be so damaged.

You can also use this homemade mask against hair loss once a week.


  • aloe gel - 2 tbsp;
  • honey - 1 tbsp;
  • castor oil - 1 tbsp.

How to do: mix all the ingredients until smooth and apply the mask to the roots of your hair, distributing the remainder along the entire length of the curls. Leave the mask on your hair for 1-2 hours, then rinse with warm water and shampoo. Don't forget to rinse your hair with vinegar.

Dull, brittle and dry hair can spoil the image of a girl even with the most ideal facial features. How to add shine to hair at home? There are many proven effective ways to do this. You can do without buying expensive masks and concentrates, because often the contents of the refrigerator are enough to prepare an effective composition. The most popular ways to quickly add shine to your hair at home are described in the article.

Why does hair become brittle and dull?

Here are the common reasons why hair loses its beauty:

  1. Poor nutrition, diets and hunger strikes are almost guaranteed, after a couple of months, to lead to a deterioration in the appearance of hair. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals accumulates quite slowly, as a result of which the effect on hair after severe diets is not noticeable immediately, but only after a while. Most often, two months after the diet, girls notice that their hair, previously shiny and thick, has become dull and breaks off along its entire length. It is necessary to drink a vitamin-mineral complex and restore a healthy diet.
  2. The use of low-quality combs, the constant use of a hair dryer and tongs to straighten hair also inevitably leads to delamination and drying out of each hair. As a result, the hair loses its healthy shine and looks simply terrible. Many girls who regularly use hair dryers and curling irons are forced to get a short haircut. How to add shine to your hair at home if you have to constantly blow-dry it? Simple recipes will help: oils, gelatin, egg yolks - these are the components that will help solve the problem and avoid short hair
  3. Constant stress, chronic fatigue and sleep problems also negatively affect the condition of the hair. Sometimes it is enough just to establish a normal psycho-emotional background so that the hair again begins to delight the owner with a healthy shine and stops breaking off in length, thereby creating unsightly “roots”.

How to restore shine to your hair yourself at home?

As mentioned above, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money on purchasing professional masks and concentrates to give a healthy shine to your hair. Here is a list of the most popular ingredients for this purpose:

  • gelatin;
  • herbal infusions;
  • burdock, olive, castor, linseed oils;
  • egg yolk;
  • bananas;
  • sour cream, kefir, ayran.

How to restore shine to hair at home after coloring? Hair after using permanent dyes is practically impossible to save - most often the structure is so burned that it is not possible to restore it in any way (even if professional products are used). However, you can try to make gelatin masks, in some cases they can help (if the hair structure is not radically damaged).

Mask with gelatin: lamination at home

Gelatin is a powder that, when diluted, is a substance that can fill hollow areas of the hair cuticle. Of course, the effect of using this component is temporary: after a few washes with shampoo, the cuticle becomes hollow again and the hair loses its shine.

How to quickly add shine to your hair at home? Gelatin lamination is worth a try. Reviews from girls about this procedure are enthusiastic. Just keep in mind that for a permanent result you will have to repeat the procedure about once every five to six days. Otherwise, judging by the reviews of the girls who performed this procedure, the hair will again very quickly become dull and brittle.

Ingredients for the laminating mask:

  • a glass of gelatin steamed with boiling water and completely dissolved;
  • teaspoon of citric acid;
  • a teaspoon of vinegar (has an excellent conditioning effect, gives extra shine and smoothness to the hair);
  • a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Apply the mixture to your hair after the gelatin steamed with boiling water has cooled to room temperature. Insulate with a bag and a scarf. After an hour, rinse with cool water and shampoo.

Mask with olive and linseed oils

Oils are a universal way known to almost all girls to add shine to their hair at home. The most effective in this regard are olive and flaxseed. Burdock and castor oils also add shine, but their use is aimed primarily at treating hair loss and accelerating hair growth. To add extra shine to both colored and natural hair, try a mixture of olive and linseed oil.

Simply mix a tablespoon of cold-pressed olive oil and the same amount of flaxseed oil. If desired, add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar or table vinegar - this is an excellent conditioning additive.

After this, apply the mixture to the entire hair, insulate it with a cap and leave for an hour. Wash off the oil from your hair with warm water and shampoo, and lather twice so that the oily film is washed off your hair. The effectiveness of this method is confirmed by reviews.

How to add shine to hair at home using olive oil? You can simply apply it only to the canvas. If it is not possible to find flaxseed oil on sale, then it is quite possible to make a mask using exclusively olive oil.

Mask with castor oil: making hair thick and shiny

Castor oil is a universal and cheap product that can restore shine and thickness to hair, and also reduce hair loss. Reviews about the effect of castor oil on hair are enthusiastic: girls make comparisons that the volume of hair has actually become thicker. In addition, reviews indicate that with regular use of masks with this component, the hair begins to shine very much and literally shimmers in the sun.

How can blondes add shine to their hair at home? Mix a tablespoon of castor oil, one egg yolk and a spoon of honey. This composition will add shine to light hair due to the presence of honey in the composition.

How to add shine to hair at home for brunettes? Apply a mixture of castor oil and egg yolk to the surface of the hair. There is no need to add honey. An hour after application, wash off the mask with warm water.

Egg yolk mask for hair shine

You can mix many ingredients with egg yolk, and in each case it will be an excellent mask that adds shine. Yolk is the base, one of the main ingredients for homemade masks. The yolk of a chicken egg contains fatty acids that envelop the hair, making the hair look dense and beautiful, completely healthy after the procedure.

A mask made from honey and castor oil with the addition of vinegar is good with egg yolk. You will need the following ingredients:

  • one yolk;
  • a teaspoon of vinegar;
  • a tablespoon of castor oil;
  • a teaspoon of honey.

Mix all ingredients and apply to hair for an hour. It should be borne in mind that the honey in the composition can lighten the hair a little - reviews of girls who have tried this mask on themselves warn about this.

Banana-sour cream mixture to add shine to hair

The ingredients for this mask are as follows:

  • one ripe banana (crush to pulp);
  • a tablespoon of sour cream;
  • a teaspoon of vinegar.

Apply to hair, starting from roots to ends. To prevent the mask from dripping, you should choose thick sour cream.