How to make a boy born. If you want a son, then the best method of conceiving a boy is by ovulation. To do this you need to make a calendar. Notes on pregnancy planning

Every woman, especially when the moment of pregnancy approaches, should be attentive to her health. One part of this process is tracking your menstrual cycle and ovulation process. To make the process more efficient, we offer an online calculator that will allow you to determine favorable days for conceiving a child.

We suggest using the “Conception and Contraception Calendar” service - by indicating the initial data: the first day of the cycle and its duration, you can determine favorable days for conceiving a boy or girl, the beginning of the next cycle, ovulation. The conception calendar cannot guarantee a 100 percent result, since much depends on the body and everything is individual. The work of the calendar is based on average statistical data.

Your calendar

Fill out the form above. Specify the first day of the cycle, the duration of the cycle and click “Calculate”


1 - first day of the cycle;

2 — beginning of the next cycle;

3 - safe sex;

4 — conditionally safe days;

5 - conception of a girl;

6 - conception of a boy;

7 - ovulation;

8 - poor health (PMS).

What is a calendar?

The conception calendar is an online form in which you only need to enter your first period and the duration of your cycle. The program itself will calculate when ovulation occurs, and which days will be the most successful for fertilization (and dangerous for some!).

To make the operation of the program that calculates the date of ovulation and pregnancy clear, we present the main factors that were taken into account when creating it:

  • For many women (although it all depends on the individual factor), ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle. The calculator calculates the middle of the time period after the start of menstruation and its end, and also makes calculations taking into account the most dangerous or, conversely, favorable days on which pregnancy may occur
  • Fertilization. Does not occur during menstruation and at the end of the cycle: conception almost does not occur these days

The calendar also calculates relatively safe days when pregnancy is unlikely. These are the days at the beginning and end of the cycle. In the middle of the cycle, the calculator marks the day of ovulation, and can also determine the day the next period begins.

To calculate the days of ovulation, you just need to enter your period data into the online calculator. After that, press the button, and the calculator itself will calculate the day of ovulation and the favorable day for conception. Of course, there is no guarantee that the data provided will be absolutely accurate, but they can roughly indicate to you the dangerous days on which ovulation occurs and the onset of pregnancy.

Calculation of the day of ovulation and potential pregnancy can be done for the whole year. This way you will know in advance when to plan sexual intercourse depending on whether you want to get pregnant or not.

The calendar form is very convenient to use. The required days are marked in different colors, so they are immediately noticeable. The pregnancy calendar will help you speed up the conception of a child and get closer to the long-awaited event.

How to determine the sex of the baby?

Any parent who wants to have a child thinks about how to calculate his gender. Traditional and folk medicine offer different ways for this.

A calculator for determining the sex of a child is another method, although it does not give 100% results. You can create a conception calendar for a girl or boy for yourself if you use the same pregnancy calendar. The conception calendar for a girl or boy is based on the theory that a girl is obtained if sperm enters the woman’s body before ovulation and stays there for several days. If sperm enters the body of the expectant mother immediately after ovulation, the result is a boy.

The calendar for conceiving a boy or girl, of course, also does not provide a 100% guarantee, but it allows you to get closer to the desired result. Doctors have proven that fertilization after ovulation leads to the birth of a boy, and before ovulation - a girl.

After you have found out the favorable days for conceiving a child and determined what gender the baby may turn out to be, it is time to plan your pregnancy.

In order to calculate dangerous or, conversely, favorable days for conception after menstruation or to determine the sex of the child, a woman will have to record some data about herself and her health. This data will help her create her own calendar for conceiving a boy or girl. However, it is worth remembering that the day of ovulation and favorable days for conceiving a child of one gender or another, calculated by an online calculator, are relative. Each woman’s body is individual and unique, and many more factors influence the determination of the child’s sex.

The desire of parents to give birth to a boy or a girl has different reasons. Some couples want to continue the family dynasty and be the first to conceive a male heir. For others, choosing the sex of the baby is an opportunity to avoid genetic diseases. Regardless of the motives of future parents, it is possible to predict the birth of a baby of a certain gender. From our article you will learn how to conceive a boy with maximum chances of success.

The birth of a child is a mystery, some aspects of which still cannot be explained from a scientific point of view. Therefore, it is not surprising that numerous methods of conceiving a boy “work,” even if their effectiveness is difficult to explain logically. Some methods are based on a scientific approach, others are associated with ancient superstitions. However, spouses must understand that it is not guaranteed to conceive a boy using just one method: a “system failure” is always possible. Therefore, many couples use several methods at once to increase their chances of success.

The scientific methods of “male” conception are based on the genetic characteristics of male and female reproductive cells. At the same time, the role of men in the matter of “creating” a child of the desired gender is decisive. Sperm contain two types of chromosomes (X and Y). The one that ends up at the end of the fastest cell will determine the birth of a boy (Y) or a girl (X).

The only method that doctors consider effective (although not 100%) is sperm fractionation (one of the stages of IVF). Another method that science recognizes, although with reservations, is conceiving a boy or girl through ovulation.

Online calculator for calculating gender based on ovulation

Only women with a stable and regular cycle can use ovulation to conceive a boy. In this case, it is important to correctly calculate the “X” day. Every woman has her own day of ovulation.

  • Using special ovulation tests;
  • Calculating ovulation based on basal temperature;
  • Tracking the process of follicle maturation using ultrasound diagnostics.
  • Using an online calculator. Enter the required information and click “send”. The online calendar will display the days of ovulation, days for conceiving a boy, a girl, and even the expected day of birth if fertilization occurs this month.

The essence of the method lies in the different behavior of “female” and “male” chromosomes in sperm. A boy will be born to the woman whose egg is fertilized by a sperm with a Y code at the end of it. These “male” chromosomes are highly active and maneuverable. They are ahead of their “female” rivals in terms of the speed of movement through the fallopian tubes. However, Y have low endurance: if they do not penetrate the egg within a short period of time, they will die quickly. Slow and unhurried “female” sperm will definitely take advantage of this opportunity, which will “reach” the egg and fertilize it.

This means that the most favorable days for conceiving a boy are ovulation days. In order not to miss them, you need to calculate the date of ovulation. Having sex 2-3 days before the release of the egg from the follicle is undesirable. In this case, active “male individuals” will die before they reach the important event.

It makes no sense to keep an ovulation calendar for conceiving a boy for women whose menstrual cycle is unstable. With an irregular cycle, calculations will not be informative. In addition, disturbances in the main female cyclical changes always indicate problems with the health of the reproductive system. Therefore, in this case, you need to consult a doctor for consultation and treatment.

For blood renewal in parents

It is difficult to explain the logic of folk methods. However, according to unofficial data, they also work: it is believed that they help the necessary chromosomes achieve their cherished goal. Let's consider the action of the most popular of them and evaluate their chances of success.

In addition to the special “separation” of chromosomes into male and female, the human body has the ability to renew blood. This factor is also used to conceive a boy. The biological feature of blood renewal in men is recorded once every 4 years, in women - every third year of their life.

The conception of a child of the desired gender is calculated by the “youth” of the parents’ blood. The calculations are carried out like this. The corresponding numbers (4 and 3) are added to the year of birth of mom and dad. Whose blood turns out to be “younger” will “determine” the sex of the baby.

Let's give an example of determining sex by blood.

Mom was born in July 1991, and father in September 1986. Let's do the calculations. Add the number 3 to your mother’s year of birth until you “match” the current year. Do the same calculations with your father’s date of birth, adding the number 4 to it.


1994+3=1997, etc.


1990+4=1994, etc.

For 2018, the following results will be obtained: mom’s blood will be renewed in July of this year, and dad’s – in September of the same year. This means that in this example you need to rely on months to conceive a boy. Dad will have them later, so planning for his son will have to be postponed.

Conceiving and giving birth to a child is an important stage in the life of any person. Many parents have clear preferences regarding the gender of their unborn baby. Some rely on chance, believing that it is impossible to predict whether a boy or a girl will be born. Others use a variety of methods to plan the gender of the child.

Positive factors for conceiving a boy

The future gender of the baby directly depends on which sign of the zodiac circle the Earth’s satellite is in at the time of conception. A male child can be born if at the time of conception the Moon is in masculine signs. These are signs such as Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Gemini, Libra.

Another important factor for conceiving a boy is what phase the moon is in. The full moon is a period when the birth of a male child can result in failure. Astrologers also advise not to resort to conceiving a child at all during the new moon. The waxing Moon is the most suitable time for the birth of a new life. This circumstance will give the baby, no matter what gender, good health in the future. In addition, scientists claim that if before conception a married couple was in a romantic mood, then the babies born are distinguished by their beauty and good weight.

A woman can also increase her chance of giving birth to a future male by introducing saltier foods into her diet a month before her expected pregnancy. The level of calcium and sodium in a woman’s body will increase, which gives her a chance to conceive a boy. A man should pay attention to protein and plant foods. Protein will strengthen sperm, which will positively affect the possibility of future pregnancy. And fiber from organic food will cleanse the man’s body of toxins and toxic substances. In sum, these two factors increase the possibility of giving birth to a boy.

How to conceive a boy

To ensure maximum chances of conceiving a boy, it is necessary to create such conditions so that an XY sperm can penetrate the egg. By their nature, “boy” sperm are more active. Therefore, they rush to meet the egg with much more enthusiasm than “girl” XX sperm. It turns out that in order to provide a head start to the “boy” XY sperm, sexual intercourse should take place exactly on the day of ovulation - when the egg has already left the follicle and is ready for fertilization. To increase the chances of conceiving a boy, it is advisable to repeat sexual intercourse the next day. It is also important for conceiving a boy to abstain from sex for a while in order to accumulate sperm.

There are several rules for the successful conception of a boy:

  1. After sexual intercourse, a woman is not recommended to get up; it is recommended to sleep or lie in bed for a while;
  2. The female orgasm must occur much earlier than the male orgasm, then the female body will be able to destroy a significant part of the Χ chromosomes;
  3. To create a favorable environment for conceiving a boy, it is necessary to douche with a solution of tea soda before sexual intercourse;
  4. Before sexual intercourse, both partners are not recommended to take a hot bath.

How to conceive a boy using ovulation method

When trying to determine when is the best time to conceive a boy, they turn to this scientific method. The main basis of the method is the proven statement that Y-sperm, characterized by high activity, is less tenacious than X-sperm. Each type of chromosome has its own comfortable environment. In order for Y chromosomes to survive, an alkaline environment in the female genital organs is necessary, since in such conditions their lifespan increases. Accordingly, the chances of conceiving a boy on the day of ovulation or 10-20 hours before it are very high. All that remains is to determine the right day to understand when is the best time to conceive a boy.

There are five methods for determining ovulation:

  1. Signs of ovulation. These may be: aching pain in the lower abdomen, increased flatulence, mood changes, acute sexual desire. In addition, during ovulation, vaginal discharge changes its consistency - it becomes more viscous, similar to egg white, and its quantity increases noticeably.
  2. Based on basal temperature. In the morning, weekly it is necessary to measure the temperature in the rectum for five minutes with the same mercury thermometer. By recording readings and constructing a graph from them, you can notice that one day the flat line will decrease, and the next day it will rise sharply. This decline is the day the egg leaves the follicle. The method is ∼70% reliable.
  3. Calendar method. Menstruation after ovulation occurs on the 14th day. Thus, with a regular cycle of 28 days, the release of the egg from the follicle will occur on day 13-14.
  4. Ultrasound. Observations using an ultrasound machine are considered to be the most accurate. With its help, you can track the growth, development of the follicle and the moment of its rupture. Observations are carried out daily from the end of menstruation.
  5. Test strips. They are made on the principle of pregnancy tests. They determine the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine. Tests are carried out 5-6 days before possible ovulation, strictly following the instructions. This is the simplest, most accessible and accurate way to determine ovulation.

Poses for conceiving a boy

The most successful positions for conceiving a boy are those in which the deepest penetration occurs. In addition to this, you need to remember that sperm with male chromosomes are less tenacious than female ones, so the best option to place them where they need to be is also stimulation of the uterus during lovemaking. Subject to these two conditions:

  • depth;
  • stimulation.

You have a good chance of conceiving a boy; sometimes such efforts can result in the birth of twins. Poses for conceiving a boy primarily include doggy style and general position. Doggy style is where the woman is on all fours and the man is behind. The general's pose is very simple, with women's legs lying on men's shoulders (a kind of shoulder straps).

Blood renewal method for conceiving a boy

A common option that tells you what to do to conceive a boy is planning the blood age. The basis is the assertion that the younger blood of the future father contributes to the conception of a male child. Human blood renews itself every few years:

  • women's every three years;
  • men's every four years;
  • An exception is considered if there were abortions, miscarriages, operations and blood transfusions.

To calculate the update, you need to divide the mother's age by three and the future father's age by four. When comparing the results, the conclusion is drawn: if the father’s blood is younger, then the birth of a boy is most likely likely. If the expectant mother has a negative Rh, all values ​​should be interpreted exactly the opposite.

The gender of the unborn child was planned in ancient times for various reasons, but a boy heir was “ordered” much more often. These days it is not so relevant, but many families who want to have a second child want to have a child of the opposite sex.

So, if you want to have an heir (for whatever reasons), then first of all remember: no method provides a 100% guarantee. And there are a lot of them nowadays. Some, as they say, have been tested for centuries, while others are “modern technologies”.

A long time ago…

In ancient China, a woman had to lie with her head facing north during intercourse in order to give birth to a boy. The Egyptians “conceived” an heir under the full moon, the Germans - in sunny, warm weather, many European peoples put an ax under the pillow during conception, while others drank lion’s blood with wine before sexual intercourse - as a result, a boy was born.

… and to this day

Few people today use these methods, but something from ancient times has been firmly entrenched in modern times - the Ancient Chinese sex determination table, for example. The original table (which, by the way, is already about 700 years old) is kept in Beijing today. The ancient Chinese believed that the sex of a child depended on the age of the mother and the month of conception. The table is easy and convenient to use: the intersection point of the mother’s age and the month of conception will indicate who you can give birth to: a boy or.

It is difficult to judge how true this table is. Many people perceive it as a game, so they do not use this method for serious planning, despite respect for the ancient Chinese.

The Japanese also use a similar method, only they do not have a table, but a “Conception Calendar”. First, you need to determine the number of couples who want to give birth to a boy using this table.

For example, if mom and dad were born in December, then their pair number is 12. And now let's move on to the schedule.

The red curve above the black line indicates the highest probability of conceiving a boy in a particular month. Our imaginary couple with the number 12 will give birth to a boy if conception occurs in March-April.

Does not stand up to “scientific testing,” but the method of planning a boy by blood is also popular. It has also been used since ancient times. The point is simple: to conceive a boy, the father's blood must be younger. We consider: the mother’s age is divided by 4 (since her blood changes every 4 years), and the father’s age is divided by three (“male blood” is renewed every three years). To the remainder we add the number of months that have passed from the last birthday to the month of conception. We compare female and male results and draw conclusions. The reliability of the method is 50/50. It cannot be otherwise: either a boy or a girl.


From our school desks, we must remember that in the process of conception, chromosomes, male and female, play a vital role. A woman has only XX chromosomes, and a man has both X and Y. This is the key to the clue: who will be born. If a mother’s egg is fertilized by a sperm with an X chromosome, then it will be a girl (after all, the result will be XX), and if a sperm with a Y chromosome penetrates the egg faster, then the result will be a boy.

Based on this, to this day many “specialists” are trying to somehow influence the process of fertilization and “promote” the “right” sperm to the egg. You can “order” a boy with the greatest accuracy when it is possible to separate the carriers of the X and Y chromosomes using a laser. However, doctors do this very rarely, and only when there is a vital need, for example, when a boy is needed, because serious diseases are transmitted through the female line. Interfering with what is created by nature itself is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

Here are some more common methods of “ordering” a boy

In order for a boy to be born, a woman must weigh at least 54 kg. So say scientists from Italy. Japanese studies show that smoking before sexual intercourse reduces the likelihood of conceiving a boy. Boys are more often born to non-smokers. German scientists made an interesting conclusion: if you are less nervous, you are more likely to conceive a boy.

Two months before conception, you can go on a special diet that will oxidize the internal environment of the body, and “boy” sperm will survive in the vagina. In order to conceive a boy, both father and mother need to eat meat, potatoes, pickles, smoked meats, mushrooms, bananas, apricots, oranges, peaches, dates, but exclude dairy products, cabbage, nuts and green beans.

How to conceive a boy by blood?

According to some sources, conception by blood is one of the most common methods of planning the gender of the unborn child. How to conceive a boy by blood? And it’s very simple to calculate whose blood is younger from a couple: dad’s - it’s a boy, mom’s - expect a girl.

The blood conception method is based on the theory of blood renewal. According to it, men's blood is renewed once every four years, while women's blood is renewed once every three years. In order to calculate whose blood is younger, a woman’s age must be divided by 3, a man’s by 4. Whoever has the smaller number in the remainder means that the blood is younger. It’s not difficult to guess that if dad’s blood turns out to be younger, then you can count on the appearance of a boy.

But you need to calculate the “age” of the blood, taking the count from the last serious blood loss, if any. We are talking, for example, about pregnancy, miscarriage or abortion, blood donation or surgery. Yes, by the way, one more nuance: if it is clearly known that the mother’s blood is Rh negative, then the rule for conceiving a boy by blood works exactly the opposite.

How to conceive a boy by ovulation?

To conceive a boy, sexual intercourse must occur on the first day of ovulation. At this time, the vaginal environment becomes more alkaline, and “male” sperm survive in it, which, by their nature, are lighter and more mobile than “female” ones, however they die faster. But during the period of ovulation, the female body is more favorable to “boy” sperm.

The accuracy of the ovulation conception method is considered very high. This method is also based on data on the greater mobility and speed of “boy” sperm: on the day of ovulation, “girl” sperm are practically unable to overtake them and be the first to fertilize the egg.

In order for the ovulation method of conception to work, it is necessary to accurately determine the day of ovulation, for which many methods are known today. Some simply rely on the stability of the cycle, some regularly measure their basal temperature and keep a corresponding chart, some focus on the nature of the vaginal discharge, which on the days of ovulation becomes more viscous and whitish, with a consistency reminiscent of egg white. In the end, special ovulation tests today can be easily purchased at any pharmacy.

How to conceive a boy: folk signs?

For a long time, people have known many ways to conceive a boy according to folk superstitions. For example, it is believed that in order to conceive a boy, “male objects” should be placed in the bed before sexual intercourse: a knife, a saw, an ax, a stone. By the way, it is better to schedule a sex “session” in the morning or during the day, on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday.

As for the time of year, hot summer time is more conducive to conceiving a boy. During this period, in addition, a man has more opportunity to walk barefoot as often as possible - at home, in the country, by the river, which is also favorable for conceiving a boy.

As for “preparing” a woman: to conceive a male child, it is recommended to drink a glass of cranberry jelly 5 days before sexual intercourse every night at night, 20 minutes before bed. Immediately before sexual intercourse, a woman needs to bandage the little finger of her left hand with a simple thread, and a man needs to bandage his left testicle. To successfully conceive a boy, it is better for a man to go to bed wearing a distinctly “masculine” headdress, while a woman needs to wear underwear made from used wrestlers’ loincloths (you can replace the bandage, for example, with wrestling pants).

It is believed that if before conception a man has not had intimate contact with the woman he loves for a long time, then a boy will most likely be conceived during sex. And for “greater confidence” you can lie with your head to the north - people say that sexual intercourse in this case has every chance of resulting in the birth of a boy in 9 months.

Especially for- Tanya Kivezhdiy

From Guest

When I was in the first weeks of pregnancy, they did a test on the blood type of the father and mother, who had “younger” blood - just for fun... I really wanted a girl, but according to this test, it turned out that it was a boy. As a result, during the ultrasound, they said that it would be a boy) which I’m also very happy about, just like that...)))

From Guest

According to all the tests I have a boy, but according to the ultrasound I have a girl. I really want a boy because the first girl

From Guest

According to the Chinese calendar, I was supposed to have a daughter, and a son was born (my dad really wanted it). I concluded that the most correct method for planning the sex of a child is according to ovulation and the lunar calendar. Checked by all indicators, I should have had a boy. Exactly the same I have planned a second son too. I wish you all good luck!!!

From Guest

It also happened the other way around. According to all the tables, the results are boys, but the result is a girl. Mom immediately said that the tables were nonsense. At one time she thought like this: the number of years of her husband at the time of conception plus the number of the month of conception. An even number means a girl, and an odd number means a boy.

From Guest

Of all the methods, I decided to try ovulation, all the others produced girls, and time was running out, I was already 39, besides this, I asked God for a son, although I would be happy with my second daughter. And we succeeded - our sun is already half a year old

From Guest

According to all tables, a boy should have been born. That's what he did. I give a huge thumbs up to all methods of determining the sex of an unborn child.

From Guest

It’s just that many people do not use the Chinese table correctly, so it doesn’t match. For the Chinese, a birthday is counted from the date of conception of the child. That is, if you are 20, then according to the Chinese calendar you are 21.

Practical advice on how to give birth to a boy4.33 /5 (86.67%) Votes: 12

Most couples often wonder how to give birth to a boy and what methods can be used. In this article we will look in detail at all existing traditional and non-traditional methods of conceiving a male child. By the way, none of the methods presented below have been scientifically proven, but according to statistics, they are quite effective and often still lead to the desired result.

So, how to give birth to a boy?

The highest percentage of conceiving a child of the “right” gender is observed among married couples who have lived together for quite a long time and have strong and trusting relationships. As some observant doctors explain this fact, the birth of a male child is caused by a woman’s regular sexual activity with the same partner for several years. The fact of the absence of constant stress and depressive states is also important.

Read also:

Basic hypotheses on how to conceive a boy

In order to give birth to a boy, according to French researchers at the National Institute of Family Planning, the expectant mother must follow the rules, and the diet itself must include the consumption of large amounts of meat products and baked goods.

The next, and also very widespread, opinion is the hypothesis that the sex of the unborn baby is most directly influenced by the blood of the parents. Everyone knows that human blood systematically undergoes self-renewal. For men, such processes occur once every four years, and for women – once every three years. So, the gender of the child is determined by the factor of “youth” of the blood, that is, which of the parents has it younger - the baby will be of that gender.

It is not uncommon on various online forums on child planning to see a hypothesis about certain patterns of conceiving a boy, with the help of. So, in order to give birth to a boy, you need to carefully calculate your cycle, and (or directly during this period) actively have sex. And according to numerous observations, this hypothesis deserves full existence.

It is worth mentioning that such statements are far from a guarantee of the birth of a boy., but constant observations and analysis of certain factors makes us think about a fairly high probability of the birth of a baby of the stronger sex.

We looked at the most popular unconventional methods on how to give birth to a boy. But let's move on to analysis and familiarization with more traditional (from a medical point of view) methods of conceiving a boy.

The most famous ways to give birth to a future man

Modern medicine does not stand still for a minute, and every year more and more new methods appear for both conventional conception (in cases of long-term planning for a child) and conceiving a baby of the desired gender. Therefore, the most effective and proven way to give birth to a boy is artificial insemination. The essence of this medical intervention is the fertilization of not one, but several eggs of a woman with her husband’s sperm, as a result of which only one is selected from the entire mass - the “necessary” egg. But this procedure is considered not very humane, since all other embryos are simply destroyed.

Next, we will consider the main opinion of scientists related to the topic of “at-home” conception of a male child. As we remember from biology lessons: each human cell contains forty-six chromosomes - forty-four normal and two sex chromosomes, that is, X and Y. Therefore, the sex of the unborn baby depends only on which chromosome is carried by the sperm that fertilized the egg. If fertilization occurs with a sperm with the X chromosome, then the embryo will be female, and with the Y chromosome, respectively, male.

Therefore, according to most scientists, it is categorically impossible to independently predict or plan the birth of a child of one sex or another, and statistical data obtained from people who have used unconventional methods of conception are just ordinary coincidences. The only possible and absolutely accurate can only be artificial insemination.

So, we have learned the opinions of ordinary people and the conclusions of scientists and researchers on how to conceive a baby of the desired gender, and now we will finally get acquainted with the most famous folk methods of planning the gender of a future boy

Method one

For many years there has been a hypothesis that sperm carrying different chromosomes have different characteristics, knowing exactly which you can easily create the most favorable conditions for conceiving a male child. According to statistics, this theory has more than eighty percent of cases of “hitting the target.” In order to give birth to a boy, sperm with a Y chromosome are needed - they are much more active than “girl” sperm, but have a relatively short lifespan. In this regard, experts recommend adhering to the basic rules, pedantic observance of which greatly increases the chance of conceiving a boy:

  • do not have sexual intercourse a week before ovulation - this helps to increase the number of active “male” sperm;
  • intimacy should take place exactly on the day of ovulation or, in extreme cases, within the next day after its onset. This is explained by the fact that the egg lives for a maximum of a day, and in order to fertilize it, the sperm needs more than three hours. After sexual intercourse, it is not recommended to have sex in the next two to three days;
  • before engaging in direct sexual intercourse, a long foreplay is necessary, which promotes the production of hormones;
  • it is recommended to give the penis a deep penetration, it is advisable to use positions when the man is behind;
  • during intercourse, a woman must experience orgasm before a man;
  • when ejaculating, a man should try to enter the woman as deeply as possible;
  • After orgasm, men and women are advised to lie down for twenty to thirty minutes.

Method two

One of the common methods of giving birth to a boy is the rather complex Japanese method. Here you need to be extremely careful and accurate, because you will need to use two special tables, one of which determines the family number, which is calculated from the month of birth of the husband and wife, and the second - the sex of the child, guided by the data of the first table and the month of planned conception.

Method three

This method is based on the principle of dominance in the family. That is, if the head is a man, then most likely a girl will be born. If the leader in the family is a woman, then, accordingly, the future baby will be male. Therefore, when it comes to conceiving a boy, and the husband is the dominant one, then during the period of planning the child (preferably several months before) change roles.
There is also a method of planning the sex of a baby based on the blood type of the parents, but due to the fact that in reality it has not in any way confirmed itself, we will not consider it.

Method four

This technique consists of correctly using the frequency of sexual intercourse. It is based on the statement about the greater activity of “male” sperm and their increased number. This is precisely what the mechanism for controlling the quantitative sex ratio is based on. With frequent intercourse, the number of sperm that conceive boys in the ejaculate itself increases significantly. This method has achieved more than eighty percent accuracy and probability of having a child of the “right” sex.

Method five

There is an observation that the likelihood of conceiving a child of one gender or another largely depends on the type of orgasm a woman experiences. As some doctors confirm, the chance of giving birth to a boy increases when a woman experiences a vaginal rather than a clitoral orgasm during sexual intercourse for some time.