How to easily and inexpensively make high-quality face cream at home? DIY face cream recipes: ingredients and step-by-step instructions How to make face cream at home

Most additives used by cosmetic companies are either inert (not interacting with the body at all) or harmless only within a certain concentration, dosage, storage conditions and use. Store-bought cosmetics are composed of flavors, texturizers and emulsifiers, so they can be stored from 12 months to several years. Beneficial substances, even if they exist, lose their properties within 30 days. Therefore, it is recommended to replace store-bought cosmetics with homemade ones to give yourself youth, well-groomed skin and a fresh complexion. Moreover, folk methods have always been useful.

Making face cream is quite easy if you use the right utensils and follow the recipe. Therefore, for successful experiments at home, it is necessary to take into account some points.

  • Do not use metal utensils and/or blender attachments. Oxidation of the cream upon contact with iron reduces its shelf life and gives it an unpleasant odor and color. Therefore, to heat the components (and this is an inevitable stage in creating any cream), prepare a set of enamel containers or use heat-resistant glass dishes. Don't forget wooden spoons, spatulas and other mixing utensils.
  • Glass containers are ideal for storing cream. The second, slightly less successful option is hard plastic.
  • The jar of cream should always be closed after use. It will be better if you find a suitable container with a tight lid. If not, cover the neck with plastic wrap.
  • Get yourself a measuring spoon, a set of disposable syringes and a pipette. Useful for counting drops where the recipe requires it. You will probably need to measure very small quantities, so large measuring cups will not work here.
  • Some components of the cream can be varied if desired, but others cannot. You can replace the same type of additives with each other - oils, decoctions, herbal infusions and sets of vitamins. But the thick base of the cream cannot be replaced, since the other components specified in the recipe may not mix with it or give unpredictable chemical reactions. Therefore, when choosing a composition for your skin type, pay attention to the base that is indicated in it. For oily and problematic skin, it is better to use gelatin, egg white and yolk, glycerin, etc. But oil, cream, paraffin and natural wax are solutions for dry and sensitive skin.
  • The shelf life of homemade cream is no more than two weeks. Most creams are stored even in the refrigerator for no more than a week, and then they separate and spoil. Therefore, do not make a lot of cream at once - focus on the volume of 15-20 ml.

Preparation of cream for different skin types. An easy old-fashioned way to cook

The concentration of additives in each specific product is harmless, but the problem is that we always use several care products at the same time. In addition, we eat modern food products, including semi-finished products. They are based on the same additives that are included in store-bought creams. Therefore, combining a facial product with a quick dinner within at least one day already creates the likelihood of an overdose of one or more chemical additives. Homemade face creams do not have these disadvantages: they do not contain foreign inclusions, we always know exactly their composition and shelf life.

When making natural face cream at home, it is important to understand that it will probably turn out to be richer and richer than the “emasculated” store-bought emulsion. For this reason, it is almost impossible to create a cream at home suitable for everyday use for oily and problem skin. It is best for its owners to limit themselves to masks made with their own hands, which you will use only periodically.

For oily skin, recipes with gel bases are often recommended. But you should first pay attention to the gelling agent that is offered to you. Not all of them are safe, so check the properties of any unfamiliar substances you encounter in a new recipe.

Universal moisturizer

The easiest way to make a homemade face moisturizer is with honey and yolk, lemon and olive oil. It is also good because it is considered universal - suitable for all skin types. Replacing a store-bought product with homemade creams made from healthy products is just the thing.


  • fresh lemon juice - 2 tbsp;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp;
  • glycerin - 1 tsp;
  • natural honey - 1 tsp;
  • camphor or other alcohol - 5 drops;
  • fresh egg yolk - 1 pc.


  1. Mix the butter, yolk and honey thoroughly with a mixer or blender.
  2. Mix glycerin and lemon juice separately.
  3. Combine both mixtures and mix with a mixer/blender until completely homogeneous, adding alcohol 1 drop at a time.

Anyone can make face cream at home. But you need to remember that the optimal storage conditions for homemade products are the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. But applying cream to your face when it’s cold is not the best solution. Therefore, before use, it is better to select the volume you need from the jar and pre-warm it - in your fingers or simply at room temperature.

Refreshing serum for every day

Honey and vitamins moisturize skin of any type and treat inflammation. The yolk refreshes and makes the face more matte.


  • natural honey (preferably thick) - 1 tsp;
  • glycerin - 1 tsp;
  • vitamins A and E - 1 capsule each;
  • fresh quail egg yolk - 1 pc.


  1. Mix glycerin and honey until smooth.
  2. Add the contents of the vitamin capsules and the egg yolk to the mixture, mix thoroughly again.
  3. Place in a container for permanent storage and put in the refrigerator.

With cocoa butter and aloe juice

Making a nourishing face cream at home is also easy. It is suitable for sensitive and dry skin; the main thing in this recipe is to use essential oils in moderation. In large doses, they can provoke a local allergic reaction or even burn the stratum corneum (outermost) layer of the skin. A high concentration of essential oils can provide enhanced peeling not only for dry and sensitive skin, but also for oily skin, which is why it should be used.


  • beeswax - 0.5 tsp;
  • vitamin A - 1 capsule;
  • vitamin E - 1 capsule;
  • cocoa butter - 0.5 tsp;
  • almond oil - 1 tsp;
  • fresh aloe juice - 0.5 tsp.


  1. Combine beeswax and cocoa butter in a non-metallic container, stirring as it melts.
  2. Remove the mixture from the heat, immediately add aloe juice and almond oil, mix everything using a mixer.
  3. Let cool until hot but not scalding, add the contents of the vitamin capsules to the mixture.
  4. Mix the cream again using a mixer or blender.
  5. Stir the cream constantly until it cools completely, so cool it artificially - place it in a container with ice or cold water.
  6. When the composition has cooled and become viscous, transfer it to a container for permanent storage, close it and put it in the refrigerator.

Firming nourishing

Homemade cream will provide the skin not only with nutrition, but also with intense hydration, eliminate moderate sagging and improve complexion. Recommended for women over 40 years old.


  • lanolin - 50 ml;
  • natural honey (preferably thick) - 25 ml;
  • almond oil - 25 ml.


  1. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl for cooking the cream and place in a water bath.
  2. Stir more and more as it heats up until you get a homogeneous mass.
  3. Remove and cool, continuing to stir.
  4. Transfer to a container for permanent storage and refrigerate.

Rejuvenating with honey and glycerin

For those over 50 years old, homemade cosmetics are the ideal solution due to the maximum nutritional, moisturizing and regenerating properties of natural ingredients. Anti-wrinkle cream is made at home based on gelatin using food acid.


  • table gelatin - 0.5 tsp;
  • glycerin - 50 ml;
  • purified or boiled water - 50 ml;
  • natural flower honey - 1.5 tbsp;
  • food acid (citric, malic, tartaric) - 1 g.


  1. Place the bowl with the mixture in a water bath, heat it, stirring constantly, until the acid and gelatin are completely dissolved.
  2. When the mixture is completely smooth, remove and cool.
  3. Apply a thin layer once every two days.

Night for aging, dry and sensitive skin

Homemade face cream is intended for daily application before bed. Its absorption time may vary depending on the age and type of skin, so remove any remaining residue with a cotton pad or napkin after at least 20-30 minutes from application. Excess cream should not be washed off! This recipe is contraindicated for oily skin types.


  • olive oil - 1 tsp;
  • glycerin - 0.5 tsp;
  • beeswax - a few grains in solid form or 0.5 tsp. in melted;
  • fresh chicken egg yolk - 1 pc.;
  • fresh cucumber juice - 1.5 tbsp.


  1. Mix cucumber juice and egg yolk separately.
  2. Place the remaining ingredients in a bowl for cooking the cream and place it in a water bath.
  3. Stir vigorously as it melts until the mixture is smooth.
  4. Remove from heat, cool. When the cream is just warm, but has not yet thickened, add the previously prepared cucumber-egg mixture.
  5. Mix thoroughly again until smooth.

The listed DIY face cream recipes are an effective way for daily care due to the high content of nutrients in natural ingredients, many reviews confirm this. However, it is unknown how the skin will perceive such an abundance of vitamins after many years of being kept on store-bought “dry rations”. Therefore, first prepare a moisturizing face cream with your own hands just for testing. Some components may cause allergies. Therefore, if you do not know exactly how your skin interacts with a particular substance, check its reaction. To do this, apply the composition to a small area of ​​skin, wait 2-3 hours, then rinse. If redness or burning occurs, do not use this recipe.

It may seem that making creams yourself is very simple, but in fact it is not. It is important to choose the right ingredients for your skin type and mix them in the right proportions. But, after spending a little time, you will get a natural and safe cream that is not addictive, does not contain any preservatives and has no side effects. They advertise all sorts of products that promise to greatly improve the skin, get rid of acne, and so on. But it is not always the case. Therefore, there is nothing better than homemade cream. Moreover, production does not take much time.

It is worth saying that some men also use these products, so there is even a special men's rating of creams.

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How to make face cream at home

Before you cook the cream, you need to purchase all the ingredients. As practice shows, most recipes are not popular, because people are simply afraid of not finding the right component. That’s why some people give up cream making.

This is a false assumption as all the ingredients are easy to find. For example, essential oils, emulsifiers and more can be purchased at the pharmacy. If a recipe requires beeswax, you can find it in beekeeping stores.

You can prepare an anti-aging lifting cream for age spots, glycerin, gelatin, with collagen, and so on at home.

It is better to buy a syringe with divisions in order to remove the required amount of each component. So how can you prepare a magical hypoallergenic cream at home yourself, step by step?

DIY face moisturizer, recipes for dry skin

For dry skin, a cucumber-based cream is perfect. We all know that, for example, a cucumber mask is applied to the eyes, and cucumber extracts are actively used in cosmetology. This vegetable has moisturizing and toning properties that keep the skin youthful and beautiful. In addition, cucumber is a lifesaver for sensitive skin. Therefore, cucumber cream for moisturizing comes in handy. Try also day and night cream with honey, it also perfectly moisturizes the skin.

- Small cucumber;
— Chamomile (decoction) or boiled water 1 glass;
— Beeswax 1 tsp;
— Almond oil 1 tsp.

Melt the butter and wax and mix. To do this, use a water bath, as the fatty base will burn over an open fire. Place the mixture in a container and melt. After the wax has melted, you can add a chamomile decoction. If you don’t know what to replace it with, then use plain water. After this, add the finely grated cucumber. Leave the mixture to simmer for about half an hour. Then mix everything thoroughly again and leave until completely cool. Transfer the finished mixture into a jar and apply to your face for 15 minutes. After this, the cream can be washed off with warm water. You can use the quick-cooked cream only a couple of times a week.

How to make an effective anti-aging face cream for wrinkles at home

Super homemade face cream for wrinkles after 40 years is very easy to prepare and use. Only one condition is important here - you need to use it regularly to tighten the contour.

To prepare you will need:

— Honey 1 tbsp;
— Vaseline 1 tsp;
— Castor oil 1 tsp;
— Iodine 2 drops.

All components are mixed in a clean container, where the finished cream for aging combination skin will be stored. It is desirable that it be made of porcelain or glass.

The cream is easy to prepare. Add a couple of drops of iodine to the bottom of the jar, add all the other ingredients and mix thoroughly. The finished cream should be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than one month. Therefore, attach a label with the date of manufacture to the jar for yourself. You need to use the product twice a week, leaving it for a couple of hours each time, and then rinse with warm water.

The cream perfectly tightens the skin, restores its elasticity and smoothes out wrinkles. It is better to prepare the cream yourself. This is the only way to be sure that it is safe.

You can also prepare a professional cream based on hyaluronic acid that removes tightening, or with other products, for example, sea buckthorn, mumiyo, herbal, oil, honey, and so on. In addition, you can prepare a lifting cream with ginseng or an Ayurvedic summer base cream.

All creams are great for rejuvenating and nourishing the skin, so with them you can please others for a long time.

How to prepare whitening cream

Some women want their facial skin to be whiter. For these purposes, you can also prepare your own cream and not spend a lot of money.

To prepare you will need:

— Yogurt 200 gr;
— Lemon juice 20 g;
— Almond nut 4 pcs.

The base of the cream is yogurt. It contains a lot of lactic acid, which perfectly softens even rough skin. Lemon juice brightens the skin, as do almonds. This cream is a good competitor to expensive products.

First, grind the almonds in a blender. Then mix yogurt and lemon juice. Add almond flour to the mixture and mix again.

To prevent the cream from spoiling, store it in the refrigerator.

Preparing cream for oily skin

A very simple cream to prepare for oily skin will transform your face. It will look fresh and fit.


— Mineral water 100 mg;
— Gelatin 6 g;
— Glycerin 80 mg;
— Honey 50 ml;
— Alcohol 10 ml;
— Cucumber juice 20 mg.

Pour water over the gelatin and let it sit for half an hour. After this, strain the mixture and add other ingredients with honey. Heat the resulting mixture in a water bath, let cool and place in a jar.

Recipe for those with problem skin

Peach cream is good for problem skin.

To make it you will need:

— Peach oil 30 mg;
— Calendula decoction 50 mg;
— Ginger oil 5 mg;
— Salicylic acid 5 mg;
— Essential grapefruit oil 10 drops.

First heat the peach oil. While it is still hot, add the remaining ingredients and leave in a water bath until the consistency becomes creamy.

After cooling, the cream can be used.

Problem skin definitely needs anti-tanning sunscreen, a light massage vitamin based on sour cream, and so on. In addition, if you suffer from acne, then any doctor can recommend facial peeling.

Nourishing cream for normal skin

For normal skin, you can make a nourishing cream based on olive oil. The composition contains many valuable components that have a good effect on the condition of the skin.

To prepare you will need:

— Olive oil — 4 tbsp;
— Cocoa — 2 tbsp;
- Peach oil - 1 tbsp;
— Emulsifying wax — 2 tbsp;
— Beeswax 1 tbsp. l.;
— Essential oil — 3 drops.

The cream must be prepared in a water bath, on which a bowl of oil and wax is placed. The components must be brought to a homogeneous mass. After this, remove the mixture from the bath and stir until it cools. In this case, the mixture should be in the form of a cream. Now you can add essential oil for scent. Everyone chooses the scent for themselves. Some people like the smell of coconut oil, while others like jojoba. So pick what you like and add it.

How to store ready-made cream at home (shelf life)

As for storing finished creams, it is different for everyone. It is better to store ready-made creams in the refrigerator, any kind at that. If we talk about deadlines, then everyone has their own. Some creams are stored for only 5 days and therefore must be used quickly, while some can be used for up to one month.

These are not all recipes for creams that can be prepared. In addition to those that we have listed, there is chocolate cream, Ayurvedic, for hair removal, based on cream and aloe vera, with retinol, urea, foundation, with the addition of rosacea, carrots, propolis, soothing and many others. It’s not worth dwelling on these recipes, since they are not suitable for everyone. You always need to look for something new.

On the Internet you can also see photos and beauty tips from Olga Seymour. Olga Metelskaya also gives good advice. Reviews of the activities of both women speak for themselves.

All beauties who carefully and regularly take care of their facial skin know how often they don’t want to take store-bought jars of creams.

After all, in addition to being beneficial, they can still cause some harm, since they contain various chemical compounds. Learning to prepare high-quality homemade face cream is the dream of many beauties. And it is quite achievable if you put some effort into it.

Benefits of homemade face cream A before the store is obvious to everyone: natural ingredients will have the most beneficial effect on the skin, without affecting it with preservatives and fragrances. However, those who have decided to master the art of preparing face creams at home should know that extreme caution is needed in this matter. If you do not follow certain rules, such products can cause considerable harm to your appearance. So, how to make homemade face cream according to these rules?

  1. Prepare yourself from the beginning for the fact that you won’t get the light and airy cream that you’re used to buying in the store. As a rule (with rare exceptions), homemade face cream is a thick, odorous, greasy and oily mixture.
  2. Prepare dishes in advance that will be used exclusively for cosmetic purposes for preparing the cream: you should not use them in cooking. You will need a large enamel bowl, three small bowls (glass), a clean tablespoon, a syringe (2.5 ml will be enough), a jar for the finished cream (any empty one from the store), a whisk for whipping and a thermometer for water.
  3. Heat the base oil in a water bath to 60°C, pour the emulsifier into it until completely dissolved, then pour out the water (without stopping heating). When the mixture turns creamy, remove from heat and cool to 35°C, stirring regularly. After this, active substances and essential oils are added.
  4. There are recipes where the ingredients just need to be mixed.
  5. Be sure to test the prepared cream on the skin of your wrist.
  6. The shelf life of any homemade face cream is no more than one week. It must be stored in the refrigerator.

It is worth considering all these rules before deciding to use a homemade face cream: the result is definitely worth the effort and time spent.

Ingredients for homemade face cream

What ingredients will you need to make face cream at home?

1. Active substances:

  • for oily skin: hop or ginger extract, dry yeast;
  • for dry skin: propolis, bee bread, liquid vitamin E, pumpkin seed or linden extracts;
  • for sensitive skin: chamomile extract, liquid vitamin F, peony tincture.

To prepare homemade face cream, take no more than 7% of the active substance.

2. Base oils:

  • for oily skin: peach, grape seed, hazelnut, almond, watermelon, corn, milk thistle, black cumin;
  • for dry skin: avocado, apricot, shea, jojoba, olive, peach, walnut, macadamia, sesame, coconut;
  • for sensitive skin: sea buckthorn, rose, black cumin, lemon, St. John's wort, burdock.

Homemade cream should contain at least 30% base oil.

3. Essential oils:

  • for oily skin: bergamot, lemon balm, rosemary, grapefruit, lemon;
  • for dry skin: patchouli, sandalwood, jasmine, myrrh, rose, blue chamomile;
  • for sensitive skin: rosewood, verbena, orange, spruce.

When preparing homemade face cream, you only need 10 drops of essential oil.

4. Emulsifiers:

  • for oily skin: cetyl alcohol, sucrose stearate;
  • for dry skin: beeswax, guar gum;
  • for sensitive skin: stearic acid, sodium alginate.

Emulsifiers in homemade cream should be no more than 2%.

60% of homemade face cream is high-quality (mineral and filtered) water or any herbal decoction.

The best homemade face cream recipes

You can choose any recipe for homemade face cream, of which there are actually a lot. Initially prepare a very small amount of the product so that you can first test it on your wrist, and then either use it or take on another recipe. Recipes are prepared in accordance with the technology specified in the basic rules for preparing the cream.

  • For dry skin

As a base oil - 30 ml of avocado, instead of water - 60 ml of orange water, active substance - 7 ml of vitamin E (liquid), emulsifiers - 2 g of wax and 10 drops of geranium (essential oil). This d Homemade facial moisturizer is ideal for dry, flaky skin that requires special care.

  • For oily skin

Base - 30 ml of almond oil, instead of water - 60 ml of basil decoction, active substance - 5 ml of ginger extract, emulsifier - 2 g of sucrose stearate with the addition of 10 drops of grapefruit (essential oil).

  • For sensitive skin

Base - 30 ml of black cumin, liquid instead of water - 60 ml of green tea, active substance - 7 ml of chamomile extract, emulsifier - 2 ml of stearic acid, essential oil - 5 drops of verbena.

  • Homemade lifting cream

Drop a drop of iodine into a jar for the cream, add liquid honey (one tablespoon), castor oil (one tablespoon), Vaseline (one teaspoon). Mix everything - the cream is ready to use!

  • Anti-aging homemade face cream

Mix grape seed oil, sesame and olive oil (7 ml each) as a base, add borax as an emulsifier (one teaspoon), water (40 ml), 5 drops of tea tree or lavender (essential oils), take liquid as active substances vitamins A or E (2–3 g each). For homemade cream, it is better to use cold-pressed olive oil.

  • For combination skin

Pour boiling water (100 ml) over dried chamomile flowers (a tablespoon) and leave in a water bath for 15 minutes. Strain, mix (4 tablespoons) with honey (teaspoon), glycerin (teaspoon). Stir until completely dissolved. Melt olive and butter (a tablespoon each) in a water bath, cool, add beaten egg yolk, camphor oil (a tablespoon). Combine both masses.

Now you are a real expert and have all the necessary knowledge on how to make face cream at home correctly and efficiently. The skill will be acquired over time, but your skin will receive the necessary and very high-quality regular care that it always needs.

With a huge selection of cosmetics on store shelves, not every woman can confidently choose what suits her best.

Someone is afraid to use a cream with unknown ingredients; someone's acquaintance with a fashionable novelty ended in an allergic reaction; Some people don’t trust the products of the cosmetic industry at all.

I can recommend one completely reliable one to all of them. The solution is to create your own personal cream.

In this article:

Before you make a face cream at home, the recipes for which were recommended to you, you need to not only thoroughly familiarize yourself with the rules and procedure for their preparation, but also, after making a test dose, test it for an allergic reaction by applying the resulting mixture to the inside of your wrist.

You should always remember that every skin can react differently to the ingredients indicated in the recipe, no matter how natural they are.

Homemade face creams have a number of undeniable advantages:

  • you can rest assured that they are 100% natural: you won’t add preservatives or other harmful “chemicals,” as well as hormones, to your homemade cosmetics;
  • if you choose the right starting materials, the result can be much more pronounced than from using any of the most expensive cosmetic products;
  • If you make homemade face cream in compliance with all preparation rules, it will not be addictive, which often happens with finished products.

When preparing for the process of making your own cream, it is worth keeping in mind that the first experience may not be entirely successful. However, don’t be discouraged, you just need to scrupulously follow all the steps recommended in the recipe.

The technology for making face cream at home is based on heating the components in a water bath, ensuring melting of the base.

Such a base can be beeswax or pork fat or vitamins in capsules, or some other ingredients.

Heating with steam is also required at the moment when liquid oils are added, and then after two or three minutes the fire can be turned off.

If wax is chosen as a solid base, you need to be careful with it: you need to add it strictly according to the recipe. If you overdo it, the entire mixture will turn into a frozen mass, and the desired effect will not be achieved.

During operation, constant stirring of the mixture is required- first with a spoon, then using a mixer. Then the resulting substance is cooled by placing the container in cold water with the addition of ice. Stirring is also necessary at this stage; essential oils are added. The process lasts until the resulting drug cools.

Let's prepare the day cream

Natural face cream can be prepared for different purposes and times of use. Recipes for this cosmetic product include the most natural ingredients - fruits, vegetables, herbs, flowers, or their juices and oils.


Its solid base is lanolin (5 g), liquid - (2 ml) with water (10 ml). The oils are melted using traditional heating. This mixture is heated to +40 degrees. Then water is introduced there, everything is carefully mixed and cooled.

Homemade cosmetics are placed in a clean, opaque bottle and stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week.

Creamy chamomile

As a nourishing face cream, it is advisable to prepare a well-proven remedy at home from dried chamomile flowers combined with butter. To do this, you must first prepare a chamomile infusion: three large spoons of flowers are poured into a glass of boiling water and infused for half an hour.

By this time, the infusion will have time to cool to the desired temperature. It is filtered and, after mixing 50 ml of butter and vegetable oil, this oil mixture is added there.

Two night cream recipes


Night face cream at home is no different in production technology from other types. Heating is also used using a water bath, where crushed wax (1 tbsp) is melted with the addition of vegetable oil (three to four times more), boric acid (5 grams).

Also, cool the molten mixture a little and, while stirring, add 1 spoon (large) of glycerin and lemon juice (the same 2 spoons).


It is very good to make a face cream using vegetable juices. From the gifts of nature that you have at home (this could be carrots, cucumbers, pumpkin or eggplant, zucchini or potatoes, cabbage - all together, or just some, or even just one), take 50 g of them, squeeze out the juice and spoons Mix three tablespoons of it with the yolk.

Melt the wax (1 teaspoon) in the manner described, pour into it the same amount of glycerin, a large spoonful of oils, peach and a mixture of vegetable juices and yolk. Heat everything together for two minutes and beat.

When making face cream at home, additional components of the future product must be added drop by drop - preferably using a pipette.

Thorough stirring is one of the main conditions of the process. First, this is done with a spoon, and then with a mixer. You should not use a mixer at the beginning of the process - at high speed, the final product may separate.

If the skin fades

The composition of the product necessary for such skin quite logically includes fresh juices. To prepare a face cream at home, focusing on slowing down fading, it is suggested to use the following recipe:

  • collect equal quantities of (fresh) nettle and parsley, currant and rowan leaves, as well as pink and jasmine petals. Use a juicer to squeeze juice out of this raw material;
  • put a teaspoon of wax in a small vessel and, having melted it, add the same amount of vitamin A. Then add vegetable oil, squeezed out and boiling water - in equal volumes (a tablespoon). All this happens with constant stirring. Then remove the dishes from the steam and beat with a whisk or mixer until the drug has cooled.

The same effective recipe includes quince pulp as a vitamin base in the nutritional mixture - a tablespoon of each.

The manufacturing method is no different from others, except that instead of wax in this cream for facial rejuvenation at home, lanolin is taken and melted in equal quantities with honey (a teaspoon) in a steam bath, after which sea buckthorn oil with quince, yolk and steam are added to the mixture large spoons of boiling water. Everything is thoroughly mixed, removed from steam and thoroughly beaten until smooth.

Fighting wrinkles

A homemade face cream for wrinkles will be a good help in smoothing them out, as well as nourishing the epidermis. It will take much longer to prepare, but it's worth it.

The active herbal component is a mixture of leaves and grass of various plants, collected in equal parts. Leaves - mint, linden, green tea; Herbs - chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow are crushed and mixed.

Pour a large spoonful of the mixture (half a glass is enough), close the container tightly and leave for a week. At the end of the period, the extract is filtered. Pine resin (1 teaspoon) is melted over low heat.

Further steps are similar to those already described: melt the wax over a steamer, add resin, two tablespoons (tablespoons) of plant extracts and rose water, a couple of drops of vitamins A, D and E. The thoroughly mixed substance is removed from the water bath and beaten until smooth. .

Experts recommend applying this anti-aging face cream at home in the mornings and evenings.

All components of your homemade cosmetic product must be selected correctly, taking into account your skin type, its condition, problems, and your age.

The product should be homogeneous in structure. It must be prepared in small portions to prevent it from spoiling.

Let's help your skin become younger

You can create an anti-aging face cream at home using a wide variety of ingredients.


Warm Vaseline (10 grams) is placed in a vessel, twice as much melted honey is placed in a water bath. Gradually stirring, add a couple of drops of iodine and castor oil in a volume of 20 ml. Remove from heat and whisk.


Grind the same amount (all ingredients - 10 g) of birch leaves, chamomile flowers, pine needles. Add warm water, homemade cottage cheese and thoroughly mashed raw yolk to this paste. Beat with a mixer.

Taking care of your skin


What else can homemade cosmetics do? Face cream can help solve the problem. One of the recipes recommends the following composition:

  • gelatin - 1 small spoon;
  • liquid honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • glycerin - 2 of the same;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • aspirin - 1 tablet.

Preparing face cream at home according to the given recipe involves soaking gelatin in water (cool enough) to swell. Then all the components are mixed and steamed for a quarter of an hour. This is followed by beating until the product cools.


You have dry skin. How to make homemade face cream? The recipes are offered in a variety of ways, and they include both various softening oils and plant extracts, taking into account that this type of skin needs additional hydration and nutrition.

It is recommended to make a facial moisturizer at home using the following composition:

  • apple juice - large spoon;
  • juice from white cabbage - two spoons;
  • corn oil - 20 ml;
  • lanolin - 35 g.

Having melted the solid base with butter, the mixed heated juices are quietly added to the substance and mixed.

It is equally useful to use this product when caring for normal skin.


Homemade sour cream with a high percentage of fat (1 teaspoon) is combined with an equal amount of lemon juice, a tablespoon of cucumber juice, an alcohol solution of rose water (2 teaspoons), and yolk. Then two drops of vitamins (A and E) and essential oil - jasmine, or - are added to this mixture. All this is whipped and placed in the refrigerator for several hours so that the mass thickens. The product is recommended to be used in the morning and evening. It is also suitable for dry skin.


What will the home doctor suggest - a cream with enlarged pores? It is worth preparing a composition from natural yogurt mixed with wax. Add 7 ml of yogurt to melted wax (10 g) or any other base and beat.


You can tighten your facial skin by preparing a lifting cream at home. I wonder what The recipe bypasses the heating stage in a steam bath. All components are added one by one to the intended bottle and simply mixed. The composition is as follows:

  • a drop of iodine;
  • honey (liquid) and castor oil - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Vaseline - 1 teaspoon.

Let's give you a massage

It is no secret how effectively massage affects the condition of the skin. And its quality equally depends on both the correct execution technique and the cream that is used. It’s also easy to make a cream for facial massage at home.

30 ml of beeswax and unrefined sunflower oil are mixed with 10 grams of lanolin. Stirring vigorously, the mass is heated as usual until it becomes a liquid emulsion. Slowly, 70 ml of distilled water and 10 g of glycerin are added to the substance in a thin stream. When the composition turns white, the dishes can be removed from the steam.

After cooling, the homemade facial massage cream is ready for use.

All cosmetics made independently are no less effective than the most expensive store-bought ones.

Experts believe that it is suitable for literally everyone, because every woman knows the characteristics of her skin and will not include substances harmful to it in her cream. Perhaps the only drawback of such cosmetics is a very short shelf life, which is why recipes indicate such small quantities of ingredients.

Useful video

Natural cream recipe.

In contact with

Good day, dear ladies! The other day I ran out of night cream for my face, but I didn’t have time to order a new one, as usual. I had to go shopping to find something suitable, at least temporarily.

Now in stores (and in pharmacies too) the selection of creams is simply huge. Here you go - dear French. And you know what surprised me? According to the label on the packaging, it is suitable for everyone, well, absolutely all skin types. And for me, for example, it’s special: very sensitive. Almost anything goes wrong - immediately a rash, allergies, peeling.

Is it really possible to buy such a cream for yourself? There is no trust in a product that suits everyone: after all, our skin is different and, as I have already said many times, you cannot use products for dry skin if you have oily skin and vice versa. Let me make a better homemade face cream. I’ll make it with my own hands, and I’ll know for sure that it will contain only those components that will definitely suit me.

Component Selection

What do you need for the cream? What does cream consist of in general and homemade cream in particular? In general terms, these are:

  • Solid base (lanolin, beeswax, solid and natural vegetable oils: almond, cocoa butter,).
  • Liquid base: liquid natural vegetable oils, glycerin. Solid and liquid bases may be present together, or there may be only one of them in the recipe.
  • Emulsifiers: thanks to them the product will be homogeneous and will not separate. Emulsifiers are lecithin, lanolin, sucrose stearate, borax (all this can be bought at the pharmacy). An emulsifier can simultaneously be a solid phase (lanolin, beeswax are both a base and emulsifiers at the same time).
  • Liquid phase: distilled water, rose water, or.
  • Additives: Our “youth potion” can be made with essential oils, honey, eggs, fruits, aloe, vitamins from the pharmacy - and other ingredients, the composition of which varies according to your desire and tolerance.

But in what ratios and which ones to choose depends on your skin type. By the way, under the influence of external conditions, as well as with age, it changes. After winter, the skin usually becomes drier. This will help you accurately determine your skin type.

For beginners, it will be useful to watch this video:

Dry and combination skin

Is your skin prone to dryness? Or does she have alternating areas of dry and oily/normal skin? Then for you, dear ladies, such moisturizing and moisture-retaining ingredients as:

  • oils – apricot, shea, olive, peach, macadamia, jojoba, sesame, coconut;
  • beeswax, guar gum;
  • essential oils – jasmine, patchouli, myrrh, sandalwood, rose
  • propolis,
  • beebread,
  • vitamin E

For aging skin

Suitable lifting components:

  • gelatin,
  • beeswax,
  • lanolin,
  • soy lecithin,
  • butter – cocoa, almond, sea buckthorn, olive,
  • oil extracts of herbs,
  • vitamins.

For young skin (normal and oily)

  • oil – grape seed, milk thistle, peach, almond,
  • dry yeast,
  • “essentials” of rosemary, lemon, bergamot.

For the skin around the eyes

Natural oils, vitamins F, A, E.

Master class on practical chemistry

It’s not easy to make a good cream with a delicate structure at home. It is possible that it will quickly separate, mix poorly, and turn out too greasy.

But don’t be alarmed: in any case, homemade will be better than store-bought, if only because all its ingredients are known to you and carefully selected. And if it suddenly turns out, in your opinion, not very good, it can be used not for the face, but for the body.

Attention! When preparing the cream, it is very important to follow the proportions and procedure.

Let's start our laboratory work. We will need: a water bath, several glass bowls (preferably transparent ones to see the changes), a syringe for adding liquid ingredients and a mini mixer. Can I mix without a mixer? Yes, it is possible, but with its help we will achieve better crushing of immiscible ingredients, and, therefore, the structure will be more homogeneous.

How to make cream correctly: preparation diagram.

  1. First, put our solid phase (wax, shea butter, etc.) into a bowl, first crushing it to small chips so that it melts quickly and evenly.
  2. We heat to 60 degrees so that our solid components melt. Add thick liquids heated to the same temperature: liquid oils, glycerin.
  3. Add the aqueous phase heated in the same bath: herbal decoction, water, tea.
  4. We remove both phases from the bath and connect them.
  5. If the emulsifier was not part of the solid phase, add it immediately after combining with the liquid. The amount of emulsifier, if we add it separately, is no more than 8-10%.
  6. Mix very well and start beating. How long does it take to do this? Until our potion cools to room temperature. If we stop whipping earlier, everything may separate. You can do this by keeping our bowl in a cold bath, but it is better to do this with a sufficient level of skill in “cream making”, otherwise the cooling may proceed too quickly and differently in different layers and our cosmetic product will not be uniform.
  7. When the cream has almost cooled down, add vitamin supplements. They cannot be added to hot drinks in order to preserve all the active ingredients. Add essential oils 2-3 drops. Active substances are the most effective components - here each woman must select the proportions individually - add with a syringe, a little at a time. Continue to beat well.
  8. Transfer the finished cream into a jar with a tight lid and store in the refrigerator.

Important! Homemade cream has a short shelf life. 4-5 days in the refrigerator, in extreme cases - a week. To prolong it you will have to add preservatives.

How to extend the shelf life of the cream

By following some rules, you can get a cream that will last in the refrigerator for a month or two without spoiling or losing its properties. And for this you don’t need harmful preservatives at all. Like this? And here it is: after all, preservatives are not only chemical, but also natural. We will add exactly these to the cream.

Here are some tips:

  • First of all, the water in the cream spoils. If you want a cream with a long shelf life, do not add the water phase - or add it minimally. But this can make the cream too thick.
  • Some natural herbal facial oils can go rancid within a few months. Therefore, always look at the expiration date.
  • Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant that prevents rancidity.
  • Essential oils (especially tea tree essential oil), propolis, chamomile and walnut extract are natural preservatives. Use them when preparing long-lasting cream. Just remember about bleaching agents. For dark skin, it is better to take nut extract.

Well, finally they are the best recipes.

Youth with your own hands

For wrinkles

Base – oils: sesame, cold-pressed olive, grape seeds – 7 ml each.

Heat the oils and the water phase in a water bath, combine 1 tsp. borax (this is an emulsifier), 40 ml of aqueous phase. Mix with a spoon, use the mixer only when our product begins to cool. Add 2-3 g of vitamin E and the same amount of A, 5 drops of tea tree oil.

Can be used as a day cream.

Home lifting

This is a nourishing anti-aging cream that does not require cooking. Very good for skin tightening.

It can be made directly in a jar. But it’s better to sterilize the jar first. Let's drop iodine into it (1 drop is enough). Let's add honey (liquid, of course), (take a spoonful in total. Mix well - and you're done! But, of course, this is more of a mask than a cream - we are unlikely to be able to keep honey on the skin for a long time.

For young skin

This product is intended for young oily skin. Prepare according to the scheme described above. For 30 g of the base - almond oil - take 60 ml of basil decoction, 5 ml of ginger extract. Before adding the liquid phase, add 2 g of emulsifier - sucrose stearate and 10 drops of grapefruit essential oil.

For dry skin

We prepare according to the scheme. Base – avocado oil, 30 g. Liquid phase – orange water. After adding it, add and dissolve the emulsifier: 2 g of wax. The active substance is vitamin E, 10 drops of geranium essential oil. The resulting product works well.

For combined

This is a short shelf life cream with glycerin and butter. Mix a tablespoon of olive and cream base in a bathhouse. Add a teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon of camphor oil and a teaspoon of glycerin. Let's take the chamomile infusion as the liquid phase; accordingly, you will need 4 tbsp. l. (twice as much as the basics).

For sensitive

The base is black cumin oil. Emulsifier – stearic acid, liquid phase – 60 ml of tea (green) and 7 ml of chamomile extract. Add 5 drops of verbena essential oil.

Lastly, check out how to make hand cream. The recipe, although with a preservative, is simple to prepare:

Well that's all for today. I wish you successful experiments. Follow the blog updates, leave comments and all the best to you.