Folder-moving "education with a fairy tale". Folder "education with a fairy tale" educational institution kindergarten

Sliding folder for parents

Fairy tales in the life of a child

Involving parents in developing children's interest in books and reading fiction.


1. What is a fairy tale? The importance of reading for a child
2. How to read fairy tales to children

3. The benefits of reading to your child before bed

4. Didactic games for young children

7. Appendix 1

What is a fairy tale?

The importance of reading for a child

« A fairy tale is a seed, from which it sprouts

emotional assessment of the child

life phenomena»,

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

All children lovefairy tales. To the magical worldfairy talesthe child falls at a very early age. Listening to them, the baby, as if taking steps, comes tofairy taleand stays with her foreverlife.

The role of fairy talesin the development of children are multifaceted. Getting to knowfairy talehelps the child understand the surrounding reality. From the development of imagination to the development of correct speech, she teaches children in an accessible languagelife, talks about good and evil. Children understand more easilyfairy talethan adult speech. Children who were read to from early childhoodfairy tales, they begin to speak faster and express their thoughts correctly. Children'sfairy talesexpand vocabularybaby, speech becomes emotional, beautiful, figurative. A fairy tale helps form the foundations of behavior and communication.

Russian folkfairy tales- This is the most popular and most beloved genre by children. They play bigrolein developing children's love for their native land.

It's not enough to just readfairy tale. In order for a child to remember it better, you need to help him understand it and experience various situations with the characters. When a child learns to work withfairy tale, will be able to navigate it well, analyze the actions of the heroes, he will be able to transfer this model to the real onelife, to correct some situation. And the time you spend with yourbaby, reading and playing, priceless.

One of the main conditions is the adult’s emotional attitude towards reading. Maintain eye contact with your child while reading. Sit down so that he can see your face and watch your facial expressions.

Shorten the text if it is too long,retellsome fragments in your own words, but do not go away from the contentfairy tales.

Readfairy tales alwayswhen the child wants to listen to them.

Unfamiliarfairy taleRead it yourself first to direct your child’s attention in the right direction.

Read to your child every day. Play out the impressions your child received while listening.fairy tales.

Remember! Watching a cartoon will never replace readingfairy tales. Cartoons are interesting to watch, but they do not develop imagination, because the action is presented on the screen. If you want your child to develop creatively, you need to give him room for imagination.

The benefits of reading to a child before bed

Reading to a child not only improves the relationship between the child and parents, but also develops his speech skills. Of course, it is correct and useful to read fairy tales at any time of the day. However, reading to a child at night brings many benefits.

Expanding vocabulary.Reading helps the child learn new words.

Speech development in children . It is important that parents read to the child clearly and pronounce the words correctly, in which case the child will develop correct pronunciation.

General development.While reading, the baby learns to listen, analyze, fantasize, he learns new words, and experiences various emotions. All this forms a harmonious personality.

Improving relationships with parents.When you read to your child, you spend time with him, the child feels important and feels your love.

Spiritual development of the child.Usually, parents read fairy tales to their children, which teach them the right actions, kindness, and responsibility. All this has a positive effect on the child’s spiritual development.

Healthy sleep.It often takes a long time to put children to bed, the reasons may be different - fear of staying in a dark room, excitement after active games. While reading, the child calms down; he is close to the parent, which gives him a feeling of security.

Didactic games

for young children

To make it easier for your child to remember fairy tales and then tell them, use didactic games. In addition, these games develop creative imagination, fantasy, and coherent speech.

"Sound engineers"

The game helps to develop oral coherent speech, to better remember the sequence of actions and the plot of a fairy tale. After reading the fairy tale, look at the illustrations for the fairy tale. Stop at the one you like. Let the child “voice out” the picture and remember how the characters speak. For example, a mouse squeaks: pee-pee-pee, a cockerel crows: ku-ka-re-ku, a frog croaks: qua-qua, and so on.

"Missed Frame"

The game helps the child remember the sequence of events of the fairy tale.
In order, pictures of the heroes of one of the fairy tales are laid out in front of the child. One picture is removed. The kid must remember who is missing. If it is difficult for him, you can put the upside down picture where it should be without disturbing the sequence. After voicing the missing plot, you need to tell the whole tale.

for children of early preschool age

Children of early preschool age need to be introduced to works of folk art. We recommend that you pay attention to the followingfairy tales:

"Turnip" arr. K. Ushinsky;

"Kolobok" arr. K. Ushinsky

“Rock-hen” arr. K. Ushinsky;

"Teremok" arr. M. Bulatova.

Tips for parents

Talk to your child more often about the value of the book.

Cultivate a caring attitude towards books.

You are the main example for your child, and if you want your child to read, then you should also spend some time with a book.

Visit the library and bookstores together.

Buy books that are bright in design and interesting in content.

Rejoice at your child’s successes, and don’t focus on mistakes.

Discuss the book you read among family members.

Tell your child about the author of the book you read.

Have family readings more often.

Reading for children should become a daily habit, a necessity.

By reading together, you open up an interesting and colorful literary world for your child. And remember, in this simple way you give your child a huge amount of happiness and love.

Arkady Markov

"True Friend"

“A book comes to anyone’s home.
Touch its pages
She will talk to you
About the life of animals and birds.
You will see the rivers flooding,
You will hear the horse's tramp
Both Chuk and Gek will come to you,
Timur and Uncle Styopa..."

Appendix 1

Illustrations for fairy tales




"Ryabka chicken"

Municipal budget preschool

educational institution kindergarten

general developmental type with priority implementation of activities

in the artistic and aesthetic direction of children's development

Mobile folder for parents.

"Let's play a fairy tale."

Prepared by:

Art. Egorlykskaya 2014-2015 academic year G.

“What a delight these fairy tales are!” exclaimed A. S. Pushkin.

Say these magic words: “Let’s read a fairy tale...”, and the child will immediately run up to you and get ready to listen to you.

Each fairy tale has its own moral, each one highlights some new situation that a growing person will have to face in real life. Just ask your child questions and look for the answer together. You can play the game “Useful fairy tale tips.” Take some kind of fairy tale, and who can find more advice? Do you take some useful advice, and who can name more fairy tales where it occurs?

One mother told how her daughter took a hint from a fairy tale. In the yard sandbox, her girl was the smallest, and someone always took away her scoop or bucket. And then my mother bought the fairy tales “The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox” and “Zayushkina’s Hut.” We read it, discussed it, even played it. Mom tried to talk based on a fairy tale and structure the game so that her daughter learned to call for help and stand up for herself.

When the baby was back in the sandbox and they started pushing her again, she screamed right into the ears of the offenders with all her might. She was not attacked again. This is how the fairy tale helped -

A fairy tale helps shape a child’s speech, his emotional life, fosters the ability to be surprised by the diversity of the world, and develops imagination and fantasy. The wisdom inherent in fairy tales instills in children a respectful attitude towards the people around them.

If a Fairy Tale is nearby, then the child strives to become better, learns to understand and love all living things, gets to know the world around him, tries to compose his own fairy tales, gets acquainted with difficult rules and concepts, eats the “magic medicine”, and goes to bed happily and without whims.

Children love to listen to fairy tales, which expand their knowledge and horizons, showing that in addition to the real world, there is also a magical world. It is through fairy tales addressed to the heart that the child gains deep knowledge about a person, his problems and ways to solve them. Let us remember how in real life people face good and evil. The form of teaching these concepts to an adult is not figurative. Children need imaginative play. A child's concept of goodness appears in a fairy tale in the form of a hero, a knight, a prince who embodies strength and courage, a kind sorceress or fairy who can always come to the rescue. Fairy tales talk about the feelings of the characters, and not about external events, and the action unfolding in them often contradicts ordinary reality. A child, having heard and imagined fairy-tale images, easily learns to understand the inner world of heroes, empathize with them, believe in the forces of good, and gains self-confidence

Fairy tales should in no way be considered only as a pleasant activity accessible to children. With the help of fairy tales, you can educate a child and help overcome the negative aspects of his developing personality. For example, it is useful for a greedy, selfish child to listen to the fairy tale “About a Fisherman and a Fish”, “About Three Greedy Little Bears”; for the fearful and timid - “About the Cowardly Hare”; “The Adventures of Pinocchio” will help the playful and trusting one, “The Princess and the Pea” will help the capricious one, “Puss in Boots” will help the active and active fidget, tales about brave heroes and knights who dedicated their lives to exploits in the name of people.

Try to understand your baby's emotional problem ( fear, loneliness, uncertainty, rudeness and other traits). Think about why he is anxious, aggressive, capricious - and compose a fairy tale where the heroes, their adventures and exploits will help the child solve his significant problem. Come up with a fantastic creature, let it overcome all difficulties according to a fairy-tale plot. Your child himself will feel help and find a way out of the traumatic situation.

Telling a child a story. Be sure to come up with a good ending. Compose only those fairy tales that are close and understandable to your child.

Fairy tales that we read to children.

Adults sometimes underestimate the role of fairy tales in the formation of personality and in the development of a child. In modern society, Russian folk tales fade into the background; they are replaced by numerous encyclopedias and educational literature. This is argued by the fact that children should learn about the real world around them, and not get acquainted with fables. In fact, preschool age is the age of fairy tales.

In fact, a fairy tale should enter a child’s life from a very early age, accompany him throughout preschool childhood and remain with him throughout his life. A fairy tale begins one's acquaintance with the world of literature, the world of human relationships and the surrounding world in general. It is through a fairy tale that the cultural heritage of humanity is transmitted to a child. A fairy tale awakens a child’s curiosity and imagination, develops his intellect, helps him understand himself, his desires and emotions, as well as the desires and emotions of other people. It combines not only an entertaining plot with amazing characters, but also one feels the presence of a feeling of true poetry, which opens the listener to the world of human feelings, affirms kindness and justice, and also introduces to Russian culture, to the wise folk experience, to the native language.

So what kind of fairy tales do you read to children?

We would like to turn to the history of the fairy tale. A fairy tale is the oldest genre of oral folk art, which was never created specifically for children. The roots of the Russian fairy tale go back to Slavic paganism. It must be said that Russian fairy tales have been persecuted more than once. The Church fought against pagan beliefs, and at the same time against folk tales. Thus, in the 13th century, Bishop Serapion of Vladimir forbade “telling fables,” and Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich issued a special letter in 1649 demanding an end to “telling” and “buffoonery.” The 19th century also did not bring the folk tale recognition from protective officials. But it was not only censorship that struggled with the folk tale. From the middle of the same 19th century, then-famous teachers took up arms against her. They were confident of its negative impact on the listener; They believed that a fairy tale retards the mental development of children, frightens them with images of the terrible, relaxes the will, develops rough instincts, etc. The same arguments were given by opponents of this type of folk art already in Soviet times, after the October Revolution. Teachers believed that the fairy tale takes children away from reality and evokes sympathy for those who should not be treated - for all sorts of princes, princesses and other anti-Soviet characters. Discussions about the dangers of fairy tales stemmed from a general denial of the values ​​of cultural heritage.

However, already in the 19th century, people appeared who wanted to collect oral folk art (,), thanks to their names, today we can enjoy these works.

But we should warn parents - not all folk tales are suitable for preschool children! For example, in the collected fairy tales there are expressions “unworthy” of children’s hearing; in them we can see a not very friendly ending, which can upset and upset the child.

Therefore, before you tell (read) a fairy tale to your child, analyze it yourself. Currently, there are collections in which it is written “according to”, most often such fairy tales are adapted for the modern child listener. But still, parents should get acquainted with their content and only then bring it to the child.

Today the need for a fairy tale seems especially great. The child is literally overwhelmed by a constantly increasing flow of information. And although the mental receptivity of children is great, it still has its limits. The child becomes overtired, becomes nervous, and it is the fairy tale that frees his consciousness from everything unimportant and unnecessary, concentrating his attention on the simple actions of the characters and thoughts about why everything happens this way and not otherwise.

Children of primary preschool age should be introduced to works of folk art. We recommend paying attention to the following tales:

"Turnip" arr. K. Ushinsky;

"Kolobok" arr. K. Ushinsky

“Rock-hen” arr. K. Ushinsky;

“Kids and the Wolf” arr. K. Ushinsky;

"Teremok" arr. M. Bulatova;

"Masha and the Bear" arr. M. Bulatova;

“The Wolf and the Little Goats” arr. A. Tolstoy;

“Zayushkina’s hut” arr. O. Kapitsa;

“Cat, rooster and fox” arr. M. Bogolyubskaya;

"Teremok" arr. E. Charushina;

“Geese-swans” arr. M. Bulatova;

“The Snow Maiden and the Fox” arr. M. Bulatova;

“Goby – black barrel, white hooves” arr. M. Bulatova;

"The Fox and the Hare" arr. V. Dahl;

“Fear has big eyes” arr. M. Serova.

We believe that Russian folk tales contribute to:

Moral education of the child;

Development of social and communication skills;

Formation of the emotional sphere and aesthetic perception;

Development of logical and figurative thinking;

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Why do children need fairy tales? The most traditional are folk tales, passed down from generation to generation, but remaining virtually unchanged. The beauty of a fairy tale is that it always has a good ending. And this, in turn, gives us unshakable confidence that good always triumphs over evil, that bad deeds are punishable, one way or another, and we should never give up in the face of difficulties in life. A child lives through a fairy tale fragments of the life of his favorite characters. Thus, it is as if he is programmed for certain actions in similar situations in his life. Through a fairy tale, it is easier and more clear to explain to a child the common truths: do not offend the weak, do not deceive, be kind and responsive to the sorrows of others, do not be a simpleton and be able to recognize deception and intentions to harm you.

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Listening to fairy tales, the child experiences pleasure, this is a kind of entertainment, in addition, the fairy tale makes the child think, use his imagination and imagination. At the same time, there is no direct moral teaching in the fairy tale; the fairy tale teaches, but not intrusively. For older children, you can regularly use this game: we read a fairy tale, stop before the ending and invite the child to come up with the ending himself. You can play in this way with the same fairy tale as many times as you like until the child’s interest in the process dries up. This method is widely used in fairy tale therapy; in addition, psychologists often recommend giving the child the opportunity to come up with a fairy tale, in which the characters can sometimes commit very illogical, sometimes incorrect, in the opinion of parents, actions.

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Reading a fairy tale for the hundredth time... Parents who practice reading bedtime stories have probably already encountered the phenomenon of a child demanding to read the same fairy tale many evenings in a row. What is this connected with and is it necessary to fight it? Psychologists explain this by two factors. Firstly, the child’s brain is designed in such a way that first he remembers information, learns it by heart, and then understanding and awareness of this information comes. As a rule, a fairy tale contains a chain of events, but it seems to us, adults, that everything is presented in an accessible way in the book. But in reality, it is difficult for a child to digest the entire fairy tale in one listen, so there is a need to listen to it and listen. In addition, the child has a need for stability and rituals. He has already listened to the fairy tale, remembers the ending, and thus the child develops a feeling of confidence, protection, he has, as it were, protected himself from unexpected events. And, of course, there is no need to fight this, but rather, on the contrary, with all actions to support the child’s attachment to a specific fairy tale.

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Discussion of a read fairy tale We should not forget about the need to discuss a read fairy tale. Even if it seems that the child understands everything, it is better to discuss the fairy tale once again, making sure that the child understood everything correctly, did not distort the attitude towards the actions of the characters, and was able to figure out where they did the right thing and what is an example of negative actions. Through discussion, you can reveal the child’s hidden fears of certain characters from a fairy tale or from the child’s everyday life. Choosing the right fairy tales for your child A fairy tale must be selected depending on the child’s age and possible characteristics of psychological development. From the age of two, children prefer fairy tales with cyclically repeating events, as, for example, in the fairy tales “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip”. Fairy tales with animal characters are best learned; the child loves to repeat sounds that imitate the characters in the fairy tale.

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From two to five years of age, the child’s ability to imagine actively develops. During this period, it is favorable to use the game mentioned above - the child himself comes up with the ending of the fairy tale. During this period, the child should buy fairy tales about magic, which he will definitely like. From five to seven years old, as a rule, a child is interested in fairy tales with dynamic plots and adventure literature. At this age, you should ask the child himself about his preferences in literature, choose heroes close to his liking, there is no need to impose your preferences. A child who regularly listens or reads fairy tales grows up more mature, filled with sensual, emotional, and comprehensive development. Childhood is fertile ground for sowing parental attention. Good fairy tales to you and your children!

“Educating with a fairy tale is the joy of meeting a book”

The joy of meeting a book

An adult knows that a book not only teaches, develops and educates a child, it awakens a wide variety of creative principles in a little person, it helps children’s imagination acquire rich imagery and inner meaning. A child cannot help but play, invent, and compose. This is inevitable, this is his way of penetrating reality. But what exactly is he inventing? How does he compose and why does he compose exactly this? What moral and aesthetic reasons are manifested in children's play, which little by little, often unnoticed by the child himself, becomes his real life? The world of reading, the world of the book with its literary and graphic images, helps an adult to get enough and direct a child’s imagination. The book gives the child an example of creativity, an example of a creative attitude towards the real world. It is here, on the book page, that children first encounter a harmonious reflection of reality. The book tells the most important things and shows the most beautiful things. There are different books in children's literature: funny and sad, but they are always life-affirming. Therefore, children cannot help but love the book, so they rejoice at the book as if it were a holiday. And adults must prepare this joy, help the child understand and feel the book in its entirety.

Education with a fairy tale

Until a certain age, children live in a fairy tale, as equal members of the fairy-tale world. And this is natural, because the fairy tale is close and consonant with their worldview. At the very beginning of her life, she meets children with fantastic images, exciting adventures, and the colorfulness and brightness of her world. All this freshness, purity, melodiousness, and harmonious integrity of the fairy tale serve as the first impetus for children to develop imagination, thinking, and creativity. And the artless simplicity and beauty of fairy-tale heroes and their actions are necessary for children's consciousness as the first reflection of the world, true human relationships in the pure mirror of true art. Every fairy tale draws a line between Good and Evil. They are irreconcilable enemies, they are in an eternal struggle. And in this confrontation, Good always wins, justice always triumphs. This idea of ​​the victory of Good over Evil is always convincing, because it was nurtured and born along with the emergence of people’s consciousness and improved along with its development, because it is permeated with the faith and hope of all humanity in the triumph of good principles. And this faith is reinforced by time. That is why the fairy tale is so powerful and that is why children believe in it so much. In almost any folk tale, everything obeys only the perfect laws of human existence, those ideals that have passed the test of many generations of people, crystallized, and become universal. And it’s easy for children to accept these ideals, it’s easy to agree with the pattern. It is very important for children that in a fairy tale the hero who personifies goodness is always beautiful. This is either an invincible hero who protects his people, or simply a man who defeats evil with intelligence, wisdom and resourcefulness. In any case, a positive hero is distinguished by intelligence, beauty, skillful hands or good magic, and a negative hero is distinguished by evil, ugliness and deceit. Therefore, children love fairy-tale characters, believe them and transfer this faith and love from the fairy-tale world to the real world. Thanks to the fairy tale, children begin to understand the most important truths of human life. A fairy tale helps to form the foundations of morality, morality, by the laws of which they will have to live. That same simple, simple fairy tale that, as adults, we begin to consider child's play.

Read with your children as much as possible, and most importantly, talk about what you read!

Russian folk tales

They play a big role in developing in children an ear for music, a taste for poetry, and a love for nature and their native land. They arose in time immemorial. Russian folk tales are the most popular and most beloved genre by children. Everything that happens in these fairy tales is fantastic and wonderful in its purpose: the heroes of these fairy tales, getting from one dangerous situation to another, save their friends, punish their enemies - they fight and fight to the death. Read the following fairy tales with your children at home: “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed,” “The Cat, the Fox and the Rooster.”

Please prepare a drawing for a Russian folk tale together with your child, after reading, to organize an exhibition in a group on the topic “Russian folk tales.”

Folder "The role of fairy tales in the development and upbringing of a child"

Gerasyova Anastasia Aleksandrovna, teacher of the Children's Development Center - Kindergarten "Luchik", Michurinsk.
Description of material: the material is addressed to preschool teachers, specialist teachers, and parents.
Purpose: This mobile folder can be used to design a group, as a visual material for parents.
Target: increasing the competence of parents regarding the role of fairy tales in the development and upbringing of a child.
Tasks: to introduce parents to didactic games based on fairy tales and fairy tale therapy techniques for raising a child.

The pages of the folder contain arguments about the importance of fairy tales for the development and upbringing of children, examples of didactic games aimed at developing the child’s memory and imagination, useful tips for parents on dealing with children’s whims and disobedience with the help of fairy tale therapy.

Fairy tales are a unique cultural heritage that can console, help in understanding the world around us and ourselves, and teach the rules of life.

Having learned to work with a fairy tale, the child will analyze and evaluate the actions of the characters, will be able to transfer the model of behavior into real life or correct any problematic situation.

Fairy tales develop children's imaginative and logical thinking, their creative abilities, speech, introduce children to the natural world and help in preparing them for school.

Page No. 1: Title page.

Page #2:
Children draw many first ideas from fairy tales: about time and space, about the connection of man with nature, with the objective world; fairy tales allow children to see good and evil.
Listening to fairy tales, kids empathize with the characters, they have an impulse to assist, to help, to protect.
In preschool age, the perception of a fairy tale becomes a specific activity of the child, allowing him to freely dream and fantasize.
The role of fairy tales in the development of correct oral speech cannot be denied - texts expand a child’s vocabulary, help construct dialogues correctly, and influence the development of coherent speech. But in addition to all these, albeit key, tasks, it is no less important to make our oral and written speech emotional, imaginative and beautiful.
It's not enough to just read a fairy tale. In order for a child to remember it better, you need to help him understand it and experience various situations with the characters. Analyze the actions of the heroes, imagine yourself in their place. Then the memorization will be conscious and deep.

Page #3:
To make it easier for your child to remember fairy tales and then tell them, use didactic games. In addition, these games develop creative imagination, fantasy, and coherent speech.
"Meetings of Heroes"
The game develops oral dialogic speech, helps to remember the sequence of actions and the plot of a fairy tale.
After reading, offer your child images of two characters from it. The child’s task is to remember what the characters said to each other. You can suggest heroes who are not found in the fairy tale. For example, in the fairy tale “Kolobok” the hare and the bear do not meet each other. But what did they say to each other when they met? Did you praise Kolobok for his ingenuity or complain to each other about the deceiver?
"Sound engineers"
The game helps to develop oral coherent speech, to better remember the sequence of actions and the plot of a fairy tale.
After reading the fairy tale, look at the illustrations for the fairy tale. Stop at the one you like. Let the child “voice out” the picture, remember what the characters said at that moment, what they did. You can also use fragments of cartoons based on fairy tales. Turn off the sound and let your child verbalize the events.
"New Tales"
Goal: development of creative imagination, fantasy, coherent speech.
Remember the sequence of events in a familiar fairy tale, clarify where the action takes place, which characters are encountered. And suddenly something became different in the fairy tale: the scene of action changed, a new hero appeared. For example, in the fairy tale “Turnip” we will change the scene and send the heroes from the garden to the stadium. What happens if an evil witch or sparrow also appears there? There are many options.
"Missed Frame"
Goal: to teach how to compose a story based on a series of plot pictures, to help the child remember the sequence of events of the fairy tale.
Pictures of one of the fairy tales are placed in order in front of the child. One picture is removed. The kid must remember which plot was missed. If it is difficult for him, you can put the upside down picture where it should be without disturbing the sequence. After voicing the missing plot, you need to tell the whole tale.

Page #4:
Fairy tales will help you cope with children's disobedience!
Children's whims... All parents have encountered them at least once. The child does not put away his toys, refuses to eat or go to bed, does not want to go to kindergarten, takes what belongs to others or fights with other children, throws tantrums - such problems are very common.
Often persuasion, shouting, and long moralizing are of no use. Much has been said about the dangers of assault, and many have probably been convinced more than once of the ineffectiveness of such methods. What to do? There is a simple but effective method of dealing with children's whims. Try not to scold the child, do not punish him with your inattention, but tell him a fairy tale. These are special psychological fairy tales that help cope with most of the child’s whims. In these fairy tales, the child sees heroes who face the same problems as him, and the child begins to understand how to get out of a difficult situation.
The effect of joint creativity will not take long to arrive. You will not only understand each other better, but also fill your communication with joy and inspiration. The priceless time you spend with your child reading a fairy tale cannot be replaced by any other benefits.

Thank you for your attention!