Pickup - how to meet a girl. Pickup in a public place or how to meet a girl on the street? How to meet a pickup girl

Most of the students I taught asked exactly how to meet a girl on the street? To most, this question seems decisive in the matter of their personal life.

His solution appears to them as a solution to the entire issue as a whole. Some things are not true, but the importance of this issue is simply inexorable. This is what this article will be about.

Myths and misconceptions about dating

Let's start with urban legends on this topic.

  • If you improve this skill enough, can you meet any girl?

Theoretically yes. But practically, you will find that success or failure depends on an infinite number of variables.

Such as the incidents of this day that influenced the mood of the girl you want to meet.

Maybe her cat has given birth and she is completely absorbed in this issue and has no time for you at all. But trying is not torture - as they say.

  • There are magic phrases that will invariably work and you will quickly meet a girl.

Of course not. It really doesn't matter what you say. What’s more important is how you say it, how you behave, how you move, how you dress, and so on.

  • It's easier to meet someone when the girl is alone.

That's not an indicator at all. Yes, sometimes friends who are deprived of attention interfere, and sometimes alone she may simply feel awkward and afraid of a new acquaintance.

  • It's easier to meet people in the company of friends. You feel more confident.

More confidently, yes. But it’s better to meet and seduce women alone.

Remember the phrase “the game is for singles” - this is an excerpt from the players’ philosophy; its understanding will come with time. When you are alone, in her eyes, you look much bolder than the guy who came over to look cool in the eyes of his friends.

Well, the sore reputation of “pick-up artists” will have a bad effect on acquaintance.

  • Meeting people in a club is better than on the street; in a store it’s generally bad, but in tantra training it’s the best.

Gentlemen, no matter where, and no matter when, you just have to try. You will never guess whether she is in a good mood and whether now is the right moment.

All these are just your internal excuses that will stop you. Therefore, when it comes down to it, save yourself from unnecessary reasoning - just do it.

Below you can watch the video introduction, you may even be able to adopt some habits and actions, but I advise you to develop your own style.

And this video is especially for those who do not really like to read, but prefer to watch. In it I told you in 5 minutes how to meet girls, I hope I succeeded. Take a look yourself:

Pros of dating women

Well, there is simply an indescribable amount. You can go out and meet anyone. Well, try, I mean.

Just like in a store, everything is on the shelf, just come and take it. And who among us has not admired some lady passing by in our hearts and undressed her with our eyes?

At the moment, a man who does not know how to meet girls is forced to wait for the opportunity to meet through friends. But I think you will agree that filling your life with beauties is not the right path for you. There are also dating apps, but more on that in another article.

Another obvious advantage will be the possibility of choice.

You choose which girl to approach, you see everything with your own eyes. Everything is in your power, you don’t have to guess like when playing blind, after the words: “I’ll invite a friend.”

Each new approach to a girl makes you more confident and sociable; this is a good exercise for personality development.

Every girl you see on the street, in a store, at work can become a wonderful story of your life, a faithful friend, lover, wife. An incredible world, which you did not notice, but I suppose you dreamed of, opens up before you.

Also, when you understand that this is easy in principle, this knowledge simply will not allow you to sit quietly at home, a new world of possibilities, romance and adventure will open up before you. So go for it.

Do you meet girls/women on the street?

    No, I'm scared, I'm afraid 57%, 234 vote

    Yes, but not always confident in myself * 22%, 89 votes

    I am currently trying to meet girls in public places * 9%, 39 votes

    Yes, I practice constantly 7%, 27 votes

    Yes, but only when I go somewhere on business 6%, 24 vote


How to overcome fear?

The first enemy you will meet on this path is your own fear. Every time you look at a girl you will say to yourself:

These are just fears in your head, and there can be hundreds or even thousands of formulations. At this moment, the main thing for you is to realize that you actually want to meet, otherwise you wouldn’t even think about it. And all these lines from the inner voice are just excuses. And you can overcome them.

Absolutely all men face this when dating, to a greater or lesser extent, of course.

Even masters experience some doubt, but when you cross it thousands of times, this fear simply has no chance to stop you.

The point is that you need to overcome yourself and it will become easier for you. The girl will not approach you on her own, you must do this. These are our foundations of society. To be honest, you have no choice. Every time you thought it would be nice to get to know her, but gave up, gave free rein to your internal dialogue, you fail, come home disappointed in yourself. This is not the point.

So how to talk to a girl if you're shy? There is a simple rule of 3 seconds to help you, you saw a girl you liked, you count ONCE. TWO. THREE, and you just go to her. It doesn’t matter what you tell her anymore, you’re already walking and she noticed you, there’s no choice anymore.

The best thing is that you tried it and it worked.

The second is good - you tried, but failed, lesson learned.

The worst option is to do nothing. You won't learn that way.

How long did it take you to get over your fear?

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    For over a year now I haven’t been able to make up my mind to approach girls 28%, 75 votes

    all my adult life * 13%, 35 votes

In this article I want to tell you about dating. How to meet amazing girls that you like? With girls whose existence you don’t even know exists at the moment. You live your life, she lives her life, goes to school, works, or goes to the beauty salon on Wednesdays, and doesn’t even suspect that you are somewhere - so wonderful. And so it will continue, she will sleep with a man - a work colleague, a neighbor from the apartment opposite, the guy she met at her friend’s birthday. You, too, will sleep with someone, and your lives will never intersect if you don't take the first step. And now I’ll describe how to take this first step.

What? Already have a desire to approach some unfamiliar girl? :) Then you don’t have to finish reading and go to the center of your city to your favorite cafe, club, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that there are girls there. Although no, take another 10 minutes, maybe what I tell you now will be useful.

The most important thing you need to understand from this article is that it’s normal to meet people you like! It doesn’t matter what she was doing at the moment when you saw her, be guided only by the standards of decency, I allow everything else. Meeting girls is pleasant and it’s not difficult, if you understand why you approached, if you have an idea of ​​what you can talk about now and know how it usually happens for you, your acquaintance with a girl from the outside should look not like an acquaintance, but like communication between two old friends. Don’t hang over the girl, don’t lean towards her, don’t hang out in space if you have such problems.

Don't do what you don't like, and if you don't like something, talk about it right away. Why can the same girl behave differently with different guys? With one she is a pretentious bitch, with another she is a meek home girl, it all depends on how you position yourself from the very beginning. You need to immediately give the girl the framework within which you will keep her in the future. Frameworks that will suit you.

Fear of approach: Jitters at the sight of a beautiful girl are not a reason not to approach her. There’s no reason to think that “she’s too cool for me” or to be afraid of your emotions if she suddenly agrees. She will agree, and you will have sex, she will cum under you several times in a row and say that you are the most amazing man she knows. I got carried away :) So, this is not a reason not to go. Jitters at the sight of a beautiful girl are a signal that you need to approach her right now and exactly to her. This is a challenge to yourself, and if you accept this challenge, you will get a very cool surge of adrenaline - a very cool emotion. And the more, the more fear you experience. Over time, with the number of approaches, this fear will turn into slight excitement, on the one hand this is good, you will be able to better control the situation, but on the other hand everything is still bad, because... you will get less emotions from dating, just take it for granted.

Just as it is a given for yourself, a new acquaintance is a new opportunity. This is a free lottery. What do you do with a free lottery, well, of course you try. You wash it, or whatever they do now - you peel it off, so here, here too, in any case, you don’t lose anything, but you can gain. Perhaps you will have unforgettable sex with this girl.

Perhaps this is your future wife, with whom you will be truly happy, perhaps her father is the director of the company you are planning to move to, and perhaps this girl will drag you to yoga courses in the future, and this will somehow radically change your life. life.

And once again, a girl coming towards you is a chance, and it’s up to you whether to use it or not. Not taking advantage of your chance is stupid!

Well, now I will give specific advice:
Open your eyes! Go out into the street and walk not like 90% of people walk (with your eyes downcast and looking at your feet) but look at the faces of all passers-by, in the eyes. If you don't like them, move your eyes further. If it's a girl and she's quite herself, hold your gaze. This is called ice contact, and this is the most important thing for dating. Start moving towards the girl only after you have established this contact, and do not take your eyes off the entire time you move towards her.
You come up, there is a distance of 2-3 meters between you and you can already start communicating.

What should I say?
First, of course, you need to say hello, and it is important to wait for a return greeting. It can be “hello, good afternoon, hello”, it doesn’t matter, although I am a supporter of immediately switching to “You” with every girl. Well, there is no need for these artificial barriers of social rules.
After this, globally, I offer you two strategies:

1.Direct style - a direct approach, when you immediately reveal your cards and say why you came up in the first place. It is at the level of honesty and openness. You outline the context and start talking, for example:

“Hello, I was leaving the flower stall and saw you, you are very pretty, by the way, my name is Anatoly.” That’s it, that’s all the acquaintance! Just don’t confuse direct style, as they do in many seduction schools, with redneck pickup, redneck pickup - when you hit on a girl, pester, persistently impose your company on her, right away, from the approach. As part of the correct direct style, you do not impose anything on anyone. You come up and state a fact: “I liked the funny way you just jumped over the puddle” or “Your hair color is very cool” if you really liked it, if you didn’t like it, then you don’t say it, talk about what you really liked. Well, if you didn’t like anything, then why did you come? :)

When approaching direct style, you need to have a very good sense of dominance and leading.

2. Indirect style - approach with any social pretext. With any question you could address to an old woman, a man, a policeman, if they were in this place at that time. The question can be anything, even “Do you know where the nearest library is?” But, I didn’t just ask for show and switched to making acquaintances like “MMM, NNN, What’s your name?”, this is very predictable. The girl immediately understands that you don’t need any library, and you came up to meet her, but because you didn’t know how or what to say, you asked some nonsense. The girl should not understand that you came to meet her. From this first social question you begin communication. I asked a question, received an answer, and struck up a conversation.

In the first stages, I recommend in advance where it is better to take off from the first question, then it will happen naturally. The questions should be very simple, there are people who are good at asking all kinds of nonsense, like: “What is the melting point of asphalt?” this is unnecessary :) It should not look like a blank, it should look like a simple topic that really interests you now.

For example: “Hi, do you know where you can buy live fish nearby?” Let’s say she says: “Yes, there” or “No, I don’t know”, by and large it doesn’t even matter what she says, because you go to the second step and say: “Just understand, tonight I decided to cook fish for myself, well , so I wanted to, and I decided, really, I don’t know what’s best yet? Wrap it in foil or cut it into pieces and fry it, what do you think?” That's it, the communication started and it has a bunch of different branches and with a topic on the topic - how best to cook fish: “What kind of fish should I take? What wine goes with fish? Is it really harmful to eat after six, fishing” and here you can tell some cool story from fishing.

Or did you ask: “Where is the nearest library? “You get some kind of answer and the second step you say: “Because I decided to joke with my ex-girlfriend’s friend and send her a copy of the magazine “Green Crocodile”” - this is a children's magazine, and you can only find it in the library.
And again the conversation began: “Anna, is this too harsh? Why is the girlfriend ex? How do you spend your time, etc. That is, normal communication begins, during which you - your task is to show yourself as a cool, interesting interlocutor, to show that you are having a great time, that you have status friends, that you know how to relax beautifully, etc. such communication usually continues 5 -6 minutes, after which the girl most often says herself: “Listen, we have already discussed so much, and I don’t even know what your name is?”

Phone exchange
Don’t ask the girl for her phone number, agree on the time and place of the next meeting, if the girl agrees to meet again, then exchanging phone numbers becomes logical and natural. If the girl does not agree, then talk to her more and interest her more. This is dating. A small step, but this particular step can do a lot and position you either right or wrong. With the correct positioning, by and large, then on dates you almost don’t need to do anything, you have created an image and you need to continue to stick to it. And remember - a proper and cool acquaintance is not when they give you a phone number, a great acquaintance is when they give you a phone and sincerely wait for you to call.


- Girl, can I meet you?
- Ham!

Phrases are prohibited for use by people without a sense of humor! Many of them require a lot of confidence and acting skills, which is why they are not always suitable for beginning pick-up artists. If you like to show off, then this collection will be a source of inspiration for you. For the rest, the phrase “Hello, I liked you!” will be enough! My name is..., what’s yours?!”

  • Have you ever met an interesting young man near the metro?
  • Didn’t you meet me in Sochi in 2000? No. Why then does it seem to you that we have known each other for a long time?.. And why then do you cast such inviting and passionate glances at me?.. Why then did you pester me without even looking?.. Probably, you want to give phone number?
  • Didn’t you meet me in Sochi in 2000? No? And no wonder - after all, I wasn’t there. Can you tell me where you met me?
  • What is the current exchange rate for the Spanish peseta? What about the Portuguese escudo?
  • Wasn’t it you I talked to on the phone today?
  • By any chance, do you have my book?.. No? Yes, I gave it to someone to read, and to whom... I only remember that someone was very nice!
  • What will you do tonight after we go to the cinema?
  • What do you do for the rest of your life?
  • I already bought Borjomi sausage. So we can have a date right here and now.
  • Be my fair lady, and I will be your knight. Who said that the knights died out? Tap my head. Do you hear? The sound is as if you are knocking on an iron helmet.
  • Your wig suits you perfectly!
  • Your dress looks great on you, but it would look better on my bedroom floor.
  • Does your mother need a son-in-law?.. Well, what to do? Then let's not sign for now, but let's live with it.
  • Your magical eyes drove me crazy, and if we don’t see each other soon, my heart will break.
  • Your documents!
  • See that bright dot in the night sky? This is a comet that is flying right here at 35,000 kilometers per second. According to calculations, she will be here in an hour. So, do you want to have sex?
  • I may not be the best here, but I'm the only one who talks to you.
  • That's you I was looking for!
  • Can you tell me the time?.. How about free time?
  • Are you Natasha, my contact?
  • You arrested me with your beauty, and I would be happy to serve my life sentence in the captivity of your heart.
  • It’s your fault—you’re to blame!..?.. For the fact that you have such a bewitching look, which on a moderately well-fed single man in the prime of his life has a stronger effect than a weapon of mass destruction.
  • Do you speak Russian?
  • You get lost! I can help you?
  • You know, it's terribly nice to see at least one girl who walks slowly. Nowadays, everyone runs like that... In our city it will soon be like in the ancient tribes: if you catch up, that means you got married, if you don’t catch up, it’s your own fault. Do you know this custom?
  • Do you know what's great about a frying pan? Because it can hit someone on the head who is very tired of it, and since you don’t have this valuable utensils now, I decided to find out your name and ask for your phone number.
  • Do you know how this street (square, station, carriage) differs from all others?.. Because you and I met exactly on it.
  • Do you know what love at first sight is, or should I go through it again?
  • What fairy tale are you from?
  • Have you ever been to Paris? What about Tahiti? Want to visit? I’m going to go in ten years, I can take you with me.
  • You are as beautiful as a star! Only the stars are beautiful at night, and you are beautiful during the day.
  • Can you give me a hint?
  • I liked you so much that I’ve been following you for three stops already. Do you mind if we sit down and rest for a while?
  • Do you play drums?.. Me too! Look how much we have in common, let's get to know each other.
  • Do you look at everyone like that, or only at those you like?
  • You remind me of my cousin. I also really want to fuck her, but I understand that this cannot be done.
  • You remind me of my late girlfriend.
  • Aren't you afraid that someone will meet you like this?
  • Did you happen to see my white horse running here five minutes ago?
  • Do you mind if I hide from the scorching sun in the shadow of your slender figure?
  • You don't know how best to spend my salary?
  • Could you wake me up tomorrow morning by calling my cell phone, otherwise I'm afraid to oversleep.
  • Are you in a hurry? I really want to treat you to ice cream!
  • You are not mistaken - I am coming straight to you.
  • Will you take me to the other side?
  • Can you tell me what year it is?
  • Can you tell me why planes fly but don’t flap their wings?
  • Can you tell me which side the cigarette is lit on?
  • Can you tell me the recipe for cactus jam?
  • Would you invite me to a restaurant?
  • You understand, I have such problems... As soon as I see a girl, I immediately want to hug her, press her to my chest, kiss her body, and then make love to her all night. I just want it unbearably. And I can’t do anything about it... Maybe you can offer me something?
  • You are simply lovely! I can’t pass by and not give you this compliment, and there’s simply not enough time physically to get to know each other, since I’m very late. Maybe you can give me your phone number? I’ll call you and we’ll get to know each other according to all the rules.
  • Would you exchange your solitude and monotonous existence for romantic walks under the moonlight together and cheerful laughter?
  • Will you exchange my free time for your name and phone number?
  • Will you exchange my boredom and loneliness for the mischievous sparkle of your eyes?
  • Are you by any chance the Queen of England? You just have a royal gait!
  • You look so intelligent in glasses that I don’t even know if I can interest you.
  • You smiled so beautifully that I forgot where I was going.
  • You are so sad... Can I take away your sadness? I need it for experiments.
  • You are so beautiful, do you need a bodyguard?.. I can shoot with both hands and hit a can from 20 steps... From ten meters I hit the eye of a running cockroach... I can shoot down a helicopter with a stool if I throw it correctly... I catch a bullet with my teeth on the fly... I have black belt... in chess. My name is Andrey, which means “courageous”... And what are we all about me and about me... Let's talk about you. What is your name?
  • Do you think you can look at me as a sex object and get away with it?
  • Are you following me?! I've seen you a couple of hundred times already, what do you want from me? I’ve been dreaming about you at night for six months now, but I don’t know what to call you in my dreams! Maybe you will finally tell me your name? Then I will be able to talk to you, even in my sleep!
  • You must be tired... You've been running after me in my sleep all night.
  • You've probably spent half your life trying to look good and attract men... And now, I fell for it!
  • Call an ambulance"! Cupid just shot me.
  • Marry me, otherwise I'll change my mind.
  • Voices from above told me to come and talk to you.
  • The horoscope promised me an acquaintance with a witch. Obviously, it has already happened.
  • Let's not get acquainted, let's pass each other and you won't know that my name is Ruslan, and I won't know what your name is. You will lose me, so kind, cheerful, beautiful, and I will lose the uniquely divine you. And we will not be able to spend minutes, hours together, and the days spent together will seem to us only seconds. Do you agree?
  • Let's play scales! You sit on my face and I will guess your weight.
  • Let's play an interesting game. I’ll tell you my name, you tell me yours, and then we, holding hands, will go eat ice cream in the nearest cafe.
  • Let's bet you $100 that I will invite you to spend the night and you will refuse?
  • Girl, you are very beautiful, and beautiful girls need to be multiplied.
  • Good afternoon, I have a completely unconventional question for you. I’m interested in how you would refuse a young man who came up to you and said: “Let’s get to know each other”?
  • It must have hurt... falling from heaven.
  • Friends call me Andrey, but you can call me tomorrow.
  • If God created something more beautiful than you, he kept it for himself.
  • If the stars fell every time I thought of you, the sky would be black, the night would become gloomy.
  • If you cut off your hands, you will become like the Venus de Milo.
  • If you think that I am going to get to know you, then you are mistaken - I also want to invite you on a date!
  • Is it really hot here, or are you that hot?
  • The area here is mined. Come on, I'll show you a workaround!
  • Hello! Tomorrow?.. Like what? Tomorrow we’ll meet here at 8 pm?.. Don’t you want to? OK, so tomorrow at eight in a different place?.. Isn’t that right? So, it’s still here?.. So we agreed!
  • Hello! I'm doing a population census, and I decided to start with you.
  • Hello! I'm lost in life and I'm looking for a beautiful, smart, kind girl like you who will lead me out of this boring, dull world of loneliness.
  • You know, your hair color matches my pillow so well.
  • You know, I look at you and think how my future children will ask: “Dad! Dad! How did you meet mom?” And I will remember this wonderful moment when I saw you.
  • You know, spring has come - it's time to reproduce. Yes, and good for health. Come to me.
  • And how does it feel to be the most beautiful girl in this city?
  • Let's go on a date!
  • Go to your uncle before I soap your ears.
  • Sorry, you may consider me crazy, but I’m afraid that if I don’t hear your voice, I’ll never forgive myself for this. You have touched all my thoughts and I am afraid that I will not be able to get rid of it. The dream will lose all meaning for me, for it will be replaced with great joy by writing sonnets and poems to you. It would be a shame if they were wasted and you couldn't read them. Are you ready to sacrifice the life of a poor poet in love?
  • Sorry, do you like me?.. Don’t answer, my name is Roman. What's your name? Let me call you sometime. Do you have a phone?
  • Sorry, I forgot my phone number. Can you lend me yours?
  • Unfortunately, now I don’t have time to melt your cold gaze, but I can call you in the evening.
  • It seems we are on our way...
  • It seems there was a rainbow today... My wishes are coming true.
  • How do you like it here?
  • What do you think an interesting young man should say to a pretty girl when he meets him on the street, so as not to be rejected?
  • What dish do I cook best? Breakfast in bed.
  • What is your shoe size?.. Well, we met!
  • Cool legs! What time do they open?
  • Cool shoes! Do you want to fuck?
  • When I see a girl like you, I thank God that I am single.
  • When I look at you, my heart skips a beat! Call emergency cardiac care.
  • Touch her blouse and ask, “Is this cotton?” Then touch her in the crotch area and continue: “Oh, that must be felt.”
  • Little Red Riding Hood, I will eat you!
  • Who could be late for such a beautiful girl? For example, I’m already here!
  • Who is she? Why dont know?
  • Where would you go if you wanted to find a new boyfriend?
  • Where are you going? I just decided to approach you, and you are already leaving. Are you in a hurry? Let me accompany you. By the way, my name is Misha, what about you?
  • My name is Andrey, and I have been instructed to convey greetings to you... From whom? From my heart.
  • My name is Andrey, but who are you?
  • I miss two things in my life - hair and you.
  • I've been told that kissing a girl who smokes is like licking an ashtray. What can you say to this?
  • Am I still far from Chukotka? Otherwise I want to visit my grandmother.
  • I feel sorry for those around me. Your beauty makes them a gray mass.
  • I'm interested in how well your content matches your forms.
  • It seems to me that our paths crossed not by chance...
  • It seems to me that you and I are relatives. Let me look at the family mole on my chest.
  • I like your hat!.. I like your watch!.. If you think about it, I like everything about you!.. My name is Ivan. What name are you called, a brilliant example of natural perfection?
  • The gypsy told me that today I will meet a beauty in a red dress. Does this description remind you of anyone?
  • I can swear that it would not hurt you to be accompanied by some currently homeless knight. Luckily for you, I’m just here without a lady... for now.
  • [Many of these initial dating phrases that people with limited imaginations like to use were once improvised by people with imagination when communicating with a stranger. If you want to develop your ability to improvise and act according to the situation, especially when dating and seducing, you can learn this in real conditions at practical pickup training at the Dating Academy under the control of special equipment in “hot mode.”]
  • Can I flirt with you?
  • Maybe we can go to my place, close the curtains, undress, go to bed, cover ourselves with a blanket and see what comes of it?
  • Can I say hello to you?
  • Can I kiss you on the lips? I want to overcome my disgust complex!
  • Can I ask you?.. What should I ask you?
  • Can I take your photo?.. I collect “Pokémon”.
  • Can I walk with you? Otherwise, people pester me and ask for documents.
  • Can I take a photo of you near the statue? Then the photo will turn out more alive.
  • Can I take your photo? I want Santa Claus not to make a mistake with a gift for the New Year.
  • May I know your name? I want to introduce him with my last name.
  • Can I hold on to you, otherwise your beauty makes my legs give way!
  • Can I celebrate the New Year with you?
  • Milk and chocolate, yin and yang, black and white, day and night, you and me.
  • Has my tie moved to the side? I'm going to an important meeting and I want to look perfect.
  • My love for you is like diarrhea - I can’t control it.
  • My dream is an angel's kiss...
  • My request may seem crazy to you, but I just bought a lottery ticket and I want you to kiss it and bring me good luck.
  • I don’t know who you are or what your name is, but I want to see you again.
  • Don't answer the call. This is me.
  • Do not deny yourself the pleasure of having a nice chat with a young man who really likes you, while I accompany you to the place where you need to go.
  • Indulge in the pleasure of morning coffee in my company.
  • Can you tell me where the nophelet is?
  • Are there any Germans in the city? What about the Russians?
  • Doesn’t such a beautiful girl like you have a gentleman today?
  • Is it okay that I come to you with such a smart look?
  • Oh my God! I thought I was gay until I met you!
  • I promise that I won’t breathe into the phone at night
  • Oh, what cool perfume do you have, and where can I buy it?
  • The railing is, of course, good, but my courageous hand for support is much more reliable.
  • Shall we talk, or will we continue to wink at each other?
  • Please tell me where exactly you want to sign your autograph - in this notebook or on this cute postcard?
  • Let's go into the forest and I'll show you the city.
  • Let's go to the garden - I'll show you my big, hard cucumbers.
  • Do you remember me? You and I met in your dreams. True, then I was wearing a helmet and on a white horse.
  • Help a homeless person, take him into your home.
  • Help me buy beer! I don't know - which one to choose?
  • Help me go left!
  • In my opinion, both you and I are bored in this crowd. Maybe we should go somewhere?
  • Listen... I could come up with some excuse for meeting you, but I don’t want to fool you. Can we do without formalities?
  • Stay calm for at least a minute. I'm drawing you.
  • Touch my forehead. I think I have a fever.
  • Kiss me if I'm wrong, but it seems your name is Agripina.
  • Is it true! The sunset looks very romantic, doesn't it?
  • Hello! Why didn’t you call me or write to me? After all, you know how sad it is to realize that no one needs you.
  • Hello! What are you doing here?.. Standing there? Amazing! Let's stand together!
  • Hello! Let me call you “Thekla”, and you call me “Mr. Wet Pants”!
  • Hello! You know (understand, feel, see...) that today the Sun is shining (warms, showers rays, rejoices...) and the weather outside is pleasant (cool, fabulous...). We could walk, talk, eat ice cream (drink gin...) and have a lot of fun (cool, nice, nice...) time. It would be unforgettable. By the way, the last time I saw you, you were in a stunning dress (skirt, suit), that it would be a crime not to invite you for an easy walk. And your consent will be an acquittal for me, dear guy!
  • Hello! How are you?
  • Hello! Today we are lucky...
  • Hello! Did you recognize?.. I didn’t recognize you right away either.
  • Hello, sunshine! My name is Tarzan. I was picking coconuts here, and suddenly I saw a lonely girl standing, whose name was...
  • Come and read to me about Pinocchio.
  • Walk past her, then turn around sharply and ask: “Didn’t you just pinch my butt?.. No?.. Damn! It's a pity…"
  • Forgive me, this seems to be fate. This is the second time we have encountered each other in such a huge city... My name is Andrey. How would you feel about an offer to spend a pleasant time together by the water on the lawn, with good champagne?
  • Sorry, can you tell me... Your name and phone number.
  • Excuse me, miss, do you have a spark?.. Actually, I don’t smoke, but I had to somehow start getting to know you.
  • Sorry, haven't I fucked you before?
  • Excuse me, can I work my way into your evening schedule?
  • Sorry... I just want to say thank you!.. Have you ever had a day when you felt alienated, indifferent? When you are not completely happy, and not... when you feel like you are going with the flow. And suddenly you come across someone and see an amazingly warm and beautiful smile that instills in you a feeling of happiness, fairy tales, a feeling of beauty for the whole day?.. You see, I didn’t want to distract you at all, but you look like you’ve decorated your appearance my life...
  • Glad to serve the sweet young lady! May I accompany you?
  • Let me offer you my hand and my heart. I'm a surgeon, I have a lot of this stuff.
  • Let me walk you home. At least with a glance.
  • Can I get to know you or should I pester you for five minutes?
  • Is it difficult to get to know you?
  • In the morning I was late for work, in the afternoon I was almost hit by a car, then an angry dog ​​bit me, a bearded janitor shouted, I fell into a sewer manhole and lost my wallet with documents there, but that’s not all - my pager burned out from the impact lightning, Tamagotchi died of an overdose, and an hour ago an evil virus erased a book from my computer that I’ve been working on for six months. And if you don’t give me your phone number now so I can call you and invite you for a cup of coffee, then I’ll probably go drown myself in that puddle on the other side of the street. Remember, you have a chance to save a good person!
  • Tell me something sweet!
  • Tell me honestly, do these contact lenses suit me?
  • Please tell me what perfume you use - I will buy the same and perfume my cat with it so that it reminds me of you.
  • Tell me, is it not your purse that smells so deliciously like pies?
  • How much is your smile worth? I would buy one!
  • Save! I am being pursued by an American spy who is after this note. Please take it and hide it well, but under no circumstances read it! Give me your phone number so I can pick her up when things calm down a little. (In the note “Smile, you’re being filmed by a hidden camera!”)
  • When shooting with your eyes, do not abandon the wounded!
  • The fate of the Motherland depends only on your decision! Gather all your will into a fist and tell me, will you meet me or not?
  • Here I don’t have a couple of teeth, but there’s more room for your tongue.
  • Can you play spin the bottle? Let's go together!
  • You're on my to-do list for the evening.
  • You know, after a long search, I finally found a cafe where you and I can have a wonderful time.
  • Did you buy potatoes? That's what I thought! Okay, then I'll buy potatoes. Today I'm waiting for you to visit for dinner. Everything has already been bought, only potatoes remain. But that's okay. I'll prepare everything. What time can you come?.. Oh yes, I forgot to tell you my address! Write it down.
  • Aren't you gay? Me too! Then you can sleep.
  • Could you smile: It’s dark outside.
  • Will you kiss me or will I have to lie in my diary again?
  • You have been a bad, very bad girl today. I will have to punish you...
  • Are you by any chance involved in interior design? The room became beautiful as soon as you entered it.
  • You spend so much time in my thoughts that soon I will have to pay rent.
  • You are so beautiful that I forgot the phrase with which I wanted to approach you.
  • You're so cool that I'm ready to drink bath water after you!
  • Do you want a beer or just some money?
  • Thousands of artists over a thousand years have not been able to create such beauty that could compete with yours.
  • Don't you have a taxi token?
  • You won't have a can opener?
  • Will you have a piece of paper and a pen?.. Can I write down my phone number for you? I wouldn't like to lose you.
  • Don't have aspirin?
  • Do you have a thread to start our friendship right here?
  • You have a very pleasant voice! I'd love to microchip it and put it inside my alarm clock so I can wake up to it every morning.
  • Your right eye is lighter than your left - I’ve never seen anything like this in my life!
  • Your most beautiful place is dirty.
  • I have amnesia - haven’t I approached you yet?
  • There's a party in my pants and you're invited.
  • I have a groom for your dog. And maybe for you too.
  • I have an unusual question for you - what should you say to a girl to get a slap in the face?..
  • I have a request to you: can I give you this flower? I would like to see you again someday and give you a large bouquet of roses. Do you love roses?
  • My hands are full. Would you zip up my fly?
  • I have two holidays today! First, I saw such a wonderful, beautiful girl who has such a warm and sincere look. And the second one - I started talking to you.
  • There’s something wrong with my eyes—I can’t tear them away from you.
  • You have a boyfriend? Do you need a better guy? Answer the second question first.
  • When I saw you, I thought about those days that I will remember in my old age - when my children were born, when I got married and when I met you.
  • The phrase “You are dancing” where there is no dancing at all.
  • Do you want a pick-up artist?.. That’s me, actually, but what this word means - you can’t say it in a nutshell. Come on, let’s sit on a bench and I’ll explain... No time? No problem, give me your phone number, I'll find you.
  • Would you like me to give you a ride on the escalator?
  • Do you want to see the soles of your feet in the rear view mirror of my car?
  • What are you doing at three o'clock in the morning?
  • Why are you looking at me as if your parents had gone to the dacha?
  • What is such a beautiful girl doing on this escalator/elevator?
  • Why are you trudging along like a sad turtle, is there anything I can do to help you?
  • It was difficult, but still I decided to approach you with my feet and speak with my tongue.
  • This is incredible! All 27 of my personalities found you amazingly attractive!
  • This dress looks great on you. Well, actually, I would look no worse in his place.
  • Eh, good Masha! Not ours.
  • I am a well-deserved brake, I don’t know how to pick up girls, but I simply couldn’t get past you, so I hope that you will take a measly three minutes to communicate with me. Can I accompany you, at least a little?
  • I am a seller of happiness. Do you want me to sell it to you at cost?
  • I'm running for president in 2024. Your voice is important to me. And I need your number to tell you...
  • I will sleep with you, with you and with you! Who is first?
  • This is my first time in the city. Can you show me where you live?
  • I am ready to lay everything I have at your feet. Give me your address, and I will transport my things to you tomorrow.
  • I think about you twice a day - when my eyes are open and when they are closed.
  • I think about you when I masturbate.
  • I think we're thinking the same thing.
  • I noticed that you noticed me, and I would like to notice that I noticed you too.
  • I'm going to bed - are you with me?
  • I'm going to take a leak - will you join me?
  • I am an intelligent young man, 25/180/79, Libra, Rabbit, I am fond of classical music and yoga, I want to get to know you for a pleasant time together on my territory, the phone will speed up the meeting.
  • I'm going to the dentist, but I don't have the courage. Inspire me, please become my muse.
  • I collect slogans on T-shirts. Let me read it on yours.
  • I'm not drunk, I'm intoxicated by you.
  • I'm blinded by the light of your beauty
  • I'm writing a book about how to meet girls and I'd like to ask you a few questions.
  • I understand that the street is not the best place to meet you, but I will never forgive myself if I don’t at least try to get to know you. Maybe you will understand such a good, albeit shy, young man and not immediately send him on an erotic journey on foot...
  • Am I going the right way?
  • I won’t be able to sleep today if I don’t find out your name and phone number.
  • I humbly have the honor to address you. Do you have a minute for humble me?
  • I'm too busy making millions of dollars, but I can find a couple of minutes to get to know each other.
  • I heard that whoever you mess with, that's how you get rich. I liked you so much that I decided to get some help from you.
  • My friend and I had a bet about whether I could find out your name and phone number. Help me win please.
  • My friend and I almost quarreled because of you. He says that you are beautiful, but I disagree with him and say that you are very beautiful. Which one of us is wrong?
  • I collect signatures of the most beautiful girls. Would you mind putting up yours?
  • I hid my tear in the ocean for you. And I will love you until you find her.
  • I checked my schedule - I can get you pregnant by Christmas.
  • I'm already here. So you only have two wishes left.
  • I would like to be your tear. To be born in your eyes, flow down your cheek and die on your lips.
  • I want to be a Christmas tree in your home.
  • I want to be a snowflake that melts in your divine hair
  • I want to invite you for a cup of coffee (ice cream, barbecue, corn sticks) with serious intentions!

Pickup is the art of seduction. And although now the phrase “pickup artist” is often used as ridicule and irony at an unlucky suitor, this does not mean that sarcasm is the only answer to an attempt to seduce. You just have to be able to do it. Pickup lines can be funny, witty, amusing and funny. It is important not only to know them, but also to be able to use them in different situations. We will look at a wide variety of variations.

What is a pick-up and what do you eat it with?

Initially, a pickup truck was understood as a whole complex of measures and actions, thanks to which it was possible to seduce a girl. Now, firstly, pickup phrases are becoming much more popular (for example, you can “get hooked” on social networks, where verbal communication becomes the basis). And secondly, using this technique you can seduce not only girls but also guys. Female pickup phrases with their own characteristic features are becoming increasingly common.

Some terminology

Pickup is based on templates, which, if used correctly, can meet almost any girl. Pickup phrases for girls in the language of this art are called “openers”. They are usually tested by practice and are actually effective.

Examples of openers for a club:

  • Can I give you a treat?
  • Hi beauty. What are we drinking?

Pickup rules

Before we start looking at pickup phrases, we should say a little about its rules:

  • We must act carefully, but persistently. An explosive mixture - you need to clearly maintain the proportionality of these two components. On the one hand, not to become overly intrusive, on the other, still clearly show that you intend to get yours one way or another.
  • Internal readiness: one, zero... let's go! The main feature of a pickup artist is communication skills. He must always be ready to talk. Talk a lot. Talk to anyone. This means the ability to strike up a conversation with any person, be able to captivate him with the topic of conversation, intrigue him, interest him, and like him.
  • Don't be afraid of rejection. Even the most professional pickup artist can be refused. For example, a woman who knows how to professionally “unravel” pick-up techniques. Or a girl who has a boyfriend and doesn’t need anyone else. You never know.
  • Learning body language. Subtle gestures, the way a person tilts his head and moves his hand, shrugs his shoulders - all this has some subtext. This way, interest may appear - and the pick-up artist will be given a sign to continue in the same spirit, or, conversely, hostility - and you need to either retreat or look for a different approach.
  • Let's add a pinch of negativity. Pouring solid honey is not always good. "So sweet is honey that it finally becomes bitter. Too much taste kills the taste." Remember this.
  • Don't lie. Everyone watched "What do men talk about?" One very important truth was said there: when a guy says to a girl “come to my place, let’s look at my collection of lute music of the 19th century,” both he and she understand perfectly well that this is not what they are coming for. There is no place for straightforwardness here. But also open lies. There is no need to give false hope. A pick-up artist never sets himself the goal of marrying another beauty.
  • Sometimes you have to wait. Each conquest is a new project, and sometimes it takes time. Step by step you will achieve your goal.

How to pick up a girl

Pickup phrases that catch you don’t mean anything by themselves. You can learn a couple of these, but say “off topic” and in the end you will only get a puzzled look in response, or even worse. You need to get into the spirit of seduction - to understand the characteristics of the charming wit that girls will be delighted with.

Does your mother need a son-in-law?

It is necessary to clearly distinguish between current and beautiful pick-up phrases, those that have already become a “accordion” and are associated among the weaker sex only with annoying and boring suitors, and those that are outdated and familiar to everyone, but they can be screwed into a conversation as a joke.

For example, the phrase: “Your mother needs a son-in-law” has already become an established joke, so it can easily be inserted into a conversation like: “I’ve been thinking about how to approach you. It’s somehow irrelevant to ask about your son-in-law, but I really want to!”

Individual approach

Pickup is not a technique for “picking up” a dozen girls in a day. This is the ability to find an individual approach to each person. So, pickup lines cannot be a universal solution to the problem of dating. Although some of them are structured in such a way as to touch on some general topics, without going into details and details.

Girls may not only not like very cliched pick-up phrases, but also offend the interlocutor, that is, they will make it clear that the guy does not see her as a person and certainly does not respect her, so you need to be more careful.

Use original phrases, for example: “Hi, did you order a man?” or “Listen, do you like men?”

If I can make you laugh, why can't we be together?

Girls love guys with a sense of humor. This is the absolute and unshakable truth. That’s why funny pick-up phrases are so popular, because if a girl is sad and the guy managed to make her smile at least a little, this is already a very, very good sign. People generally tend to remember who makes them feel good.

Go up to the girl you like and ask her: “Can you tell me how to meet you?”

Hi, how are you

Have you ever noticed how rarely we start a conversation with people we already know with the usual “hello, how are you doing”? In fact, this phrase has already become so hackneyed that it really needs to be used as little as possible, and it doesn’t matter whether with acquaintances or complete strangers. If a girl receives such a message on VKontakte, it is unlikely to make at least some impression on her. Unless it makes you think that the guy is writing this to everyone in the hope that at least someone will respond. Pickup phrases for girls on the Internet are a completely separate matter, because this is the territory of letters, emoticons and audio recordings, which a real pickup artist also needs to be able to manage.

Never start a conversation with hackneyed phrases. But sometimes banality can be “twisted” a little in the other direction, resulting in an original start to the conversation. For example: "Hello, girl! Do you know... me?"

Read it like a book

You'll have to become Sherlock Holmes. No kidding. aimed specifically at a specific female individual. They are connected with her hobbies (in fact, everything is not so complicated, appearance very much reveals a person’s personality), character traits (no, and a thoughtful look is actually far from nonsense).

If she is reading a book, ask about the book; if you see that she has her eyes fixed on something, clarify what exactly interested her. Ask her to talk about it - she will definitely be interested.

Unnoticed compliments

All people love it when their pride is stroked. Girls - especially. And you can play on this. Praise her style, for example, with the phrase “You have amazing taste in clothes. You must be a stylist?”

How do these pick-up phrases differ from regular compliments? We need to start a conversation. Don’t just say a pleasant thing as a fact, but ask something on the same topic.

It's important not to overdo it. Be sure to speak simply and without pathos. The phrase: “You are so beautiful. I probably don’t have the slightest chance that you will answer me” can sound very different. It is necessary for the girl to really believe that the guy is sad that she may not answer him. After all, if there is pomposity in the words, then the whole essence of the phrase will slip away and will not put the speaker in the best light.

Moreover, why are such compliments called “inconspicuous”? Don't focus on the fact that you wanted to say something nice to her. Let this be a matter of course. The simpler you say it, the better. For example: “Gods, you are so stunningly beautiful. I’m sorry, I couldn’t help but write this to you.”

Encouraging action

All pick-up phrases that catch you are constructed in such a way that they are very difficult to ignore. They literally demand an answer. It is advisable to start a conversation or even a discussion. When giving a compliment, ask a question so that the answer is not just “thank you” and that’s the end of it.

Use: “You draw great, maybe we should go to a painting exhibition?” instead of: “I like your drawings.”

Or: “I see all the stars of the world in your eyes. And I want you to see them too, let me show them to you” instead of: “You have beautiful eyes.”

Why can't you just cram?

Now there will be a very strange analogy between a pickup truck and a school. Our teachers told us this covenant, but, surprisingly, this is an important point in seduction. You can learn pick-up, but if you just cram his phrases, everything will be over before it even began.

Why is that? A guy with an average appearance can be popular with girls due to his charisma and confidence, and he is also good. But a handsome man who cannot speak will fail. A couple of memorized phrases will not save you. If you drop a witty saying at the beginning of a conversation, success will have to be reinforced further - a sense of humor must be developed so that you can subsequently come up with something of your own, and not search for pick-up phrases on the Internet every time.

Originality is original, to be one of a kind, completely unique. If you conquer a girl with words that you came up with yourself, you can be one hundred percent sure that no one else has said anything like that to her, and is unlikely to say anything like that. But “original” phrases from the Internet, unfortunately, are quite repeatable, although they can also bring success.

Need more synonyms

You can tell a girl once that she is beautiful. But the second, third, thousandth - and it will be boring. Use multiple epithets in your speech, use synonyms. The great and mighty Russian language is more than rich in them.

“Stunning”, “charming”, “lovely”, “feminine”, “wonderful”, “irresistible” and “unique” - these are just a few examples of adjectives that can be used to base compliments on.

You can choose your own “crown” word. For example, "amazing" instead of "amazing". It’s little things like this that people remember and create a complete image of. Girls like exceptional men who have something “of their own” about them, something they can surprise her with. Let her associate you with some specific words, some own way of expressing herself.

Highlight her features

Girls love to ask what guys like most about them. Most of them will blush when they hear that their legs are "divine" and their figure is "the best I've ever seen." Talk about her “bottomless blue” or “passionate amber” eyes. She will take this attentiveness into account and remember it.

When they first meet, guys tend to glance at a girl, and even years later they won’t remember the color of her eyes. Pay attention to this right away, it will make her stand out among others.

Foreign languages

You can say the phrase entirely in another language, or throw in a charming French phrase like "bel ange" (beautiful angel). The main thing is to be confident in the translation of what you say and how it is pronounced correctly. On the other hand, minor meaningless mistakes will make the girl philologist laugh and will also do their job. After all, that's rule number 1: "Make her laugh."

Top 5 in English

Let's consider the best pick-up phrases, with the help of which acquaintances will take place not only in the territory of the post-Soviet space, but also abroad. This five sounds great in both English and Russian.

1. No, I’m not drunk, I’m intoxicated by you. (No, I'm not drunk, I'm just fascinated by you). Agatha Christie once said that a man who tries to appear in love is courteous and gallant, but one who is actually in love “looks like a sheep.” Explain your strange behavior by saying that the lady has absolutely and irrevocably turned your head, and you will be on top.

2. I bet you (...) you’re gonna turn me down. (I bet (nth amount) that you would refuse me). Win-win situation! Either you get the girl or the money.

3. - You owe me a drink. - Why? - When I looked at you, I dropped mine. (- You owe me a drink. - Why? - I dropped mine while I was looking at you). The "white" dance in the club pickup is declared open. Why offer a lady a cocktail when she can treat you to something stronger?

4. I was wondering if you had an extra heart. Mine seems to have been stolen. (Do you happen to have an extra heart? Mine seems to have been stolen). A slightly eccentric phrase that will captivate girls who love beautiful phrases. That is, almost everyone.

5. You’re so beautiful that you made me forget my pickup line. (You are so beautiful that I forgot my pickup tricks). A witty phrase like this, firstly, supposedly reveals all your cards to the girl, and secondly, it becomes an assistant if you really forgot all the pickup phrases: funny, amusing and catchy. As they say, honesty is the best policy.

If flattery is not to your liking

They say there are girls who don't like compliments. And they really do exist. They don't like flattery; beautiful pick-up phrases will only irritate them. What trump card should you use in such a situation?

In such cases, you need to be extremely polite and intelligent. You can make an impression with a catchphrase or aphorism, lines from love lyrics.

For example: “I will drown in your eyes, is it possible?” (poetry by Eduard Asadov) or “I have never seen such beautiful ones” (Sergei Yesenin).

The less we love a woman, the more she likes us

Alexander Sergeevich was unbearably right. There is a pickup technique in which you don’t need to be polite to the girl; on the contrary, there is more unbridledness, but also more sarcasm and wit. If everything is done correctly, the girl will appreciate both resourcefulness and humor.

An excellent example of this technique is the following quote from Celentano:

- “I will definitely marry you, at least we’ll call you.”

- “What will be your positive answer?”

- "If I had a dollar for every time I thought about you, I would... start thinking about you."

for acquaintance

Although every girl believes that love and relationships are something sacred that cannot be taken lightly, if funny pick-up phrases, cool and amusing, are used when meeting, she will at least remember such a suitor. At the very least, fall in love. Women, they are like that, in 90 percent of cases they even pronounce the word “idiot” lovingly and tenderly.

Therefore, why not tell the girl: “We bet you sex, I’ll sleep with you?” or with a very serious face ask: “Will you take me to the other side?”

How are you doing?/How are you doing?

The character of the famous sitcom "Friends" Joey "quad" the girls with the famous: "How are you?" And as has been shown many times, it really worked, and without fail. You can try this catchphrase. In our non-serial world, she has one advantage - the girl will most likely recognize her, and you will immediately have a topic of conversation. Especially if she's a fan of the series.

Female pickup

Is there a women's pickup truck? On the one hand, why not? After all, a girl can seduce a guy. On the other hand, the weaker sex usually acts in such a way as to push the young man they like to get acquainted, rather than take decisive steps themselves.

Sometimes it’s not so necessary to say pick-up phrases to a guy, because girls know better than anyone how important it is not what you say, but how you do it. They are able to put as much charm and charm into one simple “hello” as no guy can manage in a long dialogue. And casting languid glances, crossing legs and straightening hair - there is so much sexual energy in these gestures.

Nevertheless, lovely ladies are sometimes at a loss as to what to say. And they start thinking, is there a pick-up line for girls? Correspondence (after all, it is sometimes quite difficult to find phrases) makes the weaker sex shy and timid. After all, in social networks and SMS you need to be able to show almost literary talent.

What to write to a guy?

Girls love to use hints, but guys don't understand them. And this is the main problem of female pickup artists - after all, they have to be as direct as possible, but at the same time remain inaccessible, mysterious and alluring.

Take his phone. This does not oblige anyone to anything, however, it is the first stage of getting to know each other.

Ask him: "When are you going to ask me out on a date?" This phrase will give the young man an opportunity to express himself, and he will also know exactly what is required of him and will not make mistakes anywhere.

What if it suddenly refuses?

Of course, something can go wrong. Not all guys are able to survive a blow to their pride when a girl decides to take the first step. On the other hand, some of them will only be flattered by this turn of events. So never be afraid to approach a guy with the question: “Who are you, handsome?”

Getting rid of obsessive gentlemen

Oh, how many unlucky boyfriends have gotten divorced lately. In times when storing information was not yet so common, men seemed much more noble and polite. But, most likely, because their “punctures” were somehow not covered in secular society. But now, “one-of-a-kind” and “pick-up masters” are found all over the place.

You can simply ignore them - strange “whistles” on the streets do not cause any desire to respond, and on VKontakte you can always blacklist the “man of your dreams”.

You can directly refuse, saying firmly to the question: “No!” and that’s where we end the communication that never began.

Or you can answer wittyly and cheer yourself up. Called it a fish? Say that you are sending them off to finish eating worms, and therefore you cannot talk at all right now. These pick-up phrases for refusal work great and without damaging the pride of others.

Why isn't a pickup truck for everyone?

A variety of books, articles and trainings are now offered on the topic of pickup. They say that anyone can learn to pick up. But it seems it's not for everyone. Some look absolutely ridiculous and achieve nothing in this field. Why is that?

If you started reading this article without any preparation for seduction, hoping to simply pick up a few useful and effective phrases, you will be disappointed. They will not turn a naturally timid and shy person into a hero-lover. This is the first thing.

Secondly, the pickup is aimed at emotions - to amaze, impress, be remembered. But as soon as this moment passes, a person faces a choice - to keep this brand for some more time (which is very difficult if in fact it is not at all his style), or to look for other methods of attracting attention.

Thirdly, a pickup truck, of course, is a great way to “pick up” a girl, but it’s not very suitable for finding a loved one. Is it worth wasting your precious time on this when you can just be yourself and live, hoping one day to meet a person with whom you will share the same world? True love is such a miracle, why build a framework for this wonderful feeling and deny it?

Life is too short to spend it alone, staring at the monitor. You can use the Internet to meet interesting girls. What phrases can you use to meet a girl on the Internet?

How to meet a girl on the Internet - phrases for dating

Guys often look for ready-made phrases and dialogues for meeting girls on the Internet.

To attract a girl's attention, you will have to work a little with your own head. If nature has gifted you with the beauty of David Beckham or the brutality of Fyodor Bondarchuk, then your chances of getting a response even to the emoticon you sent will be quite high.

Don't despair, even if you have an average appearance, you can meet girls 365 days a year.

Someday you will find among them the one with whom you want to spend the rest of your life.
Or. You will become a professional pickup artist.
How to hook a girl?

Don't forget that every girl is an individual who can be most offended by your cliched phrase.

The hackneyed “hello”, “how are you” or a smiley face simply screams that you have sent them to a dozen or so other potential victims and are waiting for one of them to take your bait.

Don't be surprised if there is no catch at all. Approach the dating process creatively.

Take a closer look at her photographs. For example, in the photo she is in front of the Colosseum.

You are writing:

  • “You’re probably as in love with Rome as I am.”

She's in the photo with the dog. Your phrase:

  • “I love Labradors. I want to get myself a puppy. Can you give me any advice on whether it’s hard to raise them?”

You're too lazy to waste time looking at photos.

Then come up with a suitable phrase that will not sound banal, but will do. Stretch her pride, show your appreciation of her beauty:

  • “You are dressed with impeccable taste. You are a professional stylist"
  • “I probably have no chance of meeting a girl, especially such a beauty. Let me know if this is not the case."
  • “You are indescribably beautiful. Don't be offended if I address you as "you""

Pay attention, your phrases should encourage a response or action. Do not try to use phrases found on the Internet.

Come up with something of your own. You will have to meet a girl one on one, where you will have to be yourself.

How to start a correspondence or procedure

It’s even easier to choose phrases for meeting a girl on VKontakte or another social network.

Here, in addition to photographs, you can see various details from the girl’s life: where she studies (studied), where she works, how many friends she has, what kind of music she likes, what she posts on her wall.

Let's briefly describe your procedure:

  1. Study her profile.
  2. Change your profile a little (set your status to her favorite music; subscribe to groups in which she takes part; clean out the archive of your photos).
  3. Comment on your favorite photos of her.
  4. Send her a private message.
  5. Invite her to add you as a friend.

A personal message should be personal. A template is the last thing you should count on.

All your tricks will not help if outwardly you are not her type at all. She may be happy with her boyfriend or a convinced bluestocking. Don’t delay communication on the Internet, otherwise your communication will remain virtual. Don't overwhelm her with messages - give her the opportunity to choose.

Try to think outside the box - this will help you achieve success when meeting girls on the Internet.

Don’t use forbidden and cliched phrases - try to show your individuality.

Find out her phone number, don't give her yours - she won't call. Don't call her right away.

A pause will add value to your call. You will succeed - the main thing is to believe in yourself and be optimistic. People love those who love life.
Success will appear, just show persistence and patience, listen to our recommendations.