The most powerful hypnotist. How to use quick hypnosis. Hypnosis and positive attitude

Many of us are sure that we have only heard about the phenomenon of “instant hypnosis.” You will be shocked to know that you are exposed to it almost daily. Moreover, sometimes you yourself apply it in practice, but intuitively, on an unconscious level. This book will allow you to learn more about the amazing phenomenon of instant hypnosis and explain the mechanisms of its action. The recommendations given in the book will reveal the secret mechanisms of the functioning of human consciousness. You will receive a powerful tool for self-development, learn to enter trance states when you need it, and protect yourself from energetic influences that are aimed at suppressing your psyche.

A series: Your secret

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How to put someone into hypnosis

We are all already hypnotized. A light trance is present during any concentration and, paradoxically, during any relaxation. This is similar to microdoses of medicine that we have to take in “horse doses” during “correct” or “scientific” hypnosis.

Any dreams, distraction, relaxation are already a trance. It is up to you to strengthen it or interrupt it, although many people prefer to remain in a trance all their lives, only switching its various “channels”.

Trance as the basis of hypnosis

The fundamental problem with hypnosis, according to Charles Tart, is the premise of trance. “The word 'trans' usually has a negative connotation for us. If someone is acting confused, we tend to say that he is in a trance.

Trance is not necessarily just a passive stupor, but may involve a deliberate desire for some wrong things.

When we feel someone is in a trance, we encourage them to awaken and make full use of their natural abilities.

As a scientific term, the word "trance" is no longer widely used, partly because of its negative connotations, and partly because its meaning is never precisely defined. Every scientific term must clearly describe what the phenomenon it refers to is, without allowing confusion between what it is and how we feel about it. It is the negative associations that we are interested in here.

Despite the positive results of the use of hypnosis in medicine and psychotherapy as a means of accelerating learning, and despite decades of effort by responsible professionals to try to develop a more positive public opinion of hypnosis, the vast majority of people still associate hypnosis with trance. In this case, hypnosis itself acquires a negative meaning: it is believed that the hypnotized person is in a lifeless, half-asleep state, under the power of a hypnotist who controls and manipulates him, taking advantage of the superiority of his mind and will...

I think part of our aversion to the trance state that hypnotists induce is due to the fact that, at some level, we are aware of a very unpleasant fact for us. We are already in a state of trance and spend too much of our lives in one form of trance or another. Our behavior and our inner experiences are already largely controlled by other people, and we have little hope of changing anything. And the hypnotic state is perceived by us as an obvious “trance” simply because some of the things we do in this state are socially unusual.”

Methods of immersion in hypnosis

The technique of introducing a person into a hypnotic state is based on the use of various methods, which are conventionally divided into two large groups: methods of influencing analyzers with monotonous stimuli and methods of influencing a strong stimulus (shock methods). All methods of introducing hypnosis belong to one of two main methods.

One of the simplest methods is induction into a hypnotic state by fixing an object. The hypnotist asks the patient not to take his eyes off some object: a coin, a key, a pencil suspended on a rope. The choice of subject is practically unlimited. The main thing is that it is at a distance of at least 25 cm from the eyes of the person being hypnotized.

Once the patient has focused on the subject, the hypnotist should begin to make a series of suggestions. An indispensable condition is that the words must be pronounced monotonously, repeated and have a figurative character. First, the patient is instilled with a feeling of relaxation, drowsiness, heaviness, warmth, and then sleep.

In the past, hypnotization was done without verbal suggestions (for example, the Brad-Liebeault method). But nowadays, influence accompanied by words is more common.

Verbal formulations help describe sensations so that the hypnotized person feels them more fully. Verbal suggestion is intended to force the patient to close his eyes.

If he does not want to do this, the psychotherapist resorts to counting. In this case, suggestion is resumed when counting from 1 to 10.

But counting doesn't always help. Then, in order for the patient to close his eyes, the Bernheim method is used. To do this, the hand should be kept at a distance of several centimeters from the patient's face and often moved from top to bottom and vice versa. During these actions the suggestion is repeated:

“Follow my hand—up, down, up, down—and you will want to sleep. You are getting more and more sleepy." Then they say to the hypnotized person: “Now you can close your eyes.” The hypnotist then closes the patient's eyelids with his fingers.

The method of simple verbal suggestion is also used, which is carried out without the use of an object on which to concentrate the gaze.

The method of simple verbal suggestion is used when the patient finds it difficult to concentrate on something.

Hypnosis occurs in this way: the patient lies down on the sofa, the hypnotist asks him to close his eyes and makes a verbal suggestion.

Abbot Faria created the method in 1813, which was later named after him. Hypnosis through enchantment was especially common in India among fakirs and magicians. However, now this technique is used very rarely. The patient does not look at the object, but into the eyes of the therapist. In medicine, this method is most often used in the treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction, and when the patient is unbalanced.

An example of a suggestion made by a hypnotist:

“Look me in the eyes. Your gaze becomes heavier, heavier, your arms become heavy, your legs become heavy, your whole body becomes heavier. Your eyes are closing, but keep them open as long as you can look into my eyes. Your eyelids become heavy, they become heavy like lead. You fall asleep, you fall asleep."

When the patient closes his eyes, the therapist says:

“Your eyelids are stuck together, you won’t be able to open them until I tell you to.” The patient is then seated in a chair.

The main difficulty of this method is that the hypnotist needs to look into the patient’s eyes without looking up or blinking. To learn this, the doctor must train every day. Remember that when using the enchantment method, the therapist himself runs the risk of being hypnotized.

The hand raising method is quite complex. It was developed in 1923 by Erickson and is called the American method. To successfully apply this technique, special training is required. The main advantage of the American method is that the patient himself participates in the process of hypnotherapy.

The hypnotist says the following words:

“I want you to sit comfortably in your chair and relax. Sit down with your hands on your hips. Yes, yes. Look at your hands. Watch them carefully, but at the same time relax, do not tense up. Watch what happens during relaxation. The phenomena you observe happen all the time when you relax, but you didn’t notice them before. I'll let you know when they happen. Focus on all your sensations, record them. Whatever these phenomena may be, remember them. You may feel itching or a slight tingling sensation, or maybe feel heaviness in your arm. It doesn’t matter at all what exactly you are experiencing, the main thing is to observe it. Don't take your eyes off your hand. She is motionless and calm. For now it remains in its place, but there are already barely perceptible movements in it. You don’t feel them, but you look at your hand without looking away. Try to catch the moment when the movements become more noticeable.”

The suggestible person fixes his attention on his own hand. He wants to find out what comes next, because he is sure that his sensations are completely natural, that he always experiences them in appropriate conditions. The doctor does not impose his will on him, so the patient does not consider the therapist’s words as a suggestion. This, in fact, is what the hypnotist must achieve. The patient correlates the emerging sensations with the words of the psychotherapist, and he has corresponding reactions. For example, a completely natural movement of the fingers, which the doctor points out immediately, barely noticing it. The psychotherapist must carefully observe the behavior of the suggestible person, notice the slightest changes and movements of the patient.

The hypnotist then continues the suggestion. He can say the following:

“Let's see which of your fingers moves first. Perhaps it will be the little finger, or the index finger, or the ring finger... or maybe the big one or the middle one... You will notice when one of them flinches and moves... You cannot know which one, so watch your hand carefully. Look, your little finger has moved. You see - your fingers are moving apart, the spaces between them are increasing... The fingers are moving apart more and more, the space between them is growing.”

The doctor, unnoticed by the patient, makes him a suggestion. The hypnotized person thinks that his fingers move apart on their own, that is, without any influence, but this happens due to the suggestion of the hypnotist. Thus, if the patient spreads his fingers, it means that the suggestion is “working.” The hypnotist seems to be stating a fact, but in reality he is controlling the patient’s actions.

Meanwhile, the doctor continues:

“Your fingers spread apart and then begin to bend on their own. Look: the middle finger bends and rises, the index finger bends... (at the same time the patient’s fingers begin to bend). You feel light, your hand becomes lighter and lighter. It rises... slowly, easily your hand rises. Look at your hand, you see how it becomes lighter and lighter. At the same time, you feel tired in your eyes and feel sleepy. You want to sleep more and more. Your eyelids become heavy as lead. You want to close your eyes. Your hand rises higher and higher. The higher your hand rises, the more you want to sleep. You want more and more to feel relaxed, close your eyes and fall asleep.”

It should be noted that raising your hand and falling asleep reinforce each other. That is, the higher the patient raises his hand, the more sleepy he becomes.

The psychotherapist says the following:

“Your hand comes up towards your face. Your eyes are getting heavier and heavier, and you want to sleep more and more. You feel increasingly sleepy... your hand rises to your face. When a hand touches your face, you will fall asleep.”

At this moment, the patient touches his face with his hand and falls asleep.

Together with other methods, the so-called metronome method is successfully used. It is based on the fact that, to the rhythmic knocking of this instrument, the hypnotist suggests to the patient that he falls asleep. The metronome beats help the hypnotized person to concentrate and distract from external stimuli. A number of techniques are based on this technique, in particular, the technique of I. Platonov, I. Velvovsky and many others. The metronome can be replaced by a clock, monotonous rustling, knocking.

Simultaneously with monotonous sounds, it is necessary to pronounce approximately the following words: “You are in a state of mental peace, you are overcome by drowsiness. You feel pleasantly relaxed, warmth spreads throughout your body, and you feel drowsy. Your arms and legs become heavy, your eyelids become heavy, and you fall asleep. Can you hear my voice? I will count to ten, and with each number you fall deeper and deeper into sleep... one... two... three... You fall asleep, your sleep becomes calm and deep.”

It must be said that all the hypnotist’s phrases report events that have already happened. The doctor does not say what should happen, he states the fact: “you have already fallen asleep,” and not “you will fall asleep.”

One of the main attributes of a hypnotist is a shiny object, such as a metal ball.

V. Rozhnov suggests using the following method, which is based on the use of a shiny object. The patient must fix his gaze on a metal object, and the therapist says:

“Relax. Lie down quietly and listen carefully to my words. Don't think about anything extraneous. You want to sleep, your eyelids become heavy. You feel a pleasant warmth spreading throughout your body. The muscles of the legs and arms, face, neck, head relax... You want to sleep. I will count to ten, and when I say the number ten, you will fall asleep.”

The method of D. Kogan and V. Faibushevich is also quite interesting. It's quite simple. The psychotherapist says the following words:

“Lie back without thinking about anything, get comfortable. I will read you an excerpt from a poem. As you read, you will calm down and you will feel a feeling of warmth in your body. Your thoughts will stop bothering you, you will fall into slumber. You will fall asleep more and more, more and more soundly. When I finish reading, you will fall asleep. Nothing will disturb you, all extraneous sounds and thoughts will go away.”

Radical methods

As mentioned above, in addition to methods of influencing analyzers with monotonous stimuli, so-called shock methods are also used. J. Charcot used a method that was later named after him.

According to this technique, the patient is placed with his back to the chair. The hypnotist stands to the right of the patient and says: “You will now fall into a deep sleep. Stand straight, straight, do not bend over. Close your eyes". After the suggestion, the doctor places his right hand on the patient’s forehead and his left hand on the back of the head. Having tilted the patient's head back, the psychotherapist suggests:

“You swing freely,” and at the same time presses on the head of the hypnotized person. The latter begins to swing, the doctor pushes him, increasing the amplitude each time. At the same time, he repeats: “You lean back, but you are not afraid of falling. I'm holding you."

The doctor rocks the patient harder and harder. Sharply pressing on the patient’s forehead, the hypnotist lowers him onto the sofa and loudly orders: “Sleep! Deeper, stronger, sleep!”

The last suggestion is accompanied by a sharp sound - a clap, a blow or a flash of light. Patients then immediately fall into a hypnotic sleep. This method works best on hysterical patients.

The fractional method was created by Fogg and Kretschmer. Its main feature is that the method allows you to put into a state of trance even those people who are distrustful of suggestion or are not sure of the effectiveness of this therapy. The hypnotist puts the patient into shallow hypnosis, and then says: “I will count to three. On the count of three you will wake up, and then I will again put you into hypnosis, but this time longer and deeper.” When the suggestible person wakes up, he is asked to tell about the sensations he experienced, about what prevented him from falling asleep. The doctor must analyze the patient’s words and conduct the next immersion in hypnosis, avoiding previous mistakes.

If the patient is agitated, then between the first and second sessions there is a break of several minutes so that the patient calms down.

Currently, this method has been somewhat improved. Thus, questions about the patient’s well-being are asked not during pauses, but during the period of his immersion in hypnotic sleep. In other words, the patient is not brought out of the trance.

If the method described above should be performed when the patient is afraid to fall into a hypnotic sleep, then the “confusion” technique is used for patients who are skeptical and dismissive of hypnotic therapy. The method consists of giving the patient several suggestions that are opposite in meaning and require a quick switch of attention. For example, a doctor asks a patient to move his left hand, but not to move his right hand. Before the patient fulfills this requirement, the psychotherapist repeats the command, but already orders him to move his right hand. Usually the patient thinks that the doctor made a mistake the first time and follows a different command, that is, he gets confused. Then the hypnotist asks you to raise both hands up, but at the same time lower one down. The patient does not understand what exactly is required of him and what command needs to be followed, so he expects to hear at least one normal sentence.

The doctor does not allow the patient to come to his senses and pronounces new commands, equally contradictory. When the patient is completely confused, he is given the command to close his eyes and fall asleep.

Complex sweep methods

There are also more complex techniques that require sufficient skill and experience from the psychotherapist. These include the “5–4–3–2–1” method.

The essence of this method is as follows: the doctor does not just give the patient a certain attitude, but disguises it. That is, first he pronounces several statements, with which the hypnotized person consistently agrees, and only then directly adds the command that needs to be suggested. This technique includes five stages.

In the first stage, the therapist says four statements that describe what the hypnotized person is observing at the moment. The fifth statement, the one with which the patient must agree, is the last the doctor adds. Similarly, the therapist makes four statements that describe what the patient is now hearing. The fifth contains a suggestion, which is added to the general series last.

Then come sentences containing information about how the patient feels, and a suggestion is added in the same way.

The second stage differs from the first in the number of statements stating facts and the number of suggestions: the hypnotist makes three “true” statements about what the patient sees, hears and feels, and adds two suggestions.

At the third stage, the number of statements is reduced to two, and the number of suggestions, on the contrary, increases to three. Thus, the doctor describes with two statements what the patient actually perceives with visual, auditory and tactile analyzers, and with three statements he makes suggestions.

At the fourth stage, the number of suggestions is four, and only one statement is true about what the patient sees, hears and feels.

Fifth stage: the hypnotist only suggests, without stating facts.

The exit from the hypnotic state of consciousness when using this method should occur slowly, gradually, without traumatizing the patient’s psyche. During hypnosis, the therapist must describe not only tangible stimuli, such as the sound of a metronome, but also images and sounds that a person would not normally pay attention to (breathing, the ticking of the second hand of a watch, and so on). Suggestion is added so that the hypnotized person has the illusion that he himself feels, sees and hears it, but at the subconscious level (with inner vision, hearing).

Another interesting method is called “Triple Helix”. It was developed by Milton Erickson. This is a rather complex technique, as it requires the psychotherapist to be collected and focused. First, the hypnotist tells the patient a story. But without finishing it, he breaks off in the middle and begins to tell another story, which he also breaks off in the middle. The hypnotist tells the third story in its entirety, after which he finishes the first. As a result, the patient does not remember all three stories, but only the first and second. The third story is forgotten very quickly, so it is the third story that contains the command to the patient.

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The given introductory fragment of the book Instant hypnosis. The power of suggestion, techniques, techniques (V. B. Zaitsev, 2013) provided by our book partner -

“Hypnosis has always been the lot of a chosen caste and the privilege of the powerful of this world. The secrets of the art of hypnosis can only be revealed to selected students. You can only learn if you study with a professional hypnotist. Only knowledge communicated from the mouth of the Teacher is powerful and useful. Otherwise, the knowledge available to the masses is sterile and weak. I teach everything I know individually in a mini-group or one-on-one. Faith. self-control and persistent practice are the key to success.” Gennady Goncharov

Gennady Goncharov

Gennady Goncharov is a famous world-class hypnotist, founder of the Moscow school of hypnosis. Under his leadership, the School conducts serious theoretical research into the possibilities of hypnosis.

The results are summarized in unique techniques, such as “Coding for Luck” or “System for Restoring Personality Structure.” Gennady often appears in print, on radio and television in the programs “Extro-UFO”, “Third Eye”, in 1995 he was the author of the German television program “Russia under Hypnosis”.

He authored the following books: “School of Hypnosis, Stage I”, “School of Hypnosis, Stage II”, “Suggestion: Theory and Practice”.

Gennady Goncharov is the head of the one-of-a-kind School of Hypnosis.
The hypnotist, who proved to the whole world the power of human capabilities, won the 1992 world hypnotist competition in Tokyo. Corresponding Member International Academy of Informatization
Participant in television programs: “Third Eye”, “Extro-UFO”, “Big Wash”, “Price of Success”, “Domino Principle”, “Infomania” participant in the world super show in Japan “NIPPON TELEVISION NETWORK CO”, author of a television program on German television SAT -1 “Russia under hypnosis.”
Goncharov was born in the Mogilev region (Belarus). Zodiac sign: Leo-Ox.
From early childhood I was in constant search for answers to the mysteries of life. “There was something in me that made me different from other children... As a seven-year-old boy, I loved to contemplate the starry sky. I felt that there was some kind of mystery in him, it fascinated and beckoned me. It seemed to me that the stars had a life of their own. I felt the amazing calm that reigns there in the sky.”

The most famous psychic in Russia will teach you!

Gennady Goncharov is the most famous psychic in Russia today, the different facets of whose biography are mind-blowing. He worked in unit 10003 with Lieutenant General Savin, he became the best hypnotist in Tokyo, he practiced hypnosis for a long time, came to vegetarianism and spiritual practices, he learned those facets of the structure of the world that are not known to those sleeping. The most interesting of people! His course “Self-hypnosis. Superpowers. Spiritual Development of Man" is a pearl among seminars on extrasensory human development. Science and mysticism. Possible and impossible. ....

Visiting the editor-in-chief of Pravda.Ru, Inna Novikova, the founder and director of the Moscow School of Hypnosis, author of many books on the theory and practice of hypnosis, corresponding member of the International Academy of Informatization. Gennady Arkadyevich talks about the inexhaustible resources and hidden capabilities of the human body, reveals the professional secrets of hypnotists and gives practical advice on auto-training. It turns out that there are special techniques that allow you to program yourself to have sweet and interesting dreams, get rid of stress, program yourself to achieve success and tune in to the positive - for example, before an interview for a new job or a wedding...

In the next issue of PravdaBlogs, the head of the Moscow School of Hypnosis, Gennady Goncharov, talks about the trainings/

The founder of the Moscow School of Hypnosis, Gennady Goncharov, is rightfully considered the strongest hypnotist in the world. Gennady Goncharov told the editor-in-chief of Pravda.Ru, Inna Novikova, about what unusual talents a lightning strike revealed in him, about the miraculous transformation of a sumo wrestler into a five-year-old child, about dreams and the superman who sleeps in everyone.

Gennady Goncharov: “Hypnosis is my karma”

— Gennady Arkadyevich Goncharov, you are the leader and creator of the Moscow School of Hypnosis, the best psychic in the world, winner of the Grand Prix in Tokyo in 1992, author of books on the theory and practice of hypnosis and corresponding member of the International Academy of Informatization. Everywhere it is written that your Moscow school of hypnosis is unique. What makes it unique?

— There are no schools of hypnosis in the world now. There have been only a few of them in the entire history of mankind, the last one was created 200 or 300 years ago in France. I also managed to create a new profession, the profession of hypnologist.

- When did hypnosis appear?

— Hypnosis was used 5 thousand years ago. During the time of the pharaohs, the ritual “resurrection of Isis” was performed. Indian yogis also practiced self-hypnosis and went into trance. The yogi or fakir turned off all his senses, his ears, nostrils, eyes were sealed and he was buried. Two months later, the students dug him up, revived him, poured warm oil on his face and the top of his head.

— What practical benefits were there in such experiments?

- They all talk about human reserve capabilities, that we do not know our capabilities. But a person always has a dream, he always wanted more. In a practical sense: we live in a big city, we lack air, oxygen, prana, as they say now. We need to look for sources of renewed vitality. Then, people want to earn money, they want to realize themselves, to be successful. After all, many famous people, and this is no secret, looked for the sources of energy in esotericism, in occultism.

— Is hypnosis medicine or extrasensory perception?

- Wider. This includes sports, politics, advertising, medicine, and psychology. This is the ability to impress another person in any way: with the help of gestures, some special advertising, with the help of images.

— I really have a lot of questions, hypnosis is a very interesting and very closed topic. There are at least three, if not four versions of how you became a hypnotist.

- I'll tell you the whole truth. When I was in elementary school, a famous hypnotist came to us and gave mass hypnosis sessions. He showed all sorts of miracles and found objects blindfolded. I approached him and asked how he did it, to which he said: “Practice self-hypnosis and you will achieve everything.” When I was a child, I was hit by lightning. A thunderstorm began, I stood under a huge oak tree. The shock passed through me. I fell and lost my sight, hearing, and smell. I lay on the grass for some time: consciousness returned, but I understood that I couldn’t see or hear anything. I asked: come back, sight, come back, hearing! After some time everything came back. But all my senses became heightened. I began to hear ultrasounds, infrasounds, I perceive smells at a distance of 100-200 meters. I can move the compass needle and other objects. But this takes a long time to learn. You need to seriously work on yourself, gain faith in yourself - only then will the secret of hypnosis be revealed to a person.

— You received the title “best hypnotist in the world” in Tokyo. What kind of competition was there? How did you become the best hypnotist in the world, and what did it give you?

— The Japanese traveled all over the world for several years and brought New Zealand sorcerers, voodoo, yogis, Chinese qigong and wushu masters, and there were also Filipino healers. I saw many miracles, but all participants demonstrated them on themselves. I put a Japanese man, an adult man, into the state of a 5-year-old child. Besides, the Japanese wanted to see everything for real. They are such a nation that they check everything: everything should be on the devices - hemoglobin, pressure, the speed of propagation of the pulse wave, because they say: “what if it’s harmful?”

— They weren’t afraid to give you a living Japanese for an experiment?

— Before I was invited to the 5,000-seat hall, I did it behind the scenes. I demonstrated to scientists from the University of Tokyo that the pressure of an adult does not increase, and the speed of propagation of the pulse wave becomes like that of a 5-year-old child. I chose a sumo wrestler with a lot of muscle mass. By the way, this is one of the secrets of hypnosis: the higher a man’s muscle mass, the more hypnotizable he is. I made him draw a cat with his eyes closed. Everything hits the spot. He also sang a song about yellow tulips in Japanese in a child's voice. Can you imagine? The audience was laughing to the point of tears. The jury members jumped up from their seats. He began to play in the sand and sat in the half-lotus position, although it was not easy for him to sit down. And all indicators show five years of age: blood pressure is normal, hemoglobin is above the limit - like a child’s. I was unanimously awarded first place, the Grand Prix.

—You say that hypnotists must be spiritual people and control their own powers. Are there such spontaneous talents?

- Sometimes you come across gifted people - for example, the famous healer Dzhuna Davitashvili. I experienced her influence myself, and it doesn’t matter to me what kind of education she has, how many academies she graduated from. It is important that she has healing hands.

— I thought that hypnosis was simply when you look into a person’s eyes and speak.

— I wouldn’t want to reveal professional secrets. Not all people are ready for this; they will start experimenting. There are also those who are mistaken and impose their delusions on others. I’m trying to get people out of their long-term hibernation. Only seven percent of our brain is working - as in a state of deep sleep. When Americans and Europeans began to research autogenic training, self-hypnosis, they discovered an amazing thing. When a yogi falls asleep, his right hemisphere begins to receive more oxygen and nutrients. It's like he's waking up. After such a dream, a person’s creative abilities are revealed, he is able to sing, write poetry, and draw.

More about hypnosis: When weak will is a virtue

- Can we see in a dream what we have never seen in reality, and at the same time what exists in reality?

- Can. We live in a common information field. Vernadsky, the greatest scientist, proved that all living things are united by a certain essence, a certain higher will - an information principle. That is, in the information field, any event has a response. And in reality, people only see traces of phenomena. So, all these traces are present in the information field. Therefore, if you dreamed about the same thing several times, it means that most likely it exists in reality.

— And on this topic: how do you feel about the recent fashion of learning languages ​​in your sleep?

— We were engaged in this matter when in 1997 I created a school of hypnosis. We had a teacher - an Englishwoman from Oxford. I put the group into a hypnotic sleep, the students not only learned the language, but also spoke English with an Oxford accent. But it’s very hard, you have to work every day. But I see other prospects before me: I am an experimental person. I have proven that this is possible - let others continue to work. I have my own way.

—What is your path for you?

“I want to make a god-man, a superman out of a man.” We are created in the image and likeness of the Creator, but have not yet fully revealed ourselves. Only pure people who have embarked on the path of spiritual development can follow the path of the gods. I want everyone to work on themselves, and this is my purpose. I can only give something by personal example. I try to use the best that humanity has accumulated in this regard in my work and pass it on to my students.

Read the most interesting in the section"Society"

Prepared the interview for publication

The power of rapid hypnosis is so great that even after the end of the session a person can be under its influence. We are talking about the so-called. The hypnotist can make a person an orientation for the future, program him to perform an action or, conversely, to not act (in the treatment of alcoholism). The installation is made by the hypnotist while the patient is in a deep trance of rapid hypnosis. For example, he may say that after the end of a quick hypnosis session, exactly 15 minutes later, you will have an irresistible desire to call your old friend. And rest assured, in exactly 15 minutes the person will call a friend. At the same time, he will find some completely reasonable explanation for his action. The most powerful hypnosis is used for medical purposes to treat alcoholism, drug addiction, and psychosomatic diseases. The power of hypnosis can program a person to perform an action in a year or two. The only condition is that the programmed action should not contradict the internal moral standards of the hypnotized person.

Strong hypnosis - features of application

When using rapid hypnosis, you must always remember that there is a category of people whose psyche is especially susceptible to suggestion. Strong hypnosis of a person, in order to avoid complications, should not be practiced on this category of citizens. Since with frequent hypnotization they may develop a tendency to involuntarily (without) fall into a trance. Strong covert hypnosis is highly undesirable to use on children. Conducting hypnotherapy with children requires special care from the hypnotist; words of suggestion should be chosen very carefully.

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Fast hypnosis - instant hypnotization

If the hypnotist has pronounced telepathic abilities, then he can use rapid hypnosis. This is a type of hypnotic influence without verbal suggestion.
In some cases, if a very strong hypnosis treatment requires several sessions, the hypnotist may use post-hypnotic suggestion. Then, at the next meeting, the hypnotist uses quick hypnosis and instantly puts you in a trance. It should be noted that there are very few people who have the gift of telepathy, as well as people who know the technique of rapid hypnosis.