Thermal water at home for the face. What mineral water to replace thermal water

Recently, thermal water has become a very popular cosmetic product. It is used not only for performing health procedures for the body, but also as a means of preserving the beauty and youth of facial skin. The main task of thermal water is to intensively moisturize the skin, fill it with mineral salts and vitamins, protect the epidermis from external negativity, and give makeup durability and freshness.


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What is thermal water

The positive effect of this product on facial skin is explained by its composition. Thermal water, like mineral water, is extracted from underground sources. But unlike the latter, it arrives at the surface already warm. At temperatures of +20 degrees and above, minerals beneficial to the skin are retained in the water in the required concentration, which, when used regularly, activate metabolic processes at the cellular level, stimulate regeneration and improve immunity.

The springs from which thermal water is obtained lie at great depths. This is a guarantee of protection against chemical contamination. Therefore, thermal water is much superior in purity to mineral water.

The composition of this useful liquid is largely influenced by the place where it is mined and the temperature at which it comes to the surface. Thermal water is divided into several categories depending on which minerals predominate in it and what their concentration is.


Type of thermal water Description Manufacturers
IsotonicIt has a neutral composition and is rich in minerals; its composition is similar to the intercellular fluid. It has a soothing and relieving effect on the skin. Unlike other types of thermal water, its excess does not need to be removed with napkinsUriage, Cora
HypertensiveContains a large amount of salts of the sodium carbonate group. Suitable for eliminating a variety of inflammatory processes, treating acne and acne. Well soothes the skin and eliminates rednessVichy, Bioderma
HypotonicContains a small concentration of mineral components. Ideal for dry skin types. Has an anti-inflammatory effectAvene
SulphurousContains high concentrations of hydrogen sulfide. Suitable for eliminating oily shine, helping treat dermatitisFrais Monde
Selenium-containingEnriched with selenium, which protects the skin from the effects of free radicals, is suitable for healing sunburn, prevents early aging and the formation of wrinklesLa Roche Posay

The main benefit of thermal water for facial skin is that it is a completely natural product containing valuable substances in high concentrations. It is needed in the following cases:

  • to eliminate excess dry skin after being on the beach or in the solarium, thoroughly moisturizing and protecting from ultraviolet radiation;
  • for protection from low temperatures and wind;
  • for smoothing the skin before using decorative cosmetics and after completing makeup to maintain its freshness;
  • to activate blood microcirculation and improve oxygen supply to cells, which leads to renewal and rejuvenation of the epidermis;
  • to remove excess sebum and eliminate oily sheen;
  • for the treatment of acne, acne and other rashes with regular use;
  • for improving complexion due to the high content of nutrients.

How to choose the right one

Thermal water is a skin care cosmetic product, so when choosing a specific brand, it is necessary to take into account the type of skin, its condition and existing dermatological problems.

If a woman has normal skin or tends to be dry, she needs to chooseisotonic water. It is neutral towards skin cells, as it has a similar concentration of mineral salts and does not change their size. This product has a good moisturizing effect and protects against inflammation and peeling.

Hypertonic water is suitable for oily and combination skin types. It soothes and relieves inflammation, treats acne and acne. With the help of hypertonic water, you can normalize the pH balance, protect the skin from the aggressive influence of external factors and strengthen local immunity.

Selenium-containing thermal liquid is suitable for sensitive skin. This mineral normalizes the physiological balance of the skin and reduces sensitivity with regular use. As a result of using such thermal water, swelling decreases, irritation and itching disappear, the skin becomes hydrated and rejuvenated.

For irritated and too dry dermis, the hypotonic variety should be used. This product has a very delicate effect, moisturizes and soothes well.

How to use

Thermal water is a universal skin care product and has a wide range of uses. It is important to use this product correctly for maximum effectiveness.

To moisturize the skin, the product can be used periodically throughout the day. To do this you need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. 1. Spray thermal water slightly upward from the face.
  2. 2. Place your face in the center of the resulting “cloud” of tiny droplets.
  3. 3. Wait a few seconds for the liquid particles to settle on the surface of the skin.
  4. 4. If necessary, blot off excess moisture with a napkin.

This application of thermal water has a delicate effect. Therefore, this method can be used not only to moisturize clean skin, but also to fix makeup. It is especially recommended to carry out such procedures during the day when you are in rooms with very dry air, when air conditioning or central heating is running.

To tone and normalize the acid-base balance, spraying must be done in a different way:

  1. 1. Close your eyes and spray thermal water onto your previously cleansed face for 2 seconds.
  2. 2. Wait 30 seconds for the moisture to be absorbed.
  3. 3. Blot excess liquid with a napkin.

Precautionary measures

Although thermal water is a delicate product, there are several rules that, if followed, will help avoid negative consequences from its use.

List of main prohibitions:

  • Do not leave excess moisture on your face after spraying thermal water. The product draws moisture from the skin as it evaporates, although this happens very slowly. Therefore, be sure to blot the remaining product with a napkin. The exception is isotonic thermal water; it does not need to be removed from the face.
  • Do not spray the product in direct sunlight, as its drops will act as a magnifying glass, which increases the likelihood of getting a microscopic sunburn and premature aging of the skin.
  • There is no need to shake the can before spraying. This increases gas consumption and leads to wasted product consumption.

How to make thermal water yourself

Now this cosmetic product is very easy to buy in any store, but if you wish, you can prepare it yourself. The advantage of a homemade product is that you can be sure of its naturalness and the absence of harmful components.

The easiest way involves using good quality mineral water, for example “Essentuki No. 17”. You need to leave the bottle open overnight so that gas and all harmful substances come out of the liquid. The next morning, it should be poured into a bottle with a spray bottle and used as directed.

If homemade thermal water will be sprayed over makeup, you need to choose a spray bottle with small holes so that the liquid is distributed in the form of wet dust and not droplets.

Supplement Recipes

For variety, you can make thermal water with additives at home. Herbal decoctions from medicinal plants have a good caring effect. They must be selected according to the type of skin:

  • for fatty foods use mint or sage;
  • for normal use chamomile flowers;
  • for dry, linden color is suitable.

To prepare the decoction you will need:

  • 1 tbsp. l. selected medicinal herbs;
  • 200 ml water.


  1. 1. Pour vegetable raw materials into boiling water.
  2. 2. Boil for 1 minute.
  3. 3. Leave to brew.
  4. 4. Mix with settled mineral water, adding 30 ml of herbal decoction per 70 ml of base.

In summer, you can add honey to your homemade remedy to prevent dry skin. For every 100 ml of liquid you will need 1/4 tsp. beekeeping product. This product, in addition to good hydration, will also provide the skin with additional nutrition.

For oily skin, it is useful to use a recipe with lemon juice. This liquid will relieve the skin of increased oiliness and reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands. For 100 ml of home thermal water you need to add 1 tsp. sour juice.

Essential oils as a beneficial supplement are suitable for any type of epidermis. They can be combined according to your wishes and taste, in any case they will nourish and moisturize the skin. Oily ether is difficult to combine with liquid, so it is recommended to first mix a few drops of oil with sea salt or honey, and only then dissolve the substance in a mineral base.

Thermal water for the face is a ready-made cosmetic product given by nature itself. The benefits of life-giving water are priceless for the skin. Instant effect of freshness and hydration, can be used regularly. Thanks to its use, it is easy to delay aging processes, enjoying the perfect color and smooth structure.

The benefits of thermal water for skin

Main purpose thermal waters– this is to instantly moisturize and saturate with life-giving moisture. It contains a whole complex of minerals to restore delicate facial skin. Its action is especially indispensable under unfavorable environmental conditions, as well as in the summer. This is a quick way to improve hydrobalance and refresh the skin.

Beneficial features:

  1. Relieves inflammation and irritation;
  2. Soothes the skin;
  3. Increases immune indicators;
  4. Protects from sun rays;
  5. Dries acne, reduces pores;
  6. Removes free radicals;
  7. Stops the aging process;
  8. Restores after sunburn, relieves redness.

Cream with thermal water provides maximum hydration and protection from ultraviolet radiation. Thanks to regular use, the number of wrinkles is reduced, elasticity and firmness are restored.

The composition of thermal water depends on the amount of micro and macroelements. It is important to choose the right one based on your skin type. Contraindications are only individual sensitivity to the components.

Types of thermal waters:

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

  • isotonic– is as close as possible to the chemical composition of skin cells, has a neutral pH, and is used for restoration and moisturizing;
  • hydrocarbonate– highly mineralized water, has a drying and anti-inflammatory effect, is used for medicinal purposes, as well as for the care of oily, problematic dermis;
  • with selenium– has a beneficial effect on aging skin, stimulates renewal processes, provides deep hydration and protection.

Rating of the best

Uriage – suitable for daily care, perfectly moisturizes and mattifies the skin. The freshness effect is achieved gradually, maximum hydration appears three hours after spraying water. The manufacturer recommends replacing tonic or lotion, as well as cream, with a cosmetic product during the hot season. The anti-inflammatory effect allows use for oily skin prone to acne. Also suitable for dry and sensitive skin, thanks to a complex of minerals, sulfates and chlorides. Price – 50 ml 290 rub., 150 ml – 460 rub.

Letual - facial spray provides hydration and nutrition, thanks to the high content of pantothenic acid. Recommended for use to restore sensitive skin, protects against exposure to sunlight, and perfectly soothes the epidermis. Price 150 ml – 200 rub.

Pierre Rene - professional thermal water additionally contains hyaluronic acid. Recommended for use for dull skin that has lost its elasticity and freshness. Minerals penetrate deep into the epidermis, nourish and saturate the cells with life-giving elements. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels and helps strengthen the walls of capillaries. Accelerates the renewal process, and also soothes and restores after cosmetic procedures. Can be used for all skin types, an indispensable product for aging dermis. You can buy 300 ml for 650 rubles.

La Roche-Posay - the best water, will be a real salvation for sensitive skin. It has antioxidant properties and is recommended for the prevention of aging and loss of elasticity. It is used as a moisturizer after creams containing glycerin, which removes moisture; thermal water replenishes its deficiency. Used to speed up the recovery process after cosmetic procedures. It is also part of a complex for the treatment of dermatological diseases. Where to buy medicinal water? You can easily find it in pharmacies, as well as medical cosmetics stores, price 300 ml - 520 rubles.

Vichy - has a high mineral content, so it is suitable for complex treatment for problematic, acne, and oily skin. The place of extraction is the Auvergne volcano; the source has a unique formula that cannot be synthesized in laboratory conditions. Contains more than thirty minerals and trace elements that allow you to moisturize and stop the aging process. After spraying, the skin instantly becomes softer and more tender. Price 150 ml – 390 rub., 300 ml – 530 rub.

Libriderm - thermal water is extracted from springs located in Scotland, the main purpose is to preserve the freshness of the skin. The composition contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, a universal product that can be used for all types of dermis, including sensitive ones. Price – 190 rub. for 125 ml.

Avene is a thermal water of low mineralization, therefore suitable for delicate, sensitive and dry skin. Silicon increases immunomodulatory properties, and zinc, iron and manganese protect the skin from inflammation and peeling. Recommended for regular use for eczema, as well as acne, soothes after hair removal, peeling and other procedures. How much it costs depends on the volume; at the pharmacy you can buy 50 ml for 280 rubles, 150 ml - 450 rubles, 300 ml - 540 rubles.

How to prepare thermal water at home

What can replace thermal water? This cosmetic product should not be confused with micellar water. They not only have different compositions, but also different purposes. Micellar water is created specifically for delicate skin cleansing, including makeup removal. Therefore, after treatment, the product must be washed off along with any remaining dust and decorative cosmetics. Thermal, has a natural origin, its main purpose is to use it to moisturize the face and freshness, so no additional rinsing is required.

Making thermal water with your own hands is not difficult. Be sure to stock up on a bottle with a spray nozzle; the smaller the droplets are sprayed, the better the effect.

For oily skin

Using medicinal water can calm inflammation and remove redness. Acne dries out and pores become noticeably smaller.


  • 100 ml Borjomi;
  • 3 drops of tea tree ether.

Open the water and leave for several hours until the bubbles come out. Add moisturizing and vegetable oil, pour the finished liquid into the prepared bottle. Apply two/three times a day, can be used instead of morning moisturizing.

For dry and sensitive

Thermal water for facial skin prone to dryness and irritation will restore pH balance and strengthen thin capillaries. Thanks to the natural composition, the integument is quickly restored and immune parameters are improved.


  • 100 ml essentuki;
  • 10 ml jojoba oil;
  • 5 drops sandalwood essential oil.

Release the bubbles, add warm jojoba oil and sandalwood ether. Pour into a spray bottle and shake vigorously before each use.

Interesting video: Thermal water for problem skin at home

How to use

The method of use is quite simple and convenient. You can also use thermal water in the office; it is especially useful if you spend a lot of time in front of the monitor. Spray for 5 seconds with a spray on the face, body at a distance of fifteen centimeters, describing a figure eight in the air. Then you need to kind of enter this formed cloud so that the droplets are evenly distributed. The procedure is carried out up to three/four times a day, so it is important to calculate the interval between applications. At least three hours must pass before the next spraying.

The composition of thermal water is also important for its proper use. Weak and moderately mineralized waters can be left on the skin for complete absorption, but highly mineralized waters should be blotted immediately, otherwise the active composition may cause a feeling of tightness.

Thermal water for facial skin should become an indispensable item in every woman's cosmetic bag. Its main goal is intensive skin hydration, preservation and freshness of makeup, saturation of the epidermis with essential vitamins and microelements, as well as protection from negative external influences (sun, ecology, etc.).


Properties and benefits of thermal water

The amazing cosmetic effect of thermal water on the skin is due to its composition. In terms of its properties, it can be compared with mineral water, because it is also extracted from underground sources. Thermal water is obtained from a source that is already warm (20 °C and above). This water contains enough minerals that are beneficial for the skin (calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, nitrogen, etc.), due to which, with its constant use, intercellular metabolism in the skin is improved, a reliable protective barrier against diseases is created, and recovery processes are improved.

The structure of thermal water is lighter than mineral water; it is devoid of excess microelements, salts and minerals that the skin is not able to absorb in large quantities. Thermal water for the face can be of several types, this is influenced by the chemical composition and mineralization, which vary greatly: from fresh and brackish nitrogen, bicarbonate, calcium, hydrogen sulfide, hydrocarbonate-sulfate, sodium and carbon dioxide to salty and brine nitrogen-methane, chloride, sodium, methane, calcium-sodium, nitrogen-methane, less often hydrogen sulfide. When choosing a product, this factor should be taken into account, since what is suitable for one skin type may be contraindicated for another.

The main function of thermal water is to intensively moisturize and tone the face. Remember that any skin, including oily skin, needs constant hydration. Only in this way will the epidermis be able to maintain internal balance, resist negative external influences (dust, ecology, etc.), and cope with stress.

Thermal water has excellent cleansing, anti-inflammatory and healing properties, stimulates blood circulation in the skin, improving the supply of oxygen and nutrients to cells, fights dehydration and prevents the appearance of wrinkles, keeping the skin young and attractive. Sometimes the use of such water is effective in accelerating the healing process of burns.

Already after the first use, the transformation of facial skin is noticeable. Thermal water improves complexion, helps solve the problem of oily, dry and flaky skin, eliminate comedones and inflammation, as well as other problems that arise due to overheating of the skin.

Why do you need thermal water and how to use it

Thermal water can be found in any specialty store or pharmacy. Most often it comes in the form of a spray of various volumes, which is very convenient; your favorite item will fit into any cosmetic bag and will always be with you. It is convenient to use water while at work in the office, or to take it with you on trips at any time of the year. For home use, such water is also indispensable, especially in winter, when the air in the apartment is very dry, and even in summer during the heat. Spraying thermal water on the face instantly eliminates dryness and signs of flaking, refreshes the skin, and renews makeup. It does not evaporate from the surface of the face, is completely absorbed by the epidermis, creating a kind of barrier that prevents moisture from evaporating excessively. This property will be useful to you during the beach season, after going to the solarium.

Thermal water is used in its pure form, in combination with other cosmetics, as well as for diluting powder masks and preparing home remedies. When washing your face in the morning and evening, it is good to use thermal water instead of regular water. In the morning, its use awakens and tones the skin, and at night it improves the effect of night cosmetics. If washing with such water is too expensive for you, then after cleansing the skin, simply spray thermal water on your face at a distance of 30 cm (close your eyes!), wait a little and remove the excess with a paper napkin. And then apply skincare products.

Video: All about thermal water in the Good Morning program

This cosmetic novelty is an excellent base for summer makeup. Not only does it go on smoothly, but it stays on all day long. It is enough to refresh your face with water from a spray a couple of times during the day, no more, without ruining your makeup.

The product is also good to use to set and prolong the freshness of newly applied makeup. Water-based cosmetics can be enriched with a few drops of thermal water.

The product can be sprayed onto cosmetic wipes and applied to the face for 10 minutes. In the same way, the product can be used for the area around the eyes.

There are practically no restrictions regarding the use of this cosmetic product; with a neutral pH, it can be used many times.

How to choose thermal water

The effect of using thermal water directly depends on its type and skin type. There are several types of it:

Hypotonic thermal water. The composition of thermal water is slightly mineralized and is intended for dry and sensitive skin.

Hypertonic thermal water. Thermal water contains a lot of mineral salts and tones the skin. The product is intended for oily skin and has an intense cleansing and antiseptic effect.

Isotonic thermal water. The composition is close to human blood serum, suitable for all types of facial skin, especially sensitive, and has a calming effect.

Hydrocarbonate thermal water. It has a high ionic composition, does not draw liquid from the surface of the skin, but retains it. Used to refresh the face and fix makeup.

Cosmetologists will help you choose one or another type of thermal water. Be sure to consult!

Video: Choosing thermal water.

Preparation of thermal water at home

You can try to make thermal water at home, and it will turn out no worse. To do this, open a bottle of Essentuki No. 17 mineral water and leave it for several hours so that all the gases come out. Everything can be used. To increase efficiency, you can add infusions of chamomile, calendula, sage, and mint to this water. The finished product will have good cleansing and moisturizing properties. This composition can be poured into ice cube trays, frozen and wiped on the face twice a day. Cleanliness, vitality and freshness of the skin are guaranteed.

Or, instead of herbal infusion, you can add lemon juice and your favorite essential oil to our “homemade” thermal water, which will enhance the effect of the product and add a pleasant aroma. For 500 ml of homemade thermal water, 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice and 6 drops of oil. Pour the composition into a clean and dry bottle with a spray bottle and store it out of reach of sunlight. The only drawback of the home remedy is that the spray is too coarse.

Regardless of the method of using thermal water, its effect is simply impossible not to notice! Use this amazing product and stay young and attractive.

Thermal water has long been a part of women's cosmetics. This universal care product appeared in the middle of the last century. Since then, women have been able to appreciate the benefits of regularly moisturizing their skin with a convenient thermal water spray bottle. In most cases, manufacturers of this product use mineral or thermal water, which is extracted from natural sources. Different brands of water may differ in their properties for the simple reason that each deposit has a special mineral composition, which means their valuable elements are somewhat different. But they all have moisturizing and refreshing properties. Most manufacturers bottle water in convenient bottles that you can always carry with you.

Thermal water is a simply irreplaceable product for summer. In the heat, the skin quickly dehydrates, and with the help of thermal water you can quickly put yourself in order. A few presses on the spray bottle - and the skin is again filled with moisture and breathes freshness. In addition, many people use thermal water as a cosmetic product to help cope with certain skin problems. Depending on its composition, water may have soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. Some manufacturers enhance the composition with various additives that help with minor skin rashes, enlarged pores and redness.
In addition, thermal water works as a makeup remover. By sprinkling your face a little, you can fix the makeup and give it a finished look. Thermal water also works great with overly thick foundation. As you know, excess powder can emphasize wrinkles. A spray with thermal water will help you cope with makeup errors: one spray conceals imperfections and makes the coverage lighter and more transparent.

Thermal water is available in many cosmetic brands, but if desired, it can be easily prepared at home. To do this, you need to purchase high-quality mineral water and simply pour it into a suitable container. The ideal option is a bottle left over after using branded thermal water. First, rinse it well and dry it, and only then fill it with mineral water. A special spray bottle for flowers is also suitable. When purchasing, pay attention to the sprayer: the smaller the hole in it, the more comfortable it will be to use thermal water. For example, special spray bottles for orchids are suitable.

Before use, water must be prepared. It is best to buy mineral water without gas - it can be used immediately. Carbonated water should be left open overnight to allow the gas to escape. In principle, you can easily get by with the natural composition, but, if desired, it can be enriched with additional ingredients.

Thermal water for problem skin.
Prepare a decoction of chamomile: 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs, pour 200 ml of boiling water and let the composition brew for about an hour. Then add the decoction (30 ml) to mineral water (70 ml) and use as needed.

Thermal water for oily skin.
For oily skin, it is recommended to add lemon juice to home thermal water. For 100 ml of mineral water you will need a teaspoon of freshly squeezed juice. This composition perfectly refreshes and helps regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Thermal water for dry skin.
In the case of dry skin, thermal water can be enriched with nutrients. For example, you can use honey (a quarter teaspoon per 100 ml). Shake the mixture well to disperse the honey, and spray as soon as you feel that the skin is tight and needs moisturizing.

Thermal water for all skin types.
Essential oils can also help improve the composition of thermal water. In addition, they aromatize the mineral water, giving it a pleasant smell. For 100 ml you need literally a few drops of your favorite oil. Tea tree oil has a healing effect on problem skin, drying out inflammation; orange oil is indicated for sagging and dry skin; Rose oil is recommended for aging skin, helping to restore elasticity and smoothness; Rosemary oil copes well with increased oily skin. In a word, all that remains is to find the composition that is shown to you personally.

You should use homemade thermal water in the same way as purchased thermal water, spraying it at a distance of 15 cm from your face. Cosmetologists recommend using this product not only as a stand-alone treatment, but also in combination with moisturizing creams and serums: generously sprinkle your face with thermal water and, without waiting for it to dry, apply your favorite product to the skin. This method helps to achieve maximum caring effect.

Have a good mood, dear readers!

If you haven’t dealt with thermal water before or don’t know why it is needed, then it’s time for a small (or big?) educational program) And it will be conducted by a great guru, a man who has been using miracle water for 7 years.

I will introduce you to my far from first, but favorite thermal camera and, using its example, I will tell you why and how to use it.

I really like the products of some drugstore cosmetics brands. For my skin, which is prone to dryness and irritation, delicate and effective pharmaceutical care products from French brands are sometimes a real salvation. As you know, such rulers are created on the basis of water from thermal springs; almost every product of the brand contains that same thermal water.

As I've noticed, your skin either likes water or it doesn't. Therefore, apparently, almost everything in one brand of pharmacy products is suitable, while in another brand you absolutely don’t like anything. Personally, for example, I have such a persistent incompatibility with Vichy cosmetics, but I have the most tender feelings for all the Avene and La Roche-Posay products I have tried.

Today we will talk about the basis of the products of one of the French brands and at the same time a separate product - the purest Avene thermal water.

The Avene spring thermal water has been flowing slowly from the depths of the Cévennes Mountains for 40 years and is enriched with precious minerals. Avene Thermal Water has a consistent composition with a low mineral content (207 mg/l) and therefore respects the natural balance and sensitivity of the skin without causing dehydration or irritation like other thermal waters containing high levels of minerals. This is a bacteriologically pure, neutral pH (7.5) and quartz-rich (14 mg/l) product that soothes sensitive skin. Its sedative properties have been demonstrated in more than 600 clinical observations in France. Avene Dermatological Laboratories have developed a line of dermo-cosmetic products that are based on Avene Key Thermal Water - ideal for both normal and the most sensitive skin.


Thermal water is released in spray form.

Volume bottles exist in three versions - 50 ml, 150 ml and 300 ml.

I now have a large bottle - 300 ml.

Extracted directly from the source, Avène Thermal Water retains its soothing, anti-inflammatory and softening properties.

Buy Avene thermal water You can buy it in large pharmacies or pharmacy supermarkets, as well as in online stores.

Price water varies depending on the volume of the bottle, but this difference is not particularly significant. Of course, it is most profitable to buy thermal water in the largest volume, but for carrying in a purse or for the first acquaintance, a small bottle is usually preferable.

50 ml - $4.25

150 ml - 6 dollars

300 ml - $7.50

Means sprayed using a classic spray bottle. As practice shows (and my own experience), the sprayer itself works differently with different volumes of bottles: in small bottles there were always no problems - excellent fine spraying, but in large bottles, like the one I have now, the spraying was less successful - water dust sometimes contains larger droplets. But I will not consider this comment as critical in general, because the advantages of the product more than cover this minor drawback.

The spray bottle closes lid. It is made of durable material, so it does not crack and fits tightly.


Bacteriologically pure and naturally rich in active elements, Aven Thermal Water has healing properties thanks to its unique composition.

And the composition of this product is exclusively pure thermal water from a unique source.

This water has a number of amazing properties, which makes it so useful and unlike others:

The low degree of mineralization provides water with excellent softening properties;

Silicon saturation gives water immunomodulatory properties;

A large amount of microelements (zinc, iron, manganese, silver, fluorine) provides a good anti-inflammatory effect on the skin4

This water is biologically pure and has a neutral pH level of 7.5.

First let's go over according to the points stated by the manufacturer, then let’s move on to how I personally use thermal water.

When you apply Avène Thermal Water, you will be enveloped in a feeling of softness.

The delicacy and sterility of Avène Thermal Water provide long-lasting protection for the skin:


Aven Thermal Water is bottled directly at the thermal spring and it sees the first ray of light when it touches your skin.

About my skin: normal, but prone to dryness, periodic rashes and allergic reactions. Irritation on it can be caused by both mechanical factors and the use of inappropriate cosmetics.

In what cases do I use thermal water?

in case of redness and irritation: I apply it to a cotton pad instead of toner and wipe my face after washing, after removing makeup, but before using cream - troubles go away much faster

to refresh your face: I simply spray thermal spray on my face, regardless of whether there is makeup on the skin or not - in the summer it saves from the heat, in the winter this spray moisturizes the skin in rooms with dry air during the heating season

after sunbathing: I spray thermal water directly onto overheated areas of the skin, apply after-sun product on top - this very soothes the skin and does not allow it to dry out from sun exposure

after epilation with wax or using an electric epilator: spraying thermal water onto the treated areas relieves irritation and discomfort, prevents redness, soothes microdamages, promoting rapid skin restoration

for skin damage, wounds: first of all, I spray the wound with thermal water, and only then apply the medicine - this helps cleanse and quickly heal the problem

*** By the way, in the photo you see nails covered with a wonderful and not capricious long-lasting varnish.


I think many people ask this question because not everyone can afford this product, considering it in some way a luxury.

So, I will please those who were looking for this information: there is an opinion that thermal water as a cosmetic product is a godsend for marketers!

Of course, thermal water in the usual closed bottles with a fine spray is very convenient and created precisely to be as convenient as possible to use for our needs. But in fact, thermal water is not a wonderful invention of chemists, but just water given to us by nature and extracted from springs and wells.

That is, in essence... it’s the same mineral water! And having chosen the most suitable water (in terms of mineral composition) for yourself, you can easily use it, mineral water from the supermarket. The main thing is that the mineral water has low mineralization. You just need to find a suitable reusable bottle with the finest spray atomizer - an atomizer.

What mineral water can replace thermal water?

Those with oily and combination skin with enlarged pores are advised to opt for waters with a high salt content - such as Borjomi, Narzan or Essentuki.

Normal and dry skin will be grateful for water with low mineralization - for example, “Golden Key” or “Holy Spring”.

In general, such selection should be individual, through your own trial and error. Fortunately, the price of the issue in the case of mineral water is a pittance. Again, it’s not suitable for the face - drink it and look further))

And if you can afford convenient and wonderful Avene thermal water, then I sincerely recommend it for purchase!

Be healthy and love yourself! See you again!