Will there be a lineup on September 1st? Day of Knowledge (First call). Festival of knowledge in the countries of the former USSR and Europe

Public Holiday Russia Day celebrated annually and consistently 12 June. The date was approved as 06/02/1994 by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1113.

How do we relax on Russia Day in 2020, how many days:

In honor of Russia Day 2020, we will have a rest
3 days in a row: from Friday 12 June 2020 to Sunday 14 June 2020 .

The working week preceding the holiday will be four days.

The Russian Day holiday itself (06/12/2020) is a non-working day throughout the Russian Federation.

According to Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, this holiday is included in the number of official non-working holidays (additional days off), both for a five-day week and for a six-day week.

November 4, 2019 is the last additional day off this year. Next, residents of Russia will have the opportunity to have a good rest only at the beginning of 2020, when, after the New Year, they will have a long New Year holiday, including the celebration of the Nativity of Christ.

Other events on September 21:

* Military Glory Day, dedicated to the victory of Russian regiments in the Battle of Kulikovo. Six and a half centuries ago, Russian troops led by Dmitry Donskoy gave battle to the hordes of the Golden Horde. The battle took place on the Kulikovo field and marked the beginning of the liberation of Rus' from the power of foreign invaders who came from the East.

* International Day of Peace. The event was established by the United Nations and is dedicated to "establishing world peace" and, most importantly, ending the war. On September 21, the warring parties temporarily cease hostilities (introduce a “ceasefire”).

* World Day of Russian Unity- for now this is an unofficial holiday, which has been celebrated on September 21 since 2010.

What is the reason for the conflict between Mikhail Koklyaev and Alexander Emelianenko:

The relationship between Russian MMA fighter Alexander Emelianenko and weightlifter Mikhail Koklyaev heated up in March 2019, after “Misha” posted a video in which he commented on Alexander’s conflict with another MMA fighter, Sergei Kharitonov.

Koklyaev joked about “stupid jocks and fighters,” summing up that “...Now it’s not just the jocks who are stupid.”

In a response video, Emelianenko suggested that Mikhail “be more careful,” since he might soon come to visit him at the gym.

The exchange of pleasantries continued on the fighters’ Instagram accounts, where they did notches on the bench press, hit a heavy ball, and shot with a broom.

In the end, it all ended with an agreement to resolve the dispute with the help of fists.

That is, the cause of the conflict is a joke by Mikhail Koklyaev.

When will the fight between Mikhail Koklyaev and Alexander Emelianenko take place (date and time):

“The most anticipated fight of 2019” between Mikhail Koklyaev and Alexander Emelianenko will take place on Friday November 29, 2019.

As for the start time of the fight, it is not known exactly, since it depends on how quickly the preliminary fights are completed. In total, 6 fights are planned in the tournament program, and the meeting between Emelianenko and Koklyaev will be the final one.

The tournament itself will begin on November 29, 2019 at 19:00 Moscow time. And Koklyaev and Emelianenko as headliners can enter the ring in the meantime from 21:30 to 22:30 Moscow time.

That is, when the fight between Mikhail Koklyaev and Alexander Emelianenko will take place (date and time):
* On Saturday 11/29/2019
* The tournament starts at 19:00 Moscow time.
* The Koklyaev - Emelianenko fight starts after 21:30 Moscow time.

Subscribe to our updates, join site groups on social networks so as not to miss new important information regarding the meeting of two famous athletes. Closer to the date of the fight, we will announce the exact start time of the fight, as well as where you can watch the live broadcast.

Where will the meeting between Koklyaev and Emelianenko be held on November 29, 2019:

The venue for the fight was chosen "VTB Arena"(Moscow, Russia) - a multi-purpose sports complex built on the site of the central Dynamo stadium in Petrovsky Park.

The fight will take place in the VTB Arena Park ring, a small indoor arena that can accommodate up to 13 thousand spectators for mixed martial arts.

What are the rules for the fight between A. Emelianenko and M. Koklyaev:

The fight will take place according to boxing rules.

Forecast for the Koklyaev vs. Emelianenko fight:

On November 29, 2019, we will receive an answer to the question of which is preferable - strength or speed.

Speed. Russian mixed martial arts fighter Alexander Emelianenko (younger brother of Fedor Emelianenko) has fought more than a hundred fights in various types of martial arts. His style of fighting is distinguished by courage, speed and entertainment. Now Alexander is in excellent physical shape, which means that in the upcoming fight he will be faster than ever.

Force. Eight-time champion of the Russian Federation in weightlifting, powerlifter Mikhail Koklyaev, “The Strongest Man in Russia”, is a repeated winner of international tournaments in extreme strength. It is deservedly famous for its strength, courage and sporting character. He claims that in order to knock out Emelianenko, he “only needs 1 blow.”

If the fight between Koklyaev and Emelianenko is not a freak fight (staged for show), then Mikhail doesn’t have much of a chance. Of course, there is a video where a strongman slaps 320 kilograms, and therefore theoretically he can knock out Alexander. However, Emelianenko is an experienced fighter who has been performing in mixed martial arts for a long time, and therefore is the undisputed favorite of the fight.

Festival "Invasion" - where it will take place in 2020:

The open-air rock festival "Invasion" is one of the largest music festivals in Russia, held annually in the open-air format by the radio station "Our Radio".

For 11 years, since 2009, the venue for the music festival has been a field near the village of Bolshoye Zavidovo in the Konakovsky district of the Tver region.

That is, the location of the “Invasion” in 2020:
* village of Bolshoye Zavidovo, Tver region.

When will "Invasion 2020" be held, festival dates:

The exact date for the "Invasion" festival is announced about a month before it starts - in June. And the dates for the “main summer event” vary every year. But these are invariably four summer days - from Thursday to Sunday in either July or August.

That is, we will find out the exact date of the festival in June 2019.

"Invasion 2020" can be carried out, for example, at the end of the first week of July 2020: from July 2, 2019 to July 5, 2019 (predictive dates!).

How many days will the “Invasion” festival last in 2020:

Starting in 2017, the “Invasion” festival lasts 4 days, from Thursday to Sunday.

To the question asked about this to the general director of Multimedia Holding whether the next festivals would be held over 4 days, the answer was “why not.” According to Gen. Director Kiseleva, since so many people are ready to come to the festival on Thursday, the organizers will keep the four-day format of the event in the future. Moreover, if it is required, the Invasion can be carried out over 5 or even 6 days.

That is, the “Invasion” in 2020 will last:
* 4 days (Thursday to Sunday).

When will ticket sales for "Invasion 2020" begin:

Ticket sales start now in September 2019. You can purchase tickets on the official website of the event.

How much will tickets for "Invasion 2020" cost:

The price of one ticket will vary in 2020 from 2000 to 10000 rub., depending on the selected category.

What kind of festival "Invasion" will there be in 2020:

In 2020, the festival "Invasion" will be held 21 times (20 times open air).

The "Invasion" festival was first held in 1999 in the Moscow Gorbunov Palace of Culture. This was the only time a music event of the year took place indoors, apart from the “virtual” Invasion of 2003, when an open-air performance was canceled due to an explosion a month earlier at the Wings festival, and invited groups sang “live” live in the studio of “Our Radio”.

Since 2000, the festival has always been held outdoors.

What is the theme of "Invasion 2020":

The theme of the next festival, which will take place in 2020, has already been announced. This " Carnival".

The organizers plan to make the upcoming event a costume event.

How to get to the site of the festival "Invasion 2020" from Moscow:

You can get from Moscow to the village of Bolshoye Zavidovo by train. Electric trains depart from Leningradsky Station. You can get to the station from the Komsomolskaya metro station. You need to choose those electric trains that depart towards Konakovo. You should get off at Konakovsky Mokh station.

If you are going to visit “Invasion” by car, then 115 km from Moscow, moving along the “Russia” highway, you need to turn near Konakovo and drive to the village of Vakhonino, then turn left. You can also get to the place via the M-11 toll highway, bypassing all traffic jams and populated areas.

How to get to the site of the “Invasion” in 2020 from St. Petersburg:

To travel from the northern capital of Russia to Bolshoi Zavidovo by rail, you should choose any train that goes to Tver. Next, you can walk to the bus station (it is located about 1 km from the railway station) and take the bus that goes to Konakovo. And from Konakovo to the "Invasion" meadow you can take a taxi.

It's a day in our country September 1 long ago ceased to be just the beginning of autumn. For millions of schoolchildren, students, their parents, as well as teachers and mentors, this is a real holiday - the Day of Knowledge. From this day the official academic year begins in all educational institutions of the country.

The history of the holiday on September 1, when they began to celebrate the Day of Knowledge

The holiday of September 1, like all others, has its own history. In the old days, in the spring and summer, children worked in the fields along with their parents. In the fall, when all the main field work was completed, the children were sent to study. Back in the 18th century, under Tsar Peter the Great, a tradition was established to begin the education of young schoolchildren on September 1st.

The date September 1 acquired the official status of the beginning of the school year in 1935 by decree of the USSR government. The national holiday Day of Knowledge begins its countdown from September 1, 1980, when the corresponding Decree of the Presidium of the USSR was issued. What is noteworthy is that September 1st, despite being recognized as an official holiday, was still considered a school day. The Day of Knowledge was finally established as an official holiday on September 1, 1984.

Traditions and attributes of September 1

As already mentioned, the first of September is the holiday of the beginning of the school year. Schoolchildren and students come to educational institutions to study, and teachers come to teach their students. On this day, all teachers are given flowers, and also congratulations on September 1 are addressed in poetry and prose. Officials and celebrities congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge on television.

Parents of primary schoolchildren, armed with photo and video cameras, accompany their children on this special day. How pleasant and touching it is to see your grown-up child, in a festive uniform with a bouquet of flowers, standing on the ceremonial line!

By the way, ceremonial assemblies in schools are one of the well-established traditions of September 1st. In universities and colleges, classes are not held, but this does not make the first day of school any less festive. The ceremonial meeting can only be held for freshmen. Senior students usually study as usual on September 1.

On this day, special attention is paid to first-graders. At the formal school assembly, the “First Bell” ritual is traditionally performed. A high school student walks a ceremonial circle around the school yard, carrying a first-grader ringing a bell in his arms or on his shoulders. The ringing of the bell in the hands of the first-grader is echoed by the school bell, which from this day on will count down lessons and breaks for the noisy and cheerful “school brethren.”

Awards can be presented at the line: for active participation in summer work on repairing classrooms, for active social activities in a school camp, and others. Statistics on the enrollment of recent graduates in higher education institutions are also announced. Often the program of the line includes stage numbers, vocal and dance performances. Fortunately, there are many excellent songs by Soviet composers dedicated to school and traditionally performed at the school assembly on the first of September. Remember this one?

“On the first fine day of September
I timidly entered under the bright arches.
The first textbook and the first lesson,
This is how school years begin..."

Another good tradition on September 1 is that at the end of the ceremonial line, graduating students take the hands of first-graders and accompany them to their classrooms to the sound of music.

Another good tradition arose in the Soviet Union. The first lesson of the new school year was the so-called Peace Lesson. The teachers read lectures about the strength and power of their native country, about its greatness, about its role in establishing friendship among peoples and strengthening peace on Earth. The young generation of schoolchildren and students was called the future of a great country, encouraged to study, comprehend science, adopt knowledge and experience in order to subsequently become worthy builders of a communist society. Despite the formal nature of the Peace Lesson, overall it had a positive effect. Moreover, the Soviet Union really was a huge and great country - a real superpower.

In 1964 on the first of September The first television program “Good night, kids!” was released, beloved by several generations of children.

September 1, like , is a “commercial” holiday. Million-dollar profits go to sellers of school uniforms, stationery and, of course, flowers. Quite a profit for photographers who quickly produce vignettes and other photographic products from the special day.

It will be wonderful if not only the first day of September, but also the subsequent school year for students turns out to be useful and joyful.

Date in 2019: September 1st, Sunday.

The first day of autumn fascinates with the diversity of asters and chrysanthemums, the grace of gladioli and dahlias. And wherever you look, you will see white bows and luxurious bouquets, smiles on faces and excitement in the eyes. After all, today is a real holiday - the Day of Knowledge. That's why September 1 is celebrated not just as the beginning of the school year, but as a significant, important day in the life of every student, student, and teacher.

When is the holiday of knowledge celebrated?

It’s probably not for nothing that the year begins on September 1st. Just not a calendar one, but an educational one. Why does the educational process start on this day every year? Did the ancient calendar really play a role, when the birth of the new year, as a new stage in life, fell precisely at the beginning of autumn.

Or perhaps the tradition associated with the Russian holiday of the New Year, which since 1492 has been celebrated on September 1, has been preserved. Or maybe with the beginning of the school year in schools at churches. After all, the opportunity to gain knowledge was exclusively available to students of church schools, where all events were inextricably linked with the church calendar. Even the postponement of the calendar New Year under Peter I did not affect the beginning of the scientific process.

But to a greater extent, September 1, as the start of school, is associated with the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars in 1930, according to which thousands of schools and classes for boys and girls were opened to eliminate illiteracy. All Soviet children between the ages of 8 and 10 were required to become students, and schooling began in August–September.

Only in 1935 did a single start and end date for the school year appear. So it was officially legalized on September 1. Until the mid-80s, schools and educational institutions opened their doors to their students. And the day began with a ceremonial assembly, where schoolchildren and their parents listened to speeches by the director, head teacher, and chiefs, dedicated to achievements and plans. The lineup was more reminiscent of a reporting and election meeting of the pioneer squad and the Komsomol organization. The only constants were the solemn congratulations and the very “first bell” that sounded for first-graders.

And only since 1984 did September 1 become a holiday. Now children, teachers and their parents are rushing to gather within the walls of the educational institution to celebrate Knowledge Day. And most importantly, the holiday survived even after the collapse of the Union and is celebrated in all former republics.

Traditions of Knowledge Day

The modern holiday bears little resemblance to the old boring events with speeches and reports, marches and chants. The tradition of holding ceremonial assemblies has been preserved.

But here each teaching staff finds interesting solutions and original scenarios to make the meeting of schoolchildren after the summer holidays a real holiday. This day should be remembered by children as bright and bringing joy.

Therefore, the usual lineup turns into a real theatrical performance, where there is a place for performances by creative groups and talented schoolchildren, words of wishes from parents, school management and even the governor, fairy-tale characters entertaining children.

Line program September 1

The celebration begins with thematic music. Schoolchildren and their parents gather in the school yard.

“Experienced” students are happy to meet their classmates after the summer holidays, with whom they share their impressions and make new plans. For any high school student, this year is a little sad, since this is the last school year, ending the time of carefree childhood.

But the most exciting thing will be Knowledge Day in 1st grade. Just yesterday, boys and girls were preschoolers and the oldest in the kindergarten graduating class. And today they must cross the threshold into a new school life.

This little first-grader boy in a uniform jacket and with a huge briefcase tightly holds his mother’s hand, afraid to step towards the unknown. And this lively first-grader with huge bows and enthusiastic eyes curiously studies the new environment and is already running to meet her first teacher.

And for each of them, the first line should become not just a traditional stage at the beginning of the educational process, but a real holiday glorifying the knowledge for which children came to school.

The verses that begin the general holiday are heard:

The fun and carefree summer is gone,

It ended, despite all requests.

Today flowers and bouquets are full of flowers,

And our students carry them.

And tomorrow just everyday life will begin,

For all teachers and for children.

Today we congratulate you

– Today is a holiday, it is exciting and joyful. We congratulate everyone present on the beginning of the year. But it is especially joyful for our new friends - first graders. And it’s especially sad for graduates.

For some, today will be everything for the first time,

For others - the latest line.

We welcome you all here.

In our large children's family.

After the official greeting, first-graders are invited to come out with their first teachers.

The song “First time in first grade” is playing

The line is declared open and the national anthem is played.

The official part of Knowledge Day is dedicated to the speech of the director and invited guests. They will congratulate the students and tell them parting words in prose:

– What could be more beautiful than new knowledge. Studying and reading, cognizing and remembering is now your main responsibility. I sincerely congratulate all schoolchildren on the main holiday of all inquisitive and inquisitive, diligent and curious. Let the knowledge you gain help you discover new distances, become wiser and stronger. Do not refuse a unique opportunity - study. After all, only learning new truths, acquiring skills and experiences will allow you to safely enter your future adult life and open up distant horizons and unattainable peaks.

– Knowledge Day has always been a symbol of kindness and purity. It begins the academic year and provides an opportunity to plunge into the endless ocean of science. And may this school year bring happiness and great results to both students and their teachers. I wish everyone unforgettable impressions from the creative part of the educational process, new discoveries in the field of natural and exact sciences, high achievements in their favorite areas.

Senior students also prepare congratulations to first-graders:

We are very glad to see you,

You all came to first grade,

How good the girls are

And the boys are not kids.

You and we are lucky,

Both parents and teachers.

There are athletes among you,

And even future businessmen.

There are artists and doctors here,

And drivers and circus performers,

And clever programmers,

And great economists.

There are seamstresses and tractor drivers here,

Both managers and lawyers,

Directors and tough military men,

Astronauts are the bravest.

The world of knowledge is open to you,

And you can conquer him,

And our teachers will help you,

They will teach you and inspire you.

They will introduce you to letters, numbers,

And with distant sea reefs,

The school welcomes you all,

And wishes you a happy journey.

– Just yesterday you were kids, but today you are already real students. And we, who have recently stood in your place, accept us into our team.

First-graders prepare their response. And it can be in poetic form, or in the form of songs, drawings, postcards.

The kids recite carefully learned quatrains:

I've always been a smart girl

And now I’m still a first-grader,

So, to my joy I will be an excellent student,

And the teacher's favorite.

I'm so happy that I'm already a student

I will be smart and study well,

I will stop being capricious and lazy,

It's time for all of us to change.

I don't know how to study,

When to get up and when to sit down,

Maybe we should bow here,

And show respect to the teacher.

Or don’t go to bed at all at home,

So as not to oversleep, but to achieve success

It’s possible, forgetting the toys,

Eh, what a stupid impulse that was.

I don't know anything at all

But I won't be late for class,

I will study diligently

And be sure to listen to the teacher.

But with toys, probably

I still have to say goodbye

After all, lessons for me now

You will need to study.

I will have different books,

Well, almost like an adult.

And yesterday we were so worried,

Me and my whole family.

We were getting ready for school all evening,

So I can shine.

School, open the doors,

Meet your newcomers,

Accept everyone into your ranks,

Start a new school year.

By tradition, graduates prepared congratulations for the first-graders. This is the last line for them, as their school life has entered its final stage. This year is very important, as they have to decide on a profession and prepare for final exams.

And they pass the baton to you, first graders, with trepidation and joy.

Autumn swirled with golden foliage,

And in this colorful rain,

No one will be spared on this day,

A holiday that takes place everywhere.

And the guys on this day with big bouquets,

They are in a hurry to go to first grade, which attracts them,

Here both knowledge and joy await them,

And friends, and great success.

It's going to be a long road

And sometimes there is a simple way,

There will also be many holidays,

Don't forget the first call.

This is the best holiday in life,

And my heart beats anxiously in my chest.

And remember, little prankster,

The carefree childhood is left behind.

Teachers will lead you forward

Discovering the secrets of science,

And they will lead you up all the steps,

In the circle of new friends and girlfriends.

Graduates present gifts to the kids. These could be sets of school supplies and stationery, children's books, and diaries.

In response, the guys present their drawings and small bells to their older comrades.

After new students are initiated into first grade, the entertainment part of the program begins. The script for the line on September 1, Knowledge Day, includes comic scenes in which the main characters are favorite fairy-tale and cartoon characters. The purpose of such funny scenes is to show children how important knowledge is in the life of everyone, even a fictional character.

The creative part of the program is also interesting, where children show what success they were able to achieve within the school walls.

Most often these are individual and group dances. You can choose a suitable composition from our selection from the YouTube resource:

Dance “Morning exercises”

Dance mix of junior schoolchildren and graduates

Flash mob Knowledge Day

First-graders dance

All students congratulate teachers on Knowledge Day by presenting them with their bouquets.

The first bell rings out loudly. Traditionally, it is given to a high school student and a first-grader.

And at the end, the graduates give the kids the treasured key, which opens the door to the magical land of knowledge. To friendly applause, first-graders leave the line, heading to their classes, where a new surprise awaits them - the first lesson dedicated to getting to know the land of knowledge.

For young children who have set out on the journey of learning for the first time, such a rich program, including preparation for the holiday, a line, and the first lesson, is emotionally complex. Therefore, psychologists advise parents not to arrange additional entertainment for first-graders after school. You can congratulate your child at home on an important day in his life by giving gifts or a beautiful themed cake.

Larisa, September 1, 2018.

Knowledge Day (First Bell) is a national holiday that symbolizes the beginning of the school year. It is celebrated by schoolchildren and students, teachers, teachers of higher and secondary special educational institutions.

In Russia in 2019, Knowledge Day is celebrated on September 1 and is held at the official level 36 times.

Meaning: the holiday symbolizes the beginning of the school year.

On this day, ceremonial assemblies, classroom hours, open classes, lessons of peace and courage, and initiation into students are traditionally held.

history of the holiday

Knowledge Day became an official holiday in 1984, after the publication on June 15 of Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 373-11 “On declaring September 1 a national holiday - Knowledge Day.”

Until 1935, there was no uniform start date for classes in educational institutions in Russia. In urban schools, children began studying in August, in rural schools - in mid-autumn, when agricultural work ended. In 1935, the Council of People's Commissars and the Central Committee of the CPSU introduced a uniform start of classes in schools on September 1, established the length of the school year and the dates of the holidays.

Holiday traditions

The top officials of the state traditionally congratulate students and teachers on Knowledge Day.

In schools, September 1 is a public holiday and not a school day. Pupils come in smart school uniforms, girls wear white bows. Children bring bouquets of fresh flowers with which they congratulate class teachers and teachers.

In schools, a solemn assembly is held, at which students sing songs, recite poems, and the director and teachers congratulate them on the start of the school year. School amateur art groups take part in the festival. The first bell rings for first graders.

Class teachers conduct introductory lessons and class hours for their students, during which they talk about peace, kindness, patriotism, and safety rules. High school students traditionally celebrate the holiday in a group. They visit cinemas and cafeterias, go to amusement parks and go on excursions.

For students of secondary and higher educational institutions, September 1 is less solemn. First-year students get acquainted with the place of study and teachers. Some universities hold concerts and initiations for students. For senior students, September 1 is a school day.

Daily task

Remember these wonderful first days of school, look at the photos from the first of September.

  • In Russia in 1714, during the reign of Peter the Great, education became compulsory for all children except peasants.
  • In 2016, Krasnodar school No. 71 enrolled 20 parallel first grades.
  • In 2016, 100 thousand first-graders sat down at their desks in Moscow - 14 thousand more than in 2012.
  • In 2016, in the Komi Republic, only 1 student went to the first grade of the school in the village of Ertom.
  • On January 1, 2015, the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation issued a decree according to which all school textbooks must have electronic versions.
  • The word “school” has Greek roots and translated into Russian means “leisure”.
  • The multiplication table, which is required to be taught in all schools around the world, was invented in China.


Bouquet of flowers. A bouquet of flowers is an attribute of Knowledge Day, which complements the atmosphere of solemnity and brings bright colors. A bouquet of flowers will be an excellent gift for both students and teachers.

Stationery. Stationery supplies are necessary things for the educational process. A bright backpack, pencil case, notebooks, pens, sketchbook - will be an excellent gift and an incentive to start the educational process as soon as possible.

School album. An album for school photographs will serve as a memorable gift that will delight you all your life with photographs from your student days and inspire nostalgia.


Items in alphabetical order
Each participant in the competition receives a piece of paper and a pen. Their task is to write a list of school subjects in alphabetical order for a while. The winner is the one who completes the task faster and without errors.

School breakfast
To hold the competition, it is necessary to prepare opaque food containers in which products with a specific smell will be placed: tangerine, sausage, cucumber, bread, and so on. All participants take turns smelling the containers and writing down the names of the products. The winner is the one who names all the products in turn without errors.

At the peak of geography
Before the competition begins, you need to prepare interesting questions on the topic of geography. For example: What is the longest river in the world? What is the smallest state in the world? What is the name of the highest mountain? Where is the largest lake? Etc. The presenter reads out the questions one by one. The one who knows the answer raises his hand. The first participant to raise their hand answers. For each correct answer one point is awarded. At the end of the competition, the number of points is calculated and the winners are determined.


“There is nothing more beautiful in the world than learning new things, learning, reading and remembering wise lines for the rest of your life! Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge, the day of wisdom and diligence! May your life have the opportunity to learn and gain knowledge not only during your school years, but also in the future, throughout your life! Knowledge makes a person stronger, wiser, kinder, helps to discover new truths, make scientific discoveries and learn the secrets of nature. Let your mind never refuse new knowledge, but always strive for knowledge and wisdom!

“At the border between summer and autumn, carelessness and learning, the school comes to life. Once again filled with children's voices and forced silence. School corridors and desks await everyone. Everyone will receive knowledge and experience that has no price, but has value! Teaching is the light, so let this light fill your life not only at school, but throughout your life! Happy Knowledge Day, hurry up to learn, but not to grow up!

“Knowledge Day is a symbol of purity and kindness. It's the start of the school year! This is a great opportunity to gather your thoughts and plunge into the bottomless ocean of science. May the new school year be happy and productive for both students and teachers. New discoveries and impressions to you in this new educational year!

This holiday in other countries

Just like in Russia, Knowledge Day takes place on September 1 in the countries of the former USSR: Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Moldova, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, and the Baltic countries.

In Germany, the beginning of the school year in different regions of the country may differ and falls in August-September. On this day, first-graders traditionally receive “sugar bags” as a gift, which are paper cones filled with sweets, school supplies, and toys.

In Japan, school starts on April 1st. This day is intended for students to get to know each other, and then parents are given a week to prepare. Children start lessons on April 6-8.

In India and African countries, the new school year also falls in April. Children begin attending school at age 4, but in many African countries schooling is not compulsory.

In Great Britain, Knowledge Day is celebrated on September 1. In the kingdom, many schools are set up as a boarding school and parents see their children only during the holidays.

In Italy and Spain, the start of the school year may vary depending on the timing of the harvest, but is no later than October 1.

In the United States, each state has its own school start schedule and falls between mid-August and mid-September. In the southern states, schoolchildren sit down at their desks at the end of July and go on vacation in May. This is due to the fact that June and July are the hottest months.

In South Korea, school starts in March. Upon admission to first grade, students undergo an interview. If they pass it successfully, they can choose any school. And if the results are unsatisfactory, then they go to an educational institution at their place of residence.

In Australia, the school year runs from February to December.

Canadian children sit down at their desks on the first Tuesday in September.

The fourth Monday in October is International School Library Day.


    I congratulate you on Knowledge Day today,
    I wish you only positive ratings.
    So that all sciences are easy for you,
    So that you don't yawn in class out of boredom.
    To make the teachers proud of you,
    And knowledge has been useful to you in life.

    Knowledge Day is an important, bright date.
    A lot of things are waiting for you guys now.
    There is a lot to discover.
    Go forward with all your speed!

    I wish you to find reliable friends,
    Then your learning will be more fun.
    Go confidently into battle with knowledge,
    And keep love for school in your heart!

What date is Knowledge Day (First Bell) in 2020, 2021, 2022

2020 2021 2022
1 September Tue1 September Wed1 September Thu

For many kids, this is a long-awaited day, a kind of new milestone when a new life begins. This is probably why this holiday, Knowledge Day, is so exciting, because it is the beginning of a new school year.

On this day, ceremonial assemblies are held everywhere, where special attention is paid to first-graders. In secondary specialized educational institutions, as well as in universities, as a rule, assemblies are not held, but the festive atmosphere still hovers somewhere nearby and can be felt.

History of September 1

The Day of Knowledge, like many other holidays, has its own history, the beginning of which is marked in 1492. It was in 1492 that Ivan 3 issued a decree to celebrate the beginning of the New Year on September 1.

The next significant date in the history of the holiday was 1700. This year, Peter 1 moved the New Year celebration to January 1, after which the date of September 1 was forgotten for 300 years.

But still, as time passed, September 1 again became the beginning, but not of a new calendar year, but of an academic year. This event dates back to 1984, when a decree was issued in Soviet Russia recognizing September 1 as an official holiday - Knowledge Day.

Ceremonial line in honor of Knowledge Day

One of the indispensable attributes of Knowledge Day is the ceremonial line. This is a mandatory event that is usually held within the walls of the school. There are many ways to do it. The traditional line-up involves the formation of students, a speech by the school principal, the obligatory congratulations to first-graders and the end of the event.

Sometimes the organized lineup involves the participation of costumed heroes. This option for holding a day of knowledge is not only spectacular, but also memorable, especially for those children who came to school for the first time.

Poems for September 1

What holiday could be complete without poetry? Knowledge Day is no exception. There are a huge variety of poems about September 1 that can be sent as congratulations to first-graders. And also to all those who start their studies on September 1st.

First graders have bouquets. The day, although sad, is cheerful. You are sad: “Goodbye, summer!” And you rejoice: “Hello, school!”

V. Berestov I can’t sit at home, I want to play. I want to study quickly and become a first-grader. I also ran, skipping, afraid to be late. My mother barely managed to give me the briefcase under my arm. I won’t be lazy, I’ll have time to do everything. I want to learn to read, write, count. Now a different life will come for me. Oh, dear mother! What an adult I am! Our very first Ring, ring, bell! Go home, moms! It's time for us to go to class!

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge - from September 1st, means, first of all, congratulations to teachers. But for first-graders and students, the beginning of a new school year is also an event that will also welcome kind words, congratulations and wishes.