A beautiful dinner for your loved one at home. How to have a romantic dinner at home. Potato pancakes

Of course it's a candlelight dinner! Therefore, it is worth stocking up on this simple accessory. You can choose simple or scented candles. The latter, depending on the smell, will fill the room with a relaxing or stimulating aroma. Grapefruit, neroli, sage will help your man to cheer up after a tiring day, and rose and lavender will help relieve stress. Incense sticks and essential oils have also been invented for this purpose. It is better to light candles or incense sticks in advance, for example, 20 minutes before your loved one arrives, so that the aroma has time to spread throughout the house. Essential oil gives this effect immediately.

What to cook for a romantic dinner?

You should answer this question while still at the supermarket, so that you can definitely find everything, even down to the little things like beautiful skewers for appetizers! First, look at the fruit department and opt for the most famous aphrodisiacs: strawberries, bananas, pineapples, avocados, grapes. At the pastry shop, grab some cream (both whipped and regular) - it will definitely come in handy! To ensure that the dinner lasts longer and the communication does not end in severe intoxication, opt for champagne or light semi-sweet or dry wines. After them, both you and your chosen one will be in a better mood. Seafood, meat and fresh vegetables are a must in your grocery basket.

Recipes for a romantic dinner

In order for the evening to take place, and your loved one to be full of more than just love, you must prepare several dishes, and there should not be too many of them: leave space on the table for rose petals and vases with floating candles. The meat dish should not be heavy and fatty, so that your loved one does not think about sleep after a hearty “lunch” (in our case, dinner). So, let's start preparing a romantic dinner for your loved one!

We suggest starting with the hot dish: while it is cooking, you can make a salad and appetizers. Chicken with honey sauce will not leave your stomach heavy, but at the same time will amaze your loved one with its original taste. Season the cooled breast with salt and pepper and fry in vegetable oil on both sides, this will take no more than 10 minutes. Pour a little apple cider vinegar into the juice from the chicken that remains in the pan, heat it, and then add a couple of tablespoons of liquid honey and half a glass of water. 5 minutes is enough for the sauce to thicken properly. The chicken can be cut into portions and poured over the sauce, and then garnished with a sprig of parsley (by the way, a well-known aphrodisiac) and cherry tomato halves.


Ideas for a romantic dinner will perfectly complement hearty salads with seafood. So, for starters - shrimp salad. Fry finely chopped tomatoes and green bell peppers in a frying pan for three minutes, add 300 g of shrimp and wait another 3-5 minutes. Sprinkle cilantro and dill, salt and pepper on top. Salad ready! You can eat it warm or cold - it will be delicious in any form. The second option is Norwegian salmon salad. Cut the vegetables: tomatoes into slices, cucumbers into slices, and red bell pepper into strips. Mix vegetables with parsley, dill or Chinese salad, place on a plate, and roll a piece of salmon on top into an elegant roll. Lemon slices are suitable as decoration.

And now it’s time for appetizers to replenish your collection of simple and festive recipes for a special dinner. The most delicious and simple ones are canapés with cheese: brie cheese and grapes; tilsiter (or whatever you like best), a couple of olives and a leaf of parsley; two types of cheese separated by cherry tomatoes and olives.

The final chords are played not only by the music (which should be pleasant and relaxing at the beginning and exciting at the end of the dinner), but also by the desserts. Traditional strawberries and cream are very easy to prepare: beat 30% heavy cream fresh from the refrigerator with a blender, adding powdered sugar at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 100 g of cream. Place the thickened cream in a beautiful bowl or wine glass, then a layer of strawberries, then cream again. Ready! Place the fruit beautifully on a plate, perhaps in the shape of a heart. And here you can play: blindfold your loved one and, having dipped the fruit in cream, ask him to guess what it is.

Our global network is filled with funny (and often not so funny) stories about how girls arranged a romantic dinner for their other halves. True, it didn’t always end the way they wanted and dreamed. Either a guy, having tasted a salad with shrimp, became covered in spots due to an allergy, then a candle accidentally fell, or a hungry husband, having swallowed the slices and munched on a light salad, demanded to fry the chicken with potatoes. In a word, a romantic dinner is an extremely responsible matter, it can even be compared to walking through a minefield. A step to the left, a step to the right - and you can not only be embarrassed, but seriously quarrel with your loved one. We hope that our instructions will help you avoid the most common mistakes and have a perfect candlelit evening.

1. Time and place

A weekday evening is not the best time for a tete-a-tete. Well, first of all, a long, eventful working day often exhausts all the nerves and squeezes out all the juices. So, when you finally crawl home, you have only one desire - to eat and go to bed as soon as possible. Is this a familiar picture? Secondly, your significant other may be late at work: all the food will get cold, and you, tired of preparing, will fall asleep sweetly on the sofa. Therefore, if it is not possible to reschedule romantic plans for the weekend, then you can consider the option of a candlelit dinner in a restaurant. So it will be more than just a regular dinner at home with an unpredictable ending. Then you can walk around the city a little, and at home drink, say, a glass of champagne as an interlude. But, if you still decide on the option of a romantic dinner at home, you should pay attention to the details. For example, do not vaguely hint to your loved one about the surprise that awaits him at home, but clearly say that you are preparing a romantic dinner, and a delay at work will cause your righteous anger. But the main thing is to think carefully about the dinner menu.

Psychologists have figured out what to avoid on a date. If you want to impress your partner, don't make the most common mistakes.

2. Menu

Do you remember a little earlier we talked about a girl whose husband wasn’t full of salad and asked for something more substantial? This option is very possible. Therefore, dinner by candlelight should not be too light (especially after a working day). Otherwise, your man will not devour you with his eyes, but the refrigerator, in which there may still be “something left to devour.” But at the same time, the food should not be too dense. An overfilled stomach does not at all contribute to tender feelings; rather, it pulls you to the side.

Trying to win over your partner with an abundance of dishes is a bad idea, as is choosing complex recipes. Standing at the stove for many hours will not put you in a good mood. Besides, the purpose of dinner is not the food, but what comes after it.

3. Main courses

Poultry is suitable as the main meat. It is easily digestible, and the feeling of fullness lasts for a long time. Pork or beef takes a long time to digest; fish requires some effort to get through the bones. Beans and soybeans would also be an extremely bad choice (need we say why?). The main course can be served with a light salad of vegetables or seafood. For dessert - ice cream, or a classic of the genre - strawberries and cream. By the way, the latter can serve as a good start for exciting intimate play.

Let's say you already know a lot about your husband, but if you have just started dating a man, then it would be good to clarify with him that he does not eat. For example, some people don’t like liver, others don’t like onions. Perhaps there are foods that your partner likes - nuts, honey, etc. Keep in mind that many aphrodisiacs (oils, spices, foods) are also very allergenic foods. Even a small portion can cause anaphylactic shock in a person.

4. Drinks

Avoid strong alcoholic drinks immediately. Still, both of you should be dizzy from love, and not from being “taken to the chest.” Champagne or wine are a great option. But you shouldn’t mix them, it’s better to stick to one thing. It is generally accepted that red or rose wine should be served with poultry and meat. But this is not a strict prescription. In reality, only taste matters. Delicate meat can be complemented well by white wine. It is much more important to follow another rule: red wine should be at room temperature, but white wine should be served slightly chilled.

This is real art! The sommelier shares his secrets on how to choose the right wine in the supermarket, what dishes to pair it with and how to serve it.

A selection of several types of cheese will go with the wine; you can also add a plate of fruit. Be sure to put a bottle of regular mineral water on the table, but preferably without gas.

5. Serving

You definitely won’t create a romantic atmosphere with plastic glasses and disposable tableware (well, so as not to wash them). Therefore, you will have to get beautiful dishes, tablecloths, and glasses from the bins. Try not to fill the entire surface of the table with dishes: otherwise you will end up with a grand anniversary banquet, and not an intimate dinner for two

You can put a small bouquet of flowers in the center of the table, but not a lush composition, because of which you won’t even shoot your eyes. A small vase with one flower or a floating candle floating on the water looks very delicate.

And, of course, candles. But the latter should be in safe candlesticks and away from the edge of the table. It is advisable to have enough candles; not all men like to eat by touch.

Dishes should be portioned so that you don’t have to cut or break anything with your hands. Fat hands look unaesthetic and unromantic. But in any case, napkins must be on the table. The salad can be placed in special waffle baskets, and plates with all dishes can be decorated with lettuce leaves, or, say, olives.

6. Music

We have already talked about candles above. It is better to choose light and relaxed music. We very much doubt that your companion will enjoy spending the evening listening to the songs of Stas Mikhailov. The network has a lot of collections of romantic instrumental tunes (for example, by composer James Last), retro hits and pleasant jazz compositions. You shouldn’t burden your evening with “serious” music and arias from operas either.

For every man, you can choose a melody according to your Zodiac sign; it will have an amazing effect on your loved one. Check it out!

7. Home decoration

From the point of view of rose petals, everything is debatable. It's up to you to decide. It all looks, of course, romantic and cinematic. But in the film it remains behind the scenes, who then cleans up all this beauty scattered around the room? So if you don’t want to plunge into the morning routine of cleaning your apartment immediately after a romantic evening, you can choose the light version. Scatter some petals on the holiday table. This will add ambiance and will not create additional problems.

8. Fragrances

These are even a little more difficult than rose petals. We have already said that many oils and incense can cause allergies or asthma attacks. And not all people may like rich aromas. I immediately remember the now popular stores with natural handmade cosmetics. You walk by and wonder how you can work there all day and not suffer from a headache? Therefore, the issue of choosing fragrances must be approached delicately. The ideal option is a fresh, but unobtrusive scent of flowers standing on the table: tulips, roses, spruce branches in compositions. Only lilies with a strong odor should be excluded. A good helper is an aroma lamp, into which you can drop a few drops of oil and enjoy the subtle aroma of, for example, sandalwood. We strongly do not recommend using an air freshener! The heavy artificial smell is more likely to evoke associations with restrooms.

9. Clothes

Of course, you can’t sit down at the table, which is what you usually wear around the apartment. Home clothes, funny slippers with a dog, sweatpants with stretched knees, a bathrobe or family panties can completely kill romance. A suitable option for a girl is a cocktail dress, light makeup, and a simple hairstyle. For a man - a shirt, trousers, in general - a neat appearance. Many ladies choose the image of a vamp for dinner. They immediately appear in front of their partner in a bold dress or erotic lingerie. Well, why dinner then? But what about “there must be some kind of mystery in a woman”? Therefore, we advise you to leave the underwear “for dessert”. To get to it, a man will have to try hard: court the lady, give compliments, give a kiss and, who knows, give the treasured ring.

10. Gifts

Not such a mandatory part of the program. But anyway. Men have an easier time in this matter, of course. We will always be happy with flowers, chocolates and girls' best friends - diamonds. But what should we give to our chosen ones? Cute soft toys, postcards and other attributes of February 14th are candidates for being sent to the trash bin. Well, our gentlemen are not so romantic! Get over it already, ladies. It is better to spend money: A) on yourself beautiful and well-groomed. fits well into this concept. B) for delicious food. Choose good meat and expensive wine. In the end, it’s important that a romantic dinner doesn’t happen every day and should bring a lot of positive emotions to the two of you.

Hello, dear friends and blog readers! Today we’ll talk about how to prepare a romantic dinner at home. A good reason to get to know each other better or renew a relationship, surprise your soul mate with a pleasant and delicious evening by candlelight.

You don’t have to wait for Valentine’s Day or your birthday; you can celebrate on any day or evening.

How to make a romantic dinner unforgettable? Let's start cooking.

Decorate the room romantically, turn on beautiful music. The color scheme in the room should be biased towards red and pink tones. If this is not possible, set the table with elements of this color. This is the color of love and therefore it is conducive to romance and sincerity.

Be sure to choose a beautiful dress so that you look seductive and mysterious in it. If you meet your loved one in a dressing gown, all the romance will disappear.

Don't turn on the TV, otherwise a romantic evening can smoothly turn into gatherings in front of a blue screen.

The lighting should not be bright, soft and subdued; a few lighted candles will be enough. Choose candles of different sizes; floating candles look beautiful.

If you are planning roses (when a man is preparing the evening), separate a few petals and place them on the table, you can lay out a heart with them, throw some petals into glasses with floating candles.

Let’s say there is a romantic dinner option without flowers, but what if you don’t have the opportunity to buy them that day or for some other reason, or the girl is preparing dinner. Ordinary balloons will help out, inflate the required number of red and pink balloons, write messages to your loved one on them. Heart-shaped gel balls look very impressive.

There shouldn’t be anything superfluous on the table, you don’t need to prepare ten dishes, three, and sometimes two, are enough. Food should be light with a predominance of fruits, berries and vegetables. For the main course, a dish of rabbit or turkey is ideal. Heart-shaped chocolates and marmalade will look good on the table.

It is better to take white plates, beige or red tablecloth, but choose red-pink napkins.

Everything is very simple, these are just standard tips, and you can prepare your own special romantic dinner, and instead of candles there can be just lanterns.

Several options for setting a romantic table - video

We've sorted out the organization of the evening, don't bother, improvise. Just take as a basis: candles, balloons, wine, chocolate and light, but not everyday dishes. And most importantly, a charming smile and a playful mood.

Romantic dessert - fondue

There are a huge variety, but we want something that is easy and easy to prepare. Fondue is ideal for such a dinner.

Fondue means molten, melted, stretchy. This is an invention of the Swiss, a national dish of their cuisine. There are many varieties of fondue: cheese, fish, sweet, etc.

The whole point is that you take a thick-walled, heat-resistant bowl and add the product that needs to be melted (cheese, chocolate, sauce, butter). A saucepan or any other vessel is placed on the fire; in the case of fondue, it can be a small burner or a candle.

The fondue pot is placed in the center of the table (modern fondue pots are very beautiful, comfortable and compact), and guests, using skewers or special forks, dip pieces of bread, meat, vegetables or fruits into the resulting mixture.

Today we will prepare fondue from strawberries and other fruits.

For this we need:

  • 200 gr. fresh strawberries (sold all year round), frozen ones will not work, they won’t stay on the fork, and they won’t look very nice.
  • Bananas, kiwi, pears - you can take any fruit or opt only for strawberries.
  • Sticks or forks for planting berries and fruits.
  • Chocolate 200 grams, dark chocolate.
  • 150 gr. cream
  • 2 tbsp milk
  • 50 gr. butter


  1. Break the chocolate into bars and place in a saucepan with milk, melt while stirring.
  2. Add cream, heat further, stirring constantly.
  3. Before boiling, add butter and stir again.
  4. This takes a long time to write, but is done very quickly.
  5. The magic mixture is ready, now all that remains is to cut the strawberries into 2 parts, and cut the fruits not very finely so that they don’t fall off the fork.
  6. Pour the finished chocolate into the fondue pot and turn on the heat. The chocolate will always be warm and soft. And when it’s time for dessert, place this wonderful device in the center of the table, and place forks and fruit next to it. All that remains is to place the strawberry and fruit pieces on a fork and dip them in warm chocolate.
  7. If you don't have a fondue maker, don't worry, this dessert can be prepared in advance. Dip the fruit, let the chocolate harden and place it beautifully in martini glasses or on a beautiful plate - a salad bowl.

That's all, a romantic dinner for two by candlelight is ready. All that remains is to do your makeup, fix your hair and put on a beautiful dress.

Oh yes, I completely forgot about wine, well, it’s a matter of taste... Wine and white will work well, too. Light chilled champagne is also an option; it in itself identifies the holiday.

Video - 2 types of fondue, cheese and chocolate

Make your partner happy, it's worth it.

Are you throwing a holiday dinner for your loved ones? Share your experience, it’s very interesting, maybe we’ll learn something new. Don't be greedy, tell us.

If this article about a romantic dinner was useful to you, share it with your friends and click on the social media buttons. I wish you many years of happiness and love.

The state of falling in love is a truly wonderful and bewitching feeling. Being in the euphoria of love, every person expresses a desire to please their soulmate with pleasant surprises.

Everyone does it in their own way. For many, gifts or beautiful words are valuable. But preparing a romantic dinner for your loved one with your own hands will help to express not only love, but also sincere care for your loved one.

There are many variations of preparing a romantic dinner for your loved one. Each person is individual and has his own taste preferences. Sometimes it’s difficult to guess them if you’ve known a person for a short amount of time.

But there are still some recipes for a romantic dinner that almost everyone will like. The recipes below will not only help you feed your loved one a tasty and satisfying meal, but will also delight him with your culinary abilities.

1. . The advantage of this salad is its fairly easy preparation method. It is perfect for the fair sex who take care of their figure.

Even a man can cook Caesar. This recipe does not require any special culinary skills, but has a truly divine and delicate taste.

2. . If a romantic dinner is being prepared for your girlfriend, then you won’t find a better dish than stuffed champignons.

This is an easy, dietary and very healthy dish. To prepare it, you need to choose mushrooms with a large cap.

3. . This dish is perfect for seafood lovers. It has a delicate taste and pleasant aroma.

The specialty of this salad is tuna. It is recognized as a natural aphrodisiac, so it will ideally complement a romantic dinner between two people in love.

4. . For lovers and connoisseurs of sushi, you can prepare Philadelphia rolls for a romantic dinner for your loved one.

The cooking process is particularly complex. Therefore, if there is no similar practice, it is better to opt for a simpler dish.

5. . Juicy, crispy-skinned, fried chicken will delight your loved one. This dish is appetizing and doesn't require much effort.

Grilled chicken is prepared by pre-marinating and baking in the oven. This dish can be served on its own for a romantic dinner, or as an addition to the main side dish.

6. . Today it is difficult to meet a man who does not like meat. Even a housewife with insufficient culinary experience can prepare this dish.

This dish is filling, appetizing and delicious. By preparing meat in French for a romantic dinner, you can please your loved one not only with delicious food, but also with a beautiful and very appetizing presentation.

7. . This type of fish not only has a pleasant taste, but also an abundance of vitamins and minerals. And salmon with onions cooked in the oven will simply not leave you indifferent.

A romantic evening with your loved one can be fabulously wonderful, or it can be ruined by an overly hearty dinner. There is no need to try to feed your loved one so that a well-fed and satisfied man is nearby. We need a passionate and wild partner!

Even in ancient times, they noticed the erotic component of food, which improves mood, relaxes the body and arouses sexual desires - and this is how erotic cuisine appeared. Dishes of such cuisine must contain at least 1 or 2 aphrodisiac products.

Aphrodisiacs are found in animal, plant, and marine foods, and many spices are such. They stimulate sexual activity and provide excellent restorative power during love games.

Portions should be small in volume. A large and satisfying dish is more likely to put you to sleep than to put you in the right mood. In this case, the aphrodisiacs included in it will not help.

A light romantic dinner with a glass of good wine is a great end to the day and the beginning of a promising evening.

Salad "Freshness of relationships" (Vegetable salad)

Sour cream in salad is an important component that not only has excellent taste, but also helps restore strength.

You will need:
Fresh radish - 8 pcs.,
Fresh cucumber - 2 pcs.,
Green salad - 100 g,
Quail egg - 4 pcs.,
Dill, parsley, cilantro - 1 bunch,
Green onions - a few feathers,
Thick sour cream - 100 g,

Hard boil the eggs, peel and cut in half. Cut the radish and cucumber into slices, chop the onion and greens.

Place green salad on plates. Salt and pepper the radish, cucumber and some of the greens, add sour cream, mix and place on lettuce leaves. Garnish the salad with quail egg halves and remaining herbs.

Salad "Garden of Eden" (Salad with avocado and grapes)

You will need:
Avocado - 1 pc.,
Seedless grapes - 20 pcs.,
Pine nuts - 1 handful,
Lemon - 0.5 pcs.,
Mixture of lettuce leaves - 100 g,

For the sauce:
Balsamic vinegar - 1 tbsp. spoon,

Coarsely ground black pepper,

Peel the avocado, remove the pit, and cut the pulp into thin slices. Be sure to add lemon juice to prevent the avocado slices from browning.

Place the lettuce mixture on a plate. Place avocado slices and grapes on lettuce leaves. If the grapes are large, they can be cut in half.

For the sauce, combine balsamic vinegar, oil, salt, pepper and whisk well.

Pour the sauce over the salad and sprinkle with pine nuts.

Appetizer "Love Game" (Salmon Carpaccio)

For this appetizer we need the freshest salmon fillet. It must be cut into thin slices, placed on a dish, salted, peppered and marinated in freshly squeezed tomato juice or a mixture of freshly prepared lemon and orange juices. Add a few basil leaves, cover with cling film and put in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours, during which time the salmon will marinate to the desired condition.

Serve, garnished with a small amount of capers, lemon slices and dill sprigs.

Appetizer "Temptation" (Warm salad with shrimp)

You will need:
Peeled cocktail shrimp - 300 g,

Fresh tomato - 1 pc.,
Green cilantro and dill - 0.5 bunch,
Garlic oil,

Remove the seeds from the pepper, remove the stem, and cut the pulp into thin strips. Cut the tomato in half and then into slices.

Place vegetables in heated oil in a frying pan, fry them for 3 minutes, add shrimp, salt and pepper and cook for another 3-4 minutes, stirring occasionally. Place vegetables and shrimp on plates, garnish with chopped herbs. It is best served warm, but this appetizer is also delicious cold.

Meat and fish dishes

Meat and fish dishes contain all the necessary vitamins and microelements to provide us with energy and strength on such a romantic evening.

Seafood stew "Abyss of Passion"

You will need:
Squid carcasses without skin - 200 g,
Peeled king prawns - 200 g,
Pike-perch fillet (cod, perch) - 200 g,
Green bell pepper - 1 pc.,
Tomato - 2 pcs.,
Onions - 1 pc.,
Dill and cilantro - 1 bunch,
Basil - 1-2 sprigs,
Dry white wine - 150 ml,
Olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons,
Red pepper sauce Tabasco - 0.5-1 teaspoon,

Peel the tomatoes. To do this, you need to immerse them briefly in boiling water, after cutting the skin on top crosswise. Cut the tomato pulp into small cubes. Peel the pepper from seeds, remove the stalk, cut into small cubes. Chop the onion and greens.

Cut fish and squid fillets into medium pieces. Saute the onion in oil until soft, add peppers and tomatoes, add a little salt and pepper and cook for 5 minutes. Add wine, Tabasco sauce, herbs, bring to a boil, add fish, cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Add shrimp and squid, cook for another 3 minutes. If necessary, you can add a little more salt and pepper at this stage.

Bon appetit!

"Ocean" (Dorada with vegetables and herbs)

You will need:
Dorada - 2 pcs.,
Tomato - 2 pcs.,
Bell pepper - 1 pc.,
Dill, cilantro, parsley - 1 bunch,
Garlic - 2 cloves,
Bay leaf - 2 pcs.,
Olive oil,

Place chopped herbs, garlic, a little olive oil, salt, pepper into a blender bowl and grind everything to a paste.

Cut the skin of the prepared fish carcass in several places. Rub the previously prepared paste onto the fish outside and inside.

Peel the pepper and remove the stem. Cut tomatoes and peppers into rings.

Take a large sheet of foil, place half the peppers and tomatoes on it, place the fish and bay leaf on the vegetables, sprinkle the fish with oil and close the foil like an envelope. Do the same with the second fish and remaining vegetables.

Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 20-30 minutes.

Roast "Love Pot" (Rabbit with turkey and vegetables)

You will need:
Rabbit meat - 0.5 kg,
Turkey breast - 250 g,
Onions - 1 pc.,
Carrots - 1 pc.,
Tomato - 2 pcs.,
Celery root - 150 g,
Garlic - 4 cloves,
Dill greens - a little,
Green onions - a little
Dry red wine - as needed,
Vegetable oil,

Cut the turkey fillet into large cubes. Chop the rabbit meat into medium-sized pieces. Salt and pepper the meat and fry separately in oil for 10 minutes.

Chop onion, herbs and garlic. Sauté the onion in oil until soft. Chop carrots and celery thinly. Cut the tomatoes into cubes.

Place everything in pots in dense layers, alternating meat, onions, vegetables, garlic and some herbs. Pour in wine mixed with water in a 1:1 ratio so that the meat and vegetables are completely covered.

Place the pots in the oven and cook at 180-200 degrees for 1.5 hours. Can be served in pots, sprinkled with the remaining chopped herbs.

Fragrant veal steaks "Tales of the East"

You will need:
Veal steaks - 2 pcs. 150-200 g each,
Ginger root - 3 cm,
Hot red pepper - 1 pc.,
Soy sauce - 2 tbsp. spoons,
Garlic - 1 clove,
Dry basil - a little
Vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp. spoons,
Coarsely ground black pepper.

Peel and grate the ginger root, chop the garlic, put everything in a bowl. Separate the hot pepper pulp from the seeds, chop finely and add to the ginger and garlic. Add soy sauce, basil, black pepper and oil. Mix everything well.

Coat the steaks on all sides with the resulting marinade, place them on a plate, cover with cling film and put in the refrigerator for at least 2-3 hours, or preferably for a day. The steaks can then be cooked on a rack in the oven, in foil or in a sleeve if desired. The frying or baking time depends on the level of doneness you like.

Dessert "Desire" (Strawberry dessert)

You will need:
Fresh or frozen strawberries - 500 g,
Heavy cream 35% fat - 300 g,
Vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon,
Powdered sugar - to taste
Fresh mint - 1-2 sprigs.

Grind the strawberries in a blender along with vanilla sugar until pureed. If you make dessert from fresh strawberries, you can leave a few berries for decoration.

Beat the cream with a mixer together with powdered sugar until stiff peaks form. Then gently mix the whipped cream with the strawberry puree. Place the dessert in cocktail glasses and garnish with strawberries and mint leaves.

Dessert "Magic Night" (Assorted dried fruits with nuts)

In order to prepare this dessert, we do not need to spend a lot of time. All you have to do is buy and place dried fruits and nut mixture on a plate.

These can be almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, as well as raisins, dates, dried apricots, figs, prunes.

Cocktail "Brightness of feelings" (White wine cocktail)

This cocktail will fill you with vivid feelings and vibrant desires.

You will need:
Apple juice - 100 ml,
Grape juice - 100 ml,
Dry white wine - 100 ml,
Honey - 1 teaspoon,
Lemon - 2 slices.

Mix apple juice, grape juice, honey. Add wine, stir and pour into glasses. Place a slice of lemon into glasses.

Cocktail "Passion" (Citrus non-alcoholic cocktail)

Vitamin C is known to increase sexual desire and heighten our senses. Although this cocktail is easy to prepare, it is very important for restoring strength.

You will need:
Oranges and lemons in proportions 2 to 1,
Honey - 1-2 tbsp. spoons per 1 liter of juice.

Combine the juice squeezed from oranges and lemons, add honey and mix everything well. Before serving, add a few ice cubes and a cinnamon stick to the glasses.

So, we have described a small number of dishes that you can prepare for dinner for two on Valentine's Day or just for a romantic dinner at home. Choose recipes to suit your taste and cook with love and tenderness, conveying to the food all the feelings that you feel for your beloved man. And your romantic evening will definitely be bright and unforgettable!