Who is a strong man for a woman? A strong man is the main difference from a weak one. Behind every great man is a great woman

A strong man is not one who shows off his muscles to impress a girl he will sleep with once and never see again. This is not someone who holds back their tears because they are afraid of appearing weak. E

he is not the one who fools a girl for months before telling her that he is not ready for anything serious.

A strong man is one who allows himself to cry in front of the woman he loves. Someone who shares his feelings, even when it's hard. Even if he had been taught all his life to suppress them and hold them back.

A strong man is one who is not afraid to tell a woman how he feels. Someone who doesn't want to play games because he believes in honesty. Someone who won't let a good woman leave will put a lot of effort into showing her that she is important to him, that she means a lot to him.

A strong man is one who is not afraid to appear henpecked if his friends tease him about his relationship. He is proud of his relationships. He realizes that it is a blessing that he has met the love of his life.

A strong man is one who is not afraid to admit that he is head over heels in love. He never fools a woman. He never wastes anyone's time because he is not the type to intentionally break hearts.

A strong man is one who protects his girlfriend from everyone who insults her. He always tells the truth, even if it is bitter. He has high values ​​and strong principles from which he does not deviate.

A strong man is one who treats women with respect, even if they don't reciprocate. Even if it means that his love will be unrequited. A strong man is one who does not believe that he deserves a reward for everything he does for being honest.

A strong man is one who is impressed, not intimidated, by a strong woman.

He is the one who will brag that his woman earns more than him without feeling humiliated. He will be happy when his woman wears something sexy without feeling jealous.

A strong man is one who is happy when his woman has her own life, because he also has his own life.

And he appreciates what he has while he has it. He never takes anyone's love for granted. A strong man is the one for whom you should save your heart, because he will give you as much as he receives.

Strength and power are what have always surprised, inspired and caused a flow of inspiration among humanity. Strong people, or, as they are also called, strongmen, undoubtedly deserve your attention, because they are not only a standard of strength, but also an example of endurance, perseverance and incredible faith.

Especially if this fact concerns the male half of our society: the ideal of all girls is a strong and reliable man who could protect his other half from all the hardships and difficulties of life.

Today we will talk not just about the strong, but about the strongest men on the planet, whose names will forever remain in the memory of their fans and millions of other people. These people amazed with their actions, tricks and records; they managed to become the best of the best, and therefore undoubtedly deserve respect.

  1. Joe Rollino

We open our top 10 with the oldest and most amazing strongman on the planet, who was called the Dundee Kid. This man managed to live 104 years, and on his last birthday he managed to delight guests with an impressive trick of bending a coin.

Joe did not drink alcohol and was a vegetarian, who knows, maybe to some extent because of this he was able to shock the whole world with his unimaginable strength. World fame came to Joe Rollino after he managed to lift about half a ton from the ground, for which he received the title of the strongest man in the world in 1920.

  1. Evgeniy Sandov

It is this man who is called the founder of bodybuilding, despite the fact that at the time when he was engaged in this, there were no such competitions and trends in sports. Evgeniy was born in 1867, was half German, but for his sports career he took his mother’s surname.

Did you know that the gold-plated figurine with the image of a bodybuilder, which is awarded to the first bodybuilders in the world, is a figurine that depicts Evgeniy Sandow? At the beginning of the last century, he was awarded the title of “professor” of physical education and, as we have already said, became the founders of a sport that is now considered one of the most masculine.

  1. Arnold Schwarzenegger

Perhaps this personality does not need advertising or any special introduction, because, in fact, this is a man of the era! The young man began active strength training at the age of 15, and soon he began to earn such prestigious titles and awards as Mr. Universe or Mr. Olympia.

Despite the fact that Schwarzenegger’s strength career ended quite a long time ago, today he still remains the most prominent and recognizable bodybuilder of our time.

  1. Sergio Oliva

A Cuban hero who, already at the age of 20, managed to acquire the title of the most promising bodybuilder of his time.

Immediately after this, Sergio immigrated to the United States, where his active career as a strongman began: he edited his training system and managed to acquire such a form that it shocked even Schwarzenegger himself, who was still very young at that time. He is a three-time champion of the Mr. Olympia competition.

  1. Steve Reeves

The famous “Hercules”, as well as a wonderful actor in many other roles, Steve Reeves, is not only a successful movie star, but also the youngest bodybuilder in the history of bodybuilding. Despite the fact that the young man was not predicted to have a brilliant future in the field of physical education, Steve managed to win the title of “World Champion” in 1948, and 2 years later, “Mr. Universe”.

  1. Vasily Alekseev

The territory of the former Soviet Union had its own strongmen, and among them was Vasily Alekseev, who held 81 records within the USSR and only 1 less records around the world. By the way, no one has yet been able to repeat some of his achievements and tricks. At that time, although not officially, Vasily bore the title of the strongest man on the planet.

  1. Dorian Yates

Surprisingly, this man did not always dream of a future as a bodybuilder; he was once a skinhead and even spent six months in a correctional facility.

However, a few years later, the young man became the best British Champion, subsequently received the title of Mr. Olympia, where he competed with a serious injury and, as a result, ended his career as a bodybuilder.

  1. Vasily Virastyuk

In 2004, he confirmed the title of the strongest man on the planet at the world level, and literally three years later he won it again. In front of the discouraged spectators, Vasily managed to move a load from place to place, the total weight of which was about a hundred tons!

  1. Franco Colombo

Surprisingly, the Italian Franco got into the world of big-time sports, and, specifically, bodybuilding, thanks to his chance acquaintance with Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Although he was not as powerful as the Hollywood star, Franco managed to win a number of his victories: he became Mr. Olympia after a severe knee injury, from which he managed to recover thanks to the program that he himself developed.

  1. Bruce Khlebnikov

Without a doubt, Bruce is the youngest in our top, because he is only 25 years old today. However, in such a short period of his life, he managed to achieve mind-blowing results, and most of his records are listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

For example, one of them: drag a boat weighing 14 tons by hair over a distance of 15 meters, and then move a 17-ton bus! But Bruce is still so young and we hope that he has everything ahead of him.

From time immemorial, society has believed that a man should be strong. After all, it’s true that women love strong men, and everyone wants to see a man next to her so that she can completely rely on him, forget about all her sorrows and worries and just relax, leaning on a reliable and strong man’s shoulder.

A real strong man is determined, active and persistent. With him you can not be afraid of anything and be a weak woman. For many years, what makes a man strong in the eyes of the fair sex is his responsibility for his children and wife, his courage in resolving difficult situations and his ability to work.

Today, most married couples can be divided into two types of unions:

  • a strong woman and a strong man. This option is extremely rare, because representatives of the stronger sex often simply avoid women like themselves. The two leaders will never divide the territory equally and will forever fight for dominance. But if a woman at least sometimes plays the role of the weak, the union can turn out to be very successful;
  • strong man and weak woman. Such couples are much more harmonious. The follower woman does not pretend to be a leader, but her husband, on the contrary, feels like the strongest man next to her.

In reality, life with strong men is far from rosy. They also have serious shortcomings that a woman is forced to put up with; what seems romantic during courtship can disappoint in life together.

Disadvantages of strong men

  1. A strong man feels like the head of the family and its breadwinner, so he considers attempts at self-realization as the fact that his wife does not believe in him. Over time, the spouse gradually loses the opportunity to work, study, meet with girlfriends, and have fun without her spouse.
  2. It happens that a man does not mind his wife working, but at the same time he underestimates the value of her work in every possible way, considering such work to be nothing more than a toy for a languishing woman.
  3. There are also perfectionists - a special type of strong men. He tries in every way to make an ideal out of his wife: he forces his wife to work and study only where, in his opinion, it is prestigious, so that she meets his standards, and he can boast about her among his colleagues and friends. A woman finds herself separated from the world around her and her desires. She feels infantile, completely dependent, at worst, sick and depressed. Such mental anguish can contribute to the emergence of real diseases. Lack of freedom and self-expression contributes to headaches, depression, and allergies. It turns out that a woman gives up her freedom for the opportunity to be weak.
  4. The downside of the confidence and responsibility of a strong man is that he autocratically decides everything for his wife too, only he knows what and how to do correctly, and in order to achieve the desired result, everything must be under control, which is sometimes very intrusive and turns into despotism. The woman feels dependent on her husband and is offended that her wishes and opinions are not taken into account.
  5. The ability to defend oneself turns into irritability and conflict, and any expression of one’s opinion can lead to a scandal. The man is in charge and this is not discussed.

Often women do not know how to interact with a strong man in order to preserve the relationship and not lose themselves. First of all, he needs complete submission, in exchange providing care and protection. However, having achieved submission, a man loses interest and respect for a woman. When a young lady resists and challenges her husband's influence, a series of endless conflicts begins that lead to divorce.

Women are also not consistent: they want to be weak and rely on a man, but at the same time they are not satisfied with being in a dependent position and submitting to him. I want to show power and independence. When a man allows this, they complain about his weakness. It turns out that a strong and weak man is not fully suitable for a woman. One does not allow her to express herself, and the other does not allow her to relax and feel like a woman. On the other hand, ideal people do not exist and ultimately everything depends on ourselves.

“He is able to provide for his family, he thinks like a breadwinner. He earns money, and the woman has the opportunity not to work, but to take care of the house and family. She doesn't need anything. Yes, secretly every woman dreams of this. But how to “plant” yourself at home, depend on him, where to put your fear?

After all, many strong men subsequently insist that the woman not work. A strong man does not need a woman who does her work from morning till evening. self-realization, he needs a loving wife who has the strength and desire to deal with the notorious rear. He needs a woman’s energy, which she will spend on him and on their common life, and not on self-realization.

Even if you have a housewife who can help you, the house needs women's attention and energy. Without a woman, the house is empty, and sometimes neglected, there is no warmth and comfort in it. The most important thing is a woman’s ability to energetically hold what a man will bring, what he will be able to earn.

And when is she busy with her implementation? Why does a strong man need it? Yes, a woman can do something, but if she chooses a career and puts it first, nothing will come of it. A woman can pursue a career only alone or with a weak man. If a woman is independent, makes career plans and realizes herself, a man is very offended by this. Do you know why? Because he doesn’t understand why he is needed then? A strong man cares little about a woman’s career; he is interested in femininity and feminine energy.

“He has clear principles and views on which he builds his life. He follows them and rarely breaks them, even in the name of love and maintaining relationships. Women often mistake the opportunity to give in to a man for love. They always test how far a man can go in violating his principles.

If he gives in, then she herself does not respect him, and then hopes to meet someone stronger. And if he does not yield, then a strong woman shouts that he is a despot. And a wise woman subtly feels that if a man is able to abandon his views in the name of her whims, then what kind of principles are these? His decisions are not discussed. Because you need to be responsible for any decisions. A responsibility– this is a purely masculine quality. And a woman doesn’t need it. Therefore, she easily gives in and adapts. But these are purely feminine qualities. More about this in the following articles.

— The man handles all financial transactions in the family. The “earn it and give it to me” principle was invented by strong women. A woman should not count money, worry about debit and credit, unless she wants to become the financier in the family. A woman who counts money and is responsible for all finances in the family loses her charm and femininity. “Women are not meant to worry about money. This burden leads to depression, women lose their vitality and charm, and sometimes lead to mental and physical illness.” H. Andelin.

— He is involved in raising children, especially boys. His word is law for children. The boy learns masculinity, strength and will from his father, and the girl grows up respecting the man. It will not be difficult for such a woman to later build a relationship as a couple.

— He knows what he wants in life, so he is firm, decisive, self-confident.Rarely need advice. Because any advice makes a man weaker, especially female advice. Even if he makes a mistake, he will correct it.

We need to understand that strong man there can only be a woman who unconditionally agrees with feminine nature. Behind a stone wall, she is ready to leave her strength, autonomy, independence and leadership qualities. She is ready to become weak and dependent. No one is asking you to give up the power of your soul, but you will have to give up the neurotic power dictated by fears. A man needs a woman who is confident in her feminine charm, in her feminine Nature.

And dependence on a man is not slavery. This is the understanding that feminine nature is designed this way. Both a woman needs protection and women’s happiness and well-being depend on a man.

Harmony is possible when two opposite energies, two opposite poles, unite. And this harmony does not come out of nowhere. Like, let him become stronger and we will be happy. Does a strong man need a stubborn, domineering, strong-willed and demanding woman?

As long as you remain such a woman, the hope of a strong partner will remain unrealistic. And remember that in an alliance with a strong man, a woman does not lose freedom, not individuality and not herself, she loses control and the ability to protect herself on her own.

So now the question, think carefully before you answer. Do you choose a strong man who is like “behind a stone wall” or are you closer to your principles, the ability to make all decisions, protect yourself and provide for yourself? It's time to make a choice.