The newborn constantly shouts what to do. How to calm a baby and why he screams. Restless sleep and crying

All parents are faced with the problem of children's crying, which can turn into hysterics. It is necessary to find out why the baby is capricious, eliminate the causes, or, if possible, alleviate the baby’s condition. To know possible options It’s better before birth, so that you can help the baby faster.

Types of crying

Over time, parents can determine the child's needs depending on the nature of the whims. Common types of crying and their causes:

  • Protracted, accompanied by redness, stretching of the arms - often caused by hunger. Feeding helps soothe;
  • Constant whining, sometimes with hiccups, may wax and wane. You need to check the diapers and change them if necessary. It is better to do this with a reusable diaper: if the crying does not stop, it means the baby is wet, the skin is irritated by urine;
  • A weak whimper turns into a strong cry, the baby actively moves his legs and arms - a possible requirement to eliminate the inconvenience. These are tight swaddling, an improperly fastened diaper, folds in clothing or a diaper that put pressure on the skin. It may mean fatigue if the baby lies in the crib for a long time or takes an uncomfortable position;
  • She cries slightly, tries to free herself from the diapers - the baby is hot, he may blush and sweat. Need to change wet clothes and do not wrap the baby too tightly;
  • A piercing cry with hiccups, trembling - the baby is cold, it is necessary to dress or cover him warmer.

A newborn baby may only communicate discomfort by crying, so you need to be understanding about this. If you experience frequent, prolonged screaming that cannot be calmed down using conventional methods, you will need to consult a pediatrician to find out the reasons.

Crying while feeding

In addition, at 4 months, children begin to show greater interest in surrounding objects, colors, and sounds. Muscular and skeletal system becomes stronger, attempts to roll over occur more often. The child begins to study the behavior of adults, toys, bright things. He shows emotions, enjoys attention and is dissatisfied if communication stops, and is capricious before bed because of the desire to do something new and interesting.

A 4-month-old baby's crying becomes more frequent due to the need to talk and get to know objects. In such cases, a whining child quickly calms down in his arms and becomes active.

It cannot be left without attention - it is important for general development, but it’s not possible to keep it for days. You need to act according to the situation: leave the child in the crib and do not immediately take him in if he begins to act up. Often he quickly stops whining due to switching his attention to some object. If crying intensifies, it is imperative to calm the child down - any training should be gentle in order to avoid nervous disorders and muscle strain.

Change of weather

Many mothers note that their baby is capricious all day long before weather conditions change. In infancy, protective functions are weakened, the systems of nerves and blood vessels of the body are still just getting started. A sensitive reaction to the weather occurs in all children up to 4-6 months, but to varying degrees.

After healthy child able to adapt to environmental changes: temperature conditions, humidity level, wind speed. When atmospheric pressure changes, signs may appear:

  • Changes in mood due to deterioration in general well-being;
  • The child does not sleep well, which is caused by increased or decreased intracranial pressure, headaches;
  • Violations in digestive system, colic appears more often due to the expansion of gases in the intestines. This occurs due to the difference in external pressure on the body with intracavitary pressure in the pelvic organs;
  • Lethargy, rapid fatigue.

According to statistics, sensitivity to weather conditions is more pronounced in twins, fair-haired babies and those born ahead of schedule. It can occur with weak immunity, stress, illness, or after vaccination.

Often, manifestations of meteosensitivity are observed in the autumn-winter period with frequent jumps in temperature indicators: from minus to plus and vice versa. You need to pay attention to whether the weather changed after the baby’s inexplicable whims, and what signs were present. If you have any suspicions, inform your doctor, who may prescribe medications to reduce bloating, a course of massage, or vitamin complexes or homeopathic remedies to strengthen the body. In rare cases, meteosensitivity is a symptom that will require additional examinations and treatment.

Babies, dependent on atmospheric changes, experience a particularly acute need for attention. To prevent deterioration in health, you need to dress the child according to the weather, use hardening procedures: walks, air baths, swimming, and do gymnastics.

Knowing possible reasons The baby's whims can be calmed by eliminating provoking factors. Stroking, mother’s warmth, her calm voice, and melodic humming often help. If the usual methods do not help, the child’s desperate cry may be a sign of pain. It is necessary to examine the skin and folds on the child’s body. Additionally, remember the conditions under which crying begins. Information will be needed when contacting a pediatrician to find out the reasons for crying.

Your long-awaited and beloved baby has finally been born, you seemed to be preparing for the meeting. But now you understand that you don’t understand him a little. Why does a newborn cry constantly? How to calm a newborn? It’s like I do everything for him, you say, and his diapers are clean and he’s fed and worn after meals, but he still cries very often...

Don't worry too much, all children cry. It's easy for him the only way convey something to you.

A newborn baby cannot yet tell you what he wants or what worries him, so they try to convey their desire to you through crying. A newborn can cry for many reasons, but learning to understand what a newborn is asking for is not that difficult. But of course it’s difficult to figure it out right away, but after a while you’ll learn how to do it. The main thing to remember is that a child cries differently depending on the situation.

Here's some guidance on how to calm a newborn.

1. A newborn is crying from hunger.
The child tells you with his long cry that he wants to eat. At the same time, he may blush and most often pulls his hands.

In this case, of course, the baby needs to be fed, despite the fact that it is still very early.

2. Newborn in wet diapers, in a wet diaper.
The baby wants to inform you that he has already peed in a diaper or diaper (even if it is reusable), and now he is wet and uncomfortable. They irritate the delicate skin of a newborn. And it doesn’t matter for him whether it’s day or night, it’s uncomfortable in the wet in any case. In this case, he seems to whine, now stronger, now weaker, and whines continuously. He may also develop hiccups.

How to calm a newborn: Just change his diaper or diaper, and if he’s a little cold, cover him with a blanket.

3. The child is uncomfortable in a diaper or clothing.
He may cry because the folds of an incorrectly swaddled diaper are pressing on him or because some small thing (a button, a string, a pebble, etc.) has gotten into the diaper or clothes. Or maybe he's just tired of lying in one position and wants to roll over. This type of crying starts with whimpers, and then he starts screaming, waving his arms and legs, trying to change position.

How to calm a newborn: Unwrap the newborn and swaddle him again, more carefully, so that there are fewer folds. Or first try turning it over to a different position.

From the heat, the baby whines, the skin turns slightly red, and a rash (prickly heat) may also appear. He tries to free himself from diapers or clothes. You can measure the temperature, it can rise to 37.5 degrees due to overheating.

How to calm a newborn: On hot days, try not to dress your child reusable nappies, use thin diapers and caps (you can not wear a cap in the heat)

5. The newborn is cold.
If the baby is cold, he may cry piercingly, and then the crying becomes quieter and longer, and hiccups appear.

How to calm a newborn: The baby needs to be dressed a little warmer. The cool skin of the abdomen, chest and back will tell you that the baby is cold.

6. Newborn cries while feeding
During feeding, he may cry due to the inflammatory process in his oral mucosa. Or because of inflammation of the middle ear. With otitis media, it hurts the child when swallowing, so even if he is hungry and greedily clutches your chest, after the first swallow he will tear away and start crying loudly. In this case, the baby’s cry is very loud and shrill. He can throw his head back a little. With otitis media, crying can occur not only during feeding, but at any time, even at night.
Even during feeding, he may cry when his nose is clogged and it is simply difficult for him to breathe. Especially if the baby has a runny nose.

How to calm a newborn: For all three reasons, you should, of course, call a doctor. And from a clogged nose, you can suck out the snot and continue feeding.

7. Newborn cries after feeding.
It is quite possible that food got into his tummy and air, this happens often. And now his stomach hurts. In this case, the child bends his legs to his stomach, frowns his forehead and cries pitifully.

How to calm a newborn: First, check whether you are applying your baby to the breast correctly. Does it capture the nipple's areola? or just the nipple? The baby should not smack too loudly when sucking. Secondly, after feeding, do not forget to wear it in a column (in vertical position), until he burps or just min. 15-20.

8. The newborn cries from intestinal colic.
You will immediately recognize this cry; it will be very piercing and there may be breaks between the screams. He seems to be asking you for help, saying that he is in pain. Boys suffer from colic more often than girls. And first-born children experience colic more often than subsequent children. Children of anxious mothers can also experience colic. There are many reasons for colic in the abdomen: these are still immature internal systems of the child, and allergies, or maybe the mother ate something inappropriate for the baby. And gas bubbles accumulate in the baby’s tummy large quantities. These gases put pressure on the intestinal wall, and it hurts the baby.

How to calm a newborn: First, try to warm the baby a little, put his tummy to your stomach, or you can warm the tummy with a heating pad, folded several times and ironed with a hot iron. You can also give dill water to drink after feeding or Activated carbon. There are also special children's medications that can be bought at the pharmacy, for example, "Espumezan"

9. The child has diaper rash on the skin
This is skin irritation due to a late diaper change or due to putting the diaper on wet skin. Deal with it simple enough. You need to monitor your child more closely.

10. Baby cries when he pees.
If this happens systematically, it means the baby may be in bladder inflammatory process. If this is accompanied by an elevated temperature, better call a doctor.

11. Constipation in a newborn baby - or the baby cries when pooping.
To avoid constipation in a newborn, it is better for a mother to breastfeed her baby rather than formula feed. If it is not possible to breastfeed, then let the child drink water throughout the day. Constipation can be dealt with slightly irritating the baby's anus. To do this, lubricate the sharp tip of the thermometer sunflower oil and insert it into the anus, about 1 cm. And move it forward and backward a little. After this, the baby may fart or poop. In any case, he will feel better and calm down.
Crying during defecation occurs due to irritation anus child. To avoid this, wash it more often, after each time you urinate and after pooping.

12. The baby is tired.
Little children get tired too. When tired, the baby not only whines, but also loses interest in his surroundings. He would like to rest, sleep for a while, but they cannot always fall asleep on their own. He needs a little help. Rock him in your arms, maybe sing a song, or you can give him a bath before bed, or you can also take him outside to sleep.

13. The baby is teething
Some children experience the appearance of teeth very painfully and cause discomfort. Look after the child. Is his mouth watering? Does he bite his fingers or something else? Maybe he refuses to breastfeed because of pain in his gums? The baby may also have no appetite and sleep patterns may be disrupted.

How to calm a newborn: Wash your hands thoroughly and gently massage your baby's gums. You can give it a cold ring to chew. Can be applied to gums special ointment. Sold in pharmacies.

14. The baby wants to chat.
A child, just like an adult, has a desire to communicate or not to communicate. To be alone or not to be alone. Therefore, if there are no obvious reasons for the child to cry, but he cries despite this, just try to pick him up and chat with him a little. sing a song or just talk or look at him.

15. The newborn does not want to sleep.
If it's time to put your baby to bed, and he is capricious and seems to crawl out of the diaper, then he is not yet ready to go to bed. Unwaddle him, let him walk a little.

16. A newborn cries for no reason.
This does not necessarily indicate that he is ill; most likely he simply has an easily excitable nervous system. You need to go for walks with such children more often, and don’t turn on loud music or TV indoors. And remove bright lights and loud rattle toys.

It will also be very useful to see video by Dr. Harvey Karp on how to calm a crying baby in 2-5 minutes. He will teach you how to calm your baby in just five steps. After all, newborn babies are born not yet fully developed and they need to get used to the new world around them. In the first three months of a child’s life, such adaptation occurs. Harvey Carp called this period the “Fourth Trimester of Pregnancy.” In general, be sure to watch it, it will help you a lot, because if your baby cries less, then you will be able to rest more, but you will need sooooo much strength. 🙂

The crying of a baby is perhaps the most powerful test that awaits young parents. Not everyone can boast of nerves of steel, and seeing her baby desperately screaming, a mother may panic, especially if this is her first baby. What could be the cause of crying? infant?

Tiny arms and legs, weak muscles, undeveloped senses... and loud crying. Nature has provided the child with the only key to survival in infancy - a cry. This is how a baby can communicate to others about his discomfort (hunger, cold or heat) or mood (fear, dissatisfaction, boredom).

There are two main opinions regarding the causes of baby crying:

  • screaming always means discomfort and implies the presence of certain causes that need to be identified and eliminated;
  • There’s nothing wrong with a newborn’s crying, he just wants to be held. There is no need to accustom him to this, let him scream, then he will calm down on his own.

The second approach is today considered outdated; fortunately, there are fewer and fewer supporters of leaving the child screaming in his crib for fear of being handled and spoiled.

But how to understand why the baby is screaming? What to look for when looking for reasons? The main criteria when determining the reason for crying are:

  • baby's facial expressions;
  • volume and intensity of crying;
  • muscle tone;
  • time of crying: in a dream, while awake, at a certain time of day;
  • complexion: whether it is flushed or, conversely, pale.

Over time, the young mother will learn to better understand and interpret the signals sent by the baby in the form of crying and screaming. However, until this moment comes, you will have to show maximum observation, and sometimes act at random.

Why does a baby cry: the main reasons for crying

Normally, newborns sleep a lot, eat often and are awake little. Ideally, a baby who is not worried about anything does not cry at all. But even the calmest baby can sometimes start screaming and scare the calmest parents, not to mention those whose infant cries constantly.
What are the most likely causes of baby crying?


Does the baby scream demandingly, twist his head to the sides, smack his lips and pull his arms? Most likely he is hungry. You can check this in another way. Lightly touch your baby's cheek or corner of his mouth with your fingertip. If the baby immediately turns his head in this direction and opens his mouth, he is definitely hungry!


Sleep for a newborn is a vital necessity. The younger the baby, the more time he spends sleeping. Sleep deprivation (lack) leads to nervous overload and, as a result, crying. In this case, crying, in turn, provokes even greater tension and a vicious circle results.

If the baby is dry, not hungry, cries monotonously and does not respond to your attempts to distract him, try to put him to bed. Soon you and your baby will develop a certain sleep and wakefulness routine, and coping with this situation will become much easier.

Sensory overload

The senses of a newborn are imperfect and develop especially rapidly during the first year of life. Visual, auditory, tactile sensations become brighter every week. If the sensory channels are overstimulated, the baby can quickly become overtired, which will lead to overexcitation, sleep disturbance and, as a result, crying. This is precisely why the recommendation to avoid noisy crowded places until the baby grows up a little is connected.

Cold or hot

A child may cry because the ambient temperature is uncomfortable for him. If the baby is flushed, prickly heat appears on his body, and his movements are sluggish, he is most likely hot. When hypothermia occurs, the child's skin is pale, the limbs, neck and shoulders are cold.

Many mothers focus exclusively on the baby’s nose, and if it is cool, they begin to intensively wrap the baby. A much more reliable indicator in this case is the baby’s neck and shoulders. If these parts of the body are cool, then the baby is really cold.

Remember that children's metabolism is very fast, and thermoregulation is not yet fully developed. Trying to protect the baby from illness by wrapping him in several layers of clothes, we can easily overheat him. If you doubt whether your child is really cold, it is better not to wrap him up.

Uncomfortable clothes

Sometimes crying baby tries to tell us about uncomfortable clothes: seams can rub delicate skin, buttons can dig into the body, ties can provoke itching. Check the baby's clothes or change the baby's clothes if the baby sleeps in diapers. Perhaps somewhere an insidious tissue hole has formed, which irritates the child.

Wet diaper or overflowing diaper

Children are very sensitive to the discomfort that moisture causes them. Agree, it’s unpleasant to lie on wet things. Reusable gauze diapers may be of particular concern because... they do not provide dryness even during the first minutes after the child wears them “in a small way.” The feeling of an overfilled disposable diaper is also not pleasant.

Regularly check diapers (clothes, nappies) for moisture, this will help avoid unnecessary dissatisfaction on the part of the baby.

Pain and illness

The reason for crying, such as pain, scares parents the most. What hurts? How strong? How long ago? The baby cannot answer any of these questions, and we can only hope that there is nothing worse than colic. this moment not happening.

It is almost impossible to determine the source of pain by the baby’s behavior. The child’s nervous system is just developing and is not yet capable of clearly localizing the source of pain.

When there is pain, the baby's crying is loud, shrill and constant. Periodically there are outbursts of screaming, apparently caused by an increase in unpleasant sensations. Often, with moderate pain, an infant cries in his sleep, and the sleep itself is intermittent and restless.

To the main reasons for baby crying from pain can be attributed:

  • colic caused by the accumulation of gases in the tummy and intestinal motility. A characteristic feature of colic can be manifested in the fact that they recur at the same time, most often in the evenings;
  • inflammatory processes in the urinary tract (the main sign is that the child cries before urinating);
  • irritation of the anus as a result of careless or, conversely, excessive hygiene or abuse of a gas tube, enema, rectal suppositories;
  • Teething also often causes a lot of suffering for babies, especially at night. In a lying position, blood rushes to the gums, increasing the already unpleasant sensations, as a result the child may cry in his sleep;
  • diaper rash, dermatitis;
  • neurological disorders.

Sometimes the baby cries during feeding: he makes several sucking movements and turns away from the breast screaming, despite being hungry. In such cases, it can be assumed that the baby has ear, nose or throat diseases (stomatitis, otitis media, thrush, farningitis).

If you suspect that your crying baby suffers from pain, be sure to consult a doctor. The pediatrician will be able to make a diagnosis and select appropriate medications or refer you and your child for additional examination.


The well-being of some children may depend on various weather phenomena: magnetic storms, temperature changes, sudden changes in pressure, strong winds, etc.

Lack of attention

Yes, yes, your baby needs communication and interaction almost from the first weeks. Crying in such cases is a call. It subsides as soon as the mother takes the baby in her arms, and resumes with renewed vigor if the baby is placed in the crib.

Determining why an infant cries is not always easy, because there may be several reasons, or one may lead to another (for example, the child first cried from the heat, and then from overwork). In any case, try not to fall into despair, because babies sense their mother’s mood very subtly. Your calmness and confidence will definitely give your little one strength and help him calm down.

Often young mothers are faced with baby crying and cannot understand what is wrong. It is almost impossible to calm a newborn without eliminating the cause of crying. What to do? How to understand why a baby is screaming? How to calm a newborn baby and ensure his comfort?

Why is the baby crying

If a baby screams and won't stop, there is a reason for it. You need to understand that a newborn baby uses crying as a means to convey to others his dissatisfaction with something. An infant does not yet know how to manipulate and seek mother’s attention by crying. Therefore, when you hear children’s cries, you need to take it seriously and start looking for the cause.

The main reasons for a newborn baby crying:

  • Hunger.
  • Colic.
  • Wet diaper or diaper.
  • The baby is cold or, conversely, he is hot.
  • The child is tired and cannot sleep.
  • Fear, anxiety.
  • The desire to satisfy the sucking reflex.
  • Malaise, illness.
  • Response to geomagnetic and weather conditions.

How to eliminate the reasons for a baby's crying

Hunger can be easily relieved by giving your baby the breast or a bottle of milk or formula. It is necessary to feed the baby on demand or follow a schedule and avoid breaks in meals for more than 3-4 hours. For children in the first 3 months of life, breaks between feedings should be no more than 2-3 hours.

It is enough to replace a wet diaper with a clean one, and the baby will immediately stop crying. We must not miss this moment and forget about changing diapers. Staying in wet diapers for a long time threatens not only discomfort, but also inflammation of the skin (diaper rash).

Colic is a very common problem. Fighting them is not easy, but it is possible. In this case it may help:

  • massage the tummy clockwise;
  • rolling on a ball (the baby lies on his stomach on the ball, and the mother, holding the baby, gently rolls him back and forth);
  • anticolic drugs;
  • frequent placement on the tummy;
  • a warm heating pad or diaper that needs to be applied to the baby’s stomach;
  • use of special anti-colic bottles.

A frozen baby needs to be warmed up. To do this, it is enough to dress him warmly and carry him in your arms. You can use a heating pad wrapped in a diaper. It is better not to use heaters, as they burn out oxygen in the room, which is very harmful for an infant. Their use is advisable only if the room is really very cold.

Often children cry out of a desire to satisfy the sucking reflex. This can happen both during sleep and while awake. In order to calm the baby, it is enough to give him a pacifier, a bottle of water or a breast

When a child is hot, everything needs to be done to eliminate the cause of the heat. If this happens on the street, then you need to go into the shade and let the baby drink water. If possible, remove excess clothing from him. At home, you can turn on the air conditioner or open a window, but make sure that the direct flow of cool air does not hit the baby. It is also necessary to install a regulator on the radiators to prevent excessive heat in the room.

If the baby is tired and cannot sleep from overexcitation, then the mother needs to retire with him in a quiet room, rock him slightly, give breastfeeding, and sing a song. In 99% of cases, these measures will be enough to make the child fall asleep. In a similar way, you can calm a child who is experiencing fear or anxiety.

A child may cry because of some disease, for example, otitis media. In this case, it is difficult to immediately determine the cause. It is necessary to monitor the baby's body temperature. If the crying continues for more than a few hours, then the best solution is to go to the doctor.

Crying can also be caused by geomagnetic storms, low atmospheric pressure, etc. Unfortunately, in this case it is impossible to eliminate the cause; you must be patient and constantly be with the baby, thereby alleviating his ailments.

Why else can a baby cry? How can I help him?

Many children cry while bathing. There may be several reasons - too cold or hot water, fear (especially during the very first baths), discomfort, for example, associated with a cramped bath or other factors. We must remember that bathing should bring joy and pleasure, so crying baby You should immediately remove it from the water and postpone the procedure until next time.

Sometimes babies cry a lot in their sleep. This may be the so-called scanning cry, when the baby checks if the mother is nearby. This is a subconscious reflex, and the child screams unconsciously without even waking up. It is enough to simply take the baby in your arms, give him a breast or a pacifier, say a few kind words to him, and the baby will immediately calm down.

Also, crying in a dream may be associated with an uncomfortable position. In this case, you need to carefully turn the baby over so that he lies freely and not pinned. You can put it tummy down. This position relieves pain from colic, and many babies intuitively prefer this sleeping position. Also, many children love the position “on their side, slightly falling onto their tummy.” This pose can also relieve colic spasms.

Another common occurrence is crying after feeding. This indicates that the baby is experiencing discomfort. You can carry it vertically, lightly pat it on the back, making it easier for excess air to escape. The baby will immediately stop screaming as soon as he burps air or excess food

Very often, babies cry due to teething. This is inevitable and painful, but it is possible to alleviate the child’s condition. To do this, you can use special teething toys, pain-relieving gels for gums, peeled and washed carrots from the refrigerator (it can only be used for those babies who do not yet have teeth, otherwise the child may bite off a piece and choke). Of course, all these methods provide only temporary relief, so you will have to be patient and wait until the tooth finally erupts.

Children's cries are often associated with uncomfortable clothes– things are tight and small, rough seams rub the skin, poor-quality dye causes allergic itching and rashes, the fabric of the product is unpleasant to the skin. In this case, you need to pay great attention to the children's wardrobe and choose only high-quality children's clothing. It is better to buy a size of things a couple sizes larger than you need. Firstly, such things will definitely not be cramped for the child, and secondly, they will last for a longer time.

Sometimes children cry from loneliness. This happens in those families where the child is not given enough time, and the parents are busy with work and personal matters. What to do in this case? Of course, remember the role of the mother and take care of the baby. The worldview of a one-month-old baby is such that he feels like a part of his mother, her presence and tactile contact are of great importance for his development and psychological comfort.

Crying for no apparent reason is common in children who are easily excitable. They experience strong emotions, but cannot yet cope with them on their own due to immature nervous system. This all results in constant whimpering, whims, and screams.

What to do if your baby cries for no apparent reason

Sometimes a child constantly cries, and the mother has already done everything to make him comfortable, but he does not calm down.

Deep sleep is the best medicine for such babies, but putting them to sleep is not easy. Here are some tips on how to calm and put a screaming baby to sleep:

  • Tight swaddling helps many people. Of course, you shouldn’t constantly swaddle your baby. This is harmful and does not contribute to development, but you can use this method during sleep.
  • "White noise". It's strange, but many children love monotonous hissing sounds. This could be a hairdryer, a vacuum cleaner, or an out-of-tune radio that does not broadcast any radio station. Now you can even download a music file with such sounds and play it for your little one from your smartphone or mp3 player.
  • Many experts are against pacifier training, but it can be a panacea. A huge percentage of children under one year and older can only fall asleep with it. There is no need to suffer - give your baby a pacifier if he likes it. When he grows up, the need for her will disappear by itself.
  • Light rocking in your arms is an ancient and proven way to calm and put a child to sleep. But you don't need to do it too hard and sharply. This is harmful, and the baby may even lose consciousness. Only light and smooth movements with a small amplitude, like a dance. By the way, such a modern gadget as a chaise longue or an electric swing can help here.
  • Children sleep most soundly in a kind of cocoon made of a blanket. You need to make a kind of nest by tucking a blanket under the baby’s back and tummy. In this position he will be warm and comfortable, the baby will fall asleep faster and sleep much more peacefully.
  • A mother’s voice can have a very good calming effect on a baby. You can sing a lullaby, read poetry, talk to the child in a quiet, calm voice. This will help stop the crying.
  • Millions of women have already appreciated the benefits of a sling. In it, the child is as close as possible to the mother, while his posture is quite physiological, and the woman has her hands free. With the help of such a device, it is easy to rock a baby to sleep if you just put him in a sling and walk back and forth with him.
  • Sometimes switching the child's attention helps to distract from crying. For this purpose, you can use rattle toys, clapping your hands, rustling with a bag or paper. Once the baby calms down, it will be easy to put him to sleep.
  • For some easily excitable babies, a long walk on the beach helps them fall asleep. fresh air or bathing and subsequent massage.
  • The benefits of mother's closeness cannot be underestimated. There is no need to be afraid to carry your baby in your arms. This is natural and normal. Contrary to many opinions, it is impossible to “train” a baby to hold hands. If a child wants to be close to his mother, then this is not a whim, but a natural desire. Any baby feels good and safe next to mommy. This is the maximum effective method calm the baby down.

If the baby cries often, then you need to be more attentive to him, and the reason will become obvious, and by eliminating it, you can easily achieve peace and quiet in the family. If the cause cannot be eliminated (teeth, geomagnetic conditions), then you need to be patient and survive these moments, they happen to everyone.

Crying is the baby’s most powerful way to attract the attention of others; it tells them that the child is tired, sick, hungry. When we cry, the baby signals that he needs help.

The crying of a baby has many meanings, and over time, the mother understands why the baby is crying and always comes to the baby’s aid.

The main causes of crying in young children are:

  1. hunger;
  2. intestinal colic;
  3. cold or heat;
  4. pain;
  5. fatigue;
  6. lack of attention and communication;
  7. wet diapers, diaper rash.

Sharp crying in a baby

In the first month of life, the baby cries less often, due to the immaturity of the nervous system, and only such strong irritants as hunger, pain or fear can provoke this powerful element of the child’s adaptation to new living conditions.

The main task of parents is to provide their infant with comfortable living conditions. Especially contraindicated for a newborn and baby in the first months of life:

  • bright light;
  • sharp loud sound (screaming, knocking);
  • constantly running TV or other sound-reproducing equipment.

A small child may cry, experience difficulty falling asleep, fatigue, pain, or hunger.

Hunger as a reason for crying

Hunger is considered the most common cause crying babies under 3 months.
“Hungry” crying differs from other types of crying easily: the baby begins to cry a certain time after feeding, while making sucking movements with his mouth, stretching out his arms and “catching the breast.” Crying is demanding, loud and persistent. Usually, crying from hunger occurs when feeding is untimely or when the mother has a lack of milk (hypogalactia) of various origins.

If the crying is caused by hunger, the baby will calm down after feeding.

Today, the main WHO recommendations for feeding, especially for newborns and children in the first months of life (up to 6 months), is to feed according to the child’s demand, and not according to the clock. But at the same time, parents should not forget about other reasons for the baby’s crying, offer the breast, but not insist, especially if little time has passed since feeding. Usually, with normal lactation and sufficient time for the baby to be at the breast, he will want to eat no earlier than 1.5-2 hours, and overfeeding leads to regurgitation and an increase in intestinal colic. If your baby often asks for the breast, you need to contact your pediatrician and determine the cause of the “hungry” cry.


Infants up to 3 months sleep from 18 to 20 hours and this is associated with physiological fatigue due to hyperexcitability of the nervous system. The main reaction to fatigue, both physical and psycho-emotional, is crying. The more tired the baby is, the longer and stronger child will cry. The hallmark of crying from fatigue is that the person first loses interest in the world around him, then begins to whine, move restlessly, and then cry loudly. It is important to know that the baby cannot always calm down and fall asleep on his own. The baby needs to be picked up, calmed and lulled to sleep. Children also quickly calm down in the fresh air. At the first signs of fatigue, you can try to bathe the baby - in most cases, water has a calming effect on the child, the baby quickly calms down and falls asleep. You can add a few drops of valerian tincture to the water, and bathe your baby in herbal decoctions - mint, chamomile, calendula. But if you are too tired, you cannot bathe your child - this will lead to overstimulation of the nervous system.

Lack of communication

Kids infancy They urgently need not only care and food, but also communication. The need for communication is important quality and in its absence, full development is impossible emotional sphere and intelligence of the child, and he does everything to attract the attention of an adult, especially close contact with his mother.
With a lack of communication, the baby's crying and screaming is not associated with unpleasant sensations and as soon as the baby gets the attention of an adult, he immediately calms down.

Hot or cold

Often the child cries, experiencing discomfort from overheating or hypothermia of the baby, due to the immaturity of the thermoregulation system.
If the baby is hot, redness is noted skin, the baby begins to whine, rush about in the crib, freeing his arms and legs, and then cry loudly. Crying intensifies with the appearance of red spots on the skin - prickly heat and with an increase in body temperature.

If the baby is cold, his crying, at first, has a sudden and shrill character, the cry gradually turns into a whimper with the addition of hiccups. At the same time, the baby’s arms, legs and nose are cold, and the skin on the back and chest is cool. Parents need to create comfortable conditions for the child and this is the prevention of both colds and overheating, as well as any discomfort of the child.

Crying in a baby's sleep

A baby's anxiety during sleep can be caused by:

  • uncomfortable sleeping conditions (uncomfortable posture, prolonged pressure on the skin from folds of clothing or linen, heat or cold);
  • intestinal colic;
  • wet clothes and diaper rash;
  • pain syndrome (ear pain, teething, stomatitis).

In the first month of life it is important right choice clothes and bedding (they should be made from natural materials, without synthetic additives), constantly level the bed, and turn the baby over.

Wet clothes constantly irritate the skin, causing redness, itching, diaper rash and small wounds to appear.

Strong crying in a baby

Intestinal colic is considered the second most common cause of infant crying. They arise due to the immaturity of the enzymatic systems of the baby, the development of allergic reactions, and malnutrition of the nursing mother. At the same time, gases accumulate in the baby’s intestines, which irritate the intestinal walls, causing bloating and pain.

In this case, the child’s crying is paroxysmal, intermittent. The baby screams and starts crying, calming down for short periods of time. When crying, the baby pulls its legs towards its stomach. Feeding does not eliminate it, it only makes the crying worse; sometimes the child begins to cry out immediately after feeding.

In modern pediatrics, step-by-step therapy for intestinal colic in infants is used, which represents a set of measures for background correction and measures to eliminate a pain attack.

Background correction methods include:

1. Proper feeding;

2. The use of herbal and other preparations (Plantex, fennel decoction, Espumisan, Bobotik, Baby Calm, Babynos);

If colic occurs, you must:

  • take the baby in your arms, pressing his tummy to your body;
  • put a warm dry compress, a heating pad, or a warm diaper on the baby’s stomach;
  • bathe the baby in a warm bath with herbal decoctions and valerian;
  • massage the baby's tummy clockwise with a warm palm;
  • use a gas outlet tube;
  • After feeding, it is necessary to hold the baby in an upright position.

Proper nutrition for a nursing mother is important to prevent the development of intestinal colic.

Other causes of pain

Infant crying is often caused by a pain syndrome that can occur with stomatitis (thrush), ear inflammation (otitis media), with the onset of a viral infection or the first signs of a cold due to a sore throat, inflammation of the laryngeal ligaments, and nasal congestion.

Thrush (stomatitis) manifests itself in the form of a white film, inflammation of the mucous membranes and the appearance of ulcers, so the baby experiences anxiety and pain, especially when feeding, due to soreness when sucking and irritation of the mucous membranes. The baby cries and refuses to breastfeed.

With otitis, there is a sharp pain when swallowing and pain in the ears at night. The baby's cry becomes strong, shrill and inconsolable.

If any severe cough occurs in an infant, parents should immediately seek medical attention. medical care to determine the cause and prescribe timely and adequate treatment.