Happy 50th birthday to my sister. wonderful date, sister

Posts 1 - 20 from 35

The most tender smile on your lips,
And the look shines with youthful enthusiasm,
Maybe there's some mistake
What are you, sister, 50?!

Accept, dear, congratulations,
Be loved, happy, young,
May good luck, joy and luck
They always go hand in hand with you!

Your anniversary is a wonderful picture,
The holiday is in reality, not in a dream.
Fifty! Yes only half
The roads on the ground have been passed!

Most best age! Experience, knowledge,
Humor, intuition, flair,
Women's wisdom and understanding -
Everything is with you now, everything is yours.

And now all roads are open,
And now it's time to live for yourself.
Believe in happiness and drive away worries.
Happy birthday, dear sister!

50 years is the age of maturity, wealth, wisdom and experience, which makes you, dear sister, even more attractive. Therefore, I wish you to attract only joy, happiness, kindness, attention and good people, and let all the bad things pass by. Happy anniversary!

Happy birthday, sister!
Charm, charisma, proud look...
You happened to be born
50 years ago.

A lot of time has passed
But still just as good.
Even though anything happened,
Your soul is young.

I wish you a long life,
Happy to greet the dawn,
Happiness in the home, clear thoughts
Many, many more years to come.

Half a century is a special anniversary,
But is it really the years that matter?
Kindness of the highest standard
My sister is young.

Congratulations, dear,
With a wonderful date in that life.
Always so beautiful
You be both summer and winter.

Let fate give you a reward
Health, happiness and comfort.
May everyone in the world respect you
Relatives appreciate and take care of you.

How good it is to be with your friends
Another anniversary to celebrate.
After all, fifty only happens once,
May life please you now.

Little sister, you deserve beauty
Gifts, compliments and love.
May life have everything you want,
And appreciate and take care of what you have!

Let the years go forward
Don't ever be sad
Don't count numbers
His age is always inside.

50 is just a date
Don't look at your passport often
After all, you're only 20,
Look boldly in the mirror.

I wish you, sister,
Always be a young beauty
To be loved, unique.
Well, of course, be happy.

My sister is so beautiful
Charming, playful,
Thank you for being like this
My dear sister!

Don't look, it's fifty
We ran through life quickly -
Let them run wherever they want
And you yourself don’t know sadness.

I wish to always be like this
With a beautiful young soul,
Live in joy, be loved,
To love and to live so wonderfully!

Happy anniversary, dear sister,
Happy wonderful holiday to you!
How the light sparkles in the eyes today,
So let them burn every day.

Let the anxiety in your soul evaporate,
May your family always be near you,
Let your grandchildren make you proud
Not a day goes by without a smile.

My dear sister,
It's your anniversary: ​​fifty.
And instead of getting drunk,
I want to give you a treasure.

This treasure is not a treasure box,
Not a set of shiny stones,
And my wishes are a walk,
With folded syllables caressing the gaze.

I only wish you victory
Although no! A lot of victories.
To avoid troubles,
There should be a hearty lunch on the table.

To come visit you
Our old friends
So that there is love and health,
May every day not be lived in vain!

WITH big eyes, beautiful smile,
And a very chic and flexible waist,
You seem to be floating above the Earth, playing,
My beauty is my dear sister!

Your gait is simply amazing,
You have reached the highest level in your career.
You won a lot of victories over yourself,
To all the pedestals - the whole road is in flowers!

I wish you more, at fifty
To have an eternally youthful, spiritual charge,
Crazy ideas, wonderful inspirations,
And plans for life are still interesting!

You flip through the pages, reading the book of life.
You count them, sister, remembering the whole plot.

On the twentieth - the dawn of crazy May,
On the thirtieth - the summer heat sends hello.

I scrolled through the rains that made noise at the wrong time.
September “wait!” was said at forty.

I counted down to this one, which opened today...
Fifty! And again you were surprised at the dawn.

A chronograph won't help. But I know the answer:
All that was - an epigraph! All that will happen is the plot!

Congratulations on your anniversary
Dear sister,
Here you are fifty
Don't change your habits:

Stay young
Cheerful and brave,
I will always help you
If you just say so!

Dear sister! You are 50 today, but for me you are still the same girl with whom we climbed on roofs, fought over toys and cried to each other about treacherous but beautiful boys. With all my heart I congratulate you, my beloved sister, on your anniversary. You are my realest best friend, with which we will always understand. Thank you, my dear, for being in my life and being there when I need it. I love you very much and wish you even greater happiness, good luck and the fulfillment of any of your secret dreams!

Congratulations on the anniversary,
My dear sister,
Believe me, you don’t grow old,
I'm telling you the truth!

As groovy as before,
Interesting for guys
This is all I know
That my sister is fifty.

You're still beautiful
I wish you to be:
And rich and happy,
Live a calm life!

What sister-ataman,
50 is not the limit.
Life is a creamer with cream,
I'll give it to you.

Fountains full of happiness
I wish from my heart,
Euros, dollars in my pocket,
You put them into your account.

Don't be sad that the years go by quickly
That's the only way they fly by.
You be a bright spark for everyone,
Happy Birthday to You!

Calendar, this is the day
Painted it red
Tells my sister
Fifty years today!
I look at him and don’t believe him,
Something fast, somehow everything,
Yesterday I was eighteen
There's fifty dollars here, yo-ma-yo!
This means happy anniversary,
Should I congratulate my sister?!
What do you need, my dear?
To wish you on your anniversary?!
I wish you happiness
Lots of money and health
With real ardor, passion,
Everyday love!

Dear sister, today is your holiday,
For your anniversary, dear, with an open soul
We wish you happiness, we wish you many years.
So that grief does not touch you, so that you avoid troubles!
Let the wines sparkle in your glasses in your honor,
You have countless relatives, friends and loved ones.
We all wish you happiness and goodness,
And, the main thing is health and not getting sick in the morning.

Smile like the sun in the sky
Spread out your rays
And many congratulations,
Surround us with a smile.
You won't notice the wrinkles
After all, they suit you
50 is not a terrible age,
Believe me as a brother.

You are 50, my sister,
Congratulations on your anniversary!
Let your soul be open to success,
To make life brighter, sweeter!
No one can compare with your beauty,
You are better than everyone, smarter and wiser,
And let the window open towards love,
To shine with happiness more!

It's my sister's anniversary.
Fifty will be given to her
Positive, warm and light..
And a ticket to Spain!
I know that dreams will come true,
And your wishes will come true.
Life will be completely different -
Light and lively!
After all, all roads are open
The Gods will be favorable.
Let every day give light!
You live to be three hundred years old!

Dream with flowers and foliage
Hearts opened the window...
The anniversary, sister, is yours!
Congratulations to me and the Sun!
The face is beautiful, the step is flying,
And character, intelligence - from God.
Let there be no clouds in life,
And there aren't many clouds.
The years are whistling past us -
There are no signs of age on the skin...
Even though, little sister, you're fifty
You are younger than everyone else!

You have lived in the world for half a century, -
She worked, she cared, she loved,
And life wasn't always easy,
But you always managed and didn’t whine.
May success and happiness be with you,
And children give joy, not sadness...
I'm glad I can call you sister
The woman I’m proud of!

What is fifty?
We need to figure it out
Life is like sweet marmalade?!
There is someone to admire!
Stop it, little sister,
To catch up with sadness
A bag of money is waiting for you,
And the sea distance!
A cruise and a ship are waiting,
Beaches and men
So I think I'll be sad
There's no reason for that!
May luck and love
Happiness and luck
Make all your dreams come true
Happy birthday sister!

Everyone has known this for a long time,
That you are the best sister
Congratulations on your anniversary,
It's high time to take it!
You are a wonderful person
Wonderful mother
What do I need for your fifty dollars?
How can I wish my sister?!
May success, luck, happiness,
There will be up to a hundred years in life,
There will be good health
Trouble won't find your home!

We haven't seen you for so long,
I'm so sorry that time is fleeting,
We recently went to kindergarten,
And it seemed to us that childhood would last forever!
Behind the garden there was a school, an institute,
And, after marriage and children appeared,
We were very happy with you
Happier than all the sisters in this world!
You are exactly fifty today,
And I stand, squeezing a bouquet in my hands,
Health, longevity, goodness,
I sincerely wish you, sister!
May your cherished dreams come true,
Luck and happiness will be nearby,
So that in forty, fifty years,
You met me with the same look!

Congratulations to my sister on her 50th birthday

Oh, okay, I won't believe it
Why are you already 50?
You, sister, are young,
Those little eyes are burning!
Congratulations on your anniversary
And, of course, I wish
Smooth skin without wrinkles
And hairstyles without gray hairs,
Diamonds on ears
Eat cakes without calories,
Dance like you did when you were 20.
For the husband to cook dinner,
He gave scarlet roses,
Adored, idolized!

The most tender smile on your lips,
And the look shines with youthful enthusiasm,
Maybe there's some mistake
What are you, sister, 50?!
However, we will not count the years.
Fifty, not fifty - that's not the point.
We adore you and love you dearly,
The main thing is don’t forget about it!
Accept, dear, congratulations,
Be loved, happy, young,
May good luck, joy and luck
They always go hand in hand with you!

Funny date, sister, you have -
Feast today, 50 years later!
And you are still such a luxurious lady,
A dear sister and a wonderful mother!
Our whole family loves you,
After all, there is no you, sun, dearer and more beautiful.
You are a ray of light in the window, you are our diamond,
You are our treasure, miracle, talent!
Be the happiest you can be forever, my dear.
Live, smile, without knowing sorrow.
May all your family and children appreciate you,
You are the best in the world!

My beloved sister,
You are celebrating an anniversary.
So accept congratulations
From your loved ones as soon as possible!
This figure is not simple -
You are fifty today.
So be so young
May time turn back!
All the best to you, love and happiness
And many, many bright days.
And always be so beautiful
Let's have a great Anniversary!

Congratulations, sister, happy anniversary!
50 suits you very well.
You have undoubtedly become wiser,
And the soul sings, just like at 20.
You are full of purity and mysteries,
Many different minutes have been lived,
May your life be long and sweet,
People close to you love and wait.
I wish you health and happiness,
Many joyful sunny years,
Laugh sincerely, laugh more often,
Let your head spin from victories.

Happy birthday, sister!
Charm, charisma, proud look...
You happened to be born
50 years ago.
A lot of time has passed
But still just as good.
Even though anything happened,
Your soul is young.
I wish you a long life,
Happy to greet the dawn,
Happiness in the home, clear thoughts
Many, many more years to come.

Half a century is a special anniversary,
But is it really the years that matter?
Kindness of the highest standard
My sister is young.
Congratulations, dear,
With a wonderful date in that life.
Always so beautiful
You be both summer and winter.
Let fate give you a reward
Health, happiness and comfort.
May everyone in the world respect you
Relatives appreciate and take care of you.

Happy anniversary, dear sister,
Happy wonderful holiday to you!
How the light sparkles in the eyes today,
So let them burn every day.
Let the anxiety in your soul evaporate,
May your family always be near you,
Let your grandchildren make you proud
Not a day goes by without a smile.

Fifty for my sister!
Bright, noisy, good holiday!
I am grateful to you -
All efforts are not in vain.
In life you led me,
I helped everyone in any way I could.
My sweet sister
She gave her whole soul to me.
And now I congratulate
I want you so dearly.
May the faithful family
Will be there forever!

My dear sister,
It's your anniversary: ​​fifty.
And instead of getting drunk,
I want to give you a treasure.
This treasure is not a treasure box,
Not a set of shiny stones,
And my wishes are a walk,
With folded syllables caressing the gaze.
I only wish you victory
Although no! A lot of victories.
To avoid troubles,
There should be a hearty lunch on the table.
To come visit you
Our old friends
So that there is love and health,
May every day not be lived in vain!

Beautiful congratulations to my sister on her 50th birthday

With big eyes, a beautiful smile,
And a very chic and flexible waist,
You seem to be floating above the Earth, playing,
My beauty is my dear sister!
Your gait is simply amazing,
You have reached the highest level in your career.
You won a lot of victories over yourself,
To all the pedestals - the whole road is in flowers!
I wish you more, at fifty
To have an eternally youthful, spiritual charge,
Crazy ideas, wonderful inspirations,
And plans for life are still interesting!

Healthy lifestyle,
which you lead
Shocks thoughts
And teaches young people.
Therefore, my sister
I'm proud of mine.
I won’t hide that it’s fifty,
Let everyone know. Let be!
Let it not dry up
Enthusiasm inside
After all, your experience, I know,
Will ask others!

Open, cheerful,
Beautiful sister
I want you to be healthy
You were rich.
I wish that until old age
My husband took me to the theater
So that you without fatigue
He carried it in his arms.
You're fifty today
You are so young!
Let your eyes sparkle with delight,
Even though the years are flying by!

For my dear and beloved sister
Today all gifts and flowers.
Happy anniversary, my dear!
I want you to be happy and healthy!
How quickly time has flown by,
You are exactly fifty today!
May God give you as many more
And your eyes sparkle with happiness!

I have a great reason
Tell you about love
May your eyes be full of hope
On any cloudy days.
Fifty-year milestone
Step over without fear
After all, the main thing is no matter how old we are,
Who are we meeting with these days?
There are dear people around you,
Husband, children, and of course me
I hope this continues.
The basis, after all, is family.
Sister, may it be on your anniversary day
These are wonderful words.
And you get drunk from them,
Feeling slightly dizzy.
In the morning the clouds will melt
Beautiful phrases, wonderful words,
But in memory they will leave
Goodness, hope and love.

Some kind of inspiration
It can not be!
To my beloved sister,
They came to wash the fifty dollars!
It seems like yesterday we were walking,
Braids were braided for you,
And the most beautiful boy
Confessed his love.
The years fly by unnoticed
Leaving a mark on the heart.
Will remind you of the anniversary
This big bouquet!

My sister, today is our anniversary,
And so many years have passed, and so many winters
And from the very morning you are at the door
You meet those who are dear and loved.
Let life play again at fifty,
Let him surprise you with his colors.
Let bliss bloom in your soul,
Free from pain and resentment.

You are dearer to me every year,
My favourite sister,
And regardless of the weather,
I came to congratulate you.
Not every day is such a holiday -
Look - half a century is behind us!
But our mischievous mind wants to know
What else awaits us ahead.
You know - thought is material,
Wait for the best in your destiny,
And you will really feel
That the best has come to you.
I'll be with you in spirit
In energy fields.
Let's believe in a miracle,
And a miracle will suddenly believe in us!

Dear sister, dear,
The big anniversary has arrived!
In this regard, I wish
To make the world a kinder place!
Let ideas inspire
Every day for miracles,
And they will shine with delight
Your kind eyes!
Children and grandchildren respect
The days are full of smiles!
Let love increase
Your happiness at fifty!

As a child, I didn’t understand -
It's great that you exist
Because she took it away
You are toys - all that is.
And now I agree
Give everything I can
And to the rescue, without looking back,
If you whistle, I'll come running.
It's a pity there are no stocks
Gold and silver
But there is plenty in my soul
I'm good to you.
Be healthy, sister,
At fifty and sixty,
Laugh loudly as before,
And let the years fly by.
We don't rule over them
People can't do this
But let's live in peace with you
As much as is destined.

Congratulations on the anniversary,
My dear sister,
Believe me, you don’t grow old,
I'm telling you the truth!
As groovy as before,
Interesting for guys
This is all I know
That my sister is fifty.
You're still beautiful
I wish you to be:
And rich and happy,
Live a calm life!

I wish you a lot of happiness
Dear my sister,
Never know misfortune
May you be lucky in everything.
So that you are beautiful
And young at heart,
You are loved by all of us,
Regardless of the years.
Fifty is not scary,
When the whole family is nearby,
Can you help us with advice?
May you always be happy.

Posts 1 - 20 from 35

The most tender smile on your lips,
And the look shines with youthful enthusiasm,
Maybe there's some mistake
What are you, sister, 50?!

Accept, dear, congratulations,
Be loved, happy, young,
May good luck, joy and luck
They always go hand in hand with you!

Your anniversary is a wonderful picture,
The holiday is in reality, not in a dream.
Fifty! Yes only half
The roads on the ground have been passed!

The best age! Experience, knowledge,
Humor, intuition, flair,
Women's wisdom and understanding -
Everything is with you now, everything is yours.

And now all roads are open,
And now it's time to live for yourself.
Believe in happiness and drive away worries.
Happy birthday, dear sister!

50 years is the age of maturity, wealth, wisdom and experience, which makes you, dear sister, even more attractive. Therefore, I wish you to attract only joy, happiness, kindness, attention and good people, and let all the bad things pass by. Happy anniversary!

Happy birthday, sister!
Charm, charisma, proud look...
You happened to be born
50 years ago.

A lot of time has passed
But still just as good.
Even though anything happened,
Your soul is young.

I wish you a long life,
Happy to greet the dawn,
Happiness in the home, clear thoughts
Many, many more years to come.

Half a century is a special anniversary,
But is it really the years that matter?
Kindness of the highest standard
My sister is young.

Congratulations, dear,
With a wonderful date in that life.
Always so beautiful
You be both summer and winter.

Let fate give you a reward
Health, happiness and comfort.
May everyone in the world respect you
Relatives appreciate and take care of you.

How good it is to be with your friends
Another anniversary to celebrate.
After all, fifty only happens once,
May life please you now.

Little sister, you deserve beauty
Gifts, compliments and love.
May life have everything you want,
And appreciate and take care of what you have!

Let the years go forward
Don't ever be sad
Don't count numbers
His age is always inside.

50 is just a date
Don't look at your passport often
After all, you're only 20,
Look boldly in the mirror.

I wish you, sister,
Always be a young beauty
To be loved, unique.
Well, of course, be happy.

My sister is so beautiful
Charming, playful,
Thank you for being like this
My dear sister!

Don't look, it's fifty
We ran through life quickly -
Let them run wherever they want
And you yourself don’t know sadness.

I wish to always be like this
With a beautiful young soul,
Live in joy, be loved,
To love and to live so wonderfully!

Happy anniversary, dear sister,
Happy wonderful holiday to you!
How the light sparkles in the eyes today,
So let them burn every day.

Let the anxiety in your soul evaporate,
May your family always be near you,
Let your grandchildren make you proud
Not a day goes by without a smile.

My dear sister,
It's your anniversary: ​​fifty.
And instead of getting drunk,
I want to give you a treasure.

This treasure is not a treasure box,
Not a set of shiny stones,
And my wishes are a walk,
With folded syllables caressing the gaze.

I only wish you victory
Although no! A lot of victories.
To avoid troubles,
There should be a hearty lunch on the table.

To come visit you
Our old friends
So that there is love and health,
May every day not be lived in vain!

With big eyes, a beautiful smile,
And a very chic and flexible waist,
You seem to be floating above the Earth, playing,
My beauty is my dear sister!

Your gait is simply amazing,
You have reached the highest level in your career.
You won a lot of victories over yourself,
To all the pedestals - the whole road is in flowers!

I wish you more, at fifty
To have an eternally youthful, spiritual charge,
Crazy ideas, wonderful inspirations,
And plans for life are still interesting!

You flip through the pages, reading the book of life.
You count them, sister, remembering the whole plot.

On the twentieth - the dawn of crazy May,
On the thirtieth - the summer heat sends hello.

I scrolled through the rains that made noise at the wrong time.
September “wait!” was said at forty.

I counted down to this one, which opened today...
Fifty! And again you were surprised at the dawn.

A chronograph won't help. But I know the answer:
All that was - an epigraph! All that will happen is the plot!

Congratulations on your anniversary
Dear sister,
Here you are fifty
Don't change your habits:

Stay young
Cheerful and brave,
I will always help you
If you just say so!

Dear sister! You are 50 today, but for me you are still the same girl with whom we climbed on roofs, fought over toys and cried to each other about treacherous but beautiful boys. With all my heart I congratulate you, my beloved sister, on your anniversary. You are my real best friend, with whom we will always understand. Thank you, my dear, for being in my life and being there when I need it. I love you very much and wish you even greater happiness, good luck and the fulfillment of any of your secret dreams!

Congratulations on the anniversary,
My dear sister,
Believe me, you don’t grow old,
I'm telling you the truth!

As groovy as before,
Interesting for guys
This is all I know
That my sister is fifty.

You're still beautiful
I wish you to be:
And rich and happy,
Live a calm life!

What sister-ataman,
50 is not the limit.
Life is a creamer with cream,
I'll give it to you.

Fountains full of happiness
I wish from my heart,
Euros, dollars in my pocket,
You put them into your account.

Don't be sad that the years go by quickly
That's the only way they fly by.
You be a bright spark for everyone,
Happy Birthday to You!

Dear sister, let me congratulate you on your anniversary. This is truly a great date that will allow you to open up new opportunities. Therefore, I want to wish you that your wishes always come true no matter what. Be happy and may you always be surrounded by your closest and dearest people. Happy holiday!

Dear sister! Today you turn 50 years old. This is not the beginning of life, but it is far from the end. This age is a period that helps you look at life in a new way, from a different angle. During your life you have raised and raised wonderful children. Now your children are adults and they have their own children - your grandchildren. Live for your grandchildren, live so that everyone is happy. After all, you are happiness, joy and kindness! Happy anniversary, may the sun shine wherever you go!

Congratulations on your half-century anniversary, my beloved sister! So many important events have happened in your life. And how many good things await you ahead, because there is so much beautiful, interesting and unknown in the world. I wish you that your life will be full of goodness. May you only have joyful dreams that make you want to smile and move on with your life.

Dear and beloved sister, I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary. You wise woman, who is always ready to give excellent advice, you can rely on and trust you. I want to wish you peace and peace of mind, be strong no matter what. Happy holiday!

They say that 50 years is half your life. In fact, this is not half of life, it is the beginning of a new life! After all, it is at the age of 50 that women become the most beautiful. It is during this period of their lives that they “bloom.” Dear sister, let me congratulate you on your anniversary and the beginning of a new life! let it be yours new life will be even better and brighter than the previous one. Let every new day greet you with warm sunshine and see you off with pleasant memories of it!

Today you turned 50 years old! But this is not a reason to give up and do nothing. Now your mission is to pass on experience to the younger generation. As soon as you sit on a bench near the house and see a girl in a short skirt, be sure to say: “In our times, we didn’t allow ourselves that!” Happy anniversary!

They say it takes a person two years to learn to speak and 50 years to learn to keep his mouth shut. Today my sister proved that she passed this school with flying colors. Stay, dear, for a second term and continue to study. 100 years will be guaranteed for you!

The years pass inexorably, but my sister is still just as good. This is a unique case when time is reflected only in a passport and on a calendar, but not in a person. I wish this youth to last as long as possible, because it suits you so well. Therefore, I would like to congratulate the whole world on your birthday, because on this day it became a little richer.

Toast to my sister on her 50th birthday. Let them express wishes to look into the future with optimism, not to regret anything and to enjoy the fruits of their life’s labors. A wonderful husband, well-mannered children, a favorite job, an interesting hobby - after all, your sister already has all this? Well, if something is missing from the “set”, there is no need to grieve about what has not come true, because everyone has their own happiness, and it is not always the same as that of friends and neighbors.

In verse

  • I can't believe you're fifty today.
  • Sister, you have the most tender, sweet look.
  • You are kind, sympathetic and pretty.
  • You are smart and very poetic.
  • I appreciate your advice, sister.
  • I can keep your secrets.
  • I drink so that you don't get sick
  • And overcome any difficulties!
  • How important it is to have a sister.
  • I hasten to congratulate you in the morning.
  • After all, you have a beautiful anniversary.
  • At 50 you have become even prettier and kinder.
  • Please accept my sincere greetings.
  • Live happily for another hundred years.
  • I want to raise a toast to you,
  • "Congratulations!" - I’ll shout loudly!
  • Don't be shy on your fiftieth birthday,
  • Celebrate and have fun.
  • Sister, I sincerely congratulate you.
  • I simply adore you, dear sister.
  • You mean a lot to me in life.
  • I and all your family congratulate you.
  • I drink so that you won't get sick.
  • I wish you never get bored!
  • I wish you peace and goodness,
  • Congratulations on your fiftieth birthday.
  • Sister, you give me happiness,
  • You are the most beautiful sister on earth.
  • You are also a wonderful mother and wife.
  • I wish that trouble does not come to you.
  • I wish you to enjoy every day,
  • Sister, I say a toast to you from the bottom of my heart!
  • My sister is as beautiful as the sun.
  • And even at 50 years old she is dangerous for men.
  • Float sister like a moth.
  • And let your heart be like a light.
  • Sister, you could be an example for me.
  • I promise to love you until the end of my days.
  • Stay healthy and beautiful
  • And I am always - always necessary.
  • Don't forget your youth.
  • Conquer new heights.
  • There is no need to be sad at fifty.
  • Sister, I will always be there for you!
  • My Sister, you put on your best clothes.
  • At fifty you are still younger.
  • Your advice is important to me.
  • And I really need them in my life.
  • You are kind, dear and beautiful.
  • You are bright and clear like the sun.
  • Don't lose energy over the years.
  • And bring all your plans to life.
  • According to your passport, it doesn’t matter how old you are.
  • Sister, say no to aging.
  • May youth never leave you.
  • Let the smile never disappear from your face!
  • There is a new leaf in the book of life.
  • And let him be clean for now.
  • Slowly fill it out.
  • Leave only the good in history.
  • The fiftieth year of life has begun.
  • Sister, the anniversary has found you.
  • So let it bring joy.
  • A lot of congratulations await you today.
  • All the flowers are handed to you.
  • Sister, everyone loves you.
  • I truly love you
  • And I’ll pour some wine in your honor!

In prose in your own words

Two birds lived on the same tree. They were incredibly beautiful in appearance. They sang wonderful trills and were inseparable all the time. They protected each other from snow and rain. Together they shared the food they got and built nests together. My dear sister, you and I remind me of these two beautiful birds. We also sing beautifully. We always help each other, we feel when one of us is feeling bad. On your fiftieth birthday, I am next to you. I want to drink so that life does not separate us for as long as possible!

My dear sister, you are the brightest and most beloved person on this earth for me. You always help me. Yours kind soul forgives me all insults. You never hold a grudge against me. Today I want to thank you for being you. For your care and attention. May this wonderful anniversary give you a lot of positive emotions. 50 years is only the middle of life. A lot of positive emotions and surprises await you ahead. Therefore, there is no reason to be upset. People don’t even live with that date on their passport. Therefore, for you, sister!

Today I came to congratulate my sister on her significant anniversary, her fiftieth birthday! My dear! I brought you this large bouquet of yellow tulips as a sign of love and respect. Don’t trust anyone that they mean sadness and parting. On the contrary, they symbolize eternal sunshine, joy and financial success. These elegant, cheerful flowers are very similar to your character and give you hope that the sun will definitely come out after a cold winter! Never change yourself and yours life principles. Happy holiday

Tests are never sent to a person just like that. This means that God wants to teach us something. You, dear sister, have gone through many trials in life. Fate today gives you the number five. You know how to behave in different life situations. You are always ready to help. You are cheerful, active, cheerful and blooming. Dear sister, I drink to your 5 tens. Believe me - it's so little. And I hope to celebrate my 100th anniversary with you!