Presentation on "organizing work with parents." Presentation on the topic “working with parents in preschools” Our interesting life with Parents

Private preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 246 JSC Russian Railways performed by Deputy Head of Water Resources Management Kustova I.Yu.

Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family means trips to the country in the summer.

Family is work, caring for each other,

Family means a lot of housework.

Family is important! Family is difficult!

But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Always be together, take care of love,

Our interesting life with our parents!

  • Even before the child arrives at the preschool educational institution, the first contacts appear between the kindergarten and parents, which allow parents to get to know our kindergarten better:
  • - parents visit kindergarten groups, get acquainted with teachers, subject-development environment,
  • - parents get acquainted with the regulatory documents of the preschool educational institution (Charter, license),

  • - parents get acquainted with important adaptation points,
  • - a parental agreement is drawn up.

Working with parents is based on the principle of cooperation and interaction.

Parents are the first assistants and active participants in the pedagogical process; they are constantly in charge of all areas of the kindergarten’s work.

An important form of interaction between kindergarten and family is the joint activity of teachers, parents and children, which not only develops the relationship between teachers and parents, parents and children, but also promotes the development of relationships between the families of pupils. We highlight the main tasks facing a preschool institution in working with parents:

Activate and enrich the educational skills of parents;

Involving parents in active participation in the activities of the institution;

Work closely with the families of your students.

In our work, we use both traditional forms (meetings, consultations, conversations) and new ones: round tables, game trainings, where parents, teachers and children come together.

Main forms of work with parents:

Joint holidays and leisure activities, activities with the participation of parents

Group and general parent meetings, work with the parent committee

Individual and group consultations, conversations with children and parents

Open days, communication days, good deeds days

Master classes, design of photomontages, collages

Parents' mail, parents' living rooms, family vernissage

Pedagogical council with the participation of parents

Target: involve parents in actively thinking about the problems of raising children in the family based on taking into account their individual needs.

Open classes with children in preschool educational institutions for parents

Target: introduce parents to the structure and specifics of conducting classes in preschool educational institutions.

When conducting a lesson, the teacher can include an element of conversation with parents. (the child can tell the guest something new, introduce him to his circle of interests) .

Parents meeting

This is the most accessible form of establishing communication between the teacher and the family.

Target: provide parents with timely assistance on this or that issue of education, and contribute to the achievement of a common point of view on these issues.

The leading role here is given to the teacher; he plans in advance the topic and structure of the meeting.

  • Show mutual respect for each other.
  • Encourage initiative, creativity and imagination of parents, help them.
  • Involve parents in entertaining kindergarten and group activities.
  • Use a variety of parental involvement and be sensitive and understanding.
  • Remember!!! All people have different resources and lifestyles. What suits one person may not suit another.
  • Allow parents to choose how much help they can provide to the kindergarten.
  • Bring to the attention of parents that their participation in the life of the preschool educational institution and the group is valued, and any help from them is welcome.
  • Talk to families about the expectations educators have for parents.
  • Be patient with them.

  • Emphasize the family's strengths and provide positive feedback.
  • Maintain close contacts.
  • Show your appreciation to them.
  • Remind parents that you welcome any participation.
  • Try to interest and involve the whole family.
  • Encourage attendance at parent-teacher conferences.
  • Keep all information confidential.
  • Learn collaboration skills.
  • Create joint educational activities with parents and children to strengthen their mutual understanding.

Thank you for your attention!

“No matter how wonderful our preschool institutions are, the most important educators who shape the minds and thoughts of children are the mother and father. The family team, where the child is introduced into the world of maturity and wisdom of elders, is the basis of children’s thinking, which at this age “no one can replace” - this is what V.A. believed. Sukhomlinsky Family and kindergarten are two social institutions that stand at the origins of our future, but often they do not always have enough mutual understanding, tact, and patience to hear and understand each other. Misunderstanding between family and kindergarten falls heavily on the child. It is no secret that many parents are only interested in the child’s nutrition; they believe that kindergarten is a place where they only look after their children while parents are at work. And we, teachers, very often experience great difficulties in communicating with parents for this reason. Family and kindergarten are two social institutions that stand at the origins of our future, but often they do not always have enough mutual understanding, tact, and patience to hear and understand each other. Misunderstanding between family and kindergarten falls heavily on the child. It is no secret that many parents are only interested in the child’s nutrition; they believe that kindergarten is a place where they only look after their children while parents are at work. And we, teachers, very often experience great difficulties in communicating with parents for this reason.

Parents are the main educators of their children.Parents are the main educators of their children. All other social institutions, including preschool educational institutions, are called upon to help, support, guide, and complement their educational activities. All other social institutions, including preschool educational institutions, are called upon to help, support, guide, and complement their educational activities. In order to create favorable conditions in the family for raising children, parents need, first of all, to master the full scope of certain psychological and pedagogical knowledge, practical skills and abilities of pedagogical activity. In order to create favorable conditions in the family for raising children, parents need, first of all, to master the full scope of certain psychological and pedagogical knowledge, practical skills and abilities of pedagogical activity.

Forms of cooperation with parents Form (lat. - forma) - device, structure of something, system of organizing something. All forms with parents are divided into collective (mass), individual and visual information; traditional and non-traditional.

Contents of forms of communication with parents Collective (mass) forms involve working with all or a large number of parents of a preschool educational institution (group). These are joint events between teachers and parents. Some of them involve the participation of children. Individual forms are intended for differentiated work with parents of pupils. Visual and informational - play the role of indirect communication between teachers and parents. Currently, stable forms of work between kindergartens and families have emerged, which in preschool pedagogy are considered traditional. These are time-tested forms of work. Their classification, structure, content, and effectiveness are described in many scientific and methodological sources.

Traditional forms of organizing communication between teachers and parents: Collective parent meetings conferences round tables surveys on various issues seminars Individual conversations thematic consultations, etc. Visual and informational photographs of exhibitions of children's works screens folders open doors matinees information stands booklets

Non-traditional forms of communication They are aimed at establishing informal contacts with parents, attracting their attention to the kindergarten. Parents get to know their child better because they see him in a different, new environment and become closer to the teachers. They are aimed at establishing informal contacts with parents and attracting their attention to the kindergarten. Parents get to know their child better because they see him in a different, new environment and become closer to teachers. Practice has already accumulated a variety of non-traditional forms, but they have not yet been sufficiently studied and generalized. However, today the principles on which communication between teachers and parents are based have changed. It is built on the basis of dialogue, openness, sincerity, refusal of criticism and evaluation of the communication partner. Therefore, these forms are considered non-traditional. Practice has already accumulated a variety of non-traditional forms, but they have not yet been sufficiently studied and generalized. However, today the principles on which communication between teachers and parents are based have changed. It is built on the basis of dialogue, openness, sincerity, refusal of criticism and evaluation of the communication partner. Therefore, these forms are considered non-traditional.

Non-traditional forms of organizing communication between teachers and parents Information and analytical sociological sections “mailbox” surveys Leisure activities together, holidays, participation of parents and children in exhibitions, participation of parents in creative competitions, mass events of the kindergarten, exhibitions of parental work on art activities, educational seminars and workshops, parents’ living room, holding consultation meetings in a non-traditional form games with pedagogical content library for parents Visual and informational information folders for parents organization of open days of open viewings of classes and other activities newspaper publication organization of mini-libraries protection of family projects presentation of a kindergarten information about the kindergarten on the website

Objectives of interaction For the coordinated work of the kindergarten and parents, I set myself the need to solve the following tasks: Activate and enrich the educational skills of parents. Activate and enrich the educational skills of parents. Work closely with the families of your students. Work closely with the families of your students.

Volunteer. Guest of the group Parents should be encouraged to come to the group to observe and play with their children. Parents and children may have common interests or skills. Adults can help teachers, take part in performances, help organize events, provide transportation, help clean, arrange and decorate group rooms, etc. Parents should be encouraged to come to the group to observe and play with children. Parents and children may have common interests or skills. Adults can help teachers, take part in performances, help organize events, provide transportation, help clean, arrange and decorate group rooms, etc.

Open days On this day, parents, as well as other people close to the child who are directly involved in his upbringing (grandparents, brothers and sisters), have the opportunity to freely visit the preschool; walk through all its premises, get acquainted with the life of a child in kindergarten, see how the child studies and relaxes, communicate with his friends and teachers. Parents, observing the activities of the teacher and children, can themselves participate in games, activities, etc. On this day, parents, as well as other people close to the child who are directly involved in his upbringing (grandparents, brothers and sisters), have the opportunity to freely visit the preschool; walk through all its premises, get acquainted with the life of a child in kindergarten, see how the child studies and relaxes, communicate with his friends and teachers. Parents, observing the activities of the teacher and children, can themselves participate in games, activities, etc.

“Parent University” In order for the work of the “Parent University” to be more productive, preschool activities with parents can be organized at different levels: school-wide, intra-group, individual-family. In order for the work of the “Parent University” to be more productive, the preschool institution’s activities with parents can be organized at different levels: school-wide, intra-group, individual-family. Round table “Department of Family Traditions” (Grandparents are the custodians of family traditions).

Children's and parent's magazine "Luchik" Thanks to the magazine "Luchik" parents from passive observers and listeners become allies and active partners. In my opinion, such an event is a good addition to traditional parent meetings, conversations, thematic exhibitions, etc. Thanks to the magazine “Luchik”, parents from passive observers and listeners become allies and active partners. In my opinion, such an event is a good addition to traditional parent meetings, conversations, thematic exhibitions, etc.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Work with parents for the 2014-2015 academic year. No. 121 “Ainalayyn” bobek – bakshasy KMKK KGKP nursery - kindergarten No. 121 “Ainalayyn” Presentation of senior group No. 4 “Kulynshak”

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Our group’s motto: “It’s like a fairy tale!” Currently, parents pay little attention to their children, sometimes they do not even know the characteristics of their child, his hobbies and problems. Everyone says that educators should help parents understand their child. But how? Sometimes, leaving the child outside the kindergarten, they believe that children receive all the necessary knowledge from us, without thinking that a positive result can only be achieved by working in collaboration; the better the contact with parents, the easier it is to work with children, feeling the support of their parents .

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“Achieving cooperation means making parents want to listen to your requests and fulfill them.” The main task that we have set for ourselves is: To interest parents in the prospects for the upbringing, education and development of children. Involve them in the life of the kindergarten, make them allies in your work.

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“So how do we build relationships with parents?” First of all, parents received information about how children's lives go in kindergarten. About the peculiarities of organizing children's educational activities, about the daily routine and health-saving technologies that are used in our kindergarten. It was explained to parents that without their help, without their active participation, we will not be able to prepare and carry out all the grandiose work of raising and educating children. And then we asked to support our children and preschool education in his endeavors.

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“Don’t think about the problem, think about the solution” - This is the value of the teaching profession. We developed a long-term plan for working with parents. The plan included various forms of work: oral surveys, questionnaires, individual conversations, visual information: folders - transfers, memos, consultations, information messages, photo exhibitions, exhibitions - presentations and exhibitions of joint creativity of children and parents. friendly meetings, parent meetings Involving parents in participation in group and garden entertainment, holidays, and leisure activities. Involving parents to participate in city and regional creative and sports competitions on behalf of our kindergarten.

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A special place in the promotion of pedagogical knowledge is occupied by the organization of a corner for parents. The creative use of this form allows parents to widely familiarize themselves with the issues of raising and educating children.

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Parents receive information about how the life and educational conditions of children in kindergarten go from personal individual conversations, consultations, and memos. During this year, we provided the following information in the form of conversations and consultations: “The importance of a daily routine for a preschooler” “Basics of proper nutrition” “Magical pens" - new non-traditional techniques of fine art activities in kindergarten and at home." “Put your heart on reading” “What do you know about children's rights? » “How to protect yourself from colds” “How do you prepare your child for school” “Winter. games and entertainment in the fresh air" "Learning letters by playing" "Overcoming fears" ""Developing memory by playing" ""Habit is a child's best friend" "How to find a friend" (personal relationships in a team) ""How to prepare a child for school difficulties" " The role of theater in a child’s life" "Sunday outdoor recreation"

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It is better to introduce parents to this or that issue of upbringing using folders, which we systematically replenished with new material. “Your child is 5-6 years old.” “Day of Languages ​​of the Peoples of Kazakhstan” “Rules of safe behavior in public places” “Caution – the road!” “Playing at home on a rainy day” “Here’s a new twist - the child’s readiness for school.” "Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy." “My native land is Kazakhstan” “Preparing a New Year’s gift with our own hands” “Library at home.” “Learn by playing” (by season) “Non-traditional techniques of fine art activities in preschool education; their role in the development of children.” “Hardening that you like” “March 8 is a holiday for our mothers” “Nauryz Meiramy” - history and modernity “World Health Day”.

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Parents really enjoy participating in various drawing and craft competitions. This school year we have planned and held: Publication of the family wall newspaper “My Fascinating Journey” Exhibition “Fairy Tale from the Garden” (joint creativity of children and parents” Joint creation of a photo album “What does my name mean?” "(self-knowledge) Exhibition "Under the sky of independent Kazakhstan." (joint creativity of parents and children). A piggy bank of good deeds "New Year's toy for the Christmas tree" Thematic exhibition of crafts and drawings: "That's how beautiful my dear mother is" Photo exhibition "Mom's Helpers" “The road to space” (combined creativity of children and children.) “Let’s give the globe to the children” - drawing competition “My best dad!” Photo exhibition: “Our achievements”

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Exhibition of crafts “A Tale from the Garden”. The exhibition was a great success. The imagination of parents and their children knew no bounds. There is no limit to curiosity, creativity, and hard work.

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Parents took part not only in group competitions and exhibitions, but also helped us participate in competitions in kindergarten, city and region. Autumn fair "Gifts of Autumn" parents prepared dishes of different national cuisines Participated in the winter competition "Winter Tale" cleared the site and sculpted snow buildings Participated in the design of a group center for "Life Safety", made models according to traffic rules, according to PPB - a fire shield, didactic games, attributes for role-playing games on life safety. The Gareev family participated in the sports competition of our d.s. “My most athletic mommy” The Ibkeev family, on behalf of our kindergarten, took part in the city sports competition “Talagai”, where they took 3rd place. Partnerships with parents gave our children the opportunity to participate in the regional intellectual competitions “Pony” (3rd round) and “Zerek Bala”, as well as in the creative competition (3rd round) “My Wonderful World”, where they won prizes.

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Autumn fair “Our harvest is good - you won’t leave without buying” Our parents tried very hard and prepared national dishes for this fair: here you could buy Russian pancakes and Tatar chak-chak, Uzbek samsa and Kazakh baursaks, Belarusian potato pancakes and pies with apples . And our children acted as sellers.

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Our group “Kulynshak” is the best in the world! Adults know this, children know this! We love to celebrate holidays and have fun celebrating them! Particular joy and pleasure for parents comes from participating in the celebrations and entertainment of the group and kindergarten, which we conduct in close cooperation with the musical director O.I. Denisenko. With great pleasure, parents participate in skits and fairy-tale productions, come to rehearsals with discipline and listen to the advice of the music director. And if our holiday or entertainment requires a creative approach from parents, making colorful costumes, hats, attributes, then they prepare all this with great enthusiasm and rejoice at the creative success of their children.

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The creativity of parents is limitless. This is how they dressed up their children for: “Day of the Daisy” “Day of Neptune”

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Parent meetings in our group are based on the principle of dialogue, only then do parents become our like-minded people. During this academic year, we held 3 parent meetings: “At the school threshold” - the tasks of education and training for the 2014 - 2015 academic year “Legal education of a small citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan: I learn about the world!” “First-class parents of first-graders, interaction between family and preschool education in expanding the multilingual space of children”

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We built our work on holding parent meetings in close contact with specialists from our kindergarten. Specialists from the kindergarten took an active part in holding parent meetings: Speech therapist Dipner T.V. , Psychologist Cherokayeva E.P., English teacher Ganieva V.F.

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Our interesting life with our parents! 04/08/2012 2 Family means happiness, love and luck, Family means trips to the country in the summer. Family is work, taking care of each other, Family is a lot of homework. Family is important! Family is difficult! But it is impossible to live happily alone! Always be together, take care of love, drive away grievances and quarrels!

04/08/2012 3 Even before the child arrives at the preschool educational institution, the first contacts appear between the kindergarten and parents, which allow parents to get to know our kindergarten better: - parents visit kindergarten groups, get acquainted with the teachers, the subject-development environment, - parents get acquainted with the normative documents of the preschool educational institution (Charter, license),

Parents are introduced to important adaptation issues and a parental agreement is drawn up. Working with parents is based on the principle of cooperation and interaction. Parents are the first assistants and active participants in the pedagogical process; they are constantly in charge of all areas of the kindergarten’s work. 04/08/2012 4

An important form of interaction between kindergarten and family is the joint activity of teachers, parents and children, which not only develops the relationship between teachers and parents, parents and children, but also promotes the development of relationships between the families of pupils. We highlight the main tasks facing a preschool institution in working with parents: -studying children's families; -involving parents in active participation in the activities of the institution; - education of parents in the field of pedagogy and child psychology. In our work, we use both traditional forms (meetings, consultations, conversations) and new ones: round tables, game trainings, where parents, teachers and children come together.

The main forms of work with parents: 1. Joint holidays and leisure activities. 2. Group and general parent meetings 3. Individual and group consultations 4. Open days 5. Visual campaigning 6. Questioning

Pedagogical council with the participation of parents Goal: to attract parents to actively reflect on the problems of raising children in the family based on taking into account their individual needs. Open classes with children in preschool educational institutions for parents Goal: to acquaint parents with the structure and specifics of conducting classes in preschool educational institutions. When conducting a lesson, the teacher can include an element of conversation with parents (the child can tell something new to the guest, introduce him to his circle of interests).

Pedagogical conversations with parents This is the most accessible form of establishing communication between a teacher and a family; it can be used either independently or in combination with other forms: conversation when visiting families, at a parent meeting, consultation. Goal: to provide parents with timely assistance on this or that issue of education, to contribute to the achievement of a common point of view on these issues. The leading role here is given to the teacher; he plans the topic and structure of the conversation in advance. When conducting a conversation, it is recommended to choose the most appropriate conditions and start it with neutral questions, then move directly to the main topics.

Thematic consultations Consultations are close to conversations, their main difference is that the teacher, conducting a consultation, seeks to give parents qualified advice. Consultations can be planned or unplanned, individual or group. "Round table" with parents Goal: in a non-traditional setting with the obligatory participation of specialists, discuss current problems of education with parents. Parents who have expressed in writing or orally a desire to participate in a discussion of a particular topic with specialists are invited to the round table meeting.

The interaction of the kindergarten with the families of pupils is systematically planned. The preschool educational institution strives to instill in children love for their parents and loved ones.

Game trainings with parents and even our dear grandmothers come to the aid of their grandchildren!

Open classes with parents! 04/08/2012 14

The influence of the family on the development of the child. For a child, a family is his place of birth and his main habitat. It determines a lot in a child’s life. The bond between parents and children is one of the strongest human bonds.

The well-being of the child is facilitated by a friendly atmosphere and a system of family relationships that gives a feeling of security, love and acceptance, stimulates and guides his development.

Parents' love is the greatest and irreplaceable source of a child's spiritual and emotional development, his moral qualities, a sense of self-confidence, and a positive perception of the world.

What parents can do in kindergarten: - read stories, fairy tales, stories to children; - bring various toys for general games; - collect natural materials for children’s activities: pebbles, seeds, shells, etc.; - participate in holidays (for example, bring albums, family heirlooms to the Family Day holiday, tell children about yourself, your family, etc.)

MEMO FOR TEACHERS Recommendations for involving parents in joint activities It is important to create and use opportunities for trusting communication. It is necessary to use different activities and exchange information with each other. Make time for joint discussions with families. Create different clubs (based on interests). Try to listen carefully. It is important to introduce a large number of interesting roles for parents.

Tips to help increase parental involvement: Show mutual respect for each other. Encourage initiative, creativity and imagination of parents, help them. Involve parents in entertaining kindergarten and group activities. Use a variety of parental involvement and be sensitive and understanding. Remember!!! All people have different resources and lifestyles. What suits one person may not suit another. Allow parents to choose how much help they can provide to the kindergarten. Bring to the attention of parents that their participation in the life of the preschool educational institution and the group is valued, and any help from them is welcome. Talk to families about the expectations educators have for parents. Be patient with them.

Emphasize the family's strengths and provide positive feedback. Maintain close contacts. Show your appreciation to them. Remind parents that you welcome any participation. Try to interest and involve the whole family. Encourage attendance at parent-teacher conferences. Keep all information confidential. Learn collaboration skills. Create joint educational activities with parents and children to strengthen their mutual understanding.

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The presentation on the topic “Working with parents in preschool educational institutions” can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Project subject: Pedagogy. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 12 slide(s).

Presentation slides

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For many years, our preschool educational institution has been carrying out systematic, targeted work with parents with a single goal: “Creating a unified educational and health space “kindergarten - family.” In working with parents, the following tasks, identified by us as priorities, are solved: 1. Improving the pedagogical culture of parents. 2. Study and generalization of the best experience of family education. 3. Involving parents to participate in the life of the kindergarten through the search and implementation of the most effective forms of work. To solve the set tasks, at the beginning of each school year, a long-term plan for working with parents is drawn up, which outlines work in several directions: · as part of the implementation of the program for raising and educating a child in kindergarten; · within the framework of the implementation of the program for preserving and strengthening the health of children; · as part of the implementation of a targeted program of work with families. At the beginning of the school year, group meetings are held in each age group, at which parents are introduced to the tasks of raising and educating children for the given school year. Propaganda of pedagogical knowledge is carried out through a system of visual propaganda. The groups have set up “Parent Corners”, where consultations are held on all sections of the program, on issues of health improvement and education of children. In special folders there is a selection of methodological recommendations for parents compiled by teachers of the State Educational Institution

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On issues of maintaining and strengthening the health of children, sanitary bulletins are issued by the head nurse and physical education instructor in accordance with the annual work plan. Special “Health Corners” have been set up, where parents can receive all the information they are interested in regarding the health of their children. Each group has notebooks for individual work with children, which are led by specialists from the preschool department: a physical education instructor, a visual arts teacher, a literacy and mathematics teacher. Every day, educators set up information boards for parents: “What we did,” “Attach at home,” “Learn with your children.” Throughout the year, the head, medical workers, speech therapist, and physical education instructor conduct individual consultations with parents. Teachers of preschool groups, when drawing up calendar planning, at the beginning of each month, prescribe work with parents, where they indicate the topics of individual and group consultations, the topics of visual information, and work with the parent committee. To ensure the greatest effectiveness of work with parents for the new school year, a survey is conducted in all groups in the month of May in order to identify the most acceptable and effective forms of work with the parent community.

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The leisure area in working with parents turned out to be the most attractive, in demand, useful, but also the most difficult to organize. This is explained by the fact that any joint event allows parents to: see from the inside the problems of their child, difficulties in relationships; test different approaches; see how others do it, that is, gain experience interacting not only with your child, but also with the parent community as a whole. The group held: - holidays “Mother’s Day”, “Come on Grandmothers”, “Birthday”, “My Best Family”, joint projects “My Genealogy”, “Russian Izba”, exhibitions of family collections, relics “From Grandmother’s chest", "Folk doll", "New Year's toy". The participation of families in competitions for the best drawing, napkin, or craft made from natural materials not only enriches family leisure time, but also unites children and adults in common activities. They do not remain indifferent: they collect drawings, photographs, and prepare interesting crafts together with the children. This helps me get to know my students better. I would like to talk about one important point in the system of working with parents. Every person, having done some work, needs an assessment of his work. Our parents need this too. “Praise is useful if only because it strengthens us in benevolent dimensions,” wrote F. La Rochefoucauld. I think this is true always and everywhere. In modern conditions of kindergarten it is difficult to do without the support of parents. That is why a lot of things in our group are made by the hands of the fathers and mothers of our children. They helped us make a magnetic board, manuals for literacy and math classes, painted colorful pictures for the bedroom, knitted beautiful tablecloths, helped us design a duty corner, a nature corner, and an emotional corner. With the help of parents, the group is designed in such a way that every corner is used for the development of children: a lot of toys, a “hospital”, a “hair salon”, a “shop”.

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She developed holiday and entertainment scenarios together with her parents. To make these events educational for children and parents, we have developed a certain algorithm for preparing for family holidays: - highlighting the goals and objectives of the events for children, parents and teachers; - consultations for parents; - drawing up a plan for the event and the participation of parents in it; - distribution of adult roles; - production of invitation cards; - preparation of individual performances (learning poems, dances, songs); - drawing up a memo - assistant for parents and children; - individual meetings and consultations; - production of attributes, benefits. The work being carried out allows us to increase the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents in matters of parent-child relationships. A holiday in kindergarten is joy, fun, celebration, which is shared by both adults and children. Parents are the dearest and closest people! They saw that the children were proud of them, they wanted to dance, sing songs, and play with them. Years will pass, children will forget the songs that were played at the holiday, but in their memory they will forever retain the warmth of communication and the joy of empathy. After all, we have one goal - to educate future creators of life. What a person is like is the world he creates around himself. I would like to believe that when our children grow up, they will love and protect their loved ones.