Herringbone folded napkin (11 photos): how to fold in the form of a Christmas tree, how to make a paper decoration for the New Year's table. How to fold napkins on the New Year's table Folding napkins in the form of a Christmas tree

On the New Year's table, everything should be perfectly beautiful.

And the question arises, how to fold napkins for the New Year in an original way, and not just serve them in a pack in your favorite napkin holder?

You can make a Christmas tree from a napkin with your own hands in 1 minute, without any additional equipment in the form of scissors, glue or a stapler.

The napkin should ideally be green, in association with the color of the Christmas tree, but you can use whatever paper napkins you have.

Step-by-step instructions for a Christmas tree from a napkin

1. Lay the napkin on the table in front of you with the fold-free ends towards you.

2. Bend them up in turn, leaving a small distance between them. Flip this side down.

3. Bend the bottom corners of the triangle, which are at the base, towards the center. Turn the napkin over again.

4. Extend the top corner like the top of a Christmas tree. Bend the second corner under the base of the resulting triangle. And do the same with the remaining three.

5. Do-it-yourself Christmas tree from a napkin is ready. You can decorate its top with a bow and surprise guests with such a New Year's craft on each plate.

Master class on how to fold a napkin with a Christmas tree video

In the same way, you can make a Christmas tree from a fabric napkin. Happy creativity!

Christmas tree from napkin number 2

To decorate the New Year's table, you do not need to come up with various complex compositions. Even a green napkin folded in the form of a Christmas tree is enough to create a festive mood.

This is a very simple and beautiful idea of ​​​​folding a Christmas tree from a napkin. Green paper napkins are used as the basis.

Roll them up as shown. A couple of decorations laid out on a napkin will not only keep the Christmas tree in place, but also decorate it.

New Year's Eve is on the doorstep. Olivier and the main signature dish are ready - it's time to think about serving the festive table. A special, magical atmosphere of the celebration will be given by napkins laid in the form of a Christmas tree.

To complement the festive table with an unusual Christmas tree, we need a napkin and small themed items for decoration. The napkin can be paper or fabric, green or red are ideal.

You can decorate the resulting Christmas tree with satin ribbons, small snowflakes or small balls.

How to do: step by step master class

The principle of folding a Christmas tree made of paper and fabric is the same. But each method has its own nuances and some variations.


The process of creating a Christmas tree from a fabric napkin includes the following steps:

  • fold the napkin four times and put the resulting square with free corners towards you;
  • fold each lower corner of all four layers to the upper one, not bringing to the top about 1-2 cm;
  • carefully flip the figure to the other side;
  • fold the sides towards the center on top of each other and again turn the figure with an acute angle upwards;
  • fold the corners up, turning each under the previous layer;
  • it remains to decorate the Christmas tree with prepared materials for decoration.

Another simple option for decorating a festive table: fold the napkin as shown in the picture, put 1-2 decorations on top of the Christmas tree to fix the shape.

You can make an elegant pocket for cutlery in the shape of a Christmas tree. To do this, you need a round napkin. Fold the circle in half, mark the fourth part of the diameter and from this point fold the semicircle in a zigzag pattern - the tree is ready!


There is a simple version of a voluminous Christmas tree made of paper - this way of serving looks no less impressive than from fabric napkins. To do it, follow the given scheme:

  • unfold the paper napkin into a rectangle and fold the top corners to the middle;
  • do the same with the bottom corners;
  • now fold the top and bottom corners to the center to make a square;
  • fold the square in half and bend the upper corners inward - you get a triangle;
  • spread the triangle into a Christmas tree shape and decorate the top with a star.

This method is also suitable for a tissue napkin. However, at each addition step, it will need to be ironed to fix the shape.

A beautifully set table will certainly create a festive atmosphere. However, there are no strict rules for setting the New Year's table, the main thing is that the table should be elegant and bright. And napkins are the final, but no less important, finishing touch.

Red or green Christmas trees are perfect for the New Year's table, which will be brought on individual plates. But do not forget about the combination of colors: if green or red colors do not fit the dishes or tablecloths, then, of course, you should opt for another color.

Fold napkins only with clean hands. The fabric must be pre-ironed with an iron, and the paper should not be wrinkled when folded.

How to fold a Christmas tree napkin, see the following video.

An amazing fact - the most ordinary paper napkins can help you maintain the magical atmosphere of New Year's Eve. As a result of a few simple manipulations, each guest will receive a personal Christmas tree!

To fold a Christmas tree napkin you will need:

Green two-layer napkins;

Stars, small balls or other New Year's toys.

How to fold a Christmas tree napkin step by step:

To make such a Christmas tree, use two-layer napkins that need to be stratified. Why put a napkin folded four times, open corners towards you (photo 2).

Start peeling off the corners of the napkin. As a result, you should get eight layered corners. Start bending the corners of the napkin in the center at a distance of 1.5 cm from each other (photo 3). Two bent corners will look like in photo 4.

A napkin with all bent corners will look like in photo 5. After that, the napkin needs to be turned over (photo 6). Next, you need to wrap the napkin on one side, and smooth out the fold (photo 7). The same fold must be done on the other side (photo 8).

Then turn the napkin over again (Pic 9) and fold back all the resulting corners (Pic 10). Bring the tip of the next corner under the previous one (photo 11). After completing the creation of the last corner - wrap the rest of the napkin back, and use it for its intended purpose, beautifully spread out on a plate (photo 12).

Arranging a holiday, I want to make sure that everyone likes not only the taste of the dishes served, but also the atmosphere of the holiday itself. To create an atmosphere that will cheer up guests, you need to take care of the appearance and decoration of the room. And here, of course, you can not ignore the decoration of the festive table.

Table etiquette has recently entered our society. However, he took his place firmly. Today it is hard to imagine a festive table without decoration. The culture of the feast requires the maintenance of its rules.

By decorating the table with napkins, you can give a certain mood to the holiday itself. Therefore, the tradition of beautifully decorating the table, no matter how the lifestyle of society changes, is preserved and supported in modern society.

paper in a glass, step by step

There are many options for how to fold paper napkins into a glass in an original way.

One such simple but interesting option is a candle.
Steps for folding a napkin with a candle:

paper in a napkin holder, step by step

The basic principles that must be followed when folding napkins into a napkin holder are speed, beauty, originality, ease of implementation.

Options for laying out napkins in a napkin holder:

How easy it is to fold paper napkins, ideas

Starting napkin origami, you need to remember that you should choose napkins of the same size for your creative ideas, matching each other in colors. For table setting, it is desirable to use the same compositions, then they will look harmonious.
Paper napkin folding options

Napkin folded with a herringbone, step by step with a photo

Serving each individual event requires the selection of specific compositions that will ideally fit the theme of the holiday. Therefore, napkin art, which is associated with the decoration of the New Year holiday, is associated with many people with a Christmas tree.
You can find several options for folding napkins in the form of a Christmas tree. The simplest to perform, but effective versions of such compositions can be made by following this algorithm:

Napkins folded with a lily, step by step with a photo

You can make a French lily from napkins by adhering to the following sequence of actions:

How to festively fold napkins, photo

The festive table should delight with its dishes. However, one cannot do without a beautiful serving. The original decoration of the table not only helps to feel the holiday, but also favorably emphasizes the beauty of the dishes. Beautiful serving helps the hostess to show herself as a creative, skillful person.
Table decoration options with napkins

Beautifully folded fabric napkins, step by step with a photo

Cloth napkins look strict, elegant, beautiful at the same time, so they will decorate any table.
Fabric napkin folding options:

  • "Handbag"
  • "Carved Leaf"
  • "Tulip"
    A flower that we associate with spring, youth. Therefore, decorating the table with napkins in the form of tulips will give the holiday a romantic mood, a spring mood.
    Folding a napkin with a tulip step by step:

Napkins folded with a bunny, a step-by-step diagram with a photo

The bunny folded napkin option is a good option for decorating the Easter table. The same decoration options can be used to decorate a children's table.
Stages of creating a "bunny":

How to fold cloth napkins for serving, diagrams with explanation

Cloth napkins will add their charm to the festive table. Of the not too complicated options, you can offer the following methods:

  1. Lotus flower. This flower is always associated with divinity, power, so decorating the table with lotus flowers is suitable for special occasions (weddings) and for less magnificent celebrations.
    Stages of creating a flower

  2. Crown. This decoration can be used to decorate a holiday for a man.
    Stages of work

  3. Heart. Table setting with heart napkins is suitable for a holiday that is associated with the manifestation of feelings. Therefore, this decoration is suitable for a romantic dinner, wedding, birthday.
    Stages of creation

Videos fold beautiful paper napkins

How to fold napkins for appliances, step by step with a photo

One quick, easy, yet beautiful option for folding placemats is to fold an envelope with a bevelled corner. You can put devices in such an envelope, put a small wish. For this decoration option, it is better to use fabric napkins.
Folding steps envelope:

Napkins folded like a fan in a napkin holder, step by step with a photo

The choice of option for folding napkins into a napkin holder depends on the type of dish itself, on the type and size of napkins. The easiest way to neatly fold napkins into a flat napkin holder is to make a beautiful colorful fan:

  1. Take small napkins, you can use paper products of several colors.
  2. Separately, bend each napkin diagonally to make a triangle.
  3. All products are carefully placed one on top of the other, a small stack of paper triangles is obtained.
  4. Now you need to carefully move the corners to get a kind of triangular fan. Folded napkins can be displaced by approximately one centimeter.
  5. The resulting paper fan is inserted into a napkin holder

Rose folded napkin. step by step with photo

Serving a festive wedding banquet requires a creative approach, colossal efforts and extraordinary thinking. Therefore, it is worthwhile to approach decorating the table with napkins with a creative approach.

At such a festive banquet, napkins lined with a rose will look beautiful, original, and interesting. A flower that symbolizes love, innocence, the triumph of life will perfectly complement the wedding table.
Stages of folding a napkin with a rose:

How to fold napkins for the New Year, ideas with photos

New Year is always a feeling of the beginning of something interesting, unusual. Therefore, such a holiday is always accompanied by a cheerful mood, the expectation of a miracle, new dreams.
The main attribute of this holiday is a Christmas tree, without which it is simply hard to imagine a holiday. Therefore, housewives should take note of the options for creating a New Year's tree from napkins:

Video beautifully folded cloth napkins on the table

You can learn how to fold napkins in a non-standard way, giving them bizarre shapes, using the video

A napkin folded with a candle, a step-by-step diagram with a photo

To fold a napkin with a candle, you need to make a little effort. However, the result will look beautiful, impressive and help to give the table an original, romantic mood. To create a romantic candle, you should use fabric napkins.
How to make a candle napkin:

How to fold a napkin on a plate, step by step with a photo

A beautiful arrangement of napkins on a plate helps to create a festive atmosphere. There are many different options for such decoration.
Examples of simple options for laying out napkins on plates:

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You can decorate the festive table for the arrival of guests not only with the help of beautifully decorated dishes. Do not forget about serving napkins, which will help give the feast a solemn look. From them you can add beautiful various shapes. For example, this master class shows the addition of two napkins of different colors in the form of a palm tree...

Preparing for a festive feast means not only the selection of delicious dishes and their decoration. You should also take care of the decor of the table, which can be achieved through the use of serving napkins. With their help, it will turn out to transform the table, making it more elegant and festive. For example, napkins can be folded into a peacock. The step-by-step process of creating such a decor for serving is shown in this ..

This master class will help you fold a napkin in the form of an exotic flower for table setting according to the description and photographs reflecting the stages of work on a craft that can be made from paper of any color and used as a decor element in accordance with your imagination. The art of table setting using napkins is somewhat similar to origami. After all, from paper or fabric ..

Lily is one of the most recognizable flowers. Her image can be found in various cultures. For example, the royal (heraldic) lily is a popular coat of arms. We suggest repeating the shape of this flower by folding it from a serving napkin. The creation of such a decor for the table is given in this master class ...

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A master class on folding serving napkins will help you fold a napkin in the form of a butterfly according to the description and photographs reflecting each stage of work. A cute butterfly made of a napkin made in the color of table linen will please the eyes of guests and will surprise with its unusual shape, usually combined with cutlery served for tea drinking and a tablecloth with the prevailing colors of a butterfly..

Flowers are always able to decorate any celebration. Even if these flowers are made from serving napkins. This table decor can be made from both paper and fabric napkins. We suggest folding a rose-shaped napkin that can be used for table setting. The step-by-step process of creating such a decor from napkins is given in our master class ...

If you prepare a table for any celebration, you will need not only to take care of the availability of delicious and varied dishes. You need to think about the design of the table. And serving napkins are the best for this, which can be either fabric or paper. We will use the latter and show the process of adding a one-color green and two-color yellow-red sheet from paper ..

To decorate a room for a certain holiday, you can not buy ready-made decorations, but make them yourself. Our master class, helping in this matter, invites you to make a magnificent flower from red paper napkins in stages according to the description and photographs ...